THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESON I AN. D. THE ROBE SON1AN PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAY BY ROBESOMAN PUBLISHING CO. J. A. SI1ARPE, - - Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATK8: the Terf Six Month! J Three Months On Month 11.60 iclence completed in a short time. Messrs. H. Barues and W. 0. Graham made a business trip to Fair Bluff Friday. Mr. Benjamin Powell, of Fair Bluff, spent 'lhursday night in town. The W. O. W. meeting was :L8 held here Wednesday night. 16 The attendance was very good Mrs. T. F. Barnes and Miss Le.ia Barnes left Thursday tor the mountains, where they will spend about 2 months with rel atives aud friends. We are sorry to report Mrs. T. G. Richards on the sick list. MAXTON NEWS MATTERS. RED SPRINGS NEWS in ordering the arldresi of hie paperchaiiBed HulvoriWr should give the address to which i v....- .,t.1t uiiri th itiw address. With e Urge circulation that it has, ine .n.nin la firat-class advertising medi um. Rales will lurnlsaed promptly to urospectlve advertiser. . . The paper wants to be falrto correspondents fn ih.m a latitude as it thinkx public policy will permit. We are not u..hi...riili-wa(i( auv correspond ent. We require that a writer sign his name or.ursm hope she will soon be on wnere ihe name oi wi-i - " - , .,111,1 "11 ' be pubilKhed, we reserve the right, lor good Une road to "WellVllle. reasons, to g've ine name wotu oc . Election Time lor Town Officers Drawing Near.-Thoso Who are In the Race maxwo Raeford In a Ball Game-Per-sonals. Miss Mamie Walker.of Greens boro, is the guest of the Misses Barnes. W- D. Reynolds spent a few days at his old home at El erbe Springs this week. Mr. J. A. McKinncn spent Wednesday in Parkton. Mr. J. A. McLean s Dent Wednesday in Lumber Rridtre. Mr. J. W. Carter, oi nr.ii a afnnd-dasg matter at the Post- ifnce at JLumberton, N. O., under the Act ot Congress of March 3rd, WW. MONDAY, APRIL 27. x8- Miss Lula Hedgpeth has been visiting relatives in Columbus this week Mr. Tom Hedgpeth spent Wednesday night in Rowland. PRiumv emotion for TOWN Mr. v imam ranaui is officers. ins quite a bit to his daughter s Dmi't forget that the primary comfort by placing a graceiu election for the purpose of se- parlor in front of the former Iwliifr triwn oiTicers for the en- building, " D Ball Games Movements of the People. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Rev. M. Curtis, the home missionary evangelist, paid Red Springs a visit Sunday. Quite an interesting game of baseball took place on our grounds when the S. M. A. de feated Jonesboro by a score of 9 to 2. This was the most in teresting game played here this seas o n - , pot n tea ras pia v ea I t mi ft r 1 Maxton, and Mr. J. T- John, of well, me teatures or tnegame John's Station, left Wednesday were tne neiuing Dy evaneanu 011 a business trip to Alabama. the pitching by McKethau tor Miss Sue Martin, of Conway, S. the S. M. A., and Makepeace C, armed this week and is visit- for Jonesboro, the latter being a ing in the home of her uncle.Mr. left-handed man and throwing suing year w ill be held will tomor- remain row. ihe pons o len all day. As stated in Thursday's Rob esonin, the following officers We are glad to report Mr. William Macoms improving. Misses Mar Moore and Cor nelia Williams were ou our streets last Monday. Both are M- A. McQueen. Ur. u. it- Kirkpatrick was in Bennetts- ville, S. C, last night. Rev. E. MeWhorter is assist ing in a series of meetings at Central Street Methodistchurcb at Raleigh Mr. W. H. Harding returned today from a business trip to Philadelphia and other northern points. "When Smith Came Home" will hold the boards at the opera bouse tonight- This show was here earlier in the season, play- a slow ball, was very hard to hit. The line-up was as fol lows: Jonesboro: Kelley, short stop;Watson, catch; McKethan third base; Makepeace, pitch Campbell, left field; Hoyle.first base; Jones, second base Daraymple, center field; Mur chison, right field. Southern Military Academy: Townsend, second base; McKe than, D. pitch; Poole, catch; Henderson, first base; Devane, will be named: A mayor to serve very attractive young ladies. o. e year; three commissioners to .serve two years; three mem lu'i-3 of the board of audit and finance to