Bast- Lro:; r. caoir, - 0ce la FL-t National lank Ea33ing T:A.ncITEILL, V" , Y; Aturaey at UWi " 7 -vni'nrtieeiaU the Courts. ness attended to promptly. ; ; WADB .v WISH ART, ATTORNKVA'TLaW, ' "iUMBERTON, N. C. " . . Prompt attentioagivea to all hnsiuess. , Office oyer Bank ot Lumberton. 8-1 , -; Attorney af Iw, ' t. til Vi Y j c7 t -i - LzTt I-"2 t;2 " " L-t 11 yea tl!!: t i 3 , r : "a trt tsa al'j t r:l:r3 . 1 v tie est af tlct T5:. :lwia every lctzz l-j uz.mu3. - Lov ccr rccc n n LUMBERTON, N.C 1 1 n UCr'l'TSTILS r All business entrusted to him premptlj attended to. . " ,. Office in Shaw Building. - . - A.lCeLaa. a.wsmuw, jTj.G.MoCwmica. - , EcLEO, CcLEil & UcCCRTICX, ATTORNEYS AT 14; 1 LTJMBSRTOK, C ;-; Dffloei on Jnd Coo of Bank'of Iittin. ; Jjertoa Building, Bootna l, S, Prompt attenlioa given to all bnslno OHAa B; SKIPPER, ? r It L-J. Teaa. -I.rJli -i razy . At t-ct I ts:i sal ka fosiJ li O txt idoa I rer used for fcrsaala i , -trances." - ' v . - , 11 I stating at and deecritm yMP-. ? toma, to txuitet Advxsorv Oet. The Chattanooga Mefiiclno Co, Coattanooga, . Jenn. a U 3 cr: c3 !3 loves, stratc-.cally c.ip: :d 1-st year H,U rit3 piec23 cf call, - - : . It is evident tn&t to r tnesa postal cyriia, zz that their units are net u: raudulent purposes, is ttz of a Titan, who. fcovever. unobtrusively as Posnaster Uca eral George vca L. Meyer. " ' Crimes of CA kinds jccrr:ctca with the post-cfjee areputllahsd ia a joarnal . never seen t? tns ordinary, public -tha Dsrreda- tions Bulletin of , tna L:rviC3, which must read by every soldienof the postal array txder Dainof fine. And,', as yea nay suppose, the work of what I may F . .1. .1. -., 1-. I. ..a-.!.a4Ua Mitt can me secret) Tserviwwi iu y ofSce is immensely intarest'-s. -Monday , raorninff frequently brings a startling -wire tOLB-Ctita t . .... . ; J. , r - Trcsidcncy, forced npcD tin Iho ccnvc-tica of l'JOO, czzzzt: -ci tbstUru-tcra bobni-er3-t3 l":7 tccsapliah t 3 f ' 3 t-lr cf crsu-'ion now. c.:r, d 3 ICit 1 v e A i strcra epen ths .fact tzzx t:.3 ia scription 13 never spolrca of nitb rsverencs. tut h:s cftca sublet of . jsst and acouatinstosacrilese. - TL2c;3 of tha-Bottb onj-coirTtcn-s ta cheapsn and d?Krads- it, ia h:s dlv.- I bivo r!it:rci for IL2 t:ichsrs cf til tha nrcics w to have a lict cf ths pupils ,00 tl.3 honor roll in tilths crudes pablishsd at tba end of - every month. All studenb will be II " ; tiaccd on this roll - tho . hare .n r v. v- w,. tamR3 or in aaveruseiaeutd. - r:r7 ----- ---- cay dot hi 3 ia a message address ed to the .convention itself; per haps tha demand for his nomina ticn may become so strong be- ore !tha assembling pf the con-. vention that it Vill be necessary ar hini-to sneak with positiv nr-.a ts tha CICCticn 01 ueis He will do, - "iUMBSRTON, C-; " All buaineaa ntmated to blxn -will r cdTe prompt and carrJulattentios, - Office In First National Bank Bnildlnj 4vcr Pott Oi2c. : ryDody Attomey it Uw, ; ; -4:;; j-; -'J'Ltjmbbbtos, N." v j: " Office upste'ra is Argua Building. . , AH business promptly transacted. - McTntyre & ; tawr evict 'Attorneys and Counaelora at Law, LUMBERTON, "s V '? Attontiofn v Closings Oiit Business. Dressed Flooring and CeiR ing Must Be Sold."; - ) , i Don't Miss Tbi 1 " ; - : center ''PostrOfSce robbed last aicrht fsafe blown with enncot' ton or