iHfc SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. THE ROBESONIAN. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1909. PERSISTENCY IN ADVERTISING. IS FRIDAY AN DAY? UNLUCKY Some Facts That Seem to Dis prove Popular Superstition ROBERT BURNS. REPARATION FOR LUMBER MEN. Importance of ICeeoing Ever lastingly as it Discussed. A well known advertiser once said that he would have failed a dozen times if he had not posses ed a well nigh impregnable per sistency and perseverance and an entnusiasm aim commence nearly suuernatural. It is true that a very large percentage of the commercial failures can ho diroctlv traced to a lack of stability or an absence of such persistency as make obstacles of no moment. A young man once wrote to the editor of an advertising journal and inquired if this edi tor knew ot any plan or scheme in which he would advise one to embark which would prove profitable from the very start and also in which the results from the initial cony would more than recompense for the placing of the copy. I think the editor replied that if he did he would go at it himself. This very idea or opinion that advertising is something magical, whereby the very first attempt results in a steady inflow of cash, Washington Born on That Day, Yorktown Surrendered, and the Pilgrims Landed. Baltimore Sun. On Friday, August 21st, 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed on his great voyage of discovery. On Friday, October 12th, 1492, he discovered land. On Fri day, January 4th, 1493, he sail- ed on his return to Spain, which, LUU , . i i u ne nau not reacneu in saieiy, the happy result would never have been known which led to the settlement on this vast conti nent. On Friday, March I5th, 1493, he arrived at Palos in safety. On Friday, November 22d, 1493, he arrived at Hispan lola, on his second voyage to America. On Friday, June 13th, 1494. he. thoujrh unknown to himself, discovered the conti nent of America. On Friday, March 5th, 14, Heury VIII of England gave to John Cabot his commission, which led to the discovery o North America. This is the first American State paper -in Eng land. On Friday, September 7th, 1565, Melendez founded bt. Au gustine, the oldest town in the United States by more than 40 A Man of Splendid Genius Who Was Born in Poverty and Whose Youth was Spent in Toil and Privation. . ments: m.I! made the harbor of Province r.nHm rh,n town; and on the same day they j i wm w " J w v"" ,v T I aifrnoH thar emfrnat nrmnOt the aui r ' 4. i : iurerumier oi uur present &iun ous constitution. On Friday, De there is in large amounts, invariably these small, unpre pared, unequipped advents into the advertising arena are but of short duration. For a man to believe that he can become a success when the cost of adver tising becomes of primary im . v,. ok A- m UA American xreeuom, was uuru. Ifitf L!? Pn Friday.. June 16th.. Bunker vat the failure of hundreds has cember 22d, 1620. the Pilgrims made their final landing at Ply mouth Rock. On Friday. February 22d Goorge Washington, the father ot American Ireedom, was Dora Baltimore Sun. 25th. Today is the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, the Scottish noet. of whom it has been said that "since Sappho loved and sung there has been no such national vnst as he. A man of SDlendid genius was this Scot, who was born in poverty ana whose vouth was spent in toil and privation. The name of the Plowbov ot Ayr will never disappear from literature. His immortality is secure. He was much given to carousing. His ife. indeed, was cut short by his indulgence. He was, according to all accounts, a weak and err ing man. But he had the divine spark of genius. While a mere ad. working as a common iarm aborer, he was inspired with the wish That I for poor auld Scotland's sake Some useful plan or book could make Or sing a sang at least, The "sangs" which Burns sung the the at- caused no lessening of these tempts. Persistency is a very great es sential in any commercial under taking, putin an enterprise where advertising and its necessary outflow of cash are concerned it becomes an absolute, ironclad necessity. It needs no repetition here on my part pointing to the successes in the eleventh hour. That this has happened again is sufficiently well known to need no recalling by me, but I do wish to bring to your attention the fact that but for a sublime con fidence in their proposition and a perseverance unalterable many of the greatest advertising suc cesses of today would be pointed out as a sort of bete noire. Persistency, however, must be coupled with good judgment or it totally fails of the purpose for which it was intended. Though a campaign of adver tising may have been launched and well under way, should there come to light certain things which would go to prove that the f und " auiental principle of the proposi tion was wrong it would be then suicidal to a commercial success to continue without eliminating these things, which will cripple and undermine the whole cam paign. A clear, cool, farseeing judgment must be coupled with Hill was seized and fortified. On Friday, October 7th, 1777, the surrender of Saratoga was made, which had such power and in fluence in inducing France to de clare for our cause. On Friday, September 22d, 1780, the