THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONlAN. '111 ave a few dollars and deposit with us from time to time, and the way it grows will sur prise you. In our - AV1NGS DEPART MENT we pay 4 per cent, interest compounded every 3 months. Capital $100,000X0 Surplus ... - - 60,000.00 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, Fayetteville, N. C. H. W. Lilly, Jno. O. Ellington, President. V. Pres.& Cashier. J. H. Hightower, Ass't Cashier. MP IF YOU WANT a good wagon or Farm Mule I have it, and will sell as cheap as anybody. All I ask is that you come and see what I have before you buy. Will sell you for cash or on easy terms with approved security. : Stables on corner of Second and Walnut -streets in the building formerly used by O. C. Norment & Co. for buggy warehouse. A. M. MORRISON Lumberton, N. C. m 1HHHNHfHI -f lilt Y J Shoes are lor those wno kuow ui i JpT I oucrht to be, who insist on best quality fM nX about stvle, yet who are averse J Beacon comfort and are fastidious - where s .OO wi SUCllUlll J") "I ir 1 5 IT insist .HUHtY m I AH The original LAXATIVE cough remefij. For congha, cold, throat ma je trouble. No opiates. onaicoi... Good for terybody. Sold every Th genuln FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR uu Yllow package. Refuse uUiitiit Prpard only by pUy Company, Ohloi bring hoe ill do as well. Deacon ) rices values which usually sell for $5.00 and more. Genuine oak-tanned soles, genuine Goodyear welt, hand seweSprocess. Uppers in Russia Calf Gun Metal Calf, VeTour Calf, Vici Kid, Patent Colt, and all other fathers that are blini worn by careful dressers in the dreat style centers. Evry P-r ls t'JVOW MADS . . -r. 1f 1 1 - . .1-1 r Za ;ee our new Beacon models. I hey will not oniy snow yuu 1 Come in - -. 1 C 1 latest in Metropolitan styles, but will give you new ideas ot stioe-nt ana com.on. JOHN T. BIGGS, & Company . pi n WITH AUNT BECKY. THE Bank Of Lumberton A Capital. LUMBERTON, N. C. RECORD OF PROGRESS. Sept. July :Sept. July 1897 1893 1904 1909 Assets. April 1, May 1, -June 1, July 1, Aug.1, Sept. 1, 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 $15,000.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 202,000.00 212,500.00 207,300.00 317,400.00 356,800.00 380,001.00 400,000.00 Com- Sept. 13, 1909 4 per cent. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits, pounded Every Three Months. YourfPatronage'Solicited. Ginning Machinery, Shingle Mills, Boilers,Engines,Hoe Circular Saws, Disston Circular Saws, Etc., Can be had for Cash or on Time. For Anything in The HARDWARE LINE Call on or rite us for Prices. 1 McAllister Hardware Company. LUMBERTON, 10-18 N. C &HUR-ON J. Reaves Machine Co., Good Taste ' 1 v Eyeglasses Good taste demands that your eyeglasses look neat and uncon- spicuous. When you wear Shur- . -1 . on mountings you dress the eye and nose in the best possible taste. The Shur-on clings with out pressure and will stay on al most any nose. Spectacles and eyeglasses correctly fitted to your eyes for $1.00 and up. Eyes Examined Free Dr. Vineberg At Kingsbury's Drug Store Masonic Temple, Wilmington, - - - N. C. Artificial Eyes Inserted With out Pain. Wilmington, N. C. ieneral Machine Shops and foundries You can get your work done promptly and at reasona ble prices if you send to us. "We Guarantee i-14-hui6 ve foil Money I TheN North Pole1 has been discovered and is fast be coming common talk. So it is with our bargains, t they have been discovered anil are becoming common talk. One visit to our store will convince you that we can save yon: money. We have a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' Furnish ings. (Have just received a nice lot of Ladies Coat Suits, and Hats. We can dress both ladies and gen tlemen complete. - - . TTT 1 n i a . we rave a iun line ot Furniture and will sell Piano or Organ on the installment plan. you a Come to see us, 1LAC mi