0 A i i ouobsr 1 : lb, v tb3 : Lu atrrtca .postoHcaf awarded 11,C 12 plccc3 of ir.-!!, as follows: first class, 6154; cccnd clas'sr 5319; fourth clss, -L3. , . - Messrs. Davis Pornell, W. D. . . Johns en, A. P.r McAllister, J. A; Bark er and Dr. J obn Knox, have been nppoirkeds-jnarsbals for the . Cambtrlind county fair, 'which will be held at Payet teville' thi eek.j ; V V " - , . v The trustees of the gnd school hav3- placed an order with the American Seating Company, of Grind Rapids, Mich., for 400 opera 'chairs for the auditorium and-4jQ sintrle desks for the reci- tafiom room stfie' order 'amount to $2,m ,- , . : : :;-fr; DeWitt Miller who has " a national ; reputation' as enter- tainer, humorist and orator will . deliver a lecture in nhe ; Opera . House thia'evening, his subject A-beint The Reveries of a Bache ,: Ior.j Mr, Miller will doubtless afford those who attend an even ing ofr rare pleasure ' - - It is reported that the Sea board Airline road is going -to .. put in an accommodation station - " at East Liu m berton in the near futute. : Thjs will be a great con: r venience to the several hundred - people of East Lumberton, who, under ; present arrangements, havej to-walk .to ; Lumberton, a distance of over a mile, to board . the trains. ' ' C Mr. 3 A. ? Boene, Jr.; who' was 5Q The Robesonian office the .other day, says that a corn shred . er will be at Boone Bros,, farm, in I . Back Swamp township, today and j ' ; tomorrow. , It ' will ' be in operation there two daysJ and lalVwho are interested in this - - method of caring for corn ai e invited to come and see the corn , shrederAt work." - - . r -Mr J; H.Wisharthas moved his tock of dry goods from the i third store in the Shaw building : 1 . into) the front part of his grocery ' store.- The work of remodeling - theiinterior of5 the : store vacated - "was begun Thursday. The par- - titipn between it and the other - three stores of Messrs. White & Gopgh will-be torn down, and the four , stores converted into one immense store room. . r 1 4 AGAIN THE If 0NSTE2. 1 Comes Now In the. Likeness ol a - . Wild Uan Wllh Flowing Locks - Hr Smltb Prelers Bis Axe lo , r Gun. . - , ' This is about the monster. If - you dont want to read any more - abiout the monster, skip this. M r I A,' Smith; who lives f i about six miles from Lumberton, - tejls about this. Of course it ha p v pened near -.Cypress pond: that's . where the awnster barigs out nil the time excusing rtho; while folks kre hunting for bimV tucn . " be isn't there. - : -iLastweekor the week before it; don't matter somebody, saw tie mobster, (letting bolder, yoxf seej he had only been henri .rjefore. He had long hair about hts . deck and looked like a wild -mam . But when some stout heart went ' to arrest him he wasn't there They found his lair and his coat, ; "but ho . wildfV man. . -Mr. J.,. L. Smith heard strange noises near : lis house. Somebody suggested to Mr. a Smith that he get his" gun and goafterthe strange-noise artist, but Mr. Smith said not bo; ' be could not see in the dark and " the bloom in gun might fail, any way, "s he .would stay in the jtiouse and if the monster or wild : - man or any other creature "came with evil intent he'd use his axe he -could use that more