'ItisL SEMi-VEEKJ-.Y ROBESONIAN. A Celebrated $60.00 Cameron Range Free! Hot Lunch Every Hour. Our Cooking all this week the talk of the town. This great cooking demonstration, to show how perfectly the Celebrated Cameron Steel Ranges cool and bake, was started Monday. It will close Saturday afternoon late, Oct. 31st. Don't miss it. Hot Coffee, Hot Biscuit and good Butter served all visitors abso lutely free all this week and a $60.00 Range Free ! All Lumberton and surrounding country are invited to come as often as possible during this week. Don't wait Don't Hesitate but be here. A numbered ticket will be present ed to each and every visitor entitling the holder to one chance at a magnifi cent $60.00 Celebrated Cameron Steel Range. Some number is going to get the range. It may be yours. The Range will be awarded to the lucky number Saturday afternoon Oct. 31st. Be on hand with your team ready to carry it home. Ladies especially invited. Cooks and Housekeepers Every where Admire and use the Cele brated Cameron Steel Range. Read this: Cameron Steel Ranges are Built to last a life time and will do so, with or dinary care. They seldom ever need repairs. The ovens are built larger than the ovens of any other steel range made, they bake and cook quicker, better and with less fuel than others. They burn any kind of fuel and the flues are so large that they do not "choke" up nor burn out. A great feature is the warming closet that makes it easy for the housekeeper to keep the food warm as long as she wishes. Ladies especially invited. Caldwell & Carlyle, Lumbertoii, N. C. L - ! 'r''JK News Items and Personals from St. Pauls. Correspondenc of The Robesonian. Mr. E. J. Britt, of Lumberton, spoke in the new school building Monday evening to an enthusi astic audience. After the speak ing Mr. J. A. McDougald, of Lumberton, organized a Bryan Kitchin Club with Dr. T. N. Northrop as president, Mr. B. H. Johnson, secretary, and N. D. Johnson, treasurer. Thirty-seven dollars were subscribed for the fund. Miss Minnie Rowland returned from her home in Lumberton Tuesday. She reports improve ment in the health of her broth er, Mayor John A. Rowland, who has been quite ill. Miss Alice Haigh, of Fayette ville, and Miss Alice H. Huske, of Washington, D. C, were the guests of Miss Eloise McDiarmid Sunday. Messrs. Tom Sutton and Ciifton Rankin were in St. Pauls Sun day. Miss Ida Fairly, of Manchester, will visit here next week. An oyster supper was given at the academy Thursday evening. Mr. S. Mclntyre, of Lumberton, was down for a speech, but on account of rainy weather he fail ed to appear. The oysters were sold in spite of the non-appearance of the speaker and there were impromptu speeches bv the trustees. The candidates were in town Saturday. The ladies of the Pres byterian church served hot coffee and sandwiches, which were enjoyed between the speeches. Prof. R. E. Sentelle, of Lum berton, will preach at the Bap tist church tomorraw. Miss Christine Gower spent Saturday and Sunday in Lumber ton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson went to Fayetteville Fridav. , The school building has been i i . -. . . . i completed at last and the school is progressing rapidly. There are about 80 enrolled and more will come in later. Mr. Eugene Parham, of Wil mington, was here Thursday on a short visit to his parents. Mr. J. P. Stansel, of Lumber ton, was a welcome visitor to St. Pauls Monday. The McEachern, Johnson & McEachy Co. has moved into its new store, which was built some months ago near the depot St Pauls, N. C, Oct 24, 1908. m Wood's Livsr Medicine in Houid form ior malaria, chills and fever, regulates SALARY VERSUS COMMISSION. The System out of Date Coun ty Officers Should be Put on Salaries. To th Editor of The Robesonfen: I ask a little space in your splendid paper to inquire why nothing is said by the press or on the stump in regard to the salary law passed for Robeson county by the Legislature of 1907. If it is a good law, let us approve it; if a bad law. let us defeat it by our ballots. There are numbers of our neonle whn have forgotten nil j wwut law. and to sneak it throno-h aa it looks now. is mean. If