n i a . Tourl; inspectjon : ; is-, oil :tto :C3t to r.j cbhViuco -yout bet our Stpck oi uoia jAw'eilrvr is Com- iplete.; ; J. I 1S U ; 3 Lumbertoii, N v C. j OUU OFFER IS $100.00 IN GOLD. nn At,e NOT GIVEN TO 'BLOWING OJJROWN HORN'' SO TO n 7spakA J U der oaraotice of laterprompt rato sty wordot.Uo totnosewho pernAps kave bat a Blight acquaintance with the facts. , 1 -. , r . " - 1 ' " - ' . . - . Ur. Spencer KeUonhaa beil in the Hnsewl ol basiness ferjo Vl.T?mu wasfetfoer in onfof the oldest eiUWisbed la New ' " -JJ pSiSathet made oil in iS.i. On. hnndred years in the jrt t2fS5 kellogjr made about half a barrel of oil a, day m iSia. WUm' D OUALI about 1200 barrels a day and the increase is ESne ounce TY Never in the history of this business has tlusmpany adulterated-Oae ounce SteSTwjSfilbSteea procurable, cleat it as .close 5?"S will dean it and our mills cental the latest and jnott improved rtachiaery for pro dndng the finest of oils. . 'v' " We do not propose to allow our customers w i - pose to see our oil adulterated a? d sold under -;c T7e promise our customers uxax eawi auu r:",C- fnV. ent of "WshrngTy investigated and guttr-- the fuHt extent o, uc law. ,?-.r - . - " We ask your assistance and in turfc lead to the apprehension and convict atinsr our oi) or selling said adulterate " mm.is . ---.- r-fiPENCER KEU-Oit- " If onr dealer dots not keep our rtj-wmeto - t - - . . - , -r " 51 ;v . - ; - Wilmington. We do-not pre rpse t top it. our on - wui inii::oncrs t::ic. 3 i--- c:i!- j - -Th3 - county :. cor and transacted routine Lusin3. Tht following clxins xtztq ps- .. . .. .r . .. ... ea: . , - - - Jailand pri3oners-J.il. Dsssa, work and repairicz on jiil, 12 41 ; R C. Gbooter, repairs on chim ney in, old jail, 3 20; DrvJ. D. McMillan, attending -: patieat in Jail, C2; K.- MJ- Biftss, supplies, $4.5; J. IL' Floyd, keepins jxil for October tad . rnovinjr court farniturt, 573.S0;J. 11. Deuie work - and supplies on ' water wrfrks in-jiil, 3.52; Town of LumbertoB, for water, 20; Lam beribn Electric Light C.; $3 37 Total, $185.44. - Coanty home and paupers 1 J. Flowers, for keepins hom, $79.95; Dr. H, T- Pope, medicine nd mitt to county home and jail, $26.20; CaldweU & Carljle, supplies; for county home and jail, $13.58; State Hospital, sup plies for Lizzie- McLaurin, $9 40. Total, $129.13. - - " -Th& riular;pauper" list was read and approved; J. W. "Wilson was allowed $3and-Mary Bryant $1.50 and placed on the regular imnrwr list. v. t Con rt hou se and courV--Hc Allis- terHwL tacks for carpet: 8a cents: lELrO. 'Freeman : desk for sheriff's offlce,: $7.50;- E. G. Si Dher. liehts for treasurer's office. - Lumbertcn Electric Lisht Co. $3: W. -H. Hunphrey, i-ecordinff for county.' $98.83; Dr. H-T. Pooe. expert testimony J John! -'t case, $10. .Total poll tion in Britts township;. ei'.rebateof poll tax $2 64,exempt by commissioners;!. A-Hedgpeth io-io-im N. Report of Condition oIJTBE BOBESON COUNTY LOAN AN TRUST COMPANY, lumberton.. C t nt Close ol Ooslaes Satnrday. No- .Notes and Discounts,. .v. . -Jl Real Estate,;. 't ."- Fotniture and Fixtures. V CASH ON HAND KXD IN BATIKS, ?8595.27 3,382-89 357.77 . 43619 if Undirled Profils, 1 i- iw $133,032.12 ' Viotooo.'oo V-2.833 65 -I20A9S 47 Th Wat. . rebateof$4Wonpersonalproper- or thV w ty ; A. Blak, rebate of $2.64, g n h ew membci poll tax, being -orer gt; jt anfj other books are toLv, Mu rrar - rebate of., $3 14, being i nrA ThA Hah ift. a OTer charge in Sterlings' towto-Lreat pleasure to it's members. 