rr-n n j v i i i y x 4 v t tt . -vv -t o mwoooho IT II II 11 ti .1 II II I l II II II J 1 d 1 I t I II A - V I T iriinun m I One Dollar and Fifty cents the Year. wM,t,,yea aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaM aaaaM aaaBaaaaa aa 3. I ESTABLISH KL) 187C Country, od and Tnu VOL. XXXIX NO. 9 LUMBEBTON, KORTH OA.ROUHA, MONDAY MARdB 23, 1903 Our Line 01 IndiYidnal Sterling Silraiare - e at 11 Times Carry a Stock of Individual Sterling t ilver Pieces, and for an Inexpen sive Wedding Gift There's Nothing More Appropriate. j Boylin's Jewelry Store LOCKE CRAIG'S HEADQUARTERS The K. P. Guano Distributor 9 f Scatters the Guano and Covers it. No waate around turn pa and cnda No cogs and chain to clog and break. Nothing about it to break or get out of fix. Large hopper, balanced load, light run ning. Sows any quantity Sim ple, strong, durable. Awarded diplomas by North and South Carolina Fairs Jo4. Unques tionably the only Entirely Sat isfactory Distributor before the people. jt dS For Sale by Leadiug Sealers ia Robeson and Adjoining Counties. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY, Wilmington, N C Why Pull A Long Face ? 5, 'V-. '"" BJ HI IV I I 5 L! Mr. John Kerr Speaks ollhc Bun combe Man's Campaign, ot Wbicb he Will be In Charge. Raleiah Cor.espondent ot Tfee Charlotte Ob server. To-day LockeCraig's headquar ters were established here in the Yarborousch House, like those of Ashley Home- Mr. John Kerr, of Asbeville, ong an intimate friend and a devoted one of Mr. Craig is in charge- It is not yet known whether WilliamW Kitch -1 a " . . A in win nave neaaquarters or not, though it was rumored here today that he would. Most persons have said that he woul? have his headquarters at Greens boro. As a matter of fact Ral eigh is the natural centre of ali these activities. Manager Kerr aid today: "I think I have a right to say that I.am as familiar with the sen timent of theState as almost an other man iri it. For months I have been assisting in the pre liminary work of Mr. Craig's campaign, and while x am noi prepared-to say from informa tion that his nomination is as sured on the first ballot, I do as sert as a fact at the present time he has a decided lead over eithei of his opponents. Ib shall be m j JttR. CLtVELAN IS ?i j feilSCEXLANEOUS FACTORIES. The BX-st Dlstlagulsbed FrivaU Citizen In ibe World Speo4$ tae Day Quietly at LsUewood Joylng Better Health Than Fr SoiaC Time Fast. Lkewoo3. . J.. t)i jtcb, mhr Assistant Lafocr Commissioner C-lves Ont Interesting Facts A Ten&gKfy Towards Shorter Bears. ! R!itU 5 Wi ir,a Otis-rver. . ! The f.dvance Daces of the r- Af ler a quiet, family celebra-, pork l)t llie Department of Ubo lion of hi 71st birtridV anni versary, Grover Cleveland, for nd Printing, compiled by As sistant Lajjor Commlf joner M. L. Shipman, Were issued yester day. The advance pages repre sent rBiCttlan3ous factories. The number of returns used in this compilation are tive hur ire4 and ejghty-seven, at increase of forty-six ovtr lasl year, and the average taken Iron these representative 'Industrie afford an accurate Idea of condi tions prevailing throughout th State It is gratifying to note tje remarkable progress Nortl- ' ... ! . ! )!.' ... ...3 . i vsruii!a is muruGg in an inaus years President of the United States, 'as abl t0"s to-night that he was in better health than for some time past. Mr. Cleveland immense ly enjoyed the Jittle affair pre pared in Jiis honor to-day, in vhi-h only those, of ttjg hornt circle and a very few intimate friends participated. To-n:ghHhe formsr Pri dent said: "I am feeling- much better than I have for some time be-! trial way, and whilo the prime fore. Already the benefit ofj object of this report is to ascer- ihe Lakevvood "climite is ap nareut. A little trouble with my feet had made impossible long walks during the last few weeks. To day, however, "1 was able to enjoy a longer stroll thau has been" possible before for many mcnths." Mrs. Cleveland and the chil- aim to preserve and increase this dren, who came oyer for the advantage. day, returned to Princeton Because you need some new Furniture Surely it isn't the expense that bothers as you would know if you visited this store. This is tha time of year we always snake Special Prices On Furniture ! Which n.eaas that you can supply your needs with .High-Class Merchandise at iTtn greater saving than our always Low Prices ordinarily affoid.