THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. Save a few dollars and deposit . with us from lime to time, and the way it grows will sur prise you. In our SAVINGS DEPART MENT we pay ;4 per cent, interest compounded every 3 months. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus - 60,000.00 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, Fayetteville, N. C. 1 1. W. Lilly, Jno. O. Ellington, President. V. Pres.& Cashier. J. H. Hightower, Ass't Cashier. I Hold Yourself Erect ! ii S This cut represents the Ideal Shoulder Brace for Ladies and Gentlemen. SOLD ONLY BY he Pope Drug Company, Inc., "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY," Lumber ton, N. C. E E ! NEW PRESSES GOOD WORK YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. sFREEMAN1PRINTINGCO LUMBERTON, N. C. Littleton Female College, One of the most successful and best equipped boarding schools in the South, with hot water heat, electric lights and other modern improvements. 2Klh annual session will begin Sept. 15th, 1909. orc-nUDf i alUvm J W. Sill 12 i, Pivii 1 I; ii 17 :im Donaldson Military School, APreparalory School That Prepares. PRINCIPALS S. M. REED, J. M. McFALL. " :"ta,"elu'' Fayetteville, N. C. EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Training School. Established and maintained by the State for the young men and women who wish to qualify themselves for the profession of teach ing. Huildings and equipment new and modern. Sanitation ner-fi-ri. ' SESSION OPENS OCTOBER 5th, 1909. For prospectus and information, address ROBT. II. WRIGHT President, f.reenville, N. C. 7-12-tf VIRGINIA & CAROLINA SOUTHERN R. R. IN CONNECTION WITH THE ATLANTIC COAST LIIVE. TO THE North and East t840pm fJ.Wam !M0pm 1050 am 100:ipm!1110am lOLjpmi 1125 am u) nop ml 1205 pm iivamj :(4pm 241 am! 500 nm Lv Ar Lv Ar Lv Ar Ar ::.) nil ! Lumberton.N 0, V&CS.Ar; 705pm Ar Hope Mills Hope Mills Fayetteville fayetteville Rocky Mount Weldon Petersburg !Lv! ACL'Arl " iLv! " iArl !Lvi 630 pm: 730 am t530pmj t630am 4 58pm; 417am 445pm 400am 435pm) 120am 100pm; 1033pm iLvl 11 35 a ml iLv! 913am i 15a mj '720 p in LvlPetersburg S J;l.mL-9lP.PIAI.Norfolk o w u mijTi Jtienmonrt llftOpm A r; Washington nc W S Lv 1 luain Ar.Baltimore Md PRRiLv! lijflomlApiir DU:i.l,!L- . . "in : " i uiiuutfiuma. 5 10 am 840am 1002a i.i 1223 pn, 1 p m N & w Ar: ' Lv! ACLLv 935pm 747pm 730 am C30am 610am 555am 1125pm 750pm 624 pm 410pm . 30 a in 4 50 pm 355 am: 7 Wain! 920 a m! 150 pm' Ar'New York ' Lv: Favetteviiip "'" 805prn,Ar:Wilmiinrtnti 445pmLv!Fayettevilie"" 4 58pm'Lv;Hope Mills 7 35 p m I Ar ; Florence 1125pmAr'Charleston 22)am!Ar:Savannah 7 15 a'mlAr Jacksonville ACL ACL! Lv Lv Ar Lv Ar Lv Lv Lv! Lv! Lv! 815am 420am 246am 1219am 925pm 11 45 am 840am ii'58am 1144 am 915am 510am 1215 am 745 pm 617pm 4 30pm 710 pm! 330 pm 335pm! 1115am 210pm! 945am 1139am! 720am 925 pm! lOSOp'm j" 822pm ! 515pm ! 105pmi 850am i ) Daily, (f) Daily execept Sunday. For further information, tickets, etc., call on E. B. Huggins, Ticket Agent, V. & C. S. Lumberton, N. C. W. J. Craig, Passenger Traffic Mgr. Immgton, ou CN.Blue, Gen. Mgr. V. & C. S. Aberdeen, N C, T. C. White, Gen. Passenger Arrant Atlantic Coast L'ne Railroad. " ' N. C. The September Everybody's. Everybody's September num ber opens with a quaint child's, story, "Happiness," by Mary Raymond Shipman . Andrews. This delicate little yarn is a long way from Mrs. Andrew's famous story of a clergyman's adven tures with a humorously intoxi cated college friend, said to have been taken from an experience f hpr brother's, the Rev. Percy Shipman. But although in her new form Mrs. Andrews strikes; no note of fun, she does touch a note of human feeling that will linger just as long in the mem ory. And Blanche Greer's pic tures are what in one of Emily Post's novels surely would be de