THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. DECEMBER 10. FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER. RED SPRINGS REVIEWS. Partial Programme of the G. F. C. Entertainment to be Given on the 2 1st Unalterably Op posed to Division of County on Lines Proposed -New Hotel-Other Items. C-rrwpunilenc of The Kleiotii:i. Mr. Tite Bissell, of Buie, whoj was visiting his father, Mr. H. F. Bissell, near here was badly j hurt by a fall from hisvaKonj last Friday. We hope he may Boon be recovered. Messrs. A. S. Thompson, Z. V. StrMtfhan and K. O. Pitman are attending the Annual Conference of the Methodist church at Dur ham this week. Rev. T. J. Dailey left for Conference Tuesday morning. We are glad to learn that he carried up a full report of every thing paid up and a little sur plus, in spite of hard times. Mr. J. R. Chambers, of Ashe- ville, was greeting his many friends in town last week. We are glad to see him looking so well. He is here on business connected with next year's to bacco season, he and Mr, Reeves having this warehouse already leased. Mrs. Sim Brown, of Chad bourn, was a welcome visitor in tnwn over Sundav. the .ruest of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Jones. j The band gave it's fir3t sere-! nade last Saturday night, play- incr on Main street. They did j wonderfully well for so short practice. Mr. N. A. Carter has moved into the handsome new house of Dr. A. F. Pitman on Trinity street and will do his best to do even better for his patrons than in the old hotel. Mr. H. G. Byrd, owner of the old holel, will run it himself. Your corresoondenl had the pleasure of a visit to kind Scotch relatives in the neighborhood of historic old Philadelphia Presby terian church last week and heard some very fine sermons from Rev. Mr. Dickson, the ag gressive pastor of the church. He is greatly loved bv his ap preciative congregation. That is a fine community to visit and we hope to go again in the near future. A Woman's Home Mission Society was organized in the Methodist church at Buie's last TuesdaV, which was the first cause of my visit to the "Upper! End." We are sorry to learn that Mr. P. B. Thompson expects to move his family to Rowland by the first of January, as he has leased the hotel there for next year. Mr. Thompson has made the best town marshal we have ever had and the town council is loathe to give him up, while his good wife is of the salt of the earth and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Perhaps it would be well to say now that this part oi Kobe on, to a man, will be unaltera bly opposed to the division of the county on the lines proposed by our friends of Red Springs. If we could ever make up our minds to a division it would have to differ "as far as tne kast is irom tne west from their notions of division, j This is not "an old woman's notion", either, but what we hear from representative men. We give beU.w a partial pro gramme of the "G. F. C. enter tainment to be given on the night of December 21st, think ing it may interest our friends. We hope The Robesonian will be represented and hereby ob ligate ourselves to hold reserved seats for the editors, with the compliments of the young ladies, if they will notify us before hand. Opening Chorus, "Stare the Night Adorning." Rainbow Drill, by 21 little girls. Comic Pantomime, "The Old Maid's Tea Partv." Two "G. F. C. girls"-18fl0- Birthday Party and Dinner Plav to be Given at the Col lege -The Quarterly Concert at the College Fine. 1 Mr. Smith, of Elkin, is visit i ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j J. E. Purcell.-Miss Polly McRae i returned from a pleasant visi; in Maxton Saturday. -Mrs. Council ! and son, Mr. Will Council, of ! Cumberland, are visiting at the j home of Rev. R. H. Broom. Mrs. ! Council is 1 he mother of Mrs. Broom. Mr. D. G. Robeson continues to improve slowly. Miss Allie Purcell, of Floral College, spent a few hours here Monday. Mr. David Bethea, of Little Rock, S. C, spent Sunday hpro with relatives. Miss Josie McNeill, of Lumberton, spent Saturday and Sunday here last week. Rev. Mr. Broom is at ! tending the annual Methodist j Conference, which meets in Dur ham.