? 8 'U .is ! ii i ;K 6 : i'-f -r 15 f It m .'Ji ! V, 8 it,- t ; r i THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. V A 111 laLft. .1111 u u era A shoe with elegance and refinement in every line, and yet comfort is not sac rificed for style. A fact true of everv Witt shoe. enough for the dressiest com-1 fortable enough for the most ex acting lasting qualities enough for the most eco-! nomical. f A Secret Process- for treating the lea ther used in the Soles of Witt's Shoes protecta the feet from ilainpncM.anil make their laitin tjualitics two-fold. Be lure to askJarlVitt's Shoes. Their tradt marl stands for Shot Satisfaction. FOR SALE BY What Some Editors Might Say to Some Subscriber. Southern Pine Tourist. If anything has happened to you or about your home; if you have been somewhere, or some one is visiting you, or has been, do not give the information to the editor of the local paper, but watch out and see if he gets it. If not, kick. THIRD OPERATION PREVENTED TVn'f tmiT vnnr aiihapriniinn in ad vance. True, the law says you By Lydia E. Pillkham'S Veg snail, or tne paper must oe - , stopped, but never mind that etable Compound ,i 1 I' ...Ml 4- me puunsner win nut sluP - Chicago m. l want to tell you If you get a bill toss it into the what Lytlia E. j'inkhani's Vegetable waste basket, or Diireon hole it. Compound did for me. I was so sick Ollll Biggs & 6o. IF YOU GET IT AT POPE'S IT'S RIGHT. PURE DRUGS, RUBBER GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONARY, CIGARS Soda Fountain Specialties, You are accustomed to pay when a iob is done, and this job will b ; completed only when the year ii up. To be sure the printer will have to spend tne money you haven't paid him long be fore the last number of the pa- ner reaches you. Never mind. If he sends the bill a second time and adds a hint at the bottom, set mad and tell him to discon tinue. The paper prints some things in which you are not particular ly interested, and which you do not care to read. Others are interested in those things .1 II 1 " A 1 or tney wouia not De pnnteu. Well, what of that? Make a uss. You don t have to read what you don't care to? No, but what does anybody suppose you take a paper ior, anyway, if not to read every last word of it? The publishers must cater to all tastes and interests? What is that to you? It takes all kinds of people to make a sub scription list? Maybe, but why should you pay for other people's reading? What you want is a paper of your own. Then you could have what you wish m it and nothing else. Wouldn t pay? Probably not, but what do you care that's not your look out. i it some day you run across an editorial which you more or less violently do not like; which you that two of the best doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an ration, l liati oner alrei AND TOBACCO. Nunnally's Candy. The Pope Drug Company, Inc., "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY," Z22 Lumberton, N. C. 10 rVfl Eft II siouraiiieKecoiiieo In Our Piano Contest? If not Secure your Card and Number Right Away. A One Dollar Picture Purchase Entitles Any One to a Chance at this High-Grade Piano well worth $350.00. No Scheme. YOU GET FULL VALUE for your Dollar and Some One WILL GET THE PIANO. We Don't Select the Lucky Card that is left to a child that can't READ. All Stand an Equal Chance. YOU may be the WINNER. Try Your Luck. EagleFurniture& CarpetCo. 1 i"1 eady had two operations, and they wanted me to go through a third one. 1 suffered day and night from in flammation and a small tumor, and never thought of seeing a well day again. A friend told me how Lydia K. Hnkham's Veg etable Compound had helped her, and I tried it, and after tne imra uottie was cured. Mrs.ALVENA ssfekling, 11 Langdon Street, Chicago, 111. If vou are- ill do not drag along at home or in your place of employment until an operation is necessary, but build up the feminine system, and re move the cause oi inose uisiressmg aches and pains by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs. For thirty years it has been the stan dard remedy for female ills, and has positively restored the health of thou sands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ul ceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, tlatuiency, liiuigesuoii, aizzi- ness, or nervous don't you try it ? BIG EXCURSION. Grass The