serve one year; four graded school commissioners to serve one year. The tick ets, as posted by the managers of the primary at the Opera Ilouse.will he found elsewhere in this paper. We respectfully submit that the citizens of the town should show more interest in the re sult of this primary than has been so far manifested. As is well known, those named at the primary will be elected to the various offices. The affairs of the town are large and varied and it is to the best interest of the town that its best citizens be named to fill all the posi tions. It should not be forgot ten that those who preside over the business affairs of the town of Lumberton have j control of the public business of over 3,000 people, and about $2,000,000 worth of property. Besides, the pres ent indebtedness of the town is more than $105,000, and it is evident that business men who will give their time and atten tion to the work, and who can manage the business affairs of the town with economy, are needed. It seems to us that the debt of the town is now large enough and that it should not be increased. The taxes of the town are high perhaps higher tkan they should be. We do not propose to suggest names or choose between the various candidates, but we do urge the voters to attend the primary and vote for those they aj 1 enfet- rinnp clinrf Rfnrv mg oeiore a crowueu udusb &uu--i ...u, -v, pleasing all. They play in Pay- Cook, left field; Covington, etteville to morrow night Miss Rosa Bullock, of Fair mont, was a guest of Mrs. H. Barnes Monday. Mrs. K. Karnes, seems be in very good health. The young and old ladies seem to be making the best of leap year they possibly can. Well, I don't blame them; this only comes once in four years. Powersville, N. C, Apr. 24, '08. LONG BRANCH ITEMS. Death of Mrs. Dock Watts Per sonal Items. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Rev. I. P. Hedgeth filled his regular appointment Saturday and Sunday and delivered excel lent sermons, which he always does, for he looks as if he was full of the Spirit all the time. Mr. Claud Roberts, of Lumber ton, was visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Roberts, Sunday. Mr. Berry Ivey, of Orrum, was visiting at church Sunday, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Britt, of Lumberton, were visiting at the home of Mr. Britt's brother, Mr. J. E. Britt, Sunday Mr. Alex Britt, of McDonalds, was the guest of Mr. W. C Britt last week. Miss Dollie Lamb, of Smyrna, was visiting at the home of her brother, Mr Charley Lamb, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meares, of Lum berton, were visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs- W. L. Thompson, Sunday. Miss Em ma Rowland, of Lumberton, who spent a week with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Lewis, returned home Sun day afternoon. Mr. R. W. Barnes, of Cerro Gordo, visited relatives in this community Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ivey, of Howellsville, visited their think will best serve the interests daughter, Mrs. A. L Stone, Sat of the town, irrespective of urda7 and Sunday. Mr. Nathan .Drill, or iog swamp, nas oeen visiting at our church for the their own personal interests. The editors who attended the past few Sundays. Somthinghas mPP.tinir ofthp North Carolina I De doing, SO look out girls! iixr. j a. riMj is an swims Press Association held at Char lotte last Wednesday and Thursday will never ' for get how royally they were entertained. The papers read were the best ever read be fore a convention of the associa tion, and the entertainment pro viuea can only oe spoken oi in the superlative degree. Char lotte knows how to do those things to perfection and she never slights the work or lets anything come tardy off. POWERSVILLE POINTS. Big Prohibition Meeting Per sonal and News Items. ''- Correspondence of The Robesonian. this week. It is a boy. . Mr. and Mrs. H P. Barnes, of Howellsville, visited their daugh ter, Mrs. A. L Stone, Monday Mr. Forest Stone, of Mt. Eliam, accompanied Miss Annie Carter to church last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. L. Hooks and Mrs. Miller, of Kingsdale, were the guests of Mrs. A. L. Stone Tuesday afternooa. Mr. John Britt, of Cerro Gordo, passed through here en route to Lumberton