nitroclycerin-'? Aa"in- Dector is on the spot as fast as express - trains will, carry bin And a stringent inquiry b begnn on the spot." .Occasionally susf oicion-iaus on an insiG3 naa who, if convicted, is taken oexore the Federal conrts and sentenced to at least threa years. I may mention here that everyl post- 6f5ce in the country is penodi firc-' 5fi. '.U.r J. .),. ih in . hohld br soae in ill tudie3. difTerenco between secular .and . N0t absent durinfr month; holy things by studying ins The foUoiu exception ; is vTovda of: Jesus Christ vrhsn nel d to tMa rule:; mf days OZL iffinanSTS&M of grace will be granted taevery earthly J and heavenly au to t.hnritv Render'toDaesar the pupil kept away on. account . 0 sickness or other proTiaenwa ihirs "3 1 hindrances. ) - - " . ,4. Not punished more than tour tines caring the raontn. -5 Deportment not lesa than The report,:-rnade by the Onou Oiir Aiimjar Casli ClearitiK ale OtL Iiov. . iC07. 'A ' . " I I Open at 8 . ni. , This sale will touch every part of our stock t; - iroa the urocery oepartment to.iue oijk c artmens. at prices that will be satisfactory in the, trade; II is nur - purpose io run fronra twenty to. thirty tlwusarid dollar sale .in thirtT davs from November S0ihlrAV have run this kind ot sale before aoLpur friendi know , fonrexpericnce that we positively, r- - -iiC-yKSt his-; friends insist, whatever is mat are i-ae&ar , u .--r necessary.- . ' things that are God To be obliged to decUne a .rres- 1 ne govemmeu rlC idential nomination, with . stress btates is wrong, nuu vu r evelt a peculiarly iconpliraenta-j cause in this -J?rt7 """.rteachenof the7steral grades ry place in American history.- tie mmure o uSiu" hr:"- forrthe month ending li o is alreadyagreat- preaecen- n. a u - r""J is a follows: ereakcr.- Jtie has oeen tne oniy or oujyuess uo man to gainto tbe Presiflency on mon arjags , tnehw. ' Rosa RaTbon. Abner th deatb,of his predecessor.wno man., xu ui u "".v- ev tX,;, rc-,rk rVrnon hasavtrrcccivedthanoTainationof chastity, and will serve the devd KashJohnme wr . A'A ?L " ,:'nL:.-. . a. rSome months I Townsend. Elizabeth-isfeart, .. . - . -.. . . . . - . - . . f Dd Got fold Back aoy ol ;0ur Best Goods But on the contrary, alLgoods on Vur .floor are offered at greatly reduced prices. In these sales we tarry a general line and can suit and fit almost every one.2 ?Our line of and First Grader-Mary W00 ths deathlof his predecessor.wno man. KribMmeSlnK aio debate raged ttgb over the Liie Stephensbt. Proctor, which the. political philosophers question whether j money dis- Mary" tttttfa&Mr ., . f . v ; 1 rfaorl Tens not m ltse.ll rv.-i - TT T5rtf MAW Ta nn likelv that he tainted a question that was ,ier Noraent.HarrU Ham- bo'down into history as the thrashed out :nnBrj3 phrey.Carlyla rertha,Gwnde-.owascompeUedtoresoH r"uT;:' jto the m MthiTr f rorxT. stiff to Mate avoid a third term.-. Wash; that some teacher. Ruth . Branch, ' "Aiuinrrton coum, ox ..wutsc, WHUt;s tuewcuauu K "u.-A fV,;rA form Jftrlc W 'n" miKht,. with be holy u -. UiV.riMTnfiete4- one. al- Saintis : ners, ana cierKs.are 511 wsu,. i:rT' - -r t ,n lu-j tainted- money ats, Clothing t Is right up to the standardr-our stock immense. ; ;It will all be offered at greatly reduced prices. ;Wehavef a nice line to select froth and will make special prices on all " ft RUGS, CARPETS AUD i IIATIIUGS7SBE ; THEEI. R H riHIIlI 1UI 1V. -er , 1 : . ' m . ... f . fct: IkKllf ff.ILin -. 