-'' Pay 11s a visit and we'll change your face into a smiling one with onr under prisisg. Eagle Furniture and Carpet Co. Luttibertoti, N. C. Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Lumberton, At th Close of Business, Friday, December 13th, 1907. BESOURCES: Loans n nd Discounts, $132,769.05 Furniture and Fixtures, 3,383.27 Keal Estate, 510.00 Expense, 164.08 CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS, 109,147.56 LIABILITIES: Capital Stnck, Undivided Prefits, He-Discounts, Accrued Interest Ja Depositors, DEPOSITS, $245,973.98 $50,000.00 8,918.30 8,000.00 120.74 178,934.83 $245,973.94 "It shall not be my policy to undertake to'promote Mr.CraigV I interests by making extravagant and unfounded claims,' but when I do make statements, as 1 shall from time to time as tLe campaign progresses, I desire to assure the public that what i.-s said will be at all limes based upon accurate information Up to the present tim oniy those wh late to-day. To-day Mr. Cleveland ex hibited much of the physica! and all of he mental vigor that was his during his incumbency of the White House. During the day he received an almost endlesB number of congratula tory telegrams, while floral ex pressions oi friendship fairly SINGLE COPIES 6 CKNT: "WROLk NO. V340 have made it their business to j fined his apartments. A lun keepintouchwiththepeoplecould lcueon ju honor of the occasion be expected to have anything ap proaching an accurate idea of the situation. But the county con ventions will soon begin the nam- ino nf t.ho Halptratait who are to ... nominate a Governor- When j 'uncnepn, ormging wun nertne these begin to speak the general ! children, Eichard Folsom, public will have definite informal Francis Grover, Esther an 1 tion upon which to predicate an was served in a privale dining room. Mrs. Cleveland went to Princeton early in the day and returned in time fer the! tain the conditions of wage-earn ers, the department is endeavor ing to convey, in addi'ion theret such information as will enable the public, generally, to obtain a reasonably accurate eob ception of the number and class of factories now in operatioj within the State. The returns of this year indi cate an aggregate authorized caj - ital of $42,015,790 by 523 of tb 5s7 miscellaneous factories re porting; 64 do not report capita1 stock. The Old Fort Extraci Works, as usual, reports as" a branch of tha United State! Latither Co , and represents onl. a part of the 125,164,600 report ed by that corporation. The ag gregate of capital stock reported last year was $31,239,510 by 467 factories, exclusive of the plant at Qld Fort; so that an increase of 110,846,280, is recorded this year. Four hundred and twenty two factories report steam power, 4 electric, 25 wa'er, 12 gasolene, 9 steam and electric, 2 steam and j gasolene, 2 steam and water,! :gas, gl hand, 1 gasolene-electric opinion for them- COMPARAT1VE STATEMENT: Decern br-r 13th, 1004, Deposits, $108,126.94 Decrmbcr 13th, 1905, " 143,958.99 December 13th, 1907, M 178.934.8S Cnsb In all Amounts sailed for lias fcean Tarnished ta anr Dc. posltors at ALL T I VIES. THE BANK OF LUMBERTON, (The Oldest and Largest Baak ia Koaesea CaoMty.) OFFICERS! A. W. MrLKAV, rrsiet, R. D. CALDWELL, Vice-rres. A . TVHITE, Viee-Pres. C. B. TOWWSEKD, Cashier, THOS. J. MOOEE, Ass't Cashier. ave Robeson Your Volley ! af By Depositing it with County Loan and Trust Co. intelligent selves. All of the gentlemen aspiring to this nomination are well known. Mr- Craig's life, both public aDd private, has been as an open book before the people of North Carolina, during the past "20 years. He