Foregivenew of Na ture and a Constant Benedic tion. John J. Inealls. Grass is the forgiveness of nature her constant benedic tion. Fields trampled with bat tle, saturated Avith blood, torn with the ruts of cannon, grow green again with grass, and carnage is forgotten. Streets abandoned by traffic, become grass-grown like rural lanes, and are obliterated. Forests decay, harvests perish, flowers vanish, but grass is imortal. It invades the solitude of desserts, climbs the inaccessable slopes and for bidding pinnacles of mountains, modifies climates and determines the history, character and desti ny of nations. Unobtrusive and patient, it has immortal vigor and aggression. Banished from the thoroughfare and the field, it bides its time to return, and when vigilance is relaxed, or the dynasty has perished, it silently resumes the throne from which it has bean expelled, but which it never abdicates. It bears no blazonry of bloom to charm the senses with fragrance or splen dor, but its homely hue is more enchanting than the lily or the rose. It yields no fruit in earth or air,andJyet,should its harvest fail for a single year, famine would depopulate the world. CLUBBING RATES. HUR-ON A mm "BLUR" This word ia used by people coming to us perhaps more than under any oth er conditions. The meaning of this word is plain to us all, and when you hear it you know what it means. Something is not clear, a mist, cloudy, smoky, shady, and as some say inky, a little obscured. All these words are familiar to us, they come to us in com plaints or expressions of trouble. Brought about by poor eyesight, or as it is usually expressed, everything has become BLUR D. We often maKe things clear to our patrons and that we understand this difficulty. Come and see us. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Dr. VINEBERG, At Kingsbury's Drug Store, Masonic J emple. Wilmington, N. C. Artificial Eyes Inserted Without Pain. 8-24-tf Improved Sleeping Car Service BETWEEN Wilmington and Hamlet, And Change of Schedule May 2nd, ON Seaboard Air Line On Trains Nos. 44 and 45. With change of schedule on May 2nd Ical Pullman Sleeping Car S. rvi.-.-be established on above trains between Hamlet and Wilmington. .p,.t, for . i nr:i : .... u.ifcl r m lunvinir nt .'(Kl a. m Jirrivinir . sengers ai vvuiiiimkuj" "' k- . ye. """"''i ui 7-(Kl a m , connecting wun inrounn n.nni, if;uniii, iii-ni,,(, and the West. Jacksonville, Charlotte, Kuthorfordton, Johnson City, i;.,,, Norfolk, Washington and New York. RETURNING: Leave Hamlet 8:20 p. m.. after arrival of train from Johnson City ci, Iotte, and Nos. 41 and 4;5 from the North, giving excellent service lor th.. st A SHORE travel to Wrightsville Beach this bummer. Pullman Berth Rate $1.50 Between Hamlet and VllmIn' . With change of schedule Nos. 44 and 45 will be through trains lu-twe, Wilmington and Johnson City. prostration. Why No. 45 Leave Wilmington, Lumberton, Hamlet. Ar Charlotte, Bostic, Johnson City, 3:00 a m 5.30 ' 7:25 10:25 " 2:00 p m 8:05 " No. 44 Leave Johnson City, Bostic, Charlotte, Arv Hamlet, Leave Lumberton, Arv Wilmington, a in I' in 12 am Only Slight Changes in Nos. 39 and 40. No. 40 OverC. C. & O. Charlotte Ob server and Chronicle to Run Personally Conducted Pull man Train to Dante, Va. Charlotte Chronicle. A solid Pullman and dining car train from Charlotte to Dante, from Charlotte to think is wrong in fact, "principle Va., in the heart of the most or tendency, drop the paper and 1 beautiful mountain scenery of hunt up the editor. You have the United btates, a distance ot not sought him out and told him 287 miles this is a trip offered when you liked his editorials and by The Observer and The Eve agreed with him? Why, of course ning Chronicle on July 15th. It not. If you didn't kick he should know that you were pleased- the same as your wite does. Yes, indeed, hunt him up, and at once. too: ao not give your wratn a chance to cool, and your better nature to assert itself. Go to the office and have it out with him; tell him just how you feel; give him the lull particulars. Do not ask to see him in his private room, but take him just where you find him. Never mind if he is surrounded by his office force and three or four business callers, a situation which may seriously embarass him; what do you care whether he is humiliated or not? Aren't you a subscriber to the paper will