8Dip;.iwiicwui.-wiwWiiu j The children or tue raemoais erroriNo.3,Pembroke,9l cents;J J cnurcn Sunday school trere orga email reoaie.oa mw uvor- inized iato a Children's .JUiasion- arr Brigade under . the ; in.anagr ment 01 iwrs.-: z.;.v oirauguan last Sunday ' afternoon. ."TTbey were aire- dy in a society within thft Rnndav echo! but . it : was G. valuation in-Burnt - bwampr rH Howard, -rebate on lbw in Si Paul's townsflip, amount S 4.80: J. M. Locblear. rebate of $l 90, error in 'chargej-Enerson " " Comparative Stttctoent'of LefiosiU November 2ndfJi9D.W f ' The bnl'v Bank in Robeson County which pays Compound Jnteres. tp Ucp OpVfl an account 4ith us and cetve 4' f er cent- Interest Compounded ever? Months.- -- --v-Lt '-:r- Roulson County loan : anfi . Trast .Company, 133,032 12 --.$"B7-8S 68,-8 $.4 . 90.84 1. 36 -.-130,198.47 to Dcpositorsl every luree (Bank of Lumbertori Building.) -.".:Lumberton, A-V.RScLcan, ' President. n;o. ClLIorroiv, Cashier.' , 7I1IS7 BANU IS : f OR M PEOPLE. Whether their business is Jarae or smalt We welcome the. small accounts asjveJI . a a . k a ma trr iciniii v nu v ami. - " . h aw . 1 the laree ones, vui cu I - ' r v.,, - . and we are pleased at all timeso add to their nnmber. s - v -v - - easiness. Personal, Trust aiad Sayings Accounts Solid led. THE BANK OF.: PARKTON, " Parktwi N. : C ' ..--: " -. officers s :--: - -' t " - .T- E- McCos mick. 2nd VicerPreaident i;,Stt-rr:'-r. -: L. C McArtuur, Cashier, qt rmc Per CenU Interest Paid on Savings and Time Deposits.,. , DifiiesiiDiE iret what is eominri to-them.' - We bare Ana v ""VT. -.t--.---.w-- .--rr., iust returned trom trie normeru- axar,rta uhb jtV . " i': time in Selecting and Buying an up-td,rt8 Stock of-, ; - ClCttttg, DrjuOOCSbnos B&UFi rw-tt?:auija'iiiuj t ..-III.. I..;. , ... Correspond 3nc of Te EobesdiUn. Mir 3 Ausky, 3vrho fornierlj ti-sr.t ti Uilticore,,is Ti:i::r3 h;r l-tcr, Mis. Robert, ll. rit- Mrs. C A. Inman, of R. P. L Na 1.;-is' ill wiib typhoid farcr, but ire are glad to know tcr casa is so far progressing very, favor ably. ".- . - - ' Ur. and Wrs. J.' L." Townscad and children, of McDonald, spent las t C u nday wi th M rs. Hose Ft- oan.- - .-Miss Fiahsr, of Hope Mills, was a visitor in town-over. Sun day on her way to teach at .Spring Hill, naar Barnes vme- - "'.' Miss Roberta Daily has re turned irom a delightiuoisiir 10 her sister in New Xork . ' - Mr. C. Cashwell is rc model ins hisLoasa'on Floyd Street -v . The pleasure club,JThe F. "FA F's ', gave a deliRntiuli iiaiiowe 'fin riartT-to their friends last Thursday night which, was much appreciated by all. it was . neia at the borne of R F. Drumtnond ; Mr . P. Reeves has - finished up the tobacco warehouse season and gone to his home", at Asho vfile. He is much misse,d by his jolly comrades..; A ; j - 4 1 f-1 m t n.n- T-' nrhn Via bten at work at "Norfolk : all the summer and fall, is at hsmi for rest, his health having given way We trust he. may soon, recover.. Tho cotton storaee - houit . is bsin'g ; rapidly filled. 'Te are - - In1j 0f our farmers and . are able to hold theit mm'tt nity - was reus: con dlw-. Co. . - - . .. A Lz.3 Ltta zz.ll - B cf in A CLi. - 3 - A,:r:it Men at.