ROBESONIAN. LOCAL BRIEFS. Cotton to-day, Hi cents 20 cents The county commissioners are in session today to receive returns from tax listers. Two of the finest peaches grown anywhere were sent to this office Saturday by Miss Lela billiard, The Kobesonian's corres pondent at HI rod. Licenses have been issued for the marriKeof Laura Howard and Fred Richter; Meshie Iiyrd and A. N. Herring; Mamie M. Alleh and S. P. Purnell; Lennie Odum and VVm. Cain. f , . A representative of The Robesonian will attend the racing meet in Fairmont Wednesday and of course he will not object to writing receipts if any subscribers of the paper there w.'int to suuare. -Major. N. II. McGeachy, a .. . .. i i well Known anu popular young lvayettevule, Bottle. Galore Discovered, butt COUNTY SCHOOL MATTERS, the Bottle Handler has Gone. ? ? , who has been selected as chief to ? e ullding or a m Evidences a-plenty of a blind tiger that had been were discov ered Monday at the old building on the corner of Chestnut and 2d streets where Annie Bluck, colored, ' ran a restanrant until recently, but the tiger hasr vam osed. Bottles galore 168 of them, to be exact - were brought to the light of day, but the dis-' penser ot the bottles, she has went." Until about a year ago the the building, which belongs 'to Mr. (J. G. French, was used, vhy Mr. C. M. Fuller as a buggy house. The aforesaid Annie Black has been conducting a'ne- gro restraurant there for jthe past year. About two weeks ago she left town. It is supposed that she went to Wilmington, but she did not leave her address. Annie was before the mayor a time or two for retailing but was released on account of lack of evidence. Now the evidence ap pears. Monday Mr French .put men to work tearing up the floor sales' marshal for the State Fair to be held in Raleigh in October, is a native of Robeson. Mr. J.T.Barker. of Lumber- ton, bought last week in Union county 10 fine milch cows and 6 yearlings and calves. They were shipped from Monroe and arriv ed here Thursday and are said to be the finest ever received here. Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Kitchin, who had been boarding for the last five or six months with Mr. hiiu mis. u. ii. lvicLieuu, muv- ed Saturday into the new house on North Elm street recently erected by Misses Emma and Laura Norment. TWo aro q fow -framo Hn. very favorably of this proposed ina- Qoritino n.iiiinir wte service, but if it is established it and wagons that ought to be put W1" be under. two m,?tt'-ai 1 nn the nondnn Hat nr at lnst " the Service IS established and it is to be hoped that it will be it will be a great convenience stable for Mr. A.K.Morrison and, the aforementioned beautifully r out of bottles was discoverd, bot tles and jugs, capacity from one pint to three gallons. But Annie, she is gone. . -x . ; V V- Inspection Trip With a View to Establishing Mail Service on New Road. Mr. G. R. Schultz. chief clerk of this division of the postal ser vice, went over the Virginia &, Carolina Southern . Ry. from Lumberton to Hope Mills recency ly on a trip ot inspection to seel about starting mail service on that road. Mr. Schultz speaks very lavorably of this on tne pension list or at least run in for repairs. The merci ful man is merciful to his beast and the man who is not merci ful to his beast is a pretty mean citizen. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mc Allister returned Saturday night from a bridal tour of 10 days to New York, Niagara Falls and other points North. They will live for the present at the home of Mr. McAllister's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McAllister, corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. An all-day picnic will be held at McKay's pond at Tolarsville Saturday, 17th. Messrs. S.McIn- tyre and E. M. Britt, of Lumber ton, will be the speakers of the occasion and a big time is expect ed. The public is cordially invited to Lumberton. . Mail that comes from the North on the Coast Line