1 ii ii II S 523 5." a hi yiaiiw i Minn More Elaborat Season '""ft uuiet, a little' Better, a Little r 83 s Every "Z-mmsb!! ,533iaaSBSaaEWSBiSBaBa . -.i. i: mtj:j ic uf Wai-aIW nnlv h found on sale in the larcre citie3. lo say that we have been success! ul in .ur s ,,e M.,Uo Bice have n o -p the of the Eod peop - "2; -. - . They are for our may cUstomerS, ,,, mUst have 0 i, the HeeS aa ,he ,,. . ,W. .H.-eCion is aHy roven by the fact tha, our stoc each tt. of - - fl,,t han(ls, tho manufactorc, and thereby secUrig tetter goods at lower prices than ever before. We left the mW,e nK, ,,, anvihi,,,. Our buyer v,sed the market, of Vrk .uu, . ollr L.or.er, The panic has faded away into insignificance and is a thin of the past. Good times are evident everywhere. The season of good cheer is ly out this time, assunnnfc Ut T-v,,, -eS. We nand p.-ds d, - atth dispMa, of our frfeBa, ad cust,ers. A Cordial Invitation is Extended to All, Great and Small, to come and make our store headquarters. hand. TIM-' Tl'i jWovf TWO W6CMS perfectly welcome, friends, whether you buy or not. We take pleasure in showing our goods because we are proud of them. There is no use for you to worry al,u, MUM, i - a. i. - - Let ymll. mind be at CMe. Come to , we have what you want, tt makes no difference for hat member of !he family you wish a present, we re nm-an-l SKAM , , .;, ,;. , have this vear but will only m3nli a few. FOR THE LADIES, first of ail, we offer you Watches, Ring, with Sets. Signet Kings, Plain Band Rings, Lockets, Neck Chains. Cr..l:, , ., ,,. 'V.. ,v,d not attempt to enumerate all the pin" Bck Tombs Bracelets ' Bonnet Bruges, Nail Polishers, Hankerchief Bo.es. Glove Bo.es, Work Baskets, Manicure Sets in Silver, Stag and Ebony, Silver Toilet Sets, Dresser Sets, Jewel Boxes,!,,-. Wst ""L Ma, Kn' ,t ulld Mn s in hi and lluyler's Candy. FOR GENTLEMEN. Waters. Chains, Fobs, Lockets, Signet Rings, Set Rings, Scarf Pins, SUu, Buttons, Shaving Sets, Silver Shaving I 1: r Z: Tf ne C ' J' TORHoSewTfE. A hJL. S0r Tea Service, Silver Waiters, S.lver Water Sets, Water Pitchers, Soup Tureens in Silver, Bread Trays, Candelabras. Kern Dishes, Sugar and Creams, Dessert Sets. Card Rec-e.vers O-.r, Silver, Chocolate Sets, Srup Pitchers, Silver Nut Bowls, Fruit Baskets, Cake Plates, Baking Dishes, Chafing Dishes, Whipped Cream Bowls, Comports, Bon Bon Dishes, Large Mirrow Plateau, Salad Bowls, Jardiniers, Cut Glass, Water Sets, Water Louies, C WTJT2i ttLTnd fa ZJsLi IfBalLore, We'really have something exceptionally in this Very Popular Goods. FOR THE CHILDREN AND BABIES. Rings. Lockets, Chains, Necklaces, Beauty Pins, Baby Pin:, Band Bracelets, Baby Spoans, Child and Babies' Comb and Brush Sets, S.Iur n J ll'J'IU ( 111V Uliiw vm Bvu - -", . . nt 1 1 ST I & Manicure and Toilet Sets 4 me Line of Real Kandpainted China and Fine Statuary South of Baltimore, We really have something exceptionally in this Very Popular Goods. FOR THE CHILDREN AND BABIES. Rings. Lockets, Chains, Necklaces, Beauty Pins, Baby Pin:, Band Bracelets, Baby Spoans, Child and Babies' Comb and Brash Sets. S,I, rum 1 1 OHM limirtAV nlODI AV P.C H I A IV! 0 IM Pi PHfinQ We have in stock now a Very Large Assortment of Diamond Goads Consisting of Rings, Broaches, Pins, Scarf Pins &c. ar.d we are undoubtedly in position to save our FnendsiMoney m OUR USUAL rlULIUAl UlorLAT Ur UlAillUllU UUUjO. REMEMBER Kind Friend3) hese goods must g0. WM we season Must be Sold This Season. Our MOTTO Quick Sales and Small Profits. With a hearty invitation to all and hoping that you will come to see us often between now and the 25th day of December, beg to remain, Sincerely Yours McLean THE ROBESONIAN PUHLISllKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BY ROUESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. J. A. SHARPE, - - Editor. SUBSCRI1TION RATES: The Yoar $1.50 Six iMnnths .... .75 Thn-e Months .40 One Month .15 To all we wish "Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Life in three words health, peace and competence." MAXTON NEWS ITEMS. In imW'rinit th" mlilroi". "f hi paprr chanstwl a KulrriU'r shcu'.l'l nive thi !li!iln-ss to whii-h it has iinirwin. Hinl the new address. With the l.-irKo I'ircuhiticin that it has. The Roh fti.nian in a liist-Huss advci-tisinK medium. R-itcrt will ta? furiUHheii pi-oiiiijlly to pro.iei-tivo atlver- Thr t)af-r wants ti le fair to correspondents und will iv! them as niueh latitiale as it thinks liijlilie policy will permit. We are not responsible f-,r the views of any correspondent. We require thut a writer si'ii his name to a communication att.