as 3-4 LUMBERTON, N. C Beautifully Heavy Is the basket from our Grocery ou are delighted every time you see our delivery boy, for you know that he is bringing good things for your enjoy ment. Fresn and Attractive Stock Always ready lor our customers at bar gain prices. Dry and Fancy Groceries, dried fruits, fancy canned goods all are here m abundance. J. H. Wisharf Free Delivery. Phone No. I. Beware of Ointments fur Catarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange tne wnoie system wnen entering U p -'ie mucous sunaces, sue n Ski -.n hUaiiI J 1 1 ai uuco auuuiu never ue usea except on prescriptions from reDutable nhvsi cians, as the damage they will do is ten 101a to tne good you ctn possibly de rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manuiactured bv r . J. Chenov & Pn Toledo, O. , contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is tak en internally and made in Toledo, Ohio by F.J, Cheney & Co, Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Maks Kidneys and Bladder Rlpht CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOOL Telegraphy. Penmanship" Shorthand, Typewriting:. Bxkkeeoinsr. Special Preparatory Department; Day and Night Se sions; Splendid Equip ment; Rates Reasonable. For terms, etc., address OWEN C. ROGERS, Principal, 8-16-tf Hope Mills, N. C. him to be an energetic cessful farmer. nvi-T At TV1 on nnepn-l J hrmicrh this SPPt.inn nf .r,,,-. uivi0 j' vuuiiLrr iasi weeiv piwph-"", ior a rai urou rniup paninir i mm i ii . " -J - - - u u I some point uciuw ncrtr, proDab i 1 - T7 I- ine rorti. iir ; l a t we were irrieveu 10 parn j VHV. j .CI I 1 i n t - saran n. ivicvueen, wiaowoltht iaic uciit win iuvwuctu. u nip 4-4- M f Hah y r U I -. Ill - returnea to ner oia nome in Ej. Battery Park Hotel, Ashevilk ly of heart failure. a 4- . . an interesting account of a forme 1UI LU ;xi unman txiiva iviiiMi;a!i lift m UnttAd ni Al ol iim r Bladen county, but a descenda: of the McCallumsof Alfordsville My sister had visited the love! p ii. - ii iiuaic; ui una ciitic-ina!! ar,: r r 1 1 - alia ouutj ui uuuwivi o'ti ui tat an: Who thrnntrh thpir fntprnriso. a!ii!irr otner states. Mr. iucia accumuiateavveaitn, owns ama? -Ail I II. 1? ! parr o nnrw5 unfi nftr fir ivn latter he had 100 to kill thiswir wife and five bright childrc yn 1 ri 1 zA. Tl M II 111 111(11111 llHTHV i LU.t. i : 1 . .i r i a. : l u y. l x l ,r .1.. cite at ways uidu tu iicai ui success oi our North Carolini ans, whithersoever thay may er grate. Since beginning this letter! 1 I 3 j.1 I 1.1..... nave uau tne pleasure uiaueiec, able chat with one of your mo?. interesting correspondents. 'Vide, who is a walking encr fOnriArliii frr rnllpftinor rlntpnarl historical events, and whose to of information and fluent speed render him a most entertaining companion. He told me of a re cent trip he had taken, a few milps rlictnnt frnm trip tmvnof Dillon, to an old ante-bellun farm-house occupied by two quaint old people who have never taken up with modern modes, but live in the nri mi tive style oi Auld Ling Syne." As your correspondent drove up they were ernndiner ernts in the old-fashion ed hand-mill, a curiosity indeed, 3 J a . 1 :n the auu uuiuK Liteir cuukiuk i" uk huge fire-place of the ancient kitchen, a cook-stove and sewing machine beintr to them un known accessories, Here he also took note of a set of "warping bars', an implement indispensi- hlp. in wnr-rimps whpn looms were used in every homestead for the manufacture nf cloth. H minute description of these things interested me intensely, and memory carried me back to the long ago, and made me wish for one more meal cooked in the pots andovens from the great yawning depths of the old-time fire-place. Aunt Becky. Latta, S. C, Oct. 18, 1909. Sojourning in Latta, S. C. Death of Esquire Lawrence Page and of Mrs. Sarah E. McQueen North Carolinians Away From Home A Delectable Chat W ith "Vide." Correspondence of The Robesoman Two weeks ago the 'Squire and I came down to visit our daugh- i have gone to distant lands ; tor frc T T. IV T r T onrin iiH.