THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIANi LOCAL BRIEFS. Cotton to-day, &l cents 20 cents Mr. W. 11. Humphrey, clerk of court.has received the pension vouchers for thisyearynd veter ans and widows entitled to a pension may rill and ask for their money. --Ladies wbhint? to contribute to the Chrism. as dinner lor the inmates at the county home are requested to send same to the home of Miss Lizzie Caldwell not later than Thursday evening. The National Cotton Mills will shut down Wednesday eve ning for the holidays and theLuin berton and Dresden Cotton Mills will shutdown at noon Thursday. All these mills will start up again next Monday morning. In The Mayor's Court. Some early shipments of Chirstmas booze are perhaps re sponsible for the fact that busi ness has picked up sharply in the mayor's court. Saturday night John and Fred Pitman, who live in North Lumberton, were tried before Mayor Pro Tern. M. W.Floyd for being drunk and were taxed $5 each and cost, a total for the two of $14.05. This morning W. H. Shooter was up for the same offense and was taxed $5 and cost, a total of $7. 7o, and also this morning S. T. Freeman was tried for the same oil ense plus disorder and was taxed a total of $13.95, which includes the costs. Saturday afternoon was the I time ail these offenses werecom- mitted and in the monting Joe j Tyner and Billy Phillips, both of I whom live near town, will be tried for a little disturbance at PERSONAL. Parties wishing to se nd oil j the same time. Tyner was knock registered matter during the hoi-i down by Phillips near White idays arc requested to get samo;& Cough's store, so it is said, to the post oHiee not later than 1 hut the whys and wherefores of 4 o'clock afternoons if possible in j -he whole shooting-match will order to give th.o postal e!e; time to handle the'. --The entertainment jciven by the graded school ehihhvn at the upera House f nl.y eve in;: attend, d by a Live c :;.; I was very nvue': enjoyed. 1; celleiu'e refueled invxh on both te:..-'v rs and pnnil: Several iu.j ; u-. .' ; were attended io at the pastors' conference of the Iiobcson As sociation hold at the baptist church here last Thursday, but they are not in shape to 1j given out for publication at present. come out in the trial. in !' was aid s cx- tters Tniso Aline Phillips and Mr. W. H. Pitman were married yes terday at the home of Mr. V. S. Pitman, in Wishari's township, the ceremony U-ii:g performed by Rev. J. M. Flea: big. Mi. Pit man is carrier on rural route No. 2 from Lumberton and lives in Last Lumberton. The Methodist Sunday school will give a Christmas entertain ment at the church Wednesday evening to which everybody is invited. The admission fee will be one swo t potato, or you can bring as many potatoes as you like. The potatoes will be sent to the Methodist Orphanage at Paleigh. Mr. en ton P.ridgers, of Elrod, has .-erst to The itobe sonian a very .!- verly-drawn puzzle picture- a tree, in the top of which is hidden a snake, the puzzle being to laid the snake. It is matter for reirret that, since this office is not equipped with fac ilities for inak i n g electrotypes, it is not practicable to publish the picture, as requested. ! Col. N. A. McLean returned: yesterday from Washington, D. C, where he went Thursday with j his son, Mr. Ii. A., who under-! went an operation for a nose and throat tror.ble Saturday. The immadiate painful effect of the. operation left Mr. McLean very, sick, but it i- thought that he! will lie able to return home in aj few days much benefitted. j Mr. A. Picherey. proprietor the Wavetly Hotel, nas leased ,:n Dr. and Mrs. J. W.Criffith, Greensboro, the Cr.lumbia Successful Real Estate Sale. The land sale advertised The Robeson ian and held at Fair mont Thursday was a great suc cess. Ail the lots offered, G4 in number, were sold, the amount l realized being s6,070. The pro perty belonged to Messrs. J. B. and Layton Stephens and Jetter 1 Lewis, of Fairmont, and J. L. Stephens, of Lumberton, and the sale was conducted by Penny iiros., auctioneers for the Ameri can Realty & Auction Co. of Greensboro. This company has sold in Fairmont during the last three months $12,000 worth of real estate, all at a fair price. There seems to be plenty of money in that section and real r state there is valuable. of II tel building for two year.-, and ; ' ' 1 run it as an annex, there j i not f-uHici'.