than - (once, and he'd stay right instde land - protect his wife and"; his home with his trusty axe. ;j That's what Mn L A. Smith Sam auuuii iii. - bbu . juu , wiu judge for yourself. And he said, ino- that the man Rotrers who in continently left that section some lime aeo. had i not been seen or Lheard of since. What form do you reckon the monster will assume next? cf Back ay m town on ; Mr. L. B. I arnes, I3vranp, spent Fr b-;!cc23. ' Mrs. T- A. McXeiil "TctarcyC Saturday frooa visit of several days to Raeford- ' - Miss Lillian Meares will spead this week -wit h relat i ves ft; Irj j4 Branch and attend; the,- Associa- tion; '-Mi s.' .Ban 'McKay retu rued to her home at Rowland Saturday from a visit to het daughlerMrs. B-lW Bullock, . U . - : " Mrs; J. D. Norment and chil dren and Miss Kate Tato have returned from a visit to relB(ivpi at Bladenboro. 1 - T v . -: ' Messrs. " Mac : Humphrey and Jessie . Humphrey, of Saddle Tree r township, i were - business visitors hefe Friday.'" -4 : . ' Mrs. Jas. Rocers returned to hef home at Pages -Mill S,J from a few'.daysVvisitto ber Sis-ter,-Mrs. Mike.Caldwell. " " - Mr -Elmer Kinlaw came home from Wake Forest College Wed- day on account, of itbe illness of, his, sister, LouiseKinla w. . -t , Misses Annie McLesnv of Fair mont, ' and r Maggio McGirk of Rowland, visited at.vthe home of Mr. J.-T Barker Saturday. ; ; Mrs. Condary "God win and lit tle child have returned to Selma; af te r spec d i n sr a f e w day sV here visiting JMrs, IfH. Caldwell. - Mrs. A T. Parmele and Misses Emma an4 Laura-Norment ex pect to leave this week for a visit to the Jamestown Exposition- - Miss Pearle Floyd basretufned from .a visit to her friend, Mrs A. H. Ward, at Norfolk, Va.' She. visited the Exposition -during her absence- Jc , , V OP--' ' - - Men'sV: ; OlltllS' ;; a(id: Boys' n iTKrfnii nrV n in! ii n n i Lmmn ew j Frdm Tadtory tVanted To fit your Ejeglasses. Eyes -tested Free by an np-todate Machine. Glasses tta- abteed to give satisfaction. You eaa find me any day in. the week , fully eonipped to serve yoa. H. B. y Humphrey, in front of court house, : Lumberton, IS. l ' - . - xo-za , Lost Solid gold pin, elaborately ckased, x absut : two inches long and one inch ." wide. No ets. Very o d and nighly f valued. A reward of $j is offered for its return to The Robesonian office. 10-24 For Sale Five yer" old, sorrel -orse; Babcock' bujjgy and-".set - of - harness. ' Hve no use forame. R. C. Lawrence, - Lumberton . N. C j ' T io-X7-4t - 25 Men's.Suits. Onr .115 and $20 Hen's Suits are .Especially t Attractiyer : - Strangest Kiiid of 8 i 0 andS 1 2 Suits'. Mrs. Pf . A McLean Entertains in Honor ol Miss Bea!f. of VVasb iogton D. "C 'Those Present. ' - A reception was given at the home of Col- .and Mrs.lf, A, Mc Lean Friday alteruoon from 3 to 5; o'clock, in honor ofNIiss Eoe Beall, of Washington V: U. The handsome colonial home was tast ily decorated for the occasion with carnations and ferns. The color scene ot pink was excellent. ly carried out.: .The gutsU were ! v met at t ho entrance by rlists Addie Norment and Agnes Mci Lean, and entered the -'handsome! parlors where they were re- j ceWed by Miss -Beall . and Mesdames N. A- and A. T.