von oppose a measure, have the manhood to say so, is my motto Some of our countv officers nro paid too much, notably the sheriff, but I am not ' - WW.M SO much for the law hppnncn nf the reduced prices it proposes to pay, Dut l do not lavor the sys tem The fee svstpm ted for quite different conditions from the nrespnr Tavos Vio increased during the last eight years ax least ou per cent, or from $70,000 to $lin nnn non still we pay the same commission lo conect. jno wonder our pnnntv is m debt. It is a burning shame that after agitating the building of a court house several years the whole had to be bond ednot a peny to put in it Now our taxes are almost a hnnfon Let us begin to reform by ap proving this law and ntVm- ful steps and get out of debt. lours truly, . 3 v T. H. Wallers. Raeford, N. C. the liver, kidnevs and blarlrW hrir, elief to biliousness, sick-head- Quick re iC?8vPa!;,0n- Pleasant to take. itv of thL"1" contSn 2 times quan JrL? ehfJ52CB,ze- FirB dose brines Tif. Sold by J. D. McMillan & S.,nT US r OF LETTERS. Remaining in the Lumbertorj, N. C., postoffice, Oct 26, 1908. If not called for in one week, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office Washington, D. C. Parties cal ing will please say advertised. Pink Barnes, Henry Bartley, MrsMattieBethea, R. L. Bullard Joshua Cameron, A E Dillard, S L Cpllens, Mrs A L Duglas, Mrs Beckie Epps(2), Mrs Pana Floyd, George Harper, Mrs L B Kea, Mrs Harriet Kitchen, J W Muse Samuel Bennett W H Ransom, P W Roberson(2). J J Lilly, Fred Zabnskie, L S Stephens. R. M. Norment, P. M. Gov. Glenn says that he will return to Winston-Salem after ;the 10th of January and will resume the practice of law there ine statement implies that he will not enter the lecture field, as was stated some time ago. If you are a sufferer from piles, Man fu '? RemetJy w bring relief with the first application- Guaranteed. Price 50c. Sold by J. D. McMillan & Son Mr. J. L. Caddell Still at High smith Hospital. Fayettaville Observer, 24th. One of the most interesting patients the Highsmith Hospital has had in a long time is Mr. J. L. Caddell, a young man of Rowland. It will be recalled that he was shot by a negro while he was driving a wagon load of machinery from Marion to Mullins, S. C, and that the negro escaped lynching only by a ruse of the authorities, who secretly conveyed him to a place of safe keeping where he now awaits trial. The negro claims that he shotMr. Caddell by mistake. Mr. Caddell says that he was passing a house in which were a lot of drunken negroes, when one of them called out to him, using a name he did not know. He told the man that he was mistaken, but he paid no attention and fired at him, the ball entering the right leg. He was brought to the hospital here the next day and it was found necessary to amputate the limb at the hip joint. Edenton Tea Party Tablet Un veiled. Raleigh Cor.. 24th, Charlotte Observer. Thirteen little boys and girls, descendants of revolutionary families, to-dav nnveiiori q v,ta some tablet commemorating the famous Edenton tea party. Cere monies of an imposing character umi ivcu me ueaication. i he me morial is placed in the rotunda of the CaDitol. and henra trio frMm . . . ' " HIV A.JilJ VV ing inscription at the top: greeted Dy the North Carolina bociety of the Daughters of the Revolution to the 51 ladies of Edenton who, by their patriotism, zeal and earnest protest against British authority, assisted our forefathers in the making of this republic and our Commonwealth" Below this inscription is a tea urn of very large size, upon this being the house in which the tea party was held, under this house being the words: "The Tea Party House, Edenton, N. C." Under this inscription is a hand holding an inverted tea caddy and pour ing tea from the latter. Yet be low this is the inscription : ' 'Eden ton Tea Party, October 25, 1773." Below all the inscriptions, etc., is the year, 1908. The border of this very handsome tablet is a wreath of pine, including the burrs and the fascicles of leaves mingled with these being tea leaves and blossoms. Approximately $1,000 a mile is being expended by the Seaboard Air Lme on its