Established: is 70. OlUt Lh COPIt P CEKTtl ountty, Ood and Trut h--?. OL. XXXVnt. NO. 03, "y ' WHOUB NO. 2206 LUMBERTON, OABOLINA.vTHUBSD&Yl 00 TO BER 17. 1907. - NORTH -v. Solid Gold Jewelry. I Your , Inspection ia all we- ask to convince youtshat our Stock of Gold Jewelry is Com plete. ae Boylin's Jewelry Store, Luttibertoti, N. C. PURE LINSEED OIL. OUR OFFER IS $100.00 IN GOf,; a IB ARS NOT OIVBS TO' "BI.OWINO Otltt OWN HORN." SOTO fWsFKAK. W the many eerloue oaaea of sdiiltaTettoei, bcU tare own an- Bf aT wir sotlr or lata, prompt aa io Mr e wora or two WM waw FeP nMlh acquaintance witk tlitwcte. , bnm KcIIokz Iim been is the? Ilnated otrboeineaa for joveara. Bbfalhcr , haloaroer in e of the oldest eaUbluheitaollaiB New York SUM and ho iwtfatber ntmle oil to 1H11. On kondred yeara m the oil boameealll Bapalina Horn aiarfe about hull barrel of oil dajtn iSl. Th Mill in tooo tamed out MH IXJO- r-arrco a flay uni i" , " w ww ww.wuw ....... ...... . .. w . i. ik. hi.iii fif iliu hminaaa ha this amain adulterated one oaarl Me oil Wo use Hit teal Deed trrticuraMe, ctraa It aa cloae as ankra amcluiiery n ctn'a H and our mill, eonteio the latest andsaoet lenjrrond owAmery foe pro- dog It r Of Olln. 4 We do not propner tn alio' oor f mtnuioni to bo Imposed opoa. Wo do ot aao at leer oar Ml adulieietrd aod anld ander oar brand. We do pcoooat to atop H, r proaiur our caetootrre that oaeh and eeery ease oi adaltereluia rJ our oil anil atan'jiagi? inveeiignted and puliy portiea. proeeesled to the MUM astenl of Uw. . . We tik voor efmietaiire and in tun we offer f. 100.00 ir 40M lor eeideoca thai oral i to too' opprehenetoo and conviction ol any peeaoa of pcraoaa eatlty of adaltar- af am oil, or selling saw auimeraictt 011 aww - SPENCER KEU.OO COMPANY, , - 1 Bt'CFAU. N. V. . if roar dealrrduM not ktcp oor oil. arirtr to -s.....-: ...- i-..- I. JACOD. . HARDWARE COMPANY, WIlMlagtoa. N. C - fhc Price of Cotton! ' tj - - 51 " ' May or may not go hijf her vre confess ixinnot tell. ; If yon believe it vill go mp, and hiveconfideoc in youropinion, tlore yotr cottou- in our warehouaa whert it will be JnWred . fof full t1uc at a cost of 25 cta pr bale pr uNjn'h. . W -will iae you ricfsotiable receipt ad lend yoit money, on , it tn mnv( vmil olilicmtiono. S- t S ; 8 - . . Deposit Your Savings in, onr Bank vbere Is will draw , Comoonnd InteresL The onlf Bank In Lnmbarton wbichr Pyr Compound Interest. j ' t ' teoa tety Lcan and. Trust Companj, (Bank of Lambertoa Batldlag. , t Lumberton. N. C. ' V A. W. McLean. , CB. Morrow, SMoutaol. . . - 4 t SO TO ohnT.Bis.l r FOR NEW GOODS. ; Ncv Goods ! Arriving Daily.. iOHN T. BIGGrS & CO. IrPMBBRTON, H.C JANK OF PARKTON. V NEW ; BANK; Opened September 21st: ay 4 Per Cent on Tim Deposits. .v . ' . ' , - ; J We Solidt Your Businesa unrnok rmoM acnt beckt. A Tea Day Trip t MoattTatta cwtk CaroUaa WMck , Was - Mack Eaycal-F1iM Craaa, But NeJMMaatfjUaJaac ta riapaHj-Latta atraryaal ay Fara. Dckvooi Bcbaj Canllaaa1latarefcoa-iW aUttam af fabaraat. Camatoaaaaaa al lfca aooaaootaa. I bj lost returned from k tan daya' - trip to Marion onnty. Booth Carolina ,U aoj'inrn a while with hi children ud inid children, Mr. and Mra. JotmL. MoLaortn and family, ; wbiwe bone ia distant toco here twenty five good Scotch m ilea tbrouuli the- oonntrf i a ry fahemnu ywrney w an old lady bat. be jond the Alp liea Italy," and I alwaya atari out with tbe deter minatvm of ignoring the physical ducomtort In tbe ulad anticipa tion