-Mc-j Lean. After some time spent in conversation, the guests were in-1 vited into the diamg room by Mrs-j cLean.. here .they, ep-1 , joyrd a sr.laci coutso, filter which j ! they entered the h.vllvwhere M rs-! H. B. Jennings..; sewed cofke, punch Vifir.t; st?fw-U m t!ie libra- ' ry by Mts- A: T. XI cU an. j ."" Thosfl : u::sent. were: ; Misses ARnes McBrayer, Sallie MeLean, Anna McLeod, Mary jvk'JNei!!,-1 If ,Ybw Want a Suit, for $2.50 You.:. Can- 4 ..--' Get; it Here , -.t 7- ,O0O Pairsof All Sizaa and. all Styles. . Largest Line of v Men's Hats In Town. Thimecso Liije of irpoods; ; ; Emma Norment, Lau ra jSoi ment, YV innie "Rowland Mary Watsoc, ! . " Leila Mart5iilAnd Id rMcKen- ! r . ...-Icj slr i e ; - l-.iioa LiturJiy. Owacr nay ft s;:.:e by caiiirjj atliieRobesoniajc-cea 1 p .ying for tliis ad. ' . lo-a3 Jast Eecelved Car load of farniture. - Special price while it lasts.: -K. II. -Biggs.' . ? ,lo-2S-4t -. .J ijww.cls jl. . Outs, S16 BiTshefsNew Tlour, 112 Bushels Seed Re, " 1 'r . - . , r ' . il . ... .5 ... s .... A1G I j::3'Al.;LJC: !;-, 113 Cclected Cheese, ' -211 Barrels New Mullets, 399 Baors Rio Coffee; " -"101 Cases Arbuckle Coffee, -' 118 Cases Lion Coffees " ; .109 Cases other Coffee, - . Prices OhBerfiilly Giyen. Nannally 's Candles are always freab, pure and delicious. .The-candy to grre -von all occasions Fope's -Drug tore, ! Sole Agents for Lusabertoa. 9-23 WantedfBTetyboay to get onr -Prices' Wn Watches, Jewel ry. Clocks, SiWerware, Cbina, Ctuiass ana pcciacj.s, be fore you buy. ' Boylin's Jew elry .Stpre. '.7, ' l:7- For Rent-One four-roonx,ihouse Jtwt below freight depot. ., Artesian. watr; healthy location. . Apply to George p. French.' " ' . "9-" For Sale The Robesonian PntJishing Company hase good second-handprint ing press for sale. - Any one contenv plattng startinr a new papejr would do well to see as before buying. The Rob esonian Publishing Company.-. - Fire Insurance - -' For further information apply to - S;H: HAMILTON, V Western Union Telegraph Office. Public Sale of Valuable Land ''e'idudersigned attorneys in fact for the heirs at law of the late Eli-Oibson, wi I on the 31st day oVDctober, 1907, at n o'ciock, a", tn ; expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash in the town of Red Springs, North Carolina, all thelands lying in Robeson .coanty owned by the heirs at law of Eli Gibson, lying and be- iue in Red I Spnngs townsnip, Kooeson county, witum one iunc w , y Red Springs, described as follows, to-wit: Begmnini at a take by pinepointers ibout t2 Tarda above the McLepd Bridge road in front George Hl?s Tesidence; then- e Ssu'h 36 East, ao.85 chain to a pine; thence North 49 East, 3a :.ch-an to a corner in Iwrie's line on ditch bank, thence North 45 West- 24 chains to the eflgeof the Mill Pond "Brown's Mtll Pond High -water Mark;":, thenc p said swanjp aud pond at high water, South 6a West, 6 chains; thence North 69 West, C7 to chains to a steke in the edge of tne niiil pond; then, e S-nth i.ao, West, 40 chaic to a corner near an old brick kiln; thence fohlh- Hast, if. 50 chains to a corn rpine across thedit h;thcnCe North 38.5a c'.iaius r.ast, 3 chains to the V-egm- tiing, containing 134i acres. j - Of the aV-ve deseri; ed lands sixty-five I acrei aiiiow ; und.r cn'tivaUon,- while j the remainder is covered with ane ti fl B i ll II Q Into art hizh valuable and very pro- i. VJJi-?liV,:,lrClive, An WB.: COOPER, WILMINGTON, N. XX . I i i 111 Mr. Sara Dunie, successor!)