be a. personally conducted excursion, the train being r.un bv expert railroad officials who know in detail every point about the wonderful C. C. & Ohio Railway, which has just been completed, and who are familiar it ii.i -i i with an tne wiera natural views in the great Blue Ridge moun tains. The entire trip will be made in all the luxury possible for a train. The excursionists will live on the cars for three whole days with privilege to stop over at as many points as may be desired ior ten days. While no set schedule has as yet been arranged the special will probably leave Charlotte on the morning of the 15th over the Seaboard Air Line, thence to Bostic and from there through Johnson City, Tenn., to Dante, be and haven't you a right to say i i wnat you please, when you choose, and where you wish? Do not shake him kmdlv bv Va. The return trio will the hand and tell him that vou made on the 18th regard him as an able editorial The Observer and Chronicle writer, and that usually you find have planned to allow all who yourself in agreement with' him, will to make the magnificent in essentials at least, but that lournev. It offers a free t.rm this week you are sure that he to anyone who will secure 13 has struck a false note, and that paid in advance subscriptions to you feel that it is so seriously The Chronicle or for each eight wrong that it is your duty to ex- paid in advance yearly subscnp press to him your dissent, and to tions to The Observer. One free give him the reasons for your trip will also be offered 64 paid attitude,in the hope that a recon- in advance yearly subscriptions siaeration may lead him to see to The Semi-Weekly Observer. that he has made a mistake. No, The railroad fare from Charlotte i'v.nnJ . -I i. J. J 1 1 ,1 I J T"V i T T 1 luuwu, jusl tnrow it at mm; tne to uante, va., ana return is harder it hits him the better $18.10, with stop-over privileges tor you. His intentions are Those who do not care to take good Of course, but a famous advantage of the offers made bv winter resort is said to be paved the two papers may go for $16 wiui kooq resolutions, uoctors ior the rounrt trm. mn e who How You Can Save Money if You Want to take Any Other Paper With The Robesonian. If you want to take any other paper in connection with The Robesonian, we can save you money. We will give subscribers the benefit of whatever rate is given us by any paper, and we do not make a cent on anv of them. We will send The Robesonian and The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer, both one year (four papers a week) for only $2. 25. This is a good combination, as The Observer is full of general news that will interest you and The Robesonian will give vou all the local news and much gen eral news. We will send The Robesonian and Ihe Progressive Farmer to new subscribers to that paper for only $2.00. The Progressive Farmer is the best farm paper published tor Southern farmers. If you are already taking The Progressive Farmer the price of the combination will be $2.35, so we save you money on renewing your subscription. We will send The Robesonian and The New York Thrice- nr TTT 11 a-weetc world nve papers every week) tor only $2.15, The Thrice - a - Week World comes to you every other day except Sunday. It has achieved a position with the public unique among papers of its class. It is a good paper and you will sret your money's worth in this com bination, as in the others. We will send you The Robe sonian and The Atlanta Thrice- a-Week Constitution (five pa pers each week) for only $2.25. mi i it ine two papers would cost you separately $2.50. We will send The Robesonian and The National Monthly, the regular subscription price o which is $1.00. for onlv $2.00. The National Monthly is a new publication devoted to the inter ests of the Democratic party and its aim is to promote organized effort for Democratic success. You save 50 cents "by taking the two papers together. Between Safety and Danger The wise man secures the protection of FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa oer a man has is a policy in a goo4 com pany. We represent some of the bes companies in existence. iney pay promptly and honorably all losses incur red. Some day you may be sorry you didn't let us write a policy tu-lay. Leave Charlotte, Cj" Hamlet, " Lumberton, Arv Wilmington, C:(XI a m t:or. 1(1:10 ' i :i.i ii in :;s an.l i-9 Q T. WILLIAMS. No. 39 Leave Wilmington, 3.20 pm Lumberton, 0:01 Arv Hamlet. 