road between Charlotte and Monroe. The money is being expended in general im provements in the tracks. Ring Little Liver Pilla for bilious ness, sick headache. They keep you Zern2Be'. ITy thetn' So'd by J. D. McMillan & Son. Horses! This woman says that after months of suffering Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made her as well as ever. Maude E. Forgie, of Leesburg,Va writes to Mrs. Pinkham : " 1 want other suffering' women to know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has done for me. Foi months I suffered from feminine ills so that I thought I could not live. wrote you, and after taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and using the treatment you prescribed felt like a new woman. I am now strong, and well as ever, and thank you for the good you have done me." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Big Fire at Mullins. Columbia, S. C, Dispatch, 2fith. A special to The State from Mullins says: Fire today destroyed the splendid three-story factory of the Imperial Tobacco Company, owned and operated by J. P. Sale and Company, who are the buyers for the Imperial. In the Imperial factory about 200 negro men and women were at work stemming tobacco and so rapidly did the fire gain head way that several had narrow es capes. About 300,000 pounds of leaf tobacco was destroyed. The loss is estimated at $400, 000, mostly covered by insurance. We Still Have a NICE LOT of HORSES and MULES. If you NEED a GOOD HORSE or MULE Don't Fail to SEE US. Prices and Terms Right. Respectfully, Co M. FULLER. " 1 xw 9-14 To the Farmers of Robeson, Bladen, Cumberland and Scotland : We invite your careful inspection of the following report as to the success of the tobacco farmers. We think it pays to diversify your crops. Try a crop of tobacco; we think it will pay you. C A. Miller, Pitman & Co., H. L. Floyd, E. T. Floyd, J. M. Andrews, Eliza Parker, John P. Floyd, M. H. Warwick, Roland Stephens, Hardin & Floyd, J. G. Lewis, J. E. Nye, A. H. Leggett, Geo. Graham, J. S. Herring, C. A. Inman, J. H. Bass, Bun Inman, J. H. Byrd, Van Godwin, F. L. Floyd, Andrew Smith, 8 Acres Si 4 11 2 4 4 4 4 5i 4 6 2 2 3 2J 5 4 3 2 4 5 $ 962.62 453.27 693.45 1713.16 322.81 513.90 557.89 316.14 369.16 928.17 420.73 774.30 233.49 210.12 331.30 303.32 664.70 449.38 329.89 287.30 354.01 702.93 . . those afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism, ?rAthe Sidneys brings relief S?Lton,JS Parties. 30 days' trial Fairmont Tobacco Warehouse Co.. 1.1?. REEVES, Manager. 10-15-lm l1-2?' wThey Purifv the blood J. D. McMillan & Son. Sold by When you stop advertising you stop a portion of your trade Subscribe For The Robesonian Ivory Cement Plaster! This is tha Ptoct r,f oil ri. .. roItwm notion or fal, offevenfromeakageo.ater It fsTJAZ f?"- the P.rers without loss of time. off and expose the odwork to the fire WiU n0t Cause il to fal1 structlbll. rH-s and strength, rendering the walls practically inde- It will not crack of itself or shrink. lva.t,S Of Vprmin non,t l i hardness. nage ow.ng to its density and extraordinary It is disease-germ proof. From its possessing a smnntl, hA c .... purposes. ' ""u 18 admirable for decorating It COStS no morp than tt, 4. fir ', ".e- BIG STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. mate1UmYet We meet any legit HUSKE HARDWARE HOUSE, MA. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 9-14 BRICK! BRICK!! BRICK!!! cttom'm North Carolina, daily capacity 90,000 Briclc, we are prepared to fill both Hi',5 C A Penee has taught us how to make B"C e solicit your inquries. Fire Uay and Fire Brick always on hand. J T E. A. POE BRICK COMPANY, rAi liiVlLLE, N. C. 7-16-2m J. W. Murchison & Co. Importers and JnhVtore f w HriM. u VSA Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Moves, Kanges, Etc., Etc. 109 and 111 North Front Street, w , , WILMINGTON. N C Write for Prices. - 8-10 tf Maxton Steam Laundry, Jt L. L. McfiIRT o - - J 9 ' secretary and Treasurer. THE HIGH-CLASS LAUNDRY. mklTruV: nfblV-d Work is of the - . us a i rial, , 8-17 W. H. STALVEY, Agent, Read Robesonian Business Builders

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