-iiu cLiC;:;r ri.tts H--:"-r '-i friht-. traCs VS.z c::trr r.nd in Cjro?. - ciitful iavcstialion shows' till tiisra i no foundation-for this Tn passn5r train ears-, par ci;o )f railway in Eos nd and Walss amounted in 1 to il2,817.2'J,g-ainstonly V2.042. 37 ia tbs United. States- Al hou-ft Enslisbr-passenger train earnings are so largely in excess o f thos a of American roads, tb a cost of ops ration is substantially less. In an address ; made by 717. IPinley, president of tbs Couthern Railway Compamy, at the annual meeting of the Ameri can Association of Passenger and Ticker, Agents - ,m Washington last ncxth, he - expressed - conn dsnce in the opinion that-if the railway nanager 7 had a passen- gsrtraflc in ' the United Ctates Tea approaching icrdensity that ia-Erilaad he would be b!o - to sirr passing in speed.safcty and com fort that of any country -in the world, and at an ave'rase rate be- Ijow that of England, where the drst-class rate today is over thrca cents par mils, the second class rate over two cents,' -and the third-class rate, at which the srreat bulk of the tramc is bauledl with accommodations thai would not be tolerated by ths Acerican public, only ft fraction nndef two cents per mile.. . A . report : made 1 to r Senator Lodge. Of Massachusetts,' at the last session of the. United States Senate, by Mr. H. T. Newcomb, contains some very, interesting an4 conclasive figures upon this ooinL It is not possible to re rrint this statement hero, but "-f the comparisons institu T"comb will serve to "tne pinion ot. 'first; p.la.sa I- ;ers in Euro pa and in in-, shows that the? trc in this country vcar that they are overt service. Prom- hJi..... to Deer Park, Md u distance S41 mils. the first class railway farejs C3 80; from Cadiz to Gran-i States -pop5e - -1 .- ; : : . a r La c j T7ill pract"ceu !1 the Courts. East nsss atieiitieJ to rron:HT. : V7AD3 - V7I3HARTi : Attouney at Law, . - -v -LUUEfTON, N.C Prompt attention gi?e to all business. - OSce orer T-a.n'k of Lumherton. S-J : - B. P; SHAW, ' ; Attorney nt Law, 2T.C All business entrusted tn.him promttiv attended to. r OSceia Shaw" Building. ' J. 9. XeOoraUk. .ATTOBKEYS AT LAT7, Jf!losa cn Sad Coer tl tani cl Lnn. 9S3pA"attenftai (!m to all turlneS OHAa B. SK1PP2R, r Attorney at Lavr ' ; . , AU business entrusted to him- wUl 1 eeive prompt and careful attention. . . Officeia First National Bank Bufidlaf ver Joat Office, - - " ; ,vV, ' ;Aenay;t Law,''-!-,;. ; ' LcMBwrbj,:'!T."0. .-: V Ol&rt npsts'rs J ;; Argus Building, All basin ecs promptly transacted. ' ;' MclntyroV Xiawrencr 1: Attoraeya and .Cxwnselorfat Law, CUMBERTON.- . : : . H.C iISK&lr iiSi iss, rare U 7.o; irom , i3iscaen vj Vienua, a distance. ot 28 miles, the fare is,$8 5d, Thav rebate ot b4, u tax, error; tfln !ru!nrl hnoad that all S;SPiiipv -,:fbateu0f 70,SSi others will see tr. it. that thti- " LT VrT Cftiiaren itena. iurs. psrauisuaut , v - ttnff-ilrt a distance of in Burnt 8wa.no townsoiprT. S. ..u he ae.istPd in thU good work X'r to ,Bualo, a, distance 01 ? Jhmpi0UBf,f Paris to The Hague, a distance of Vi" "1" "' JXZ 297 milethe fare is 59:79. Prom IJ4 UU i W W Uf) T VUJ(.Uf u aw exoerience .with her own and otbor children and. knows how to manage them. . Fairmont; N. C, Nov. 4.1907. Grey, rebate on $1 000 inTUomp sons township, error in listing; Uumparey, reoate.-oi z o in SaddleTree townsmp;u cx&anay, rebate of $2.64 in Lmber lindge,- error is listing; , Town of Lum t berton. 