1 llli;4( .lll HI U llllUll a d Aa Uoitthat some other money must Wm-brnkhawTe yn sidntfcd in these sales. It is notour pur -tbrt the.Btnn seu ! 1 u ea oeniein, xauo 4 :T-- b- . t6Arednce. this mammotl I'at rtuejconwinnw sena lines are ir.o . 4 r .Vm TAnr;a,v ;VpTitorv.:rhe c Last CJreatXbancclcharges more or less inorl tndicated an es-t down to saintly gold, isbe not a t ht by Miss ,-RewUnd). SlLYSSSr: tid falling off. from his first; rebel agaiutt his own Duiei chirlie BnnetKi:arah Branch aw iv4ivwiwyf ' " ' . li )U Pt We-hate "a large, line of Underwear at greatly reduced .:nri-, IWfi also earrvHarness and Hardware. "A full line r " ,' -1 ii rp . il t I. T l Ml an ui wuicu win pose toetire stock before bargains will here for you. Comei and' get them. " R J. BR1TT, ' ATtoamnr At Law, - ' ZttunDerton, N C , ' Office over Tope's Drag Store. I SOUTB E ASTEE1I LUII8ER CO . FAIRtlONT.N. O. ,7, : r . -s-.n.iii PwtidAnt tyrant s mg care8Bn,r hundred and six delegates who famous three who bal- if he does; does, he not oecome , , Breece. Dewer Breece. mi - .. '- .Ma T rnn n n tiuw t ... - - .... 1 1 Vl If i. . 111. 1! I'U 1 V B i ' ' '"K'.t-i, : ; th. .toodbj hio .through many Niti..;: HunDhreT.. ..-Hubert li T .. kmmJM mmw -!' -r 4T J... W , IIcLEAN & BLACK, . ATXOSjrsys a Iaw, , ' Offices in the McCaakfll Bnlliag. ' STOCK. REMEDIES. Etcty bottle of Dr. Ednrand'e Colli and Long Fever Cure is Guaranteed fo :oHe. trraveL tmeumonia, stemafihe and lunx fUaorders. Atoo a blood purifier, Dr. W.O.EDMUND, vu ', Iionberton N. Qf .Dr, N. A. -Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SUAGEOV, IVumberton nfS. at HoDital. Phone No.'-4X. office overlDr. McMillan't Timw Rtore.- Calls Dromptly answered i- nigbt-tsr day, in town orHn the country," rv - 1 r CJ. : - : ri: J.w.Iiawlcii inspector lor an4 flaWS 0 which . BwiaMer. HebOT,o oOranr WM a.;:jM :liaIBeof.the Third Grd-Ag.ta :Uc- O-AV.?'"E"!.?--: W?SL-bS!Mto??S-S: JSaS!?teSS "fe'yi".8 BW: WchT.;-' JeannetU Q mum..... iseives. .iuuu . iuui . rriu-4.-..wrtn0 ah thortr. I value that mansma Ultrwa wr ; - ; " . .1 is .c. ghicaga Board: of Trade, - jb to it,,': Ohrisfiaaa willbpt P"::iw:. drirleSain 'Mc Dr. B. T. ALLEN Dentist " 'r A LUMDERTOM, N. CJ Odce orer Dr. Mcllillsn's Drug Store v ; DR. J D.7REQAN, . DENTIST,' Y 1 -. Ltjmbmtok, !-, r N. 9. - OiSee ia iaw ' building, orer Pope. -. " ' 3. drug suxe' .lDr;P.H.PITMAlTt DEf4T13T. Ash pole. WILMINGTON, 7 We are ww better prepared to" do our ' watch work than ever betore. When wepromise work &t a certain 1 time you can ct it. " t w alaotiave the finest line of r Dia monds. Watches. Jewelry &u verware ana Cut Glass that has ever been Out uuou the market.: We in- j. . --v. ,,..s-'','"rJ, :-'-v:,..i. 'r',: Tltc your iBBpccuoia--r, . - w v ' Land for S?le. r: : As attorneTS for Lola May Wright,- we offer for sale a tract of .land, , 142- acres, lvinir about three miles South of Wakul la, a station on the Atlantic- Coast Line Railroad, adjoining toe tanas at x . Cotlingham, . J. wrCarter and others. Any person desiring to purcnaseuus iana will correspond with the undersignea. ; ,,'MclKryjtBiStlAwaENC.., - : ; Attorneys for Lola ilay Wnght. 