treason of Arnold was laid bare. On Friday, October 19th, 1781, the surrender at Yorktown, the crowning glory of the American arms, occurred. On Friday, July 7th, 1776, the motion in Congress was made by John Adams, sec onded by Richard Henry Lee, that the United States colonies were, and of right ought to be, free and independent. THE GREAT WEALTH FRANCE. OF The Per Capita About $1,100 For Every Man, Woman and Child. Paris Dispatch Although general trade con ditions in France, as in other European countries, sunered in 1908, largely because of the re duction in American demand, following the financial crisis, figures submitted by M. Leroy Beaulieu and other statisticians at the end of the year, regard ing the wonderful wealth of the French people, demonstrate the of ranee s imposing strength advertising or all the persistency financial position and her right in me worm amounts to very little. It is net so important, how ever, that I bring to your at tention this characteristic of sound judgment as that I clear ly show you how almost invalua ble to any success is a proper amount of persistency. When the bank account shows signs of depletion, expenses increasing and with orders yet to material ize to any considerable amount is the time when every bit of bulldog Btick-to-it-iveness must rise to the surface, bringing out every latent force of persistency. R. D. Cassmore in Judicious Advertising. WORKING THE BANKS. Light wh A New System Comes to in the Twin City. VD-tsn-Salcm Journal. . A smooth swindler is working some of the banks of this section. He is a man about 30 years of age and passes as a working man. R. L. Clour is the last name he gave. Dressed in a suit of worn over- alls, with a dinner bucket on his j arm, he went into the Merchants & Farmers' Bank at Elkins last week and opened a savings ac countdepositing $20 and taking a deposit certificate for it. The next day he went back to the bank and informed the cashier that he had lost the original cer tificate and asked that a dupli- cate be issued. This was done. 1 he next day he called again at the bank and informed the cash ier that he had taken a position with the Chatham Mills at Wins ton, was going away, apd wanted to cash his certificate. The cash was paid him, and the "dupli cate" .certificate taken up. When he arrived in this city he immediately looked up a gentleman in this city who could identify the signatures and a certificate on the El- to the title of "the world's bank er." France's fortune is grow ing steadily through an annual saving of $1,000,000,000, much of which must seek investment abroad. M. Leroy-Beaulieu's fi gures show that France now receives $360,000,000 as an annual income from foreign holdings which are principally government stocks, the amount having been almost doubled in the last 15 years. He estimates the present wealth of the French people at $45,000, 000,000, or more than $1,100 for every man, woman and child, and as the estimate is based upon declared succession . taxes it is admittedly much below the real figures. In addition, M. Leroy-Beau-lieu takes no account of the vast amount of gold securities which tne K rench, especially the peas ants, keep in concealment and which probably rivals the hidden treasures of India. In the last 15 years, $521,400, 000 in gold was loaned abroad, yet the excess importation amounted to $785,800,000. In 1908 the gold holdings of the Bank of France increased by $200,000,000; they now staud at $700,000,000; the largest in the history of the bank. The other banks hold $833,800,000. The balances of trade which in 1893 amounted to $140,000, 000 against France, are in France's favor. Increased tax ation, however, keeps pace with the increased wealth. The bud get of 1909, owing to the pur chase of the Western railroad and extraordinary expenses in in connection with Morocco, be ing the highest in the history of tne country. have been heard around world. They are written on hearts of his countrymen. He was not a man of great culture His philosophy was not deep and broad. But he was a poet intense ieeling and wide sympa thies. The prevailing charac teristic of his poetry is absolute sincerity. Burns compared him self to an iEolian harp strung to every wind of heaven." His poems have been admirably des cribed as an epitome of the mel odies, moods and memories that had belonged for centuries to the national life of Scotland. And Burns inspired them with a fer vor that thrills not only his coun trymen, but all men who are not devoid ot ieeling and imagination, Opinions differ as to which of his poems was his masterpiece. Carlyle and other judges gave that distinction, to "The Jolly Beggars," but thre are many to whom the tenderness of "The Cotter's Saturday Night" appeals more powerfully than the humor and satire of the carousing tat terdemalions of "The Jolly Beg gars. .Burns mmseii and prob ably the majority of the com mentators on his work have re corded their preference for "Tam o'Shanter," while many readers of Burns consider "Halloween" his greatest production. But had he written no other poem than "The Cotter's Saturday Night," an apotheosis of a God-fearing home, he would have secured a permanent place in literature. Burns was fortunate in that his countrymen and the whole