THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. LOCAL BRILI 3. Cotton to-day, SI cents 20 ofnt8 Mr. C. M. Fuller returned this morning from a trip to the Western maket, where he pur chased a car load of mules and horses. -The congregation church is of the raising: nvmev it is 1 L "' week. A 4 freii,'.)' yes ;( v i-uy ' red ii i. I'lHl tlif pi; e oran the oran ii; iirst !' r.xt ,,) KiV'i'n & Chaik;:uon c.-tr.s tfut off the i rack ay ao olvicked the Oju- l)oa. 1 i line to.- a J'esv h ju;-.;, Lui iranu went by onthep .ss track and trai'.ic was not de layed. The ladies of the Melhodist church will give tomorrow eve ning at the dormitory an enter tainment suitable for Hallowe'en. .nin- of pro Refreshments of vari'i:'" h will be s'.)ld, but tin1 e:i'jri ment u iii be t'rvt . Rev. A. E. l'.aker, pastor the Presbyterian 'iv;'!i, will Saturday to Midway church, near Maxton, where he will as sist U'.'V. J. M. McLean, of Row land, in a meeting. Mr. McLean will occupy Mr. Baker's pulpit here Sunday. -Licenses have been issued for tne marriage ofEi'He M' White aii-i Jas. E. Morris; Mary -nett and R. (). Collins. Miss M' White is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M' White, of liowellsville township, and Mr. Morris lives at Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Morris were registered at the Central Hotel in Charlotte Saturday. Mr. J. W. Morris, cashier at the Seaboard depot, and Miss Minnie Ammor.d were married yesterday afternoon at 2:15 at the home of the bride's parents in iMarion, S. C Air. Morris returned with his bride to Lum Lerton yesterday afternoon and they will board for the piesent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Hinds, on Elm street. Mr. Morris is a younjr mm of ex cellent chaisK er a; a lie has many friends in Lumberton. The graded school teachers will entertain at a Hallowe'en party tomorrow evening at the horn Lawre: striK t she.', a briii r, ther; trh !, the Oliiv the" ai.i'i .' Mr. and Mrs. R. C. e. The invitations in i..' to come arrayed in a I pillow case or else to ;t se tninrs aionjr, ?o '..1 prouably be some busy is course. !iy fi'f in keeping with chi iuiur of the evening ti;re enough Hallowe'en, .ire euoJgh time for ghosts p-ol.o and things to get turday eening, of Or. HALLOWS EVE. Hallowe'en anrl Walpu gis Night Doubtless Have a Common Origin, Dating Back the Earliest Belief in a Personal and Allpowerful Evil One. As Hallowe'en comes Saturday the following, from "The Cen tury Book of Facts," is of es pecial interest just at this time: "Hallows Eve, or Hallowe'en, is the night of October 31st, the pvo of All p-.'tv. r Shallows, jJuy, v.uie.. ... .;..':... ... l:st,ar.d 13 probably a roue of pagan times 't uoii.:. v.-.; cv- ...iiiioii3,as it has nothing v. Jiattver to do with the church festival. In England and r.;i'Und it is especially se lected as the time lor trying Hel!s v.v.6. d -j vi nations in love af fairs. Ti.o superstitious tradi tion regarding it is that it is the night of all others when super natural influences prevail: when spirits of ! he invisible and visible world walk abroad, for on this mystic evening it was believed that the human spirit was en abled, bv the aid of supernatural power, to detach itself from the body and wander through the realms of space. There is a sim ilar superstition in Germany con cerning Walpurgis night the night preceding tne first of May. On this night the German peas ants believe that there is a witch festival, or gathering of evil .-oirits, on the summit of the Brocken, in the Hartz Moun tains, and the malign influence of this convocation was believed to ba felt all over the country. It was an old custom, and still observed in some places, to light great bonfires of straw or brush on that night, to drive away the spirits of darkness sup posed to be hovering in the air. Considering that All Saints' Day was originally kept on May 1st, there would appear to be but little doubt that Allhallow eve and Walpurgis night have a common origin, which, doubt less, dates back to the earliest belief in a personal and all powerful Evil One the Chal dean's Power of Darkness." SHOWS" AND SHOWS. Associated Charities Board ganized. At a meeting held in the office ofMr.l. E. Lee Tuesday afternoon an orgai-'7aiion which will be known i's U.e AssociatedCharities of Lu nbert .n was formed with the follow!! .,' officers: K. E. Lee, chairman; Revs. C. H. Durham, F. Weiss, A. E. Baker and E. M. Hovle, associate chairmen; M.G. McKenzie, secretary and treas urer; L. E. Whaley, chairman of the soliciting committee. The chairman and associate chairn.'