Tuesday. Mrs. Dock Watts, of this sec tion, who had been sick for some time, passed away last Saturday and was buried Sunday. She was a faithful servant of the Lord and has gone to reap her Messrs. W. E. Hearn and J. E. Turlington have completed the soil survey around Maxton and left for Lumberton Wednesday The time will soon be here for the election of the town officers Mayor Williams has disappointed his friends by announcing that he will not be a candidate for re election. He has been a good of ficer and retires with honor. The members of the present board of commissioners announce tnem seives for re-election. The board is composed of W- H. Harding, McKay McKinnon, T.O. Evans and A. B. Croom. These gen tlemen have done their work well. They arethoroughly posted oa water works and sewerage and in the next term would prob ably be of more service than they have in the past. Mr. J. C. Par ish has announced himself a can didate for mayor. Having served in this capacity before he will doubtless make a good successor lor Mayor Williams. Mr. Par ish is considered authority on building and on construction work and in installing water i works. His service would be most valuable to the town. In a ball game this afternoon between Raeford and Maxton, Maxton won by a score of eleven to seven. The Raeford boys put up a good game. Patterson for Raeford got a three-base hit the longest that was made. The Wonderland, a carnival show, will be here all of next week showing under the auspi ces of the Maxton band. Mr. Martin Luther McLean has resigned his position with j the Alma Store Company to ac cept one in the office of the Adams Grain & Provision Co., at Fayetteville. Miss Lee, of Lauriaburg, is the guest of Miss Kate Souther- land at her home near Maxton. Mrs. Bundy, of Wagram, was in Maxton today visiting in the home of Dr. M.R. Gibson. Mrs Frank McLean, of Montgomery, Alabama, who had been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. R. Gib son, left Tuesday for Raeford, where she will visit relatives- Mrs. John G. Brown, of Red Springs, is in town today. Maxton, N. C, April 24, 1908. right field; McKethan, M. third base. Mr. Horace Pearsall, of Wil mington, is visiting friends in town. Mr. J. C. McCaskill and sister, Miss Cam'mie, were in town Monday afternoon. Mr. Joe Shaw, of Lumber Brnlge, was in town Monday. Messrs. R. W. Pleasants, of Carthage; W. E. Scott, of Old Hundred; J. E. Turlington, Raleigh, and G. E. Cross, Joe Creek, were registered at the Robeson Inn Monday. A. A. Williford, of Raeford, was in town today. Mr. W. T. Bowen, of Fayette ville, was in town today. Mr. D. G. Robeson, of Councils, is in town visiting his parents. Mr. C. E. Yeditaker is moving his novelty works from his old stand, over near the North Carolina Military Academy. Messrs. Alex Purcell and brother, of Raeford, attended the play at the college Monday night. Mr. Tom McNeill, of Lum berton, is in town to attend the Hall-Williams marriage. Mr.H.E.McLeod, who has been on the sick list for the last few days, we are glad to see out again. The second team of the S. M. A. was defeated Friday by Maxtorv's second nine, by a score of 20 to 8. The game was played on Maxton's grounds and was a very interesting game np to the seventh inning, but our boys went to pieces and on this account lost the game. Messrs. Edwin Callahan and J. G. Reedy, of Rowland, spent Sunday in Red Springs. Messrs. Rufus Williams and Dr, Kirkpatrick, of Maxton, were in town yesterday attend ing the ball game. Messrs. J. B. Weatherly and Olie Wren, of Maxton, attended the ball game and entertainment at the col lege jionday. Mr. W. D. Mc Kay, of Philadelphus, was on the streets Monday. Messrs. H. Hill and James Kinsey, of Cheraw, S. C, were registered at the hotel Satur- SWEPT BY CYCLONE. Death and Destruction Wrought In Three" Soutbeia States. Atlanta, Ga , Dispatch, 24tb . A wind of cyclonic proportions swept over portions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama late today, leaving a trail of dead and injured. Tonight the number of killpri is estimated at close to a hundred and the number of in jured at over a hundred, with many portions of the afflicted districts to hear from. Most of the dead are negroes, erhaps a dozen white persons were caught in falling buildings and either