iHt SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. Sim1 CWFFON For men ol all tastes we have prepared an unusually attractive line of ready-to-wear garments, including an immense assortment of Griffon Brand Clothes. In fabric, fit and finish our garments are unsurpassed. We urge you to inspect them now. TawE!seud Brothers, 6-21 LUMBERTON, N. C. Programme of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Woman's Mis sionary Societies of the Robe son Baptist Association. The ninth annual meeting of die Woman's Missionary Socie ries of the Robeson Baptist As sociation will be held at Back Swamp church on Wednesday, October 7. Cur motto: "Let us advance n our knees." PROGRAMME. 10:30 a. m. Devotional Exercises Mrs. C. B. Thompson. Address of Welcome Miss Dol ie Singletary. Response to Address of Wel comeMrs. W. P. Oliver. Roll Call of W. M. S., Y. W.A. and Sunbeam Bands. Survev of the Association vice-President, Mrs. R. D. Cald well. Letter from Miss Heck. Address Mrs. Hight C. Moore. The Training School Mrs. I. P. Hedgrpeth. Appointment of Committees. AFTERNOON. "Thev that are Wise shall Shine as the Stars". Devotional Exercises Mrs. J. A. Thompson. Letter from Dr. Willingham. Foreign Missions Mrs. C. T. Cashwell. Letter from Dr. Gray. Home Mission Mrs. Addison White. Letter from Rev. L. Johnson. StateMission Miss Ora Pitman. Young Woman's Auxiliary. Sunbeam Work Miss Nell de Vane. The Margaret Home Mrs. R. S. Sledge. The Mission Study Class Mrs. Hight C. Moore. How to carry on a Woman's Missionary Society in the Coun tryMiss Annie Belle Humph rey. Miscellaneous. Opening of Question Box. Reports of Committee. Election of Officers. Song. Dismiss by Prayer. Howellsville Happenings. Correspondence of The Robesoman. Miss Mary Howell, who had been visiting friends and rela tives at Raeford, returned home Saturday and reports a pleasant trip. Mr. Elmer Kmlaw, of Tar Heel, soent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kinlaw, of this place. Mr. Hector hSlacKweu and sis ter Annie, attended preaching at Regan's church Sunday. Mr. Ben Devon, of the While Oak section, visited friends and relatives at this place Saturday and Sunday. Mr, V. H. Tolar is visiting friends near Bellamy this week. Mr. E. W. Kinlaw, of Back Swamp, was in this section today on business. The Republicans of Howells ville organized a Taft Club at Tabernacle school house Saturday night. There wasfquite a num ber of enthusiastic citizens pre sent. Among the distinguished politicians were Messrs. D. P. Shaw, W. H. Kinlaw and D. C. Regan. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Prevatt, of Lumberton, visited at the home of Mr. Thos. Kinlaw Satur day. Mr. Richard Smith, a student at the Atlanta Dental College, will leave for Atlanta in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McNeill, of Lumberton, visited at the home of Mrs. McNeill's parents Sun day. "Sidney" Howellsville, N. C.,Sept. 29, '08. For Female Ills Ten fcotdd take, for female Hit, medicine which acts on the female art ins and functions. Cardid is net a man's medicine. It b for women. Its pure, seal tot, cnratlre, regctable Ingredi ents, go direct to tke womanly wgans, rtltoTS their pain and In fammatlon, and build up their strength. "Tongue cannot ten," writes Miss Nola Smith, ef SweetBer, lad, "wfcat 1 m n WOMAN'S RELIEF has done for me. I am oa my third bottle and am so mucl bet ter. Before I began to take Car did, I could not do a day's work. Now I can work all day. Mother took four bottles of Cardul before confinement, got along fine and has been real strong ever since. At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, stating age and describing symp toms, to Ladies Advisory Dept., The unauanooBa culwua r.'A Chattanooga, Term. BY-LO Talcum Powder, Natural Violet. By-Lo is so fine that it floats in the air, and so delicately perfumed with the odor of fresh flowers, that we know you will like it. It does not have that Talcum Powder odor, just The Smell ol Fresh Violets. We' handle all the different kinds of High-Grade Talcum Powders, but re gard By-Lo as the bf st there is. You will think so too when you try it. Yours to Please, Or. J. D. McMillan & Soa, DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. C. ! one 18th miilli dull Have got for your inspection today, Monday 14th, Twenty-Five Extra Fine Southern Horses. These