11-14-Str ' 3, ' - .. A Good Farm fcr Rent It is a three-horse iarm, on the main road from St Pauls to Fayettevttle, three miles north of St, Pauls. , It has a good dwelling house, with needful outDuiid ings, good well, etc. Has also a commo dious tenant house! For particulars comr municate witfi - Ret. Joseph Evans," ' ular call Roosevlt are' r. ; . i no-: 1 neeniiariy cemniimen var j 000.000 -to., getrich qick,;nd D',;uf ' Th Mr; alone, .All clases are aflecUd, vuuuv.jr u - irom ine lannureBB wo mo ior j , t ' :Qi.a -dher- that gigantic artery. - 4- - a.. - A.m-"'-i k ' uniy.xne ouier. uy u - nM hta lnn- reader writes naa,i a isrr liiJOiU as '. we mma . .l,-. ... . ... . . aid I irMF RAILWAY. TheExp:os'itiotf Une to Norfolk nificant, But there is less .need McGill, .Came JeP ' - - " NetteBeref-l - v-:fr- chas. .7.i v. Jameatowii' nf nlariticr, a . C10US -mOWO - - f . .i the coin thanapon .xne nag, where; of course, all Americans know it is wholly superfluous. - nrmnfEmma Soivev. Oscar Waltfersi I . ... - -T TTif tb mde lNeme , reyer- Exposition ! teacher. an Beckwith.' .ir-t..:;f.,; JSeventh V Grade-Ma-m t e prising J; i'i TbeNopareli State. - -" :'f ' Cbarlotts Otomri . r . , , ' r . - Tn 'renlv to a statement re ti wa iPwwwoa C3entral tie' Edwards, Emma .Higley, . eeor't imnrismt. ruistttuuc iwb. i - . .-; . . . nMln ti a ment and a fine of Amateur f "rrrTiT- 7.?. florists all over, the country had 5 Vw" nTthpra ia a taneent or straight wJf, for years been receiving -aSf termasfullv as stretch eigbty-seven miles long. TjihOrade Leila Gill, imporUnt as it it naa oeen wru- xu19 hm teacher. - llary Jaens, juina ten intoourorganic law. ;It has feel : much kindnas tto . pitman, Mary probably saved us from a contin- wriiur. Hnne. Bell Rozierr - ; ous Presidency, such as tha 01 ny.'ivB AVe urce the patrons of the ttwrnuttrjco, Mowjy. reirae vooerate with the maerogawon or me meais ui pmic wu . vA:tAt- ily, teacher: Sixth Unwte liami JLvenr, t MamTJton toaa&- " r iwiiyi v c. Calhe Edwards, tBry-j.. ; . a-i nfh April 26th1aNovember 30h( : 1607.'. fiPEOlAli BATES FROM LUlBERTQN: monad Trip Seasoa Ttcketa," 1' i" J. v "-50 " ' Round Trip 65-day Tickets, - . ' s ' ,0"5: Round Trip iCMlay Tickets , - 9-45 ' Round Trio Coach Excursion: Tickets,, . . 5 5 s s -l.j i " n.eam aTi wriAftW limited seven daTsand endorsed (oeaooara Air xwt) ubwu vl ra &c J"1 wlotGoodinclecpuig luman aimrwrai vjus. FTnndrtxl. N. C.2 and Navassa, N.f Tanio CiitI vie. Johnnie vllC-t , : , J . i For rates from oinerpoinu, appij w joutucaicsi ouwuu rv"--, tives named below. - Ne C : t Stove and Heater Wood. ; , FurnishecTon short' notice anywhere is-town in any length desired.;. Prices rieht. s PHONE No. ia. 1 ! r i ' v -. - ; ED. T. BOONE,- : . .' 8 ?2-tf V . Lumberton, N.'C .:. -Y;v For Rent." ; a mnnA frmr-horsc farm, located one nnnrter miles from Pakton, N.C trtn ? n drained, and adapted to truck fanning. Has three good dwellings "and all other uecesary out houses. Ten ant preferred, who-can furnish his own . . . 