fatally injured or so seriously disabled as to require medical attention. In Louisiana it is estimated that a score of small towns were destroyed or partially wrecked These include Amite City, Arca dia, and Independence- Bel Grove. Melton. Lorman, Pine Ridge, Quilman Landing, Pair childs Creek, Purvis and Lum berton, Miss., are reported se riously damaged by the storm. In Alabama, Dora was the chief sufferer. This town is also kaown as Bergen. Four or more persons were killed. Fifty persons at the lowest estimate were injured. At Bergen cars were blown irom tne rauroa j tracks and considerable other i property destroyed. Reports also say that the storm struck Albertville, Ala., late today and destroyed nearly the entire northern portion of the town. A cotton mill was blown down, the storm ranging northward ,doing much destruction to life and property. An unconfirmed re port from this section gives the death listas from thirty to thirty five with scores of persons in jured. " i MISSISSIPPI'S LOSS HEAVY. New Orleans, La April 25- Probably half a thousand lives lost, a hundred or more persons fatally injured, and many times this number painfully hurt, to gether with a property loss run ning up in the millions, is the record so far of a series of torna does that originated in the West two days ago, sweeping across SAM COX, President. C. B. AYCOCK. Vice-President. B. D. HEATH, Second Vice-President. A. D. WARD. General Counsel. North Carolina Security Company CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 GREENSBORO, N. C. STOCKS & BONDS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE DIRECTORS: C. B. AYCOCK, - Goldsboro. B. D. HEATH, Charlotte. R. E. L. BROWN, Chadbourn. F. H- COTTON, Fayetteville. O. L. CLARK, Clarkton L. G. ROPER, Roper. T. O. EVANS, Maxton. A. D. WARD, New Bern. D. SAM COX, Greensboro. A. A. SIIU FORD, Hickory. J. O. CARR, Wilmington. L. I. MOORE, New Bern. GEO HACKNEY, Wilson. Greensboro, N. C. April 14, 19t 8. To the Man or Woman with Idle Money:- Do the seeds sprout while they stay in your barn or on your pantry shelves? Not so: nor will your money grow and bring forth more money, while it stays in your pocket or locked in a safe deposit box, . If you want it to grow, you must plant it, and you want to plant it in good soil. We can furnish you a fertile field. We are just now in position to offer a few thousand dollars worth of excellent stocks, at par value of $100.00 We can also offer a few shares of stock in this Company, at only $105 00. These stocks are no paying 4 per cent, semi-annually, January and July, and we can satisfy you that the earnings will increase from year to year. Let your money work. It isn t profitable to let it sleep. 4-20-2 m on D. SAM COX, President. Cooper This! Cooper That! Cooper Sells Royal Flour, Cooper Sells Bunker Hill, Cooper Sells Stocks Patent, Cooper Sells Diadem, Cooper Sells Saxon, Cooper Pushes Green Colfi e, Cooper Sells Lion Coffee, Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Notice of Primary. ldl ip h- r a judgnieut and decree of the Superi- rft -,nP fiIT r tt,T-n -Wv,, Coirt If Robeson couPty, eutered be- IO TIIE UAUFIED OTEKS OP Ey virtue of authority vt sled in me un der a judgnieut and decree of tue Supers or fore the Clerk, in a Special Proceeding upon the docket of said Court entitled B. O. Townsend and others vs Newuiaa A.. Townsend and others, same being Special Proceeding no 2762 upon the Cooper Has Large Mullets, Cooper Has Small Mullets. LOOK COOPER UP. WILMINGTON, N. C. Commissioner's Sale. Kay, Texas, Uklahoma, Arkansas, 11 rAADrn Louisiana, Mississipi, Tennessee, t f . fja uull l.Kj Alabama and Georgia yesteraay and last night. It left a patch of death, deselation and want in its wake, seriously interrupted com munication between cities in the South and brought about chaotic conditions in many smaller towns. Mississippi bore the brunt of the storm. Reports from that State indicate that the loss of life will be by far the gaeatest of any section through which the storm passed. Estimates of those who lost their lives as a result of tornadoes in Mississippi places the death list near 300, with a thousand or more injured. In Texas, Lou isiana, Alabama and Georgia the death lists ae also large with loss of life in Arkansas and Ten nessee. Authentic