of meeting toy loved oaetat theclosoof my piItfrlmaK; and I feel fully repaid - when my dea tination ia reached, fend I bear tbe bappy Toicea of the dear little one, exclaiming Grandma baa come,", as tbey run with ewift lootatepa to meet me, and 1 feel too claap of aoft arma. and tbe imprint 01 warm kisaeo upon toy brow, cheek, and Irpa, while tbe mothar waita to giro mo a real old time "hog." - Now. ' soma old peasimiat, or dUgrnnltod critic may want to know, what of the. aos-in-lawf and I am bo pleaaed V remark, that there ia at tee one mother in law fa existence -wbo ia very food of ber daoebtor'a bnaband. and wbo in return receivea at bia banda nothing but oniforo. hind neaa and affection. Mr. McLaarin owna a nlca hra i milea below tbe ihrlviae- iittle town of Latta. lying in the fork of Back Swamp and the Ut ile Pee Dee, a aection of aplendid farms aad aplendid people. Fine crop were every woere in an dence eapecially tbe cotton crop. but tbe want of anfficient labor to barreattbam waa oniTeraal, and I aaw hundred of aorta on my trip from which not a boll had been n ckeu. and tue rarmera oao failed aignally td procore banda ao to tbe bat of my departure. Tbia condition waa- accounted for" ia -aariooe waya, the .principal. lainion prenOant, I am aorry to aay, being that tbe negroes were careleae and indifferent, and not ! trying to get, tbe cotton, out, ens where tbey had crope oi, ineir own. va mj nome-wara riaa, i aaw by the way aide qnarette fof bright little white'children. three girl and a boy, ranging from 8 or 10 yeara. down to a lit tle tot with ber cat;, tbey hid their little sack on, aod bad jnt tackled the rst rowa of a Jare fleld of very thick cotton, and were tbe only picker Tiaioie aa i paaaed along. , tattta ia a rapiuiy Kruwiun place, and baa tbe reputation of being tbe beat and moat .moral town in the State, bnt it has one peculiar feature, which iI think iojurionato tbe farmer: There ia not a merchant in the - town arhnwillbuT cotton, even irom thoae whom they furniah, and tbe crop ie marketed aolely to cotton bayera; therefore I noticed eonalderable nrJcea . there and on our marKeta. ' ( ' . . I waa bleaaedto noa tna . ine Rnheaonian wu a welcome gnesl in tereral home down there. - I bear at no newa in tne rora aince my return f ound every body in naual health, except thjf tater, Mr. Fkklt, whobad beji quite atck, bot ia now impror-ing- . ' " r. Podrtdge Mcvjauum anu aiaUr, ta Alice, irum ue AlfordsTille aecwon, epent ya. urday with na. Mra Jannie Hamer returned from Banford bat week, and ia nronarina- to move naca. to CHmara, prcsWeot . IT: "lAMcNuti, VUa-Iru(lent, t McCoihkCK. and Vlca-PraaMent, '' m k c McAaTBU. Cailiitr. bV. M. FULLER, DEALER "IN' orscs, T'ules and Buggies-.., ,,r f Ifofaes and Mul"a FRIDAY to tbe rear,'' I nave no additional newa to write, except the recent death of Esq'r Lwience ' MoCalluro. a hpromlnent cltlzen'or Alfordavilla township, and a dear binaman of mine U bad been a great Bat terer for. aeverai- mootha from alow paralysia, and hia death oc curred on Monday afternoon the outb alt.. i tie waa an old veteran, had ; been twice ' marred, and leave four cliililrenaod aeveral grandchildren," besidea a large family connection to moora bia departure. He waa a ' ruling i der Id Mid way Presbyterian o in on. Muton, N. C. n. F, D. Oct 1. "Aunt Becky" "Aunt Becky" knows and an pnKialea- ttie reason why thia letter waa -nut published before tine, o it ouly remaina to assure our readers that we. would not have deprived 'them ao lung of tha ploasore of readioK ooe of Aunt Bocky' alwaya interest ing letter except for' tbe fact that we were prevented, aa Wil- aina Micawba would aa by cir- camatanceeover which we had no control," Editor I t - hemakeafmewitblheattitudelBAH0 tES BWAatf. which foretell war and Iretn-y t ' . 