Horses have been bought for Farm and Driving Purposes. Call round and see them while in town. If you need a GOOD HORSE do not fail to see me. Prices and Terms Right. Respectfully, C. M, FULXJE 9-H 5 n 13 imialtmtmiutmimmmiMtMiiaaimi mini V" FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, Announce the 'Arrival of the New -i. Tailored Suits, Voile And Panama Skirts. Each line while not as large as it will be just a little later contains some of the Swellest Garments and the Best Values we've ever shown. The Suits are made of Worsteds, Serges, Panamas, Cheviots and Fancy Suit ings. Prices range $10.00 up to $48.00. The Most Excellent Skirt Values Wee Ever Owned. Four Styles Fine Panama Skirts in all the Best Shades, Blue, Brown and Black. Special at $5.00. All sizes, 22 to 30 waist measure. Tour Styles Fine Voile and Panama Skirts at $10.00. Taffeta and Satin Trimmed in the Most Charming Manner. The fact is at $12.50 these Skirts would be counted Good Value. The buyers for our Millinery, Dress and Dry Goods Departments l Are now in the Markets of the East selecting the Fall : Stocks. They have instructions to make our Fall ' Stocks the Largest and Best Ever. Mail Ord ers Receive Prompt and Careful Attention, so if you can't come write us your wants. Horrible Suicide of Burke Coun ty Man. Uoriranton Spccial,Srt,30.to Chai-iott Obsarrer. From details which have just reached Morganton from the country the most horrible suicide that ever occurred in the State occurred Monday night about six miles from here. Will Mull, who had been de spondent and drinking heavily for some time past went to his home after dark in company with Ed. Mull, a companion, and while in a drunken fit he drove his lamily irom home with a razor and when things got quiet he and his companion went off to sleep. Ed. Mull, the companion, was aroused by Win, who was piling the bed clothes and furni ture on the fire, and was told to get out or he (Ed.) would be burned up. Ed. tried in vain to get the man to leave the burning house but he would not. Ed. went to the window and saw Will crouched in one corner of the room sullenly waiting his doom. Will soon raised himself up and with a cry ran into the mmst of tne flames and was consumed. Nothing was left of his body but a few charred bones. With losses aggregatingseveral million dollars from forest fires and heavy damage to crops and live stock; the reported loss of a number of lives due to fighting timber conflagrations; the enforc ed idleness of thousands of work men owing to the suspension of manufacturing establishmentsbe- cause of lack of water; the health authorities anticipating a serious epidemic of contagious diseases, and many small streams dried up and practically obliterated, the drought of 1908 which has held western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and West Virginia in its grasp for more than two months remains unbroken, each day grad ually increasing the seriousness of the unprecedented situation. Hon. John Sharpe Williams, of Mississippi, spoke at Newbern Saturday. Sad soul, take comfort, nor forget mat sunrise never iailed as yet. Celia Thaxter. If the brain does not sow corn. it plants thistles. Italian. Larger Than Ever Before Mecklenburg Fair Officials Secure Real Airship For Free Attraction. On a larger and grander scale than ever bef ore will be Meek' lenburg's annual fair at Char lotte October 20, 21. 22, and 23. The fair officials have secured three of the largest and most nsational free acts that could be found touring this section of the country. These include Char es Strooel and his airship. Mr. Strobel is under contract to make two ten-mile flights each day of the fair, starting and ending at the grounds, after a flight over the city. The airship used by Mr. Strobel is the one which made many successful flights at the recent Jamestown Exposition. Charlotte had a real sensation last week when Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Thomas, a young cou ple who had outwitted the girl's parents in Atlanta, appeared "in their midst" and later returned to Atlanta under the wing of the mother of the bride and the bus iness partner of the father. The young bride, a school girl, is a daughter of Mr. W. A. Speer, a millionaire of Atlanta, and the groom was her father's chauf feur, a young man of excellent family. Later the parents of the bride outwitted the groom and carried the girl to New York, whence it was said they would take her to Europe with the hope 01 making her torget and re nounce her ycung husband. News Items and Personals From St. Pauls. Correspondence of The Robesonn. Most of the farmers of this sec tion took advantage of the good weather last week for saving hay. Mr. Chas. Nicholson, of Al- toona. Penn.. spent a part of last week with his sister, Mrs. N. T. Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McNeill, of Lumberton, spent last Sunday with Mrs. McNeill s mother, Mrs. Callie King. Mr. Ellis Humphrey left last week for Savannah, Ga., where he has accepted a position. Mr. Frank Humphrey, of Sad dle Tree, was a visitor in this community last week. Mrs. John Regan, of Howells ville, and her mother, Mrs. Eliza beth Fisher, of St. Pauls, spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Broadwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frink, of Orrum, spent last Saturday night week at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. G. F. Humphrey. Mr. Alman Graham, of Proc- torville, paid a visit to some of the fair sex of this neighborhood last Thursday. Mrs. Mary Carter, who is get ting quite feeble with age, stum bled and fell from the steps at her home last Monday. Sne re ceived serious injuries from the fall and her condition is critical. Mr. de Vane, a young man of White Oak, was the guest of Mr. Troy King last Saturday and Sun day. St. Pauls, N. C, R. F. D. 1, Sept 28, 1908. Between Safety and Danger TV10 nisi- man secures the protection of FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa iipr n man has is a TJOllCV in a ROO com pany. We represent some of the best c's 1!'. existence. iuzy pay c Kii'i honorably all losses mcur- S tne dav you may be sorry you i t us write a uohcy t -flay Q T. WILLIAMS coinp-. pr.i:n: rt dd -.' i 9 It I tar LoYed Oaes Gmes, BUILDING MATERIAL. Sash, Doors, Blinds. Mouldings, Builders' Hardware and anythingin this lie. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Mantels, Tile and Grates. Buck's Stoves and Ranges, Belting and Mill Supplies. Pittsburgh Perfect Electrically Welded Fence for t ikl, t arm, Kaneh, lorn uriD ana rouitry. Wholesale and Retail. Send us Your Orders. HUSKE HARDWARE HOUSE, 9-14 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Hs.-.cistOMes, - $4 00 Up Hcnsiments, - 11 00 Up Best Bine and White Marble. Save Traveling Agent's Commission arder through G. E RANCKE, Lumberton, N. C. Raleigh and Charleston Railroad JPfTnPT gwi yM awrwaxM j mi 11 13 u y niyj i Time Table No. 6, Taking Elleel Sunday, April 12th, 19C8, at 6 A. M. SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. Lv. Six upper classmen of Guil ford College were arrested last Tuesday for hazing a student of the preparatory department and the principle offender was fined $10 and the costs. Rodney Tur ner, of Catawba, county, the boy who was hazed, testified at the trial that he was pulled be hind the building and when one of the defenants caught him around the waist he fired his re volver into the ground to fright en them. . He was then disarmed, choked and thrown across a cab bage crate and beaten with bar rel staves. Turner was held for the Superior Court under a bond of $25 for carrying concealed weapon. He said that he was expecting the attack and placed the revolver in his pocket when he left his room in order to de fend himself. For Chronic Diarrhoea. "While in the army in 1863 1 was taken with chronic diarrhoea," says George M. Felton, of South Gibson, Pa. "I have since tried many remedies but without any permanent relief, until Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, persuaded me to try Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped it at once." For sale by all druggists. Ar Lumberton, Pope, Kingsdale, Froctorville, Barnesville, Flowers, Marietta, Hohnesville, Pages Mill, Kemper, May, Mellier, Squires, Fork, Zion, Rogers, Marion, 9 55 a nj 10.04 " 10.10 " 10.25 " 10.42 " 10.48 " 10.54 " 10 59 " 11.05 " 11. 11 " 1 1. 14 " 11.16 " 11.19 " 11.22 " n.31 " 11.40 " "55 " No. 5. 