r . " I m . . -. - d- - - " j- . .; . . - , 1 ' - - . .. ... . . - Soiid Stroni Home ompnyVbliatInYests In Each : Goniiiianiitsr ;ijhe "'ibMtpfeiodtiiw: Collected ' -a -i ... V ; .. .. ' - 1 . i . There iiil "1 1 1 1 i HI; v - V: 1 1 : r , J .-:!: iENSUEOJOB WRITTEN: . January li 1906 to Octoberd;1906; 5i;987i850;00.V;i Jdfliiaryl. 19.Q7 to October 1, 19,07 ra,263,750.00;; r mm PREMIUM INCOME. r IV- I- i,- T '-,t: ." k. H 't. J. ".vr- ., .i'.i."'- . v: vV i January 1, 1 906- to October 1,1 906,-055,600.00, ftJanuar: i, t907:to October - s.. - - V ilr; Hector McLean,' Districiiaiiaerf vriT't' f;- ;- xv-':-; ""-: : .Dear Sir.- - ;: V; " - I am pleased to receive, at your hands check for $1000 from- "The Southern Iife in payment of policy on the life of R. T. McRamey. The fact that " the check was senffrom the Home Onlce on the "day after thc; death proofs were .forwarded and; the: ; . promptness with which this claim has been settled,- attests the excellence of the Southern s 'business methods and' shows how?, the splendid home Company is keeping up. its record for prompt payment of claims. ; V , v Z- '- -r-. . - ' - r-l"--r JL thank . you and congratulate the people of vthis section in havinVstarted a good . strong Company here at home, that we can all patronize with perfect confidence. -f -T" i - -V--- "'y .Yours very jruiy,; h ... s , (Signed) Z: T McMillan, ;? Administrator. i V - Ever y-Bqhcy-Hqld iPpbsited mth the lowingr- cerjmcate;iia,ae afpart of each-policy: - ji-- -iT . it.1- . v-Jfci- - . -- - Stta of North1 Cbto Dept nMutlvarf, - V TMsolicy is Registered and ! It 4. 3 n; n. wiLtiAisoifrPrsidttit," JN0. aJoATEK SecreteryV AGENTS: HECTOR McLEAN, AND A, BAB5ER. C. J. COOPER, General Manager - t I . S i ... . t : GEO. w; HUGOINS, Jeweler and Watcb Inspector for A. C. L. Ball Road Co., - ' 103 Slarket Street; - f - VILMLGTON, 1 T ? N. C. ! - We are now better prepared to donr ratch work than ever before. . -r , "WKen -weEpromise work", at a eertain time you can set it. " We also hava the "finest line ofOIa monds, Watebes. Jewelry. Sil verware .and Cat - Glass that, has e.ver beenjmj axathe jmarket 'We in Tite your inspection. - J- o 31 Robeson Cenntr. " Court. W. J. Slacabnrn, Plaintiff, s. Maty L. lackbnrtt,Xerendant. r"-.--To Mary L; Blackhurn, the -defendant above named:' r - ' You will take notice that an action enH uued as above -has beeir "commenced in the Superior Court of HobesOn county for jUie purpose of obtaining a - divorce from the bonds f matrimony existing between the. plaintiff and the defendant; and yon will further take ntoice that jr ou are re quired to appear at' the next tent atkm Snperiot Court of Roaeson ceunty to be held on theth Mienday after the ttt Monday -in:' September, 1907-, (it being the 2nd day, of Pecember, 1907 , at . the .. v-t , r rWJLLr - "?A H1??.? cbmphunt in said action or J KoticeC IfonTB Cahokiha, - -In the Superior GZCnGZA, TO XXAXXB A TC3T. Fireilnsurance! - i SH.-HAMILTON, ; "VTestern Union Telegraph Office." 1 - a1 B2MS cf ihis nsol shoe lies .. J " ' Sold By :4 ; - "- Lumb orton, N. O, 6EO.S.nACKER:fiS01l 3 . ' "V 1 . r . . liANUACTJRES OF, . c rs, Casb. CHaf Uonllnss. Calilng UaterlK ' Sasb -VeI;ys and Co.4.. . - - . Purchase our makes, which we guar antes superior to any sold South, and thereby" save monej. Window aadPan cy Glasaa Cr-ciHy " , . . 4.20 InXcss cf Sickness V Or accident rrouct yourself and family by taking a Policy in, the iUnited - SUtes Healtu'and Accident Insurance Comf a nv..of Samnaw ? "VHcnn - 1 - o " 9-19 the plaintiff :, will apply to the court for This 2nd- day t3 November, 1907. X'H. HUMFflRBY, -Vr . Snperior Court.; W,JEii;Kblawv Attorney for Plaintiff Administirator's Notice. y Having qualified as Administrator; cum testamaito annexo, of the estate bf Mra. Maggie Stone, this is to 'notify all personi having claims against said estate to " pre sent them to the undersigned on or be fore the-Jth day of November, 1008, or tbianoticrwU be plead in barof their recovery.. AR persons indebted to said estate will please- make' immediate pty ment, - . , - - -, - - . ': This November 4th, 1908 " V 1- -Vi " : P-P.BRITTr- . ' 2' ' . -Administrator CUT. A". E. J. Britt. Attorney.' r;; Sierffl's Salcfidsr Execstlca."'