and reaches Lumberton at 10.40 a. m. now will arrive here at 6.30 p. m. the day before. more than 12 hours earlier. The Robesonian would reach subscrib ers at St. Pauls, Hope Mills and intermediatepoints.and Fayette? ville, the same day it is publish ed. V Bank of Lumberton Capital Stock Now $100,000 -Two New Directors. The capital stock of the Bank of Lumberton is now $100,000, all the stock recently offered hav ing been placed. The suifclus to attend with baskets full of stands at $20,000 and the assets Much Progress Shown by Super intendent's Annual Report Some Interesting Figures. County School Superintendent Poole's annual report to the board of education- last week showed some interesting and gratifying figures, fignres which are by no means dry' and uninteresting, for they show that gratifying progress has been made1 in coun ty school matters. For the school year. 1908-09 the census showed the ' following numbers of children of school age in the county: White,6,643; colored 6,282; Croatan, 2,050. The enrollment was-as follows: White; 5,387; colored; 5,300; Croa tan, 1,416. ; Average attendanc: White, 3,466; colored, 3.055; Croatan, 851.' Length of school terms-: White, 5 Months, 7 days; colore'dY .4 months; Croatan, 4 months, 6 days. Paid white teache-rS, $23,360.46; colored, 18, 038,30; Croatan, 3,415. Value of school property: White, $48, 185; 'colored, 11.025; Croatan, $4,000.. ' ' . 1 Comparing this with 1901-02 Census: White, 6,330; colored, 5,783; Croatan, 1737. Enrolled: White, . 4,303; colored, 4,701; Croatan;.. 1.139. Average at tendance': White, 2,954; colored, 4,413; Croatan, 2,560. Paid white teachers: $9,818.z3; colored, $5, 663.13;Croatan,$l,995.08. Length of school term: 3 months, 6 days; colored, 2 months, 8 days; Croa tan, 23months, 11 days. Value of school Dronertv: White. $6.: Ml; colored, $3,855; Croatan, $1,- 995; :,iU : ' Tjhere 'are how 44 libraries in the public schools, with a total of 4,091 volumns. About half of the white school districts have voted local tax, in- ereasingfthe school funds about Fifteen new buildings have been built and well furnished, according to plans recommended by the State board. Forty-five schools now have patient desks. While about t 1,2.00 children were not enrolled last year, a great many of this number were attending colleges and high schools. About 800 children did not attend any school. - 1 The report is a very gratify ing one, as some easy compari sons will show. good things time. and have a good At the meeting of Lumber- tonLodge I.O.O.F.No.245 Friday evening the following officers were installed, Dr. R.M. Norment being installing officer: R.E.Lee, past grand; S. A. Edmund, noble grand;. I. H. Floyd, vice grand; W. B. Britt, secretary ;W.D.Bag gett, taeasurer. The lodge is growing in membership and attendance. Lest Excursion of the Season Friday - A Rare Opportunity. The excursion to Jackson Springs Friday bids fair to be thi best of the season. Many p:ople have already signified l.V;ir intention of going, and in i rest is increasing every day. Springs is a deservedly p. jular resort, with water un surpassed, and a day spent there is an opportunity not to be miss ed. A good ball game will fur nish amusement for lovers of sport, and there will be n.:iny other diversions boating, fishing, swimming, bowling, and many other things. ' A seasoned knight ot the grip remarked at the Waverly Hotel tho other day that the Virginia . & Carolina Southern is the best new road, without a single excep tion, that he ever rode over. Two engines will be put on at Hope Mills and the train will be run on schedule time. Perfect order II 1 . -a win be maintained and no one need hesitate to go. By paying only fifty cents extra all who care to do so may remain at the springs until Monday, this is an opportunity rarely afforded and all who can should take ad- antage of it. In the Mayor's Court. jerry MCL&unn, colored, was tried before Mayor Rowland Fri day for using profane