THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. .... Are Drugs Necessary? Do Drugs Cure Disease? Can Nature be Assisted? If people were born right and after- J If a person would correct his habits, arda lived right, there would be no persist in right eating and temperate TAFT DAY IN WILMINGTON. oi the distinctive GRIFFON Models novvr m dis- lay and ready for Fall Wear. It is styled up to the limit and timed down to the minute. A really smart suit and representing the kind you've always wanted. The nobbiest, neatest and nattiest effects are shown in the range of patterns, the fabrics are of the toughest weaves and the prices are less than you imagine. Lumberton, N. C. 9 33 3 333 333 333m 333 3ts3333 333 333333 333 333 4 k Mi Mi m m m m m m m m ft wards use for medicine. Every doctor Knows this. So do other well-informed people. One thing more. When a person lives Wrongly, or acquires bodily weakness by heredity, medicine can do only very little. Medicine cannot cure him. Only charlatans claim that medicines will cure disease. Medicines may palliate Bvmntoms. Medicines may urge the Bowers of Nature to resist disease. Med icines sometimes arouse the efforts of the human body to right itself against de rangements. This is the moat that mea icine can do. A man accidentally put his finger in the fire. Instinctively he wets bis finger in his mouth , then blows on it for the cooling effect. This is no cure. He knows it very well. But it makes it Iel better for the time being. People eat unwisely. This produces dyspepsia of indigestion. The only rational euro is to eat correctly. Yet if ft palliative is at hand the pains of indi gestion can be mitigated, the throes of dyspepsia asaaged. The medicine can not be said t have cured. It simply palliates disagrWifrkf symptoms. The are must come throttgi tight living. Take Peruna, for iiMeef No one claims Peruna is a cure dyspepsia. But Peruna will stimulate fM stomach tr, nprfnrm Ua function properly PVru- will increase tho flow of dige! Attica wftHotit which digestion catfofc f carried on at all. It will increase th f alish of food, the appetite. It is admitted that all this can be accomplished by right living, but there are so many people vho either will not that or do not Know uuw l c.,ui - - tremendous amount of good can be done by the wise uae of Peruna. A stomach that has been frequently sMOtiod performs the function of diges tions ve-ry lazily. Such a stomacn uu the food to remain undigested for some time afte it is swallowed. This leads to fermentation of the food. Sour stom ach is the- result. This goes on week after weeky tffitil the blood is poisoned with the products of fermentation. This condition is Tery apt to produce rheum- It is not claimed! that Pertina will cure rheumatism. Nothing will cure rheum atism but correct living. But xt is claimed that Peruna will assist a badly abused stomach to jaeyforia its wors. ways, undoubtedly the stomach would right itself, tho blood would rid itself of the poison, and everything would be right. But as said beforo there are a multitude of people who will not or can not adopt right methods of living. To such people Peruna is a boon. A dose before meals will assist the stomach to do its work. Thia prevents fermenta tion of the food, brings about normal digestion, and all the train of ills that follow indigestion disappear. in other words, Peruna is helpful to those who live badly, or those who have acquired some chronic weakness, Peruna does not cure, but it assists the power of Nature to bring about a cure. ThO whip does not increase the power of the hor to ptill ft load, but judi ciously used It Hiitiitiitea the horse to use his powers at tlw sjbt time, with out which he could not bare palled the load. This illustrates the effect of Peruriiv or any other good remedy upon the sys tem. Taken at the right time, it calla forth the powers of the human system to meet tho en. roachments of disease, and thtisetlts short, if not entirely ends, the diseased action. No one siolld ever attempt to substi tute medicirJe" Irj the place of right liv ing. In the end such an attempt will prove a disaster.