ESTABLISHED )7C Country. God antl Truth. VOL. XXXIX, NO. 15. LUMBERTON, IvORIH CAROLINA, MONDAY, APRIL 13 19C8 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTa WHOUii NC . 2346 Sprtagj Jewelry 2' Have You a Nice Tiece of Jewelry to Wear With That Easter Hat? Our Line of Spring Jewe'.rv is Keily for Your Inspection. CAPTAIN W. M. HAMMOND. For Ladies : EisceleU. Baretle. Lockets, Veil Pins, Chains, Waist Pins. Fo. Cuff Tins, Brooches, Beautv Pins, Necklaces. H it Pins, Rinps, Beli Kucklrs Watcut- Silver H.idBj; For Gents Watches, Fountain Tens, Clain, Fancy Pipes, Fobs, Shirt Stuils. Ch.irm. Collar Buttons, Emblem Rings. Signet Rings, Emblem Pins Watch Cases, Cuff BuiU-ns. leather Fobs, Scarf Pin-, En Scarf Pins. A Tribute to a North Caroltnalan Who Was Honored In Georgia, Hts Adopted State. The following tribute to a former North Carolinian sa sent to us by a subscriber who wore the blue. Among the 'character. He loved roses and j THE GREAT ENEMY. most sincere mourners who . all other flowers, and his cardpn i tr-. t Vi ijl q V ... 1 t Kiekiar trr man i u-a.s o Krtri t f CT-ictAvin 5 Krt ! blalt y HnS DcStlSWtfd who had been soldiers in the fed- j early spring, to be followed later eral army. Their sorrow seemed on by the most gorgeous roses as deep as that of the little hand in which be took great pleasure, ful ot Confederate veterans who, ; There, with those he loved the some shufilir.e on the uncertain best, he spent aH of his srjare i in Georgia with the request that feet c,f as. came with bared time, and with beautiful hosni-! i heads and sorrowing hearts to tality welcomed the friends who! honor the memory cf a man they jeame k enjoy his society- His death was peaceful and ; beautiiul, coming like a glorious Boylin's Jewelry Store. it be reproduced in The Rooe sonian- Some of Captain Ham mond's relatives live in Robeson county. Editor's Note. Re.. Alex W Be.ler in Tee t',n' Journal Capt. W. M. Hammond isdead He passed away at his home here iearlv last Sundav morning. In Mn j Homes and Takes Many Lives ' and is the Cause of Mere Evil j Than all Other Intemperaaces Combined. EJitorot ihe Kjbeaon an. Seeing the many words of the advocates of prohibition through the columns of Thr Robesonian, I venture to write a word or two in this direction, The K. P. Guano Distributor e- , Scatters the Guano and Covers it. No waste around stumps and ends No cogs and chains to clog ar.d break. Nothing about it to break or j.'ft out of fix. Large hopper, balanced load, light run iuy quae pie. strong, onrable. diplomas by North and South Carolina Fairs 1304. Unques tionably the only Entirel? Sat isfactory Distributorbefore the people. For Sale bv Leading IVaVrs V Ri.lxrson and Adjoining Counties. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY niLiiu ion. N r. Why Pull A Long Face ? her foremost citizens, Georgiaone of her most brilliant lawyer , and the South one of her most devoted sons. He was a native of North Caro Una that cradle in which so many distinguished Georgians have been rocked and while he was devoted to his beautiful south Georgia home he never Awarded ' 'orgot tne nil couatry where his kindred slept. Following a re quest written some time ago and found among his papers after his death, his body was taken back to the Old North State to sleep within its soil close to the sacred dust of his father and mother buried there long years ago- Capt- Hammond was wonder fully blessed with a bright mind, but he did not let that keep him from a life of great activity. In deed, he was a tireless worker I almost up totheday of his death. I At an early age he entered tn j had known and loved in life and ! fought during the dark daysof! sunset at the close of a " stormy j l'U that s0,ne one who ma j j the civil war. day. The new week was just, j Tne dead man was a breadless j coming in when his soul left its when the war came on-; earthly prison and went out into w itn tne laurels 01 nis ai-: tne eternal world, wnere wars,; ma mater still clinging about j are unknown, trials never come i '.roved