language on the streets and was sent to , the streets for 10 days. . Joe Ba ker, colored, drunkSaturdaynight; 10 days work on streets and cost, Sandy Graham, colored, retailing; bound to court under $o0 bond Jim Dees was to have been tried before Mayor. Rowland this morning it 10 o'clock for creat ing.a distnrbanceat and near his home, Caldwell andTenth streets, Saturday, but on account of the fact that Mrs. Dees was not able to attend the trial this morning it was postponed. ; - New Member of County Board .of Audit and Finance. Mr, J. N. Buie, of Red Springs, resigned last week as a member of the county board oi audit ana finance, and Thursday Judge C. C. Lyon appointed Mr. J. L. McLean, of Maxton, to fill the vacancy, the Legislature plac ing the power of filling vacancies on the board in the hands of the resident judge of the district. of the bank are now $360,000, The savings accounts of the Robe son County Loan and Trust Com pany have been transferred to the Bank of Lumberton , an (J '4 per cent. interest, . compounds quarterly, will be paid on -these deposits as heretofore. Mr. A. W. Peace, cashier, and Mr. Oscar Page, of Marietta, have been added to the board of direc tors, making 15 directors in all. The bank now has 50.000 'to lend. Had Boasted That He Would Not be Arrested.But . Alfred Davis, a white Wuth about 20 years old, wanted on a charge of carrying concealed weapon and for other offences, was arrested at reter Cade s blacksmith shop, near his home in Raft Swamp township, Wed nesday by Deputy .Tv G:' Barnes. When Deputy Barnes; who had been lying1 in wait for Davis, appeared before him, Davis threw his right hand back to his hip pocket, but Mr. Barnes caught the hand and help ed Davis draw it forth and iaitfee hand was grasped a large pair of deadly lead knucks. It is said that Davis had boasted that no man should arrest him. He was brought to jail and will be tried at this term of court. ' Finds Hog Raising Profitable. ' Mr. E. S. Walters, of Sterling's township, has a pasture, of sever al hundred acres in which he has 350' hogs and 100 head of cattle, and when hog-killing times comes Mr. Walters will have the hog- kilhngest time ever he . will slaughter 300 hogs. Mr. Walters has found raising hogs very pro fitable, better than the turpen tine business in Georgia which he tried several years aero. For several. yearsJie has been selling some , 3,000 pounds of sausage each year to Mr.L. H. Caldwell, or Lumberton, alone; and he sells to others. PERSONAL. Public School Teachers' ExattnV nations. 7:. Examinations for public sclioon teachers were held in his office here Thursday, Friday and Sat urday by County Superintendent J. R. Poole. Thursday, the day ior wmte teachers, 18 women. and 7 men were examined. Two men and one woman took the examination for high school certificates, and 3 boys stood the A. and M. examination. Twenty- four women and 10 men stood the examination for colored teachers Friday, and Saturday 6 men and one woman of the Croa tan race were examined. Would Rather go to the Pen. Orrin Calder, a young white man who was convicted of; lar ceny last week and sentenced to 3 years on the roads, sent Judge Lyon word Saturday that he might add two- years to his sentence if he would send him to the' penitentiary; Not that he minds the, sentence much, but he has his '"ruthers." He would rather serve 5 years in the pen than .3 on the rpads, hence the permission he graciously gives the judge.' ; : '' Arranging to Begin Work on Maxton Mill. Maxton Special, 8th, to Charlotte Observer: Mr. Thomas Davis, Mr. Rob ertSQnand several, others of the 'Elba Manufacturing Company, of Qharlotte, were here today, conferring with Mr. Whitney and jVlrv- Burr, of the Seaboard Ai? Line;, with a view to having !a sidetrack put in on their lot A ne&rihe railroad crossing,- pur- chased- some time ago, at once so-that they can begirt work on their new cotton seed oil mill, which is to be not only a large miWVbtit modern