- Bui an occasional use of the right medicine at the right time IPs' a-godsend, and no reasonable person ijMW Undertake to deny it -Pttose who Know how to use I'eruna fln'$)ivst untold value By and by the worl'cS get wise enough sw that through torrect living no medicine at all will he' aetled. But that time has not arrived', la the meantime, while the world is ufproaching that perfec tion in which all aedicine will be elim inated, Poruna is a handy remedy to have in th9 house. Slight derangements of tho stomach; slight catarrhal attacks of the liver, the throat, bronchial tubes, lungs; or bow els ; these attacks are sure to !ead to grave diseases, and can be averted by the judicious use of Peruna. Wouldn't you like to read a few un solicited testimonials from people who have used Peruna, and who stand ready to confirm tho above statements con cerning it. If so, address tho Peruna Tmt? Mannfacturine Co.. Columbua, 1 Ohio, and we will send som prepaid. Magnificent Parade, Numerous Bands, Inspiring Military Pa geantRoute of Parade. Wilmington.N.C.Oct. 26-One thousand men, representing the United States and State military 1 n . Darticinate in the magnificent Taft Day parade when President Taft makes his memorable visit to Wilmington iuesday, JNovember ninth. mi i 'li i inere aiso win oe numerous bands, including the following crack musical organizations United btates Coast Artillerv Band, thirty pieces, from FortCas- well; irst South Carolina Regi ment Band, twenty-five pieces from Spartanbursr. S. C: Third NorthCarolina Band, twenty-five pieces, from Raleigh, N.C;theDel- gado Band,of Wilmington, sixteeri pieces, and others. The inspiring military pageaiit with its pomp, its bands, its drum corps,and its colors flying, the en semble of 2.000 school children dressed in red, white and blue toformahumanUnitedStates flag. the spectacular marine parade, an exhibition drill by United States troops, profuse decorations, mag nificent illuminations, and other features will indeed make the Taft visit a red letter day for North Carolina. Wilmington will be the beauty spot of North Car olinathe municipal gem of Dix- . i . i - le the thrilling sphere oi enjoy mentthe Mecca of countless throngs. The military and musical fea tures, in charge of Col. J. Van.B. Academy Cadet Corps, of Fay-etteville. Colonel H. C. Bragaw.ofWash ngton.N.C. Second North Caro ma Infantry, will be here with his stall and will command tho State troops. Other State mili tary officers who will also be in Wilmington are: Major J.J. Ber nard, of Raleigh. Third North Carolinalnfantry.and statl-.Major T. S. Pace, of Wilson. Second NorthCarolinalnfantrv.and staff: Captai nT. C. Daniels. of Ne wbern. commanding North CarolinaNav al Battalion, and staff. Military organizations will be met at the trains by the Parade and EscortCommittee, which will distribute printed orders, giving the details for the day and in forming of arrangements for their entertainment. They will be the guestsof the citv and mess hall near front and Markef Streets will be open, free tat All military men. All win remain in the city for the night will be given comfortable accomodations in a nice, steam-heated hall. In the parade, the State troops will be divided into battalions of four companies each, and be sides the organizations named there probably will be a company of marines from the United States Revenue Cutter, and the Greensboro and WashingtonCom panies of the North Carolina Na tional Guard. A battalion of Confederate vet erans in uniform will be given the place oi honor in the parade, under command of Gen. James I. Metts. Durham Camp. U. C.V.. will come as a body, and veterans ;uttiKC ui vam. j. vaiuo. -n u i n A. Metts,as chairman of the Parade L7Z ! iIum ni"y voruons and Escort Committee, are being arranged on a scale that will prove a source of great attraction toWilmmgton s thousands of vis itors. Already he has received definite acceptances from twenty or more military companies, and others on the eve of making up their decision to come and take a part in the parade. The follow ing military organizations have been booked and will be here: United States Coast Artillery Corps, from Fort Caswell, three hundred men,under command of Captain Hancock, U. S. A. Twenty companies NorthCaro- C. M. FULLER & SON. RETAIL DEALERS IN BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, AND HARNESS. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. One price to everybody. FULLER & SON. C. M. 10-21 r4 Mi vfe a. ilk Mi Mj Administrator's Notice. The undersigned, having, on the 14th day of October, 1909, qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Catherine Ann Truelove, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said decedent, to exhibit to and file with him, the said administrator, the said claims, on or before the 20th day of October, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of any recovery theron. All persons indebted to the said es tate will please settle with the under signed immediately. H. E. Truelove. Administrator of the estate of Cath- srline Ann Truelove, deceased. 