scribed as ' 'delectable. ' ' If there are no comic situations here, the deficiency is made up in the suc ceeding pages byL. Frank Tooker in his sketch, "A 1 )ay Off, "which recounts the doings of a Tam many picnic. And it goes to nrove that being an editor of The Century, as Mr. Tooker is, neither confines him to a "high brow" aloofness from the home ly things of life, nor makes him "stand offish"with a rival pub lisher. Robert Dunn's "Semper Spar ling" is quite thrilling as fiction, but the story will be recogniz ed as a patriotic plea for a merchant marine. And it is convincing. Porter Em e r s o n Browne, who wrote the much dis cussed play, "A Fool There Was," contributes "The Mellowdram mer, "a laughable satire on his own profession. In"TheDryad of Barell Lane" Walter Prichard Eaton has pro duced one of those light, exquis itely handled love stories of his which carry a flavor of distinc tion all their own. "The Tilting Island"is a scientific horror story of New York devastated by one end sinking into the sea of its own weight. Of articles, the one not printed presents the most striking possi bilities. "This is "The Beast and the Jungle," the life story of Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of the Children's Court of Denver. A forewprd.byHarvey J.O'Higgins, forecasts with some fervor the nature of the work, and next month we are to have the begin nings of a statement from the inside showing how courts and juries are controlled by corpora tions. Forrest Crissev's "CooDeration Close to the Soil" is the sequei to uia auuums me tiann mar IS STILL A REBEL Georgia Confederate Veteran Says He Has Never Taken Oath of Allegiance to the Unit ed States and Never Will. Ai'.'.nta Dispatch. ri-:t. They have discovered a real rebel, an unreconstructed rebel, in Atlanta. He isCol. G. N. Saussy. of Sylvester. Govenor Brown re cently named Colonel Saussy a colonel on the Govenor's ner- sonal staff, and the Adju tant General mailed the old soldier his commission togeth er with an oath of allegiance to the State of Georgia and the United States. Colonel Saussy made a few changes in the commission and more in the oath. He erased the word blue wherever it appeared in the regulations for the uni form and substituted the word "gray." Then he erased the oath to the Federal constitution and wrote "I except to the twelfth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments. I am a Confeder ate soldier, still on parole and while pledged not to again bear arms against the United States, I still retain the views I had when I entered the Confederate army. I have never taken the oath of allegiance to the United States and while God gives me life I never will." Feeds," and is, in effect, a rous mg cneer tor the new organiza tions by which the farmers pro pose to meet trust methods with methods of trust. "What Shall We Do With the 01d?"is given the place of honor on the title page in the line "Is an Old Mother Less Precious Than an Old Soldier?" The prob lem of dignified old age, with some measure of independence, is one that troubles the sleep of half of humanity. But in our bust ling country we see-in to have left it to solve itself, while in Europe statesmen, employers and, above all the people, have combined to find at least a partial solution. ,E. Alexander Powell's article, ' i he Romance of the Mission ary," credits the spread of the gospel with the spread also of health to the heathen and wealth to our merchants. GENERAL NEWS. Attend To It Now. September should see your Cemetery lot beau tified. Let us erect a monument before the snows come. We will give careful attention to any order, large or small. And in dealing with us you deal direct. NO AGENTS commissions and expenses to pay. EFIRD & DEES The Marble Men. Launnburg, ... N. C. Your Eyes Are one of the most delicate parts of