! Dunie DrotL:: tb$ Lar-e&t upto-chte Stock cf Gzzis that I -from ihe Northern Markets where he spent :! He, was very, successful in buying. Vell BouI.l not'in selling. Goods are very higfh this e:: Better,Go'ods for LessOMoney than ever before. Stock of Goods, v-a ; rc-:rr : - 1 t ' ... - W W 4 i - .3 I I ill W - 1 r ; V.'c : .- 0 -1 ... - f v-;ir y 4-1 3 Come ; and1 CohvI:td CO j. m. W ' W ..... .:i U3 : Xand for Sale. ; . ."Under and by, virtue of the jpdwer ilmd authority contained is a certain deed of t ustv executed - to the ' nndersigoed as Trustee by D. C. Mcrntyre,- X wilj sell at pobHcv' auction, .for -cash, at the c nrt house in Lumberton, lorth: Carolina, on Monday, November" iSth, 1907 at it o'clock, , noon the ' fallowing l&nds in Robeson county. North Caroline: - In Lumberton township, in the Easf ra extension of the Town of Lumberton, and in that section knowiTas. Belvedere, and being the Western one-half of lots Nos. 233 and 934 as laid out and designated 03 the last official rodp of the Town of Lum berton made by T. E. OPurceH civil "en- gineer, under a rder of the, Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lumberton, dated November 1st,; 1904 pursuant to an act of the General Assem bly of North Carolina, to which map re ference is here made for a- more particu lar descriptien of said lots' and a full de scriptioa of the ' lands , hereby conveyed wi 1 appear by reference to a deed exe cuted to te said D. C. McIntTe," datd April 12nd , 1 906, andrecorded in . Book 5 A, page 374, in the office of the ' Register of Deed of Robeson county, to which def d reference, is here made for a more Erticnlar description hereof." Said sale idg made on account of default in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust, and all of which will more fully appear by reference to saffL deed of trust, duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county book of Mortgage Deeds I r, page 68.- '"This 12th day of October, ic.07 . ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' A. W. McLEA. " ' - -. trustee for Mattie N. Barrett.. J - lo-i4-4mon.r ; .Yoo all will be surprised that we are selling tl.2 E- t C.clz fcr :o little xnczzj. V-'c cr. cr3 you 30 cents on the dollar 'at'least. We are Lndiir-; the up-to-dat ctlratc 1 Ctn.. zz Erci. High Aft Clothing an(l Tbalheiner's. "Also IctH r.:ore of ihz tp-toite cJ Latest Ciyls E:ys and Children's Clothing 0f the best and the bect lir.d cf ( v;r brc. -'..t to this- pcc, forSrnAll Prices, and the best Hna of Shoes ever broi: !.t to this liace for Men, .VJoaen Boys tad Children. We are handlino; th$ well-known "7clk-0vcr and rs cs, and ihz Eest Lin 2 of DryGoods and Notions, Hats and paps. Trunks and Values, end the test line ct Jewelry ana Watches. Now times are go.od And plenty of money,' but you want to sate all you can. A cellar " niade is a'dollar savedIf vod want to'eet Good Goods fcr Little Honey, you-c .llforSan Dsnie'g von want to cet store. 