HE ROBESONiAlf Jl gstablished 1370. Country, God and Truth. Single .ipies Five Cents. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, OCTOBER IS, I9;v VOL XL NO. 69. WHOLE NO. 2504 A NOTABLE OCCASION R MEETING OJ- CAMP POPE. lV - ' ' cial and Industrial A Mr. J. :.f Commer- Ciub Ac- A. Taylor, A Good a Profitable and En Occasion Many Ad- Many BOND ELECTION CALLED. IN SOCIAL REALMS. LOCAL BRIEFS. etcrana in Lumbcrtoii i Rofees)n to Voie November 26th ; Young Matrons' Club Entertain-' License PROFESSIONAL CARDS has dresseu vy of Vilrr.inyto: Speech ioyable Anions to Club Membership Tluit was .Mic) was hcifl m . oni of the Lumbt -al un-1 Industrial Hv evening, wher. , Hen uiyior. i Saturday Will go in a Body to Wilmington Taft Day Recitation by Mrs. Poole and Address by Dr. Norment. Unite a crowd of veterans at- on Issuing Bonds for the South Atlantic Trans-Continental Railroad. been issued lor the marriage of Wihuer Hodjrin and VV. 0. Williams. MV. V t. K I'll JT, vi:o ti ar.u HOUlbl sireat number 01 V.ommeice. aric.re.ss- ie crowd ot the "Miitii lut Wil l!s H. Pope held in the opera house Saturday. The meeting was called to order at 11 clock a. in. by Commander J. A. Mc Allister. About the only busi ness of importance transacted was the decision of the camp to go in a bodv t Wilmington No vember 1. 'fair Day there. Ad jutant M. ( !. MeKenzie was in- inviU-u j.;'. estsjs'iTu tLnl u obtain a special coach ! In v;vs a of and make all other necessary ar- meetintr, enjoyed, '..v. reading am Cum nit r Club Thurs Fresidetit J. 'ton ed by Mrs. L. T. Townsend. Mrs. L. T. Tovnsend entertain ed the Yountr ?vbun.?w' (inl Tm;rsay afternoon at her home'oame to Lumberton several :m the corner of Seoi.n.-i nnri VVal-i nionths ago as stenographer for A special meeting oi' the county ;nu streets. Gutsts were met at!tne Lumberton Cotton Mi!!s,!eft commissioners was held Fridav ! h,p ((. .r ,v V-;f ;nn Mt ! Friday for Houston, Texas, where and an election was Mary McNeill Wilm s called for the j an, 2oth day ot November next tolerenbv vote on issuing bonus lor the the feoutn Atlantic iranscununeniai j y decorated m ferns and cut I a - i" v. nywt!. iivit. ivus Jessie rui- build from tne coal r.ekls of Ten-j if.r nrpsided at the v.im-h hrm-1 nessee to Southporr, at the mouth anri disnei'sed deiicions nnnph MISS HELEN STAIN BACK, public stench: i:aphki:. Desk in Southern Express G dice. Will call a: private tlices for work. 10-14-lm. hbrar ul were ush-i ne nas accepted a position. iss Rebecca Ward into) West-bound passenger train which was beautiful-1 Xo. 45. due in Lumberton at 5:30 m., wasVtelaved yesterdav on -om tne coal nekls of Ten- ier presided at the punch bowl tie at Croniy. aout ten miles to bouihporN at the moutn and dispensed delicious nunch. 1 from Wilmington and did not WOODBERRY LENNON ATTOKNEY AT LAW Lumbertorj, N. C. Of:kc over l'ot O.Sice. L-cSt ton VilrniiiKton and Lumu-, t .n ,mv: thev tan be Advanced iieidiwd. ' ' As one of the results .,' that meeting the membership the club has been increased iron) oS to 50; and as another re lilt the enthusiasm of its mem Icrs to work with an eye single the advancement or the interests ot Lumber has been increased, small, ujny and laughable efforts to Knock and stand in the way dis turbing not at ail. A committee appointed at a previous meeting of the executive i-ommittee of the club met Mr. Taylor at the train andat'er driv xtr over the town with Col. N. A. McLean and Mr. R. D. Cald well he was taken to the homeot Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Parmele, on KUn street, where he was enter tained while here, Mrs. Parmele being a cousin of Mr. Taylor. At 7 o'clock Mr. Parmele entertain ed at a stag dinner the gentle men named above and other members of the committee ap pointed f .v the occasion Messrs. K. M. biggs, R. E. Lee and J.A. Sharpe- and Rev. A. E. Baker. Owine to the fact that this oc casion was so thoroughly enjoyed that the passing of time was for gotten, the hour tor tne meeting it the club room was passed be fore the members of the party fir rived there. Immediately af ter their arrival Mr. R. D. Cald well, president of the club, called the meeting to order, reviewed the organization of the club, call ed on