me nunian uouy ana snouid not be neg lected. If you have anv nf tha vi nur. ing symptoms your eyes should be ex- ciiuiueu at mice; Do you suffer from headache? Do vou have nains in vnnr Do you have floating snots before Does reading matter run together? Are you sleepy while reading-' EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. D. M. McDonald, 8"9 Red Springs, N. C. CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOOL Shorthand, B jokkeeping. Da Penmanship TvDewritinc. Qrtunlal V.. , ,. a T-k . . k,F.iai ncjiBruiury uepartment; uay ""u "igui. oessious; opienuia r qu p- ment; Rates Reasonable. For terms, etc., address OWEN C. ROGERS, Principal, Hope Mills, N. C. 8-16-tf mi. .i . ; . . xne aesign ior the monument to tne women of the Lost Cause nas been completed. It is th work ot Miss Bel e Kinnpv n J v wasnviile, Tenn., and has been accepted by several States. It is probable that all the States that ieit tne union m the civil war win adopt the design and that replicas of the design will be placed in the capitols of each Thesession of theGeorgiaGener- aiAssembly which closed recentlv accomplished little real work and threatened much freak lesrisla tion. There are 20,000 illiterates in tne btate, but a compulsory cuucauon mil did not reach nearing in either house. Among freak bills introduced was one to prevent "females over the age 'r,' not circus riders", from naing astride.. ,,Last week acting Secretary of U1C vy wmtnrop published his approval of the findings of the court of inquiry that Lieut. James . outton, Jr., of the United Mates marine corps, was direct ly ana solely resnonsihlp fn- h;a J..11 . . "o uwn ueam at Annano s noai-iv incident so far as the Navy De partment is concerned. LIS r OF LETTERS. Remaining in tho T.nrru N- .rr. . "CI toil POStofficp. Ano- 9Q innn it not Called for m nno nrlr :n be sent to the BeaA TtQ .""""ku, u- v.. parties call ing will please say advertised. Dennis Barrot, Mrs. S.A.Bliss, Miss Georgia Dunham,- Charlie1 N. Edwards, Miss Maggie Ed wards, Miss Lula Fisher. Daniel t & JyIes "ogger, Mrs Louise Thaxton. Typewriters Of All Makes Sold, Exchanged and Rented. Easy Payments. S. H. HAMILTON, Local Agent. YOUNG MEN, LEARN TELEGRAPHY! TELEGRAPH OPERATORS ARE IN GREAT DEMAND!! Boys, this is your opportunity to learn a first-class trade that pays a good salary every month m the year. There will be a greater demand for Telegraph Operators this Fall and Winter than there has been for many years past. The nrominpnt ;i r5als Tfrthe South and other parts ot the United States are writine- u ai v as manv imimnn.. j 7 J"""& '"en i ewu cnaracter ior their ser yiee as we possibly can. We trust Liiat tne reliable, ambitious boys ui. uie ooutn wi II raUv somen opportunity. I 111 V ctllrlnnin I ' n omuciiia quaiuy ior ser vice in oniv ronr tn riv j. j. inuiiLiia. e guarantee nositions anA , . m. v-l I CbUU ",uulu' Crty ana pleasant work noi-rvKmAvi l ' einpiovment: ranM promotion. Our tuition is rpfl.?nnnKio-Koj at Jow rates; Newnan is extreme- j wsuuiiui; nne climate; excel once for our new illustrated cata- A letter or postal will brin it. IT IS FRrcrc. Southern School of TeWranhv Box 272. NEWNAN GEOgPa' 8-9-10mon, e member The Big Sa e Is Still Going On at our Store and if you want to Share in the BARGAINS that are BEING GIVEN in Summer Goods you MUST COME QUICK. If you don't believe we can SAVE YOU MONEY Just COME AND BE CONVINCED. I Remain Your Friend, A. WEINSTEHN. 