TP THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESON1AN. LOCAL BRIEFS. o:tton to-day, 121-4 cents 20 cents An 'xcursin will ,le run from Iinilti'i tnii td .liK-ksoiiSprings by Viiyiiiia Carolina-Southern Kailroa.i Tuesday, 21tk for in the the in Me- waste bas- hccau?e no name was (-(.nitniinieations will ,.,1 uuwm ine name oi is known to the edi- i ...if-..- h;m lu-t-n made M.Mifiit of the furniture II I UUP ti... ..irir.' n! h!) -nil Nirll. Mr. Wright J. Prevatt, who had Ik-mi living at Tabor for some lime, ivtunied L l-timberton a few days :uo and is employed in Mr. C 15. Munvs' barber shop on Klin y,mH A w!i.uii:i.K-:ilii siKned"e", i i. Nt.. I... .in I'lirUtnti i i: . . ml- ""in v , will... TimU its wav into the ket simply sijfiu'd. N be pultlislx tin- writer ..r. Mr.VV. II. SLalvey has open ed a barber shop in the old Lum-bi-rton Cotton Mill office, Waver lv Hotel building, in rear of the McLean-Sledge Drugstore. He has two barberehairsin the shop and when business justifies it he will get another barber to as sist him. -Mr. E. M. Britt expects to build soon a cottage on his lot in Lindell, and he will also build a new residence where he is now living on the corner of Pine and Eight streets. His present resi dence he will move back on the same lot and have repaired and improved. Mr. L. II. Caldwell has mov ed his stock of hardware into the store room on Elm street former ly occupied by Mr. J. P. McNeill, and the room from which it was moved will be used altogether for dry goods and notions. Mr. Cald well now occupies live adjoining 1 wo-storv stores in his building fronting on Elm street. - Mr. T.W.Sanderson, who had been conducting a merchantile business at Chad bourn for some time, sold his stock of goods last week to Mr. E.D.Wil liams.of Chadbourn, and arrived in town Monday and began work Tuesday on a storehouse onChip pewa street, near the Dresden which he expects to be gin business soon. . Invitations have been sent out reading as follows: Mrs. John Hullock will jsive in marriage her daughter Kutheriiie Maria, to -Mr. Stephen Eugene Clerulenin, on Wednesday, the lirst of September, One thousand nine hundred and nine, Kowlaiul, North Carolina. At Home after the fifteenth of September, liluefiekl, West Virginia. -Miss Estelle Sledge, who had been making her home for syer al years with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sledge, of Iaksville, arrived Tuesday eve ning and will make her home at present with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Sledge, on Fifth street. Miss Sledge makes the chantre in homes on account of the death of her grandmother. which occurred about two weeks ago. Mr. R. R. Tolbert, of Green wood. S.C.a graduate of Clem sen College, has made application for the hnrh school at Barker's, taught last year by Prof. J. B. Bowers, of Pitt county, and is spending a few days in Lumber ton. The trustees of the school think that perhaps they will want to add industrial . training to the work at this school, and as- Prof. Bowers did not care to undertake that sort of work he resigned. COMMERCIAL AND INDUS- TRIAL CLUB. New Members Added - Prepa rations Being Made for Quar ters. A few members of the Lum berton Commercial and Indus trial Club met in the court room at the court house Tuesday even ing and some important matters in connection with the manage ment and policy of the club were determined. All who have con nected themselves with the club are very much pleased, with the progress -so far made. Three new members Messrs. E.J. Britt and J.F. Head and Dr. N. A. Thompson were added at this meeting.and at a meeting of the executive committee yester day afternoon three others Messrs.C. B. Redmond, W. J.Pre- vatt and F.P.Gray we se receiv ed, so that but membership now numbers 23. A special commit tee composed of E. J. Britt, E. M. Britt and J. A. Sharpe was ap pointed Tuesday evening to meet vesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock with the executive com mittee and consider the matter of furnishings for the club rooms. After considering available places the committee decided that the Lumherton Cotton Mills office building offers the only available niiirifrs. hut owing to the ab sence of Mr. II. li.Jenmngs anu some misunderstanding between some lodges in regard to halls it was found necessary to postpone definite action until Tuesday af ternoon, when the committees will meet again and prepare to report to a meeting ot tne ciudih the court house Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. As