10-21-6thurs. PAJministrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Julian A. Pope, deceased, late of Robeson County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Lumberton, N. C. on or be fore the 15th day of Oct. 1910, or this mm ANDIlf:JIInA CL... Willi WGbl 0IIUWS UU liH On Account of The I iiUmiiI I 1 " PaIW rdydUGViiicrdii the The Virginia & Carolina Southern Railway will give the following Low Round Trip Excur sion Rates to Fayetteville on its regular train leaving Lum berton at 9:50 a. m. on Thursday, October 28th and Sat urday, October 30th. Station Fare for Round Trip. Lumberton $1.00 Woodmore .90 St. Paul .70 McMillan .60 Station Fare for Round Trip Powers ville $.100 Rozier .80 Oakland .65 Roslin .40 The parade will form at the steamer landing, foot of Market street, and will be under the di rection of Col. J. Van. B. Metts, chairman of the Parade and Es cort Committee, acting as chief marshal, with members of the committee as aides. About 2:30 p.m., when theRev enue Cutter Seminole, with Pres ident Taft abr . arrives from her trip down i - Cape Fear, with her escort o.' several steam ers, the parade . ill move. The Uuited States troops will lead, and following them will come the battalions of the North Carolina National Guard, and other mili tary organizations. The Confederate veteran bat talion will precede two carriages in which will be the President. his physician and entourage. A mounted detachment will be just in front of the President's car riage, and another will follow the rear carriage, both detachments extending across the street from sidewalk to sidewalk. Thus the route of the parade will be kept clear for the President's party. which will be followed by auto mobiles and carriages to the end of the parade at the City Hall, on Princess and Third streets. The route of the parade will be from Market street dock, oft Market street, to Fourth street, up Fourth to Chestnut street, on Chestnut to Front street, down Front to Orange street, onOrange to Sixth street, up Sixth to Dock street, on Dock to Eighth street," up Eighth to Market street, on SPECIAL LOW RATES VIA Seaboard Air Line Account Following Special Occasions. ATLANTA, UA. Account Automobile Races, Nov. 6th-13th. Tickets on sale various dates from Nov. 7th to 12th incl. Final return limit Nov. 16th. Ex tension, however, can be secured until Nov. 30th. Kate from Lumberton $11.95. Rates on same basis from other points. WILMINGTON, N. C. -President Taft Dav Celebration: Soecial Trains, nnri exceedingly low rates; Nov. 9th; Special rates and schedules of special trains will be announced later: Tickets to be sold Nov. 9th, limited returning U leave Wilmington Nov. 10th. CHARLOTTE, N. C Account Mecklenburg Fair, Oct. 26th-29th; Tickets or sale Oct.25th to 29th incl. Final return limit Oct.30th, Rates from Lumbertor $4.45. The above rates include admission to the Fair. - SAVANNAH, GA. Account Grand Chapter Royal Arch- Masons, Nov, 8th- 13th; lickets on sale Nov, bth & 7th, and trains scheduled, to arrive in Sa vannah before noon Nov. 8th. Rate from Lumberton $14.-26. Rates on same basis from other points: RALEIGH, N. C Account Farmers National Congress. Nov. 3rd-9th, Ex ceedingly Low Rates from All Points: Tickets on sale Oct. 31st Nov 1st, 2nd and for all trains scheduled to arrive in Raleigh before noon Nov. 3rd. Final return limit Nov. 12th. Fare from Lumberton $4.15. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Lakes to the Gulf Deep Waterway Association, Oct 30th, Nov. 2nd, Tickets on sale Oct. 27th-28th and 29th. Final return limit good returning 15 days from date of sale: Rate from Lumberton $26.05. Rates on same basis from other points: RALEIGH, N. C North Carolina Industrial Association (Colored) Fair, Oct. 25th-30th; Tickets on sale Oct. 23rd to 30th, incl. Final return limit Nov. 1st. Special Low Rates, and Extra Coaches provided on Regular Trains to accom modate all. For further information apply to nearest Seaboard Ticket Office or address ' the undersigned. C. H. Gattis, District Passenger Agent. Raleigh, N. C. FITUZ 7 S N. B.