Rev. A. E. Baker to lead in riraver. and turned the meet- uiid rangements and tion oi j meeting thpsp ot the Cape rear river. It will be recalled that Col. A. Jones, of Waynesville, who; darling dream the constru this road is, addressed a of business men in Lumberton on the 5th inst. and at Maxton on the Gth, securing enough signers to a petition for the commission ers to call the election. That is, it was thought that enough sign ers had been secured, as 80 names i appeared on the petition, but law j When u!l nail retirf-d to the par , lor.acorn-shaped booklets, giit- M lettered with and to invite the members of all other camps to go with this camp. Alter the business meeting Mi-s. J. R. Poole entertained the veterans with a recitation, "Mu sic on the Rappahannock,' which was exceedingly wed ren- ; requires a petition of this nature dered and very much enjoyed, , t0 signed bv 50 freeholders. Miss Lau a Norment playing pi-; and when the names were can ano accompaniment where music vassed it was found that there was called for. Dr. ii, M. Nor- were onv 49 freeholders among merit tnen delivered an aauress j the go. so it was necessary to se-! overturned basket of nuts, some ?,K;laichHraetroa'r-!Cure another name, which was j in burrs, being especially pretty. liusn.rope.in wnose nonor tne , done. Miss RcAoon Ward rovo ,uh The proposition is to ouild a road from Knoxville, or the coal i fields of Tennessee, connecting the words "Octo- nuts , were distributed, containing .raestions the answers to which were different kinds of nuts. Mesdames A. H. McLeod, J. R. Poole, Irvin Jen kins and T. C. Johnson correctly answered every question. In the cut for the prize, a beautiful hand-painted picture of a basket of nut s. Mrs. Johnson won. A salad course and cream and cake were served in the dining room, which was lovely in its de corations of autumn leaves, the table, witn its centerpiece and Dr. W. O. EDMUND Veterinary Surgeon. Ma'iufaotur.'r of kcro Reriittiies. Lumber tun. N. C. i reach here until about 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. - A lire oroke out in tne en-, gine rooni of the cotton millat St. i Pauls Friday night about mid- j Caiis iiik-Ji.roj.-ii.-jy. :,'...n.-Xo.3-. night but it was extinguished! - before any material damage was j DR. J. J. CROWE, done. When the alarm was given ! many people turned out of their i EYE specialist 1 1 1 A-l 1 . . 1 ! oeus anu mere was consiueraoie t Willbr in hi.-; office Tut excitement tor a while. A joint meeting of the town commissioners and the graded school trustees will be held tomorrow- evening, and some time this week a representative of the Bell Telephone Co. will appear before the commissioners in re gard to a franchise for that COm- j Prompt attention given to all busi'ifi-a. v "k r m. camp is named, ur. xxorment was r-tirred with deep emotion while speaking of this gallant vouth and the days or the war emotion which found quick and sympathetic response in the hearts of ids hearers. The speak er knew Cant. Pope when he first came to Lumberton in 18ol,when that boy who gave his life to tne Confederacy was only 7 or 8 years old, . Capt. Pope entered Trinity College when only 12 yeaisold and two years later went to the Military Institute at Charlotte, where he was under Gen. D. IL Hill. After the bat tle of Bethel he was sent to Yorktowp to drill troops. Speak ing of his gallantry Dr. Norment told of a brave deed at Charles ton, at Fort Wagner. The Con federate force had only one gun that could reach the enemy, who had 90 guns that could reach the there with roads to the North- West, to Southport, which is to be made a great seapo. t, the counties through which the road passes to vote bonds in the sum cf $3,000 for every mile of road within their borders, these bonds to be exchanged for stock in the road. Col. Jones has secured the endorsement of the State Le isla ture for the plan. Wherefore the county commis- pleasure by her music. Mrs. Towmsend proved herself an ideal hostess and this was one of the most enjoyable meetings the club has ever held. iavsatu! Satur day over First National Uavk. i'-27 D. i Shaw, T. L. Johrson. SHAW & JOHNSON, Attorneys and Couseliers at Law.'