7:30 Charlotte, 11:20' No. 40 will continue to connect with A C L at Maxton for Favettevilli- Between Monroe ana namiet inos. .10 anu u win laKe the place of Nos 41 on following schedules: No. 36 37 Leave Monroe, 7:05 am Leave Hamlet, K-15 11 m Arv Hamlet, 8:50 " Arv Monroe. In -m No. 36 will not connect with No. 38 at Hamlet and passengers for n,..-m, .. Hamlet will be handled on No. 06 and No. 36 will handle sleeiM-r Biniiiiiirhani t New York, on No. 66 North of Hamlet. No. 37 will be operated on practically same schedule as No. 41 lictw.-.-n ii.,,.. let and Monroe, and will go through to Birmingham, handling sleeier betwre New York and Birmingham. No change of Nos. 32 and 33, Nos. 4Jandbb, and only slight change on 81 ami K4 Nos. 57 and 58 between Hamlet and Columbia will be (fiacnntinni w. i and 133 will be discontinued between Monroe and Charlotte, Nos. 44 and 4f tak ing place of these trains and will handle the Charlotte and Portsmouth sleetier between Charlotte and Hamlet. ' Shoe Fly train will be established between Rutherfordton and rhiri..f .... following schedule: No. 46 ino. At Leave Rutherfordton, 7:00 a m Leave Charlotte, 5:15 y m Arv Charlotte. 10:30 " Arv Rutherfordton. 8:4(1 " Nos. 52 and 53 between Atlanta and Monroe will be extended through to Charlotte. C. H. GATTIS, District Passenger Agent, RALEIGH. N. C. When In Need Of a talking machine and records, al up to date watches, gas lamps and sup plies, pocket knives, razors, folding shears, self-oiling racycies, Dicycies ana supplies, call at the Bicycle Store, or for wheels try the Rambler and Pierce, and why not have a Victor talking ma chine in vour home and in your store It will draw trade. U. M. EDWARDS SEABOARD AIR LINE. Lumberton, N. C. scneaaie Effective May zna, 1909. Quickest Line with Double Daily Service to New York, Washington, Florida Points, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birm ingham, Memphis, New Orleans and all Points West. Local Sleeper on 44 and 45 between Wilmington and Hamlet On 44 arriving in Wilmington at 12:30 a. m. passengers can remain in car until 7:00 a. m.; on 45 leaving Wilmington at 3:00 a. m. sleeper will be open at 9:00 p. m. Nos. 44 and 45 will be Operated Through to Johnson City. Berth Rate Hamlet to Wilmington $1.50. 4-8 Spring 1 Summer IN North Carolina Mountains "The Land of the Sky"; " The Sapphire Country" Scenery Unparalleled Beautiful at any Season And Particularly So At This Time Double Daily Service with HIGH-BACK-SEAT-COACH ES PULLMAN SLEEPING and DINING CARS. Southern Railway operates Through Train, with Coaches and Parlor Car, between Golds boro and Asheville, N. C. via Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro and Salisbury, on following schedule: Trains Leave Lumberton as Follows: WESTBOUND EASTBOUND No. 45, 5:30 a. m. No. 39, 5:51 p. tn. No. 40, 10:40 a. m. No. 44, 9:55 p. m. MULLINS' PRSSED STEEL LAUNCHES Sizes 16 to 26 Feet. Prices $110 to $950. Built of Steel Plates, like Torpedo Boats. Sold under an ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE against PUNCTURE, LEAKING, DRYING OUT, WARPING AND WATERLOGGING Equipped with Air Chambers. Cannot Sink. Pressed Steel Row Boats. Call and receive information and printed matter. J. A. SHARPE, Agent, Lumberton, N. C. make mistakes? Maybe they do out tne undertakers cover them up. .Preachers blunder some- imes? The next world will de- upi n n nil cide that. Lawyers slip You can't prove it thev take care of that; but editors can offer no excuse that anybody is pound to listen to. Do not suppose, gentle reader. that any of these sketches is meant to be your likeness, un- ess you are sure it was made from your negative. They are to be taken humorouslv. not. cynically. The Tourist has as fine a class of subscribers as any paper can boast, but every pa per has the specimens outlined in the snapshots developed above, so mat wnile these squibs are humorous they have a real side. That we sell ONLY the Latest Styles and Reliable Merchandise, Includ ing the Famous Clothing of Schloss Bros., Stetson Shoes, Hawes Hats, and Zeigler Shoes for Women. Come Let Us Show You No Obligation To Buy Our Pleasure To Show You Jenrette - Singletary Company, Lumberton, N. C. 4-19-mon im ROBESOHIAH BUSINESS BUILDERS have