14.17, two-thirds or quar ter ending October 1; - Charlie Hunt, rebate inThompsons, er ror in listing dogs, f 3; J. u. rur- .... .. .. rnlr v Tl s . v vis, ; reoate on - - m-ri.ws township, error m .iisung; , jwrs. W..-A; Baker, rebate, error - in lisUrig in Lumberton, 2.q4; li.H From Albany, Lmd t,nni Fever Cure is Guaranteed fo ig disorders. A'o a blood purifier, -i Baltimore, Md.,-to Greensboro, G., s distance of S31 miles. thlsfare U f 9-90: from wadricL :to Cartaeens. a "distance Of 320 miles, the fare is-wi&io,.; From Baltimore. Wd to Uanalu, jmi., a distance of 392 miles the fare iMrfrom Irun -to Madrid, a chant wi v.' And a Spial Une of Ladies' Skirls and kets. , Oar G??T aa BoasM for Cash", and we saveajrom W 0 ik(,uwi'vu v - S 7nd -wiU selU yon" Goods from iS to 25 per cent. iess.than any other Mer- - v ... ... ... - -ri T7 umiv. loi'nii anfi i T. our v-", Will. All WC Hilt Uiai i-vijr w y . ' UludL OlUbN Ul uuuuo jaiiu wuvy iiuuo. - We take Great riessure m aoowjn jtuu iuck: wyy..u-!- ;r; -r--v --- past favors,we remain yours for Bargains, - , 5'v; r- T'dAnGOUS' BROTHER, "our Uotto Is SELL GOOD GOODS CHEAPO ' . Loot, A Set of False Teefiu WashlnKtOB Crrespoadeae Cbsrlotte Ob- y- Among the-various matters of distance of. 392 miles, the fare is fm rrtnce . to' . the . country 1.50 . From - -Washington - to which Congress will have to eotf AtlantaJ a distance o( C47 ?inilest Bacot rebate of $2- 64, he 'beinjs sider du ring the coming session the fare Is $17.S0; from -Paris to rlftitPd of noli tax OB aCCOUnt OX maj w ttu itPiuw 1 ueiiag, uwv5y1,y.,.v-, JJiwVnr teethr . The -Postofice the fare is t22 29, and so it goes aZZT ir, - i?t?o. in Deoartment is all astir trying to throueh the entire table. "trA'" ot.!cwtK Pmto far the:-situation has not. been thecostof tifst-class,transporta f , forkev tons. S3." met. It is all because some one tion in the United States is lower About two vears ago "a certain tnortation in Europe,; In the com lady.1 whose name Bhall be namo- narlsons madff by M r.. Newcomb less for the present, carefully I no account whatever is taken as wrapped up andr-placed there- to the relatives quality of the ser nnon; a two ccntUnitedr States i vUca nerformed in this country oostaee Itamp, vand confided to ftIld abroad." When the compart ornu-.. i.;A ts in." PT it. i the care oi irusiy uncieoam aon ; is ueirreen-.oruiurj . biow MNpiU plcErim.71 cents: Hews I moss yreuiuwa yuaoc ouu i ciasai iarca m.umu -u-S?iffira as her most intimate friend, her brst class fares in, this .country false teeth.--- Alas! since tnat nay f0r : a -nisht j rnpyr pia$ xne hn has oined in enforced retire- wnino: car fares. - the -cmpari mnt. Uncle Sam was not faitbLrtri ll to nc. advahtaire. In fol to his trust.; Two yearswent Europe th? tr v-ler. obt.tias for by. But she never gave up hope. ns first-dais fares the .pnvii-ge fjke'the wise knd resourceful InfwraDDing hitawlf in a wg.and woman that she was she began' toi rerHninir as ha cau on ; the seats read the -newspapers. A few days 0 ajs compartment.