information is, in many instances, lacking owing to the crippled facilities fr communication and the lack of time to form anything like an accurate estimate of the damage. the Town or Lumberto.v, North Carolina: You will take notice that a rrima- docket of said Court, 1 tll, on Monday, I ry for the election of town officer! to tne ism day 01 May, 1908, at 12 o'clock, be Toted for at the town election to county, at Lumberton, North Carolina, rAheeldlou the fir Monday in May, tier lor sale at public auction to the high- uw uuxj cauea Dy the est bidder for cash, tbt following de-J Board I Uomruiegioners of the Town scribed lands, to-wit: 0f Lnmberton. N O . nd tht t,ni. In Thompson's towaship, on the east meeti tha nnd(,ra,ffna, . . . . sale ot Aaron swamp, Degiuning at a 1 , . , D istake in the run of aid swamp just at anj appomtea as managers for aaid the side 01 the Harieesvuie roan, ana 1 primary, ana the qualified yoters of runs down the run of said swamp 50 the Town of Lnmberton will farther chains to a stake; thence due east 79 U,vn nnt, that . . t. chains to a stake m the back line; thence . - 3 w north 25 chains to a stake; thence north I nomination 01 town offioeri will be 78 east 17.50 chains to a pine; thence I duly held at the opera bouse on the north n west, 16 cuams to a stake and come, of Elm aud Sixth Streets In the two pines; thence north 60 east, 10 chains 1 rri. t .. - . to a stake and four pin s; thence north ToWn. ot Lnmberton, (it being the 45 west, 46 ckains to a stake and two building now osed as the cort honra pines in the edge of the road; thence for Robeson county), on Tuesday, the along the various courses of the road to 3ili dar nf Ann'l iQna I the beginning, containing six hundred 1 ,,!,, , ' ! acres, more or less, and beinir the lands P11b w,U Pen from enn known as the Jackson Townsend (Sr.) Bet na "at at said primary there lands. 1 will be four ballot boxee Drovided. nae Dated this April iSth, 1908. being marked "MaTor' another K. C. LAWKF.NCK. "RnM f rUm!; ' ' Commissioner. 1 .,,.0, -"ulu.i Mclntvre, Lawrence & Proctor, At- coara OI Audit and Finanoe," aud torneys for plaiutiffs. 4-2o-4mon I another "Board of Graded School Trnstee8, ' and the voters of the Town By virtue of authority in me vested by I an order of the Superior Court of Robe-1 sou county, made 111 a Special Proceed- j i; , : T T" ing cnerem penuing wnereiu j x, , . . D , r executor ot Hector aici.ay, ae-w pi,lmlll, r w Ti,,r. Notice of Sale Under Deed of of Lumberton are further notified that rp . at said primary the following ofioere o 1. wlu kg vote)1 for to-wit By vi tue of the power and authority ceased, is plaintiff, and Jim Graham and .. fJ, ,",..'. i,tu,:,L' " othe-s are defendants, I will sell by pub- wrarin , Af n, piVvt-,n lie auction for cash at Maxtor., Robeson . pany which is rrcorded in county, N. C., on Saturday, the 9th day ft ffi f ,th,Regirter o Deeds of , r",:n. "v. , . Robeson county, in book s 1, page lowing described tract or parcel of land, tbe ollowing p70perty wiu & e,s s ue by public auction. Lots (ii and 12) eleven and twelve in to-wlt In Maxton township, Robeson county, N. C, beginning at a stake in the north ern line of tbe Hector McKay land, the second corner of lot No. 7, and runs as the line of said lot South 1 West, 4.90 chains to a stake in the line of lot No 8; theH as that line South 86 hast, 23 10 chains to the line of said Hector McKay land; then as that line North 35 West, 6 chains to the corner; then as its other line North 86 West, 19.70 chains to the beginning, containing 1 1 5-8 acres, it be- ing lOt 10. y 111 LUC U1V1MUM VI LUC IdUUa belonging to the estate of Hector McKay, deceased, and being the portion which was not disposed of by his will. This 9th day ot April, 190s. B. F. McLean, 4-i3-4mon Commissioner. 