in every respect, lesSsihan which no one- would eXpeet; f rbm ;thia successful and enterprising company which al ready operates a large "oil mill in Charlotte. The cost of the mill is to be about $125,000 or $150,000, and they expect to have it in operation in time for f'the f all btisiness. Mr. Walter Johnson, of St Paula, is in town today. Mr. J. A. Johnson, of Red Springs, was in town Thursday. Mr. D. Y. Floyd, of Wilmington, is spending a few days in town. Mr. D. B. McGre, of Rosindale, is among the visitors in town today. Mr. Fred J. Thomas spent Saturday and yesterday at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. Henry Harding, of Orrum, was among the visitors in town Thursday. Mr. A. L. Bultock, of Rowland, is among the business visitors in town to day. , Mr. J. A. Johnson, carrier on rural route No. 3 from Rowland, was in town Friday. . Mr. J.L. Prevatt.of rural route No. 1 from Buie, was in town Saturday on business.' Mr Wesley Thompson and daughter, Miss Dora, of McDonald, were in town Saturday. . . Messrs. Geo. Hall, J. C. Snoddy ' and Ben Townsend, of Red Springs, are in town, today. M,essrs. D. L. McLaurin and C A. Cox, of Rowland, were among the guests at the Waverly yesterday. Mr. W.W Carlyle and family return ed Friday night from Golden, where they spent eight or ten days. Miss Kathlene Cottingham.of McColl, S. C., is visiting at the home of Mrs. Jessie Wishart,on Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. George McNeill.of Row land, spent yesterday at the home of j Sheriff and Mrs. E. C. McNeill. Miss Julia Mitchell, of Fairmont, is ' visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' John Singletary,on Eighth street. Mr. C. K. Boone came home Satur day night from Raleigh, where he had been a student at the A. and M. College. Mr. H. C. McQueen, of Wilmington, spent yesterday in town, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean. Miss Annie Ruth Caldwell left this morning for Riverton, where she will visit at the home of Miss Mary Wat son. Mrs. J. F. Head and children came home Saturday fromWilmington, where they spent several days visiting rela tives. Misses Isabell and Ellen Lamb, of Fayetteville, arrived Saturday and will spend several days in town visiting rel atives. Capt. H. T.Beasley and son.Mr.Wal ter.of Apex.are visiting t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Thompson, on Elm street. Mrs. W. H. Humphrey is visiting at Red Springs at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs H. B. Gibson. ... Miss Mattie Lee Pitman came home Saturday night from Raleigh, where she had been a student at King's Business College. Miss Lorena Godwin, who had been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.L. H. Caldwell, left this morning for her home at Pine Level. Miss Annie McKay.ofWilmington, ar rived Saturday and is a guest at the home of Mr. C, M. Fuller, corner Sixth and Chestnut streets. Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Townsend, who naa been spending some time here vis iting relatives, left this morning for their home in Charlotte. Mrs. J. H. Harrell and children, who naa been visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. E. L. Correll, left Friday ior meir nome in unariotte. Mr. and Mrs. JM Whitfield. ofPem broke.spent yesterday in town on a visit at the home of Mr. Whitheld's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Whitfield., Mr. and Mrs.AustiniMcNeill.ofSaron, Texas, arrived yesterday and will spend some time visiting at the home of Mr. McNeill's parents, Sheriff and Mrs. E. C. McNeill. Mrs. Daisy Jenkins and children left Thursday for Bennettsville.S.C. where they will spend some time on a visit at the home of Mrs. Jenkins' mother, Mrs. Harriett Watson. . Mrs. Charity Townsend and grand daughter, Miss Mattie Townsend, who had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Sue Rowland, left Saturday for their home at Raynham. Mrs. Hiiia uucKett, or Kaieigh, ar rived Saturday