- Under and by virtue of r cution to me dueted bv tlie rwv Superior -Court of Robeson county; on4 Judgment No. 8914, entitled McAllister I iiaraware v-ompanv vj. Frank A art, X will, on the and day of December, 1907, joffer for sale, at the - court house uoorin juumoenon, . c, at public auc tioncto the highest bidder, ior cash, the ivuKnmi uuuumumu in Knnitnvit. ship, Robeson, countv. Stat. Af Tfewtf. Carolina, bounded nd described as fol lows: " . a. - , - - s ' - Beginning at a stake on the Jowir of the SUge Road abont Hiliv low the old homestead. the and f sat t, ana runs m the StageRosd SoLth 30 West 54 chaiss - to the dower line-, -then as it South 85 East 15 chaias 4V a uulc ayu uuiiiicrs in nrasfh in h Mower line; thenr N rth 50 East 47 chains w tt si-ate in neiu; men xNortn 57 West 15 chains to the - beginnieg, containing 98 acres, ad being the same land conveyed by A. S. WLihart and wife to Frank A; Wishart byeed recorded in book 4 Ks Pge 351 in the office of the Register of Deeds of of Robeson county, N, C, f t --Luis saiewuiDe made subject to-the ife time right of A; S. Wishart and wffe. This and day of November, 1907. " Sheriff of Robeson County. NC ii-4-5tnon - - v! vN" J A fifatfing Atlanta BeyvMlcan A Waul Find anTow Georgia ?ncmacaus Stand. Waahtnjrton Correspon4eaee f Th.Chir- lotw pbserver . If those people wba hare been babbling .so much aboafe the growing popalaritr of President Roosevelt in the South really want some xacts upon -wnicn to base t their -v statements r:, the should go abont it in a sane -way. Let tbem follow the example of a leadine Republican of, Georaria. the Hont.-T.' M. Blodgett, of Atlanta. - He, proposes to settle thismomentous question as to w ao is the more beloved among (ieorgia icepn blicans, Theodore Roosevelt or Joseph'? Benson Poraker,:in single combat. To this end he has .sent; a formal- challenge to the " Hon. .Francis Hi Hitchcook, First - Assistant Postmaster ' General and general pulse; feeler for the' administra tion, to a joint debate to be held at Mtcon November 20th to de cide! then " and there '- whether Georeia Bebablicans are for the President or .whether they- are for Foraker. Mr. Hitchcook has been making some remarks to the effect that Roosevelt is popu lar amoDg Georgia Republicans, and Mr Blodgett waDts him to meet him in .mortal , combat at which the question which vis agitating K the entire - country could be finally r determined. ?cln his letter of challenge 1h& Geor gia cLampion declared: - - . "And regardlesapf what my brother, Edwin , F Blodgett, of Atlanta,; and: Harry-, Stillwell Edwards, ,of Maconmay- tell you . about tfie RoosSvelt and Taft sentiment in ; Georgia, I will demonstrate to your entire satis AN AGE OF WONDERS. t The Twentieth Century to C Urked. by Xlost XleniarkahJe K ZSvents. --. V- - Vromtlte Boston Globe.' - , . v - - r'- .' . The present VwpulationJ of -the world is living in a t wonderful age. - The history, of ' the ? nine teenth centurj is foil of events which caused astonishment, yet things of an equally remarkable nature appear destined to mark' even the first twenty-five years otthe twentieth century. Aiew wonderful achievements in this century are worthy of considera tion. - . ,v - .-:';:. .'A few-weeks ago thej-esidents of London were gazing in ad mira tion at the movement pf an aerial ship which floated -. gracefully over the thousands of buildings in that great - metropolis;- propelled at the rate "of - twenty ; miles an hour; but its voyage was limited to a total of about fifty -two miles; This aerial ship: was constructed and .'r owned by , the government, and .Londoners probably;; felt that in time . of. war they would be provided with enough of such air craft fort-the purpose of ob serving the forces of an enemy, as weu as, to drop; explosives therefrom.'..- . ;j ' -V -s Paris has-been experimentina successfully-' for , several i years with similar, airships.'