- Miss Ettie Brown return ed Tuesday from New York, where she had been for the past week. j Many of oor young people at- ! tended a "Birthday Party" which was given at the home of Mr. Hodgin, of the Antioch com munity, Tuesday evening. The guests were requested to bring a penny for every year of their ages and the proceeds were to go for a good cause. Our stores are nutting on a holiday appearance and every body seems to be eager for Christ mas to come. The elocution class of the col lege will give an interesting nlav entitled "Cranford" next Monday evening, 14th, in the college auditorium. Everybody is cordially invitea to come, pro vided each brings twenty-five! eents. Mr. Edwin iJurcell, who is teaching at Wilson Mills, was at home for a few days this week. Mr. J. A. McAlester, of Lum berton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennia McAlester. Little Miss Nellie Thomasson entertained a number of her friends at a birthday dinner Wed nesday. Miss Nellie was four years old on that day. She and her guests enjoyed playing out doors games together very much. The quaterly concert given by the students of the college con servatory Monday evening was fine. The girls played and sang sweetly; indeed, the evening was one most pleasantly spent by all wTho attended. Ihe difficult piano solo by Mr. Charles Vardell was faultlessly rendered, as were al so the violin solos of Miss Mar garet Williams and Mr. Roland Brown. The two songs by the chorus class w7ere beautiful, and the eighty girls who compose this class, becomingly attired in white, made a charming and impressive appearance. The vocal solos of Misses Emma Brown and Flora Cornelius were much en joyed by all, while the instru mental piano solos of Misses Sarah Staples and Mamie Barn well, and the organ solo by Miss Mary McEachern, afforded equal enjoyment. Red Springs, N. C. Dec.8, '08. How Would You Like to Live to be 150? Baltimore Sun. Professor Metchnikoff, the fa mous Russian who won the Nobel prize, says the average man nnorht. to hve to tne age oi xou years. For years he has been at work on the problem of lengthen ing human life, and he believes that if he can find a way to run certain impolite germs out of the system almost anybody can enjoy a century or so of life. The Pro fessor is going to spend the $iy,-. 000 from the Nobel fund in try ing to stretch out the span ot hu man life. The Professor considers Dr. Osier an amateur in the art of living. He regards 60 years as the mere boyhood of a man, about the age at which he should stop frisking around and settle down life and steadv work.- "I shall spend the $19,000 of Nobel fund money," says the Professor, "in continuing my ef forts to discover how the body can be given its chance, so to speak, and how it can be prevent ed from being needlessly sacrific ed in earlv vouth comparative- lv that. is. at 70 or 80 years of age when it ought to hold out until it is 150." Dr. Osier ought to be ashamed of himself calling bO years old; why, it's positively kiddish, and we fan account for it only on the p-rnnr.n that when Dr. Osier said it he was a mere boy himself anrl didn't know. But if men lived to be 150 years old, how would the youngs ters ever get a chance? Think of Mr. Roosevelt turned loose in Dolitics for 125 years! How much much monev would the rest o the country have left if John D Rockefeller was given 75 or 80 vears more to gather in the sheaves? Living 150 years might be fine for the rich, but there are mil lions of us who really couldn't afford it. PLANS A REVOL V I N G HOUSE. Jeweler Wants Sun- all Sides of His New York shine on Home. Contractor and Euilder. William Reiman, a jeweler, of GLENN WOOD GLEANINGS. 1908. A vocal duet F. C. girls. Instrumental McMurry, by two future G. duets by Misses Floyd, Galloway. Blue and Oliver. Vocal duets by severval ladies. An exposition of "Rag time", by Miss Vera Blue. A Georgia Cracker monologue and a negro dialect monologue, by Misses Maggie Floyd and Ila Blue. The second part will consist of a farce of thirty minutes duration. -"When the Cat's Away" -by sight young ladies, and the en tertainment will close with the college song and yell. Now can you find anything offered that suits your taste? The admission is put at the low price of twenty-five cents, chil dren the same, with reserved eats at fifty cents, and we hope to please all our audience. Prof, McNaull has kindly offered us the use of the school auditorium and will be present himself to help keep good order. Fairmont, N. C, Dec. 8, '08. Services at Pembroke Sunday Personal Mention. Corresporutanew ofTht.flobeaonian. There will be three services at Pembroke Sunday, one at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, one at three in the afternoon and the third and last atsevenatnight. Services will be conducted