. LUMBERTON. N. C Practice in State ami Federal CourU. Large Crowd to Fayetteville This Evening to see the Famous Play, "The Lyon and the Mouse." A large crowd of Lumberton people will go to Fayetteville to see the "The Lyon and the TjT1 ' rY i r TI Till V Y TMn!Al1 f rtil V 11 J 1 a j , HiVll Will KJC UlCiltCU uIa "r;Lra3 Perhaps nev vember next to vote on the ques tion of whether or not Robeson oounty shall issue bonds in the sum of $3,000 for every mile of per cent, interest, to be issued at Confederate fort. The Confed-jthe completion of ten-mile sec erate flag was shot down and Capt. Pope called upon two men to assist him and in the face of what looked like certain death ing over to Col. N. A. McLean, mounted the sand who was ma3ter ot ceremonies replaced the nag. battery and He was an and who said a few words about exceedingly bright boy who gave the purposes ot the club, which promise of writing his name high are not purely social, but to make on the scroll of fame had his life Lumberton the livesttown in the not been snuffed out at the bat State. In introducing the speak- tie of Drury's Blutf in May, 'G'1, ?r of the evening Col. McLean when he was only about 21 years .aid that if Mr. Taylor could old. His last resting place is not speak with the same force and known. lucidity with which he writes a Dr. Norment closed his ad treat was in store, dress with an exauisitelv beauti- And Mr. Taylor demonstrated ful and touching tribute to home disability to do that, giving his which was nothing short of a audience a treat indeed and open- poem in prose, .ing eyes to the possibilities for A rlsins vote of tbanks was development, for this town and tendered Mrs. Poole and Dr. Nor- sectipn. It is cause for regret ment and the meeting, which tnat his speech cannot be report- ,ma t.homnahlv ornmhlo .aB fn4lly,as -t. Reserves to be. was brought to a close. Mr. laylor said that he accept- . - the invitation to speak here thinking he could get the speech yartly because of the mutual in- entire in written form. Wherein crests of his town and this and he was badly fooled, for when Also because he owes a debt to asked for the copy later Mr. Tay mis town for that here was born lor said he never wrote a speech nd partly reared his better self n js Hfe -his wife He was no stranger Mr Taylor is an ot)timist; he nere, butsrnce his last visit he believes that prosperity has come r.oted that a change had come Tn Rtv ..nA ;n ar.nrt rh jver the spirit of the dreams of pf not more than 30 minutes he mis town anu one w no Knew me ma(je his hearers believe the town only as it was 20 years ago same way and enthused them would not know it today. Such witn a Rreater desire than ever progress as he noted seemed al- to push1 Lumberton to the front, most incredible --perhaps the fin- At the conclusion of Mr. Tay est court house m the State, side- iors address crean. and cake walks, factories, etc. and if any and cigars were served and many OTie doubted tne prOgreSSlVeneSS ffin nnmprnns to mfmtinn r- of North Carolina he on needed sp0nded to calls for speeches and toioou at the history ot bum- the meeting adjourned at a late 1 . . ,,r 1 . hour. Mr. Taylor returned to mr. layiorspoKe 01 winning- Wilmington Friday morning. ton as a distributing market and it was a nmfirnhlp a.nd- o-reatlv quoted some interesting compar- enjoyed occasion and the Lum- wons 01 ireignr. rates, in aoing berton Commercial and Industn this he reierred to some papers al Club is now fnllv launched rm which the retvjrter took for the nn its work for thf advancement manuscript of his speech and 0f the best interests of Lumber- neglected to take turther notes, ton in everv Dossible wav. er in the history of the Ameri can stage has a play been pro duceti which has attracted such world-wide attention as has this railroad to be constructed within 1 1. . UnA k ,rt - f the county, the bonds to mature Y k f t-rp,.t j. :j. a. 1 iiiaecaae. A large crowd will go from Lumberton, St. Pauls and Park ton on a special train which will leave the V. & C. S. depot here at 6:30 o'clock this evening. Re turning the train will leave Fay etteville immediately after the show. tions, which shall be accepted and approved by the majority of the State directors of the road, whuh the law provides shall be the Governor, the