1 .V .. I, lf..l... ..mild i 1 1TII. If Vou waitt to Hoy or . nh'iil r-o.nve another :toi;k t u.v. I Mil mtr CUAKANTICIi MA MULhd BOLD TO OK AH RKPR& :,n.i i r t" l.M.Cl'.j) TarSer, uarreu A5 nikjS loin of r'. EaUMaolOBtal Appelate tawAgH. cailsrkl - reUeg Exswrli Slatloa A new Sart aiaat lor Ike Staay et tnartoa laaaeta. P&rmera, frnit growers, truck gardenera, aad in fact all wbo are interested in agriculture in North Carolina should be Inter ested to learn that the A- A M. College and Eiperiment Station has establisbbd s new Depart ment for the teaching and Study of Inaects. Tbia is not a new line of work, for tbe State, aa the State Entomologist of tLe De partmert of Agricultnre at .Ral eigh hat for a number "of years conducted the work of the in spection of orchard and naraer tea, and undertaken inveatigation and control of certain Snjurioua in sect peats.,- There moat be, how ever, many proweme tnw trie State Eotomologiat has not, and may not, be able to undertake, Tbe sew hatomologiav K. 1. Smith, at the A. A M. College and Experiment Station at West Balelgb, oomek from Georgia, Where ha held tbe position of State Entomologist for a number Of yeara.- In-that position be was enabled to gain a wideexperience hi the control et injurious Insects of the Southern States. In taking np the work in North Carolina tbe - Eotomologiat de- airea-to obtain the co-operation of tbe farmers and fmit-grower of tbe State. Letters and corres pondence are tba beat mean to thia important end, and it is bia earnest desire that everyone will (eel free to write for informa titn. 6pecimens.-4t insects, their eggs oc cocooaa,. together wilb samples of the work of h4 jnrioos forme should be sent with the levters. ' Insects thonld always be sent separately in a tinht wooden or tin box. plainly. labeled with tbe name and ad dress of tbe sender, Experimental: work looking toward the control of some ina- portant insect peats will be taken u Ik. ..IniMnlnniri anil IaB. , . . tail uj Hia Buwwuwa". - difference the , Ur tmm f&rmert mA others orer tbe State about tbe principal In sects will greatly aid hi or. in ae lecting lines of work that will be of greatest benefit - - r - : i The State Experiment Btation work in all its branches is for the' benefit of tha ciliaens of North Carolina. This Is perhaps particularly trot with investiga tions of iniurioas insects. Sta tistics show that Insects destroy about 10 per cent of all Agricul tural products each year. Hence very . little thought is- needed to make one realize toe importance of insect control. . 1 Insect injuring household good a, stored products, such as corn and small grains, garden. field crop, and fruit tree peats, all help to canse the annual loss. Most crops ' for " this year ana practically beyond damage from insects for this s ear. ex cept porhaps cotton snd some late garden crops... uunog tne past summer, however, much injury haa no donbt been caused oy va rirtno tfinanta of the farm and or chard. Letters concerning auch damagsvill be welcomed by the entomologist. Furthermore in mint esaea he may .abls to soggect method for-'preventlng the reapiiearance