by Rev. James A. Smith, of Wil mington. Misses Pearl and Abbie M'White and brother Harvey, of Barker's, visited friends and relatives of this section Satur day and Sunday. Messrs. Rob ert and Preston Pate and Mack McNeill, of Barker's, were wel come guests at the home of Mr. D. C. Buie Saturday night. Miss Ella Mclntyre was the wel i come guest of Miss Verona Oetum I Sunday night MissLinnieOdum spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. G. L. Townsend. Mr. John Culbreth and Mrs, Daisy Lacy spent Sunday with Miss Annie Culbreth, of Purvis. Mr. Carr Powers, of Powers ville, spent a few days last week with his uncle, Mr. C. H. Lewis. Mr. Noah Duncan and sister, Miss Edna, visited Miss Rosa Gregory Sunday. Miss Rosa Gregory spent a few days with Misses Mira and Lillie Buie last week. Miss Lena M'White is expected to leave next Mon day for Georgia, where she will spend a while with her aunt, Mrs. E. J. Riddle. We hope for her a grand trip. Lots of young people attended church at Raft Swamp Sunday. "Sally Mag." Glennwood, N. C.,Dec. 8, '08. Charles H. Treat, treasurer of the United States, in his annual report, calls attention to the fact Height and Genius. w York Herrld. Dr. I. Popper, a well known German physician, has been mak ing some interesting observations regarding the stature of individu als and the relation that exists between height and talent and genius. The doctor finds that not only persons with consider able talent, but the geniuses of the world, all have been and are of medium size or less. Among statesmen he points out Attila, Cromwell, Frederick II., Napole on, Gambetta, Thiers all of whom were of very small stature, i Jesus Christ, too, the doctor says, according to the Talmud, was built in small proportions; so was Paul. Among the great artists the short men 'were Rapheal, Michelangelo, Titian, Leonardo 1 da Vinci and Menzel; among the musicians, Kicnara , Wagner, Handel, Bach, Haydri, Beeth over, Schumann, Schubert, Brahms. Nearly all the poets were of small stature, particul arly Dante, Horace, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Tasso, Victor Hugo and Heine. So were Cervantes and Rousseau. Among the philosphers and scientists the list is a large one, and those whom the doctor particularly mentions as small men physically are Spinoza, New ton, Leibnitz, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Humboldt, Ranke and Hommsen. The results of Dr. Popper's researches into this subject are very interesting. He has discov ered that while most great small men are small m stature because of the shortness of their legs they are really tall in length of their bodies. That is, when sitting down they are taller than when standing up, as they have big bodies above the waist. This very fact, the doctor thinks, is perhaps tbe secret of talent and genius a good stomach: big heart and lungs in a big body as tney nave a direct ettect on the intellect. These organs help to feed the brain properly and make big men mentally, New York, has had plans drawn for a revolving house which he will build at Bayside, L. I. It will be the result of many years of thought over the matter of genuine home comfort, for he has often declared that, with the advantages of modern appliances and electricity there seemed lit tle reason tor the sunny side oi a house being in the sun all sum mer and the shady side being in the shade all winter. Mr. Reiman would have a home the windows of which may fol- ow the sunshine in the winter or avoid it in the summer. The architect has studied the prob- em, and has completed plans for such a home, which will be built at a cost of $35,000, exclusive of the real estate. As nroDosed, the house will be constructed on a turn-table, which will be operated by electric pow er. The owner, in his library or bedroom, may press a button and the house will swing to right or left, as he may desire. Sitting in his library window and wearying of the view, he may turn the house around and get another vista without leav ing his chair. Ur it the breeze shifts and the owner of the house finds himself cut off from it, he gives the alarm and moves his house around and around until he gets the breeze where he wants it. Of course, sun shine and shade will be at his command, and if he desires to sleep late and the light is in his window, he presses the button near his bed and swings away from the east. The house wa3 designed by Mr. Reiman himself, and the plans, s drawn, show that his scheme is eminently practical. Mr. Reiman will have neither front nor back yard to his house. The lawns will be so laid out that the front entrance will fit any point of the compass. The revolution of the house will be noiseless and only part of the turntable will be visible. Fresh Seasonable Groceries! To) jag asjjg gpr HIB tmmm w mhMI TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. v I tin and Bronchial Remedies, because It rids th An improvement over many Court. Lung n B No latcs. Gutrsnteed to fir, E2Zl by PINEULE MEDICINE CO Sold by J. D. McMILLAN & SON, Lumberton, N. C. CHICAGO. U. ft. A. Fine Jewelry and Silverware! 