1 .4 n. ,n " ' t" ' ii-il-tf:" Parkton,:N.C Wifta at mea aafl learn waeeeur beat positional and best salariea for wr cradaatea, Buy qeyserite, .: - . . KIIIGOglOILETSOftPS, f Once you try it,-yott will always like it" v --sold By . - , . . J; EL WISBLART, - Riltlgb and Cbarleston Raflrcai Timetable No. 4. .taking 'EUecil Sunday, May 5th, 1257, ot Lv. k M 4i l a tl i"7 THE ; DUGGY MAN," Carries the usual Large Stock as bere 1 tcfore fonnd with the old firm of Linkhaw & Company. - Several car loads on hand at all times. You can f, find just what you want. The Styles ' e-e n-bt up to date, Stick Seats, Rub- ber tires, Plainand Fancy Tops, Wide " and Narrow Seats, High and. Low ' Wheels, &c. ? The makes are among the Most Popular and Substantial sold ia the South. Hackney, Wrenn and - abcocy are our Leaders, j Other I r-akes on hand. Every Buggy fully .." ,'arranted. " . i. ; -" 1 1 Wasons. we don't, think the - - Hackney na an equal ra miav coun - try. - We have them in aU sizes, both one and two-horse. Also Piedmont. Hickory, aud other make. -In buy- - ing a wagon you make a mistake it you fail to buy the best. 'Wherever - , a Hackney goes it makes fiiends and --' customers. An inspection is all we esk. Great variety of Harness, Sad . dies, Eridles; Collars, Robes, Whips. -. In tiy absence you will receive court eo'i3 atter.ti: i fiom my salesman;' Jit. Arch IIorriron, who will make I tl 2 Lowe-t Possible Priees in keeping v h Good Goods. Terms Cash er on T. 3 with ;Arity. - , '. . ' K SOUTH BOUND. 2 Y-;;;. ;t;.;i:;-vNo.;r.;.No. 5 Lumberton, 1 n.50 a to Pope, 12.05 p m 3. to Kingadale, .. "Proctoryille, " Barnesville, Flowers, ' : Marietta, Hoknesville, -Pages MiU, " Kemper,' " 1 F .May, - , - Uier, I.V3 v ta 12.2a ia.37 12.43 'I ia.49 " . " 54 " 1.00 - a.30 -55 3Q5 3-5-3-35. 3 5?. 4.1a Me: t" Squires, orr, IXtin i- Rogers. . Ar Marion, ; t.09 " 4.aa .1.14 .? 1.26 r-35 -I.50, v - 4-35 '55 5 5 5.50 'NORTH BOUND t,v. Marion, " ; Rogers, tT iZion, ' - ; 5.Fork, Squires,--; - "Mellier,:' "-May- y.'-: Kemper, ir: Pages Mill, " Holmesville, Marietta, . Flowers, . " -.Parnesville,' Proctonulle, u Kingsdale,"' rope,x Lumberton, 4-30 p ta , 4 44- . " "14-50 " . 5 500 . 5-03 5 6 - 5 09 " S-?a ,ir - 5-15 " 5.35 . 5.44 " 5-57 " 6.10 6.40 a 7.00 - 7.10- 7-33 7-37- 7-4r 7-5 ' 7-5S 8.10 8.30 840" 8 55. - 9-45 Ar .0.15 ;--. 10.00 630 10.30 -. tu.i. only tn Sunday, leayin T Aiinherton at I ijls a nh and arrives at Marion at 1.35 P'm.-." No. 4 runs only on bunday, leav.r r f fnrinn af J jr n m nrt krrivott at JSO. SKEI.T0X Y,TIW,IAMS, lYeS. L. A. roTD, Gea. 2Zr. r , - nrvlored catalosrues from him, and in every czt2 he c-z.;anced the discovery of a rare ana. marve lous flower, aud be agreed - to sendVa small, quantity of the precious seed for $1 a package. , In the first . flush of enthus iasm, lew -.amateurs let such a chance go by. Even professional florists subscribed.: On, .each nackaee . was the nsual .trade notice' that no guarantee could be; given -as to ''germinating cower: but as such a. notice ;js quite usual m the trade, ie.w Duy: Much anxious watching. care nl waterinff and weeding availed nnthinc. however.