-i- kintr some one else or an institution. In puh lis Vnr articles where the name "f the writer is rot required to te published, we reserve the ritrht, f'.r ho1! n-a.-.ons. ti Kive the name when asked for. I-'ntered as serond-clns matter at the fostoffice nt I.umU'rton. N. C, under the Act of ConKressof March 3rd. 1VJ7. The Charlotte Observer repro duces from The Washington Post an article which shows that Mr. Bryan ran behind the Democratic candidates for Governor in 24 States, and in 5 States carried by Taft Democratic Governors were elected. In only 6 States did Bryan run ahead of the Demo cratic nominees for Governor and he received less votes than in 189G or 1900, notwithstanding the increased population. If Mr. Bryan does not know by this time that he is about the worst thing that ever happened to the Dem ocratic party, what is left of the party ought to know it beyond all doubt. MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1908. JUDGE PURNELL DEAD. A WORD ABOUT CHRISTMAS AND THE PAPER. There will be only one issue of The Robesonian next week, next Monday's paper being omitted, in accordance with a time-honored custom to which all semi weekly papers cling. Thursday's paper will go to press several hours earlier than usual, in order to leave the employes of the pa per free for a part of Christmas Eve, and we hope our correspon dents v ill take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. We hope they will bear in mind, too. that the next paper after Thursday's will be issued on Wedding Invitations In Social Realms Personal Mention. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Mr. D. O. Houser came to Maxton Thursday night to spend the holidays. Mrs. W. W.Green and son, Master Alton, have gone to Whitakers for the holidays. Mrs. J. S. MacRae and daugh ter, Miss Maud, and little son, John Sumpter, left Thursday morning for Washington, N. C, to spend the holidays with her parents. -Mr. Humphrey and Master Harold, of Lumberton, were in Maxton Thursday night. Quite a crowd of college girls from Red Springs passed through Friday on their way home for the holidays. Mr. J. J. Kincaid and family, of Salisbury, have moved to Maxton. Mr. Geo. B. McLeod, of Lum berton, was in town Friday. The many friends of our popu lar milliner, Mrs. J. R. Poole, will sympathize with her in the death of her aunt m Sumter, S. C. The Christmas number of The Scottish Chief is out and is very attractive and interesting to both young and old. Maxton may well be proud of its Chief m Are You Regular ? II yon are not, It b a sign oi disease, a sign oi some hidden female trouble, that nay be under mining and weakening your con stitution, and laying up for you much future suffering. Many thousands of weak, Ir regular, suffering women have, in the past 50 years, been greatly benefited or cured by the use of that well-known, successful, purely vegetable, female tonic and cura- I. -J tive remedy Passed Away Saturday Morn ingHad Been a Federal Judge Twelve Years. Raloixh Special, 19th, Charlotte Observer. After a prolonged illness due to paralysis and cancer of the : and Chieftain 1-Jl T T Hi. j. T.1. Kiuneys, unueu aiaxes juage ; Migs Katie McNeill of Lumber- i nomas iucnaru ruriien uieu aL'inn -,,.Qa ; (V1 i,.o his home in this city this morn-j Friday on her home from ing at 7:30 o clock. He was 63 crimrc! ci,onfi oo sell, of New York, caine home Thursday night to spend the holi days with his parents. Mrs. Geo. B. McLeod, of Lumberton, pass ed through Friday night on her way to Charlotte. me rirsciat m iona LUMBERTON, N. C "71 "i i Surplus's 14,000.0 Capital Stock $50,000.00. ; ASSETS OVER QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS, THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ROBESON COL'ld Depository for United States Postal Funds, United States District Court Bankrupt Funds, RobeM County, 1 own of Lumberton. i We should be pleased to be your Depository. years of age and was a grand son of Governor Dudley, of Wil mington, who was the first Gov ernor elected in North Carolina by popular vote. He had been a Federal judge for nearly twelve years, having been appointed to succeed Judge A. S. Seymour, deceased. He was born in Halifax county and when the civil war came on he enlisted and served Thursday of next week, so we i through most of that great con- hope to receive our usual letters i Pct- He surrendered atGreens by Tuesday and Wednesday after j boro and located at Winston-Sa-. lem for the practice of his pro- Uiristmas. fession. While living in that oome one will be in this oltice citv he was married to Miss WOMAN'S RELIEF Apple 0. Barnes, of Alto, Tex., writes: "1 caught cold, which made me irregular and gave ine pains in my shoulders and sides. For almost 2 weeks I could not lift a chair. Cardul brought me all right again; I have no more pains and am in very good health." At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, stating age and describing symp toms, to Ladies Advisoru Devt.