.-n wen- constituted an investigating committee whose duty it h;;li be to make proper inv-.-stiga'ion of the unfoi tun&te destitute and needy subjects of the town and commurdiy and to make reoinnior.daiiuns concern ing their need;,. Funds vi:l be paid out by the treasurer only upon an order from the chairman. Mr. Whaley, chairman of the soliciting committee, w iii appoint five assistants from each of the vaiions denominations and these will wait upon the citizens of the town to secure needed funds. A card of membership will be given ail who contrioute, The association will meet reg ularly on the second Monday in each month at 4 o'olock in the afternoon. The hearty co-operation of all who are able to contrib ute is earnestly requested in or der to enable this association to carry out its purpose of caring for the poor and needy of the town and community. The following contributions have been made as the result of the canvass made by Mr. Whaley up to nine o'clock this morning: L. H. Caldwell, $10; Robert E. I.-e, $5; E. C. McNeill, 5; C. B. Townsend, $3; White & Gough, So; Caldwell & Carlyle, $5; W.II. Humphrey, $; W. 1. Linkhaw, $"; L. T. Cook. ?."; L. E. Whaley, S.V.Q. T. Williams, $2.r,U;Blacker Bros... $2. .7); W. K. Bc-thuno.2.50; J no. T. Biggs & Co., u;2.W; J. 11. Ten Nights in A Barroom Pretty Sorry James Adams' Ten Cent Show All Right-A Prob lem. Don't mention it, please, but on the quiet like the Ten-Nights-in-a-Bar-Room Co., which per formed under its own tent Mon day evening, passed out a pretty sorry performance. Pretty sorry. But the tent was packed. Quite so. Which is just as you expect ed. It was cheap, you see, so one could pat one's pocket and go a way comforted by the thought that it did not cost much. So what's the use? But the band was ail right, only it did better stunts on the streets in the after noon than it did under the tect in the evening. Which was also to be expected, no doubt. And that very show crowded out for that one evening ? better show that was ready to enter tain the crowd for less thar half the money. But nobody knew that until the next evening. And the show in question is James Adams' Ten-Cent Show, it is here for v. weck'o t;.0.-.gement under i' 3 .;n i'n-, which is erected on the vacant iot in rear of the postoffice, but it has had PERSONAL. Mr. R. T. Gaitley, of Rowland, is in the city today. .Mr. W. A. West, of Fayette ville, spent Tuesday in Lumber ton. Mr. J. G. Thompson, of Board man, spent Tuesday and yestei day in town. Misses Mamie Kyle and Ida Galloway, of Fairmont, were in town Tuesday. Mr. J. G. Brown, of Red Springs, was among the guests at the Waverly Tuesday. Mrs. A. C. Oliver, of Marietta, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prevatt. Miss Dora Smith left this morn ing for Wilmingion, where she will spend a weekvisiting friends? Messrs. C. J. McCallum and C. A. Cox, of Rowland, were among the guests at the Waverly Tuesday. Dr. S. B. Rozier, of Rozier, and Mrs. D. S. McRae, of Fay etteville, are spending today at the home of Mrs. Mollie R. Nor ment. Mr. M. F. Hodges, who lives on rural route No. 6 from Lum berton, in Raft Swamp town ship, was among the visitors in town Tuesday. Mrs. D. H. Smith and Miss Margaret McPharland, of Max ton, spent Monday and Tuesday here on a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Musselwhite. Ex-Sheriff Geo. B. McLeod and Messrs. A. P., J. D. and H. M. McAllister and W. B. Webb went to Fayetteville Tuesday in Mr. H. M. McAllister's auto mobile. Mr. Willis Pitman, of Repton, Ala., has been visiting friends and relatives hers and at Fair mont since last Thursday. He will probably return to Alabama the first of next week. "Peacetown" "Peacetown," the production offered by J. Early Hughes in Lumberton Monday evening, is said to be one of the cleanest brightest bits of American humor before the public to-day. It deals with a realistic type of American simple life. The scene is laid in the little village of Peacetown, Maine, and has to do with certain events in the life of Joshua Spivens, an eccen tric type of American country man. An