and damage from ounh Insect next year. All citizens of Nor'' Carolina should snap this onarPtunity of getting information and assist- tnce entirely free atcost All iiail(iii.'f should be ad 4rjC??H-"' -T- Iik 1. biMlii, bnloiiiiiik!it, Ak'I her hm nn the. farm In this vicimty, hlrh Is o esaant news to uer any friends here atxut Tha hs oroo it good through' out this section, and j being KnaM harvested. I find that I am a poor reporter, haoina foniotten to. mention in it. nmnnr connection tbeaccidon- tal burning of the Latta Acade my on Jrrioay afternoon last, jifh the loss ot piano, aclroo bonk, and other furnishings. The nrlffin of the fire was a da recti re flue. There was a graaea arhool In operation, snd the off ferent grades will be taugnt tn ihat tliree ehurcties wniie tuo aaJom is hrmir rebuilt. rrt Knnira has lust coriie In -ut. . .n fnll of cuinca .eKK w.4-K-- . ..Y . . i 1, n. a nail apibll JtM J " "n the..n)eo!d ditch bank, and vrss mors fortunate tlisn I. lor A Tads Posolnr Ballad, rasacas. lug Carta la Merits Uaskarcd In Ml Nrta Carolina roe'ry. ' The Cbarlotta Obacrvor is as lighted with the ballad by Mr. W. V. WUIoughby which nvpear- ed in The Rubeaooian last Thurs day. ' After chanting the ballad Tbe Observer accords it tbe ful lowing high and dusorved words of sraise: ' Not amco the daTawlienan- gry.doities "would svud a g!i-i lion or wild boar to lay wasti- bole district until- slum : by some heb?eu decended hero, or in any event since llama brent! ing dragona tested the utmost prowess -ef medovival knights, has there been witnessed such s spectacla as Uobeson county uim affords For soiau hoio paxt tin entire Cypress pond socli m l.t been terenrizcd by a inviturwus monster -whose track, proclaim bia ImmiMise siite and who sends forth the moat ' blood curdling cries from his lair in the depths of Cypress swamp. x- Wbut man uer of Creature he oisy bo is naturally tbe subject of specula tions ranging from wildly excited in the immediate vicinity U calm ly- enonirina-. or - even ooonl v skeptical, farther away ; Some long. distance theoriata go so far aa to assert, with a sneer, that he is probably a tiger but of the na tive species j they also predict tbat if any one ever becomes bold enough to invade his fast ness a moonshine ontnt" will be found. Tbia problem The Ob server is content to leave un solved for the . present. What oonoerna us now is not whether. some modern Bellerophon or St George will one day find awaiting him in Cypress -swamp a foe worthy of bia prowess our pur pose has to do with a development already come aboot- The fact is, this Kobeaon county varmint bas been the cause of an addition to North Carolina, poetry. !. In The Lorn barton Bobesonian appears fine narrative poem, with the name of Mr. W. P. Willoughby subscribed aa poet ' This, we being judge, does not rival tbe higher Sights) of Miss Petersen-snd other major North; Carolina poeVvbnt it possesses certain merits snsbeard lrj . all North Carolina poetry, v Here la true popular ballad, or at least the nucleua of one. - It belongs to the o&teet form of literature, the folk-song, supremely exem plified in tbe collection of ballads making np Homer and in tue Bat tle of Chevy Chase. Like these illustrious -predecessors, it wtll gradually lose the crudities In-' separable from - first versions of genuine ballads, ana io tne pro cess of singing or recital by sue cessive generations win take on irreproachable finish.. , We mry safely