1 ONIA H A 3 ti liibrurv Established 1870. Country, God and Truth. ili-; Single Copies Five Cents. VOL XL NO. 83. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1909 WHOLE NO. 2518 7 BOBES Miss Jessie Beulah Moser, of Hickory, and Mrs. T. L. John son, DISASTROUS FIRES. Entire Plant of Kingsdale Lum ber Co. Bunrned Loss About $60,000, Covered by Isurance Many Thrown out of Em- nlovment and Larsre Pay Roll Stopped-Will be Rebuilt- Mr. A. B. Fisher's Residence Destroyed by Fire Friday. The entire plant of the Kings dale Lumber Co. at Kingsdale, K miles from Lumberton, was de stroyed by fire of unkown origin vouner lawver who came to Lum Thursday night, destr o y i n g bertcn something over a year ago property valued at aoout tu,uw. fr0m the Western part of the throwing between 150 and State. Mr. T. A. McNeill, Jr., 200 people out of employment, 0f Lumberton, will be best man and stopping a pay-roll of about at the wedding, and Messrs. E. $5,000 a month. - ; ; ' J. Britt and W. S. Britt, of Lum- When hrst discovered apout berton. will be ushers. The hon- MAXTON NEWS ITEMS. of Lumberton, to be Mar- F'our Young Men From Scotland ried on the 22nd Inst. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Pierce Moser request the hoaor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Jessie Beulah to Mr. Thomas Leater Johnson on Wednesday afternoon the 22nd of December nineteen hundred nine at four o'clock Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hickory, N. C. At home after January 7, 1910 Lumberton, N. C. : Mr. Johnson is a promising Find Homes Near Marten Skating Rink Opened To-day Social and Other Items. Correspondence of The Ko Devonian: Col. G. B. Sellars and family spent several days last week in Rowland with Mrs. Sellars fath er, Mr. Daniel Sandy Barker Maxton Monday on his way to Red Springs. Mrs. Sadie Weath- erly and Mrs. Pearson of Bennr ettsville, S. C, visited Mrs. T. L. Smith this week. County Treasurer M. G. McKenzie was in town Monday. Miss Sallie Lou McKinnon is spending a few days with relatives in Red RED SPRINGS REVIEWS. LOCAL BRIEFS. Miss Ethel Johnson Entertains An Informal Dance Pleased With Return of Pator-Personal. Correspondence of Th Robe soman Mrs. D. P, McEachern spent Friday and Saturday in FavettP- T- Tr it r I AwiMiii n i Mikan ivl I l i j Tl r -m m- wv- v aaugnier, iviiss Margaret, of Sa- about passed through vannah. Ga.. SDent several dnva Georo Rev. Wm. E. Cox. an Epis copal minister of Wilmington, will preach in the Methodist church Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. in Ked springs this week as the guests of relatives Mrs. Sallie McNeill and little daghter.Betsv. ! of Laurinburg, spent Wednesday in town at-tne nome or Mr. D. P. McEachern. Miss Ethel Johnson charming ly entertained the Good Times Club at TheWilmingtonEvening Dis patch of the 1st has an article two columns in length the jewerly store of Honnetin Wilmington. 9.15 o'clock at the south end - of the plaining mill the fire was about the size of a man, but it eymoon will be spent in Wash ington and perhaps New York, and on their return trip they will spread with incredible swiftness visit relatives of Mr. Johnson in and in a short while .the entire Richmond and Danville, Va. Mr. plant, which covered a large area, Johnson is building on North was amass of devouring flame. Elm street a residence which is All that was possible was done to expected to be ready for his bride check the flames, but the early J when he brings her to Lumber- exhaustion oi the water supply ton m January. available through the nyarants made hose useless, and the only defense was what water could be handled with buckets. That good work was done is evidenced the fact that only six i i t i ??urLnglr: J' T:i5h' College hill Thursday evening. The guests nad lots of fun in an old-time spelling match and t 1 J M , 1 many naa to sit aown ior miss W. Livermore of Red Springs "IVrTuI and W. J. Carter of Dillon, S. C, Jnn John Station passed through Maxton Wednesday night on his way to Wilmington. Messrs. JNew Quarters have hist hen occupied and The Dispatch says it is as handsome an establish ment as there is in the South. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Ba ker entertained members of the congregation of the Presbyterian church at the manse, corner of Chestnut and Tenth streets, Fri day evening. There was much music, Mrs. J. R. Poole recited. reiresnments were served, and PROFESSIONAL CARDS MISS HELEN STAINBACK PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Desk in Southern Express Office. Will call at private offices for work. 10-14-tf. WOODBERRY LENNON. ATTORNEY AT LAW Lumberton, N. C Office over Post Office. Dr. W. O. EDMUND Veterinary Surgeon. Manufacturer of hone Remedies. Lumberton, N. C Calls filled promptly. Phone No. 52. 3-21 DR. J. J. CROWE, EYE SPECIALIST Geo McLeod of Lumberton, R. I ' SJ n altogether delightful evening Can be found in office on Saturday at .we, ' J w...4v, . vri.v.0, wui uua wo cnAv Vnrx T-, C houses were burned. It seems a wonder, considering the size of the fire, that a single house was left standing in the entire vil lage. With the exception of the blacksmith shop, the entire plant, including band-saw mill, 5 dry kilns, a stock of lumber, 5 plain ing machines, 5 boilers, the com pany store and warehouses (con taining a stock valued at about Farmers' Meetings. Congressman H. L. Godwin, Mr. J. 0. Wright of the U. S. by Drainage Office, and Mr. J. P. dwelling Campbell, field agent of the Far- mers uo-operative Liemonstra tion work of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, wound up Friday at Back Swamp a series of farmers meetings, which were held at various points in Robeson and Cumberland home in counties. Meetings were held at morning. St. Pauls Thursday and at Bar- funeral. ker's Thursday night. The meet- ings were wen attenaea, mucn interest was manifested, and it is were at the Maple Shade Tues day night. Mrs. Floyd of Fay- etteville spent a few days with Mrs. T. G. Whitlock the first of the week. Mr I. L. Davis, of the Elba Manufacturing Compa ny of Charlotte, was in town this week in the interest of the oil mill which they are erecting here. Miss Minnie Lou McRae of the S. P. C, Red Springs, spent Sun day and Monday with home folks. A , We are sorry to hear of the death of Dr. Hill's brother, Dr. game is a fine hostess and she gave the members of the club a most pleasant evening. Ex-Deputy Sheriff Barker of Lumberton and Mr. Mcintosh of Wilmington were in town Thurs day evening on business. This evening Hotel Red Springs will give an informal ball. There will be a fine orches tra and many out-of-town guests are expected to be here. This will be the first ball that the new hotel has given, but there will be many more to follow. Mi. Price, was spent. mL . xne young men s union prayermeetmg will meet tomor- row evening at 7.15 o'clock in the Pythian hall on the third floor of the McLeod building. Short talks will be made on the "Pos sibilities of the young men of Lumberton." All the voune men of the town are cordially in vited to attend. A piano has been secured and there will be good music. A two - weeks' civil term of Robeson Superior Court con- 1 iL ? . - . venea mis morning at u o ciock, 9-27. J. M. Wharey; He died at his rf mag? the hotS1 uUIidur" Jge C. C. Lyon of Elizabeth Davidson Wednesday Dr. Hill attended the 410.000) .was burned. . Three box thought that much good will re- rnm. one of them full of dressed suit. The object was to. teach lumber readv forshipmenta were the importance of drainage and burned, as was also the depot good roads and to discuss other and noatoffice. which were a part subjects of vital importance to of the company store Dunamg. tne iarming mteresis. Moat of the books and valuable papers in the office of the mill were saved. The entire loss was estimated Friday by Mr. G. D. Yeakel, assistant treasurer of the company, as at least $50,000 or $60,000. The insurance will about cover the loss.; Six dwelling houses belonging A Trip Around the World Know all men. women and children by these presents that a "Trip Around the World" will be given by the Young People's Society of ; the Presbyt e r.i a n church on Friday evening, v the 10th inst Auto-cars will 'run tov war hnmprl nno every 10 minutes, the hrst car 4 iU'm .inrwHiini'pd. Mesara. H. leaving "Union Sation" ( t h e v.Av-i.. - , i r 1 -1. A r.haa I .nnri no. court nouse;at o o ciocR.. Aiuer- The Ladies Foreign and Home Missionary Society of the Pres- baterian church met at Mrs. M. E. McKinnon's this afternoon. This was the last meeting of this year. New officers were elected. Much excitement was created last Tuesday morning by ; the alarm of fire. A It was found to heapilefipoles betweeiiv the tracks of the Seaboard and A. C. L., opposite the graded school house. The school boys soon had the hose out and had little trou ble in extinguishing the fire. - Everyone will be glad to know that the town hall has been en larged and improved. A hard wood floor has been laid and it stands his business and has be come very popular with the trav eling public. . . 