interesting fact about the play is that the author, Chas. 0. Young, Jr., while on a hunting trip through the State of Maine, came purely by accident upon the little village of Peacetown. There he became acquainted with a man whose character was so unique that he knew a most critical public could not fail to be interested in the portrayal of that character on the stage. Realizing the natural fitness of Mr. J. Early Hughes for the portrayal of this fine character, the play was written with this end in view. Peacetown is full of quaint humor and is drawn very close to life. The cast has been carefully se lected, comprising J. Early Hughes, lato of the May Irwin Co. ; Rose and Jeanette Bergere, who will be remembered in the London "Prince of Pilsen"; Mr. Clifford Green, a Metropoli tan favorite; Bessie Jolly, John New Pythian Ledge for Lumb r ton. A new Pythian lodge will be instituted in Lumberton in the near future. State Deputy Grand Chancellor J. D. Nutt, of Wil mington, who was in town Mon day, was given a petition for a new 'o Ige signed by thirty men, the signers being made up large ly of some of the best and most substantial members of the clu lodge, Lumberton Lodge No. 35. The new lodge will probably be known as Fidelity Lodge No. 202. It is thought that fully half the members of the old lodge will transfer their membership to the new. Mullins, S. C, which was vis ited by a fire Monday which de stoyed tobacco to the extent of $400,000, was visited by another fire Tuesday which resulted in an additional loss of 30,000. A to bacco warehouse belonging to W. C. Scott, valued at approximately $25,000, with insurance at $16, 000, was wiped out. A sales sta ble was also destroyed, this loss beingcovered by insurance. President Roosevelt years old Tuesday. was 50 Bees Laxative Cough Syrup always brings quick relief to coughs, colds, hoarseness, whooping-cough and all bronchial and throat trouble. Mothers sepecially recommend it for children. Pleasant to take, gently laxative. Sold by J. D. McMillan & Son. CommissionerSale of Land. By virtue of authority vested by an order of the Superior Court of Robeson county made in a special proceeding therein pending wherein Columbus Mc Kay and others are plaintiffs and Steph en McKay and Ned Stubbs are defend ants. I will sell by public auction for cash, in front of the court house, in the town of Lumberton in said county of Robeson, on Monday, the 9th day of November, 1908, (first day of criminal court) , the following described tract or parcel or land, located in Smith s town ship, Robeson county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of N. M. McLean, W. G. McLean' and others. Beginning at a stake, the 4th corner of lot No. 4 and runs south 24 west, 10.- 0 chains to a corner; thence south 10 west, 13 chains to Bethea's corner; tnence soutn bz west, 7.50 chains to Be thea's other corner; thence north 28 west, 17 chains to McLean's corner; thence south 32 east, 3.83 chains to a stake; thence north 11 east, 16 chains to an iron stake by the public road; thence north 63 east, 3.18 chains to the corner of lot No. 3; thence as lots Nos. 3 and 4 south 51 east, 16.08 chains to the begin ning, containing 50 acres, more or less, it being the portion of the lands de scribed in the petition filed in said cause which was allotted to John McKay, Mingo McKay, Frank McKay, Katy Ferguson, Milly Monroe and Maggie Mainor, which is lot No. 5 in the divis ion of said lands made by the commis sioners appointed by the Court to make said division. Time of sale, Monday, November 9th, 1908, at 12 o'clock m. Place, In front of the court house in Lumberton, N. C. This October 8th. 1908. B. F. McLean, 10-15-4thurs Commissioner. (Hi Lameness in Horses Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not allowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's Liniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness. It's wonderfully penetrating goes right to the spot relieves the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant. Sloan's Liniment will kill a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffs and swol len joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush. price, 50c. and $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, - - Boston, Mass. Sloan 8 look on horses, cr.ttle, sheep and poultry Bent free. WW WW' l' j an .id ia t-iis coj ? 