5 Remember the placian the corner brick store. It te in Dr. Stephens' drc store. Come and shake hands with "Old Sam" ahvhow. OUR MOTTO Ko trouble to show Goods Politt Attention to AH. Vl r - :":v-. v . 0-19Im Farm for Sale , or .Lease 7 for W - - Term of YearsT". ' V I will sell or lease my farm at Bladen boro, N, C, containing one hnndred and eighty acres, seventy-five cleared;,dwell'f ing and- tenant houses on raiae. c: The farm is very , productive. Focr flowing ells on same. Fine school and churches near farm." "Also severs tr-store lota in tht town of Bladenboro or sale. Address S. N. Ferguson. Ojo-i4-4mon? "V ' ' ' '' " Red Springs, N. C. Notice. Parlfti' (rififipu a m XVI MlVVVa II Seasonable Gobfls ArriilDgJ)aiIj Headquarters Fcr Fine T&bls Mcicies. Fruits, Candies, Heinz Sweet 'and . Soot. ....... . - ! 1. . . ncsies, jrreserves,' oauccs, ouiuci 5 cele brated Baked Beans and Tomato Ketchup, Sweet' Oranges,' "Ripe- Banannas, . New York Apples, Sickel Pears, "Native and . Malaga Grapes, Kalamazoo Celery.-, Select Norfolk; Oysters Served , Dailj'. ; Sole Agent for He'adly's "and; Schraft's : Chocolates' and I Bon-Bons, - Call or phone QUICK DELIVERY. c. b. Wdhond; Jo-17-3'11 : PROPRIETOR. " MartiiliA z!e,and MesdatLes S McTnt'yre, j. v R. C Lawrence, A. ri. White. i A. E. Bakor, C. B. SkipoeiviA. c T. Parmele, L- T. To w n sen d , An jr rr T K McLeod.'R E U Cor roU, Liz- JX zie Proctor, N. A. Thompson,! . Irvin Jenkins, A. W. McLean and D. P. Shaw. - v Ail Sty? and All A BAD NEGRO. Satnr- STAPLE of ; HEAVY GOODS iv- party desirLng to see tUe T..i,t m-iM uoou Mr, C M.' Sdens wno r -ihivata sai.nands, or can get,.-but n- formalku ;onccmitig l.-vtd by writing ,V P. Gib:-on, Gibson, C. This t- e oth day of Stplml)er, 1907., - ' M. F. Gibson, W. F. "Gibson, - Attorneys in fact fr the heirs at law of Ae late Eli Gibson. . 9-3o-smon . - .Sale ofaliDgine.;;.1- Pursuant to a jadgment of the Superi or Court of Robeson connfpe "Tiered in a case entitled Southern JCroii and Ekjuip lscnt Co. against I T. Cottingham Lum ber Co. LiP, en Saturday, November I Jnrl Inn? at It nVlrwV nMn at tVi nl.nt A11 penous are hereby notified not to f the L. T. Cottincrham I nnhw Cn .t shelter or rretcct in any way, Alfred Dk 'Bellamy, N. C. offer for.sale at puMic will be dealt with according ta law. j - This 26th day of October, 1907. - GILES DAVIS. - J0-2S1 u ;Z : - t- 11 1 1 "' & I ' ' - " ' 1 We Are A genets; For the Standard QUCp Oirin Barrels Always . :on.Hand. , i Whitfield & french: : : ... in? V XlVMC 4. (E , , . in Gets .Better c.3 it Qrox7s v Older, and itd Dopositora, usually grqw 7ith it This Bank Invite's you to join the Largo Number. of Pru :dent Careful People who : for - eo many: y ea r3 havo 'found -Banking, relations here' both Agreeablo and Profltdble. & & 1 ? V El' V . Stove and Heater Wcodi Furnished on a short notice anywhere in to A'n in any length desred. Prices right. PHONE No. 12. ' - - , ED. T. BOONE.1 - 8 22-tf I J Lumberton, N. C- t , - aucti n, trthe highest bidder' for cash, the following descr bed engine, to wit: ; One Davenport V3 Gnage Saddle Tank 9x 14.' cyliuder locomotive driving wheel, centers 24, Vfire; box 42x28' rigi-1 wheel base 4 fect 6 inches. -1 For fartLtr infum ation apply t " ' 1 -- ' Cumtitiss oat r. Mrlntyro & Lw7w nee, AUor eya for nitiff. . " - tj 4. num 's ' ' - . " - . - Laiid Srtle in Crrum, N. C. I wll at publro fluclton to the highest biiliJiT. (ca.