world of letters judged him as a poet not by his dissipation but by the products of his genius. rie was, indeed, a man ot mar velous and varied genius. Throughout the vicissitudes of his life he had firm faith in a Supreme Being, a personal God, the Arbiter of human life. He wrote prayers in rhyme, as well as lyrics and poems of passion and pathos. He was, as one of his biographers explains, impa tient of scoffers and skeptics An atheist's laugh is a poor exchange For deity offended. A very remarkable man was Robert Burns a strange blend ing of what is best in human nature and what is erring. And that is often the characteristic of genius. nterstate Commerce Commis sion Makes an Allowance of $163,000 in Claims Against Eleven Southern Railroads. Washington Dispatch, Jan. 28. By far the largest specific al- owance of reparation ever order ed by the Interstate Commerce Commission was made today vhen the body approved a settle ment agreement of $165,000 in satisfaction of the claims on ac count of the unreasonable rates on lumber shipped from Southern mills, involving about 125 cases and eleven defendant railroads of the South. These are said to be about one-third of the claims of the same kind pending before the commission. They involve the two cent difference per hun dred pounds between the advanc ed rates, made effective in the summer of 1903, and those in el- fect for a number of years prior thereto, on shipments that mov ed between the time of the ad vance and the summer of 1907, when after the final dicision of the United States Supreme Court sustaining the dicisions of the commission after a course of ap peals the lower rates were re stored. The defendant roads are :South ern Railway, Atlantic Coast Line, Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis, Seaboard Air Line, Cen tral of Georgia, Georgia South ern & Florida, Macon & Birming ham. New Orleans & Texas Pa cific, Mobile & Ohio, Illinois Cen tral. Louisville & Nashville. The settlement agreement was reached between the ' petitioners and the carriers on January 12th last and the commission's appro val is with the proviso that the Value of The Wireless Tele graph. Charlotte Chronicle. The value of the wireless tele graph service has just had a practical demonstration in the collision of the two big steam ships, off Nantuckett, Saturday morning. The ships in collision were the White Star liner Re public and the Italian liner Flori da. The collision occurred at early dawn in a dense fog. The Republic later went to the bot tom, but not until its 400 pas sengers were transferred to the crippled Florida, from which, in turn, they were transferred to the Baltic. As soon as the acci dent occurred wireless messages were flashed over the sea, giv ing news of the accident and the location of the ships involved In short time, the big steam ships Baltic, Furhessia, New York, Lorraine and the Lucania were making their way to the scene. Meanwhile, the officers on shore of the colliding ships were kept informed of the situa tion and were enabled to send orders of instruction and relief, The surviving vessel of the col lision, the Florida, was in a very perilous condition by reason of injuries and overcrowding when the Baltic came to the rescue, There is no doubt that the ap pearance of the Baltic averted a far greater disaster. One can imagine what the probable con sequences of an accident of this sort would have been in the days before the wireless. PE-RU-NA TONIC FOH COUGHS, COLDS, CATARRH. IP" ;" JOSEPH HALL CHASE. Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: I liavo used Peruna and find that it cannot In; equaled na a tonic, as well as a cure for coughs, colds and catarrh. You are authorized to use my photo with testimonial iu any pub lication. , Joseph IT. Chase, 804 Tenth St.. Washington, T). C. 1870 1909 The Semi-Weekly jtobesonii Reason Enthroned. Because meats are so tasty they are consumed in great excess. This leads to stomach troubles, biliousness and con stipation. Kevise your diet, let reason and not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doses of chamberlain's stjmach and Liver Tablets and vou will commission reserves the right to soon be well again. Try it. For sale at rennire. if necessarv. a statement a11 dru stores. Samples free. showing in detail the distribution of this fund claimants. The claims were heretofore de cided by the commission in its reports by Commissioner Cle ments in what are known as the Yellow Pine Association and Tift cases. among the several flfa Thrfce-a-Week World, Ttie Greatest Newspaper of Its Type. Cold and La Grippe. Mr. C. Happy, Hardin, Hay Co., Mo., writes: "I can Bafely recommend Pe runa as a remedy that will cure all ca tarrhal troubles. "It was of great benefit to me, as it cured me of catarrh of the throat, an;! took a very bad cold and had la grippe last February. It set (led in my throat ana lungs, l tooK. tnree Domed of Peruna and it cured me. I highly recommend it to all who are sick, and I am glad to add my en dorsement to that of ot tiers." Pe-ru-na for Colds. Mr. Ij. Clifford Tisg, Jr., 2929 Hast Marshall St., KicUmond, Va., writes that when he gets a cold he takes Peru na, and it soon drives it on t of li ia system. For several years ho was not entirely rell.but Peruna