has always stood for and with the common people. They know what kind of a Democrat he is and they be lieve in him. He has helped to fight every battle that the Dem ocracy of this State has waged during all these years He lives in a section of the State that has not furnished a Governor for 60 years and in this section is also to be found the stronghold of the Republican party. The Demo crats in the mountains know what it means te look the white Re publican in the eye and fight and these Democrats feel that they are justly entitled to the gover norship this year. j SOLUTION OF PUBLIC QUESTIOKs. "Like every thoughtful man Mr. Craig realizes that there are st present great public ques tions pressing for solution. He believes that these questions should be met with a determined spirit and settled with absolute fairness to all men and all inter ests. "Under uninterrupted Repub and t do not renort oower. Th Marion, for -whom the occasion ;5gl establishments reporting was made a holiday f rom j tnjg feature, exclusive of the 21 school. Dr. Joseph S. Bryan, j using hand power, show the em- theCleveland family physician, : ploymentof 119,136 borse power. FAlKfttoNTNEWS LETTER. Toe Waverly Bk C!u.t la Pre sent "Hie Ecei-B'.tlon of the PeeMflct fch"le"-Hiepra. tloasFor the Qreat Gala Day Friday Oiber Mela's el Inter eat, tV.rriB.nd, f Th- iuW j.imi. Quite a number of our citi zens attended the prohibitum meeting at Lumberton tost Wednesday and were much pleased with trie proceedings. especially with the address by J. A. Oates, of Fayetif-ville. There is no duubt ' that out towi ship will go almost unani mously for prohibition, lifV- J. B- Jackson, attended the meeting of tiia Young- Peo pie's Missionary uyein,nt in Pittsbqrg, Penn., andjwas very much delighted with what he saw and learned. Heba;p.romj ised hU congregation a. full ac count of the meeting;. Miss Mary shley has c cepted a position as saleslady for E. W. Floyd and iU je glad to show her youag friends the pretty new goods and hat they are receiving every day. Miss Lorena Lewis, of White- ville, is expectfd, nejt week to j open & millinery store. I Laughing is healthy, so tin Waverly Book Clnb will pre sent "The Exerbition of the DtestrTct Skule" on Friday night, tb 2fth, at the 8Cho 1 building, and everybody is in vited to attend for the sake of their health. There will be many of the same characters which were in the play last yea-, though the play is notthesam , "Smart Alex" and the "Twins' ad "Bubble" will all be in ev Hence. The club wishes to pur chase a set of Scott's novels, especially for the benefit of our young people. This is tht priraary object of the enter tainment, and alsa to give pleasure to their friends. The admission fee wiil 25 dnd 15 cents, and we hope a large crowd will greet thew The numerous trotting- 1 .A-.VA.VN 30 DAY CLEARANCE SALE Beginning March 16, 1908 Tt-n per eent- discount from following prices: PROFESSIONAL ikm. Stephen Mclwyre, R. C. Lawrrnce! .atucs D. rrK-u.r. Kelaijre, lawrtoce & Incin' A-tornevs anil Couubtrlcrs al Lu LUMBERTON, : - . N c l'raeti.-e tn State an-I Ke.leral Curls. Pronip. attention yiven u-all Iuimus 1 ll u'.in it Haven l'ian i a H lu ''umrtnn : hni :i M.iso i tl. .!lu (.h.!.rl Org.n 4 futosni Varior in m, (10 5 411 M5 1IWS a fct i La Il,u I cli 11: gn, li s l o -, -1 l ilcox Oraan w.th iimfr T'lavt-r ' 7 Krai,i. hABaulil ni-ulit l iai.. V74 ' ! Tr. .1- i,Mi - - , i.ntKr .j, Hi Wind or ii " II Hi I . .- ., ., ' U ti'il :j Koti'rr Vr j't ( ei) ii H B-nnrn ii-Mz I jintiii lit ll'.l t ) -7t " li Ahiw Tpr-gbt Piano (- ) 3H) - 1 Miaff i pij i,i 'i,na, f,rw Greatest Bargainsever of fered. Hemembor, 10 ptr cent. ff above prict?!; pasy terms i f desiied- Don't de lay, order to-day. LEON T. COo ArioRNKY at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C j Office in Kirt Nalio; :il Hank nnililiuj;. T. X MciN EILl Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON. N. C. Will pracUce iu all the Courts. Bui ness attcnileil t promptly. WADE Vv'IShIrT, Attj-.rxky at Law, lumi;erto.n, n. c. Prompt attention give;, toall business. Office over Bank of LnmWtou. S-i Chas.M.Stieff Manufacturers of Th Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Stkff sseif-Player Liiinos. Souikern Warcro -m, VVest Trade St., rHARiyrrE, n. c. C. H. WtLVlO CI, VI 7-. 