'l , ' Dr. Vardell is away on an ex tended business trip. Miss Sallie Lou McKinnon of Maxton is vis iting her uncle, Mr. Martin Mc Kinnon. Mr. Wetzell spent sev eral days of last week at his home in Gastonia. - Mr. Dock McEachern of Laur inburg was a visitor in town this week, ;. ' y - . '.j,--. The people of Red Springs are so glad to have Rev. S. ' A. Cot ton with us for the coming year, Mr. Cotton is a good preacher and a noble man, much loved by his own congregation and also by the people of other denomina town presiding. There are 288 cases on the docket and 60 on the calendar. Today is also the reg ular time for the monthly meet ings of the county commissioners and the lxard of education and a large crowd is in town. Rev. C. H. Durham, pastor of the First Baptist church of Lumberton, and Rev. I. P. Hedg- peth, pastor of the churches at Orrum, Long Branch, Saddle Tree and Bladenborb, will leave tomorrow morning to attend the Baptist State Convention, which convenes tomorrow evening in Wadesboro. ; Others from Lum berton will, attend the Conven tion later in the week. . Fayetteville Observer. 2d: Four fine looking, well dressed D. P. Shaw, T. L. Johnson, SHAW & JOHNSON, Attorneys and Ceusellert at Law, LUMBERTON, . N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. Offices over First National Bank. , Wade Wishart, E. M. Britt WISHART & BRITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N. a All business f ul attention: Building. :-' 9-10 SWen prompt and care ffice upstairs in Argas Stephen Mclntyre, James D. R. C. Lawrence Proctor. Mclstyrc, Lawresce & fredsr. Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, - - N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. T. A. McNeill, ' T. A.c McNeill Jr. McNeill & McNeill, Artoracjrs sit Law' LUMBRTON. N. a Will practice in all the Courts. . , Busi ness attended to promptly. N. McLean. Mrs. S: L. Morgan returned will be opened as a skating rink Monday to her home. in Burling-1 and healthy young men arrived next monaay dv Messrs; June ton alter BDenaing several aays m rayeiievme lasi mgni, com- cupied two of -the houses, the Uca,Ireland Mrs. Rob- ing direct from Scotland, having m a i x i ii i i.nt- fuuii v ill win Lirz w la- 11 1 i i . . ii . ? 11 i t - l i tv l i :ii I nave i ited. Refreshments will be serv ed free in each country. Round trjp,25 cents for all. others beinsr occumed by ne groes. Part of . the furniture in these was burned.: The burning of this plant is a great blow to the people of : that section. Between 150 and p:upic arc wuu? i vu - M.a whn HiArl som 1ft Dlovment, some oi tnem aouDi-i ;rvvy-v vears ago. aiea suddenly inurs- Svnd'Tay-r'oU tha"t day afternoon at 4 o'clock at her amounted to' about. $5,000 a month suddenly ceases, for the leased it tor the coming year. It will be called "The Grand." ; Four young Scotchman arrived Death of Mrs. Margaret McRae. yesterday direct from Scotland. Tkr-c tut,. MaPoo riT.t rtf They have already succeeded in eson. Red Springs, 1909. finding homes on farms, where they expect to study farming. Fayetteville road, are:Messrs. C. Leith of present at least. MrF. Sitterding, president of the company, of Richmond, Va., where all the stockholders live, home at Alfordsville, aged about 57 years. She was stricken at one o'clock Thursday afternoon with hemorrhage of the brain and never regained conscious ness. The interment took place passed through Lumerton Satur- naay aernounj , o u &jv Stvnn hW wlv to Kimrsdale. He Ashpole Presbyterian church, VHJ v.. r, . . hMF Hnm anri. Mrs.wicKae was They Berwick, who is with Mr. H. C. McNair: A. A. Mcintosh