4 v t Received Daily. No old stock to offer you. Give u your order and no effort will be spared to please you. Come or phone your orders. J. H. Wishart Free Delivery. Phone No. I. " u Writ for Prices now upsn any Jewelry or Silverware you may desire for CHRISTMAS ! Reasonableness and Quality. George Honnet, Jeweler and Silversmith. Wilmington, : : N. 11 2 In Buying Jewelry two things are very Essential, dt QUALITY AND PRICE. It has always been our aim to establish a High Standard on this line of goods. Our Stock is bought from the Most Reliable Manufacturers and sold on a Strict Guarantee Our Prices are as Low as is consistent with the Quality of Goods. It is our aim to pleas. Goods bought from us MUST GIVE SATISFACTION. The season for buying this claw of goods is now onour stock is complete. We especially invite our customers to coma and inspect the most Beautiful Display of Fine Statuary ever brought to this section the State. Do not go away for your purchases when such values can be had right at your home. A CALL WILL CONVINCE. McLeati-Rozier Company. 10-l-thurs Some Real Estate falii8S ! We are offering to the people of Lumberton and surrounding country the following values in Real Estate, all of which can be secured at prices and terms to suit purchaser: One farm containing 100 acres about 5 miles from Lumberton on Carthage road, with 7-room 2-story dwelling house and other out-buildings. This farm is known as the Hack Carlyle place. One farm containing 53 acres adjoining the town of Marietta, IS. C. One farm containing 75 acres situated 3 miles from Lumberton on Harleesvilla road. One farm containing 65 acres 3 1-2 miles from Lumberton. One farm containing 35 acres 3 miles from Lumberton. One farm containing 30 acres 4 miles from town. Also two other valuable farms containing 200 to 500 acrjt t&sSie 1 4 Between Safety and Dearer The wise man secures the protection of FIRE INSURANCE. i When fire occurs, the most valuable ya per a man has is a policy in a goos com pany. We represent some ot tne Dew companies in existence. iney pay promptly ana nonoraDiy an losses incur red. Some day you may be sorry yon didn't let us -write a policy tj-day. 1-9 Q. T. WILLIAMS. The Following Property in the Town of Lumberton i i known a f Wanted A College Song To the Editor of The Robesonian: At the last regular annual meeting of the Alumnae Asso ciation of the State Normal and Industrial College of North Car olina, a committee of alumnae was appointed to select a song that may be adopted and used by the college as distinctly and distinctively her own. The committee, therefore, of fers a prize of ten dollars in gold to the person who shall write the most appropriate song. Any one who desires to do so may compete for this prize, but the committee reserves the lege. The literary value ot the songs sent to the committee will be passed upon by competent judges. If any contribution is accepted as worthy to be made the College Song, the writer will be notified of his success as early as possible alter the judges de cision is reached. In the event of the author's desiring to set his own words to an original musical composition, such a composition will be care fully judged by musical critics, with the understanding that the committee of alumnae may re ject any or all of such contribu tions. In order that the song may be introduced, the name of the au thor announced, and the prize awarded at the college com mencement in May, 1909, all competitors for the prize are urged to have their contributions in the hands of the committee before April 1st, 1909. STATE NEWS. A Big Reward Is Due the Manufacturers of BELL'S For the Great Relief it Brings to Coughing Hu manity. Buy a Bottle from your Dealer and be Convinced. 