soon as quarters may be ob tained no time will be lost in fit ting up rooms. PERSONAL. Mr. E. B. Ward, of Rowland, was in town Monday. Rev. W. A. Jenkins, of Bar ker's, was in town yesterday. Mr. J.M.Butler, who lives near St. Pauls, was in town Tuesday. Mr.and Mrs. W.R. McNeill, of Buie.was in town yesterday shop ping. Mr. J. G. Williams, of Red springs, is a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. W.F. Prevatt, of rural route No. 1 from Buie, was in town yesterday. Mr. D. L. Godwin, of rural route No. 2 from Parkton.was in town Tuesday. Rev. John Prevatt and Mr. J. L. Prevatt, of Raft Swamp, were in town Tuesday. Mr. J D. McNiell, of rural route No. 2 from Rennert, is in town today. Messrs. Frank Bullock and R. T. Gaitley, of Rowland, are in town today. Mr George Thompson.of Back Swamp, is among the visitors in town today. Mr. T. W. Maxwell, of Tblars yille, was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. Jim Kinlaw, of Howells ville, was among the business visitors in town yesterday. Miss Katie Bilingsby, of Mon roe, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Boylin. Sheriff and Mrs. E. C. McNeill went to Red Springs yesterday to spend a few days with rela tives. Mr. A. G.Edwards, who lives on rural route No. 1 from St. Pauls, was among the visitors in town Tuesday. Mr. W. K. Bethune, business manager of The Robeson ian, spent yesterday in Wilmington on business. Mr. G. S. McKenzie left Mon day evening for Johnson City, Tenn., where he will spend a week's vacation. Miss Florence Ed wards, of La t- ta.S. C, arrived yesterday; and is a guest at the home of Mr.and Mrs. M.F.Caldwell. Mrs. T. C. Johnson returned Monday evening from White- ville, where she spent sometime on a visit to home folks. Messrs. W. P. McAllister and A. H. McLeod returned Tuesday evening from Jackson Springs, where they had been since Saturday. Mr. J. H. Smith and son, Mas ter Miles Andrew, who live on rural route No.l from Rennert, were L.umuerton visitors yesterday. Mr. Walter Smith, ot Godwin, son HosDital arrived Monday aiternoon and fever, will spend a tew days at the home of ex-Judge andMrs. T. A. McNeill. Misses Katherine Warwich, of Thomasville, and Sallie Thomp son, of Back Swamp, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Barker. Mrs. J. M. Lamb and two lit tle daughters, Misses Annie and Lida, of Fayetteville, are guests at the home of Mrs. Ellen Red mond, on Elm street. Mrs. Lee Forny Duval and Miss Annie Lewis, of Whiteville, and Miss Sue Cottingham, of Clio, S. C.are guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Barker. Ex -Sheriff and Mrs. George Hall and little daughter,, Miss Lillian.of Lumber Bridge, spent Tuesday in town, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Ed- mond. Miss AnnaClark.who had been spending some time on a visit at the home of her brother-in-law and sister,Dr.andMrs.T.D.Kitch in, left this morning for her home in Scotland Neck. Messrs. A. h,. White and Frank Gough left Monday after noon for a trip to Washington D. C. New York and other Northern cities... They .' will be away about fifteen days. Mrs. H. H. Beard, who spent a few days here at the home her brother-in-law and sister.Col and Mrs. N. A. McLean, on Elm street, left this morning for her home in Columbia, b. C PRACTICAL VALUE OF A NEWSPAPER the man of affairs, the merchant, broker, lawyer farmer ami distanced and put out of business by his more up-todateTomStitoJ m,. fim r2t0!he ST nourt decTsX e?c: -iJ larmer finds that a few dollars invested in a newsDaDer subacriD tioh enables Mm to market his products to better advInE keep n formed as to markets, croDS. and conrfitiB n :c"-J?.eA Keep, "i ten teaches him many important methods and Five Publications andf prices: THE DAILLY OBSERVER Mornings, Every day in the economies. Year, One Year $8 00 Six Months 4 00 Three Months 2 00 One Month 75 THE SUNDAY OBSERVER Every Sunday Morning One Year Six Months Three Months One Month THE SEMI-WEEKLY SERVER Twice a Week One Year Six Months Three Months One Month . $2 00 1 00 50 20 OB- $1 00 50 25 10 THE EVENING CHRONICLE Every Day Except Sunday One Year $5 00 Six Months 2 50 Three Months 1 25 One Month 50 the saturday evening chronicle; One Year $1 50 Six Months 75 Three Months 40 One Month 15 THE OBSERVER CO. Circulation Dept. No. 13. Charlotte, N. C. We send sample copies on request. Large Rattler Killed Lumber Bridge. While out Lumber Bridere way the other day Mr. R. C. Law rence, of Lumberton, saw a hugh rattlesnake