4-l.r The King'CIothier and Ladies' Dresser. Spring and Summer .Goods! We have a Complete Line of Spring and Summer Ready - to - Wear Garments, For both Ladies and Gentlemen. Bathing Suits, Hats, Shoes, and most EVERYTHING needed in the home. In Furniture We have Hammocks, Rocking gChairs, Couches, Etc., which we will sell you for Cash or on the Installment Plan. Don't Fail to give us a call. We have NEW GOODS coming in almost DAILY, and can give you BARGAINS in any Goods needed in our line. Blacker Brotttoers 3-4-thurs LUMBERTON, N. C. 9 The Seaboard Tour. TT7 1 i v ii m wasnmgton, .Niagara 'alls, Toronto, Thousand Islands, Montreal Quebec Down Lake George and Champlain and Four Days in New York City, at Very Attractive Rates. Leaves September 1st Personally Conducted by Mr. C. H. Gattis. The Seaboard announces their sec ond Annual Tour, personally conduct ed, by C. H. Gattis, DistrictPassenger Agent, chaperoned by Mrs. C. H. Gat tis, same being under their personal su pervision, through the North and Can ada, taking in all the principal and most attractive Resorts in the East, leaving Raleigh September 1st, via Portsmouth Norfolk, Old Point Comfort, up the his toric Potomac to Washington, thence through Baltimore, Philadelphia and the scenic Lehigh valley to Niagara Falls, Toronto, taking in the Grand Toronto Exhibition, through the Thou sand Islands, down the St Lawrence River to Montreal and Quebec, return ing via Lake George and Lake Champ lam through Saratoga and Albany to New York, where four days will be spent. The cost of trip will include railroad, steamship and Pullman fares, transfers, hotel accommodations, side trips, etc., as shown in itinerary in fac t will in clude practically every necessary ex pense with the exception of a few meals n route and' while in New York city, and is made at the lowest possible amount. Thii route Jias been selected after t h n mnaf no ..r,,1 . : .1 .. . . v mciui cunsiuerauon, giving the best advantage for sight-seeing at most interesting points. Sufficient length ot time will be spent at all stop-over points for sight-seeing and all arrange ments made for the pleasure and com fort of the party. aC' J1' .,r,sJttis' District Passenger Agent, will devote his entire time to the party and will look after all neces sary details, etc., for the comfort and pleasure of all and this is assured as the Seaboard has had considerable ex rTin hndlinS these tours, as any uho ha? been with em in the past will be glad to tell you 1 Mr and Mrs. Gattis will be assisted thd descriptive literature relative to rou over which party will travel, etc., will Snjof s2amTtS POStage t0 COVer The party is fast filling up and those des, to join should make r ??a tion without delay. reerra- C. H. Gattis, d. p. a. Raleigh, N. C. BETWEEN A MCe f Wilmington and Hamlet And Change of Schedule May!j2nd ' -ON- Seaboard Air Lin On Trains Nos. 44 and 45. W ith change of schedule on May 2nd Local Pullman Si,.,., ; be established on above trains between Hamlet and wiln,;,. . ar -W sengers at Wilmington 9:00 p. m.; leaving at 3:00 n m 11 " " C'1 7:00 a. m.. connecting with through trains for At!:i:-t:.' "r , Hm and the West, Jacksonville, Charlotte, Rutherfordtiin ' i"i ""' '; 1 M.. ' Norfolk, Washington and New York. '"!.. ry ;Mj!. Ii RETURNING: Leave Hamlet 8:20 n. m.. after arrival of train fr lotte, and Noh. 41 and 43 from the North, trivit-tr n- SHORE travel to Wrightsville Heach this .Summer. '"1:'-s"" Ciiv .. Virginia & Carolina Southern Railroad Co Time Table No. 4. In Effect 12.01 a. m., July4h, 1909. Between Lumberton and Hope Mills, NORTHBOUND (Daily Except Sunday) Lv Subscribe For "Hie RoDesonlan. R- M. Norment, P. M. Cored Hay Fever and So miner Cold. A. S. Nusbanm. Batesvin inA-.n wntes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer nM " . ing that it interfered wiih m7busineS3 1 had many of the symptoms of hly fltor Weription d ------ j vaj, ana i took several medicines which seemed only to a Jara vafe it. Fortuuatelv I inil.IL gfirra" having P6ley'sHonaeyanWa? S1?qS ly cured me. Mir u ' . 