-nt. room at the! . :: verly to accommodate the! pavonage, which has been ex-; ce I ionaliy good under Mr. Ilich-; ft y's excellent management. -Licenses have been issued' for the marriage of the follow- in( Ottie Fisher and James! Maiden; Jennie Relic King andt"1'""1 if Uiun'ott: Ste a Lancaster and Duncan J. Dullard; Mary B'-'m. ar'(1 securing as many new friends Ma v McK innon and Will. J. Mc- ! 'i'JH'kly as possible, we are making a Hi-vie: Llla Mav Smot tiers and sjwciai inducement ior me new year. W." IMGates; Mary C. Throw, r ano Fletcher F. Mcl'haul; Alice Stubbs and J. W. Ruody; Aline Phillips and V. H. Pitman. -The following graded school teachers left Saturday for their respective holidays: Gill, of Laurinburg; Mamie Lee A vent, v. ho lives near Raleigh; Agnes McRrayor, of Shelby; Saliie McLean, 'of Maxton. Miss Marv Watson, of Riverton, of whose resignation as teacher the first grade was noted in Thursday's Robosonian, will spend a few days visiting friends here before returning home. - Messrs. White & Gough.who have stores at Lumberton, Fair mont and Rarneseville, have ii,t , i n i 1 1 I tjougtit tne stocK oi Air. .j. Smith, of Fairmont, who retires from the mercantile business to go back to his farm. This stock of goods was placed on sale this morning. The people of that part of the county are to be con gratulated upon the fact that this enterprising firm is broaden ing the scope of its business in Fairmont. The following cases from Robeson came up in I. he Federal Court in Wilmington last, week: Franklin fvey, a young white man of Raynham, charged with larcenv ci' postal funds, was found not guilty and discharged;, Nunnio Manning, DO days in jail for retailing; Rolen Sellers, re tailing, plead guilty and .judg ment suspend' d;Martha Rarliold, same; Jule Retfoa, retailing, :'0 days in jail; Mary Jane Loek lear, re-tailing, guilty, prayer for judgment continued; Jennie Thompson, retailing, not guilty. Mr. J. R.Boyd, of Fayetteville, was in town Saturday. Mr. J. W. Holcomb, of Purvis, was in town Friday on business. Mr. R. S. Bond, of Rowland, was among the visitors in town Friday. Mr. Oscar Pitman, of Fairmont, was in Lumberton Saturday on business. Mr. C. C. Baxley, of Rozier, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Messrs. J. L. and Frank Town send,of McDonalds, were in town Saturday. Mr. Wright Edwards, of Clark ton, was in Lumberton Saturday on business. Mr. Matthew Gregory, of Ro zier, was among the visitors in town Friday. Mr. John McArthur, of St. Pauls, was among the visitors in town Thursday. Mr.W.P.Lewis.of Red Springs, was among the guests at the Wa verly Saturday. Mr. James McDiarmid, of St. Pauls, was in Lumberton Satur day on business. Mr. R. T. McElyea,of Maxton, was among the visitors in Lum berton Saturday. Mr. W. J. Burchett, of rural route No. 3 from Fairmont, was in town Thursday. Messrs. Thomas and Jim Kin law, of Howelisville, were in town Saturday on business. Mr. J. G. Sparkman, of Mari etta, was among those attending court here last week. Mr. C. W. Evans, of Page's Mill, S. C. wTas a business visitor to Lumberton Friday. Mr. G. M. D. Howard, of rural route No. 1 from Rennert, was in Lumberton Saturday. Mr. L. D. Bass, of rural route No.2from Lumberton, was among the visitors in town 1 hursday. Miss Ethel Higley, who is teaching scnool in Blue Springs township, is at home for the hol idays. Mr. R. T. Fulghum, pharma cist at Pope s Drug Store, spent yesterday in Whiteville visiting mends. ilr. w. r.l. Raggett ana son, Mr. J. L. Raggett, of Parkton, were among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. W. B. Bowen.who lives on rural route No. 2 from Rennert,' was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. Haynes Flowers, a student j at Wake Forest College, came ; home Friday night to spend j Christmas. J Miss Irene McLeod, a student ! at Elizabeth college, Charlotte, came home Friday night to spend the holidays. Miss Cammie McNeill, a stu dent at Peace Institute, Raleigh, come home Saturday night to spend the holidays. Mr. Fred Collins, a student of Wake Forest College, arrived on this morning's train to spend Christmas at home. i I Mr. Douglas McLean, a student iat Bingham School, Asheville, ar rived Saturday morning to spend the holidays at home. Miss Mattie Lee Pitman, a student at King's Business Col lege, Raleigh, came home Friday