-h"or time), 25 or 30 ui kttn g loL 50 hy 140 feel ; t r S lot 5 to 4 acrc lso a few siore 1 ta 30 by ie-oie.t, on roventer 22nd,"ioo7,- at 1 o'clock. It might pay you to 1n esiigate. For further particulars see or write . " ; - J. R. LAWSON, 10-2 Mm Orrum. H. C. Is as Usual,-' Full and . - Complete. Jim Rowland Goes, on the War- . r , . ..... :.. ' ' ,' .. : , path Friday and - BJakes Elany Threats He Was Tried day and Bend to Court. Jim-Rowiand.abibnckneror! Don't be Deceived baded up on the eld -famiiar: fcut Call . on juice early Friday morning and r - , -f . venton ih-i ivas pu'h . Ho Uvk ; uv. t his 'Tiflc'tli.d ver t to rho plant of . . -th.e Onrolina Lunho- Cj ', jota f j hfl pjf ' - hf Ujl the edge of iqwis, fsiiut aow.-tt.the , r U V UUp with f Notice of New Advertises est. The Eatzle Eurnitore & Carpet A. lias iostTeceived a solid car of pianos, organs," phonographs, etc. . "? W. J. Prevatt has a stroas? Una of - men's, youths' and boys clothing, shoes, hats, dry good, . dress goods the best goods lor the least money. 'Murray Griffin, of Jfork, S. O. inannfactarer of colamns, balas- I ters, bracKecs ana ,au . Kinas 01 house ornameniis, is prcpireu w j meef yon r wants and -give yoa first-class jobs at lowest prices; si EL B. Humphrey , is prepared ;-r:-t,o test xour eyes tree- by an up-. J to-date machine and to .tit your t eyeglasses. - '" ! Mr. J.'A. Boone, Jr: offers for ! ' sale'a farm" in a high state, of cultivation ana is wuuug jjuar-, U antee that the purchaser can ! make 10 per dent, interest on the - investment. . , : A. watch fob has been founds - " " ' Notice is given all persons not to harbor or protectAU red Da- S Whitfield & French are agents - - for the Standard Oil Co. and al r ? have oil on band in barrels. Pay - you r taxes. ? Sheriff Mc ITeilt Notifies all-persons who have noVpaid their taxes to come oncef br sen a check. ' - , V two-horse farm and one : :3 farm near Lumberton are red for rent: - engine for. a wb t', aud si'.ore; with niany oaths" that Loiw-'uld , kill su'penntendunt tirvao rr stty ; man who tried Ao arrest biaj.' - - ' LWr, . Sheriff McNw:l . an,!i - Depntv rio.vd arrested Jim aiv.t 1 "put him iu jut. .1 yil . Jita vra; iried twit-. l?-tarday g m - befare" Justice : 1 ho.-...-..ii via nu-tr - ..The Least Boney.' i - 4 once on a ptiu-e v.- k r s ra-; . a once fon assault. 'iVsro was a cloud , -g-t Of witnesses It was in evidence? tV.nt-. lim mhA htiA 'tern Hi rfimn.n i at thft Ijiiuiber Co. for some.ticif4.' was not wanted Friday morning, so he got drunk on mean whisky and got rjakty. Ho went -to-lhi Lumber k)'. plant, : shot .under the mill once, pointed his guu at Leon McGilU shut down the engine, and swoe ho , would ktlf Supt. Wra. Bryant. Mr- Bryant s brother"cotifl3d him; so ho- wore ont a peace, warrant .and Sheriff Lumberton, for cale One horse fanu. nn Cortliaee road, inilea. north ol'- j.uUilrlon, in Ligb state of -cttltivaiu;-.V 11 sell at a bargain and wxii pfuariuotee-tea per cent cn invest niemt. A-p!yt - -4 . . ' J. A,BOOXE,Jr.,.