THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. THE ROBESONIAN. jXnXlPl'KI) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1909. PERSONAL. LOCAL RAILROAD ULE. SCHED- Mr. G. D. Floyd, of Fairmont, was in town yesterday. Dr. W. A. McPhaul spent Tuesday in Wilmington on business. Mrs. Celia Jenkins and daugh- Arrlval and Departure ol Trains ter, M iss Delia, were Lumberton at Lumberton. SEABOARD AIR LINE. Tr-iin No.45, west-bound Lvs. 5.30 a. m. Train No. W, west-bound Lvs. 5 51 p. m. Train No. 40, east-bound Lvs. 10.40 a.m. Train No. 44, east-bound Lvs.' 9.55 p.m. visitors yesterday. Mr. C. P. Smith, of rural route No. 6 from Lumberton, was in town this morning. Mr. N. A. McNeill, of rural VIUG1N1A& CAROLINA SOUTHERN route No. 2 from Rennert, was in town this morning. Gen. F. A. Bond, of Hunters' Lodge, near Buie, is among the visitors in town today. Mr. S. W. Wright, of Red Springs, was among the Lum berton visitors yesterday. Mr. R. T. Gaitly, of Rowland, was among the guests at the FROM HOPE MILLS (Daily except Sunday) Train N. 79, arrives 7.30 a. m Train N 64, leaves 9.50 a. m Train No. 65, arrives 6.30 p. m Train No. 78, leaves 7.15 p. m RALEIGH & CHARLESTON FROM MARION, S. C. T,ain No. I. leaves 10.45 a. m. Train No. 2, arrives 5.40 p. m. Cotton To-day Eggs To-dav 13.875 Waverly hotel yesterday. 25 cents BUSINESS BUILDERS H C T 1 -a a- Mr. jonn McAllister went to Wilmington this morning on bus mess. He will return this eve ning. Kev. A. jh,. .Baker, nf Bicycle Stolen from alley between the Presbyterian church, is at Popc Drugstore and McAllister Hdw. tending Synod in Red Springs Store Tuesday night. A Reed & tnjs week. Standard wheel. Reward for return to John Thomas at Tope Drug Store. Mrs. Rebecca Ward left yes- kj terday for Parkton, where she Sale. men Wanted-to look after will spend a few days on a visit our interest in Robeson and adjacent to relatives. t-ounties. Salary or Commission ANewspaper Is One of the Cheapest, Yet One of the Most Delightful Luxuries of Modern Times. S The Observer Company prints and offers for sale the following publi cations, which are the best that money can produce. Any of these publications are invaluable for family reading, body ought to have a good clean newspaper. Five Observer publications and prices: Every- THE DAILY OBSERVER Mornings, Every day in the Year. One Year $8 00 Six Months 4 00 Three Months 1 00 One Month 75 THE SUNDAY OBSERVER Every Sunday Morning One Year $2 00 Six Months Three Months One Month THE SEMI-WEEKLY SERVER Twice a Week One Year Six Months Three Months One Month We send sample copies on request. 00 50 20 OB- 00 50 25 10 THE EVENING CHRONICLE Every Day Except Sunday Six Months . 2 50 Three Months i 25 One Month 59 THE SATURDAY EVENING CHRONICLE One Year Six Months Three Months One Month $1 50 75 40 15 Address The Harvey Oil Co.Clevelanc', Ohio. 10-28-1 1 Mr. W Q. Davis, why lives on rural route No. 1 from Buie, was among the visitors in town this morning. Mr. W. H. Edwards, who lives on rural route No. 1 from Rayn- ham, was among the visitors Touring Car For Sale Maxwell four-cylinder, late model automobile. Car in excellent condition, recently repainted and engine thoroughly over hauled. Completely equipped with all accessories. Total cost exceeded $2000. Quick purchaser can get this in town Tuesday. exceptional Dargam ior $1090. u ilrcss soon. Frank Ilerbst, agent, Wil mington, N, C. lo-25-3t Seed VVheat.Sead Rye.Seed Oats now in stock. We bought our seed grain of Wood & Sons because we wanted the best quality seed. We ask all farmers to call and get a sup n!y. Caldwell & Carlyle. 10-25tf Messrs. K. A. Cashwell and M. F. Underwood, of Parkton, were among the guests at the Waverly yesterdav. tor Rent Nioo new 7-room dwelling, i-cntrallv located. Apply to A. P. Caldwell, Lumberton, N. C. I0-25tf FOi- Sale Can sell you a practically five-room house on a quarter :kto lot in line residential portion of Lumberton at a bargain. Apply at once to The A K. J. W. Company. T. O. Box ;lL-ti, Lumberton N.C. 10-21tf For Sale Rambler -One bitvcle Phillips, Lumberton, N.C. good second-hand Apply to S. W. I0-17U. For Sale 350 acres of land, about 73 cleared, in Back Swamp township, known as Leitch place, at a bargain. G. L. Robertson, agent, Rowland, N. C. 10-18-4mon. For Sale Good boiler, engine and edger :i a bargain. Apply to The A.'K. J. W. Company, Lock box 386, Lumberton, N. C. 9-27tf, For Sale To keep your valuable pa pers buy a "Mosely Safe", sold on easy terms bv D. M. McDonald, Red Springs, N. C. 9-2 Lost -Glass bull's eye out of automo bile lamp, somewhere between Mc Neill's bridge and town. Finder will In- rt warded for the return of same to this office. 