night and will spend some time on a visit at the home of her son-inrlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. IC. M. Biggs. Mrs. L. R. Breece returned this morning from Pembroke, where she had been since Friday on a visit at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. A. M. Breece. Mrs. R. E. Townsend and children, of Wilson, and Mrs. w. ti. Uraham and son, Mr. Haywood, of Rowland, spent J? riaay ana Jsaturaay visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Graham Mr. D. B. Johuson and sonMaster Sam, spent yesterday here with Mr, Johnson's son and daughter, Dr. T. C, Johnson and Mrs.. J. R. Pooje. They lett last night ior their home at Toma hawk, Sampson county. Mesdames FredBeall.of Washington, L., ana Mary yueen Ware., of Kich mond, Texas, who left here about i week ago to visit relatives at Maxton and Laurinburg,returned Saturday with Mrs. Lina McLean, of Maxton.andCapt. Fred Beall and are guests at the home of Mr.arfd Mrs. A. W. McLean. Special Arrangement ! Bonafide Announcement!! We have succeeded in making arrangements whereby Mr. Sturte vant, Representing L L Hays & Co.; will give us a Return Sale of two days in August. This is the first time in Mr, Sturtevant's Eight Years ot Semi-Annual trips here, that a Return Sale has been given. This speaks well for his confidence in our town,, and will also give his patrons, who were over rushed during court week, or out of town during the first Sale, an oppor tunity to ;place their order with the only man that has ever visited Lumberton, in the Tailoring Interest, for Eight Consecutive Years. Respectfully soliciting your continued patronage, Picnic at Raft Swamp Thurs day. Everybody is invited to attend a picnic at Raft Swamp Thurs day and bring weH-,ftiled baskets. Mr. W. S. Charles, of Charlotte, head consul of iurisdiction "W". Woodmen of .the World, wilt -de4 MasoiB Grand-dge liver an - address- at II a. Vn. Dinner1 will "be served at'-1230 and at 2:30 p. m. Mr. W. T, Swanson and others will speak for the Farmers' Union. There is no postponement so far as the Raft Swamp picnic is concerned, the statement in The Robe- onian not applying to this pic nic. AO John igg Lumberton, N, C. Co. FROM S'lMBERTOI iiMn i . , .... TO July 16,1 909. L)M 2 On the above date a strictly high class excursion will be operated from Lum berton to Jackson Springs, Leaving Lumberton over the LOOM FOR Dr. D. M. McDonald at The Waverly Hotel, Lumbert&, tomorrow and next day, 13th and 14th. Your eyes exam, ined free and orders taken for glasses. If youhave any of the symptoms mentioned below you should have your eyes examined. Do you suffer from headache ? '; Do you have pains in your eyes? Do you have floating spots before your eyes? ' ' Does reading matter run together?- , , Are you sleepy while reading? -.'. ; .- i -. ' Va. & Carolina Southern R. R. Jackson Springs was onenprl im ;n f..U - i f aDput the last of June. It is a place of u1(ay noming ot the water, which ha ..,i State, " EAST CAROLINA i..-?t !! Teachers' Training School. Established and maintained by the State for the young men and omen who wish to "qualify themselves for'tbe pr6fesston of teach----. women ing. Buildings and equipment new and modern feet. Sanitation per- SESSION OPENS OCTOBER 5th, 1909 H For prospectus and information; address ROBT. President, Greenville, N. C. WRIGHT, 7-12-tf MEREDITH COLLEGE, - (Formerly Baptist University for Women) - RALEIGH, N. C. ; Among the foremost Colleges for Women in the South. Four distinct schools; Arts and bciences, Music, Elocution and Art. Kun at cost. Write for catalogue. 