'1 HE' - SlpIWEEKivr ITOISIPNIAN ,,,,,,1, . 1 '- v j 4 4 1 HE ROBESONIA1S , WILL MR. COOK RUN? Va y A s x-x t rlsrirrnnrrrxszsrT g t - 1 4 ii Vft 7 SI 15 ? "J 1 3 ' s:.i , rilBUiHH) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS i . SIIAMPC. - - Preldnl. SIIHSt'UUTlON Th Y-ar - Month RATKS: TO LOCATE HERE. Raft Swamp Co-operative Mill ing Company to Locate Flour j and GrU Mill in Lumbet ten Will Encourage Wheat Rais ing in ThU Section-Work to be Begun After September 15th. The Raft Swamp Co-operative Milling Co., organiztd some time ago by the local Farmers' Union of Haft Swamp township, has decided-to locate the flour mill which it proposes to build in Lumber- tnn TKo oonocitv nf thp mill 'Tft Z$i h... Th, Rob- will be 15 barrels per day at the such that the capacity may be easily increased. The plant will On. 11.60 .76 .4( - .15 , r 1 1 Z" W K.v th. W.M to which it ha llllllll ...... l A i , ful, iili.il piwniiuir ..iirrin. ..i.- U?!.!f . uwr wmita to b fair to corrmpomlvnU "'","lr..." lutlt.idx M It think .. . il . ul wof anv cinwipoiulent. W require I , , , J . .. . i hi.t . Vr.ler Wn hi. nan- to a communication board depot. A 40-horSe-pOWf X r.rnJ.WW.whr. th. rm. the rirl, ot r "in.ml to w puM..hi, w rrv th. right ..r n-Msi.ii to glva the name when saked for K ulei Ml a. -onil-il matter at the Poatoffice at i.uinberton. N . 0., under the Act of CoogTe.s of March 3rd. 1BOT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1909. engine and a 50-horse-powerboil er have been ordered, the first payment having been made, and it is expected that they will ar rive soon. Work will be begun on the plant as soon as Mr. A. W. McLean, who owns the land on which it is proposed to build the mill, returns from Europe, which will be about the 15th of Septenr FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER, ber. The company was organized . p. - f m m I ""III!' vnu Jl tlllWV. Iliviilii ' A New Business Death ot Mr. amj nas eranted a charter Rimer t BridEers Interetinsr with authorized capital of$l,500, r, .. a ri i J with privilege of increasing to uau ...c. f5 000 The officers of the com BaDlists Improvement at Tel- pany are: J.L.Prevatt,president: r.uan .o t. Kev. John frevatt, wno is presi- ephone Items. ( ! ii'ppoiiiieni e of The Robeaot Un. Dr. Brown left last Wednesday fi.r his annual vacation in the mountains. Wanesville.the beau- tiftil.will be his headquarters, as usua .and lie expecis 10 dent of the Ra ft Swamp Union, vice president; J.W.Lowe, secre tary and treasurer. The board of directors is composed of the following: J. L. Prevatt, Rev. John Prevatt,Dr. N. H. Andrews, W. F. Prevatt. E. T. Prevatt, J. P. remain Smith, F.G.Odum, Jr until the first of September. After a most pleasant vacation of several weeks up the country, Rev. J. M. McLain occupied his pulpit at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Mrs.Martha Brown.of Raleigh, is the welcome guest of friends and relatives in town who are de lighted to greet her. A new business has been open ed on the corner of Main and lona streets by Mr. FultonFlqyd, a brother of Messrs. Frank and Pat Floyd. A corn and trrist mill will be run in connection with the flour mill. The primary purpose in organizing the company is to en courage the people to raise wheat and make their bread at home. The members of the locol unions throughout the county have al ready pledged 800 acres in wheat for the coming year and this of course will be in addition to what will be planted by those who have not yet joined any union. This is an enterprise which Lumberton welcomes and it will Cumberland Man Has Made f o Public Announcement of His Candidacy, But it is Considei- ed Practically Certain that ne Will Be In The Race. Krum The Fayettevillt- Index of July 21. The Washinetn correspondents of some of the North Carolina papers recently sent out dis- i patches giving the gossip at the ; national capital of North Caro- j linians concerning the probable candidates