THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. LOCAL BRIEFS. Cotton to-aay .figgs Oi cents 15 cent r J. x A.unday school prohibition rally will be held at Antioch Bap tist church, in Wishart's town ship, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Prof. R. E. Sentelle, of Lumberton. will speak. A large attendance is desired. The E ectric Show Co. will play a return date here in the Opera House tomorrow evening. One of the leading features will bo the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. This is a good moving picture show that is well worth the price of admission. It is both instructive and entsrtain- Mr. S, E. Britt, of Ten Mile, While mortising a hole in a plough beam this" morning, stuck the Chisel in his left wrist, cutting an artery. He was brought at once to Lumberton but was al most exhausted from loss of blood by the time he reached here. His wound was dressed by Dr. T. C. Johnson. Final Judgment In Builders Lum ber Co. Bankruptcy Case. Raleigh Times, 25th. The motion for the distribu tion of the proceeds from the salo of the property of the Build ers Lumber Company of Mariet ta, Robeson county, a bankrupt corporation, was heard before Judge Thomas R. Purnell of the United States District Court to day. The case was heard in the United States circuit court of ap peals and the argument today was over the passing of the tinal judgment of that opinion. The lumber company is known as the W. J. Edwards property and the total liabilities are about $30,000, with assets placed at $15,000, less the court costs in the case. The Circuit Court held that the American Wood-workingMachine Co. was entitled to its claim of $3,300 in full, the other creditors, of whom there ara a number, to share alike in the distribution. Appearing in the case whereS. Mclutyre, of Lumberton, for the Builders' Lumber Co.; M. C. Woods, of Marion, S. C, for the CarolinaNorthernRy.Co.; Robert Ruark, of Wilmington, for the United Lumber Co. and others; J. G. McCormick, of Wilmington, for the American Wood-working Machine Co; Referee Geo. H. Howell, of Wilmington; R. E of Lumberton, for the trustees. In the article about the new graded school building in last Monday's Robesonian the state Went was Biade that the building complete and furnished, would cost 25,000. The figures should ' have been $i0, 000, and the figures last given come much nearer giving a correct idea of the size and elegance of the building. Dr. R- M. Norment was elect ed permanent chairman of the ixth district Republican conven tion held in Wilmington Satur day. Mr. W. M. Currie, of Robe on, was elected a member of the executive coramitee. i no oniy offices set opposite their res nee Notice ol Nomination of Various Candidates for Town Offices. As required by the rule3 of of the primary adopted by the board of commissioners of the town ofLumberton, we, the un dersigned managers of said pri mary, do hereby certify that the following named person have been nominated for the various other business transacted was I the election of delegates to the f national convention in Chicago .. and the passage of a resolution J extolling Roosevelt and Taft, I : --Musical entertainmentswere given in the vacant store room on Elm street Thursday and Friday I evenings by Mr. U. L Barrett, A who representative Parker-Gard- ner Co., of I Charlotte. The I playing by Misses Pully Ctow f der and Eva Harrison on the ex cellent sweet-toned pianos fur i nished by Mr. Barrett was a rare , ; treat that was very much enjoy ed by the large crowds taat at tended the entertainments. The Jonn Calvin McNair Lec tures atCbapel Hill How They Were Provided for. The series of "John Calvin McNair" lectures recently de livered at the University of North Carolina by Dr. Francis H. Smith, retired professor of physics at the University of Virginia, recalls a fact that should be of interest to all Robesonians. Mr. McNair was a Presbyte rian minister who lived near Saint Pauls in this county and died sometime in the year 1857. In his will he devised his lands to the trustees of the Univer sity and provided that the lands should be sold and the proceeds invested and the in terest used to provide lectures to be made before the student body. The lectures were to be made by "scientific gentlemen" and were to deal with