-v'i a, " " l: has been sick forsom j weeks and is improving, but very slowly. Her father returned home last week, and I will be here but a few days longer. The crops in som.2 portions of his section were greatly injured by unfavorable seasons, heavy June rains, and severe drought throughout the month of August; but the hne prices steadily exist- ing win compensate tor the shortage, and the farmers are in good spirits. Esquire Lawrence Page, a prominent citizen of this commu nity and oldest son of Capt. Vm. Page, died on Saturday, the 9th inst, and was buried on Sunday at the family cemetery, amid a very large assemblage of relatives and friends, the funeral service being conducted by Rev. YV. B. Baker, of the M. E. church. Mr. Page had a protracted illness of six weeks' duration, and not withstanding his splendid phy sique, and every care and atten tion from his devoted family, at tending physician, and two train ed nurses, after a brave fierht for life he finally succummed to that dread malady, typhoid fever. He leaves a devoted wife (who was Miss Ella Moore, of Robeson county), three sons and three daughters, an aged father, broth ers and sisters, and hosts of mends to mourn his departure. l attended service yesterdav atternoon at Dunbarton Presby terian church, beautifully situat ed on the banks of Buck SwamD. on a gentle elevation, surrounded U.. 4 1 i-i uy x line uaK grove; wnne near by, along the edge of the swamp, 4.4-. . .:ij a i . picLLy wnu uowers ana vines oi various kinds are rioting in rich prolusion. The church is at ores i ' em supplied Dy a young licentiate irom Columbia Theological Col lege, Kev. Mr. intchard, who gives promise of great future use iumess. We dined near hv thp nVn in the hospitable home of Mr. Roy Alford and his charmi no- wifp Mr. Alford and his mother, who is an inmate ot his home, former ij nvcu near xvovviana, in our countv. He has a fine crop and a nice home in his adontpH Stato and from the general appearance oi prosperity around him, I take Kluerer, the Jeweler. 1060 gima Ave., li C. R. ndianapolis. Ind. I was so weak from kidnev ble that I could hardly walk dred feet. Four bottles of Vir- writes: trouble a hun- Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my complexion, uureu my DacKacne ana the irregulari ties disappeared, and I cau now attend to business every day and recommend Foley s Kidney Remedy to all sufferers as it cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed." Sold by all druggists. The why Its A Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard, world crowns its dnrj 1 hat'a the American people have crowned Dr, A-mgs iNew discovery the King of inroat ana L.ung remedies. Lverv awm is a neaiin iorce. it kills germs ana col03 and laerriDDe vanish. It hpnl cough-racked membranes and coughing owwpa. oure, innamea Droncmai tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages -caoe. ur. ueo. more, twack J ack. N j.t writes it curea me ot lung trou Die, pronounced hopeless by all doc tors. tuc, $1.00. Trial bottle free, uuaranteea Dy all Druggists. At. thp annnnl mpptinc" of the State Agricultural Society inRal eigh Thursday night a resolution was adopted urging that theoOth anniversay, which will be next year, be celebrated by holding a two-weeks'fair, jubilee exposition and home-coming. President J. H. Currie declared the fair the best ever held, with the largest attendance on record. President Currie was elected for a third term. Col. E.F. McRae.of Max ton, was elected vice president from the sixth district. Fall colds are quickly cured by Foley 3 Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. The geneuine contains no harmful drugs. Sold by all drug-ists.

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