." ROBESONIAN Advertising Rates One Dollar and Fifty cents the Year. On Application I Country. God and Truth SINGLE COPIES 6 CHNT 5s VOL XXXIX vO 3 LUMBERTON NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY MARCH 2. 1008. WHOLE NO. 2334 ft U I' I j V ! A Hew Shipment 01 Seth Thomas Clocks J, Spring is the time to buy Watches and Clocks, and Boylms 3 w5 I Jewelrv Store is the e hive in stock Seth Thomas -rd Gilbert, the two best makes, how three styles m Se! h Thom as. If in need of watch or clock, COME TO Boylin's Jewelry Store. The K. P. Guano Distributor Scatters the Guano and Covers it. No waste around stumps and ends. Eo cogs and chains to clog and hieak. Nothing about it to break or get out of fix. Large hopper, balanced load, light run nina. Sows any quantity. Sim pie, strong, durable. Awardes diplomas y North and South Carolina Pairs 1904. Unqnes tiononly the only Entirely Sat isfactory Distributor before the people. IP For Sale by Leading IJcalers ia Robeson and Adjoining Counties. IM. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY Wilmington. N C. 1 "1 - rrrfiT''rViiii Why Pull A Long Face ? FOR HIGH PRICED COTTON. Because you need some new Furniture? Surely it isn't the expense that bothers as ou would know if you visited this s'ore. I Ins is the tune of year we alwavs make Special Prices On Furniture ! Which means that you ean supply your needs with High-Class Merchandise it even greater saving than our always Low Frices ordinarily affoid. ray us a visit ar.d we'll change your ace into a smiling one with our under pricing. Eagle Furniture and Carpet Co. T uiitbcrtoti, N C. Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Lumberton, At the Close of Business, Friday, December 13th, 1907. RESOURCES: ' Loans and Discounts, $132,769.05 Furniture and Fixtures, 3,383.27 Real Estate, 510.00 Expense, 164.08 CASH AHD DUE FROM BANKS, 109,147.56 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock, UudiYided Profit, Re-Discounts, Accrued Intereet due Depositors, DEPOSITS, $245,973.96 $50,000.00 8,918.30 8,000.00 120.74 178,934.83 $245,973.96 e- COMPARATIVE STATEMENT: December 13th, 1904, Debits, 1108,126.94 December 12th. 1905, " 143.958.99 December 13th, 1907, " 178,934.83 Cash 1 u all Amounts called for has been Furnished to onr D post tors at ALL TIMES. THE BANK OF LUMBERTON, (The Oldest and Largest Bank in Robeson Ceuaty. OFFICERS! A. W. McLE President, R. D. CALDWELL, Viee-Pres A. M WHITE, Viee-rrrs. I". B. TOWNSEND, Cashier, THOS. J. MOORE, Ass't Cashier. V M W -mm m a ave mi Money By Depositing it with Robeson County Loan and Trust Co. We will pay you Interest, Compounded every three months, and tnis will cause your depos it to Continually Grow. : : : : : A large number of Satisfied Customers is our Strongest Endorsement. : : : : - Opeti an Account with us, Either Large or Small, and Begin the Saving Habit To-day. Meson County Loan and Trust Company, After a Few Pleasant Remarks About the Recent Pythian Re- eentlon. President Barker Urges Men of all Vseatlons to Join tbe Farmers la tbe Move ment for Hlgber Prices Ir Cotton. Sditor of Tae Rob sonian : We regret that it was impos sible to publish the loUowii g communication earlier; it would have appeared last week but for unavoidable hindrance it was intended as a call to the meeting held today, but since it contains food for thought at any time we publish it with out further apology for the de a Editor. We attended b invitation lual Thursday evening a most delightful entertainment given by the Knights of Pythias of Lumberton. This was report ed in full by the editor of The Robesonian, who was there with pencil and paper in hand, but we cannot refrain from saying a word as there were so maay different features about it. There were many good speeches, or toast", by many that werethert-, then all emoked cigars, ate ap ples, orange, grapei ank ba nannas all together. It wa a most delightful occasion. If I knew they had it that waj every time I would waat t" send in my application, si re, but one thing promised raided a a question in my mind, and tha' wa. teat if Mr. McKenzK would join they would make him a better-looking man. That promise raised auestion. Th idea of improving on the looks of a man as well-favored as Mr McKenzie is something else There were many other ier' ures that were entertaining. There were two preachers there who seemed to get somewhai restless, as neither of them smoked a-d the cigars were passed around first; for there was a great pyramid ofiruit erected in the center