213, pofed to block K in the town of Parkton, a depot on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, and all buildings and machinery located thereon; alo one boiler located on J. C. I). McNatt s lot, and now used by the t -l-. .... x- i .. i : 1 of,. tiCD.i .ii ,, ki., (offices to be elected will be Commissioner's Sale. A Mayor to s-erve for one year, three niembets of the Eoard of Com missioners to serve for two years; three members of the Board of Audit and Finance to serve for one year ; four members of the Board of Graded School Trustees to serve for two years. The qualified voters of the Town of Lumberton are farther notified that on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, pre ceding tbe holding of said primary, a full list of all the candidates for tbe posted in ing to said company. I "Out oi the opera house building at Eids will be taken ou the propeety sep-1 the place above set forts arately and .19 a whole, and the bids or The gaid voters are furtker uotiieA bid accepted will be the highest for the tt, , j , ' entire propert. that a C0W ot h ralfeB ul regmla- 1 . - ... a.: 1 1 1 j - . - . . Piace ot sale: Where the above descnb-1 " uoiuing 01 tae saia pri ed property is located in Parkton, N. C. I mary are now posted in front of said day. Shocking Goldsboro Tragedy. Goldsboro Special. 2 d, to Charlotte Obsrrer. x "c JUU"'C' " J"i.ijr .nvtLvi- One of the most shocking trae- em-v Save a three days' holiday edies in the history of Goldsboro 1 for Easter and many of the occurred here last nisnt, when bovs went home Howard Bain made a murderous assault upon his wife and two- months old baby, shooting the former three times through the chest with a 38 calibre revolver. The balls, went through the body, ! Mr. W. J. McDonald, of Wa kulla, was in town Saturday. Prof. W. T. Holgrave, prin cipal of the Lumber Bridge -j. mi promotion meeting at Big Branch church Sunday was reward. We allsympathize with a great success. We have no her folks idea hut thi spr-tinn will tm I close with best wishes to The Kobesoniaa I Lumberton, R. P. D. 4, Apr. 24. of inflicting wounds from which the High School, was in town Sat wu 111 an uau unruiy recover. nt.j, T1T T1 . seems that nn annnt. nf nm, "day. Mr W- R Moore. family trouble Bain and his wife Charlotte, was in town Satur- were not living together, having day on business. oeen separated a monin or more Odorless Onions. Clintoa (.!&-) Herald. Wing Hop, a Chinese gard ener wh owns a small truck farm near Fresno, Cal., has made the startling announce ment that he has out-Burbank-ed Burbank and produced an odorless onion. or years Hop, who formerly worked for Burbank, has been working on the production of an onion which would have all the taste and other qualities of the nor mal vegetable but would be free of the disagreeable odor which offends so many persons. Now he claims he has succeed ed and his contention is borne out by the statement of many of lis white neighbors and rivals who have inspected the new onion. prohibition. The farmers are rapidly n-vtii A. I i 1 rni . a . oLLuig meir lODacco. 1 ne a auai election was neld in seasons are prevailing very fa- Raleigh on the 22d on the issue vorable for the crops. or road bonds and lor an m- i;mu ; 1 , creased tax for public schools, Ihe timber is being placed , . . ., , ., , JL . and both propositions failed, v,.. ... .t 4U. , x ,argely OQ a(Jcount Qf the the depot at this place. We home voter8i it is said that the are an anxious to see tnis nec- failnre means six months instead essary building, completed, as 0f nine months schools; it will add considerable to the convenience of the public. Plenty of Trouble Prof. J. P. Price is addinH Is caused bv Bta8nationof theliver a 1 1 , 1 ouu uunoio, iu tot uu auu quite a b.t in his home by ex- headache and biliouaneBB and the tending porch around south side of his house. Prof. T. F. Barnes is mak the prison that brings jaundice, take ur liing's JNew late F Ub, the re- liable purifiers that do the work wit h mi t arrinrlino rv cTinlnT 9rM ing a greatjeff ort to get his res-1 at all drug stores. Mr. W. N. McBryde of this place and Miss LouiseWilliford, of Antioch, were unitedin mar riage Sunday. Messrs. C. A. Wilcox and W. K. Brock were registered atthe Robeson Inn Monday. H. P, Thorpe, of Rock Mount, was in town yesterday A Twenty Year Sentence. J The Zetesian fair at the col- "I have just completed a twenty lege Monday night was a decid Mrs. Bain was at the home of her rarents, Mr. and Mrs. McCullen, who keep a boarding house here. and had just retired for the night when she was asked by her hus band, who had come to-her door, to get up and open it. See the Midnisrht Ride of Paul Revere at the opera house tomor row evening. t year health sentence, imposed by Uucklen'B