for the congressional j nomination in the sixth district! next year, and among them we ' notice the name of our county- man, lion. II. L. Cook, whose friends are understood to be. "backing"himfor the nomination i though Mr. Cook has made no public announcement of his inten tipns. He made an offective can vas of the district last year as presidential elector at his own expense, and rendered good ser vice to the party in all the coun ties. Many have since regarded him as a probable candidate, and many Democrats, it is learned, have expressed their determin ation to support him, believing that "the horse that pulls the plow should eat the fodder." The situation in the district is a rather interesting one, the rum ors being that nearly every coun ty will have a candidate. Should Mr. Cook actively enter the race, which we consid- practically certain, he will be a strong factor in the situa tion, and that he will stand a good chance of the nomination is the view that many well-in- brmed politicians take. Mr. Cook had the distinguished honor of beincr elected president of the lectoral College when it met in Raleitrh last January, the duties which he discharged with redit. His services to the party liave been zealous since young- manhood, and his friends believe the time has come when he should be rewarded not only for his own sake but for the party's welfare also. mfeil there s raw mm- m at nu EVEYS BEST The signal if security When buying flour always insist on getting a sack with this trade mark the surest sign of quality. Dewey's Best Flour . milled from the choicest Ohio soft winter wheat bakes the most nutritious, wholesome and appetizing bread and biscuit. Its best recommendation is the thousands of particular house wives who ref use to accept any other Caldwell & Car lye's GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE A Closing- Out Sale of $60,000.00 worth of High Class Goods at JiOW utass -rices 8: ! S si tail SAltbY Wtli IK & GOU8H LUMBLRTON. N. C. A pleasant little party 01 young doubtless be the means ot caus people was entertained by Miss ing much more wheat to be rais Eva Thompson in honor of Miss ed in this section than has been Bernice Smith, of lona, on last raised in recent years. Friday night Two interesting games of ball were played on our school dia mond last week. Thursday our fine little "third nine" beat the Rowland boys.and on Friday our rirst nine got badly beaten in both games of a double-header with Boardman's crack team. Our boys played fine ball but were out-classed by the Board man team, which is one of the finest ever. Miss Fannie Robeson, of Row land, was the guest of Mrs. Cash well this week. She was joined on Saturday by her brother Ar chie and they went home onSun day. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Andrews, of Lowe, visited Mr. N. T. An drews and family last week. Mr. J. E. Thompson and Miss Maggie Floyd spent Sunday . and Monday with Fair Bluff friends. iireat regret is teit among; friends here over the untimely death of Mr. Rupert Bridgers, formerly of this place, while in the employ of the A. C. L. He and his excellent wife made many friends here who sympa thize deeply with her. The Woman's Missionary Soci ety of the Baptist church is to have the pleasure on the fifth Sunday afternoon of a talk on the work by Miss Tyner, a stu dent of the training school at Louisville,Ky. Mrs. J. D. Kyle wears a wide smile this week: his wife has re turned from a long visit to her tormer home in Greenville.Tenn. Master BenThompson andMiss SallieSmith, who have been with the tamily of D.W. Galloway, at bouthport, for several weeks, re turned home last Saturday. The coloredBaptist church held its annual meeting last week and had a grand time. Crowds at tended day and night and every night the crowd remained until after midnight. The baptizing was held -Sunday morning and nine new members added. MissJohnson,a charming young lady ot Lumber Bridge, has been the guest