10-29-3m One large 2-story house on large lot with stables, barn and other outhouses the Tolar house. A good opportunity for one looking for a good big house on big lot. One 7-room 1 -story house, brand new with all modern conveniences. This is the Wj H. Bryant house, on of the neatest houses in the town of Lumberton. One 5-room cottage. Two 4-room cottages. Also 25 vacant lots in the heart of town, ranging in price from $1 00.00 to $500.00 each, f We are m position to deal with any one who is open for a real estate proposition of' any kind, whether town or country property is desired. Let us figure with you good I times are ahead. BUY NOW. Cotton Mills Stock bought and sold. Loans negotiated. J u Lumberton 8-6-thurs Realty and Investment Lumberton, N. C. Coi Raleigh and Charleston Railroad1 Frank Beasley WHEN IN Fayetteville For Time Table No. 7, Taking Effect Monday. Oct. llh. 1908. at 6 A. M. Just Received I SOUTH BOUND. No. I. ' Lv. For Clocks, Jewelry, Watches and Silverware. Watch Repairs he is First Class and the Engraving he does is the Very Best. The Massachusetts delegation which attended the dedication of the soldiers' monument at New bern last month, have sent as a gift to the Newbern Chapter, United Daughters of the Confed eracy, a costly silver punch bowl and ladle. The token ib an expression of appreciation of the attention shown the Northern visitors by members of the chapter. Pineuh-s -for the kidneys are little golden globules which act directly on the kidneys. -A trial will convince you of quick results for Backache, Rheuma tism, Lumbago and tired wornout feel ing. 30 days' trial $1.00. They purify blowl. Sld by J. 9. McMnTaa i SfA that owing to the disturbed reta tions between the income and duty of the government, there was a deficiency last year of $08, 070, 201, as against a surplus for the preceding year of $84, 236,586, and pointed out that the total revenues for 1908 exceeded any preceding hscal year except 1907. Treasurer Treat points out that thus it i3 apparent that the trouble is not in decreasing receipts but in increasing expen ditures, which situation the Treasury is unable to meet with the excess of revenues which has accumulated during the previous years. i. 13. noit, a preminent mer chant of Holly Springs, TTake county, was held up and robbed of $400 Monday evening in a loneiy section of road four miles from Raleigh by two highway men, a white man and a negro. Sheriff N. A. Watson, of Cum berland ctunty, on last Friday captured the 18th illicit whiskey still taken by him in his two years' term of office. Three men, who fled upon the approach of the officers, were operating the still. J. J. Knox was elected Mon day sheriff of Brunswick county by the commissioners to fill the term of Jackson Stanls id, who was murdered recently while aresting a white man by the name of J . P. Walker. The com missioners of Brunswick huve asked the Governor for a special tarm of court for the trial of Walker, there being no regular term until March. W. F. Marshall, president and general manager of the Mutual Publishing Co., of Raleigh, has purchased from H. E. Seaman of Durham the North Carolina Journal of Education and will move it to Raleigh January 1st. Prof. E. C. Brooks, of Trinity College, will be retained as edi tor and the scope of the publica tion will be enlarged so as to embrace both the educational and literary activities of the State. Oeland L. Barnett, Bertha M. Lee, Sethelle Boyd, Emily Austin, Ethel Lewis Harris, Committee. LIS r OF LETTERS. Remaining in tbe Lumberton. N. C., postoffice, Dec. 7. 1908. If not called for in one week, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. Parties call ing will please say advertised. D E Brany. Miss Annie B Baily, Miss Lula Batie, Miss Jua Brown, Miss Minnie Broom, A E Campbell, Make Buie, N W Campbell, M W Campbell, Henry Cotton, J M Bacom, J Sam Ed wards, Will Fulmore, Alex Hol den, T. J. Hodges, M A Locklear, W O McFailand, J W McAllister, Alf McLeod, John McMillan, A N McMillan, Colin Singletary, Richard Dock Smith, Miss Hattie MShaw (2), Mrs RA Wright. R. M. Norment, P. M. Lynchburg, Va., voted against liquor license baturday by a ma jonty ot iy& in a total vote of 1, yoo. conee ana prayer rooms were maintained by the W. C, T. U. near each precinct, all day prayer services were held at one church, and 250 well-organized children marched and sang. The 6i saloons oi the city will close Mareh 4th next. Charges Reasonable. ll-30-8t Ar Lumberton, Pope, Kingsdale, Proctorville, Baraesville, Flowers, Marietta, Holmesville, Pages Mill, Kemper, May, Mellier, Squires, Fork, Zion, Rogers, Marion, 9 50am 10.00 " 10.08 " 10.25 " 10.42 " 10.48 " 10.54 " 10.59 " 11.05 " 11. 