1 hot!.- i r-:it, r.r Tor salt:, r thing TSie Kobesf.aS&B brin.; Ok- r suits. 'o:i want to bay Waul CoJumv tor Steie or Traffe-One store, house and lot, with 'living apartments above store, for sale or will trade fori arm K. M. Biggs, Lumberton, N. C. 10-29-4t For Sale 4 room house in Belvidere. Terms, cash or short-time papers. Apply to Geo. G. French, Lumberton, N. C 10-22-6t For Rent -Five-acres of land both tegether Apply to Irvin N. C. Jenk room house with four adjoining. Will r .1. or either setxratelv. ins, i.uniberton, 10-22-4t For Sale A Babcock buggy pole, nearly new. Apply to Dr. Vv' A. Mc Phaul, Lumberton, N. C. 10-19-tf Loiu-,h luck so far in addition to . Cunningham and others Ci .. vn;;.i .ut Monday eve rung it was ruined out last eve ning. The large crowd that at tended Tuesday evening was well pleased, though; everybody got ids or her money's worth. It is all right. Only ten cents or a dime. And it has got "Ten Nights in a Barroom" beaten all holiow. No doubt about it. Problem in arithmetic: If a dollar show that is more than worth the price takes in $100 and a twenty-hve-cent show that is worth less than the price takes in $600, How much ought a ten cent show that is worth more than the price take in? WisharUd; M. (1. McKenzie, . Total, $70. Victim of Railroad Accident Died Tuesday. Walter Uoasley, who was knock- e 1 off the railroad track nearAlma Sunday morning and brought here to the Thompson Hospital, difd Tuesday evening at 0:30 without regaining consciousness. Lite Monday afternoon he gave siirns of returningcon sciousness. but following that he grew rapid ly worse. At no time, however, did the attending physicians en t'Ttain any hope of his recovery. The mother anl sister of the do ceased, of McColl, S. C, a broth er from Spencer and his father in law, from Moss Neck, came Tuesday and the remains were taken to Moss Neck yesterday morning. . Yoiinc; Mkn! If you want to know v.'hy you Hhould In-come telegraph "P" rutors and what school to attend write to Sfiiooi. ok Tki icokawiy, K wnnn. (la., for free Catalog "A." Kvkky Boy should read it. Pomtions Notices of New Advertisements. Mortgagee's sale of land is ad vertised. Archie Werrin has qualified as administrator of John Cam Weatherly. Elizabeth H. McLean has quali fied as administratrix of P. C. McLean. The Huske Hdw. House, of Fayetteville, tells about Ivory ce ment plaster. Your deposits are guaranteed if vour account is with the Fourth National Bank of Fay etteville. II. B. Humphrey, practical watch maker and jeweler, guar antees all work and makes i specialty of the celebrated South Bend watch. Store house and lot for sale or trade. A big reward is due the manu facturers ot Bell s medical com pound. An excel tint line of specialties will be introduced and those who attend the performance of "Peacetown" will be assured a delightful evenings, entertain ment. At the Opera House on Monday evening. Was She to Blame? "Was She to Blame?" will be one of the guaranteed attractions at the opera house Saturday eve ning, 31st, and the manager is to be congratulated on engaging an attraction ot this class. An ex change says: " 'Was She to Blame I is the best company vis iting this section this season. It is a dramatic treat to the masses, endorsed by the press, public and pulpit at large." Sam Jones says it is a sermon that should be heard and seen by every man, woman and child m America. Abe Mulkey says it is one of those plays that makes every one that sees it feel that they ought to live a better life. The comedy is pure and simple and plenty of it, all the way through the bill from the sublime to the ridiculous. A beautiful blending of pathos and comedy once seen never forgotten. Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me under a judgment and decree of the Su perior Court of Robeson county entered before the Clerk in a special proceeding for partition wherein J. L. Prevatt and others were plaintiffs and John Cashwell and others were defendants, I will, on Monday, the 2nd day of November, 1908, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Robeson county, at Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described land, to-wit: In Saddletree township, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Ashe Ausley, J. L. Pre vatt and others, and bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginr.ine- at a stake by two pines, the fourth corner of lot No. 2 in said partition, and runs as its line reversed, south 67 west, 15.82 chains to its third corner in the road; thence as the road north 23 west, 17.73 chains to the third corner of the old fifty acres; thence as its line reversed, north 67 east, 15.82 chains to its second corner; thence south 23 east, 17.73 chains to the begin ning, containing 28 acres, more or less, and being lot No. 3 in the partition pro ceeding above referred to. Dated this October 1st, 1908. R. C. Lawrencf, Commissioner. Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor, At torneys for Plaintiffs. 10-8-4thurs. For Rent Several farms m ar Fair mont. Apply to Dr. W. A. McPhaul, Lumberton, N. C. 10-1'J-t.f For Rev.'--The Lumberton Graded School Dormitory. Apply to W. H. Humphrey, Secretary Board Trustees 9-7-tf For Rent One new 6-room house nice ly located in South-East Lumberton. on Second and Cedar streets. Price $10.00 per month. See J. H. Floyd at iail. 8-20-tf erase aSiirday, October 31st, Jed Carlton Tn urest or Amercan Piays Was She to Blame V pecial A Beautiful S! Scener ;.nd Eft" "roilnction, ci:;. If th,re i up you wil any humor iii yoi'r laugh till you cry. make- GUARANTEED DEPOSITS. Ar; your Deposits Guaranteed? Yes, if your Account, is with the Fourth National Bank, Fayetteville, N. C By Conservative and Experienced Management, ami Capital Paid in, $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits, 60,000.00 Additional Liability of Shareholders, 100,000.00 Surplus Security to Depositors, 260,000.00 Total Assets Over One Million Dollars. 4 Per Cent. Interest on Savings Deposits, Compounded Quarterly. H. W. LILLY, President. J. H. JNO. O. ELLINGTON, V-Pres. and Cashier. HIGHTOWER, Assistant Cashier. B. HUMPHREY, LUMBERTON, N. C. Practical Watch Maker and Jeweler. If your heart has a U'rwhr st:ot this play will reach it. A ROAluNG, SIDE-SPLITTING COMEDY. Sesis on Sale at iciuniaa's D: up Store Friday Mo; nir-a. 10-2-2t Watch This Space For new Advertisement and remember we are headquar ters for Everything you need in the way of Will tkewalck you carry stand a test like this? You might, after properly sealing the case, submit a South liend Watch to a boiling temperature or freeze it solid in a cake of ice and it would still keep per fect time chronometer time under all such tests. The wonderful South Bend Balnnce Wheel perfectly adjusts the watch, even to such (treat changes in temperature. We will he plersed to show vou our line of these Kuaranteed watches at any time. No obit latiou to purchase. 10-29 Watches and Clocks repaired promptly; sometimes while you wait. All Work Guaranteed. I sell Jewelry of all kinds, and make a Specialty of the Celebrat ed SOUTH BEND WATCH, best low priced watch made. Am thoroughly prepared to furnish Glasses of all kinds and fit the eye perfectly. Special for Christmas. I make a special business of furnishing Holiday goods on or der, which can be returned if not satisfactory. Silverware, anything for the Table and any article known in first-class Jew elry circles. Continue i HIES. Come or send to us for any thing you wish in this line and we'll suit you if you can be suited. Ex-Sheriff Amans Surrender?. Clinton Dispatch. 27th. Ex-Sheriff Aman came in to dav and surrendered to the court. It is said that he wi make bond in the sum of $2,500 and have his case continued un til the next term of court. He will enter a plea of guilty to the charge of forgery. For two years he has been traveling in the West to avoid arrest. The report of the census bureau at Washington issued Monday savs that cotton ginned up to Oc tober 18th totalled b,zs3,si bales, countiner round bales as half bales. This compares with 4, 420.258 last vear. Amount ginned between September 25 and Octo ber 18th was 3,701,092 against Cooking Exhibition at Caldwell & Carlyle's. Large crowds have been at tending the cooking exhibition .at Caldwell & Carlyle's store for the past ten days. Hot coffee and hot buttered biscuit have been served free and will be serv ed while the exhibition lasts, which will be until the close of business Saturday evening. Much interest is being manifested, too, in the celebrated $60 Cameron ! steel range which will be given away. Each visitor to the store while the exhibition lasts is al lowed to draw