Auditor and the chairman of the Corporation Commission. Judges and regis trars, some 69 of them, were du ly appointed. All else needful for voters to know will be duly set forth as time shall serve and Col. Jones promises that into the hands of each voter shall be placed a pam- Omega of this proposed road. Sad Death of Little Mildred Sledge. ! Mildred Sledge, daughter of Mr. R. S. Sledge, of Lumberton, died suddenly Thursday night at 9 o'clock at the home of her grandfather, Mr. D. F. Fort, at Wake Forest. She lacked just a month and two days of being 7 years old. Her father was with her at the time of her death and had been for a week, and her step-mother had returned home only the day before, the condition of the child seeming much im proved when she left Wake For est, where she had been sinceFri- dav of the week before. 1 he child had been sick with diphthe ria for ten days but had about recovered from that disease, her sudden death being due to the after effects of the antitoxin, which it was necessary to use in larger quantities than usual on account of the severity ot the at tack. The remains were interred in Oakwood cemetery in Wake For est Friday afternoon and Mr. Controversy Over Location of a. Building at St. Pauls. The McAllister Hdvv. Co. is having some difficulty about the location 01 the store building it is erecting at St. Pauls. The foun dations have been dug to place the buiiding 8 feet out from a line with the other stores, and . t ...... n i ts:e :ov;n im? condemned mat; pany. 1 -Mrs. John Jones returned; this morning from Branchville, S. C.,. where she went some days ago to see her hus band, who was very sick at that time. Mr. Jones has recov ered and resumed his work as engineer for the Southern Rail road this morning. County Superintendent J. R. Poole held examinations for pub lic school teachers in his office at the court house last week. Thirty white teachers stood the ex aminations Thursday, 40 colored teachers Friday and 11 Croatan teachers Saturday. Several Croa tans besides the teachers stood the examinations Saturday. Lumberton Ledge No. Knights of Pythias, will institute a new7 Pythian lodge at St. Pauls tomorrow evening and a 3peciai train will be run toSLPauls over the V. & C. S. for the occasion The train will leave Lumberton at 6 o'clock, p.m., will return to morrow night, and transporta tion will be free. All Pythians art invited. Invitations have been receiv ed in Lumberton reading as fol ¬ lows; Mr. and Mrs. James Pate , request your presf nee at the marriag 1 ceremony 01 their daughter Alice Alma to Mr. Benjamin Franklin Townsend on Wednesday afternoon. October the twentieth nineteen hundred and nine at half past two at Home Fayetteville. N. C. R. F. D. 8. O.Tic-es over Firsc National Ilank Wade Wiahar E. M. Britt WISH ART & BRITT, Attoknkys at Law, LUM3KCTOX. N. C. All business nv-n prompt and care ful attention. Office upstairs in Artni Building. 9-10 Stephen Mclntyre. Jamea D, R. C. Lawrencf Proctor. Mtintyre, Lawrence & Proctor, Attorneys a;;d Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Court. Prompt attention given to ail business. T. A. McNeill, T. A. McNeill, Jr. mcneill & McNeill, Attorneys at Law, : LUMBTON. N C. Will practice in all the Court. Busi ness attended to promptly. N. A. McLean, A. W. McLean. VV. B. Snow. McLean, McLean & Snow, Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON. N. a Offices on 2nd floor of Bank of Lum berton Building, Iuom3 1, 2, 3, and 4. Prompt attention, given to all business. . J, BRITT, LUMBEP.TON, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. Frightful Fate Averted. "I would have bee a cripple for life, If people with symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble coula realize their dan frorrt a terrible cut on my knee cap," ger they would without loss of time rryy . 