11 " 11.14 " 11. 16 " 11.19 " II. S2 ' II. 31 " II.40 " .5S " No. 5. 1- 3 P I.40 " 2.10 " 2.30 ' 2- 55 ' 35 " 3- 30 " 3- 40 415. -4.3o . 4- 46 ' 4.50 ' 455 5.00 5.1s ' 5- aS ' 5-50 NORTH BOUND. A Car Load of Nice Mules, and if you j are Thinking of Buying Either a Horse or Mule, do not fail to see me Before Purchasing. Prices and Terms Right. Respectfully, C. M. FULLER. BY-LO Talcum Powder, Natural Violet Bj-Lo Is so fine that it floats in tbe air, and bo delicately perfumed with the odor of fresh flowers, that we know yon will like it. It does not have that Talcum Powder odor, just The Smell ol Fresh Yiolets, We'handle all the different kinds of High-Grade Talcum Powders, but re gard By-Lo as the best there is. Yon will think so too when you try it. Yours to Please, Or. J. D. McMillan & Sob, DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. C. June 18th No. 2. No. 6. Lv. Marion, 3. 00 p m 6.40 a to " Rogers, 3.I4 " 7 00 " Zion, 3.20 " 7-JO " ' Pork, 3 80 " 7-33 " " Squires, S.S3 " 7-37 " " Mellier, 3.36 " 7.41 " " May, 3.39 " 7.45 " " Kemper, 3.42 " 7.52 " " Pages Mfll, 3.47 " 7-58 " ' Holmesville, 3.67 " 8.10 " " Marietta, 4 05 " S.30 " " Flowers. 4-12 " 8.40 " Barnesville, 4-22 " 8 55 " Proctorville, 4-3 9.15 " " Kingsdale, 4.50 " 10.10 " " Pope, 4.55 ' io.o ' Ar Lumberton, 5.IO '" 10.40 " Train Nos. I and 2 run daily. Jno. Skiwon Williams, Pres. L. A. Boyd, Gen. Ngr. Personal experience with a tube of ManZan Pile Remedy will convince you it is immediate relief for all forme of ?yi.uiau?5Sd SoW by J. D JuviYnuaa Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form rerulates the liver, relieves sick head acne, constipation, stomach, kidney dis orders and acts as a gentle laxative. For chills, fever and malaria. Its tonic effects on the system felt with the first dose, lhe 51.00 bottle contains 2J times as rough as the 80 siz. Sold by J. D. MeafMn & Ss. For Tbat Dull Feeltag After Eat' lag. 1 have used chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testify that they have done ma more good than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feel ing after eating. David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion. They also resrulate the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but cost no more. Get a free BftmpJ at ajiy drug stars and m what a itmi snaim it is. Matthew Edwards; THE BICYCLE MAN, LUMBERTON, N. C, it is nice to Know now tar you go. You can tell by applying the Veeder clyciometer to your wheel. Sold at Matthew Edwards' Bicycle Store, Lum- Derton, n. c. will register from 1-10 mile to 10,000, then will revsrse and start over. 12-3 WHITFIELD & FRENCH Agents ter Standard Oil Company. Gasolene, Kerosene, also Cylinder and Engine Oil. In Barrels, Wholesale Only. 7-8 L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter The Most Modern and Strongest os As ft r n 1 , American marKet. ooia on easy wrem S. H. HAMILTON, Loal Agmt Ml Your Loied Ones Graies, Headstones. - $4.00 Up Monuments, - 11.00 Up Best Bine and Watte Marble. Save Traveling Agent's Cmnmiarion order tnronga G. E K.ANCKE, I-3-7- Lumberton, N. C. PI3EUl.ES for Iks Kkhstji Fresh Orange sliees made daily, 10c doz. New Cakes 5 layers of tt cake 50c, Jelly, Cocoanut orChocolate. Fruit Cake, the best you ever ate. Give your orders before you need it. Lombsrton Bakery & Caft. J. K. MORRIS, Prey. i Chas. M. Prevails i Left yesterday for the Western Market where he will purchase a Car Load of Nice Horses. If you are contemplating buying wait until he returns. Lumberton, N. C, Nov. 26th, 1008, ll-26-8m Seaboard Air Line Railway, Schedule Efleetlve November ZStk, IMS. Qnlctest Line to New York, yrashlngton, Florida Points, Ckar- lotto, Atlanta, BlrtnlHsuam, Memphis, New Orleans and All Points West. 3 Double Daily Service with HIGH-BACK-SEAT-CO aCHIS" PULLMAN SLEEPING and DINING OARSJ Trains Leave Lumberton as Follows: 1WESTBOUND 2Ko. 43. 7:11 . tn. No, 39, 6:43 p. in. EASTBOUND ram s No. 40, No. 44, S:SS s. m. ftWe osteJDonble Daily Vestibule Service, with through Pullmmn Sletpinc Cmn , nwuuiHni, jwMuaore, rmiaaeipnia and New York.f " .! .1. ... . , . . - -- . . 1 , Boouw, reservations or any information ralatfT ra ial Rates and Routes, call on ifcAnvitJ Rwcdt v J . 'rTT, raAMre Wjm , lunuj, jijail,WiQanjB) a-6 C.H. GATTIS, Traveling rassraaer srtjgj No. 4, Tukr BfldJg, luiSgSTiir C I

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