by it, many lives taken. he turned his and sorrows never sweep across j It is the cause of more evil i tinuation of whisVey may le frain and vote against it. Many homes have been de- jhis brow j back upon his home and his the soul. loved ones and went forth, at his country's call to battle for her rights. He served same faithfulness in Because you need some new Furniture? r::. S "'"fr rrnitfvhr,; lae had com. tolive. as nu uuu &UOW II YOU VtSHea tntS i J uiv-iina auu, store. This is the. time of year alwavs make His body is resting in his na tive State, but his influence is with the ! still living in Thorn as ville, and i the army ! will live for years to come. A that characterized him at college ' man like W. M. Hammond can and .t was not long before i never die. He lives on as long as he was given a place upon the j time continues and men are left staff of his general. jto transmit the thoughts and His father's family had refu-' deeds of the great men to those geed to Thomas county, where he -had purchased considerable property. At the close of the war the young soldier-lawyer came here to look after it. He fell in love with the place and has made it his home ever since. When that awful period of the reconstruction came on he was one of the leading spirits to! throw off the yoke of the scalla j prosperity to the Stata in which The legis- ip.temperance than all other combined. "Whiskey cuts down youth in its vigor, manhood in its strength, and age in its weak ness. It breaks the father's, heart, bereaves the dotiuo mother, extinguishes natural affections, blots out attach- who com. after them. jflient and blights parental His name lives in many hearts, j hope It brings prematureage the hearts jin sorrow to the grave. It 'Of those who trust with holy men of j produces weakness, notstreugth; death, not life. It makes wires old. So the tired spirit, waiting to be freed, j widows, children orphans, fath- Od life's leaf with tranquil eye shall I ers fiends, and all paupers. read, By the pile glimmer of the torch rerers ed, Not finis, but the end of volume first." THE STATE HOSPITAL. It feeds Special Prices On Furniture 1 Which ireans that you can supply your needs with High-Class Merchandise at ven greater saving than our always Low Prices ordinarily affoid. Pay us a visit and we'll change your face into a smiliBg one with our under-pricing. Eagle Furniture and Carpet Co. Lumbertoti, N. C. Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Lumberton, At the Close of Business, Friday, December 13th, 1907. RESOURCES: Loans and Di?counts, $132,769.05 Furniture and Fixtures, 3,383.27 Real Estate, 510.00 Expense, 164.08 CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS, 109,147.56 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock, Undivided Profits, Re-Discounts, Accrued Interest due Dtpositors, DEPOSITS, $245,973.96 $50,000.00 8,918.30 8,000.00 120.74 178,934.83 $245,973. i . . realizing that there is no royai 'aiure was mae u OI negroes j rr.aa triOQ , nirxr ho hnLrio A, i The representatives from the! to bard study and was rewarded j Proud old COUDty of Thomas were j s'1' h-" Ch4riotte 1 by winning the first honor in his i negroes ana mey wunoi :eisiiKe ... it,.m tr. u X Lie class, receiving the highest mark i LLiCLi "C1C 1Mu"u6'us uuc rheumatism, nurses gout, welcomes epidemics, i parts pestilence, and embraces consumption. It covers th i J : . i . t jianu wun misery, idleness- To Erect Tubercular Ward Con-iand crime. It engenders dittoiisTaronghnatthe Institute controversies, fosters quar Were Never Better. ! rels and cherishes riots. It crowds the penitentiaries ad furnishes victims for the y;al- of directors of lows. It is the blood that had heen won by any of the monweailtl lnto aisrace along,-; k--- '7' ! gambler, the element the!todaj Present: J. P. Cald-i of of the The Selection Of a Piano i very much like the choice of friends. Tht more care ex reised in the selection, the more cer tain we are of lasting friend ship; and the greater ona'e refinement and education, the more