-Train runs through to Fayetteville. No change of cars. Train estate 'will please make immediate i arrives Fayetteville 11;35 a. m. and leaves Fayetteville 5:20 p. m. Market to Third street, up Third payment. . street to the City Hall. Atlmrd aiiu xudi icl aLieets, uie x ncsi This, the 14th day of October, 1909. I. L. Pope, Administrator, E. J. Britt, Attorney. 10-14-ethurs Write to the Wilmington Marble and Granite Works for their ILLUSTRATED CATA LOGUE of MONUMENTS and HEADSTONES. R. D. TUCKER, Proprietor. WILMINGTON, N. C. ltf Virginia & Carolina Southern Ry. Co GEO. M. WHITFIELD. kumberton, N. C. Agent For odelx mantle company See my cuts ami prices and save money. y-27 Dr. J. H. HONNET; )hyslclafit and Surgeon. Practice limited- to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose andThroat and fitting of glasses. No. 12 Efaftfe Front Street. Wilmington, N. C. , 8-6-t. Lumberton Pressing Club" On Fourth Streefv back tit Boylin'3 Jewelry' Storev LUMBERTOX- & Cleaning and Pressing Neatly Done. Special Attention Given to Lakes'" Dresswear. Work done for white people only. Telephone No. 10. 5-6 Read Robesonian Business Builders DR. V. L. ANDREWS. Fhysician' r.nd! Surgeon. Hope Mills, N. C. C in be found at Hotel day and night 8-23 For Sale. The public school lot and building (or the lot without the building) in North Lu nberton, in Lindell section, Con- tai is one acre oi land. Anolv to- S.Mc- !lntre, Chm. Graded School Beard, or to W. H. Humphrey, Secy. 9-2Stf Import Bulbs are now arriving. We have a fine assortment. Plant early for the best results. Send for new price list. Remember we are headquar ters for Choice Cut Flowers, Wedding Bouquets, Floral Designs and flowers for all occasions ; mail, telegraph, and telephone, orders promptly filled by J. L. O'QUINN & COMP'Y lina National Guard representing the First, Second and Third Reg iments, Naval Reserves, Marines, etc., as follows: Company F, Fay etteville, Captain E. R. McKeth an; Company E, Geldsboro, Cap tain J. W. Bizzell; Company B, Kinston, Captain A. L. Hill;Com pany H, Clinton. N. C, Captain Faircloth; Company L, Lumber Bridge, Captain J, W. Malloy; Company C, Rocky Mount, Cap tain J. S. Lewis ;Company A.Tar iboro, Captain Paul Jones; Com pany B, Raleigh, Captain W. F. Moody; Company L, Concord, Captain Louis A. Brown ; Com pany F, Franklinton, Captain I H. Kearney; First Company North Carolina Coast Artillery, Newbern, Captain J. H. Wed dell; Second Company NorthCar olina Coast Artillery, from Wil mington, Captain E. A. Metts; Newbern Division, North Caroli na Naval Reserves, Lieutenant C. J. McSorley; Wilmington Division North Carolina Naval Reserves. Lieutenant Culbreth Martin ; Wilmington Boys' Brigade, Cap W. R.Dosher;Donaldson Militar: dent will be greeted by two thousand school children who will form a United States flag, the boys and girls dressed in red, white and blue forming the stripes while the young iady teachers, wearing large white hats, will add the stars to the blue field. About 11 a. m., while thePresi dent is absent on his steamer trip, the regular United States troops from Fort Caswell will give an exhibition drill on the Postoffice Plaza, including calles thenics to music, bayonet exer- isesand wall scaling contest. This feature will be wonderfully interesting. T. W. Clawson. FI ORIST. Raleigh, N. C. Phone 149 Bees Laxative Cough Syrup is st highly recommended, because it not oulv moves the bowels gently and thereby stops the cold, but it also al lays inflammation of the lungs and throat. It is pleasant to take Sold by J. D. McMillan & Son. Serious results from pile& can b avoided if the right remedy is appliei at once, but it must be the right rem edy MarZan. You apply ManZan not on the surface alone, simply t soothe irritation, but to all the affect ed parts by means of the nozzle attach ed to the tube in which ManZan is pul up. Sold by J. D.. McMillan & Son. Copied With Thanks. 5tatesville Landmark'. The Lumber-on Robesonian has changed its form from four to ight pages, the increase being necessary to take care of the ad vertising patronage. Mr. J. A. harpe, formerly of The Land nark, is making a good paper of he Robesonian, and we are leased to note this evidence of he paper's prosperity, The Bed-Rock of Success ies in a keen, clear brain,backed by in iomitable will and resistless energy, iuch power come3 from the spendid wealth that Dr. King's New Life Pills mpart. They vitalize every organ and juild up brain and body. J. A. Harmon, Lizemore, W. Va., writes: "They are .he best pills I ever used." 25c at all druggists.