1-30 p 1.40 " 2.10 " 2.30 " -55 " 3-o5 " 3-3 " 3- 4o ' 4 15 ' 4- 3 ' 4 40 ' 4 50 ' 4 55 ' 5.00 55 ' 5- 25 ' 550 ' NORTH BOUND. No. 2. Lv. ieclley 200, 202 and 204, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. -14 L. E. MILLER, Manager. L. L. McGIRT, Secy. & Treas. Maxton Steam Laundry, THE HIGH-CLASS LAUNDRY. Our Prices are Reasonable and our Work Highest Class. Give us a Trial. j is of the H 17 W. H. STALVEY, Agent, LUMBERTON, N. C. Advertise In THE ROBESONIAN. Special Low Rates 1o tbe State Fair at Ralclgli. N. C, October 12 17, 1908, via Seaboard Air Line Railway. On account of the State Fair to be held m Kaleigh, October 12-17, the Sea board announces special low rates from all stations on its line and connections in North Carolina, Including Norfolk Portsmouth, Richmond and Suffolk, Va. lickets will be sold at low round-trio rates, including one admission coupon to Fair Grounds, with the exeention no coupon to fair grounds will be included from points m Virginia. Rates for Mil itary Companies and Binds in uniform, twenty or more on one party ticket one cent per mile distance travel. Tickets to be sold October 9th to 16th inclusive, final return limit October 19th, 1908. Convenient schedules and special trains will be operated on Wednesday and Thursday, October 14th and 15th, from fiamlet, Weldon, Oxford, Hender son, Liouisburg, and all intermediate stations. Every day at the Fair a Fea ture. For detailed information see your ageni or aaaress C. H. Gattis. T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. More Than Enough is Too V neb. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual consumption of more food than is necessary for these pur poses is -the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with indiges tion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take a few doses ' f Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets and you will soon be all right again. ' For sale by all druggists. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our sincere and heart-felt appreciation of the many kindnesses extended to us by friends during our recent bereavement, and to thank them all in this way for the sym pathy and comfort given us in the hours of suffering and distress on account of the loss of our sister and aunt, Mrs. Cornelia E. Bryan. Mrs. V. P. McDiarmid, T. N. McDiarmid. Parkton News Items. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Miss Mary Stewart, of Laurin burg, arrived Thursday to begin teaching another term in the high school. Mr. Frank Bundy, of Clio, S. C, washere today on business. Mrs. L. T. Terry, . of McColl, S. C, visited her mothtr, Mrs. Welch, here last week. Mrs. J. D. Gillis and children spent last week at St. Paul's. Mrs. Preston Stamps died here last Friday morning. She had been in bad health for about 2 years. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved iamily. Mrs. T. W. Thompson and Misses Linnie Cobb and Rubie Council spent Friday in Fayette ville. Mr. Ben McBryde, of Fayette ville, county superintendet of public instruction, attended Mrs. Stamps' funeral. A large number from here went to Lumberton Tuesday to attend the Democratic rally. Mr. A. R. Watson has sold out his stock of goods here and has taken a position with the Fay etteville Mattress Co. Mr. Pearl Fisher accompanied Master Charles McLean to the deaf and dumb institution at Morganton last week. Parkton, N. C, Oct. 1, 1908. Ar Marion, Rogers, Zion, Fork, Squires, Mellier, May, Kemper, Pages Mill, Holmes ville, Marietta, Flowers, Barnesville, Proctorville, Kingsdale, Pope, Lumberton, 3.30 p m 3- 44 " 3 50 " 4 00 " 4 03 " 4.e6 " 4.09 " 4.12 " 4.15 " 4.24 " 430 " 4 35 " 4- 44 " 4- 57 " 5.10 " 5- 15 " 5-3 ' No. 6. 6.40 a 7 00 7.10 ' 7-33 ' 7-37 ' 7-4i 7-45 ' 7-52 7.5S ' 8.10 ' 8.30 ' ' 8.40 ' 8 55 ' 9-15 ' 10.10 ' 10.20 ' 10.40 ' Our Furniture Sale Started last Saturday as Ad vertised and we are Pleased to Report a Great Success in the Start, We Shall Still Endeavor to Close out Our Stock at Once. WE HAVE A FEW PIANOS LEFT OF THE BEST MAKE. Testimonials are not Lacking to Prove to Every Inquirer the Truth of Our Assertions. At THE WORLD'S FAIR there were Many Triumphs BUT none Stand out More Conspicuously Than The Triumph of the "Crown" Piano. Over One Hun dred Competitors, The Crown award is worded More Strongly than that given any other Make. The Oldest and Strongest and Best Wire Known is Used in The Crown. The Veneers are the Best to be Found on The Markets of Europe. THE PIN BLOCKS ARE MADE OF SOLID ROCK MAPLE. All Bass Strings Copper Wound. Several Tones In The Crown