judgment ia displayed iu the choice of friends. The selection andtxclutiT use of 8TIEFF PIANOS in many of the greatest educa tional institutions in the Ua ted States is a source of gratification to us, and we feel justly proud of the fact that in about two hundred collfwtfB we have more than one thousand Stieff Pianos. There niuat be a reason. INVESTIGATE 1 Chas.M. Stieff Manufacturers of The Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Stieff Self-Player Pianos. Southern Y'arero m, S West Trade St.. CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. W1LMOTH. Mgr. PROFESSIONAL CARDfc Stephen Mclntyre, R. C. Lawrence J auies D. Proctor. Iclntjrt, Uirente 4 Proctor Aitorneyt and Connaelora at Law, LUMBERTON. : : : N. C Practice in State ani Fetleral Courts. Promp- attention given to all bu&iocsa LEON T. CO-.K, ATTORSSY AT Law, LVMBERTOX, N. C. Office in Pirt National Bank Building. t. a. McNeill, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON. N C Will practice in all the Conrta. ness attended to promptly. Boat- WADE WISH ART, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Prompt attention given to all busine. Office over Bank of Lumberton. 8-1 D. P. SHAW, t Law. Attorney LUMBERTON, N. C All business entrusted to him promptly attended to. Office in Shaw Building. A. HeLraa. McLEAN burg-lar, the prop of the high- cv,iQr f thai- f q , ! wun ner sister ctaies or tion up to that time. The habit I ouutu uau bl,c " r ' "T Zi ; way man and the midnight i l- of application acquired at coUege! Southern Confederacy One ofjJ. A. McM.nn, A. A. bhuf ord. j Cendiarv It countenances the never deserted him. It clung tojCaptain Hammond's old slaves , I I Davis, A. E. Tate James - i. , ... . .... --) mn nnt TM. tho lorn c lor n r-o n-itri I. X . 1 T T A ' " ' mm tnrouen lire and pnahh-d "u" ,U1 s"""""" uiucckihu him He and another ' . .it. . to grapple with difficult aDOtuer neKru COMPARATIVE STATEMENT: December 13th, 1W, Deposits, ?108,126.94 December 13th, 190", 143,958.99 December 13th, 1907, " 178,934.83 Cash In all Amounts called for has been Furnished to our De positors at ALL TIMES. THE BANK OF LUMBERTON, vTne Oldest and Largest Bank in Robeson County.) OFFirFDSl A. W. M.LEAN, President, R. D. CALDWELL, Vice-Pres 1 ness, and anything that smacked A. E. white, vice-i res. c. b. townsend, Cashier, ; of bigotry he could not tolerate. TI10S- J MOORE. Ass't Cashier. H(j wag & of humaQ ture and his heart was filled with problems, to find solutions where less active men would have fallen back in failure. He stered his mind witb the best thoughts of the great writers and was thus enabled to converse with ease and beauty upon any subject and to speak with great power before judge or jury, from the hustings or from the platform, and in all these relations he shone as a star of the first magnitude- His elo quence was persuasive; his logic convincing, his satire when occa sion called it forth was as keen as the thrust of a rapier, his sen tences were as stately as the flow of a mighty river and Irs imagery was as glowing as the sunset skies of his Southern home. Capt. Hammond was an old fashioned ante bpllum gen tleman. He carried about with him at all times that beautiful grace, courtesy, that was so common before the war, but that is so rare in this rushing age in which the major ity of men, if they have ever learned how, have forgotton to be. polite- He despised all little H. Arm field. ! The plans for a tubercular ! ward for female patients werej examined and approved. This ward is to consist of a young white man, both full ot determination, entered the race against the negroes. The young la-wyer was a brilliantcompaigner and hi cnporhoc nvit. nfTO lifp into the whites. Supported "by j building of one such men as John Triplett, Rob ert Mitchell and many others of like character the tight was whipped and the county was re deemed from the reign of the carpet-bagger who came after the fighting was over and the real soldiers had returned their homes. A. W MeL & Mclean ATTORNEYS AT