-and tor the most,nart' the gardeners con eluded their rmethoc3 ; were rrnrlftfn AO exotic fiower.v A New York woman thought other wise. : On receivms -her pacaet she took it to an expert and fouaa that the Diceless:"c2d', of that wondrous bloom cons'.ited entire ly of palm leaf fans crushed into seed-like fragments.; ---. Elr. Errmn Cays That a T7C1 Ac cept Democratic Kv..saaS3ai la 190S. . . . - LUeola Vet. Dlspsteh, Mth llWilliamX Brvan will accept the Democratic nomination for President in 1908, but he , wil neither ask nor make a fight for ik Ha nvA that f or a vear or mbrehe ha beeq pressed to an swer the questioo' 4WilltYbjJ accept the nomination?" and, he neiieves ie ouunt wmwu to an answer and .to know: the position he occui .as.. . A he question mat ouni. tnosr. lie savs. a vv..cvaci. ua nomination will strer jhthea the DemocraticVparty n:ore than the- nomination. of some i one else. Not only t3 not seek nrask for. the norait-Ltioa du he-wiir-not assume to decide the auction of availability and if the prize falls to another -fce st ill neither be disappointed nif disTrunt!ed.Atthes2E:s tics, he denies that be has waited hU innin-a desire to : see whrtm th'Ret;ublicin3 are likely to nlr-ic-tVor to ascer tain -the chance? of victory. 1 ' A I r" ' r - ;e.'.7"; P.-V 1:3. I 'i a r-rrrrr c:- ! -r i 5 ! : V - IT renublicanism. Moreover, President, uoose elt ,..:.- ' v..-. ..fir- . . . L . KU Can - CO OUli ? Ul , UUIVO li -watvm SOa bavintr achieved the luuest inflnrAnft)llblic aoDTOval. ; He ?u h hpon aoccessiui. notf mnesor ine roau wiweeu xuur 1 .'i ce liowerv iaission "urea j only in having two terms 01 the ivuie ana faim rwoc, wuw Uney at which 1,CW men. who Presidency, but he wiU have car- uninitiated trayerer cannot resist 1 t the glreets for the ried four Bepubhcanuongresses we .cQp'itr1.: 1 ".J?t- nisht are civen a 1 break fast of witlThim, a political teat oinoimenis ioa? n umm ho'Z coreeand rolls every morn- small consequence. W WM'ri incr at nn n'clock.isoneof the SSSS cST 'also" bearth? world , on most pathetic a hts in, alt the ' w vxS -L?nnt Afpat: straight lentrthi .-Everything wide; wide world. Long before uo W3 im .v y- 1 " . r - ,1 t., . r 1 consiaereu, wnere i. mere, su us nour 01 opeuin2vc jwvj other. State or country- that can I starving men stand in-a single rival North Carohna . ; nine that sometimes extends fori -'V - T?' - i blocks ia length, waiting for the TookUnte'a TaU for Copev f rftffand , roll. ' Duririsr the without having-experienced any Utiaiuie city. DisatehteawTark woria , t wintefj this breakfast "was r i f--!y ta " -:-'i c: - tXJZS Couai Tr! to riorT:- The Ee&Loard r.7 w m."s c--' r tickets for all' trsi-s' ori T'. Fridaj-3 to Tort --.: -. Vi, f . " seven dav?; sc. it.' ' -, .2.; -, f 10.45; l or c - r : and loops-witness especialy the teachers in boildinj np this famous winding ascent 01 tne thoner roil.. f ' - . . - . ; r. Blue Ridge at Round Knob, J . : -: JLH. Bentelle, opVr n UOAU Mfu. ww. ...... . . ...... ... ' A ". . above track during sixteen dizzy An Ar?el Izt7Z crcaa tsae- 7 'y"' Unexcelled Passenger Service Seaboard Air Line Railway -Aaich for Announcement of Low Excursion .Rates and Improved Schedules. ; ' .- f -- For information and literature address . S. : ; t C. II. 6 ATTIS. T. P. A. Ralelghrw. C. - C. BIUM1KGH AM," Ajsent, Lumber ton. N. C'- Via ThA nlJ ". marim" about the nitcher and the well applies even to the world rulers ,- jjormnai is the man who ca!n retire after two : terms in .the Fresiaency nf thft hittcrnees of , ajeaction m pap6Ifl5v0T;2 an electric light puU rope in the homeless nien sxd boys,and up .BSfc '?!J!!!:ift?. to date nearly half atailUbn ot mending . Mr.. Roosevelt;scontin- McCarthy, of this city, gaverthe r'C';.iroVVisit. It Io Opmpleto Jn : Every Departments The i tiier- i sKsBs. uar wilir snip ana uauai uispiay VZ52tfffi. SfJSL SCTb waiintorcst-cad Insect you. .