and J. H. McCall of Edinburgh, with Mr. Jas. McBryde: and A. A. McKenzie of Forres, with Capt. J. W, McLauchlin of Raeford. We hope these young men will like their new home and be giv en a hearty welcome. already been secured positions on N. . C. , Dec. 3, farms here byMr.Edward Bagley, the wealthy Scetchman,who was recently here. They are: A. A. McKenzie of Forres, going to Maj. J. W. McLauchlin's farm. Raeford; J. H. McColl of Edin boroandA. A. Mcintosh of Edin- boro. going to Mr. James Mc- Minor Court Cases. Hector Hunt, Croatan, who lives 5 miles f ror.i town on the was arrested Fridav and brought before Jus tice J. A. Rowland on the charge Bryde's, Floral College: C. Leith of disposing of mortgaged proper- 0f Berwick, going to Mr. H. C. tv. The trial was cotmued un til Mondav of next week and Hunt was released on a $200 bond. Mr. W. J. Odum, who lives on rural route No. 1 from Red Snrinors. hroueht to jail here McNair's, Maxton. -The American Realty & Auc tion Co. of Greensboro will con duct a grand auction sale of lots I at Maxton on Friday of this week. In the half-page Ad. (f says that as soon as the insurance near ir of S familv Maj. A.J. McKinnon, who had Thursday Andrew Mclntyre, col- this sale in Thursday's paper the Mri;iistnH thannr uri .no rp. i vwv 11, - i -i i ;t- j i i i n n ohtino u.n mn .ik.t- 4-v 1 1 1 i-i 19 OUjUdlvU bile J iuii w A. McLean, A. W. ,.W..B. Snow. McLean, McLean & Snow, Attorneys at Law, : LUMBERTON. N. C. Offices on 2nd floor of Bank of Lum berton Building, Rooms 1, 2, S, and 4. Prompt attention given to all business. " E. J. BRITT, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, LUMBERTON, N. a Office over Pope's Drug Store. THOMAS N. McDIARMID Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, : : : N. C Office over Pope Drug Store. 2-2S Thurman D. Kitchin, M. D., Physician and Snrfleon IiUSnXESTOBf N. C Office McLean-Sledge Drug Store. Office phone 26 Residence phone 124 hnilt on a different plan, with ncrete dry kilns. A later and more conservative estimate than that tfiven above Dlaces the loss ihopn down at fVninnila on a deer I ored. who was in a shooting Knnf ramo hnmo tho flrat. nf tkp RM-aTlft about a month agO anQ UWliVy VMIUv VilV ' week. The party caught thir- who held up a negro ai iunaar- teen. . rach a week ago Saturday ana Tho Edinh.iro-h Rook Club met told him he had been crossing date was given right, the 10th, at the beginning of the Ad., and at one plac near the end it ap peared as the 17th. The date as given in the Ad. today is correct; 7-9 A meeting of the Robescn County Teachers Association wsi held at the graded scho')l building Satnrrlnv attended bv 88 teach- at between $40,000 and $50,000. prs. who were enti rtained at din-1 with Mrs. J S MfT?ke Thnradav I his nath enough and he was go-1 the sale will be Fridav. the 10th. The plant was built some 12 years ner at the Waverly hotel. Ow- afternoon. This was an unusu- ing to put out his lights or so The men who have the sale in jrflv intAreatino- meetino-. Misses he is charsred. Andrew was tried charge assure its success, lhey flora Currie and Maude McRae I before Justice McLaughlin Wed- have conducted some mighty suc- met the guests at the front door nesday and sent to jail in de- cessful sales in this section,2and nnH little John Rnmnter oreeted fault of a $200 bond. them in the hall and ushered Henry Jb'auiK, coiorea, was oe them into the parlor. Cards with fore Mayor Rowland Saturday a number of a committee on them were distributed and all were soon Dusy at- some occupa tion some sewing, others telling " .1 n x o :n ft. ago oy tne ooutnern oawinni. ot Lumber Co. and was sold about 3 years ago to the Kingsdale Lumber Co. The residence of Mr. A. B. Fisher, used as a boarding house, just across the tracks from the Seaboard depot, was destroyed afternoon at l ing to the crowded condition of the paper a detai;ei report oi this interesting meeting is held over for Thursday s paper. Marriage of Miss Elizabeth Ad ams and Mr, Lacy Price. Correspondence of The Robeson ian. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. w. no unsuccessful ones. for usiner Drofane language in a public place. The case was dis missed. .DV lire r nuay aiiciuwu i. x - , , 4.ui"w" owu, ovmu6, uuicii t&uiu6 ... - oVlork The fire started on the F. Adams, near Rowland, on the f airy les, while others were in At the Opera House. An- 118th Ult. When their daughter, ( fVioVitphort rnrU-incr Mfsi Mai. I Mnolnw ninlm-oe rhtrh will in. f ective flue, and had gained Miss Elizabeth, was married to loy won the prize f or dressing the elude the discovery of the North .considerable headwav before it ir. iacy rnce, a prusyciuuo orettiestdoIl , Miss JimmieCroom Pole bv Dr. Frederick A.Cook, was discovered. Not much of the young farmer ot the lona section. for Wing the most interesting will be shown at the Lumberton furniture was saved. It was a frame dwelline containing 21 rooms and had been built this year.The insurance of $3,000 will about cover the loss. It seems that with any sort of Onlv a few friends and relatives were present. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Price drove to Mr. J. E. Fnce's gath er of the groom), where a delight ful reception was given. Their fnends wish tor them a story, and Mrs. R. M. Williams onera house this evening and to for making the best candy. The I morrow evening. One film, which reireshments were a variety oi costs the management 210 a properly directed effort the lower many ncw wim ior part of the house might have PP a?d s ior been saved. . No steam was up at the power house and the fire whistle could not be blown, and not a single hose was brought out. The house simply burned down for lack of any proper effort to check the flames. Elrod, N. C , Dec. 3, 1909. The Prudent Man Forseeth the evil and provides his family with a jar of Vick's Croup & Pneumonia Salvt and niD these dangerous troubles in tht Kni R.at Rmndv ever offered tht " . . . T T A & public and money back U not aeiigM- moru. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McAllis ter, who had been living at frie home ot Mr. McAllister s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McAl lister, corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets, moved Fridav into the residence ot Cant. L. R. Breece, corner of Walnut and Fourth streets. Mrs. Breece went Friday evening to Pem broke, where Capt. Breece hsi been assisting in tha store of his son. Mr. A. M. Breece, for some time, and thence they will go ,!??i!!4a??!!&2 Week to Baxter. Ga.. where Dr. Thomas C. Johnson, Pnyslclau and S org eon. Lumbeftott, N. C. Office over McMillan's Drug Stoie. Calls answered Promptly day or might Residence at Prof. J R. Poole'. " 4-27-tf. DR. N. A THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LUMBERTON, - . N. C Office at Hospital. Phone No. 41.; Down town office over McMillan' Drug Store. Calls promptly answered night or day, in town or in the country. DR. R. T. ALLEN, DENTIST, LUMBERTON, - - N. C Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store.' DR. R. F. GRAHAM, All had a most delightful time American flag at the Pole. Doors and voted Mrs. McRae a charm-1 will oDen at 7.30 o'clock and the I - . At ing hostess. Maxton, N. C, Dec. 3, 1909. ed, 25, 50 &?l,0ojars. The greatest danger from influenza is of its resulting in pneumonia. This can be obviated by using Chamber ain's Cough Remedy, as it not only lures influenza, out counteracts any I tendency of the disease towards Dneu- soidbyur. J. u. McMillan & gonand The Pope Drug Co. show will begin at 8.15. Admis sion will be 25 cents tor adults and 15 cents for children. Folev's Orino Laxative is best for women and children. Its mild at tion and pleasant taste make it preferable to Tlolent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, ets. Cures constipation. Sold by all druggists. thev will make their home for some time with their daughter. Mrs. W. C. Fisher. There isn t anything so annoying cr so painful nor i thre anything auite so hard to get rid of as piles. ManZan, 1 the great pile remedy, is the best you ! can use, for n directly reahes the seat of the trouble and at once relieves and I soothes pain. It is applied by means of a tube with nozzle attached. DfiVTIST, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Bank of Lamberton. Rooms NO- 7 and 8. 1-20-03 E. G. SIPHER, ELECTRICIAN.! Lumbertoii,! M. C. OJQce in ShawBuilding, Phone No.

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