aaaume that in later ver sions there will appear the story of some hero's battle with the monster. As popular tradition always grow fn wonderfulness from gsnerauon w generation, it la even likely that the- monster will be made to' trail paths of blood through the streets of Lum- berton before finally overthrown. Any one should be able to see that this Robeson county poem merits the- most serious atten tion. It haa a great tutors ahead. .we thank The Uobesonian and bee- tbat all who may find similar treasures in nonn uaronna sou will bring thenf forward as soon. as found . , - -( , KuTESSIOWL'ABDS, ,' LEOJ? T. COOK, . .rroHv atXnw, ' " LUMBERTON, . CT ' Office in Kirn Natioaol Bank BniMiag - T. A. McNELLI, " AUotwcy l tow. LUMBSKTON, N. C, " Will (noetic la all Uw Coorta." Baa neat attcn-led to proaiptly. -WADE WISHART, .f AT-rojiv at lw; ' It " 1.UMBRRTON, NtCj h Pbmpt ttcnl(on givo.. Io all boaioav. .'JITica ovor Bank of fawibartoa.. f-i DJ. P.SHAW, ... .-:""'.w. ;...i ; .'. 1.UMI1KRTOM. ..p . ' H. i ui All tiusiiieaa cnlraatod lo Mat pruuipti . altaudcd to. .' .. '. ....;,- '' . ,'r: Offioa in Sli Buililmg. I0O Plccu DiniicrSetsSS 85 Others in Plain ami U-corglnl Uhm.-r, Hiiin Cia(lGfU ' at II ivher Pricrs. - : . , I. f'fllrn Mint E--1 ; Upto $5.0l). -.-Large Aswrtmcnl of this Popular ware in ' Band '.Jfecsrated ;Vevw-r Salad B .U, (mlate SvU, Fruit en J- ' "J f . Kt . i-OlLZT SETS. it, Howl and ritchor only, or 10 and Plain SO J Decor Pieces. Call for ANYTUi :el or Tinware. WAKE k Urjre GVX 8AIX- X. i. MaOoraiMk. .1 mi, IcLEU I IcCORIICL V 1 ATTOftKKYB AT LAW, 1.UMBKRVON, V ' ' H tT ifftots as lad Soar at Bank at Lass. barton BaUdlng, Boodm I, t, ramp stkmtioa (tras to all CHAS. B. SKIPPER,' ' . Atloraay art Law. ' .tCMBBRTON,- K. C. ' An boa-Boaa airtroaud to him' will r oslv prompt and oaroinl attantloa.. OSes la Pirst NaUoaal Baak BnQdaw w Foot OSes. . v , 12 '5 you want in CrocVery, Olass, Ennra- (ftr Stock o .Shrlf and lluu.y HARD- i Coiiinleta. Waie i for our SI'ECIAL IJcAllii fcr Hardware Co. Phone 2. ii w & borton, (N. C. jxiit ot Condition of The B?-lz of Lumberton, Attbc Close 1 1 1 nt . scss on Saturday, Sept, 28,1907: ,E. M. BRITT, - Atteraoy at Law, ' . LOMBSBTOS, N. 0. OIBot' opatc'n at Argo BuTtdtsg, . All baauMas promptly I tKESOURCESt Overdrafts, SecuridinnJ Unsecured, Expenses, 1 ' Real EslaUs " , , , Furniture and I m -xres, ' - Cash on hand and in 111 n ks. Mclntyre Si Lawrencf : AUonrejrs aad Coaaaalors at Lsw, ' LUMBERTON, ! ' I M. Capital and Utuliv interest and iLxch Bill Payable, Rediscounts, Deposits, & J. BRITT, AnoairsY at Law, - IBbartoa, M.C t paica OTor Popa'a-Drnf Stare BOKJl' Mclean & black, ,. ATToawB-vs ait Law, r ' " MAXTOM. k&" Officca ta tha McCaakiQ Bnfll.i. STBFrnm afri: 3. A. BDMDNDJ U. MrcomiHK, . T. WILLI AM ti. w, u. a atont. stock: remedies., Ererv bottle of Dr. Edmund's Co. sod Lung Fever Curs is Guaranteed ie colic strove!, pneumonia, atomache aot tunx uiaoroara. Aiao a wwu uuiiuvt. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND 8USGEOV, ' Lombertos, i t --t N. f Office at Hoaplul. Phoo "No. tJ. Don torn oflroa arar41jr, McMillan Drue Store. Calif "prom ptlr aaawani sight or day is tmra or'iu Uw coaatry. Dr. R. T. ALLEN ---',- DentiaV - " ' - . LUMBERTON. H. C. -XBc aval Dr. IfcMUlsa's Drag Stoai CLEVELAND A VERY SICK at AN. and Tha .iratina iiwo''. . r.nhfi hi slotallon ., .wry timelsuip inlotltcysrd l-.n yot, ow' Tala? Wa iifferOnt Hnnlml IV'llara . l . 