some sub ject showing the "Relationship Between Sciences & Theology". At the time of Mr. McNair's death there was a great deal of discuasron owing to the then new scientific ideas that were being spread abroad and there was a great deal of skepticism abroad in the lind. That, how ever, seems to have almost en tirely passed away for now, as a rule, the most eminent ncien tific men are firm believers in the teachings of theology and re ligion. The land became involved in a law suit and nearly fifty years passed before the land was sold and the money placed in the hands of the University trustees, and the lectures re- PERSONAL. FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER. Mr. T. J. Moore spent yestp day in McColl, S. C. Dr. R. G. Rozier,' of Roziers, was in town Saturday. Mr. Hector Carlyle, of Fair mont, was in town Friday. Mr. T. C. Powers, of Powers ville, was in town today. Mr. R. M. Phillips, of Nor ment, was in town Friday. Mr. J. H Wishart visited rela tives at Hope Mills yesterday. Mr. W. P. Andrews, who lives near Fairmont, was in town Fri day. Messrs. G. B. McLeod and R. E. Lee spent Saturday in Ral eigh. Messrs. E. G. Johnson and Joe Allen, of St. Pauls, were in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bond, of Hunters Lodge, were in town Saturday. Mr. Artemus Lewis, of Fair mont, was among the visitors at this office Friday. Mr. John Willis, of Red Springs, was in Lumberton Sat urday or business Mr. N. McR. Nixon returned yesterday from a visit to his par ents iu Wilmington. Messrs. J. F. McKay and J. W. Graham, of Red Springs, were in town Friday. Mr. D. W. McNaughton, of i Lumberton. Boardman, was in Lumberton Saturday on business. Mr, S. N. Knox, of Charlotte, spent yesterday here with his brother, Dr, John Knox. Mrs. J. R. Morris returned Friday after a two weeks' visit to her parents in Wilmington. Mr. Walter Toon, of Chad- Scbool to Close May 14 -Small Boy Swallows a Saiety Pin Personal Mention. CorrespoiKleuce of The Robesonian. Former friends of Miss Alice Taylor are delighted to see her again. She is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thompson. Miss Katie Thompson, one of Maxton's best and prettiest of the fair sex, was an Easter visitor at the home of her father, A. O. Thorn pson. Messrs. McLean and Jones went to Princess Anne on a fish ing trip last Tuesday. Your correspondent had the pleasure of atirst visit to our sis ter town of Marietta last Thurs day.dining with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Oliver, who know well how to make you feel welcome and at home. Our day was so pleasant we hope to go again. School will close with an en tertainment on the night of May 14th. Mr. C. F. Ashley, who had boon on an extended trip to eastern N. C-, returned home the latter part of the week. Mr. Rowland Thompson, of Kansas City, Mo-, who is visiting relatives for the first time in quite a while, was ho re Wodnes nay, accompanied by Mrs. N. A- Thompson and Miss Lvenlyof Notes From Along Rural Route No. 2 From Lumbertoa. Cairespondeuee ol The Robesonian. The friends of Mrs. Warren Williams are glad to hear that she is rapidly improving in the hospital at Morganton. Mrs. Celia Humphrey, who wasquite sick recently, is well again. Mr. S. B. Humphrey visited his mother, Mrs. Celia Hum phrey, returning home last Thursday. Planting cotton is the order of the day on Saddle Tree. Messrs. M. D.Paul and Brick Ward have trans-planted their tobacco. Mr. Forney Davis visited on Saddle Tree Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. M'White visited at the home of Mr. J. B. Hum phrey Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs.Malcom Barkr visit ed their aunt, Mrs. Celia Hum phrey, Sunday. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Humphrey greatly sym pathize with them in the loss of their infant child, little An inieRuth, who died Saturday j night, after an illnessof about a week. Mr. E. Bass, an ex-Con federate Soldier, is sick at ilmme on Saddle Tree. ; Rev. F. F. Euro tilled his j n-gular appointment at Bar tiva names, to wit: FOR MAYOR: E. J. Britt, John A. Rowland. (Vote for one.) FORBOARD OF COMMISSION ERS; J. D. McMillan, Geo. G.French, W. I. Linkhaw, N. P. Andrews, J. D. Proctor. L. H. Caldwell. (Vote for three commissioners.) BOARD OF AUDIT AND FI NANCE. cently delivered are the first of' bourn, was in Lumberton Tburs- the series. It is said that the lectures were very interesting and were well attended by the students and that Dr. Smith is a forceful speaker and he was followed closely by all his hearers. From now on a series of the lectures will be delivered each year before the studensof the University. Mr. T. N. Hlgley Endorsed lor ker's Sunday at eleven a. in. lie delivered a very able pro hibition sermon from the text, "Am I my brother's keeper?" The ladies of Saddle Troe N. Hlgley Endorsed Register of Deeds. A. F. Ward, T. A. McNeill, Sr.. i To the Editor uf The Robesonian. R. C. Lawrence, Frank Gough, j In speaking of those who I. L. Pope. John P. Stansel-' have already announced theni- (Vote for three.) BOARD OF GRADED SCHOOL TRUSTEES: selves as candidates for regis ter of deeds, we have quite a lot to choose from and I think as men we should make our clock. The feature of the even i W. W. Carlyle, W. II Humphrey, i own choice. In the first place, 0 S Irs. R. E. L. Correll euter- tainea the Young Matrons' Club j I 1 fcvursday afternoon from 4 to H i W. H. Humphrey, R. D. Caldwell, " i 11 J ng was a contest called "An ' A. Nash, Stephen Mclntyre, ;A Jril AfTair,"in which Mesdames Stephen Mclntyre. N. A. McLean. (Vote for four graded school trustees.) Alf. McLeod, A. T. McLean, Fred j Thomas and Miss May Gill an-j swered every question correctly. . These four ladies drew for the priz3, Mrs. Alf McLeod being tie j successful one. Punch and other refreshments were served. Messrs. W. E. Ilearn and J. E Turlington, who are connected with the government soil survey department and who have been engaged in making a soil survey of Robeson county for several months, began work with Lum berton as headquarters last Thursday. They will complete the survey for the county from this point in about three months. A full account of their work and the kind of map they will maka will be given in Thursday's Hobesonian. ! A case against Mr. Junius Kinlaw, of Barker's, for cruelty to animals was tried Saturday y before Justice Jno-A. Rowland and dismissed. The suit was v- brought by Mr. Frank Munn, of 'Rennert. It was in evidence that on the 4th inst. Mr. Kinlaw took Mr. Munn's horse, which was standing hitched in the town of Rennert, without permission and rode it to St. Paul after Dr Dated G. M. Whitfield, A. P. McAllister, J.. L. Pope, J. D. Proctor, J. P. Townsend. Managers this April 25th, 1908 St. no stranger to stranger Commencement Exercises at Pauls High School. Reported for The Kobemnlan. The commencement exercises I of St. Pauls High School were I held Wednesday. The exercises were composed of songs, recita tions and declamations, all of which related to the great sub ject of prohibition. Mr. John son, the principal of the school, is an excellent school man, and we congratulate him on the splendid work he is doing, and a kind-hearted gentleman and one that is true and a man who has faithfully shown that he is not afraid to work. Now gentle men, I don't know one who has worked more faithfully for his party than Mr. T. N. Higley. H is no strang-er to me, he is you, he is no ! to work. He loves his party and all good human ity and to work for them is a joy and great pleasure. Now, this we know, and there is not oe single doubt in it. In nominating him we will make j no mistake, and we, yes, we I say "we" for we all will do what we can for his nomination, knowing him as we do. When we work for him we are doing our duty and it is surely pleasure to me to work for him, 1 1- - IC I a man wnu nas nu seiusuness day and Friday on business. Mr. R.-C. Lawrence returned Friday morning from a trip to Atlanta on professional business Miss Kate McNair, of Maxton, arrived here Friday morning and is the guest of Mrs. J. D- McMil lan. Mr- W. H. Lamb, of rural XT n r I a route jno. 4 irom Liumoertor, was a visitor at this office Saturday. Mesdames J. E. O'Neill and Jakie McLean, of Fairmont, were in Lumberton Friday shop ping. Mr. C. B Redmond attended the dedication services of thej&gon. Catholic church at St. Helena I Pender county, yesterday. Mrs. Bessie Maness, of Peach- ana, arrived here Friday morn ing and is the guest of her sister, Miss Polly Crowder. She will return home Wednesday morn