of Mrs. D. P. Bridgers. Mr. McCormic, of Lumberton. was outcast week and installed a better switchboard in . the tele' phone exchange, which is quite an improvement, Mrs. D. W. Galloway went to bouthport Tuesday to remain un til the latter part of the month. Miss Carrie Jones, of Maxton, who. has been with her brother for several weeks, returned last week to get ready for school. Mr. Walters went with her but re turned next day. Fairmont,N. ,C, Aug. 171909. President Taft has appointed a number of census supervisors, those for North Carolina so far named (all Republicans) are: First district, Josiah C. Meekin, Sr. ;second district, JamesN.New born; third, H. Frank Brown; lourth. William Claudius Pearson; sixth, Irvine B. Tucker; seventh, v' ure,r,. Grant' Jr- ninth, J. Yates Kilhan. A TEA PARTY. An extra week of Guilford Su perior Court for the August term was provided for by the last Leg islature, the court to commence on the lGth, but the matter was overlooked by the county com missioners, who summoned ju rors for the 23d, and the county is cheated out of half of the term provided for. This is an Unusual Sale It is easy to get low class goods , l . l . 1 l 1 i at low class prices, out to ootam nign quaiiiy goods at low quality prices is unusual. Remember this is ja Spot Cash Closing Out Stock Sale. --i.. i. naaayr MMM,aaaaMaWM Come and get your part Caldwell of these great bargains. Carlyle LUMBERTON, N. C Remember The Bio Sale No matter how long you have suffer ed, FoUVs Kidney Remedy will help you. Mm. S. L.Bowen, of Wayne, W ,fe'w'V-' "I a sufferer from kidney QMeaae.so that at times I could 1 D,Met ."B5 bed.nd when I did I could not aland atraight.I took Foley'. ? I, the Becond cored entirely It wai cur you. Sold by all taSt. Mist Irene McLeod Eetertaina ' A Delightful Occasion. Miss Irene McLeod entertain ed Tuesday evening at a tea par ty at the home of her parents, ex-Sherift and Mrs. Geo. B. Me Leod, on Elm street, in honor of Mis3 Leslie Proctor and her guest, Miss June Ray Kernodle, of Graham. Mrs. Lizzie Proctor received at the door and Miss Lillian Proctor ushered the guests into the libra ry, wnere the' hostess served tea. As the guests arrived and were served with tea they went into the parlor, except four stags --Messrs. U. D. French, E. G Rancke, Jr., C. P. McAllister ahd W. K. Bethune who were permitted to remain in the libra ry with the hostess until Mrs, ivicijeoa appeared on the scene with four dolls dressed up like ladies. Mrs. McLeod pinned on oi tne nieiess iorms on the coa of each of the stags and then they were all ushered into the parlor, where they received formal introduction. Punch . A 1. 1 M 1 was men served, alter which an interesting contest of seventeen words demanded the attention p: the guests for a spell. Misses Anna Clark, of Scotland Neck, guesx at tne nome 01 Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Kitchen; Sarah Ker nodle, of Graham, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McAllister: Pearl Floyd and Leslie Proctor ;Messrs. Jas. D. Proctor, A.P. McAllister, F. P. Gray and C. P. McAllister answered all the questions and after cutting for the prizes they were presented by ex-Sheriff Mc Leod to Miss Sarah Kernodle and Mr. C. P. McAllister, Miss Ker nodle receiving a gold hat pin and Mr. C. P. McAllister a hat brush. The other six who an swered .all the questions were presented with walking canes tied in the national colors. Be tween 11 and 12 o'clock a three-, course luncheon was served, which ended the many pleasures and amusements of an alto gether delightful evening. Alabama' Prolibition Law. In its new prohibition law just Eassed by its Legislature Ala ama has a"bout gone the lim it It makes witnesses testify in liquor cases on pain of being attached for. contempt; it makes the mere possession of liquors anywhere else than in a man's residence a criminal offence: it holds responsible for any injury done, one by a drunken man the man who