9 ises- mtsmsx i D. P. SHAW, Atlornty at Law, LUMBERTON, . . . N- c All business entrusted to him promptly attended to. ' Oflfice in Shaw Building. A. UoLrau. Mclean A. W. MoU-a & McLEAN AITORNifiYS AT LAW, lUMBERTuN. . N C Jflloea on 2nd floor of Bank of Lam. berton Building, Rooms 1, 8, 8, A 4 'rompt atlKBilo-. gtven to all bninew CHAS. B. SKIPPEU, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - N. C. All busincs-i entrusted to him will re oeive prom pi ami careful attention. Office in First National Bank Bnildinj ver Post Office fr;W- Between Safety and Danger The wise man secures the protection of FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa per a in tn has is a policy in a gooi com panv. We represnt sortie of the best companies in existence. They pay promptly an t honirably all losses incur red. Same day you may be sorry you didn't let us write a policy t -da v. Q. T "WILLI A.IViS. was at the luncheon. A sur-Five hundred and seventy nine j horses of the co " menity ate prise was an enormous birth day take, bearing the proper factories report the number ol j beinu- practiced on the track j persons dependent upon theni j every day to he in readiness for I candles, which was presented j ior nveiinoou v oe yz,ui, or u,-. ; the gala day, March 27th. ; to Mr. Cleveland during tlu more lhan weF reported; Mr. J. L. Tonsend last vear. &ix report that eigtil i children, of Mnn.il.k luncheon by the management of the hotel. ! hours constitute a daj's work:: ; ", nine hours; 4 nine and a bid! A Call For Tke Cask. j n?urs- 436 ten hoars' S ten 8Bd i at Vilf r- r r it r rr, r, hmxa. A Wibinstn CarrpasondaaaaalTiit Ckrlott ""u". and ' Sl'tllt i obarr. iten to twelve, and 9. twelve "Come across with $100," is j hours. Eight do pot repqrt time tneweet message to each and (operated each daj, but there is a every North Carolina Congress- j decided tendency toward "skort- last Welne8lav in to ad. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mitchtll; will go t housekeeping thisl week in Mrs. San ford's hov,se on Cettage st reet, recently va cated by I. T. McLean. Littls wis Rose .-4 B , 1 The Happiness t Hcust ke pel s Depends largely 'm the charac.er of th- , eating. Let us supply ibe Groceries aul 1 "DCS OSS Mhev will eo a lontr wav towanl insuriuir i- o w.-- - ri er hours " ; been mvited bv the Juniers to soou ealltlS at 'our hou e- Seventy-four per cent report unfurl the flag of our Union to f- il.i r u man l,u,B J ,.i fl " r tt , MAKEUP A GR CERY ORDER nro-hiffh-hitioa- atovement, us t uu. i i of ik tw v i , tt n j ut, L. increase ef wages; seventeen per e the soft Southern breeze next ' ourquaiiti s. That w;n show how much vOine on tiown wjin ui" : . i .. i h. m.. rr . ;., . will remembei l i.uSr, om vt , . r riuay. nm aouot sne win do i nan f. An nr. iarrnff. o ti fViiat lit. f .11.. .1 .i ii.a i "w ' fc1 u w vw". u trratceiuiiy nu weii- dough or we ,1- .. 4 - wu in iue usy b (umv, is i s . e .1 Klad news. The poor repre-Uablishments Uar week), eleven . Pin5. "rir.ng nf tk dear t 4. daily and the davs are so bncht sentatives per cent, pay monthly, seventeen pee-pul have a hard j per cent paj semi-monthly, one and warm that the ladies are time making ends Meet Wash- I per cent pay daily, and twa per talcing great interest in the ar intrtfln i th Most, eynanaif P ! rent hv the nitrft r rivals. town ia the country and r member of Congrese ntnat keep up appearances or be laughed at and called "stingy." The paltry sum of. $7,500 a year soon disappears if the sentative heeds every There is no limit to mauds made Five hundred and sixty-five factories report 30,991 persons employed, against 22,433 year in increase of Mr. A. L. JoneJ, with his usual kind