ing. Mr. E E- Humphrey, who re cently moved from Baltimore, where he lived for some time, to his old home at St. Paul, was among the visitors in town Sat urday. , Rev. E M. Hoyle and Mr. W. H.Humphrey returned Friday night from Chattanooga, Tenn., where they attended the confer ence of the Layman's Missionary Movement, of the M. E- Church South. The infant son of Dr. Pa,te, of Rowland, who, with his mother and grandfather, L. R. Hamer, was spending the day with the family of J. L Townsend, of McDonald.last Wednesday crat-! are to have a prohibition mee p.d a sensation of terror in the inr at the church this week. whole community by swallowing! Mr. (Jenrette and Miss IVlle an open safety pin. It stuiJ in Humphrey came tin Sunday. the little fellow's throat for Mr. ani Mrs. june Mclnlvre quite a while, but before Dr. ; Mrg McIntvre's par. Brown, of Fairmont, live miles; . At " , . .. , , ,ents, Mr. and Mrs. 11,. J. away, could get there it had gone ; ... i i u u a ' Bijirs Master b erman Biggs, down and the baby seemed none i . . ,,. , the worse. We sincerely trust i um '"-" ' ' "' no harm may come to him from parents, Mr. and Mrs. It,. J. it. i Biggs, Sunday. Masters Lat- Fairmont, N. C, April 24,1908. j ta parneu and Pope Humphioy When a man writes as follows ; spent the latter part of last don't you think he means it V ''r. i Wetk at Orrum, - , . . i r i i r. . li. UI181118. rowaeny lexas, iCi t ;i0Uit8 Phrphn Center Dots. 0 reiponderre of The Robfionian QuiUiH number of our young folks ai-ti ; ded the commence n. nt x .-; uses of Stinceon Insti tute and report an enjoyable oc cation. Misses Hattie and Ida McAr- thur, of Whiteville, have boen visiting in this community, to the delight of their many friends. His many friends will be glad to learn that Mr. Willis Pitman, who has been very ill, is improv ing. Mr. Don Inman, of Fairmont, spent Sunday afternoon in this vicinity. One of our boys visits tht charming little town of Fairmont quite often Gutss he must be doins a rushing business. It is with profound regret that we learn of thedeathof Mr. Joi n Spivey, which occurred at the home of his daughter, near Back Swamp, Sunday. We deeply sympathize with the bereaved ones. Some of our boys were visit ing in the B.ick Swamp commit nity Sunday afternoon Mr. Arthur Bullock, of Balti more, spent Sunday in this com munity. Mr. Richard Pravatt.of B,i,k Swamp, spent Sunday lls j afternoon in this community. Center, N. C, Apr. 24, l'.K'N. Every school child i,i Lumber ton should see the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere at the opra houxe tomorrow evening. Only lOcentst The Merchants Association, Ol Fayettevllle, N. C. Will refund Round Trip Railroad Pares to customers j-Urchi sing goods on the following basis: IF YOU LIVE 10 miles or less f 1 1 to 15 mi'es ( 15. 21 to 25 ini!r $?$. 31 lo 35 f'iles f35. 46 to 50 miles fso. s I'or further iufi r mat ion address. Secretary Mer harts Association, FAYKT Th:VlU.K. N. C. 1-27-0S 111 3 BuSIHESS BUILDERS l ry au ud in tU'.i. column. W hether it is a house to rem, something yo tor sale, or soui. thing om natl to buy. The Kobesouiad Waul Column tiitii uru.L- the is. Laundry Work Guaranteed I h.ive t .mi 1 a smirch that will mane your lincu w'uiii ml still'. Cive me a i-liaucc to show you what I can do. Work, guaranteed Der Wiiig, lue Chinaman. 4 9 Columbia Hotel and Cale When you want something to eat, come to or t all up the Cohuuhia Hotel and Cafe. '1'houe Nil it. S. it. Spivey, I'ropne lor. 3-511 I'or Sale m .teres 1-ml. Runs with in two hundred y .rds of Harker's High School, adjoining the lauds of A. A. lVthuue and 1,. Shaw it. t Townsrud, huniherton, N. C. 2-10-lf It 1ir3 set the whole world a think ing Ugon it all Doctors, as ocp, agree; The tonic all your friends are tak ing Hollistr's Rooty Mountain Tea. J. i). jiir ;iilan & .