-Do not FaUto Go As a result of the "mistake Mc- morning ftncljthe last on 4he ino: majJES,: deccnptayematUr, list of notSis; ex., Carthy.was taken to the hospital follow in? Easier, raorntn Af- 7litb: V -";r- " with martrsei tne muie a noiisifocrether theldt-ston auppuea.r, - " T- Xreneral Passenger Agent tr his' exalted olace in -history Ttaft.n0. - were ne 10 oreaa me Hhft tradition now . others wouia do it after him. Tan it,be douot ed that the man who experiences thA irrcatest diCicuiiy .m main- tftinW that . tradition thereby wins for hiaself a title to endur inj fame? m his iace -ana sine- ,119 oareiy Jthis vea- over zjj.uuy : meals 1 a VIJ .rCnATfi. escaped being stamped to death and 1Q Q72 lodjir js to hone- .fsteajsr TrafSc-Manager. - X had been knocked down Special Employe-VV owe, 01 ir,T cold -first -move the the Southern Railway,- with ela TWaXaxativa CouhSyr- headauartera ia Wmston-baIerar nn act3 rentlv onthe boweb.drivea Was Hadlv beaten br a'.numberinnt the cold, clsars the head. ; It's of toughs whom he tried -to pjejisant to take and mothers high cats keep quiet on a trajn from ly recommend it for calds, croup Char - v - Saturday' . night, and whooping cough. Guaranteed Scr j 25 toughs , resented i 10 jyvBausiavyu" x "" fbrt will r bmad .to identify iSa finndlticsa and brin tkea to justice. - '' X CULFHU2. SATII3 AT IIOILE.' They Tlf tl the Ekia and Take Away its J 'feulr'-zr tills tedi Clia Diseases, ai irler',hfl'va whc!'on;e r'ow." ITow von a't Live t3r"cl taa Lf-h-prifM 1- r-ttve-j. Iutafawgpo' cfllxi ctcr'a LTrro Ertr a n tl; ttt t:-, r 1 ycu r-t a f . .-t Tu.; t -th r " -t i:i y:'.r e 1" r . 5. v IIlh.zcz-z'Z Li"no ErtFKira. T - ,. J -,.1'" ... m. .':ip-'.t;- - il isV.Ai,-: .l!-?trr ' .-'7C.: .. pi --. ; "11 n v Hi- L. &ked sweet avpfrs. -with boom rli Vriri CTomst relief for Const' nstiou. V, ot .wit emTM all-wheat bread wiU tvs nnt p sei. !tars tmdoabtedlT t a TegetaUa iwuefr ta rt-.jve every jiiiitse"t known to n.ll r s i"l e.a tot tmi .hature n-sy t- rii.. i. v.,j u riae bark o! a cer.u.a t-e ia t .. i. L.X.. 1 . ' r U - - 1 . I 'an i I: vn. - it5' a,. . ' It is fcr this (jrand, chibn-j ;-:. -T thrcpts work that raasa your AA Zrr kind and practical co-occration. I Z JX ILiU 4 The honelccs, friendless, dis-j heartened ana.ccsriinnj men aad bovs oi the liowery-are not native lie w .Ycrkers, J but men and boya who, nntil with in a year, lived happuy si ite c!d honscctcid with fithsr end mcthar.and cerhzs wi.5. They are stranded herendiadcipir appeal ts ths Old pstrery Uizr sion. which, let over thirty ycin,' hi3 . trsa to: t cstor tutiats, as the resect cHX-3 cf eld. a heaven cl - enccurrt- viuiiiaTo:i, n. cz THE SHORT, THROUGH-CAB LINK . J cent, rec and Shall're tam.tlitia prctccttoa. It rests with tha c: i . c- tv; jaw it r tlis country - ,1"..,' . I. y - , - T ri . TIT--.' -I GEO. S. nACSER & SOU l i:.::urACTj:iL3 of ; Mrs. Czt CIsl. Uoolilaffs. s, ' CsHIT I!z!trlk' ;SasI " -v F"rc!.2sec.r cike whitfU,rrr JPF ; c." ' r tj any sold South, iar : ' ?i -. -ej. Vniaw ad.n- .' ; - v : a L ; -ualty , .;;; 4 ; ..-saber, whenoadiscon- aavertiisraent i ....U3 your . : . t : "2U i 1V5 - : ple r

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