6-5Sl-4mon R. T. VANN, Pres. WtC IB if Deoole with 'symptoms of kidney or Uiuir trmihle could realize their danger they would without loss of time wlv. This creat remedv stops the pain and the irrinilantieH. strengthens ana l .. . ' f 2 v Samuel ' Q. Sarratt,' 59 years old, fell from a portico of his home ! near Gaffney, S. C, on the 7t apd broke feis neck.j He was ia fhe. habit of sleeping on theVpof tjco '; ,'on X the second nobr and Wednesday mqrning he was found dead on the front door stepss with his ineck . broken. A Ifiiacludedfocik in the Blue Ridge MouptaiSsihaarBtirrisville, this Stated "tMorth. Carolina Ani Grand'AXiodere unveiled TuesdaaanoneAt to Captain. Otaway Burns. herbjOf the Wat of 1812. The monument, was erect ed by Walter Frances Burnes of New York, a grandson, and was unveiled by Otaway Burns, fourth. a great grandson. ; builda ud thtuie ortrans and there is no danger of Brights disease or other se nous disorder. Do not disregard the arly symptoms. Sold by all druggists. Cbamberlaln'sCollc.Choleraand Diarrhoea - Remedy Would Have Saved Him $100.00. "In 1902 I had a very severe attack of diarrhoea," says R. N Farrar.ofCat Island. La. MFor several weeks I was nnahle to do anything. On March 18, 1907. I had a similar attack, and took' chamberlain 'b colic: cholera and Diar: vhoea Remedy which gave me prompt relief. I consider it one of the best medicines of its kind in the world, and haA I used it in 1902 believe it would have saved me a hundred dollar doc tor's bill". Sold by all druggists. Ove- Thirty-Five Years. In 1872 there was a great deal of di- arrhoea, dysentery and. cholera infan turn. It was at this time "that cham berlain's colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was first brought into use. It proved more successful than any other remeav or treatment, ana nas ior unr- ty-five years maintained that record. From a 6mall beginning its sale and use has extended to every part of theUtiit ed States and to many foreign coun tries. Nine druggists out of ten will recommend it when their opinion, i jfsked' althousrh thev have Other medi cines that pay them a greater profit. It can alwavs be depended upon, even in the most Severe and dangerous cases, j For sale by all druggists. Upon its sworn declaration in a bill of equity that the North Carolina inspection law, which went into effect July 1, operates unequally and to the prejudice of complainant; and other indepen dent oil companies, and in favor of the Standard Oil Company. the Red ' 'C" Oil Manufacturing Company, of Baltimore, on the 6th secured from United States Circuit Judge Pritchard ah iri juction forbidding the State board of agriculture and the Com missioner of Agriculture from enforcing the law. A hearing was ordered before Judge Con nor at Raleigh August 2. . v US r OF LETTERS. Remaining in the Lumberton: N. C, postoffice, July 12,1909. If not called for in one week, will be sent to' the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. Parties call ing will please say advertised. Frank Banks, J. D. Bridgers, M. F. Drewkins, (2) Mrs. Iris Edwards, Miss Nora May Gaskill, Miss Alice Green, L. J. Jones, J. E. McCormick, Miss Willie Shaw,MrB.Emeline Smith, Lizzie Smith, Will Stubbs. R. M. Norment, P. M. Wicked Biters, Cruel Stingers, the summer path lives. Don't; fret, The logical way is Ever thwart way of our don't worry. to buy MOSQUITO OIL. Then you can laugh at old insect when he takes mean advantage and gives you a nip or a sting. For the kind, that surety drives them away, get it here. Use no other. There is. none "just as good." mmjmwm McLean ,;5-lOJ - Sledge Co; . Boy's Life Saved. Mv little boy. four years old, had a severe attack of dysentery.' We had tWo physicians; both of them gave him up we tnen gave mm cnamDeriain s (Jolic. LUoiera ana Diarrhoea Kemeay, which cured him and believe that saved his life William H. Strolinq. Carbon Hill,. Ala. There is no doubt but this romedy saves the lives of many chil c ran each year. Give it with castor oil according to plain printed directions and a cure is Certain. For sale by', all druggists. Farmers Union. v nr.. - ... Farmers' Union, picnic rallies? will be postponed for the time being oft account of disappointment in' securing speakers for the occasion. . Will! announce Jim's for each later on when speakers ean be secured. H. G. Stubbs, -Pres. ! Farmers' Union for Robeson Cpunty. -. 