Armoa ralve. which oured me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago." writes (J o Weolever. of LeRaysville. N, Y Bueklen's Arnica Salve heals the werst sores, boils, burns, wounds and euts in tie shortest time, lie at all drug stores, ed success. The young ladies Affords Perfect Security. Foley's Honey and Tar affords perfeot security from pneumonia and consumption as it cures the most obstinate coughs and cold1 We have never known a Bingle in st ance of a cold resulting in pner uionia after Folev'B Honev and lilKuS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS lar fiad 136611 taken- Bold by a Relieve IndigMtlon and Stomach Trouble. dtUgglBtB. Dl By virtue of authority in me vesled by an order of the Supe ior Court of Robe son county in a Special Proceeding there in pending, wherein Frank McLean, ad ministrator of Albert McKay, deceased, is plaintiff and J. D. M cKay and others are defendants, I will sell by public auc tfon for cash, at Maxton, Robeson coun ty, N. C, on Saturday, the 9th day of May, 1908. at 12 o'clock, tn., the follow- ing described lands, to-wit: In Maxton township, Robeson county, N. C, beginning a, a stake by a black gum beside the public road, Fairley's corner, and runs North 86 West, 41 chains to the dividing line in Hawkins bay; then North 1 fcast, 4. 90 chains to the second corner of lot No. 6; then South 86 East, 41 chains to a stake by a gum and oak; then South 1 West, 4.90 chains to he beginning, it being lot No. 5 in the division of the lands belonging to the es tate ot Hecter McKay, deceased. This 9th day of April, 190a. B. F. McLean, 4-l3-4mon Commissioner. opera bouse. Dated thiB April 8th ( 1968. GEORGE U. WHITFIELD, A- p. McAllister, JAMES D. PBOCTOR, IRA L. POPE, J. P. TOWJSSEKD. 41C-4-27r flotice oi Summons by Pstlicttlon. gave a play entitled "The Pet ticoat lertidy, 01 winch mis? Irene McLeod was the star. Af- t r the play refreshments were served in the conservatory hall and not until a late hour did the young men retire. The pro ceeds went to the Zetesian Lit erary Society. Red Springs, N. C, April 24 1908. Cloth all Wool and Paint all Paint Is cheaper than shoddy cloth or sheddy paint. The L & M is Zinc Metal made into Oxide of Zinc combined with White Lead, a id then made into paint with pure Linseed Oil i thousand gallon grinding and mixings. Wears long; actual cost only fi.2 per ga 10 1. L. & M. Paint Agent . McAllister Hardware Co., Lumberton, N. C, Agents. 4-1 v:m ManZan Pile Remedy KUVE3 WHEM OTHERS FAIL Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale of the Superior Court of Robeson county, entered in Special Proceeding mo. 272s, and entitled A. W .Frevatt vs May Prfvatt et als," the undersigned commissioner, pursuant to said order will, on Monday, the 4th day of May. 190, at tne courthouse door 111 Lumber- ton, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, the fol lowing described land and, in Kooeson county and Mats ol North Car oliua. Being lot No. 5 in the division of the lands te'oni' g to the estate of Miles N Mitchell, and appropriated to the chil dren ot Amanda Prevatt, wife of W. W Prevatt, beginning at a stake and pine and white oak on the west side of a brancn, the second corner of the original survey, and runs as that line North 5 cast, 19.15 chains to a stake in the edee of a field; then South 72 West, 4 chains to a stake and two pines; then South S5 west 3 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 4; then as that line South West. 1 chains to a stake; then South 72 East 6.75 chains to the beginning, containing 11 acres. This sale is made for partition f said lands among tne Heirs 01 Amanda Pre vatt, deceased. This April 3rd, 1908. D. P. Shaw, 4-6-4nion Commissioner. Valuable Land for Sale. ao Hcres, more or less, valuable land for sale at Altordsville. 227 acres valua ble land 4 miles from Fair Bluff. Part cash, easy terms on balance. 6 per cent, interest on deferred payments, payable annually. or tun particulars address J. E. Dick, 3-30-5-8mon Fair Bluff, N. C. J In tbe Superior Court. Time of sale: Wednesday, Muv6, 1908. at 11 o clock, a. m. Terms of sale; cash. Spurgkon Jones, Trustee. Z. B. Newton, Attorney. 4-6-4mon Mortgagee's Sale. Under the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed by Geo. Williams and wife, Rebecca Williams, to Willian, 1 .