- In Ameri ago she read a description of the C8i the traveler has butter ccom 50: The Robesonian, - Advertising Special lax auwui ;uuua5 hond. - $9 w. ' g: Pope. ' for meeting county tsommisiouers in s regard to land values in Britts : townshiD. $2.90i JT. P. Braham: feeding and caring for Henrietta nrTrthe Largest andIaadsomest Store cot only in TVilmingWa, -toat prooawj Ours u ww.1' i . ,s-, trv.it ramnttt: t-Tt inclndea evert as to satisfy tUti art oor Stock is at all times Full and Complete, t It in frtideWneeded1or Ladies' Vear and out Styles aadfnce are nthj LlaU Orders Kecoive Proiripb. Attention. SEMbFbR r SAMPLES and Observer, advertising ponP sale, S40l J.'D. Clark, rebaU on $297 in St. fPauls, : error in listing,:- Jno. f Hodge,. rebate error, II 50; J. A. Johnson, re oate on SlOOOin-btfaais w; C. H. Love,' Vebte on poll tax, $2jB4, overage; R- L. -IcLeod, lumber for Brown's bridge, vi Drs. Croom and Croom, services to smallpox patients $15; Cas well Britt, $1 04 rebate,- errors Make McRae: "hauli'ne rand work for new McKay bridge, $5 50. r : ;R. G. Gregory "was authorized to purchase for the county a suf ficient' amount - of- good, sound lumber for building1 bridges in Bear Swamp, " the total not to exceed $60. : -: v The county, treasurer's report for- .October "was received JLna rdered record d. J. 7. Carter and D. S..AUer nan' were ; appomtea : a special committee to examine the tt.ork of buildic2 the bridge across, Lum ber river at the. Gilchrist bridge H-J;'BRITT, " ATtoaKST at LAW, " Lamberton, KC-v.""l' 'i Troj Store ATToamevs Ar 4 Vffi(si the VcCaskiU BuDiat. STOCK REIEDIES. ia tny : INTU Art;! A. - -4 9-23 " Atfl:C::izci: . Loans and D::uounts, Furnitun a-i Fixture;, Real Estate,- Expense Account, CASH ON HAND A1ID DU ""Total,- A-. : Capital Stock," Undivided Prohts, Certificates -of Deposits - Due toVtfanks, Bills Payable, . - - Re-Discounts, -" " DEPOSITS, . "lTotat, ; V A. W. McLE AN, President, - A. E- WIUTE, ViccPres. . , -v . . . THOJ lCI,7:i'.17" - . r - - r " v v . I . . v . . r - -1 . - . . . -j 7,c:3.cd icm::i6;5 cr X. 17. V. 4. C. I . TC . ;::i.sc3.03 j V " T T, Tie.?;; , - , STEPHEN ITcINTYIUJ, S. A. EDMUND, . J. G. llcCOniHC", , -.. Q. Ti WILLLA? GEO.G.FBX-.; C. : - o. D. CALL . r..To t t r- o . calditell; .II1TE, . IIcLEAlf, -J2NWIKGS. inooDros. i 5 ung Dr. W. O. EDMUND. ' Lumberton; N. C. Dr; W; Thompson, - PHYSICIAN .AKD CDRGEOr, f tiumberton'l . r ?8'-J O Office at Hospital Phone No.- At: Z Down town joffice overDr; McMillan's Drug Store. Calls promptly answered tugut or oay, In town orin uic couuuj. : -iLUMDEnTON, fL C.7 " Sc over Dt. ilcllTlan's Drag Store r DR.'J; D. BEGAN, ' DENTIST, - S . - ' LUKBSSTOH, . - ' K. 0. '. Sc la Shaw '. sailding, ? over Pope't ; ;vDKF. HPITMAll, N. '"nrW?e and Our Mr. v,. ..4 car loail of ir.o Ju: cc:ivc Just Y7Lat Yen j ! D 'nbl 1 ' And a fov C G ' . Years Very G no '"a-' Floyd . 10-14-1 m pair::o::j,:i.o.'j : ' OtcMl, J.R.Purccll, PUR0311 1 ''P.?.-T7etmora -. v wjr . Mr: Lahdov7ncrf Do ; lines are, or HOV7 : :UC do not knov. :: c I . ::::ow. .7hcr0 your,; ? :: .1 ; cu hayo?; If you :;: : 1 .. YOU. RED SPRINGS, ai7tf . : i 1 Do Yout Job Pmiing ! VE I .IAI0S A SPECIALTY OF -ti: exhibit of the dead letter office at the Jamestown Exposition. Among - the many interesting articles described in the story were several ssts of false teeth. Then withhope springing injisr breast, she forthwith dispatched an urgent letter to the dead letter .fibe.-askine-Jorfurtber parti culars; "She-; wants . to go -to Jamestown to" identify her prop rty. - tier teetn were losi x pr mailsi .Oaetf theso sets tats bs hers. But if so, : they have hpn held uoto the irreverent of the vnlrrar- crowds. and the covernment owes her anoth er set,- anl psrtaps a gooaiy sum M .... y r plsted ts psr contract u. w.i ceaJaess Carpet be Ccre3 iJuUOCff, CierK . 