only a few days for vacation during the summer can find no better way to enjoy a three-day outing than this trip. You have one month in which to earn the journey absolutely free of charge! uet busy now and make vour reservation with Mr. James Ker. Jr., city passenger and ticket agent of the Seaboard Air Line. National Educational Associa tion, Denver, Colorado, July 5th-9th, 1909. Prof. P c firiflRn ctota r;. Salisbury, N. C, haa selected the Southern Railway, via Asheville, Knox ville and St. Louis, as the official route to Denver and return for the above oc casion, passing through the Mountains of Western Carolina, and the Blue Grass Region of Kentucky. Prof. Griffin, and a number of the delegates, will extend their trio to beattle, Wash., taking in Yellowstone Park en route; returning via San Fran cisco, Los Angeles, Salt Lake and Chicago. Ihrough Pullman car to leave Golds- boro at 2:05 d. m. Jnlv 1st. showing full itinery of route will tbe lurnisnea on application. faf For further information and Pullman car reservations, please write a , , J4" U VERNON, D. P. A.. 6-17-6-28 Charlotte, N. C. Born In Iowa. uur iamuy were all born and raised in Iowa, and have used chamberlain's colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ymnae at uea Moines) for years. We know how good it is from long experi- S!C ln th use o ln f ac when in LI Paso, Texas, the writer's life was j tit 1C PronlP' se oi tnis reme dy. We are now engaged in the mer cantile business at Narcoossee,Fla..and Hiuuuuceu tne remedy here, it noa vasvtA m -r ..-o piuveu very successiui and is con- i.aiiuy growing m ravor. EnnisBros. Ihis remedy is forsale by all druggists. To avoid serious results take Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kid ney or bladder disorder such as back ache, urinary irregularities, exhaustion, and you will soon be well. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy today. No Need of Suffering FromRheu- matlsm. It is a mistake to allow anyone to suffer from rheumatism, as the pain can always be relieved, and in most cases a cure effected by applyingcham berlain's Liniment. The relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. It makes sleeD and rest possible. Even in cases of long standing this liniment should be used on account of the relief which it affords. Do not be discouraged until vou have given it a trial. For sale by all druggists. Aberdeen & Rockfish Ry. Co. TIME TABLE NO. 33. In Effect Sunday, Dec. 27. 1908. Between Aberdeen and Hope Mills. NORTHBOUND (Daily Except Sunday) Lv Aberdeen, " Leavitts, " Endon Junction, " Montrose, " Timberland, " Raeford, " Dundarracb, " Arabia, " Rockfish. " Hope Mills June, 4.o9 " Ar Hope Mills, 4.4o " No. 38 3.oo p m 3.1o " 3.2o " 3.25 " 3.33 " 3.39 " 3.49 " 3.54 " 4.o5 No. 40 9.oo a m 9.1o " 9.2o " 9 25 " 9.33 " 9.4o " 9.5o " 9.55 " lo.o5 " lo.lo " lo.4o " SOUTH BOUND (Daily Except Sunday) No. 41 No. 39 Lv Hope Mills, ll.So a m 5.oopm " HopeMills Jun 12.o5 p m 5.15 " " Rockfish, 12.1o " 5.2o " Arabia, 12.2o " 5.3o " " Dundarrach, 12. 3o " 5.4o ' " Raeford, 12.45 " 5.55 " " Timberland, 12.55 6.o5 " " Montrose, 1.05 " 6.15 " " Endon Junctionl.lo " 6.2o " Leavitts, 1.15 " 6 25 " Ar Aberdeen, 1.3o " 6.4o " If you would keep posted scribe fop The Robesonian.. sub PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR "Around the Continent" Over the Rocky Mountains to tne Pacific, the Alaska-Yukon Expo sition, Los Angeles During the Elks National Convention and Through the Yellowstone Nation al Park via the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY In Charge of Mr. C. H. GATTIS, District Pas senger Agent, Raleigh, ti. C, and Chaperoned by MRS. C. H. GAT TIS Over the Entire Trip. Leaves July 3rd, returns August 6th, circling the United States in a solid Pullman tram composed of the highest graae ana moaern aesign oi sleeping, compartment observation cars and Fullman dining car. fTL i - . . ine most inexpensive trip ever ope rated from the Southeast, throueh At lanta, Birmingham, Memphis, stopping at Kansas City, . Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake, Los Angeles, Santa oarDara, Monterey, santa Cruz, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, through Yellowstone Nation al Park, bt. Paul, Chicago, returning nuiiic uiruugn Cincinnati ana U & V, through Richmond. Trip cost will include railroad and Pullman fares, hotels, dining car meals, stage ride of five (5) and one-half (i days through the Yellowstone National Park, transfers, side trios, carrincrp and automobile rides at stop-over points anu an actual expenses necessary. bide trips will be arranged at all stop over points to places of interest, all de tails being arranged in advance and looked after enroute. An attractive 83-day trip through the "Greatest Country in the World' cov ering a distance of 8.755 miles of trawl in a modern Pullman train with superb dining car service, eating and sleeping in the best of hotels, sight-seeing "The wonaers otthe West" leisurely, with all details arranged in advance is a luxury of a lifetime. Write at once to the undersigned for cost of trip, schedule and itinerary. If maps, timetables and booklets of the lines over which the party will travel, aic ueaireu, sena av cents in stamps. C H. GATTIS, District Passenger Agent, Raleigh, n. C, No. 21 Daily. 6.45 a m i.45 a m 9.55 a m 12. 3o p m z.oop m 3.50 p m 4.4op m 5.o7p m 5.53 p m 6.35 p m 8.15 p m Other Lv Goldsboro Lv Raleigh Lv Durham Lv Greensboro Lv Salisbury Lv Statesville Ar Newton Ar Hickory Ar Morganton Ar Marion Ar Asheville Convenient !No. 22 Daily. Ar 8.3o p m Ar 6.3o p m Ar 5.25 p m Ar 6.10 p m Ar 1.15 p m Ariz. 15 d m LvI1.25 a m Lvll.o2 a m Lvlo.21 a m Lv 9.40 a m Lv 8.oo a m Schedules and Through Car Arrangements. Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets will be on Sale May 15, 1909. For information as to fares, sched ules, etc., call on any agent of this tympany, or the undersigned. 11. L. VERNON. R. H. DrRtitts JLA r. A.. 'IV F A Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. J. ii. Wood, D. P. A., Asheville, N. C. 6-14-8-31 We operate Double Daily Vestibule Service. with through Pullman Sleenin?Cars. to Jacksonville. Atlanta. Biraiine'ham. Metiinhis. Pm-tsmnntli-Norfolk . Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. For Time Tables. Booklets. Reservations or anv information relative to Sue- da! Rates and Routes, calJ on MARVIN BEVERLY, Agent, or address 6-2 C H. GATTIS. District Passenger Airent. No. 4, Tucker Building, Raleigh, N- C J. W. Murchison & Co. Importers and Jobbers of Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Stoves, Ranges, Etc., Etc. 109 and 111 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Write for Prices. 8-10-tf Raleigh and Charleston Railroad lime Table No. 7, Taking Effect Sunday, May 2nd, 1909, at 6 A. M. SOUTH BOUND. No. 5. 1.30 p 1.40 2.10 2.28 2.50 300 3.22 333 " 3- 40 4.i2 ' 4- 2o 4.25 ' 4- 45 ' 5.00 5.15 " 5- 25 ' 5-5o NORTH BOUND. No. 2. No. 6. No. 1. Lv. Lumberton, 10.43 a m " Pope, 10.55 " " Kingsdale, 11.03 " " Proctorville, 11.20 " " Barnesville, 11.37 " Flowers, 11.43 " Marietta, 11.49 " " Holmesville, 11.54 " " Pages M;!l, 12.00 " " Kempel, 12.06 " " May, 12 09 " " Mellier, 12.11 " ' Squires, 12.14 " Fork, 12.17 " " Zion, 12 26 " " Rogers, 12.35 " Ar Marion, 12.50 " m Lv. Ar Marion, Rogers, Zion, Fork, Squires, Mellier, May, Kemper, Pages Mill, Holmesville, Marietta, Flowers, Barnesville, Proctorville, Kingsdale, Pope, Lumberton, 3.30 p m 3-44 " 3-50 " 4 00 " 4.03 ' 4.06 " 4.09 " 4.12 " 4 17 " 4 27 " J4.35 " 4 42 4.52 " 5.06 " J5.20 " 5.25 " 5.40 ' 6.40 1 7.00 7.10 7-33 7-37 7.41 7-45 7-52 7.58 8.10 S.30 8.40 8.55 9-15 9-45 10.00 IO-45 Train Nos. I and 2 run daily. Jno. SkeiTOi Wiluams. Pres. L. A. Boyd, Gen. Mgr. Ourw Ooltfai Prwvants PaMawta These V ,: 1. Shears Free! The "Conway" Adjustable Tension Shears Free to Robesonian Subscribers. I The Tension Spring Attachment doea away with resharpening entirely and enables the user to set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material mayjbe cut with perfect ease. The ten sion spring takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically in destructible. A simple turn of the lit tie thumb-screw, shown in the illustra tion, tightens up the blades as closely as may be desired. GUARANTEED The quality of the material and work manship in this pair of Shears is Guar anteed to be First-Class, and the Sheara are easily worth seventy-five cents. How to Get the Shears. Penew your Subscriptionjto The Rob esonian forja year in advance or sub scribe, paying a year in advance, and get a pair of these ShearsJABSOLUTE LY FREE. Robesonian Publishing Company, -a i "i ' j 'v - r T -4 -i.,-, ......