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., 3 m'vm!mmjm4'i!mm'mMjii't& ROBESON SUPERIOR COURT. Two ot a llin'i Are Ail P.ialit if they are the rijrht kind. In the (iro- eery Store conclueti.-d by J. II. Wishart you wil! find that everything is the right kind. Your Ail entiors is Directed To the Fine Supply of this Season's Canned Goods, winch are tho I'e-;t we have ever handled. We are aiso show ing a Fine Line of Dried Fruits', and Fine Raisins. Of course all the Staple Groceries are here in Abundance. Let us fill your Christmas orders for you will be more than pleased at the way we 'out them up and with the Quality ox the Goods. I SAMPLE OFFF IS DAYS ONLY Beautiful, Bright, Sparkling, Farr Diamond Rim Write for Trices now uj-on any Jewelry or Silverware you may desire for !9 ox the Goods. I J. H. Wishart ss Free Delivery. Phone No. I. 1 "'X il ' V SI 'lii'iiiiill : CHRISTMAS! Reasonableness and Quality. George Honnet, Jeweler and Silversmith, Wilmington, : : N. C. 11-2 'ommissioner's Sale Adjourned for the Term Eriday Disposition of Cases Since Last Issue. most of the time during the holi days, however, and if any of our Adelia Zeverly, who died three years ago. He is survived by a Republican and took an active part in politics prior to his ap pointment to the bench. In 1873 he came to Raleigh as State li brarian and he had served in the Legislature several tin.e s as Rep resentative and Senator. The funeral will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 3:15 o'clock. subscribers care to drop in and j T V, r ' n v , . , , daughters, Mrs. James McKee, spend a few minutes by a good 0fRaleigh;Mrs. Herbert Drewry, fire and have a receipt written of Norfolk, Ta., and Mrs. Robert while they wait they will be i Ridley, of Portsmouth, Va. most cordially welcomed. A I Jucje Purnell was always a statement which is not new but needs often repetition is that it takes some of the needful to run a newspaper it is not possible to run on promises alone and we hope that tho3e who are in arrears will re member to come across. We are going to do some rather vigorous pruning on our mailing list after tlie holidays, but we do not want to cut off a single subscriber who shows a willingness to pay. We are adding to our list continually and we do not want to cut off any who want to stay with us. The Robesonian has had a very good year, and in thanking our patrons for their liberal support we want to wish them one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is the season for quiet, sat isfying pleasures, the pleasures t hat sink into the soul and leave no sting. If any one who reads this has thought to cele bi ate this greatest event in all time riotously.in ways that bring unrest and leave a bitter sting, for their own sakes we hope they will not. We should all do well to remember now as always that '! romour own selves our joys must our home." flow. And that dear hut. Clarkton Express Suspends Leaves Bladen With no Paper. Corrfsponilencc of The Kobeponian. Clarkton, Dec. 19 -The Clark ton Express, owned and edited at this plaee for the past seven years by Mr. A. C. Johnston.has suspended publication. This suspension is caused by the un usually poor collections during the past year. The editor has thought for several weeks that it would be necessary to stop the paper, but had hoped to run till the first of the year anyway. A bad break in the press just as the current issue was being complet ed caused it to suspend rather suddenly. Bladen county has been a graveyard for newspapers. Probably a half dozen have been started in the county, but The express is the only one that has Invitations reading as follows were received this week: Mr. and Mrs. Alexander James McKin non. request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their niece Katie Clarence Thompson to Mr. John Franklin McLean on Wednesday afternoon, the thirtieth of December at half past five o'clock St. Pauls Methodist Episcopal Church South Maxton, North Carolina