9-2-tf. For Sle-7 room house, lot 100 x 300 fett. Easv terms. Address lock box No. 4. "St. Pauls, N. C. 8-19-tf. Photographs, by experienced pho tographer. Guaranteed first class and up-to-date. Watscn Bros. Studio, rairr-iofct. N. C. 8-19-11-11 For Sale -Six good wagon mules, for c:i.-h or on time with approved sccur itv. Apply to A. K. Morrison, Lum b rton, N. C. 7-Stf Mr. J. R. Morris returned this morning from Fayette ville, where he had been since Tuesday night attending the fair and carnival. Mrs. H. M. McAllister went last evening to Red Springs to attend Synod and a musicale at the Conservatory of Music this evening. Mr. N. Jackson, who lives on rural route rso. 2 from Rowland, was a Lumberton visitor this morning. He was on his way to Bladen county to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A E. White went Monday night to Charlotte, where Mrs. White is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira B Townsend. Mr. White went from Charlotte to Winston-Salem to it" it fTTll visit nis motner. mey are ex pected home to-night. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carlyle, Messrs. J. P. Townsend, Geo. G. French and J. F. French and ex-Sheriff Geo. B. McLeod are among the Lumberton people who went to Charlotte the first of I 1 1 1 1 tne week to attend the circus, fair and other things. Mr. J. F. French returned this morning, the others returning yesterday and last night. 11 lak vim-v , 1 r-2r 1 1 ft . c v v j ti -x I Boylin's THE OBSERVER CO. ; Circulation JDept. No. 13. Charlotte, N. C. WEDDING iIil JAC0B1 STANDARD FOR QUALITY Now if anyone wishes to find A" axe or a hoe, a rake or a spade, Tools for the farm of every kind, Here he can buy them cheap as they are made; Andirons and shovels, pokers and tongs, Nobby cooking stoves and all that belongs I n first-class stores in the hardware line; Elegant machines to chop sausage fine; Long rolls of rope, large balls of twine. Jute lines for your plows, and cotton ones, too, A halter for your horse, a pistol for you; Qurry combs, brushes, paints in every hue Of thejrainbow's arch that spans the ether blue. Be sure to remember to give me a call; I have a warm welcome and bargains for all. N. JACOBI, No. 9 Market St., Wilmington. The above is an exact reproduction of a Jacobi axe ad in The Morning Star, Nov. 19, 1878. This axe has always been a pridewith us. The , quality is unex celled. Sold and guaranteed by N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY 10 and 12 S.IFront St. PRESENTS IS rCH CUT GLASS, CHINA, SILVERWARE, ETC. LBIG STOCK TO SE LECT FROM. Jewelry Store 1 II; FOR YOUR HAIR A prescription is a written order for a certain drug or combination of drugs. When it passes from the physi cian's hand into yours it becomes your property. . . The physician has no right to require you to take it to any particular druggist: he ma advise but the respon sibility rests with you to use your own judgment in the matter. . We are thoroughly equipped to fill any physician's pre scription regardless of whose blank it may be written on. No physician in this locality will criticise your judgment if you bring your Prescription to us for compounding. The Prescription Druggists. Here Are FacU We Want You To Prove At Our Risk Marvelous as it may seem, Rex all "93" Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were once bald. Of course it is understood that in none of the cases were the hair roots dead nor had the scalp Notice of taken on a glazed, shiny appear- Publication ance. of Summons. When the roGts of the hair are entirely dead and the pores of the scalp are glazed over, we do not 1 1 ii p Hamer oeneve max any miug ca.11 ifcstuit; NORTH CAROLINA l In The Superior Robeson County. f Court. P. M:N. Gibson, vs. Arthur M-Callum, R. P. Hamer. Jr., and wife, J anil Hamer; Archiellc-C;-vlIum; Curtis McSwain and wife, Mary McSwain, HowardMcNair and wife, ausanna McNair. J To Arthur TpCnllnm Jr.. and wife, Janie Hamer; Archie hair growth Metal um; Curtis McSwain and wife, Mary McSwain: You find each of you are hereby r.oiif:-fl that special proceedings entitl c:l as al,:)ve were on the 25th day of October, instituted in the Super ior Ct 'irt of Robeson County, for the !'u:o.m- of Felling certain lands for di- :-"!V-.g the piaintut (K-ien-;'.'.v.-i; np.m"d, tenants in com ; !a ; !s be'.ncr described as i'ol 1 in LumberDridge Township, ).;:ity North Carolina. Th" iei:ij; lcnown as tl.' kinds oi" iah J. Smith and Susjinn;'. 1, and cont: i: iii'- S'.i acres, '. ? n 1 t met b"ir,Lr Lot No. G. of a division .i th! lands 01 the estate ol" ;.-.a: ;:,: ;, McLean, allotted to Emma Sni:th, in the division of said lands, con tui:i;ri acres, more or less. You; re further notified Lhat von are rf'l"ir"d to appear and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said special proceedings, on November 25. 