of the building visible to all, and they I seemed to get somewhat jealous of each other, and they began to throw off at each other, but! just a little later the fruit was passed around, and from what I saw, between my smeking and eatieg fruit, they did an injustice te the fruit. As to themselves, Col. N. A. McLean said that would come after. Col. McLean and myself were the jurors. They say it is a charitable and benevolent or der, but Col. McLean never con sulted me at ail in regard to the verdict; if he had I would have contested for a verdict f suicide. But the good things said and done are too numer ous to mention. We are not here to make any harsh charges, but simply ask jyou to think, read and look for (yourself as to a move that is on foot to organize the intelligence i of the South and enable us to be of valuable service to each other, as a plank in the plat form of the knights provides. We afik vnu to look into tho justice of our claim. Tarn afraid we are like some people in the political world: we have not taken advantage of the available infermation to inforna ourselves as to what the Cotton 0 roers Association means to the South. Why, if you want to carry insurance, you can't doj it n low-price cotton: if you think you can, stop and sefj you ganization, but an organization c t ling on the intelligence of every man to co-operate with You business an i prof ea sional men are benefited more than the producer. I ask you one and all to stop and see if this does not coucern us all. As humane men I appeal to your humanitv. We ca-: but partially - organize without tra professional and business raea Co. opera ing with us. I have elected an extensive commun ity that represents the farmer, the merchant, the banker, so that we would not undertakt to do anythingthat woald bedet rimental to anv one but that would be uplifting to all W need you counst I Will you not meet with us to aid u in carrying outtheabove plani-' We would ask our preachers to meet with us, with men from ever vocaii. n in We. We extend our thanks to the press for the cheerful service rendered and. would advise you to subscribe to The Robe-on ian and thus keep in touch with our work and county news gen erally. Desirina; succon to our work and to The'Robfsoni.m, I am, Ver irury, W. P Barker, President Robeson Count Cotton Association. Tar Heel Happenings. Correipondtnce of The Robetioulan. Captain Jtff Robeson spent a few days hsre with friends and relatives last week. Mr. James Robeson went to Davidson College last wpek, where his son has been sick He went with the intention of bringing him home, but found him so much better that he left him, Mr. J. L. Wilson attended court at Fayetteville last week. Mr. J. C. Robeson, who travels for Samuel Bear, Sr., & Sons , of Wilmington, was in this sec tion last week. Mr. '"Billy" Monroe visited in ihe St. Pauls vicinity last week- There was a candy pulling at the school house Friday night ruverybody seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. The school closed Friday and Miss Mattie Melvin, who has been leaching returned to her home across the river Saturday morning. Mrs. Thos. Kinlaw and Master Nash and Douglas risked Mrs Kinlaw 's daughter, Mrs. J. L. Wilson. Saturday. Mr. J. E. Kinlaw went to Lum berton today on business for the firm of Wilson & Kinlaw. Mr.Cland Smith, of Howells ville, was in town yesterday. Tar Heel, N. C, Feb. 24, '08 Seaboard Submits Proposition to Employes. Roanoke, V.. D. .patch .Feb. 27. The general manager of the Norfolk A Western Railway Com pany has addressed a circular letter to tbe chairman of tbe Floating Indebtedness ol tb Town and Bond Isaac Other Matters. The floating' indebtedness of the town of Lumberton, to re fund which the board of town commissioners at a meeting held lat Thur - h m t authorize i the issue f bonds in the sum of $25,000, is as fol io vs: Southern Life Insurance Co , of Fayetteville, 5,000; A. P. vicAiiisier, 5.U00; R. McA. Nixon, $5,U0U; F i; National Bank f Luiube-ton, $2,5()00; Roueson County Loan and Trut C . $3,000; Bank of Lumberton, $5,000, all the notes amounting to $25,500. Two notes one for $1,500 due the First National Bank of Lumberton, and one t r $400 due the estate of A. H. HcLeod have been paid since the first of the year. The bonds are to be issued in the sum of $500 each, wiii bear 6 per cent, in terest to be paid semi-annual ly, ana are to mature .40 years from date of issue, whicl will be July 1, thiB year. Bidi for the bonds are to be accom panied by a certified check foi $500. At the time tor the levy of other taxes for the year 1908, that is, the first Mondav in j June, a special tax of l5centson tne SiOU valuationof real and i personal property and 45 cent on each taxable poll wjjl be lev ied, and will be levied and Col lected thereafter annually so long as necessary to provide interest and sinking fund foi the bonds. At this meeting Mr. C. B. kipper, town clerk and treas urer.stated that the town board of audit' and finance had made an error in its charge against the town tor sinking fund, the correct amount being about $1, 500, and that he has sufficient funds in the bank to cover this amount. Mayor Britt stated that W. P McAllister had presented his resignation as chief of the fire department and that he had conferred with Mr. G. M. Whit field, who was presentand pro posed to the board to assume the duties of chief of the fire department at a salary of $300 per year, payable monthly x inal action on this proposi- was deferred. Superintendent McGuire, of the water and light department, stated to the board that on ac count of the smailness of the wire on the main electric light lines much power has been wasted, and that by the pur chase of larger wire $20 per month would be saved in fuel. He said that the cost of this wire would be about $400, but that the wire in use at pre sent could b8oldfor$200, mak ing the net cost of the larger wire only $200. Vction was deferred on this matter. The amendment in regard to NEWS FROM MT. EUAM. Farmers Busy Preparing to Plant Tobacco In Re the Stock Law School to Close on the 11th Movements ol the People. Corns oudrnce f Toe KobesonUn. Mr. Oscar Britt, of Board man, visited relatives here Sun day. Rev. M. A. Stephens filled his appointment here Saturday and Sunday and preached two good sermons, as he always does Mi. I. V. Britt spent Satur day in Lumberton on busi ness. Mrs. Easter Branch and daughter, Beulah, are visiting relatives aid friend-, at Bl lamy. Mr. John Branch and fami lyof Barker's, spent Sunday here visiting relatives The farmers are busy with their farm work and it look. like everybody is going to plant tobacco, and hope they will gei a good price for it, if the make any. Mr. lhaddeus Stone spent Sunday in the Long Brand section. Look out, girll Mr. Arch. Britt went to Board man Friday on business. It looks now like we are go ing to h :Vc a enow, and the writer wouldn't care if it would snow. Mr. Berry Ivey, of Orrum, attended preaching here Sut- day. - Mr. Wesley Carter and Rich ard Stone were lfithis com munity Sunday and seemed -ki be giving the girls a good time. Well, it looks like this part of Robeson i ruined, for thev never have realized what stock law is, as everybody knowt. we. have about 10,000 acres ot the creek swamp fenced, or anyhow it was fenced from Fair bluff to Bellamv and the people could raise hogs as good tr better than they could before the stock law came, but it is all, or most all, torn up now. It looks like a sin to keep stock away from what grows for them to eat; it is a shame but everybody will get justice some time. It seems like some people want the worms themselves, and nope they will get them, but they may expect to root for them. Schoal will be out here the 11th of March, and expect there will be a concert; don't know for sure vet. Will close with best wishes for The Robesonian. lit. Eliam, N. C. Feb. 23d 1908. No Home Is Completely Furnished Without a Piano, and Never Truly Musically Furnished Unless the Piano is an ARTISTIC STIEFF. The Only AR TISTIC PIANO sold di rect to you by its maker. WRITE TODAY. Chas.M.Stieff Manufacturer of the Piano With the Sweet Tone. Southern Warero ts. 8 West Trade St., I : CHARLOTTE, N. C C. H. WILMOTH. Mgr r PROFESSIONAL CARDS Stephen Mclntyre, R. C. Lawrence amea D. Proctor. Mclntyre, Law rencj & - Proctor, Attorney and Counselors at Law. LUMBERTON, . : : : N. C Practice in State and Federal Court. Promp' attention given to all business LEON T. POoK, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office in First National Bank Building. t. a. McNeill, Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, N. C Will practice in all the Courts Bom neas attended to promptly. WADE WISH ART, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Prompt attention given to all busineaa. Office over Bank of Lumberton. 