01,-ine ooaru, " U,.lft(.,t ardicationi. as they , cannot authorized to draw & warrant on j the diseased portion of the ear. Vi vMsnvav fnr h!vlinf rtrt f.TT 1 tVim-iq fmiTfme wav to care ceainess the work. - - . . " s The cl:rk of the - beard was authorized and directed to draw a rari cat cn Treasurer I rc"cn ria fcrJ.fCO to rav tvro.r-tc novr Lcli by tha Tirst modations and ; first-Class . trans rtnrtnt.irtn. with fulimn cara aa ded, at a much less sum than -be mnn m ntvfl m rav iu Jiiu - - The Question, thetewrev as we sea it. is not a Question bat a question of discrimmauon. We do not believe tnat i are to bo benefited m an j way by the crusade woiju nas been started in tna soutn agaiosv tha railroads.. . Certainly no jvie nnatft defense can "be made of aoj policy whica wouia resui6 vuw c mSscaton .of ' the railrcs.'J3 : of the South, whico are so itpnta.il .4 to " Us - industrial :1 commercial developments - 1 1 " ' . t. A. .. end wh rh havft dona so rnuca 10 hmld it ui) in the past. liot taucn r tn Ka PTnprAed in the way of fair treatment f rorn tne comer ence in Atlanta. tL3 nnrJ tliat is hv 'constitutional remedies. Tteaf ness is caused bv an inSamed condi tion ff the mucous lining cf the Ezsta- Tt"b . When this tuble is inflamed voa have a ramtlir souud or imperfect lnr", "iwhenit 13 ent.r Iy c.D-.e i3C;s n tne result, iu-i-:-- 1 - itlr-i c a te tlen ov.t a.n 1 t r ' 1- i 3 l - ! C" ' . w't : t : - c . . HeklrEatAte for.Salo.- ::f jkcrrt land at6rkrsHiKb School, t tnile of rsilroa-i ? miles j l,nmlerloo, RoSesor. cotn'f. V- e. Two-horse ?, arm cleared. t6'Ael'faKS and onlhon!es; ue acren timber lan.is; finest artesian , water, overflow rnnntn iotai)oaf purest.wa ter per hour, llealihjr locality; chn ch and bchool facilities excellect - Terms cash. For further information or partic ulars call on or addnst , .5 v " R. A.JiOZIK, - fcT. t). i, Box'ij, Lamberton, N. C. 10-14-St - '.- ' ' ' ' " i f f i ... fa Wosierlrl Ecztna Care. - "Oar littla boy had t:::ai Et3 Tc-rs." writc3 IT. A. Ad: m-riilta. Pa. 'Two cf car hca - :3 c :i 1-3 ci:3 vc.3 ncr, -5 b---rr.c' 2. Vsf ' c -? t -i.tr:- l"t I... -. TUB- PUGGY .MAN, - Ca?rv- the usual Larve Stock' as here ' tofor? lound with the ld firm .of,-. "Lin'K haw St , Company. Several car. loa.V. tn hand at all times. Voa can find j-st what you want., The Styles are rLht on to dae.- Stick Seals, Rub- be-tires. Flain and Fancy rops, Wideb and Narrow ats, llili. ana iow : AVhw Is, Slc, : The mkes sre amon ; the ?.Io5trpu!arand Substantial sold in i e Rou'Ji. Hacklier. Wrenn and T.rVrr-V. re - our;. Iiea-iers. Other . ma'es cuhand. Every Bagsy fully 7a muted. - - - " In .'acns, we don't think. the r art- nfv has m ecual in this coun try. We hve them In all sizes, boUr one ana itio-uorse. -auj neuiuutu,. Ilickcry, a"d o'J.er makes. Ia v l: -r a vh"h yen make a'E: '...1e u vr, i f 1 t xt t' e bst. W e-f-er vJLv Jr-;" r ; ! YTa era E and L73 ; For Kan cet til th? r " "-'T r- v-- rnents of l'&ir.::i . . - . as . toOatn-?, Z'- : c-nd -i ' pits jr u ' - "... . --.tion. r.rc'- . . j-.f..rt and- i , - ...';r tha fact r T : ' j jcur feet look, . r, Vrianer 'and . ; r yoa wonldnot- - - : " ." j 1 : J then cn. The7 C - , :::c:.::t3 Agents for rbich are well . : . Itrc iDZCTgciag.; r " :Chc?-r-rV:omen, - - - -tCr- " browns, - tha - w - . cyerythir . . f t il.75-th3 - j and Gur IT.C.