generosity, has of- last i fered his nice brick store free ,5aS. i of eharte to the Methodist la- Highest wages per day, $2.41 -1 dies for their white sale. This Repre-1 &n advanceofeiKhteence"t8 per ! kindness is much appreciattd te w onr groceries are in con pmon with the ordinary k nds. Whtn you serve them on your tabic there will be no in plaint, only praise. No left otrs, but ali empty dishes. J. H. Wishart Free Delivery. Phone No. 1. BY-LO raicum Powder. Natural Violet. E. M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, Lumberton, N. C. Office npst!;ra ia Argus Building. All business promptly transacted. E. J. BRITT, ATToaNEV at Law, Lumberton, N. C. Office over Pope '6 Drug fitorf. . STOCK REMEDIES. Eery botlle of Dr. Edmund's Colic -anrl Lung fever Cure is" Guaranteed"-or oolic. gravel, pneujnonia-.stepiache at.d i:... lung lisruers. Also a blood pnrifier. Dr. W. O. EDMUND, 3-21 Lumberton. N. C. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SUWGEO", tjumtierton, : : : : N O Office at Hospital. I'l oue No. 41 Down town office over lr. McMillan' ru' Store. Calls pron.pliy answered night or day, in town or in the country. Dr. R. T 'AULh.lV DentiaL, LUMBERTON, N. C. fiue over Dr. McMillan's Druj; Sfor Dr. JOBN KNOX, Jr, Physician and Surgeon, Lnttibdrtou, N. C. Office at McLean-Rozier Druj; Store. 1-2-08 J. A. MacKethan, M. D., MacKmhak Building, Fayettevllie, N. C. Eye, Ear, Nese and Throat a Specialty. I-I3 '-ll IX z A the de We will pay 7bu Interest, Compounded every three months, and this will cause your Depos it to Continually Grow. : : : : : A large number of Satisfied Customers is our Strongest JinaorsemenL. : : Open, an Account with ms, Either Large or Small, and Begin the Saving Habit To-day. Robeson County Loan and Trust Company, A. W. McLean, President. Stephen Mclntyre, Vi-Pridlt.' C. D. Morrow, Cashier. Let Us Do Your Job Printing ! WE MAKE A SPECIALTY pF dt Commercial Work, trf SEND ,US YOUR ORDERS. freeman Frlnilno Co.. Lumberton, N. C. lican rule, the whole country finds : . itself in the grip ot a panic that uPon Mr- Craig to Jo all thm.., i. .it.lin..n,.Mipr. cither.. t.n i in bw power if chosen Governor u i towards 111 fiieui ui lis acicuuj. jjuai-j ness is prostrated, many laborers j are idle and our commercial and j industrial interests are in a state of profound depression and un certainty. As in other crises of the State's history, Mr. Craiu be lieves that the people of North Carolina have the right to look to the Democratic party for htlp at the present time, iu so far as re lief is possible through the ad ministration of State affairs. He believes that everything just and right should be done to revive our business industries and re nw the hope and restore the spirit and confidence of our peo pie- We have a wonderful State. Oar industries are vast and va ried and Iknowour people can with perfect confidence reply the startinir of every loem, every spindle and every wheel of every industry in this State to work on full time. I shall not consider it part of my duty as Mr. Craig's manager to criticise his opponent- Wh?n this contest is over I want no one to be able to tay truthfully that anything done or said by his management has marred Democratic harmony 'er had the least tendency to les son the ereat victory we are sure to achieve at the election which is to follow this nomination." READ ROBESOMIAH BUSINESS BUILDERS. jday over last year. Lowest wages per day, ninety-thret cents an advance of nine tents over last year. Eighty. four per cent, of adult employees read I and write, and eighty-seven per Icent. of children. Eighty-one per cent, answer that children under fourteen years of age should nofwork in factories; even per cent, answer in the af firmative and twelve per cent, express no opinion. Eighty-two per cent, favor a compulsory t school law, nine per cent, oppose it. ana nine per cent- ao not an swer the question. Following the tables are letters from a numbrof Manufacturers who were requested to express an