LAW, iiUMBKRTON, . N C Jffloea on Snd floor of Bank of Lam berton Building, Room. 1, , t, 4 tempi attenno glren to all bnaiaaaa teems the blasphemer. It violates obligations, it defrauds benevolence, hates love, scorns virtue and innocence. It in- vites the father to butcher his and his off- feet, to be ereeted at the end i . , .. - ,axe. or the south wtng ot the main i building. It is to accomodate x. ,...... ;Z e .i : a , m r-.n - t and stains the judicial ermine. f x- -. w . . e? KIWI in -vof J i helnlPK rhiMren . r- 1! f ' " spring 10 grinu ine It bribes witnesses, nurses perjury, defiles the jury bor, Bctween Safety and Danger The wise man secures the protection of FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa per a man has is a policy in a goo-' com panv. We represent some of the best companies in existence. They pav promptly and honorably all losses incur red. Some day you may be sorry yon didn't let us write a policy t -dav. CHAS. B. SKIPPEK, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - K. C All buainess rutnutcd to him will r. -eive prompt nd careful attention. Office in Pint Naltou&l Bank Bnilduu rer Poet Office E. M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, LCMBERTOX, N. C. Office npsUe'ra ia Argua Building. All business promptly transacted. -9 Q. T. WILLIAMS. Work will begin on it al a verv . . . 0 ' ! tions, pollutes our institutions, early date. i , , tn! , . . .. ami euaangers government. toi Information was given the; 1 , , , , ? 4 , It degrades the citizens, de board bv the superintendent i . - ... ... The name of Captain Hammond i i6reffar3'tothe nurses, buil(. j s legislators d,shon,rs soon hwame a terror to the ad-! . . , . ; the statesnjan, anu disarms the -. i 1, , , iL ; ing authorized last week by the; . . venturers who flocked to the TT. . , . . : patriot. It brings them shame, c. . , State Hospital Commission. . . South. He went everywhere in i A not honor; misery, not happi- ;n n on the front grounds, to be ol I ness;and with the mad violeno ofatiend calmly surveys its '"" ROUND TERMS years among the leaders of the bar in this section and hardly e case of any prominence appeared in which he was not on one side or the other. He knew that bis endwas ap proaching, but he did not fear to meet the enemy he had faced Means Square Dealing. What vou pax ,. , , . . , Krw-lr tB-n inriei .qml tn ir- 7 ... ror your Groceries is a tamilv arlair, but and m this way he made friends brick, to atones, -anu to ac fri htfu, desolation,and unsat-j affairs require attention usuaMy. for himself in all parts of south commodate seventy-fave nurses, ; , For the sake of every family in Lum- . , .. ... , r , j , l--nea Wltll the havoc, it poison-1 berton and vicinitv there s much in our Georgia. He has stood for many thusrelievingthe temale depart- , . . j stock of groehies that renire a-- raent ot tne uospitai oy so . .- - , . .w..v. unu .w .. ... als, Wipes OUt national honor. dining room, the kitclien aud the laun mUCh and iriVltlo; room to as; . 4. ,, "t dry has ever been eatheretl towelher, an.l - b , ... . and curses at the world, and our prices are right many luueius as iucic nui uri. , . . , s nurses who will vacate. Hie; . , T. , .. . , . .... .,, , (that aud more. It murders the cost of the buikung will be, , T . . ., . j soul. It is the son of all vil- " ' ' t , . liany, the father of all crimes, K J. BRITT, ATTOturBY at Law, Lumberton, N. C Office over Pope'a Drug Store. STOCK REMEDIES. Erery bottle of Dr. Edmund's Colic and Lung Fever Cure ia Guaranteed fci colic, gravel, pneumonia, stotnache and lung diaorders. Also a blood purifier Dr. W. O. EDMUND, 3- Lumberton, N. C Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SrKGEON Lumberton, : : : : N O Office at Hospital. Phone No. 41 Down town office over Dr. McMillat'a 'Vug Store. Calls promptly answered night or day, in town or in the country. Dr. R. T. ALLEN.. Dentist. . W- --LUMBERTON, N. C. ffice over Dr. McMillan' Drug Stort Dr. JOHN KNOX, Jr, Physician and Snrgeon. Lumberton, N. C. Office at McLean-Rozier Drug Store. 