which a neerro had just killed near that place. The snake was over six teet long, was as large around as a man eg, and carried 14 rattles. One is accustomed to thinking of rat ers as belonging exclusively to the mountainous portions of the btate, but it seems that they are ound occasionally in this section. -A protracted meeting will begin at the Methodist church at uie next Sunday,22d. Among the sick. At the Opera House. Mr. John Britt.of Proctorville, j The Williams Comedv ComDa- who was shot a week ago last ny is holding the boards at the evening at Proctorville by Wil- Opera House this week, present- rnrn Macon and whose right leg jng new piays every evening to was amputated rnuay at tne fairlv erood-sized aud ences.whiV.h hompson Hospital, continues to have seemed to enjoy the produc- lmprove. tions very much. Monday even- Mr. Carey Atkinson, otFroctor- iner the nlav was "Thorns anrlOr- ville.was brought to the Thomp- ange Blossom :"Tuesday eveninp-. Near Notices of New Advertisements. Leaf tobacco market. Administrator's notice. Moderately priced coat suits Frank Thornton. Thermos bottles McLean Sledge Co. Sale of land. House and lot for sale. Low rates to Veterans' Reun ion. Shoes, beauty of comfort and durability John T. Biggs & Co. Photograps, first-class and up-to-date. A gold pin found. Land near Lumberton for sale. Practical value of a newspaper. 70 Years with doughs We have had nearly seventy years of experience with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. That makes us have great con fidence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. He can advise you wisely. Keep in close touch with your family physician. No alcohol in this cough medicine. j:CJiCo.TeTCM. Be well; be strong. You cannot if your bowels are constipated. The best laxative is Ayer's Pills, all vegetable. . Ak your doctor if he agrees with us. Do a? he says. ANorth Carolina Folks": last evening under tne Laon'sraw" was presented, and this evening the bill will be "A White Slave." Saturday afternoon a matinee, which will consist of a farce comedy and vaudeville, will be given. The WilhamsComedy Company is very popular with Lumberton theater-goers and is always given good audiences. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits COMPOUNDED EVERY THREE MONTHS Robeson County Loan & Trust Company Deposits of 25 Cents and Upward will be Received by This Institution The Time to Open an Account is Now A. W. MciEAN, President. A. W. McLEAN, H. B. JENNINGS, S. A. EDMUND, OFFICERS STEPHEN MelNTYRE. Vice-President. DIRECTORS j. p. mcneill. A. T. McLEAN, tVhi.r. H. 1). CALDWELL. V- T. WILLIAMS, STEPHEN MclNTYKE. $75,000 ! To Lend. BANK LUMBERTON, Lumberton, N. C. 8-5 When In Need Of a talking machine and records, al up to date watches, gas lamps and sup plies, pocket knives, razors, folding shears, self -oiling racycles, bicycles and supplies, call at the Bicycle Store, or for wheels try the Rambler and Pierce, and why not have a Victor talking ma chine in your home and in your store. It will draw trade. U. M. EDWARDS Lumberton, N. C. 4-8 i VISIT WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH, North Carolina's Famous Summer Resort. 30 Minutes from Wilmington by Electric Car Line. Surf Bathing, Boating, Fishing Lumina, the Handsomest Pavilion in the South, IS PHEE TO ALU A Ten-Piece Orchea'tra plays at Lumina Every Afternoon and Evening1 7-19 Special Souvenir Dances at Lumina Every Week. Monday. He has SPECIAL LOW RATES VIA Seaboard Air Line to CHARLOTTE N. C. Account Confederate veterans" Annual State Reunion August 25th 26:11, 1909. TICKETS ON SALE. August 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, iau, inclusive. Tickets Limited to Return From Char lotte so as to Reach Starting Point not ivaier iiwn nuuo. v. . Under and Dy virtue ot the power D JT D,e Emm Pntiomol Pnlnte contained m a certain Deed of trust, ivuunu-uiH mi . .u.v.p. . v.