8-1 I J D. P. SHAW, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - N. C All business entrusted to him prouipUj attended to. Office in Shaw Building. t. HsLwa. A.W. MiLmi Mclean & Mclean, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, bUMBERTON, - N C ' Xfioea on 9nd floor of -flank of Laa 9 berton Building, Booms 1, 1, 8. A 4 rampt attention given" to all businea Betwaen Safety and Danger The wise man secures the protection of FIRE INSURANCE. rWhtH fire occuis, the n ost valuable pa per a manv- a poncy in a gww com pany. We repiewnt-Si.me of tbe best companies in i xisttnee?" Tv'le'. Pav promp'lv an! honorably all lose&Jncu'"- red. Some day you may be soi ry"ytmJ didn't let us -write a policy t. -day. j CHAR. B. SKTPPEK, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - N. C. All bnsinesa entrusted to him will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office iu. r trsi iiotial Bank Building jver Post Office E M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, I UMBEHTON, S. C. Office a -' 'r 1 Arjrcs 1 wilding. All business promptly transacted. t-9 Q. T. WILLIAMS E. J. BRITT, Attobnby at Law, Lumberton, N. C Office I' Tnui Store. STOCK REMEDIES. " Every bottle of Dr. Edmund's CoUe and Lung Fever Cure is Guaranteed foe colic, gravel, pneumonia, stomache cod lung "disorders. Also a blood purifier. Dr. W. O. EDMUND. 3-21 Lumberton, N. C Thet a Are No Better Provision there can be no better and there are few so good as those in our stock. In pur chasing these goods, pr ce does not influ ence us as much as quality. The saving of dollars will not make op for the slight est falling on in quality. Reliable Goods are what we oner but we charge no more than ordinary rates for them.- J.H. Wisharl LumbertoD, N. C. Free Delivery. Phone No. i. various labor or ionizations on that system, proposing a reduction in I the payment of electric light the wag s of all employes in thaiand water bills, .given in Mon day e Robesonian, provides President's Act Upheld Near Soldiers Were Gntlty. Wxshlngtoa Olspaleh. 25ta. That tbe shooting in the affray at Brownsville, Tex., on the night of Aagust 13th 14th. 1906, was done by some of tbe negro aol ' diers of the Twenty fifth United BY-LO raicum Powder, Natural Violet. . By-Lo is so fine that it floats in tbe air, and so delicately perfumed with the odor of fresh flowers, - that we know yon will like it. It. does not have that Talcum Powder odor, juat different departments. It is said that the company desires to make a reduction on tbe sliding scale, with the understanding that when the revenues of tbe road reach $2,500,000 par month the wages are to be restored- It is stated that the revenue of the road before the present depres sion was seldom below $2,500,0 0 and that it has reachad $3,000,000 a muulb- Tbe proposition been submitted to the heads that if it is necessary to cut out lights or water on account of failure to pay bills by the 15th of the month an additional charge of $1 will be made to cover cost of cutting out and in. Delinquents are given un the first of March to. pay, " and after that those who fail to pay has i will be cut out, and bills must of ! be paid hereafter not later J&JSI Smell ol Fresh Violets. com n,ittee on military affairs fails We handle all the different kinds of tOldentlfy the partiesis t;ie .gafd By-Lo as the best there is. Von opinion of eight members of the ! will think o too when you try it committee. Four members of tho is beintr p.nnaidflred hv them professional met, do you wantjN dale Qas beeQ fixed for the t succeed? if so, stop and 6e; A. VV. McLean, President. Stephen Mclntyre, Vice-President. C. H. Moitow, Cashier. Let Us Do If our Job Printing ! WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF s Commercial Work, s SEND US YOUR ORDERS. Freeman Prititli Go LumbertoD, N U. BEAD ROBESONIAN BUSINESS BUILDERS. men of every class and calling, if juu think you can succeed on low-price cotton, stop and see. Such men asDr. Winston, f the A. and M. College at Raleigh, and every intelligent man that has given it thought ful consideration agree that cot ton is the basis on which our towns, citie. banks and enter prises of tvery kind in the South are built. Is this true? If so, it is not the farmers' or- Greatest spring tonic, drives out all impurities. Makss the blood rioh. Fills you with warm, ting ling life. Most reliable spring reg u ator. That's Hol'isWs Rooky Mountain Tea. 35o, Tea or Tab lets. J. D. v cMillan & Son. answers and no figures have so far been suggested. Representative Godwin has in troduced a bill to improve and protect Fort Johnson, at Suth- nort, and build a retaining waw. The purpos is to have tbe gov ernment make a survey and esti mate the cost. fferent