11 1u1ck- People with chronic bronchitis aath ma and lung trouble, will find I S5af re-" hef and comfort in Foley's hpv orfn mgjo take it at once. Sold by all drut- The merchant Who HfWiBn't vertise stands in his own hVht $100 Reward 910T Tk i ... pleased to learn that the'res at leasi uioeaae mat science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh cure" s tht POfVtive cure now known to the medical fraternity, catarrh beimr a constitutional, requfres a c0"? stitutional treatment. Hall's catarrh SE?"? "00JUld Ju 8urfaceS oJT foundltioTof thTdLarS"! ivSl ,?i8 MP the asaiakiiiir nature in tin. Sff,th ,n its c,irati Powers toal -f offer one Hundred Doflars for any Q Address F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Sold by all Druggists, 75c. tion? Pam,ly 14118 for constipa- fturM CsldM Prtventa PBsunsBla Ar Lv Lumberton, Bee Gee, Powers, Woodmore, Roziers, St Pauls, Oakland, McMillan, uosiin, No. 64 9.5o a m 9.58 " lo.oS " lo.lS " lo.20 " lo.25 " lo.So " 10.35 " Io.4o ' Hope Mills, lo.5o SOUTHBOUND (Daily Exeept Sunday) No. 78 8.4o p m 8.48 8.55 9.o5 9.10 9.15 9.20 9.25 9.30 9.4o Ar Hope Mills, Roslin, McMillan, Oakland, St. Pauls, Roaiers, Woodmore, Powers, Bee Gee, Lumberton, No. 65 5.3o p m 5.4o " 5.45 " 5.5o " 5.55 " 6.oo " 6.o5 " 6.15 " 6.22 " 6.3o " No. 79 6 3o a m 6 4o 6 45 6.5o 6.55 7.oo ' 7.o5 7.15 ' 7.22 ' 7.3o ' No. 5, local freight and passenger. M-n oCepc aunday) 'eaves Ifope sjl in. ex i i i vii u- Mr i .11 wi f-km-n. at 2.20. tun No. 6 local freight and passeneer (daily exceDt Sundav Icq ton 8.oo a m, arriving at Hope Mills at p m. SHUR-ON "BLUR" fT,oiS W?rd is used bv People coming to us perhaps more than unrilr.n,, 'S? er conditions. The meaning of this word u ; plain to us all, and when you hear it vou knnw ;v, you Something is not clear, a mist, cloudy ?-7i?kyV8hady' and 68 some say inky a little obscured. All ''J.'' a Brought about by poor eyesight or as t is usually expressed, everything his become BLUR'D. We often makl things clear to our nat j .l f"aKe understand this difficult ""TS psee us. J EYES EXAMINED FREE. Dr. VINEBERG, At Kingsbury's Drug Store, Masonic wi TemPle. a aA i Wlmmgton, N. C. 8 24tf Inserted Without Pain. Raleigh and Charleston Railroad Time TabI No. 7. Taklno Elfecl Sunday. May 2nd. 1909, al 6 A. M. SOIITH BOUND. ISO. i Lv. Lumberton, !' Pope Kingstlale, " Proctorv-ille, " Barnes ville, " Flowers, " Marietta. Holmesville, Ar Lv. Ar Pages M; Kern pei . May, Mellier, Squires, Fork, Ziou, Kcgers, Marion, Marion, Rogers, Ziou, Fork, Squires, Mellier, May, Kemper, Pages Mill, Holmesville, Marietta, Flowers, I'arnesville, Proctorville, Kingsdale, Pope, Lumberton, 10.55 11.03 " 11.20 " 11.37 " 11.43 11.49 " 11.54 " 12.00 " 12.06 " 12.09 12.11 " 12.14 " 12.17 12 26 " 12.a5 " 12.50 " No. 2. 3.30 p 3-44 ' 3-50 ' 4 00 4.03 " 4.06 ' 4.09 ' 4.12 4 17 " 4 27 ' 4 35 " 4 42 " 4.52 " 5.06 ' 5.20 " 5-25 " 5.40 ' No. 5. 1-30 p in x.40 " ' 2.10 " ' 2.28 " 2.50 ' 3.00 " 3.22 " 3- 33 " 340 " 4- i2 " 42o ' 4.25 " 4 45 " 5- 00 5.IS " 5-25 " 5.50 " I. No. 6. 1 6.40 a m 7.00 ' 7.10 " 7-33 " i 7-37 " 7.41 " 7-45 " 7 52 " 758 " 8.10 ' 8.30 " 8.40 8 55 -9-15 " 945 " 10.00 " 10.45 " irain Nos. 1 and 2 run Jno. Skelton Wihiams, Pres. A. BOYD. Ccn . JJ' Pain. : "".srai.j uruises. puta In burns, scratches, eVCp' bolized, is best. urn & 55on. Sold by J. D. MeMM- 111 1 K Between Safety and DattRer ....maii secures the protection of FIRF. INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable m per a man has is a policy in a jrood com pany. We represent some of b companies in existence. They tTv rP4iUnd,h0,Kb,yan 'ossJinfur! dti;.re daT yOU m"y sorry yon airtn't let us writ l j 3 3 J-" J 1.V-UMJT, 1-9 Q. T. iX AMS. 1 Wilmington and Johnson CaZ .45 1 no. 41 iuy. I ' " iiamietaiiii wii ' ra'n l.,.tW( With change of sohedule No?. 44 and 45 will h,. f,r 1. . n,lnior. No. Leave Wilmington, Lumberton, Hamlet, Charlotte, Bostic, Johnson City, Ar 3:00 a m 5.30 7:25 " 105 " ive Johnson Citv ISOstir. Charlotte. Arv Ilainlnl 2:00 p m ! Leave Lumber). ,1, 8:05" lArv Wilmin .'