such as Guitar, Harp, Zither and other String Instruments. The Crown is made in one Grade Only, That is The Best. We Can Save you From $100 to $200 on a Piano at These Closing Out Prices. Train Nos. I and 2 run daily. Jno. SkelTon Wiluams, L. A.. Boyd, Gen. Mgr. Pres. GEO. S. HACKER & SON if Wood's Seeds. Seed Wheat, , Oats, Rye and Barley. We are not only the largest deal-C cio 1x1 oeeu uraia in me eouin, Dut we Bell the best, cleanest and heaviest qualities. Our stocks are secured from the best and largest yielding crops, and our warehouses are fully equipped with the best and most improved machinery for cleaning. If you want superior crops 5 Plant Wood's Seeds. Prices quoted on request P Descriptive Fall Catalogue, giviug mil luiuriuttiiuu auoui ail I seeds, mailed tree. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond. Va. In an address at Lawrence ville, Ga., on September 30 Thom as E.Watson, candidate for Pres ident on the Populist ticket, ad mitted that he had no hope of reaching the White House in this election but that he wanted to swing the "Solid South" away from the grip of the Northern Democrats. We also have a Factory Price. few Organs Which Must go at EagleFurniture SCarpetCo. 9-10 BRICK! BRICK!! BRICK!!! MANUFACTURES OF oors. Sash, Blind. Mouldings. Building Materltk Sash Weights and Co-d. Charleston, S. C Purchase our makes, which we guai intee superior to any sold South, and thereby save money. Window and Fan cy Glass a Specialty 4-20 Notice ! With the Largest Brick Plant in North Carolina, daily capacity 90,000 Brick, we are prepared to fill both small and large orders Promptly at Low Prices. Twen ty-Five Years of Experience has taught us how to make High-Grade Brick. We solicit your inquries. Fire Clay and Fire Brick always on hand. & & E.- A. POE BRICK COMPANY, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 7-16-2m Virtue alone is hapiness below. -Crabbe. Seaboard Air Line Railway, Schedule Effective September 13th, 1908. Quickest Line to New York, Washington, Florida Points, Char lotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orleans and All Points West. LUMBERTON NOVELTY WORKS For Mantels, Columns, Brackets, Balusters, Pulpits, Church Pews and all kinds of odd jobs. Mail orders solicited. Terms reason ble. R. B. Humphrey, Proprietor and Manager. Why Colds are Dangerous. Because vou have contracted orrli nnru colds and recovered from them without treatment of any kind, do not for a mo ment imagine that colds are not danger ous. .everyone Knows that pneumonia nrA nV.nn;A . 1. 1 A 1 ... aim uuuiiu, Latum! nave uieir origin in a common coia. consumption 13 not caused by a cold but the cold prepnres the system for the reception and devel ment of the germs that would not oth erwise have found lodgment. It is the same with all infectious diseases. Diph theria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough are much more likely to be contracted when the child has a cold. You will see from this that more real danger lurks in a cold than in anv o ;her of the common ailments. The eaa' iest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The many remarkable cureB effected by this preparation have made it a staple article of trade over a large part of tht world. For sale by all druggists. CLAUD L. BAKER, Contractor and Build r, Lumberton, N. C. All kinds of building contracted. Ce ment work and fine buildi Estimates cheerfully given on all kinds oi worn, i earnestly solicit the patron age of the people, j.ij L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter The Most Modern and Strongest on the ..icni.twi Hiarsei. sold on easy Urms. S. H. HAMILTON, Local Agent Double Daily Service with HIGH-RAnK-SK1. A T- 'HirTirc PULLMAN SLEEPING ami DINING CARS. Trains Leave Lumberton as Follows: WESTBOUND EASTBOUND No. 45, 7:21 a. No. $9. 5:43 p. m. m. No. 40, 9 2S a. in. No. 44, 9 55 p. m. to We operate Double Daily Vestibule Service, with throMuli Pullman Sl rw jacKsonviue. Atlanta. B rinri,0. t t.::' "". Richmond, Washington, itimorerPhllaXlphirauNew Yc X"- For Time Tables, Booklets, Reservations or anv information restive to 8m cial Rates and Routes, call on D. M. HAMILTON, AKent, oTaddrJs 2-6 C. II. GATTIS. Traveling rasenger Agent, Xo- 4, Tucker Building, Raleigh", X. C. Tne Subscribe For Robe soman.

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