The Misses Patterson pleasant ly entertained the Edinburgh Book Club at their home on Pat terson avenue Thursday evening. Miss Edna Puicell rr:,vo oyster supper at Almr. Friday night for the benefit oi ii school. Several young people from Maxton attended it. Miss Maggie McLean gave a linen shower to the bride-to-be, Miss Katie Clarence Thompson, at her home near Maxton Thurs day evening. The Merry-Go-Round Book Club met with Miss Virginia Everett Friday evening. It was a Christmas meeting and was en joyed by all who attended. Maxton, N. C, Dec. 18, 1908. UNIQUE WEDDING GIFTS In sterling silver and cut glass that ar not only appropriate as presents but because of th"ir novel and artistic de sign, aro of especial value. Our lines cover everything suitable for the table, dining room and dressing table. mm Terrible Warning to Boys Who Jump on and off Moving Trains. Fayetteville Observer, ISth. Roy Oliver, little son of the A. C. L. section master at Parkton, was run over by a freight train this morning, and was badly in jured. He was brought to Fav etteville on the Bennettsville train at 11 o'clock, and carried to the Highsmith Hospital, where it was found necessary to ampu tate the right leg, just below the knee. The little fellow is also suffering severely from the shock, but it is thought that he will soon recover. He was on his way to school with several other children when a freio-ht tnir, passed, going in the direction of ever lived over two years. The ! the school nr h v nil v I , countv will now havp . at all. Mr. Johnson will very probably continue in the newspaper busi ness, but has not yet decided where he will locate. on for a ride. Roy fell, and in consequence his leg was crushed to splinters, below the knee. The merchant who doesn't ad vertise stands in his own light. EASILY REPAIRED. No matter how badly broken or how construction enables us to guarantee our worK. Victor E. Zoeller & Company, Jewelers and Silversmiths, P. O. Box 207 8-G-tf Wilmington, N. C. Robeson Superior Court for the trial of civil cases adjourned Friday, lacking only one day of lasting the full two weeks. Much business was gotten through with, but no cases of especial importance came up for trial. Judge J. Crawford' Biggs, of Durham, who presided, has made a most excellent irrmression dur ing the six months he has held i P"0.1" tly watch has J-tn keepiiifr time, Kpbeson Superior Courts. Judge ! klZ vv . j. Auams, OI pannage, re- der. Our expert knowledge of watch centiy appointed, will ftold court in this county th? ?:-J. six months of next year, holding his first 'ci'iu i-. ti'e nmv court bouse in February. The foilowir.g ca- o Kh-u din:. svd of' sir.co Thursday's paper: The plantiff in the cav of Jane Britt vs Needham ': : (inpson failed to recover. TLc verdict in the case of the Dresden Cot ton Mills vs J. M. Smith & Co. was set aside, the court finding that the verdict was against the greater weight of evidence. The defendant in the case of N. M Culbreth vs S. A. L.Ry. Co. gave notice that they would move for judgment of non-suit at next term of court. The cases of Evander McNair vs Jesse Her ring etal and Evander McNair ys Elizabeth McNair were consol idated and time allowed to file pleadings. The case of J. D. Mc Lean & Co. vs A. W. Bullard and State and Abner Chavis vs W. M. Walker were contined by consent. A number of consent judgments was taken. Senator Knox to be Secretary of State. President-elect Win. H. Taft announced Friday night the ap pointment of United States Sena tor Philander C, Knox, of Penn sylvania, as Secretary of State in his Cabinet. In making the announcement Mr. Taft said among other things: "Mr.Knox was a great Attorney General, he was a prominent candidate for the presidency, and he is recog nized in the Senate and elsewhere as one of the great lawyers of that body." Unloading Today FOR Christmas Trade Car Fancy Florida Oranges, Car (Mixed) Cocoanuts, Kaisins, Nice Red Apples, Fancy Candy, Stick Candy. PricesRight Wholesale Only WHITFIELD & FRENCH. 