-on. Timber Wanted. Wauled lo buy pine, cypress or juni per. Wi ite (piicl; lo llT t;ee M'f g Co , Lumberton, N. C. A 27-1 m Notice I will rent at reasonable rates a launch, with engineer, lor . allies de siring lo go on tit . riser. W. 11. l'rvant, I.iunberton, N. C. 1-30-11" For Rent - The o ces occupied by Drs. Roier & Knox, on first floor of Bank of Liniiberlon bui!di:.g, will be for rent after January 1st. Also 3 offices on 2nd lluor of same bnildiug Also two or three good f '.ims for rent. Kor further in fenua ion see Ceo. K. UeLeod, I. um bel toil, N. C. 2-i6 B!cksmiihf3 and Tin Work I am fully pn pared to do anything lu blacksiiiitlmij; or tin work. (Vive me . call. II. (J. Webster, Lumbertoii, N C. 1 1-2 1 -if ' ilhsniB. Fowderiy lexas, cxTa T liatro KnilVrt-rl fnr YftTK with Kidney and bladder trouble, j Kgan, yesterday while uncov- using every preparation I came , er ing some watermelon plains,' across and taking many prescrip-i jed up a snake in her hand, tiona all without relief until mv at-, ip, was n() harm (!onC ooly tention was called to Ptneulen. Af- . (i.:.t - fri.rl-itonod terBU days' trial (S1.00), I am feel- 1,lU O0Jects '"'1 ing fine" Money refunded it not j very mnc.i. autiafierl Knifl hv J. D McMillan Lumberton, N. U , It. i' . U. j . , in-,0 iNO. z, -iipiu in, iviro. Dr Thomas C. Johnson, I'bysician and Sjriie. w, LituibertoH, N. C. MTie over McMiilnn's lr.ig St irs rCturilln'-" : Ca'Ss answered promptly diy or ni;;bt. ! i i. i o I luuil. .11 I'. sioeine ui i iui. j. rv. i uyic. 4 STRAWBERRIES ! See Us Before You Sell. WHITFIELD & FRENCH. 7-S HOHEYdTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is ia a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Prepared only by Foley & Company, Chicago. Sold by Alt Drjiglsts. PincsaHe AC "5 1 !ltt , - . - EELIEVtS ALL VyAynOHZea oauior ski diseasi: AT GH Having We are ...!.,. .u 1 ! r, , H . ', . , in him, but a pure love for sfen- J. aula uuuiuiuuiiv wu uaviu autu . , . , rT , , . , , , u i i i uine humamtv. He loves his a school and such a leader for ; . , - ! party ana nates no man. It is certainly gratifying that their young people. There was a declamation con ! test in which Mack Johnson won ! sucil tt man has announced the medal, and a recitation con-1 himself for register of deei s. test by the girls, Adolphia John-! Now, gentlemen, one thing for son being the winner. Every speaker in both contests did well, and did credit not only to thef Tbe Experience ol a Poultry Dealer. Only in recent years has poul- trykeepinp; taken a p ace among I recognized industries. Many of i the successful poultry men of today were not experts when they began, but had to learn by experience. "In regard to Sloan's Liniment for poultry diseases," writes E. R. Spaulding, of Jaff ey, N H, 'a disease called roup is one of the greatest drawbacks in raising that is to i poultry. It is somewhat similar Northrop for his sister, Mrs. j school but to the community. Judson McDonald, who was very j Mr. J. R. Poole, county super sick; and that the horse was rid-1 intendentof schools, announced den so hard that it dropped from i the decision of the judges and exhaustion and was afterwards made a practical talk. He then very stiff. Messrs. McLean & j introduced Prof. R E. Sentelle, McLean appeared for the defend- j who delivered the address of the wit, Mr. E. M. Britt represent-j evening. He spoke for almost an Jng the State. hour and held the undivided at tention of the whole audience. I There were more than 400 people Miss Annie Durnnt. daurh- m the house, and at the close of tcr of Mr. and D n rant, and us to do and and nominate him and his election i to distemper in a horse. After is sure. Put our business in his hands and you are sale. No more worthy man could hold the office than Mr. T. N. ought In the pas! 39 days S 1 5000 worth of Bankrupt Merchandise Better Prepared than ever Before to Offer You Besistiess Prices- This will be the most sensational sale of the year. Reductions that will astonish the most economical. And every day a bar gain carnival, that should carry many thousands of dollars worth of merchandise out of our store in the next 30 days. x This is not a Special Sale but an Every Day Occurrence. The idea of cost will be lost sight of. The thought of profit will be forgotten, and one dollar will bring as much as two. :-: x :-: aitct lie ConvMeecL & Cm Qnueii Higley. Yours very truly G. B. Kinlaw. Back Swamp, N. C, April 21, 1908. Two Marriages In East Lumber tou. -Mrs. W. L- Norwood, Waynesvillc, arrived this morn ins from Richmond. Va.. where Mrs. Stephen! the exercises all the crowd, ex- she underwent a suct-essiul on- trying and experimenting with aoout everything rt commended, I found that Sloan's Liniment was the speediest