1- .J tal.rrh U Wo. the . ff- J West ' Doing Blil A : "WllO tnv f. i'-i a l-"lt I.,, t 1 Ike Kx-rraaldaat -et Ike Nation at Shadow ol Bis Farmer XU-lAcat fadtseatloa Sap. Pta BIS Vail ty His rrts Aaxloos Aaoatt Bis Coadllluo. aeraar city, I. soaslal 10 IbaOliarUH Oaarrrar, Oat . IS. Leaning on a cane and seem ingly instable to limp, (.j rover Cleveland, accompariicd by Mrs.'' Cleveland and a woman whose, identity could not be learned, passed Ihrousrh Jere City siiortlr after H o'clock this morning. Mr, Ulcvtianu Kxiked iust tbe shadow of -his former self ana a very sii-a mun, . : -The Cleveland tram came in from Fnncetoti over the l enn- srlvania Railroad end arrived in Jersey City at 9:10 a, in. After thepassenrrevs had almost all; left the train shed, Mr, Cleveland alighted fronr a for ward coach and came up the train platform on the arm of Mrs, Cleveland. IIn. leniicd heavily on a etont cane, and wna. scarce able to limp slopir. For years Mr. Otveland Im uvi the Penti-.y 1 vnina Kml'na on Ins trip W .i.' iorlc OH' were ar 1h DR. J. D. REGAN. v.. :-. . f yw ar-fTOT ..... --.i.lK ttmpBTos, H. 0. OfEss ta Bhsw knlMUlg. dma i Dr. F. H. PITMAN; DENTIST. ASHPOLE. " Na C s UABIUTIESl 1 Trollta. t,v OW NO . W. ktcLKA A. B. WUIT V 1 Vr T. . SIUKI'.V It. r-rr: it.! , Vic l ' ') - w KTVRK ii V loan aa l l $nO,58Z08 8.934.38 435.47 " 51000 3,383 27 98,036.58 : 1286,481.73 $57,816.17 774.73 v 5,000.00 11 000.00 y 211,890.83 , -. $286,481.73 iit our chief eomiderallos. Our Prendnit aod CaAiar It orrtcEBst S .. ' R.I) CALDWBI.I, Vfet-Proj, . s, i V , ,. f g IOWNSHNO, Cashier, ). MOOSE, Aas't Cathier. I oteCTOBat , . '- . D. CALDWRLI . B. TOWN-REND, J 9, L. 8TKKLB, K, RARNBS, j. o. NoMcrT:- L. H. CU)WHLW " a. R. WH1TB, . A. W. ftcLRAN, ' ' " . II. B. JENNINGS. , A Car Lc J Famoua Baines Bros. i ,"i.ri' .'" : ' .. ,"spwi;n hope1' One Home and 'f so Want - Nolhinsr iq ! . beeft on jooi;fnv'. car of 30 to 40 J Horse, Just Received. Just What Too lit Running and Durable has ever See us for "Kight Prices" on this ,!oPSi Wecarrj eart wheel lw. Onr-Mr. C A. Fly 1 has ratur.isd from Hie West with a--tsar load of : v 1 ,. "F I w d: Anil Floyi tc-M-tai MULES ,t GOOD HORSE?. . ' Very Respectfullv, . , Bi. tiiers & .mRMoriT.N.c. 7 Dr.-H. O. HYATT, Piaasaiaof the Eye, Bar, Noae sad Tkroat. Over Mareklsest Nstbsal Bank - - - WUrnineton, N. 0. ':, teen for sale Um ssaortaieat ot lenae. Kl o ifr-m I keep for I , ilaaaes sad apeetacMs. ciiir.:ccK-Tirjfrc i tit IP.YOU 6E4 ii ATWARD'SIT'S GOOD. Co 3 Must Go. f f 1 No, Ji Alt visan .'1 l T,M.r,,,,B,,tulblMl.njllie maj,lri!y t,( tl,0 Bt,ai n , rlv , .I V.i' t masters know l.irri. Thy w Uuk'i-h, N. C. OA. 10, , , , , , ,, 1 ' , -, 4 5Mickta at his ni'arcd Tijip- 1 t I 1. 1, fmiiicr VKA lentt it- is world, on ' " Djorvouaftoaa :-'.t i f I. 'I '?por(l 0. Unl: , , i ! 'irv-- HU! 1. in J r-f km ir.t from . ac'itel '1 t f, ?"i, ciiili'1"-'! . .- I .-.St 1 1 loflur 'n of-tfrh lenolh of Sl"vi- important towVidcra-ton ttiie iiilin r-flsa fiiiine sitoc'd C- - ' '--i 1. f 'AMa!"T-"' B.--: -.. S f 1 . '"' V a i . a- L 1 V. , x IsaycnrSS propaviT sat . Me pair, so aoifneaa, I be remored is fofe at J. Cure. Corn nohitofanrklrf- aod eoaae out. fioa ured not endure arT k. aaoa Doat jml tl-niit oi Uw remedy v " P"1 , . 5 9Wm'"TZT :WOi aaa ml an, 1 ' Cents. . ' II. i.WABD, ;J. O. ; -trug of '' Rovr! - V. w.s'.or.v JL0.s .f.lLW-tinof' L I.,-.:a;i,dDrWoio-.Sttrvcyln. 1 .iraj-'

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