7-8 By virtue of authority vested in me under a decree of the Superior Court of Robeson county, entered before the Cleik in a Special Proceeding therein pending, entitled Laura Conoly, gener al guardian of William Bartow Jollv. ex parte, same being Special Proceed ing No. 2863, I will on Monday, Janua ry 4th, 1909, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Lumberton, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction for cash, the following lot or parcel of land, situate and being in Lumber Bridge township, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit : In Lumber Rridge townshin. on the west side of the Big Marsh, and north west of the Atlantic Coast Line Kail road, in said County and State, begin ning at a stake and pine pointers in an old field in McGougan's line, the corner of Paul Wellington's survey, and runs as McGougan's line north 'feast, 4 and 25-100 chains to a stake by a pine, Mc Gougan's corner; thence 25 east, 12 chains to a stake; thence south 86 east, 2J chains to a stake by a pine, Ausley's corner; thence as his line north 2-i east, 10 chains to a stake by a hickory; thence as Graham's line south 54 east, 24 chains and 50 links to a stake bv a pine, Graham's corner; thence as Gra ham's other line north'64 east, 12 chains to a dead pine in the edge of Big Marsh; thence down the western edge of the said rnarsh to said railroad; thence south westwardly as said railroad until a line running north 86 west, 29 chains, will direct to the beginning, containing sixty-two and one-half acres. This sale is made for a re-investment of the funds. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit with the commis sioner the sum of $200.00 as a guaran tee of good faith and compliance with the terms of his bid. Place of Sale: Court house door, Lumberton, N. C. Time of Sale: Monday, Jaunarv4th 1909. J Terms of Sale: Cash. Dated this 3d day of December, 190S A. T. McLkax, Commissioner. McLean & McLean, Attorneys for Plaintiff 12-7-4mon. Ladies' or Gentlemen's $5 BARNATTO Brilliancy equals genuine detection baffles experts fills ever ,' requ: the most exacting pleases the most fastidious, at only one thirtieth t the real diamond. a means ot introducing this marvelous and wonderful, sclntl "H yi ami securing as manv new friends as nuicklv as jioib'e .vr making a Special Inducement lor the New Year." We want you to wear this beautiful King, this master-piece ol m; handicraft, the simulation that sparkles with all the beantv ,! !:,- , . - all the fire of . . A GENUINE DIAMOND. Ve want you to show it to your friends and take orders for us, as it self- sells at sight and makes 100 Per Cent. PROFIT 100 Per Cent. for you, absolutely without effort on your part. We want good, honest representatives everywhere, in every localitv . country, in fact, in every country throughout'the world, both men vid v. young or old. who will not sell orpawn The Barnattu Simulation DIam under the pretense that they are Genuine Gems, as such action with ; diamonds sometimes leads to trouble or embarrassment. ..,Ii'u want a sirnulation diamond a substitute for the ger,ui-,--D WAIT-ACT TO-DAY, as this advertisement may not appear aga" - '-upuii ueiow ana mall at once ilrst Come -First Sci !aper in which you tax this advertist-mci.t The Barnatto Diamond Co., Girard Bldg Chicago. Sirs:-l'lcase wnii Free Sample Offer. Ri,:K. Karrins. Stud or S. arf (Stickl R. F. D. K. No WEY GUBE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. RBPU8K SUBSTITUTES. Sold by All Druggists. Name No Town or City- Strert. I O. Box StaW . COMING ! COMINC3 Notice of Administration. Having this day qualified as Adminis trator upon the estate of Matthew Powers, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said es tate to present same to me at my resi dence in Howellsville township) said county, on or before the tith day of De cember, lltni), or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to nie. Dated this 5th day of December, 1008. Elizabeth M. I'owkrs, ,. T , Executrix. Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor At-tor,,,'vs- 12-7-6mon Dr. L. B. BYRD, the Well-Known Eye Specialist, whose aid and advice made him many friends while here last August, will be with us again Today, Tomorrow, Wednesday and Thurst No matter what your eye trouble may be it car, be speedily remedied by this Noted Specialist. Glasses will be furnished at Reasonable Prices, any style. See him; it will pay you in the end CROSS-EYES STRAIGHTENED. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursd AT CALDWELL & CARLYLH Big Department Store. 12-21 r He. RESULT 15 ABSOLUTE Mark Your LoYed Ones Gram. Headstones. - $4.00 Up Monuments, - H.OO Up Best Blue and White Marble. Save Traveling Agent's Commission order through G. E RANCKR, I-V7-I T-uiuberton, N.'c. WHEN YOU BUY FROM REMEMBER WE HAVE THE Newest Colors ana $1; In Schloss Brothers Clothing . Call. Come and Give Us Jenrette - Singletary 10-i LUMBERTON, N. C. tompan

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