--T cin 111. ... . I gageejwill sell at public auction for cash I NRTH Carolina, atthe court house door. Lumberton. N. ooe county. , on the 1 ith day of May, IQ08, the fol- I R. R. BniM lowing lands in Robeson county, North I vs Carolina, to-wit: Fanny McNeelyand In Red Springs township, and m the T. C. McXeelv and town of Red Springs, and described as Louise McNeeiy. his lutiuws; I wile V.foi r. Tl 1 11 (T ot a ct Q V. in t ll ft root in I the- northern part of the town of Red 10 l-anny woeely, one of the Defend- Sprhtgs. John M. Graham's corner; ants above named: thence West 123 feet and 8 inches to a . ou will take notice that an action en stake in firAham' romfr- tl,n(.. xwti. titled as above has been commenced in . . . ' 1.1... o : . . r t i 40 leet to a stake; thence East 123 feet 1 .oui7". Vurl " -oeson coumy and 8 inches to shto in tVi ct r.t-1 having for its purpose the collection of a thence South 46 feet to the beginning, certain note executed to tne plaintiH by containing 56S8 square feet, and adjoin-1 831(1 aelenaant anJ McNeely tor inc a lot sold to T M Graham lvo ca;,i $2000 00 on May oth, 1905, and for the tieorge and. Rebecca Williams. I Pu' F" " uiw.-miiik iuc mortgage 01 Said sale being made on account of de-1 even dat to secure the payment thereof, fault in the payment of the amount due 1 tbe 9aii lands being located in the coun- upon said mortgage. WIU.1AM McLkan, Mortgagee. McLe n & Mclean, Attorneys. 4-6-4mon Sale of Land. ty of Robeson; and for general relief un der the pleadings hied; aad the said de fendant will take notice that she is here by required to be and appear at a term of the Superior Court of Robeson county to De neld at tne court nouse m Lumberton, N. C , on the nth Monday after the 1st Monday in March, 190M, it bemethe iSth day of May, 1908, and answer or demur By virtue of authority vested in me un- dt r an order of re-sale entered by the I lo the complaint which will be filed in . . . . r . 1 r. -x . r . . . 1.1 ' . , . 1 1 . . . . ... viem oi xue ouperior ourx oi Kooeson I mis action, ami me saia aeiendant will county in a Special Proceeding pending I further take notice that in case she fail to betore him, entitled Charles Toon Flovd I appear and answer or emur during that and Curtis Peace Floyd, infants, Mrs. I term, the plaintiff will apply to the court Mamie w. irDy, general guardian, ex I tor tne renei sougnt in the complaint, .-..... i...; e r i : - I i : i . . r ... 2730 upon tne docket oi said court, 1 will, I ed therein. onMonday, the 4tH day ot May, 1908. at W ltness W. II. Humphrey, Clerk of 1 z .0 ciocic, noon, ai me court nouse door I tne superior Court ot Robeson countv at in Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale to the j office in Lumberton, N. C , this 17th day nignest oiacerat puoiic auction ior cash, lot Aptil, 190S. the following lot of land in the town of W. H. HUMPHREY, Lumberton, N. C, lounded and describ-J Clerk Superior Court Robeson Countv. ed as ionows: 1 North Carolina. Bounded on the North by the street I Mclntvre. Lawrence & Proctor. Attor- uiai runs iNortn 01 Kooeson institute, on I neys for PlaintiH. tue r.ast. Dy tnt street mat runs into the I 4-20-401011 mizauem roao near tne colored Metho- I 1 : 1 , . . . r- ... . . . . I airs, uarrett, tormerly the lot of R. R.I -v-wnv " "u"-" ye, anaon tne west by the street that Having qualified as Executors upon runs nasi 01 KODeson institute, and is a I the estate of Mrs. Fannie Peterson. le. .l l y upuu luc omciai map 01 ceased, on March 2ist, 1908, notice is the town of Lumberton, and is the sa me hereby given to all persons having claims land described in deed from Mamie Irby I ,,;..) h;,1 octnto I ncrcuj to Charles Toon Floyd and others, dated Mn.iersiwnV .niiiiiirati March nth, 190, and registered in the tlement on or before the 1st dav of April, Register's office of Robeson county, in 1909 or this otic bepieii in bar o: tneir recovery. book K K K K, at page 571 R. C. Lawrence, Commissioner. Mclntyre, Lawience & Proctor, Attor neys for Plaiutiffs. 4-6-401011 Newspapers are cheap enough or every man to have one of his wn. Quit beating your neighbor J. G. MCCORMICK and R S. Bond, Executors of Mrs. Fannie Peterson, dee'd. McLean St McLean, Attorneys. 3-23-6tnon