organizations and jtjtkam the 15th of any month. R. C. Lawrence, town at torney, was paid a bill of $59, 48, ftes and expenses foi draw- ing P water and street con tract with F. M. Farrell, trip to Raleigh and other expenses same to be charced to sewer nnd water account. A. F. Par iiiele was allowed a rebate of $1 46. over-valuation of property to the amount of f 100. decision and one member did not j Uti v, lit MCfilllaH a note. The resolution declaring DRUGGISTS. the guilt of the negroes was sab-1 Lumberton. N. O. -.a" .r- a W . miitea Dy senator Li-rags ana j,, ,gth was adopted after nve reso- utions by Senator Foraker, one oy senator uaponi ana one by Senator Scott, all of which were offered as snb atitutes bad been voted down. S. M. Grant a neero teacher in the State Colored Normal School which is located in Fayettevilk, was dismisspd Thursday from service as a result of his arrest earring a cnnrealpd weapon Now'sthe time to tke Rocby otintain Tea It drives out th d a. a . 1 J 1 germs of winter, builds up tne stomaob. kidneys and liver, ine most wonderful spring tnnio to make Deonle well You II be Bur prised with results. 35c, Tea or Tablets. J. - P. McMillan & -on. Good for Everybody. Mr. Norman R Coulter, a prom inent-architect, in .the Delbert Building. San Francisco, says: fully endorse all t at has been said of E eetrio Bittrrs as a tonio med jcine H is good for everybody" ; It corrects stomaob. liYf r and Ridaey riisoiders in a prompt and efficient manner and bnilds tip tbe system.' Electrie Bitters is the best spring medicine oversold over a druggist counter ; ae a blood purifiVr it i unequaled 50o. at all drug stores, Yours to Please, Son, The $60,000,000 tunnel and sub marine system linking New York and New Jersey was formerly opened last Tuesday. Bcalaess Cannot be Cared By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There i only ona way to cure deafness. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi-: tion of the mucous lining of the Eustach-', ten Tube. When this tube is -lnUanicrt yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it ia entirely closed, Deafnes is the rerun, ana unie s tne in flammation can be taken out and this tub restored to its normal condition, hearing-will be destroyed forever; nine eases, out ot ten are caused ny vntarrn, whi h l is nothing but an inflamed -cndi-ion of the mueon surfnot. W- will give One Hundred" Dolla s for a y case of Drafne s (caused by Ca tarrb)tiiat can- ot be cured b Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J CHENEY i CO, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. rake Hall's Family Pill or coiictipa tion. Only A Few Left ! Genuine Fire-Proof White Brick. Call Early. WHITFIELD & FRENCH. 7-8 GEO. S. HACKER & SON Dr. N. A, Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SUB GEO N, Lumberton, : : : : N. O Office at Hospital. Phone No. 4T Down town office overDr. McMi" n't Drug Store. Calls promptly anawextd night or day, in town or in the countiy. Dr. R. ALLEN Dentist, LUMBERTON. N. C. iffice over Dr. McMillan's Drag 8tor Dr. JOHN KNOX, Jr .B PhyslelaB and Sargcoa. Lumberton, N. C. Office at M"Lean-Rouer Drug Store. 1-2-08 - J. A. MacKethaD, M MacKethah BurLDIMG, Fayetteville, N. C. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a .Specialty. '-'3 E. G. 81PHEB, ELECTRICIAN, Lumberton, N. C. Office ia Ehaw Building, Phone lit 1-6 Dr. R. F. GRAHAM,' DENTIST, Lumbertoa, .N. C Office over Banjt - of ; Lamberton. Rooms No.. 7 end 8, , i-so-ot , . LiiEbtrcnFmslcgCkiixiTijIorSJ' Over. Robeson Cafe. Phone No. 10. We eall for and deliver goods promptl. R. T; MWSSELWHITE, Mgr. Jewelry, Witcbes, Diamonds. SilYerwarc, Gut Glass, Cloch. Ours is a complete jewelry store. No line of goods more reliable is carried by jewelers anywhere. Whatever is worth having in a jewelry store is to be fotura here. Our Repair Department is complete ia every detail. Special Attektiok To Mail Osji as GEO. W. HUGGINS, 108 Market Street. WILMINGTON, t t t t N. C. Notice ! LUMBERTON NOVELTY WORKS MANtfFACT "RES CF oors. Saab, Bllndas Mooldlao Balldlng Materia. Sash Wclgtata and Co. 4. Charleston, S, C Purchase oar maker, which we gua tntee superior to anv sold South, ant 'hereH lovemnne). W ndow and Pan cy OUsb 1 Spe iblty 4-90 For Mantela, Columns, Brackata, 1. Fulpitj, Church rews ana all kinds of odd jobs Balusters, Pulpits, Church Pews and Terras reaaeo- ' Mafl orders solicited, blc. ta-10 R B. Humphrey, Proprietor and Man gar. Suhscribefor Tbe Roboniaa and ke ftp wTta tlie erowrl.