1-2-08 These things insure the bet : lowest COst. 'ivinj; at and the mother of all abomina- more than once before upon the ; ldent Dr- ohn McCampbell, The devir8 best f riend mm ! a By Depositing it with Robeson Countv Loan and Trust Co. We will pay you Interest, Compounded every three months, and this will cause your Depos it to Continually Orow. : : : : : A large number of Satisfied Customers is our Strongest Endorsement. : : : : : - Open an Account with us, Either Large or Small, and Begin the Saving Habit To-day. Robeson County Loan and Trust Company, A. W. McLean, President. Stephen Mclntyre, Vice-President. C. H. Morrow, Cashier. Let Ds Do Your Job Printing ! an WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Commercial Work. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. Freeman Printing 60.. Lumberton, N C. - a sympathy for all classes of men. I think I have never seen a man with as many men from different walks of life to call him friend- When his dead body. robed for its lasl resting place, was laid out in his beautiful home, I watched with swelling heart the stream of people who came to pay their last trio ute of love and respect to a m n whom they had claimed as a friend in life- Upon the porch and within the house, sorrow written on their faces, stood lawyers and preach ers, trauesmen ana iarmers. Poor men, clad in humble gar ments, stood side by side with men whose wealth ran up into the million, all grieving for the man who had been their friend. His love for the South and for the Confederacy was true and strong and yet there was no bit terness in his heart for those tented field. He made all his preparations to leave, even to the conduct of his funeral, and then he calmly awaited the end. I saw that the demand for room him just three days before the final attack came upon him- He vas up and sitting out in the balmy sunshine of the early spring. I could see that he was weaker than usual, but he was the soul of courtesy, and when alady friend came in to see him and asked for a drink of water he would not let her get it by her self, insisting upon bringing it ; to her, and then taking the glass back after she had finished - Although he was a member of another denomination, he proved in more ways than one that he was my friend, and it was al ways a genuine pleasure when I could spend a little while in the company of this brilliant, cul tured gentleman. He will be sadly missed by the general public, by the legal fra ternity, by the old soldiers to whom he was sincerely attached, : 111.1 i lr.i -Af-.. . Artim. W. T. Moody for ! ,nno of the present quarter there! were present 1,128 patients;? J. H. Wishart Free Delivery. Phone No. I. READ ROBKSOHIAH BUSINESS BDILDERS. He Got What He Needed. "Nine years ago it looked as if my time bad come,'' 6ays Mr. C Farthing, of Mill Creek, Ina. ier. "I was bo run down that life hung on a verv slender thread It was ... . then my druggist recommended Electric Bitteis. I bought a bot tle and I got what I needed strength. I had one foot in the grave, but Electric Bitters put it back on the turf again, and I ve been well ever Bince.'' Sold un der guarantee at all drug stores. 50eWs. bo'h men and women patients presisk; that the health of the inmates of the house is good. Elections for 'the term of one year wre had as follows: President of the board, J. P Caldwell; executive committee. I. I. Davis, C. H. Arnifield, A. A. Shu lord; steward, F. M Scrog-g-s; matron, Mrs. 0. A. ! Marsh; all these being re-elec tions. The wards were examined and found in perfect condition. Conditions ofall kinds through out the institution were never better. It was a matter of interest to learn that ol the four pa-, tients who recently escaped and all of whom were promp -ly returned, two have acknowl edged that they were glad to by the Northern visitors, for ; get back and it is believed that many of whom he acted as legal j the other two were also. adviser, and especially by those ! who were bound to him by ties,. . ,-. i I.t'CAS C'OVNTT. ) Of Kindred. HlSUOme life Was; Frank J. Ohfnryimkn "a'h thth 18 Kn , , . ,, . tor partner ot the firm ol F. J Cheney A Jo beautiful, and that, after all, is ; doing iw.ness io the ci t of t. i do coumy , . , , j and tate aIoresid and tht Mid firm wl 1 the truest test of a man s real ! pT the tum otoss hundked dollars f. r . i -ich and .