1 . . ff 1 1 nr rrnriTn-Tn-np i? ;i i:irint bpaec for a sidewalk. A restrain- at Ten Mile, this county, and i nig order was issued by Judge L. VVeil-known in Lumberton. He L C. Lyon last Thursday and the a brother of Messrs. J. P. anc matter will be heard before him TJovd Townsend. of Lumberton at chambers in Eliabathtown ; Thursday of this week, when it Chuch Services. will be decided whether the or- sWtppn wcr received for ban der shall be permanent or shall tism at the BaDtist church at the be dissolved. Messrs. Shaw & uWn iPrvis vernav. s heino- Johnson represent the town of reCeived at the mornmg service St. Pauls, Messrs. Mclntyre, anfq q in the evening These were Lawrence & Proctor representing converted at a regular service a the McAllister Hdw. Co. week aor last niffht. Rev. C. FL Durham, castor oi Among the Sick. the Baotist church, will be away Mr. Durham Powers, of theTen from home this week conducting 'ilile seftinn who underwent an a series of meetings at BigMarsh operation for appendicitis at the church, near St. Pauls, ofwhicr Thompson Hospital some time tfev. k. ih. oeniene, Bupermten-ao-o,was taken by Dr. Thompson dent of the Lumberton graded to Johns Hopkins Hospital inBal- school,is pastor, n-mr.vp FriHftv an abscess hav- Re v. A. E.Baker, pastor ot the ino-develoDed' since the opera- Presbyterian church, will begin a tion. Dr. Thomoson returned series of meetings at Balcer s yesterday ; chapel. 5 miles east 01 town or Miss Ola Bass, of Barnesville, the Elizabeth road, Thursdaj 1 Fri. eveniner at 7 o'clock. A service day. She has fever. Her sister, will be held at the same nour a; MissAenes Bass, came yesterday long as the meetings continue, to see her and was a guest last Rev. A. R. .cQueen,of Dunn Sledge returned home yesterday. . night at the Waverly hotel. preached yesterday morning a Mildred had ived all her life with' Mv TTnrWr Mnvdes.rvf Pwvard- the rresDyterian cnurcn m tnt ""I Z- . A'. - . , ; . - . .ll TT her grandfather. The sympathy 1 man.who has been at the hospit- interest 01 uaviason ouege. n THOMAS N. McDI ARMID Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON. : : : N. C. Office over Pope Drug Store. 2-25 of the entire community goes out to the bereaved ones, writes Frank Disburry. Kelliher. Minn 'Nrithout Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which jSoon cured me." Infallible for wounds, cut 1 and bruises, it soon cures Burns, SctMs, Old Sores, Boils, SkinEruptions. W'-ifi'g best for Piles. 25c. at all drug- commence taking Foley'sKidney Reme dy. This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities, strengthens and builds up these Organs and there is no danger of Bright's disease or other seri ous disorder. Do not disregard tne early symptoms s al about ten home todav of Proctorville, who had typhoid fever at the hospital, will also re turn home today. Ciiapp ed Shin. Chapped skin whether on the hands or lace may be cre m one nignt apolvina- Chamberlam s balve. It is alao uneualed for sore nipples, burns Many people delude themselves by saying. "It will wear away," whed they notice symptoms of kidney ann badder trouble. This is a mistake. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy, and stop the drain on the vitality. It cures back ache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder trouble, and makes every trace of pair,, days, will return preached yesterday auernoon a. Mr. Robert Byrd, Iona, near Fairmont. pear. Sold by all druggi3t3. ar.d scald3. For sate by all Druggists. To help the Kidneys when they need help, use Pineules the new kidnej rmedv. nneuies will promptly reuee backache, rheumatic pains, pains m tne bladder, urinary disorders, etc. lhey are for weak kidneys. Sola by J. D. McMillan & Son. The merchant who doesn't ad vertise stands in his own light. Thurman D. Kitchin, M. D., Physician aud Surgeon, LUMBERTON, N. C Office McLean-Sl?dge Drug Store. Office phone 25 Residence phone 124 7-9 Dr. Thomas C. Johnson, Physician and Surgeocr Lumberton, N. C Office over MsMillan's Drug S ore. Calls answered Promptly day or night Residence at Prof. J. R. Poole's. ' 4-27-tf. DR. N. A THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LUMBERTON, - - N. a Office at Hospital. Phone No. 41." Down town oSice over McMillan's Drue Store. Ca'b promptly answered nig.it or day, in town or in the country. DR. R. T. ALLEN, DENTIST, LUMBERTON. - N. C. i Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. DR. R. F. GRAHAM, DENTIST, LUMBERTON, N. C. OiTice over Bank of L.imberton. R ).ims wo. 7 and 8. 1-20-08 E. G. SIPHER, ELECnUOAfV Lumberton, N. tC. O uce in Shaw.Buildin?,;Phone No. 11 W . ' - ; 1 - , - , -