sold the whiskey to the offender; it allows officers to raid any building where it is even suspected that liquor is sold;-it prohibits newspapers from printing whiskey adver tisements; it compels all corpora tions taking out charters to sign a pledgesthat they will not violate the prohibition law. It seems to stop up every possible loophole. Chronic Diarrhoea Relieved. Mr. Edward E. Henry, with the Unit ed States Express Co., Chicago, writes, 'OurGeneralSuperintendent, Mr. Quick, handed me a bottle of - chamberlain's Co ic, cholera an 1 Diarrhoea Remedy cme time ago to check an attack of the old chronic diarrhoea. I have used it since that time and cured many on our trains who have been sick. I am an old soldier who served with Ruther lord B. Hayes and William McKinley Tour years m the 23rd Ohio Regiment, and have no ailment except chronic di arrhoea, which this remedy stops at once.'Tor sale by all druggists. Death of Mr. A. C. Sinclair. Eennettsville Special. 10th.. to Columbia (S. C.) State. Mr. A. C. Sinclair died at his home at binclair Cross Roads yesterday morning at, 6 o'clock. He was one ot the most substan tial citizens of the Pee Dee sec tion and related to a number of the leading familes in this and Marion county. He had been unwell for several months, and his death was not unexpected. He served through the war between the States and bore in his body the marks of gallant serivce as a Confedrate soldier. The body was buried at the fam ily burying ground today at 11 o'clock. Mr.Sinclair leaves surviv ing him two daughters and three sons. Mr. A. G. Sinclair. the eld est son. is a member of the Mc- Call-Weatherly company here and one of Bennettsville 's lead ing young business men. The other sons are Messrs. D. C.Sin clair and Charles Sinclair. The daughters are Miss Lizzie Sin clair and Mrs. Arch Anna Wat son. He was a brother of Mrs. Nancy McCall of this place. Mr. A. C Sinclair was about 73 years old. The First National Bank Snrplus;$ 14.000.Ofl A 4-15 Is Still Going On at our Store and if you want to Share in the BARGAINS that are BEING GIVEN in Summer Goods you MUST COME QUICK. If you don't believe we can SAVE YOU MONEY Just COME AND BE CONVINCED. I Remain Your Friend, WEINSTEIN, The King'Clothier and Ladies' Dresser. LUMBERTON, N. C Capital Stock $50,000.00. ASSETS OVER QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS, THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK INIROBF.SON COUNT Depository for United States Postal Funds, United States District Court Bankrupt FuiuU, Rub County, Town of Lumberton. We should be pleased to be your Depository. LEAF TOBACCO MARKET. Report of leaf tobacco market for week ending August 14th, Made by E.J.Davis & Son.atFair Bluff, N.C., prop rietors of Powell's New Warehouse: Owing to the rainy weather, breaks have not been heavy, yet fair sales each day. The market has shown much improvement over the last week. With suitable weather for hand ling.we expect to see good breaks from now on until the crop is sold out. All the buyers are on the mar ket, and seem anxious for stock. Farmers will do well to take advantage of present market, and will make nothing by holding ineir tooacco. Good wrappery curings are selling higher than last season, and all grades quality cansider ed are fully up to last year's prices, except sand lugs, which have ruled lower. , We mention a few sales made by farmers at Powell's New Warehouse-by O. M. Allen, the champion auctioneer of 30 years' experience, during the past week: Rev. Hedgpeth& Shaw, 735 lbs. $8.50; W. D. Granger, 460 lbs. $10.75; J. M. Enzer, 875 lbs. 13.00; Walters & Bass,740 lbs. $7.50; William Walters & Bingham, 782 lbs. $12.00: 628 lbs. $11.50;J.W.Pate,5101bs. $8.25,and 782 lbs. $9.25; R. B. Anderson, 391 lbs. $9.75; Dock Bullock, 1160 lbs. $11.75. And numerous other good sales which we would like to mention. Average for week, including sand lugs and all, around 7 cents. Fair Bluff has more buyers this year than ever before, with three well-equipped Warehouses to sell your tobacco, and plenty money to pay for it. Why not bring your tobacco to Fair Bluff.and drive straight to Powell's New Warehouse, which is fast becoming the favorite with all the farmers. Yours to serve, t E. J. Davis & Son. Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. S. Nusbaam, Batesville, Indiana, writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distress inu jhat jt inttrfered with my business I had many of, the symptoms of hay fever and the doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and 1 took several medicines which seemed only to aggra vate it Fortunately I insisted upon having Poley'sHoney andTar. It quick y cured me. My wife has since used Foley 'sHoney anTar with the same suc cess. "Sold by all druggists. BUSINESS BUILDERS Try au ad iu this coluruu. hetln-r il is a house to relit, something yn . ave for sale, or soniethiug voti vatit u liuy-. The Kobesonlan Want Columu will brtnif the results For Sale Genuine Thermos bottles, t all and let ua show you, Beware of imitations. McLean-Siege Co. Lum berton, N C. 8-19-tf. For Sale -Twenty-five acres land, twenty cleared and suitable for truck ing. Situated two miles east ot Lumberton. Good buildings. Apply to "II. M' White, carrier on route No. 15. Lumberton, N. C. 8-19-4t Found A gold pin with "05 W.F.C." on it. The owner will please call at this office for same. 8-19-tf. Photographs, by experienced pho tographer. Guaranteed first class and up-to-date. Watson. Bros. Studio, Fairmont, N. C. . .8-19-11-11 For Sale -7 room house, lot 100 x 300 feet. Easy terms. Address lock box No. 4. St. Pauls, N. C. 8-19-tf. Sonqs Latest popular "hits." Any song or music published, at popular prices, (jet the Gem Folio for piano, 4 latest songs and rag time, 75 cents. Rudolph Carlyle at Caldwell & Car lyle's. 8-9-tf The Beauty of Our Shoes is not in the looks, good as they are. there is a beauty of com. fort and another of durability The New Light Top Shoes For Sale Hand-made or machine made harness at reasonable prices and can repair your shoes on short notice. All work guaranteed. Shop on Fourth street. Ben Edwards, Lumberton, N. C. 8-13-tf Farms lor Sale Cotton, tobacco and truck farms near Chadbourn, White- ville, Cerro Gordo, Fair Bluff and other points in Columbus county. If 'you want a cheap farm, buy now. B. H. Harnly, Real Estate and Insur ance, Chadbourn, N. C. 8-9-4t For Sale 127 acres land, 52 cleared, known as Eli Hammond place, in Wisharts township; one mile from AJJenton Apply to A. D. McNeill. tseiiamy, n. C. 8-9-4t WanteJ You to try our preparation ' for sweaty and offensive feet. Guar anteed. McLean-Sledge Co 8-5tf Money to Loan We have some funds to loan on mortgage on im proved real estate. Melntyre, Law rence & Proctor. . 8-2tf are already very popular and promise to be - more so. Thev are a distinct novelty in footwear and a handsome one. Come see how smart they are. They make the foot look the best dressed pan of the body. Give Us a Look, Our Goods are New and Prices Right. John T. Biggs & Co. 3-29 For ale Largest and most desirable residence-building lot in Lumberton. Apply to F. J. Thomas. 8-2-tf Lt&t,r:An automobile oil lamp, some where on Fayetteville road. Finder will be rewarded. T. C. Johnson, Lumberton, N. C. 7-26-tf For Rent Nine-room house, artesian water, near V. & C. S., S: A. L and R. C. depots. Fine location for boarding house. See Geo. G. French, Lumberton", N. C: 7-26-lm For Sale Six good wagon mules, for cash or on time with approved secur ity. Apply to A. K. Morrison, Lum berton, N. C. 7-8tf Today 20 per cent, discount on Royal Tailoring begins today. Many attrac tive paterns still in stock. Chas. P. McAllister, dealer, Lumberton, N.