-i " K. Jf. D., No. VLumbtrton, N. C ic-?8-it N ---- - 1 For H IS i:' A : : 7 - r . : A oneliorse firm about pise and oje- lii 1 tonem smitn w irtnterlon,and- oues i to liorsi fiirtu. two ard , one-li'alt" miles J OlCJNeilt ana LWpuiy;i'Mjr veiu- rWCfctof lumberton ,vith goad .dwelling after the bad negro- They found and birns.', App'y t- n - him asleep in; ins snncn near jie , , - w. . aicftttu u, - : mUI, and they had handcuffs on -2S. u' - - berto N.x; htm v before tvj waueu ; me re '2 ah- 3 rcJ, would have beena vounh-huus else. J im said they would noi have taken him if he had been awake. Handcuffed" as -he w&sbead- vanced -, on Sheriff M cNelll and did not seem to care a ,trar for the gun the sTierifE i shoved in, his face. Jim was brought up town though, and to-jail, cursing - and malting tnreats tne wuiie . - . r - I4o lie. HoiCW. W ICitCh:n;6f Box boro'cahdid-tte" for Governor, will &vak. m Lnmberton on Tucsda'Kove'mb:r the 5tBr . Tlie -ne-??- jccihetcry i las t eea ptit in ; pro ;x r conuiUon; ni laid out ta lots, and : r-. .7 I.- 1 j . IUW IitM V uc BViU ui. prices u and a' bond .of another ; t j.,r.,i .xf o dfifl nn1 ! loti are H;..!. T Dointioa: his gun. at Mr. Alcuili, t jim now lodges in jail i&Javrait triaL It was hi e videace that J i m is a bold bad rnaa and a, bully-' ' NIC3-24-St. E J.ERITT, - ' Mayor. Farm for Sale. 2O0 acies of excellent farming land, 75 acrs clc-re. balance -well wooded; P what uso b yoof new. gown if it doesn't fit? . Yet how. mnh worse v .; Ai- your , shoes if - thjty" doat fit. Your gracof carriage 13 gone and a ' . wholr train of physicaT-ills res-ults. ' Ws, want np shoa3 fcrleave this store ' -; that don't fit. 'This 13 only another Teasoa vriit vrzt ssll Queea QuaHty . shoes." - li'or bettsr fitting, $hosV ritver wore mid. . -That .'they ,t where r 13 proverbial. Let U3 prors all vith soaoa of nc Deauti- ful new styles just rseived. .$3.00, $i.50 aai 44.00 ziiT().lVNSEtiB:;BGflllEES: 2 Trie B S31:. - - ' . IO-7 ' ' on a? nn au i ur i JlClAbUII JWt a : in N o ti ce Lumb ertonroijQ: - Store, anl e have EVERYTHING for - Will Sell Goods at YOUR OW?l PRICE, Mens, B -j-8-and Children's -' v ' . , " & SiiiCC oVcrcoats, Pants; Stilts aLdDnienrear cr: ' EVERY1ING FORLDIES and SUSSES. Jackets, Short nd Xong, Skirts: Shoes and a NICE UNE OF DRESS GOODS. Lots of Other Wearing Apparel for the Ladies. s5 .Lumberton :Bargain Store,; ;': fl? VEIKSTEiri Proprietor. ;v ; r : Next door north of Mrs. Fannie Peterson's MUlinery. V look for thesigs. . 9-16 ' v .:' 5 : -. C-- , ! The onlv true consfipaticn cure ' tV.- wa-. Mhru c.-na.e ore mnst bcSin it soothing, healing . t-'l p-iicn when it enters tl3 nc?.th. f locaie-iia- CnrnVrf county, c, I Hdi:-iT Rcc':r'!rou..tr:n T;- S wuLinlf rrileff l'. - : .-.vl:. .K I!::-! t 3 tL3 t- I ' 3 t- : ) : i - 1 :1 r !i , . ..,. j,.... -i - . ' -. - i - - ; vi -f 1 - I ....... - - 'IT." ' Solid Car Pianos, Piinp Players and Organs, ; Also a Nice L.ine Edison Pnoncirapns, Becrd3, iolias, Guitars, Banj 03, Autohbrp 3 and , Ac ;ord eons. - ; v:'. -. : - : ' : : : i ; :. -. . : -,: r ,We Invite Yoa r Inspection. "We prce Musical Instramenis ' ' Ajinst Anj Other Ufands Made r '' " Eagle Fiirnituro and Carpet W : - " - " S ,, ' ' r y- ' 'i gi ? I i. i-f : T I S I -ha?.- , sVi??- .;:;:: . , . ' i v 1 - wi: iH . ; C '! .: .. ,7, r