7-8-2t :- - - " 1 : , , ... A FAMILY REGULATOR. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons, as well as for robust people. We cannot too highly recommend them' to all sufterers of constipation. We bfftr your money back if you are not satisfied. They are eaten like candy, and do not gripe, purge, or cause any annoyance whatever. Two sizes, ioc. and 25c' . j. d. McMillan & son., The Rexall Store. Pineules are for all kidney, liver bladder, rheumatic and urinary com plaints. They assist in separating salt ana water witn their poisons from the blood. They act promptly. Sold by i. D. McMillan & son. The merchant who vertise stands in his doesn't ad own light. Beautifully Heavy - Is the basket from our Grocery ' You are delighted every time you see our ueiivery uoy, ior you Know tnat ne is bringing good things for your enjoy: men 1, ... Fresh and Attractive Stock Always ready for our customers at bar. gain prices, .ury ana r ancv iiroc-ricF, dried fruits, fancy canned goods all are nere in- abundance. J.H. Wishart Free Delivery. IPhone Nol'i - Sale of Land. ; : unaer anp Dy virtue 01 the power codltained in a' certain Deed of Trust. executed to. the undersigned as Trustee for the Rowland Building and Loan Association, by j-J. Taylor andiwife Sua is. lay ior, which deed of. trust it duly recorded in the office of the Reeis ter of Deeds of Robeson 'County, in Book of Mortgage Deeds, No. liy-page 502, I will sell at public auctadb' for cash, at the' court house door in Lumberton',- North Carolina, on Monday, the .lfitfa day of August, 1909, the., following lands in Robeson,. County ,.--Nr'th ,CaroL (ina, towitr" -.' ., ' In the town of.Rowland, Thompsens. township;, and particularly described as, follows:'.' Bounded on the North by FirstNortK street, on the bouth by half (J) of . lot Sixteen (16) ; on the East by a 20 foot alley, and on the West by East Rail road Avenue, and better described as follows:, i Fronting Railroad Avenue 75 feet, and running back 130 feet to a 20 foot alley, being all of Lots Fourteen (14), fHJ5?15)' and half of Lot Sixteen (16), Block "P," as per plan of the Town "of Rowland, Robeson County," North Carolina. Said sale to be made on account of default made in the payment of debts secured by said deed: of trust. ' ' Thist 12th day of July, 1909. ' Milton Lytch, Trustee; Roland Building & Loan Association. McLean, McLean & Snow, Attorneys. 7-12-5mon. .-iiin for the summer many attractions, The place has a beautiful dancincr navillon an Ii.-i;an Orchestra that furnishes music all the time, howling -iu enois courts, a beautiful lake for bathing or boating and majiy other things too numerous to mention here. ameof Ball Arrangements-h ave been made for a big baseball came which will be a source of much pleasure Every effort possible is being made to make the"occasion a success in every way'and any who desire should not' hesitate to take .Vantage of this opportunity ofspending the day at this M'! Famous Summer esor tflVThi' will probably be the last chance of the season to visit the Springs on such an extremely S Low Schedule 7:00 a. m. 7:25 " 8:00 Leave Lumberton, St. Pauls, Hope Mills, Jackson Springs, 1 0:30 T Leave Jackson Spring Ketlimmg Arrive at Lumberton .. A Refreshment Car will be carried and NO Drinking Liquor will be allowed on the train. Ar. 5:00 8:30 (( U P- m. m. of Fare, Round Trip, Jackson Springs and Return, Adults, $1.00, Children under 12 years old, 75c. FOimE0;TAR Cwu Ooldsi rrmrcaU PaeHmonla Special-- schedule. time. ':' " & Extra Special- until ' From Hope Mills there will be two "engines " arid' train will be run on J J Any who may wish at the Springs can stay paying 50c additional. ever to spend a ! Monday, the ew days 19th, by f ichets on Sale at all V. & C. S. Stations. For further information apply to C. N. BLIE, Gen. Mgr., J. f: HEAD, G. P. Agt., Aberdeen, N. C. Lumberton, N. C W. K. BETHUNE, Mgr., Lumberton, N. C.