-C.. 7 5tf ' Mrs. Leslie Shaver, 20 , years old. attempted suicide at Marion Sunday night by taking lauda num, hut was saved after hours of effort. Her husband died re cently leaving her with a year old child and no funds. Take' Notice! AH persons are recommended to take Foley's Kidney Remedy for backache, rheumatism and kidney and bladder trouble. It will quickly correct urina ly irregularities, which, if neglected, may develop into a serious illness. It will restore health and strength. Do not neglect signs of ki lney or bladder trouble and risk Br ight's disease or diabetes. Sold by all druggists. - I CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOOL. Penmanship Shorthand, i Typewriting, B wkkeeping. special rreparatory uepartment; Uay ana iMignt sessions; spienaia iwjuip- ment; Rates Reasonable. . For terms, etc., address . OWEN C. ROGERS, Principal, Hope Mills, N. C. 8-16-tf Your Eyes Are one of the most delicate parts of the human body and should not be neg lected. If you have any of the follow ing symptoms your eyes should be ex amined at once: Do you. suffer from headache? Do you have pains in your eyes? Do you have floating spots before your eyes? Does reading matter, run together? Are you sleepy while reading? EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. D. M. McDonald, 8-,9 ' Red Springs, N. C. M HZ OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE A Classical Filling Schocl .l.vjs.'YtjH.fig.Mc:! 'and Hoys, 'tnTufl Bi'sjiiess College iief.aftrutntj. $iih Vtai; 5 5 li l U!.'i1-r f.icfcriit miiac inrikt. Ideal Locaiiuil, in viev, the i.i o u n t a i n s. Api.ty f"i Beautiful Caljlr. 1. h. & M. U. UuU. Oak Ridge, N.C. 7-22 Wrte to the Wilmington Marble and Granite Works for their ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE of MONUMENTS and ifEADSTONES. R. D. TUCKER, Proprietor. WILMINGTON, N. C. PAINT OFFER ! A Fair Proposition lo all Properly Owners of Lumbeno and Vic.nily: Fewer Gallons Or No Pay To prove that Devoe Lead and Zinc reauiros lei gallons for a job, we make the following olfer: Pair half your house with any other paint; paint ha. witn ijevoe. Tne otner half will take the most ga xuiio, ii uuu we win nrciK.e no cnarge ior our paint. Wears Longer Or No Pay! Here's Another Offer. Paint half of your house with lead and oil: thi other half with Devoe lead and zinc. In three years the lead and oil half will need re painting, while the Devoe half will be about like It not, we will give you the paint for the whole jo We Prove Our Claims. -r t r i . - w e Know tnat Devoe lead and zinc is the bes covering ana longest wearing paint made: lienc? the above proposition. ! We always carry a full stock of Devoes Varnist OLams, .Buggy ana Wagon Paints, etc. Don't buj anytnmg m the pamt line until you get our prices McAlIlistteir Hardware LUMBERTON, N. C. ill THE A - B - C of being correctly gowned and fashion ably appa. elled is to wear an American BeautCorset Fashion Dictates It. The wo:nan who wears an American Beauty is conscious that she looks well. These corsets give her form the lines which make a "new" figure. The stylishly gowned woman of cor rect figure and modish appearance, must candidly give credit to the corset worn The American Beautv rm.tfin1in.t.r :.. j i i .. y give credit to the corset worn. .i i ... . j uie oest ideas advanced bv the wnr!.r most eminent corset designers. $1.00 and Upwards. We give' great consideration to the se lection of our corsets and otter you the choicest and best in AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS. AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 307 kalaauo Cortef Co.. Make- W. J.r PREVATT, LUMBERTON. N. C. Co "!J ..vi AMERICAN BEAUnStto1 IUIiumjd Crt C . MW To)EES IMflTM I A k--z . CONFO8M8 TO NATIONAL pure food and DRUGS L' J AJPr'-m.e"iovr .many Couh. Lunf and Bronchial RmedlM. bcuse it rid W flv MftLt.m . u " " oroncnui Remedies, because . r. . "y "Cling as cartiartlr nn fr. K. to ....1 M w,.,c,.tn. or money refunded. Po.r iw diwwi irt r,?. . . n. jij - - ......vim. -.JH.HTJC LIIILAU"! So!4 by J.D. MCMILLAN & SON, Lttmbertoti, N. C. 1 I I t A i ii

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