night to spend the holidays. Mr. L. P. Singletary and daughter, Miss Lena May, of Richardson, Bladen county, were among the visitors in town Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean will leave tomorrow7 for Maxton, where they will spend Christmas with Mr. McLean s mother, Mrs. Lina McLean. Miss Maud Harris, of Raeford, who is teaching at Clybourn.was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. McKenzie Saturday and yesterday. Mrs. S. J. Morley, of Gibbs boro, N. J., arrived Thursday morning tor a visit oi a tew weeks at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Pope. Misses Margaret Ward, Dovie and Edna Prevatt, Lillie Barker and Maud Britt, all students at the B. U. W. of Raleigh, are ex pected home tonight. Miss Mabel Peacock, of Lex ington, arrived Friday to spend the holidays with Miss Jessie Fuller, at her home on the corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. Mr. Herman Beverly, secretary ; ; ; j of the Y. M. C.A. of the Univer- Christmas Meeting Associational , sity of Alabama, is visiting here Rev.R.E. Sentelle Ordained Rev. R. E. Sentelle, superin- i tendent ol the Lumberton Grad ed Schools, was ordained at the Baptist church Thursday eve ning. Mr. Sentelle was licensed to preach sorr.3 years ago but had not been ordained, and a short while ago Revs. S. L. Mor gan, pastor of the church at R -d Springs; I. P. lledgepeth, who has several charges near Lum berton; and C. H. Durham, pne lor of the Baptist church here, were appointed a Presbytery to examine and esdain him. j he ordination sermon was preached by Mr. Morgan and the charge was delivered by Mr. Hedgepeth. Notices of New Advertisements. Chas. M. Steiif has produced the most wonderful grand piano of the 20th century. The Bank of Lumberton and the Robeson Count y Loan & Trust Co. publish report of condition, j Dr, T . B. Byrd will be at Cald j well 1 Carlyle's store four days this week. Big money for agents selling ; simulation diamond ring, j The Baltimore Sun is the j cheapest high-class paper in the j country. Highest p;:us paid ior new corn, peas at.d cotton. Farms for rent. Sheriff McNeill gives notice that tax books will be placed in hands of collectors January 11. ORRUM OCCURRENCES. Improvements on the Streets Good Concert. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Mr. Frink Freeman, of Bladen- boro, was here Wednesday. Mr. W. O. Britt went to Wilmington Wednesday on business. Mrs. Cindy Lawson has moved to this place, Mr. G. M. Floyd has moved toLumberton and Mr. A. J. Surles has moved into the residence formerly occupied by Mr. Floyd. Dr. Crow, the eye specialist, was here last week and htted several people here with glasses. A negro named Hubert Brig- man was arrested by Constable Nye near here last week. He was b-ought here and given a prelim inary hearing before Magistrate E.C.Nye and sent to tail at Lum berton until the next terra of court. For the past week a crew of hands has been at work on the streets here and they are being greatly improved. Also a new street has been made in front of Prof. Shepherd's house, connect ing the road near the school house with the road in front of the church. This will add greatly to the appear ance of the town and to the con venience of the public. Mr. Frank Nye's little boy is very sick at this writing. The concert at the school house came off fine Friday night and was well attended. Simon. Orrum, N. C, Dec. 19, 1908. Aycr's Ingredients : air Vigor Sulphur. Glycerin. Quinin. Sodium Chlorid. Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water. Perfume. Anything injurious here? Ask your doctor. Anything of merit here? Ask your doctor. Will it stop falling hair? Ask your doctor. Will it destroy dandruff? Ask your doctor. Docs not CoBor the Hair J- ' ATM COMFANY. Lowell. Mniw. i;k; money agents, free sam ple offer, (l." days only,) bright, sparkling, famous, $5 Barnatto Simula tion Diamond Ring; brilliancy equals genuine detection baffles experts fills every requirement of the most exact ingpleases the most fastidious aton ly one-thirtieth the cost of the realdia- As a means of introducing this marvelous and wonderful, scintillating OUT SHANNON WAY. We want you to wear this beautiful ring, this Masterpiece of Man's Handi craft, this simulation that sparkles with all the beauty, and flashes with all the fire of the Genuine Diamond. We want you