completely cured Dim. People whoobjectto liquid incdiciucs oau now secure Peruna tabluU. CLUBBING RATES. IT ALWAYS TELLS THE NEWS AS IT IS, PROMPTLY AND FULLY. Read In Every English Speaking Country These Bad Pains which Jive yon such exqulsHe suffering, every month, an caused, as you know, by female trouble. Relief seldom or sever comes of itself. It is necessary to care the canse, In order to stop the pains, aad this can only be done if yea will take a specific, female remedy, thai acts directly oa the womanly organs. Many Sleepless Nights Owing to a Persistent Congb. Relief Found at Last. "tor several winters past my wife hi; been troubled with a most persistent ana disagreeable cough, which invaria bly extended over a period of several weeks and caused her many sleepless nights," writes Will J. Hayner, editor ot the Hurley, Colo., Bulletin. "Vari ous remedies were tried each year. with no beneficial reoults. In Novem ber last the cough again put in an ap pearance and my wife, acting on the suggestion of a friend, purchased a bot tle of chamberlain's cough Remedy. The result was, indeed, marvelous. Af ter three doses the couch entirelv Hio. anpeared and has not manifested itself .ini " I1 U ; .. .. 1 .. : e i . inn, iciuvujr ia ior sale uy all uruggtsis. km bank and stated to him that he was here without money and working in Elkin, that he need ed money to get back, and asked that he call with him at the bank and help him get the money on his certificate. The gentleman in question readily consented to this and did go with him a poor working manand got the money ior mm. The certificate was sent to El kin for collection. The bank re fused to honor it and the point is, wno stands the loss. Clour is gone and nothing has been heard of him since. For lhat Terrible Itcblng. eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims in perpetual torment The application oi Chamberlain's salve will i.viuj nay uiib ncning, and many cases nave Deen cured by its use. For ouie oy ail druggists. of ibflffiuiyi WOMAN'S RELIEF "Car dul M wonders for me," writes Mrs. H. C. Larson, of Olds, la. "I had female trouble for 8 years. I had displacement, which increased my suffering, the doc tor coald only relieve mo at times. Now, I am so much better, 1 hardly know when my time begins or when ft ends." At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, tatlng agro and describing symp toms, to Ladies Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. B S3 How You Can Save Money if Yoa Want to take Any Other Paper Wtth The Robesonian If you want to take any other paper in connection with The Kobesonian, we can save you money. We will give subscribers the beneht ot whatever rate is given us by any paper, and we do not make a cent on any of them. We will send The Robesonian and The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer, both one year (four papers a week) for only $2.25, This is a good combination, as The Observer is full of general news that will interest you and The Robesonian will give you all the local news and much gen eral news. We will send The Robesonian and The Progressive Farmer to new subscribers to that paper for only $2.00. The Progressive Farmer is the best tarm paper published for bouthern farmers. If you are already taking The Progressive Farmer the price of the combination will be $2.35, so we save you money on renewing your subscription. We will send The Robesonian and The New York Tbrice- a-Week World (hve pRpe wtW every week) for only $2.16. wh TVio TknVa o Wdb- w-ii II Li J. AAV 1, 111 AV Mi ITVn IT VI 1U comes to you every other day except Sunday. It has achieved a position with the public unique among papers of its class. It is a good paper and you will get I your money's worth in this com bination, as in the others. We will send you The Robe sonian and The Atlanta Thrice-a-Week Constitution (five pa pers each week) for only $2.25. The two papers would cost you separately $2.50. To each sub scriber who accepts this offer be fore April 1st we win give, free of charge, Paris Modes, a month ly magazine for women, well adapted to reading in the home and full of fresh matter. If you do not care tor the woman s magazine, we will give for every yearly subscription to The Robesonian and The Tri-Week-ly Constitution, The Southern Ruralist, one of the best agri cultural papers published in the South. If you do not care for either of the above free offers we will give, under the same conditions, a folio containing Sixty Talks From Farmers to farmers, which, if studied and used, will mean a great deal to every farmer who is fortunate enough to secure it. it It has invariably been the ereateffort of the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World to publish the news impar tially in order that it may be an accu rate reporter of what has happened. tells the truth, irrespective of party. ana ior mat reason it has achieved position with the puonc unique among papers oi its class. ii you want tne news as it reailv is subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World, which comes to you every other day except Sunday, and is thus practically a daily at the price of a weekly. ine I nrice-a-Week World regular subscription price is only 1.00 r year, ana mis pays ior lob d e