? and the Frenchmen are "far in Arlvanr nf the Britishers in this class of experiments. And t now -the ' United " States comes to the front -with: balloons" that are making -record flights throughout.) the West, - soaring over the Great bakes, , and even venturing as far -as Canadian very important purposes.,' V Aerial navigation may be in its infancy, -but its, progress is' destined jo be so very rapid that the present generation will wit ness wonderful achievements in it. How many;, individuals of the last century: would have believed it possible f or many .thousands of words be .sent - across the Atlantic Oceanby wireless itele graphyJn the early yearsjpf this century?, Yet this ;has been accomplished. -rtf - - In this electrical' world the number of inventions isunlimited and the most distinguished elec trician does not dare to prophesy any limit to them In I fact, it is felt that th's century will witness even more marvelousachieve ments through ' the. aid of elec tricity than :any ? yet known. Even Edison, in spite of his phe hbe.- cine -bv - a renort I on their - territory. FUghts of hundredsicovery of a method of ; removing of miles of these' American . bal- birthmarks by.Jh.a action of jad: faction that no menln America T. I,'. McDIARinD, . District Agent.- Remember, vrhc a you discen tinui year advertisemenfla t'-e new;p-"cr, rsany ?opIe say yot"- ui-: -tine: I L-::::3. . ' fr. -e Wanted. By yennjr married nun -of s r business exDorience. to invest LumberToii. with rvriviTpo-B r said business. Address 7 - - "r " ; INDUSTflY,-JUi-imon careJBLobesonian.' ?3.i3 Couad Trf ta Korlolk, Va. The Seaboard now sells coach excursion tickets for all trains on -Tuesdava eai Fndays to Portsmouth, for 5.25' ii i sevea days; season tickets, tu?: f d c' ia45J ioidays, 9.45. ' - For other infon-na.. n see vc " JL . , . c.ix.c -, . , , are- so universally despised by the Republican's of -.Georgia ; as Roosevelt and Taft. - r " "If you -will not takepart in the discussion, I invite "yon to come and ; see that Twhen I poll the house no Roosevelt and Taft m en "will respond to my calL and then see tow sptntaneoua is-the response given to the name of Joseph Benson "Poraker, of Ohia.. . - Great interest is manifested in the coming contest, if JJr. Hitch cock can be induced to ; accept. It is cnique, but scarcely " more so,th3n all thirds are cc::d2rcdf- than the proposition cf tl.3 Re publicans of Ohio to :ttl3 the qcsstlcn cf who hiU hi tba next President bf the United GtitC3 by a Hsput lie" n priirj ia th3 Bt-tocfOLio. - Ccr:tir-tic-. izi;:i:ra tZrivs 1 . C.. .1 . JL1 I ---3 t. " loons are becoming common now by real "sky pilots ' Our War Department -Ofacials are excusable for' feeling highly elated over the - remarkable suc cess of these American balloon pilots, for It means that in time of war the! United States .will be np to date with - any other power in this particular line." In the last century ballooning was -"looked npon as merely a fascinating and dangerous amuse taent; now it is being utilized for lr ? -.Uy Best rrlez2, .r Alexaadar Benton, who lives on Hural Konta 1, Fort Edward, N. Y., tiji", "Dr. Eire's New D13. covery is my best earthly fricni. It cured E3 of eth:a six yczi3 po. It his aho pczfcrnrla wond3rful ctrra cf incij!:zt cu er:r:pti:n for nv sca'3 IL3 ::t bettli e::I tL3 t:::i3 cc--h rr J this ccr:: ' - J. tL- ciL:rc J - --- Tl-ft C- J cE;: D' -. -I c z c nomenal success, Is still so. fasci nated with : the possibilities of new.discoveriesrthat be cannot retire 'permanently from the field. ? There is scarcely-a lead ing industry in the land that has not;' experienced v a- benefit from some species ox electrical equip" ment in recent years. $ f , 'c ' Theiist of extraordinary events and anyentions during;' the first years of this century : is a' long one, hut the slightest considera tion of it will convince) any : one that be is living in . a -wonderful age. .