to show it to your friends and take orders for us. as it sells itself home:; to Spend the ! sells at sight and makes 100 per cent. .Misses J'lia Jly nrofit for vou. absolutely without effort I lie hack is the mainspring of woman's organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in the loins, weight in the lower part of the horty, that a woman's feminine organism needs immtdiateattention. In such cases the one sure remedy wnicii speedily removes the cause, and restores the feminine organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA SLPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE OQIVfFGUHD Mrs. "Will Young, of G Columbia Ave., Rockland, Me., says : " I was troubled for a long time with dreadful backaches and a pain in my side, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I was discouraged and thought I would never get well. I read what Lydia K. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound had done for others and decided to try it ; after taking three bottles I can truly say that I never felt bo well in my life." . Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "I had very severe backaches, and pressing-down pains. I could not sleep, and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink- uam s vegetame compound cured me and made ine feet like a new woman." FACTS FOR SECK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigea tioiijdizziness.or nervous proatratioa. Christmas Tide Wedding Bells Some Who are Moving Ten dency to Lawlessness. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Since our last items were Den ned, Miss Janet McDonald has lef tour neighborhood and return ed home after a pleasant visit to the Misses Smith; Miss Pau line Stamps has made a short visit to Miss Belle Smith; Miss Bessie McMillan, of St. Pauls. has visited at Mr. D.S. Klarpp's; ivtiss in erne riumpnrey has gone to Rowland to visit friends. There may have been some others, but if so we do not now recall their names. Miss M. J. Cobb has moved from this section to the home of her brother, Mr. S. W. Cobb, near Alfordsville.and Mr.Kesler Cobb has gone to St. Pauls with his uncle, Mr. L. Shaw, and the old Cobb residence is now vacant. Mrs. D. O. Currie and Miss Meta Klarpp have been quite sick, but we are glad to learn that they are both better, and we hone they will soon be well again. We hear that the "wedding bells" will ring on our R. F. D. route about Christmas. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Mary Maie McKenzie, of Gold Hill, to Mr.W. J. McBryde, ofR.F.D.No.l from Red Springs, on the 23d, 6 p. m., at Antioch church. We extend congratula tions. Our merchants are showing a lot of Christmas goods, and we presume they are selling them right along, notwithstanding the low price of cotton. Mrs. J. C. McPhail and Mrs. Cunningham, of Red Springs, were visiting Mrs. D. O. Currie this week. Mrs. J.H. Singleton, of Red Springs, and Mrs. Lucy Roach, of Dundarrach, passed through our city this week. There is some moving going on among the tenants of this sec tion. Several new tenant houses have been built in the community this season. We learn that Mr. Ed. I McLean, of Raeford, will move to the farm of Mr. A. A. Williford, in this community, soon. We welcome him and family. We are sorry to see the ten dency of many persons to disre gard the laws of the country. The night-riders have not infest ed this section, but there are other forms of lawdessness in many places and the tendency is to not regard the laws as used to be done. Mr. J. K. Currie has sold his farm to Mr. A. A. Willeford and will move in the near future to Parkton. We regret to lose him and his family from this com munity. Shannon, N. C, Dec. 18, 1908. C. J. Cooper, manager of the Southern Life Ins. Co., of Fay etteville, stated Friday night that the news item sent out from Col umbia, S. C, to the effect that the commissions paid for the sale of a block of Southern Life Insurance stock were divided be tween the officers of each compa ny is a misrepresentation; that the report shows that the officers of the Southern Life did not re ceive a cent of the commissions. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. Its laxative quality rids the system of the cold. Pleasant to take. Best for children for 1 coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, bold by J. D. McMillan a bon. PRICET CENT ! (Baltimore, Md.) Now Sclis For 1 Cen', aad Can be Had of Every Dealer, Agent or Newsboy at That Price. More people are taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy every year. It is consid ered to be the most effective remedy for kidney and bladder troubles that medical science can devise. Foley's Kid-1 ney Remedy corrects irregularities, ' lost vitality. It will make you feel well ; And Throughout the United States Can All Subscribers in District of Columbia, Virginia North and South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Delaware GUARANTEED DEPOSITS. Are your Deposits Guaranteed? Yes. if your Account is with the Fourth National Bank, Fayetteville, N. C By Conservative ami Fxperienced Management, and - Capital Paid in, $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits, 60,000.00 Additional Liability of Shareholders, 100,000.00 Surplus Security to Depositors, 260,000.00 Total Assets Over One Million Dollars. 1 Per Cent. Inten-st on Savings Deposits. Compounds! quarterly. H. W. LILLY. ' .r i 1 . 1 1 . I, I T I I I i. President. V-IVi-a. and Cashier. J. H. HIGHTOWER, Assistant Cashier Christinas Gifts " FOR : . and oys 9 " ' '-ifri". IS When a Gift for a Man or Boy is to be selected there notning that will be Appreciated more than SOMETHING TO WEAR. We are in Position to GIVE YOU almost anything in the line of Suitable, Sensible Gifts for Men and Boys. Me 9 n s and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Rain Coats, Top Coats, Sweater Coats, Hats, Shoes, Slippers, Underwear, Pajamas, Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Ways Mufflers, Silk Mufflers, Initial Handkerchiefs, Plain Linen Handerker chiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs. w , Nice Line of Neckties, 25c to $ 1.50 Each. Suspenders in Sets and Single Boxes, 25c to $2.50 Men's 1-2 Hose 25c to $1.50 Per Pair Hole Proof Sox, 6 Pairs, Guar anteed to wear six months without holes, at $ 1.50 per box of six pairs. and look wc 11. Sold by all druggists. B0S1HBSS BUILDERS Try an ad iu this colutnu. Whether it is a house to rent, something yoi nave for sale, or souiethiug vou want to buy, The Robesonian Want Column will brim? the results. Get The Sun by Mail at 1 Cent a Copy. Wanted 100 bushels new corn, 200 bushels peas and your cotton in the seed. Highest prices paid. John T. Biggs & Co., Lumberton, N. C. 12-21-tf ori your part. We want good, honest representatives everywhere, in every locality, city or country, in fact, in ev ery country throughout the world, both men and women, young and old, who will not sell or pawn the Barnatto Sim ulation Diamonds under the pretense that they are genuine gems, as such action sometimes leads to trouble or embarrassment. If you want a Sim ulation Diamond, a substitute for the genuine- don't wait act to-day, as this advertisement may not appear again first come, first served. For Free Sam ple Offer, beautiful Ring, Earrings, Stud or Scarf (stick) Pin, address Tiik Barnatto Diamond Co. Cirard Building, Chicago. 21 Mention this Paper. News Items and Personals from Red Springs. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Messrs. Edwin Callahan and Henry Gaddv have come home from the University for the holi days. Rev. Mr. Broom returned Tues day from Durham, where he had been attending Conference. Mr. broom and iamiiy will leave us and t?o to Littleton next week. Rev. Mr. Cotton will take his place. Mr. Broom has endeared himself to the people of our town and he and his family will be much missed. The girls of S.P.C. are leaving on every train for their homes. School adiourned Thursday to reopen the fifth of January. The play Farms lor Rent One small farm lo cated about ofTe and a-half miles from Lumberton, easy reach of graded school, good house and out buildings. One (about 12 acres) four miles from Lumberton. eood land, house and out buildings. Frank Gough, Lumberton. N. C. ;r 12-21-4t For Rent One six-room house in front of the dormitory building. See E. D McNeill, Lumberton, N. C. 12-17-4t For Sale Property of Loudoun Lum ber Co., planing mill, saw mill and real estate, at Marietta, N. C. For information address J. C. Mayo, Ma rietta, N. C. 12-17-4t Fireworks ! Fireworks I-S300.00 worth just opened at C. B. Redmond's All sizes, varieties and shapes. 