1909, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for 1 lereiiet demanded in his said complaint. Ini3 25th, day of October, 1909. W. H. Humnhrev. Clerk Superior Court of Robeson Coun- McLean, McLean & Snow. When Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will do as above stated, it is not strange that we have such great fath in it and that we claim it will prevent baldness when used in time. It acts scientifically, destroying the germs which are usually responsibb for baldness. It penetrates to tne roots 01 the hair, stimulating and nourishing them. It is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately periumeo and will not gum nor permanent- stain the hair. o get a bottle 01 I 10-21 FOR TAXES! I will meet the tax payers of the various townships at the follow ing places, on dates named, for the purpose of collecting the bal ance due on 1909 taxes, viz: ti! A 11! The Piano is no longer an article of luxury designed exclusively for the professional musician or the rich of music?, taste, or purchased as a parlor ornament to be kept sacredly locked, except on the occasion of some important family festivity. It has become a household necessity. Fifty years ago there were few Piano makers but nearly all strove to make a first-class instrument. Tc-day the number of mak ers has increased tenfold. All claim to make a first class Piano, though some would find it difficult to substantiate the claim. maker must be an expert in knowledge of all the raw mate rial employed in the construction of the instrument, such as the lumber for the case and sounding board, the felt for the hammers in the action, the wire for the strings; he must have a working knowledge of metallugy, so that the frames may be cast properly; and he must be of inventive mind, so that he may be able to constantly improve the method of construction of his instruments and be able to utilize the discoveries of modern science. Taking this under consideration and it can't be doubted we find two classes of Piano: : : : : : a Piano built honestly by skilled labor. As stated above, these are the Pianos that are P Hi First never advertised at factory cost; these are the Piano-makers that don't have to cover the whole country with catalogues and so-called cut prices to sell their product. First-class Piano makers never have to advertise one-third or one-half off to sell their goods. Beware of the Piano that costs one price today and in a sale tomorrow is one or two hundred dollars cheaper. Keep up with this lecture, whether you have a Piano or not. Continued next week. : :::::::: I; II! Fairmont, McDonald, Rowland, Bloomingdale Kingsdale, Bow more, Red Springs, Lumber Bridge, Parkton, St. Pauls, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, November 4th, 5th, 6th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 24th-25th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 1909 Fi 1 F Lap r umiiure LUMBERTON, Camel Co. - N. II Maxton, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 30th and Dec. 1st. 1- After these appointments are filled cost will be added and booics will be put m tne nanos 01 collectors witn positive instruc tions to levy and collect according law. If III 9-23 Miwsp pincl Millie We w ant you Rexall "93" Hair Tome and use it as directed. If it does not re lievo scalp irritation, remove dan druff, prevent the nair iromiall ing out and promote an increas ed growth 01 hair ana in every way give entire satisfaction, sim ply come back and tell us and without question or iormaiity we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for it. We lend our endorsement to The tax books will be in the Sheriff's office cli" of Court, November term. 10-2Sthurs. mg tne two weeks McNeill, Sheriff Robeson Countv. Notice For Town Taxes. it on this guarantee, because we believe it is the best hair tonic ever discovered. It comes in I Notice is herebv sriven that the books ' vit,-, owqq rM;c 0 nantc a r rl 1 tor the collection ot town taxes tor the $1.00. Remember you can obtain . Jcollector. A1, Darties are reauested to i4- r-n I t7 o -f nni' e -a TVia Knvo ! -i" T i i i. a 4-1 Saturday morning October 16th, I will have another Car Load of Extra. Fine Korses and Mules. Have had ONE HUNDRED MULES and HORSES from' ST. 'LOUIS, Mo., this sea son. J & & With the large and complete stock I am carry ing, I can SUIT YOU. See me before buying. Store. D. McMillan and Son. Pinesalve ACTS LIKEA poultic t, T i - BELIEVES ALL SirDOllZeO FORM a OF SKIN DlEEi". ? . After the first of December cost will be added. F. J. Floyd, Tax Collector. c Prices and Terms Attractive. Respectfully. O FU Attorneys for Plaintiff. 10-28-4thurs Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and sell Lumbertcn, North Carolina