a number, and somebody is going to draw the lucky number that will entitle him or her to one of these ran ges absolutely tree, the range will be given away baturday evening and everybody stands an equal chance. Commissioner's Sale of Land. By virtue of the power vested in mc by a judgment of the Clerk of the Su perior VJourt ol uoDeson county in a spe- lal proceeding JNo. zsuz, entitled J. u. Prevatt against J. Douglas Prevatt, I will, on Monday, the 2nd, day of No vember, 1908, at 12 o'clock M, offer for sale at the court house door in Robeson county, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands, ly me and beincr in the county of Kobeson and in Back Swamp township, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in the run of Hog swamp bv 2 cypresses and agum:thence ud run of said swamp to corner of Lot No. y by ash, 3 cypresses ana a ts. u. thence south 62 west, 25.40 chains to stake in a field: thence south 30 east, 20 chains to a stake in field; thence north 62 east, 29 chains to the begin ning, and adjoins Lots Nos. 11, , 8 and others, and contains 50 acres, be the same more or less, a full and accurate account of which can be had by refer ence to Orders and Decrees Book No. 7 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson county. The purpose of this sale is to make oartition of said lands. This 1st day of October, 1908. Thos. L. Johnson, 10-l-5thurs Cf mmissioner. It Would Be Easy To Blow About our New Fall Shoes. The Styles are so Smart, the Leathers so Attractive, the Appearance so Classy. We could say a whole lot about our underpricing too. Come And Try The Shoes And you 11 Appreciate how ninny Nice Things we could Truthfully say about them. We'll let YOU say them instead, as we know you will, when you have Provet their Excellence in Actual Service JOHN 1 BIGGS & CO. 7-27 5E0. S. HACKER & m 8 WW Free Delivery. Phone No. I. U.'IQUE WEDDING GIFTS :n siivt r ana cut g:ass mat are nt orilv at-nroriri? te as presents but. K'causo ol their Siovel atiu artistic ce- !!;, are of esix cial value. Our lines over everything suitable for the table, dining room and dressing table. Our Sales Will Last While the Goods Last on our Counters. Be sure to Visit our Store as you will be Satisfied with all you Buy from us. Don't miss the place, as you all know A. WEINSTEIN, and he is the one that can please you. COME yourself and bring your friends. We can Dress you from head to foot for less than Half Price. WEINSTEIN, THE KING CLOTHIER LUMBERTON. NORTH CAROLINA. 10-26 EASILY REPAIRED. No matter how lacily broken or how iiooriv the water, nas been Keeping tin. e, you will bring it to us, we wil! guar antee to nut it in t,rst-class working or- ler. Our e:r -.'i t knowledge ol watch instruction enables us to guarar tee our work. tor E. Zoeller & Company, Jevvclcrs a ad SHvcrsml ar. G. Box Q7 Wilminsrton, N. C. 8-6-tf i Clothing For Old Men and Young Men of the very Highest Expression of Tailors' Art, in Style, Drape and Distinctiveness. They Denote Character and Give Prestige to the Brainy Chaps and Young Fellows who have ideas of their own. COME ! And let us Show Yon the New and Nobby Styles ! MANUFACTURES CF oors, Sash, Blinds, Momging Building Materia Sasb Weights, asid Co.-d. Charleston. S. ; mrcnase onr mates, -VrfiicH we gus ntee superior to any sola boutli, a?' nereoy save moan, wacow nan l i r cy Glass a Specialty 4 3" Card ot Tbanks. We desire to express our sincere and heart-felt appreciation of the many kindnesses extended t us by friends during our recent bereavement, and to thank them all in this way for the sympathy and eomtort given us in the hours of suffering and distress on account of the loss of our mother, Mrs. 1 M'-ry E. Rozier. ' Bereaved Ones. Notice of Summons. North Carolina, ) In the Superi- Robeson County. S or Court. Wade H. Sealey, Plaintiff, vs. Notice of Sum- Annie Jane Sealey, Defendant, mons. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Robeson county for the pur pose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and the defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Robeson county to be held on the thirteenth Monday after the first Monday in September, 1908, (it being the 7th day of December, 190 i), at the court house of said county, in Lumberton, N. C, and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff which will be de posited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court during the first three days of said term, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 12th day of Octobor, 1908. W. H. HUMPHREY, Clerk Superior Court. Wishart & Britt, Attorneys for Plain ' tiff. 10-15-4thurs '10 S ISP' A 1 The Croataii Indian Institute. We, the undersigned, beg leave to thank our people for the help they have Tivcn towarus the Croatan Institute, which is situated at Reedv Brauch hurch, in Thompson's township, te.i milts south ot LAimDerton IMS is nc denominational school, but is for the oenent or tne croatan race. All are re quested to take an interest in this school. We have a good two-storv building, 6 by 40, which is nearing completion, and some money vet in the treasury. The bui!t!ine. after it is completed, will bt worth $1,000. We hope the Croatan In dians of Robeson, Scotland and Rich mond counties will patronize this school. Let's every ons of our race impress the subiett or education so that our sons and daughters mav be educated, and thev will make better citizens of our grand Old North State. lours Kespectiuliy, Rev. J. E. Hu-t, C. H. Hunt, Stephen Hunt, J H. Hammond, 10-5-1 m Trustees. enrette - Singletary Company, Lumberton, N. C. 10-5 NfN MARKERS 1 Between Safety and Danger The wise man secures the protection of FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa per a man lias is a pohev in a goo? coin pany. we represent some ot tne Desi I companies in existence. They pay 1 promptly and honorably all losses incur red, botne day you may be sorry you didn't let us write a poncy t ;-day Write to the gton Marble and Granite Works 1-9 Q. T. WILLIAMS. To those afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism, Pineules for the Kidneys brings relief in the first dose. Hundreds of pi'ople to day testify to their remarkable healing and tonic properties. o0 days' trial $1.00. They purify the blood. Sold by J. D. McMillan & son. for their ILLUSTRATED CATA LOGUE of MONUMENTS and HEADSTONES. R. D. TUCKER, Proprietor. WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 tf Notice of Administration. Havinf qualified as Administratrix of theestate ! tf P. C. McLean, dc-.-eased. late of ItolieBon coun ty. North ( arnhna. this 18 to notify all persons havimr Hamis aainr.i the estate of said deceased to exhibit thorn to the undersigned at Lunilier ilridtre, N. C. on or liefore the 30th day of Octo ber, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of I heir recovery. All persons indebted to saw es tate will please make immediate payment. Thi- 21th day of October. 1908. Kmzabkth Ii. McLean. Administratrix of P. P.. McLean. Mclntyre, turf .tcp Proctor, Attorneys for Administratrix, Luniberton, N. C, lu-ZiMithurs Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seas and Stock Certificates, Time and Mer chandise Checks, Engraved Cards and Wedding Invitations. : : 3mbossed Stationery, Printers' Ink, Shaw -Walker Filing Cabinets and sup plies in stock. Write for catalogue. Wilmington Stamp Works, p:o. 15 and 17 Princess Street, Wilmington, H. C. 8-6-tf Red Springs Male Academy, Red Springs, N. C. A Hieh School for Bovs. Situated in the most healthful section of the State. Offers full courses in High School work. An especial effort is made towards thor oughness. Individual attention given the pupil. Competent Instructors. Terms moderate. Session Opens September 8 For fuller information, address J. B. McALEoTER or J. Lacy McLean, 8-lStf Red Springs, N. C. CHARLES McMILLEN, ARCHITECT, 213-311 Southern Building, Just Received ! 40,000 Laths. 10,000 Brick, Also Fire Brick. WHITFIELD & FRENCH. 7-8 For Sale. On account of other business, I offer for sale, small Novelty Works in Red Springs. A paying proposition for right party. Terms to suit purchasher. Chas. E. Zedakkr, 9-28-lm Red Springs, N. C. L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter The Most Modern and Strongest oa the American Market. Sold on easy terms. S. H. HAMILTON, Local Agent. Wart Your LoYed (tees Grates. S-Gtf Wilmington, N. C. Headstones. - $4.00 Up Monuments, - 11 00 Up Best Blue and Wnlte Marble. Save Traveling Agent's Commission order through G. E RANCKE, 1-3-7-1 Lumberton, N. C ii; iii i! : in 1 n i : ijilivly guaranteed. 2,887, 950 last year.

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