12-14 30 Barrels Extra Tinted Malaga Grapes, 25 Barrels Extra Fancy, Red Amas Apples at the Parlor Lirocery. For Rent 6-room5 house, 2-horse (up land) farm, one store and 200 acres lowland pasture. $150 option 5 years 3 miles of Ehzabethtown. Apply to D. C. Whitted, Chadbourn, N. C. 12-14-tf 2500 Pounds Candy from 10c to 80c per pound at the Parlor Grocery. Board and Rooms Rooms to let and will take boarders at reasonable price. See G. E. Thompson at Dor mitory in rear of Oraded School build mg, Lumberton, N. C. 12-10-tf 40 Boxes Indian River Oranges 50 bunches Bananas, $1 bunch; 1500 Barica Cocoanuts, sweet and juicy, 2000 Pounds Butter Nuts, Almonds walnuts, peacans and filberts, 25 boxes California Cluster Kaisins at the Par lor Grocery. Charities of Lumberton To I hi; Kilit'.r nt The Kohesonian. Every person in Lumberton who is interested in the well fare of this organization is re quested to meet at the Opera House tomorrow afternoon at o'clock. Matters of importantee ! incident to the season will' he considered. M. G., II. E. Lee, Sec. &Trea. Chairman. Is lh. nurj'ion. New I .if Da ii H fro us Operation removal of the appendix by a i. No one who takes Dr. King's Pills is ever subject to this frightful ordeal. They work so iiiielly you' don't feel them. They cure consti pation, headache, biliousness and mala ria. 2ric at. all drug stores. RINGS DYSPEPSIA USLeTs Iiv InU'KBttiun tnC Htomai.h I roubles. A regrettable piece of vandal ism was committed at the court j house Saturday night when some one started to efface the name of Mr. A.Davis from a tablet on the wall to the left as you en ter the frontdoor. It is to be hoped that the offender will be severely dealt with if he is found Hoarse coughs and stuffy colda that nrty develop into pneumonia over niht are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, as it soothes inflamed membranes, healn the lungs, and expels the cold from the uystern. Sold by all druggists. at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr.and Mrs.Jno. T. Biggs. The city council of Bessemer, Ala., at its meeting on the lGth imposed a tax or NjO a year on bachelors over 150 years old. Cov. Clenn issued Friday an ! order for a special election to be j held in Haywood county on Jan i uary 4th to elect a successor to ! H. Ii. Ferguson, memVer-elect j of t he General Assembly, who died last ween in liaitimore. A special term of Brunswick Superior Court has been ordered by (iov.Clenn beginning January 11 to try J. P. Walker, the man who is charged with the murder of Sheritr Stanland. Judge G. W. Ward will preside. PINEULES for the Kidneys 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR SI. OO Guilty of Counterfeiting. Passing counterfeit money is no worse than substituting some unknown worth less remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar, the Kf'at cough and old remedy that cures the most, obstinate coughs and heals the lungs. Sold by all druggists. Cranford given last Monday evening by the elocution class ot the college was quite a success. The girls acted their parts well and all who attended were G reatly pleased. A nice sum was realized for the college li brary. Mr. Dove, of Maxton, was a business visitor here Wednesday. -Mr. Jake Alford, of St. Pauls, was on our streets Friday. Mr. D.P.McEachern returned Thurs dav from a visit to relatives in Georgia and Honda. Mr. Mc- Eachern wad much improved by his trip and he says he had a "glorious time". Mr. J. Allen Huggins returned Thursday from a three-weeks' stay in St. Louis, Mo., and Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. Archie Blue, who had been visiting relatives here for some time, returned to his home in Jonesboro, Fla., Thursday. Mr. James Edens has returned to his place of business in Selma after a few days' visit to his family here. Red Springs, N. C, Dec. 19, l!)()8. California Celery, Norfolk Oysters and Cranberries for Xmas at Parlor Grocery. THE SUN AT ONE CENT Is The Cheapest Kif-Class Pa per In Ihe United States. The Sun s special correspondents throughout the United States, as well as in Europe, China, South Africa, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Cuba and in every other part of the world, make it the greatest newspaper that can be printed. Its Washington and New York bu reaus are among the best in the United States, ana give THE SUN'S reauers me arliest information upon an important events in the legislative and financial centers of the country. THE FARMER'S PAPER The Sun's market reports and com mercial columns are complete and re liable, and put the farmer, the mer chant and the broker in touch with the markets of Baltimore.JNorlolK, unaries ton. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and all other countries, ah oi which i the reader gets for one cent. THE WOMAN'S PAPER THE Sun is the best type of a news- paper morally anu m tenet luxh.. addition to the news of the day, it pub lishes the best features that can De presented, such as fashion articles and miscellaneous writings irom mm women of note and prominence. It is an educator of the highest character, constantly stimulating to n ble ideals in individual ana national me. Top Qiikt ia rmVilished on Sunday a? well as every other day of the week rv unit the Dally Sun, S3 a vr: lnclndina the Sunday Sun The Sunday ua aione $1.50 a year. Address A, S. ABELL COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, BALTIMORE. MD. StetsonandKn 'Pre Stetson Self-Conforming Derby has thousands of friends throughout the world. It ad justs itself instantly to the head ; is light and comfort able and in the correct style. Every Stetson bears the Stetson name We have the Stetson Soft and Derby Hau in ail the latest styles. HATS Full Line of Men's and Boys' Kid Gioves, 50 cents to $2.50 per pair. Boyd en, Williams, Kneeland and Bates HOES. We are Headquarters for UP-TO-DATE Kigh-Grade Men's Wear, with an Immense Stock to Select From. Come See Us and we Can Give You Just What You Want. Shuford, vogers Co., INCOR. 12-10 113 and 115, Hay Street,! Fayetteville, N. C. HOLIDAY SALE I Important Tax Notice. Lowest Price Sale the V orld Has Ever Known Now On ! Best Goods and Lowest Prices. Railroad Fare Free for 50 Miles to all Buyers of $25 Worth or More. Get Receipt from Ticket Agent, Present Same Upon Entering Store and Your Money will be Refunded. The tax books will be placed in the hands of collectors onMonday, January 11th. 1909. and up to that time those who wish to do so can pay their tax at the Sheriff's office in Lumberton, but after that date cost positively will be added. Th county needs the money nnH 1 am forced to collect it, by the means provided by law in such cases, nnd r11 are urtred to pay up before the above mentioned date and save this un npcpssnrv exnense. All inquiries con cerning taxes by mail will be answered nromntlv. A word to the wise should be sufficient. E. C. McNEILL, 12-21-l-7r Sheriff. Notice of Administration. Having this day qualified as Adminis trator of the late Henry Thomas Oxen- LOOK FOR MY STORE YOU WILL BE PLEASED. THE KING CLOTHIER LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. 10-26 WEINSTEIN, For Rent The W. H. Bryant house one of the most desirable houses for rent in town. Apply to Lumberton Realty and Investment Co. 12-7-tf Fruit Cake, mince meat, plum pud- ding, fancy mixed pickles and olives just received at C. B. Redmond's. Fruit Trees All parties who placed dine, I hereby notify all persons having orders with me tor fruit trees and ' claims against the estate ot the said de- have not vet cot them will nlease call cedent to nresent the same to me or Chas. B vl. Prevatt at the parsonage for them. Any one contemplating buying trees will do well to see me before placing their order. Have some trees on hand and can get more on short notice. Give me a chance. J. M. Hoyle, Lumber ton, N. C. 11-26-tf Lumber- 16th day my attorney, Robert E. Lee, ton, N. C, on or before the of November, 1909. Dated this November 11th, l'.tDS. Arch ik Oxkndine, Adminis trator of Henry Thomas Oxendine 11-46 ftnon Returned a few days ago from a trip West, where he bought several FINE HORSES ! And if you wish to purchase one before they are all gone you had better come along in a HURRY. & li- -3 m J. D. REGAN, Proprietor. E. MILLER, Manager. Let US DO YOUr J0l) Printing Lumberton Steam Laundry. A Christmas entertainment will be Kiven at the Kaptist church Wednesday evening. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF s Commercial Work. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. Freeman Frintino 60., Liumberton, JM. U. We are now ready for business. We have installed new mechinery and placed our plant in as good con dition as any, in fact, better than many. Give us a trial. AGENTS 4 11 TIT 1 1 PHONE pal worK Vjoiaranteea Wanted 12-10 No. 79. Advertise In THE ROBESONIAN.