-.v1--. -r" t,- : - . Ratflnai Efface Eirtfrmkrks. New VorkTimea,1- - ' Two of theforemost ; physi cians .of Parish Drs.'Wickham and Degrais, have created a sen sation at the Academy ; of Medi- TLIT. EXJA&X UATTEBS. - Bad ttaads imd ISrltfacsUeDtloa cd AgalttScbpol Bcgiii Uon 5 day. -V-T'i l-X--i-'h'' "Mrf: C-: R Tatnm, - of , Pair Bluff, visited friends here yes terday, r , s . . Mr. S. St Martin has returned to his work at St. Paul's.4. ' Mr. Fuller Waiters, " of Board, man attended Sunday . school Sundays jt 1 .i-I want.to-say atew words about the roads.I want to tell the man who wrote r concerning bad xtadthatTcan show - him, some bad bridges without going to Bap Suck, ,;if he will come around' 4 The trouble lothis sec tion' is there aren't any: bridges at - ftU-r-uothing' 1. there but the place wber.the bridges should AIR LINE RAILWAY. Tlifi"rlbsiiInttet6-N6rfQlk 7" Jamestown Exposition, : Hampton Roacis, X vV5' ; - ? j Norfolk, Va. - ApriC26th to November 30 uh,Tl907:- ium ft Such . marks have hither to- been believed' to be indelUble. The new"1 method . has . proved equally successful in the case of adults and children. ' The marks4; are effaced J?y the simple application of a jplain sur face covered - with 'varnish con taining radiu m. The action ; is regulated; i by-' the: length :and frequency of-the applications ' -A series -of watercolors ex Ihibited at vthe academy: shOTred the gradual; disancearance cf birthmarks - subjected to" the treatment until not the Elihit trace cf the disfigurement re mained. The application ere absolutely pdnbs3. - Tfca trc; V mcnt xzzv t3 tprlicl to cn. iIt during l:?p. " - : r?. Lis r,-,.Iv tepi Tro.I!-l Vt r. l -;.il i. 2 ' . Vr i t .'t Hitjf 'li.l,- "'.-"-r; - : ' " ii a l . v 1 f r - t. i r' - Sorry, to hear of the death of Mrs. Brewer, of Boardman. -I think there Jwill be another wedding soon, from - the looks of a bouquet I saw ;-ff ii" " The schooKhere will y start "Monday, thelfith. MessrsSam Graham and Thaddens Stone will teach.; r , V ! Mt. Eliam, N. C. Nbv. is; liWhl 6ENEOAI. NEWS. - - if ' cChai Tracy J3arneyt the. de posed president of the Knicker bocker Trust Co. and until re cently a power in the .financial world shot-and killed himself at his home, in New TYork ou the Hth, The directors of the -Jamestown Ter-Centennial Company decided on thenurht of thal4th in favor of runninff thevf Expor sition next summer, provided SAW, WO tan be raised by ponu- laf subscription r in tidewater Virffinirto tide over- the win ter; for exploitajion and to pro vide" operatinsexperisesr " . iThe-Hercules IJitrocrlvcerin factory, a mile and a .haiL east bfBradner, O., blew' up .with terrific force Wednesday. .On ly three employes were in the neighborhood when the explo sion occurred. 7. CSsco was burned to death, John Wash- turn was clown to' fragments andt Hepry ,Easton, supsrin ttndent of the factory, was probitly fatally injured. Noth iz7"rc2in3 cf t!.3 fictsry. A J ; SPECIAL BATES FROlt LUiERTON: X: Ronnd Trip Season Tickets, , ' - - .50 ; " " - Round Trip 60-day Tickets, - - - - ,10.45 , Kfc ; r 'J Round Trip lo-day Tickets, - - - 9.45 - , . :VV Ronnd Tnp Coach Excursion Tickets, 1 " . S-lS--"' . Coach excursion rate sold Tuesdays and Fridays, limited eeren daya'and endomi "Not Good in Sleeping; Pullman, and Parlor Cars." '- ' - - - For rates from other points, apply to your nearest Seaboard Agent. 'or reprasentaJ. tives named below. . . ; -1 - . . - r . - TJriexcelIed Passenger Service Seafibard Air Line Railway 'A -Watch for Anionnccmeht of J-ow. Excursion 'Rates and Improved Schedules. ? r, - v? - . . . i. -,--; ; - 1 . Forinformation and literature address ' ." r 4 i. fr v C II. OATTIS, T.P. A., Halefgh, If. C. . R.- C BIRMINGHAM, Agent, LnmbertoxCN. Cr To Visit The - : fecrnui UcD -.-v- " Jam ir3 j-.i 1:1 tb2 cartn shows - - - j - - - t j r t r r '.:-;t-ia r.":' 1 T xBosuion. It IffX3ompleto;in Every .Department r The UaKPathVAir Ship i and Haual Display Will Interest and Instruct you Do not Fail to Go at once. For beautifully illustrated folder contain ing maps, descriptive matter: list of Hotels, ete; vmt9... i--; r r, 7. . -t v J JCH AIG7 : - - ; : ,5 : T.C WHITE, Passenger TraSe Maaager. : , "Gearal Passenger Agent; " "Avlaiitic- Coast r r- THE SHORT THROUGH-OR LINE. 1 r r f M M w v..

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