opinion upon matters of public import to which their at tention was called in the blanks sent out by the department by them and all other friend of Carolina College. D. W. Galloway spent last Thursday at Page's still, S. C, and fiihed, -but didn't ovestock the fish market. airmout.N. C, March 20, '08. E. G. SIPHER, ELECTRICIAN, Lumberton, N. C. Office in Shaw Building, Phone 118 1-6 flood for Everybody. Mr. Koraan It. Conlter, a prom inent architect, m the It eoaxf back that well feeling, healthy look, puts the Bap of liie in your system, protects you frum disease. Hollister's Kocky Moun tain Tea bas no equal b a tpriDg tonic for the whole family. 3Sc, Tea or Tablets. J D. McMillan A Sen. Buildine. San FranoiBeo, save: ''1 fully endorse all that a as been eaid of Eectrie Bitters as a tonic med icine. It is good for ererybody. It cerrects stomach, liver and kidney diiorden in a prompt and efficient manner and builds up the y stem." Blectrie Bitters ia the best spring medicine oversold over a druggist's oanter; a blood pnrifier it is voecrtraled. ftfte, st all 4Tg steres. When a man wrileB aa follows Delbeit i don't you think he means it? r G. illiams. Powderly Texas BMy: "I have suffered for yeara with Kidney and H ladder trouble, using every preparation l came across and taking many prescrip tions all without relief until mv at tention was called to Pinenles. Af ter 30 days trial ($1.00). Tam feel ingfine1' 'oney refunded if not satisfied. Sold by J. D. McMillan con Captain S. A- Ashe, formerly editor of The Raleigh News and Observer, and ex-chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee, has announced him self as a candidate for the no mi nation for State Treasurer. Cap tain Ashe is well known through out the State, and was one of the ablest editors of this generation. and enjoys the confidence and esteem of the people of North Oarolina. By-Lo is so fine that it floats in the air, and so delicately perfumed with the odor of fresh flowers, that we know yon will like it. It does not j have that Talcum Powder odor, just j The Smell ol Fresh Violets.! We handle all the different kinds of ! High-Grade Talcum Powders, but re gard By-Lo as the best there is. You win ininK ao ioo wnen you iry u. Yours to Please, Or. J. D. McMillan & . Son, DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. C. June i8th GEOTS. HACKER & SON Dr. R. F. GBAHAM, DENTIST, Tunitierton, N. C. Office over Bank of Lumberton. Rooms No. 7 and 8, 1-20-08 Dr. J. C. LIcKENZlE. Physician and Surgeon, ORRUM, N. C. 3-9-tf No Use to Die. "I have found out that there is no nse to aie ot lung trouoie as 1 lone as you can set Dr. EiBg's Kew Diieojry," says Mrs. J. P. Bite, ef Kusbboro, Pa. I would not he alive today only for that wonderful medicine. It loosens up a eough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even j Weights and Co. 4. after the case is pronounced hope- i Charleston, S. C ! Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Cnt Glass, Clods. Ours is a complete iewelry store. No line of goods more reliable is carried by jewelers anywhere. Whatever is worth having in a jewelry store is to be found here. - Onr Repair Department is complete ia very detail. Sl-ECIaL Attektiok To Mail Ohiji is GEO. W. HUGGINS. 105 Market Street, WILMINGTON. : : : : NC. Notice ! MAKUFACT 7RES OF oors. Sasb, Blind. Monldlng. i Building MaterU Sasb ; less " This most reliable remedy for coughs and colds, lsgrippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50e. and $1.C. Trial fettle free. Purchase our makes, which we guar 1 ntee euperior to any sold South, and I hereby aave mailt;. Window and Far- ' ev Glaaa a Specialty 4 20 RlanZan Pile Remedy RELIEVES YfHEH OTHERS FAIL LUMBERTON HQIELTY WORKS For Mantels, Columns, Brackets, Balusters, Puipits, Church Pew and all kinds of odd jobs. Mail orders solicited. Terms reafon- Sle. R B. Humphrey, Proprietor and Manr ger. 12-10 Subscribefor The Robesonian and keep wp'with the crowd.

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