and surest remedy for roup, and I can es pecially recommend it for canker in the windpipe." Sf.nd for Dr. Sloan's free book on horsss, Cattle, Uog, and Poultrv: Address: Dr. Eirl S. 0f! Sloan, (13 Albany Street, Huston, I Mass i Mr. and Mrs. J- S. Griffin and Master J. S. Griffin, Jr., of High int, of liast Lumberton, j cept possibly a half doz.n people, j eration last wetk, and will spend Pint) ar in town for a few Mr. G. -W, Shaw, of Ever- i stood and declared them selves in j some time here with her son-in-' days, guests at the Waverly hotel Mr. Griffin is manager of the Southern Realty & Development green, were marrieu vesteniay j favor of prohibition. t . . . . ..i . i. .. i . , r ailernoon at we nunie in wie; biide's parents I law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs- Henry Atlantic Coast i O. Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence Mi w.n; kn of Line tratekeeDer at Favetteville. l lo icnmona baturaay ana niiua i u v w . su-f i n k " East Lumberton, and Mr. M. j was found dead in his booth near J. Saunders, a young farmer j the track shortly after he went of Laurel Hill, were married on duty Thursday morning. He yesterday afternoon at the home ! was 75 years old and a Confeder t .1 1 1 1- 1 . ,1 u ine uriot; s jiarents, mi. utm tp vcteran. was found dead in his booth near j returned wis morning witn xurs. ! Norwood. - Mis. Jno. L. McIMiail. IJoth ceremonies were per formed by Hev. J. M. Flemiiifj. Foley's Orino Laxative is best for women and children. Its mild action and pleasant taste makes p-eforable to violent purgatives BUoh us pills, tablets, etc. Cures constipation. Sold by all drug, giats. m Important DeeUloa. It is important that you should decide to take only Foley's Honey and Tar wheu you have a cough or cold as it will cure the most ob stinate racking cough and expel the cold from your system. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harm ful drutts. Insist upon having it. Sold by all druggists. u Congressman Claude Kitchin, of the second district, is in Lum berton today. An Insidious Danger. One of the worst featuresof kid ney trouble is that it is an insidi ous disease and before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley ,s Kid ney Remedy at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregularities and prevents Bright's disease and diabetes. Sold by all druggists, m Co., of Lumberton. Mrs. Daniel Shaw, of Laurin burr, who spent last week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G- M. Whitfield.returned yester day. Mr. Shaw came down on the morning train and returned on the afternoon train with Mrs Shaw- . We are still waging a relentless war against high prices, and determined to make our store the magnet that will draw many thousands our way. If you doubt ask your neighbor. He wi tell you wehave saved him many hard earned dollars and will do the same for you if only you will give us the opportunity. :-: Below we quote a few prices: 1500 pr pants at factory cost; 500 Ids vests 15c value our price 9c; Big lot of calicoes 5c yd; 2000 pr men and women oxfords at first cost; 2000 yd3 bleech ing 10c value our price 7V2; 1000 yds gypsy cloth linen finish 15c value, our price 10c. Full Line o! Lawn and White Goods: 300 window shades 50 to 75c value our price 23 to 39. Full Line oi Groceries: Tomatoes 31b can 10c; 4 boxes Star Lye 25c; 5 boxes Mendleson Lye 25c; 1000 pounds of Tobacco, Brown Mule, Kite, Red Apple and all other popular brands au 25c per pound;ChippedBeef 10c can;Potted meats40c doz; Apples 10c can. Farming implements, Plows, Cultivators Hoes &c. A Complete Line of EVERYTHING. . , . , . r n- 1 r, n F Vttv llnfl. Same IS Oil (Pel1 .IV in OUT S We nave just DHinc u j. ow nseuu u, n. --j - nr.ii? vr t VT T 1 1 " pu'K w,i,i ,t r,rir, (hut ! 11 move them and do it ouick. COMfc ANU bll illl, lic iv tores and a i 1 1 le Alter. 33 Years experience millions ! of useriof L & M PAINTS, claim: l-'irtt, it wears io to 15 years Second, it 011U costs $ 1.20 a gallom Third, its tbe best thev have ever used Fourth, sixteen thousand agents certify to these facts. J L. & M. Pait t Agents, f McAllister Hardware So., Lumberton, t 0& J U VPBH Lumberton, N. C. The Greatest Bargain Givers in the South.

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