. 4 t Only Slight Changes in Nos. 39 No. 39 Leave Wilmington, .1.20 pm Lumberton, 5.51 " Arv Hamlet, 7:30 " " Charlotte, 11:20" No. 4 will continue to connect with :t:.v. I' I unci 40 No. 40 Ieave Charlotte Hamlet. ' Lumberton. Arv Will 'llniliigtori. Ar'rtxj D..4 1 IT T . .. ."-..Hl IOI uciwcfii rauiiiuc uiui mtiiuei inos. , anil ,M Will take tl . 41 on following schwlules: I-'av.Hvi,. lll:4( 37 Leave Hamlet. Arv Alonroe. - II III: r .. No. 36 Leae Monroe, 7:05 a m Arv Haiblet, 8:50 " No. will not connect with No. 38 at Hamlet and uass. Hamlet will be handled on No. 06 and No. 3(5 will handle Vi New York, on No. 66 North of Hamlet. Ml XTk iirMI . . ...1 a. 1 1 1 ... iw. u. ui uc uaicu un pracutaiiy same schedule as No ji 1 . let and Monroe and will go through to Birmingham, handling si . Hji New York and Birmingham. nanming M,.,.M.r No change of Nos. 32 and 33. Nos. 43 and Nos. 57 and 58 between Hamlet and Columbia will be du.v.r.7 K' V'1 andst K:ir. K-rs fr v...., Itirini,.'.,. and 133 will be discontinued between Mouroe and 1 Charlotte "n "'T,' ing place of these trains and will handle the Charlotte and iw. : Slllouth :w Rutherfordton and ( ,;, arl.,iir w between Charlotte and Hamlet. Shoe Fly train will be established between following schedule: Leave Rutherfordton, 7:00 am Leave' Charlotte Arv Charlotte, 10:30 " Arv Rutherfordton !tt.t ChStte2 53 b'tWePn AtIUnta H"d Mnroe willh'--"'l'lthr.H,1, C II. GATTIS, District Passenger Ag't-nt UALHlCH. N.V. SEABOARD AIR LINE. Schedule Effective May 2nd, 190'j. Quickest Line with Double Daily Service to New Yart, Washington. Florida Points, Charlotte, Atlanta. Birm ingham, Memphis, New Orleans and all Points West. Local Sleeper on 44 and 45 between Wilmington and Hamlet On 44 arriving in Wilmington at 12:30 a. m. passengers can remain in car until 7:00 a. m.; on 45 leaving Wilmington at :hhi a. m. sleeper will be open at 9:00 p. m. Nos. 44 and 45 will be Operated Through to Johnson City. Berth Rate Hamlet to Wllmluyton $1.50. Double Daily Service with HIGH-BACK-SEAT-COAt'HKS PULLMAN SLEEPING and DINING CARS. Trains Leave Lumberton as Follows: WESTBOUND v No. 45, 5:30 a. m. No. 39, 5:51 p. lu. No. 40, l():4u a. m. No. 44, S.:Vi u. ai. We operate Double Daily Vestibule Service, ith through Pullman Sleeping Cm, &JHaZ tlanT,ta;. Birmingham, Memphis, PorLsi.ioutli-No.Ml Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. For Time Tables, Booklets, Reservations or any iuformation relativr toSw tial Rates and Routes, call ou MARVIN BEVERLY, Agent, or a.I.hets 6-2 C. H. GATTIS. District Passen No. 4, Tucker Buihling, Kalcixb, N r. These Shears , t V f fll1 ln I I 'if li'. : M I m W Free! The "Conway" Adjustable Tension' Shears Free lo Robesonian Subscribers. The Tension Spring Attachment do-s away with resharpening entirely and enables the user to set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may'be cut with perfect ease. The ten sion spring takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically in destructible. A simple turn of the lit tie thumb-screw, shown in the illustra tion, tightens up the blades as e )ry & may be desired. GUARANTEED- The quality of the material and work manship in this pair of Shears is Guar anteed to be irst-Class, and the Shears are easily worth seventy-five rent-. How to Get the Shears. Penew your Subscriptionjto The Rob esonian forja year in advance or sub seribe, paying a year in advance, and get a pair of these ShearsJAKSOI.I Tlv LY FREE. Robesonian Publishing f nmnanv. Lumberton, N. C. W. J. Reaves Mnrhi v MVIU14V Wilmington, N. C. General Machine Shops and foundries You We 1-JU-tbuH READ can get your work done promptly and at reasona ble Drices if voi 1 mnA ... Guarantee Satisfaction. "kobEsonian business builders