offer this unequalled newspaper and The Robesonian together for one year for $2.15. lhe regular subscription price of the two papers is $z.ou A PAPER OF TODAY Is published Monday and Thursday of each week. It gives All the News it thinks its readers would be espe cially interested in and particularly the News of local nature. r t Has Correspondents All Over The County And endeavors to keep its readers in touch with all the happenings of interest to them. We should like to have a copy of the paper taken in every home in the county and by those who have moved A Cow Goes Mad and Passes Out. Asheville Special. Jan. 26,to Charlotte Observer Some excitement was created on Orchard street here yesterday afternoon when a cow belonging to Mr. W. R. Williams attempt ed to run through its owner house. The animal succeeded in getting half its body through window and would have gone on through but for the fact that it struck a piano, broke both horns and set the musical instrument on end in the middle of the floor, The cow managed to scramble back through the window and in 30 minutes died. Several of those who witnessed the incident de clare that the animal was suffer ing from hydrophobia. Revolts at Cold Steel "Your only hope," said three doctors to Mrs. M E. Fisher, Detroit, Mich., suffering from severe rectal trouble, "lies in an operation." "Then I used Dr. King's New Life Pills," she writes, "till wholly cured." They prevent ap pendicitis, cure constipation, headache. 25c at all drug stores. away and still retain their interest in the county and its people. There 'are. one hundred and li it ee issues a year, all Year. J. W. Murchison & Co. Importers and Jobbers of Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Stoves, Ranges, Etc., Etc. 109 and 111 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sometimes the head of the family is not interested enough to subscribe for the paper and read it himself, but he should not expect his family to have the same in difference to reading. Subscribe for their sake. Write for Prices. 8-10-tf SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS FOR 1909. Builders Saw Mill President Roosevelt on Wed nesday sent to Congress a mes sage approving the recommenda tion of Governor Magoon that an appropriation be made to remove the wreck of the Maine from Havanna Harbor. Save Money by Buying Cham berlain's Congb Remedy. You will pay just as much for a bot tle of chamberlain's Cough Remedy as for any of the other cough medicines, but you save money in buying it The saving is in what you get, not what you fay. The sure-to-coure-you quality is in every bottle of this remedy, and you get good results when you take it Neglect', d colds of ten develop serious conditions, and when you buy a cough medicine you want to be sure you are getting one that will cure your cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy always cures. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle For sale by all druggists. SUPPLIES Machinists Painters As to the paper as an Medium A great many people in the towns and the county have something to sell. Too often they accept the offer"of one man, the first one who happens along, while High Quality At Reasonable Prices. McAllister Hardware Company, 11-5 LUMBERTON. N. C. J. D. REGAN, Proprietor. L. E. MILLER, Manager. Lumberton Steam Laundry. bend your clothes to the Laundry and have them washed. We are cnargmg only &u cents per week tor a family wash. Rough dry reduced to 4scents per pound. Our work is Better, Whiter and Nicer than all others. Call us up and that will bring a man to your door. ::::::: Wanted All Work Guaranteed 12-10 PHONE No. 79. REMEDY moagaaoHaBBagaaaaaBiaaaaaaapaefflPoi CoughaColds, CROUP, WhoopingCoui This remedy can always be depended of on and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size So cents. Seaboard Air Line Railway, Schedule Effective November 29th, 1908. Quickest Line to New York, Washington, Florida Points, C har lotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orleans and All Points West. Double Daily Service with HIGH-BACK-SEAT-COACHES PULLMAN SLEEPING and DINING CARS. Trains Leave Lumberton as Follows: WESTBOUND EASTBOUND No. 45, 7:11 a. No. 39, 5:43 p. m. m. No. 40, No. 44, 9:28 a. 9:45 p. m. m. We operate Double Daily Vestibule Service.auth through Pullman Sleeping Cars tO Jacksonville. Atlanta. nirmitiatiom Ti . ,.r,f' r .UU.WUU oBuiusuiu, Baltimore, rnuaaeipnia and New York. For Time Tables, Booklets, Reservations or any information relative to See cial Rates and Routeii. mil nn Mioviu dpkpdt vJ . " , , " 10 - "" jm juivu 1 , Agem, or aauress , C. H. GATT1S, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 4, Tucker Building, Raleigh, Jl , ft er if they were to advertise and give the oth fellows a chance they might get consider ably more for what they have to selL Try It And Be Convinced Our Subscription List shows that The Robesonian goes to over Two Thousand Homes in Robeson County Twice a Week And it also has a large and steadily increasing circulation l in the adjoining counties of Scotland, Cumberland, Bladen, Columbus, and Marion and Marlboro Counties, S. C. We furnish Lowest Rates on application. Let us Quote YOU. J The Robesonian Publishing Co., LUMBERTON, -N. C. V. r