-. executed to the undersigned as Trustee II Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of Raleigh $3 75 Weldon & li Warren Plains 4 40 Henderson Oxford Louisburg Frankhnton Wake Forest Norlina Wadesboro ON SAME 4 15 3 85 4 50 4 30 4 10 4 35 1 30 Apex Sanford Aberdeen So Pines Hamlet $3 20 2 90 2 30 1 2 35 1 80 OTHER BASIS FROM POINTS For further information apply 'to Local Agent or Address the undersigned. District Passenger Agent. Raleigh, N. C Mr. J.B. Tait and two sons Masters Wentworth and Lacy.of Brunswick, Ga., am vedthismorn incr and will soend some time on a visit at the home of Mrs. E. B. Tait, on Fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Battan, of Mt. Gilead, Montgomery county, will arrive this evening to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G.McKenzie,on Elm street. Mrs. Battan is a niece of Mrs. McKenzie. Mr. W. B. Snow returned this morning from Raleigh, where he went Saturday with Mrs. Snow and infant son. Master W.B., Jr, Mrs. Snow and son will spend two or three weeks in Raleigh with home folks.' Mrs. W. O.Singletary and son, Master Edgar, who had been vising at the home of Mrs.Single tnrv's father. Mr. Edgar Price, near Tnna. arrived yesterday to ioinMr. Singletary, who began work tne nrst oi uie ween. o pharmacist at the . rope urug Store. ; Beautifully Heavy fer the Rowland Building and Loan As sociation, by J. J Taylor and wife, Ada I s. Taylor, which deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of deeds of Robeson County, in Book Wilmington 4 00 of Mortgage deeds, No. 11, page 502, I' Maxton 2 JJd win sen ai pudiic auction ior casn, ai Lumberton 2 65 the court house door in Lumberton, Monroe 75 North Carolina, on Monday, the lbth Rockingham 165 day of August, 1909, the following lands in KODeson touniy, worm Caro lina, to-wit: In the town of Rowland, ihompsons township, and particularly described as follows: Bounded on the North by First North street, on the South by half (i) of lot Sixteen (16) : on the East by a 20 foot alley, and on the West by East Rail road Avenue, and better described as follows: Frontine Railroad Avenue 75 feet, and runnine back 130 feet to a 20 foot allev. being all of Lots Fourteen (14) , Fifteen (16). and half of Lot Sixteen (16). Block tr. as per plan ot the Town ofRowland.RobesonCounty.North Corohna. Said sale to be made on account of default made in the payment of debts secured by said deed of trust. . This 12th day of July, 190i. Milton Lvtch, lrustee. Rowland Building & Loan Association. McLean. McLean & Snow. Attorneys. The above sale has been continued until Monday September 6th, 1909, when it will be held at the Court House door in Lumberton, N. C, at 12 o'clock m. 8-19-2thurs. Is the basket from our Grocery. ou are delighted every time you see our delivery boy, for you know that he is bringing good things lor your enjoyment. Fresb and Attractive Stock Always ready for -our customers at bar- grain prices. Dry and t ancy Groceries, dried fruits, fancy . canned goods-all are here in abundance. J. H. Wisharl Free Delivery. Phone No. I. luo Purtu.ii7.fi1 soothes pain. In any emerevnev bruises, cuts, sores. burrw ucr.j .t Pinesalve. car- bolized, is best. Sold by J. P. McMil lan & Son. George A. Kimball, defaulting cashier of the Citizens Banking & Trust Co. of ; Southern Pines plead guilty at Carthage . Tues dav to embezzlement ancu iaisi f vine the books and records of the bank and was sentenced by Judge Adams to the penitentiary for 3 vears, Kimball is said to be in a pitiful condition, being far eone in tuberculosis, besides suffering from other ailments, TheKidneys eliminate poisons by act ing as niters for the blood. When they fail in this respect serious ailments PineuleB for the kidneys ..,Uo u aVionlH take at the first ,inr aicTi jof kidney trouble. They, 9i9t the kidneyB in expelling uric acid poison. Sold by J. D. McMillan & boa - Granulated Sore Eyes Cured. "For twenty years I suffered from a bad case jf granulated sore eyes, says Martin Boyd, of Henrietta, Ky. "In February, 1903, a gentleman asked me to try chamberlain's salve. I bought one box and used about two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since. "This salve is for sale by J D. McMillan & Son. Administrator's Notice. Haninz au alified as Administrator of Effie Ann Stone, deceased.lateof Robe son County, N. C , this is to notify all persons havi ng claims against tne es tate of the said deceased, to exniDii them to the undersiened on or before the 19th day of August, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This August 19th, 1809. ; James H. Byrd, . Administrator. C. B. Skipper, Atty. 8-19-6thurs. FOR BOWEL COMPLAINTS. . Rexall Orderlies r exceedingly pleas ant to take, and are ideal for adult or child. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. . They do not purge or cause any annoyance whatever. We will refund the money paid us for them if they do not thoroughly relieve chronic or habitual con stipation. Two sizes, loc. ane 5C j. d. McMillan & son., The Kexall Store First Large Shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Autumn and Winter Coat Suits Now in Stock To those contemplating a trip to the mountains, the North, or else where, and to every young lady making preparation for College, and to every one interested in the very Newest and Best Styles in LADIES' TAILORED AND SEMI DRESS SUITS FOR FALL, we ex tend a cordial invitation to come and see our first arrivals. These are carefully selected models from several of New York's best Tailors. Styles stamped by Dame Fashion as "the thing" for the Fall and Winter. Moderately priced, in our usual way, $ 1 2.50, $ 1 S.OO, $ 1 S.OO, $20.00, $22.50, $2S.OO to $SO.OO. New Fall Styles in Fine Dress Goods, in both Silks and Woolens, all the New Weaves and Colorings, in the very newest Fabrics. Special Attention to Complete Wedding Trousseaux. Everything needful in Ladies' Ready-to-wear Gar ments carried in stock. Samples of dress goods sent on request and Suits sent on approval to re sponsible parties. BOOKS! BOOKS!! I POPULAR COPYRIGHTS Such as The Clanman, The Leopard's Spots, ... Nedra, Beverly of Graustark, Port ff Mmmhj; Men, The House of a Thousand Candles am! numerous others in the same Class, 5ov t-arh. , Othif - good novels 10 to 25c in papT and clot h rovers. Josephus, Leather Bound, l.Ut. Bibles and Testaments 10c. to $5.1X1 Let us have your order for a Family HiLle. Star Brand Oxfords st Reduced Prices. pTIimn Rr FlrwH- IiimWtnn N f 0 Relief From Insects. Worrell's Insect Exterminator is of fered as a perfectly efficient prepation, carefully compounded by the most mod ern formula that advanced science has discovered. It combines ingredients that give it the properties not only of the best insecticides known, but also of a Germicide, Deodorizer and Disinfect ant. It does not deteriorate with age and is unaffected by climatic changes. It is always ready for use and instan taneous in its effects. It is perfectly harmless when moderately applied to man or animal, fowl, fabric, or furniture. It is wholesome and cleanly in its use and may be ecomically used and easily applied. It has a deadly enect upon all insect life. It kills the insect and storilizos its eggs. Worrell's Insect Ex terminator, where persistently usea will clear the premises of all manner of insects. This fact is testified to by thnnaarula nf inriiviHnnls. bv innumera ble managers and suDerintehdents of U public institutions and jauers ana sner-r ns, as well as by wardens ana attacn es of many federal institutions through out the land. lice on cattle, horses and dogs without the least injury to the animal. 4th. It is the best disinfectant on the market for jails, penitentiaries and workhouses, also wards in hospitals and asylums where foul air exists. - 5th. It excels as a disinfectant in sick rooms, as it will purify the air and kill disease gerrns without nauseating the patient. 6th. lhe goods are ever ready lor use. There is a wholesome effect from inhaling the vapor while using the goods, 7th. Our goods will not rust steel bed-springs or corrode any kinds of I metals. Bth. It will not spot or stain Bheets, mattresses, fabrics of any kind, or the finest polished or varnished furniture. 9tb. - It is non-explosive, does not freeze or deteriorate with age. 10th. It satisfies everyone and grat ifies ail expectations. 11th. Sure death for ants and roacn- Wby oar Insecticide, Germicide and Disinfectant Excels all Otbers. 1st. It kills bed bugs and tall other insects and sterilizes their eggs. 2nd. It will rid wardrobes and car pets ot moths. 1 It will kill ana aescroy neas anu j appiy me "M"1" Small Sprayers. With each bottle of Worrell's Insect. Exterminator an ingenious small tin sprayer is furnished free, and is used by inserting the long arm of the spray er clear down to the bottom of the bot tle and blowing vigorously into the fun nel shaped end. This diseminates the contents of the bottle in vapory parti cles, and may be blown out tenor twelve feet wherever it is desired to 3rd. McLean-Sledge Co, Sole Agents. Buggies, Carriages, Your Eyes. Very few people know the important feature of having a glass made for their eyes. This will be explained "to your satisfaction by addressing or calling to see Dr. D. M. McDonald. Red Springs N. C. No glasses sold from stock. 8-12 F r a II I! FAYETTEVILLE, Thornton - - n. c. jn Advertise Jn THE ROBESON IAN. Large and Complete Stock, High and Medium Grades, Every Vehicle Guaranteed, Big Bargains in Harness Goods, Attractive Prices and Terms. We want to do business with you. Respectfully, C M. FULLER & SON; M0-tf LUMBERTON, N. C 9 ,