-very case of Ca'arrn that cancel be n .! i , -n u i rr I cured, by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cnr. Holhster 6 Kockv Mountain lea fr ski ohenkv. na. foil. tr. llm .tnmdf li i Sworn to e and Burcrild n i y u. -- , I premtre-, th.ssth day ol Iecemtier A . u l purify the blood regulate the bow- 01 a. w glea'on elS, liver and Kidneys. I be great- I Hl"s Catarrh Cm Is Uken mteroally. and M o.;-, t, m.lroo .twI Voorvo ' acTBdl ee-ly on the blood endn.uoouBgnrfaceij rai ojinug .vu.u, r" of the Bystem. Send for retmo -lalu tree. The trustees of the Univer sity have been asked by the heirsof ex-Governor D.I. Swain to refund about $5,000 loaned the University by Governor Swain during and after the Civil war. The trustees decid- . . a a ea that they have no way to pay the claim and that the proper remedy would be to present the claim to the Legislature. BY-LO raicum Powder. Natural Violet. Two-English immigrants just arrived in this country were on Monday placed by the State De partment of Agriculture with J. A- Westbrook at Mount Olive, extensive trucker. The depart ment has j ist received notice of k number of others on their way to this country, ill farmers and tiardeners- By-Lo is so fine that it floats in the air, and so delicately perfumed with the odor of fresh flowers, that we know yon will like it. It does not have that Talcum Powder odor, just fbe Smell o! Fresh Violets. We handle all the different kinds of High-Grade Talcum Powders, bnt re gard By-Lo as the best there is. Yon will think so too when you try it. Yours to Please, Or. I. D. McMillan & DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. O. June 18th J. A. MacKethan, M D., MacKrthan Bui us ins, Fayettevllle, N. C Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialty. 1-13 Son, you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets ! J. D, MeMillan & Son. F J . CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all DruRttiets. 76e. TakaHaii'aFamUr Pills for Conjugation. A Common Mistake. Many women m stake kidney and bladder troubles for some ir regularity peculiar to the sex. Fo ley's Kidney Remedy corrects ir regularities and makes women well. Hiss Carrie Harden, Bowl ine Green, Ky., writeB: "'I suffer ed much pain from kidney and bladder trouble until I started to use Foley's Kidney Remedy. The first bottle gave me great relief. and after taking the second bottle I was entirely well." Sold by all druggists. si 8E0. S. BACKER & SON MANUFACTURES OF oors. Sasn, Blinds,. Moulding. Building Materia Sasn Welahts and Co. 4. Charleston. S. C Purchase our makes, which we roar ntee superior to any sold South, and hereby save mnnn . Window ad Fan cy Glass a Specialty- 4-ao RlanZan Pile Remedy luitrt tvncj uincjt rau, K Q. SIPHER, ELECTRICIAN, Lurabertott, N. C. Office in Shaw Building, Phone 118 1-6 Dr. R. F. GRAHAM," DENTIST, Lumberton, N. C Office over Bank of Lunberton. Rooms No. 7 and 8, l-xo8 Dr. J. G. McKENZlE, Physician and Surgeon, ORRUM.N.C " Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Stewart, Cut Glass, Clods. Ours is a complete jewelry store. 'T? o line of goods more reliable ia carried by jewelers auywhere. w batever b worth avrrtir tn a lewelry store is to be fonnd here. Our Repair Department ia complete ia very detail. Special Attention To Han. Oari GEO. W. HUGGINS. 105 Market Street, WILMINGTON, x i X t N. C. Notice ! LDMBERION NOVELTY WORKS For Mantels, Columns, Brackets, Balusters, Pulpits, Church Pews and all kinds of odd jobs. Mail orders solicited, ble. ts, Church Pews Terms reai-oa- R. B. Humphrey, Proprietor and Manager. 1 7-IO Subscribefor The Robeaoniaa and keaa ap with the crowd.

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