THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN 3 leieiiikrae Fire T!ie If you want something nice, good and durable in the way ot Dry Goods or Furniture, our store is the place to find it. We not only carry a full line of everything that one would expect to find in a Dry Goods and Furniture store, but our goods are new and up-to-date. We have Hats and Coat Suits in the latest styles for ladies. In fact we can dress both Ladies and Gentlemen complete for little money. We are not always quoting low prices on a few things, but you will find our prices reasonable on everything. We sell Pianos and Organs and if you are contemplating buying one see us before you purchase and save money. Will sell you on the installment plan. BLACKER BROT RS 3-4 LUMBERTON. N. C. C M. FULLER Two Car Loads, Received of Two Car Loads. Mules and Horses from St. Louis markets Dec. 17 and 19. I have a large and complete line at my salestable. Several nice Farm and Driving Horses. See me before buying. Respectfully. we are still in the Drao Business- Our time is devoted to other people's health. Our store is in charge of a registered and ex perienced Pharmacist. We CALL special .ttention to (our PRESCRIP TION DEPARTMENT. The latest and best Torsion Balance Prescription j Scale has been in stalled. Give Us a Trial. POPE DRUG Company. THE HOUSE OF QUATITY. LUMBERTON, N. C Virginia & Carolina Southern Railroad Co Lv lime Table No. 6. In Effect 12. 01 a. m. , Nov. 1 5th, 1909. Between Lumberton and Hope Mills. NORTHBOUND (Daily Except Sunday) No. 64 No. 78 Lumberton, 9.5o a m 7.15 p m Bee Gee, 9.58 " 7.23 " Powers, lo.o5 " 7.3o 44 Woodmore, lo.l5 " 7.40 " Roziers, lo.20 " 7.45 " St Pauls, lo.25 " 7.50 " Oakland, lo.3o " 7.55 " McMillan, 10.35 " 8.00 " Roslin, Io.4o 8.05 44 Hope Mills, lo.5o 8.15 ' 4 SOUTHBOUND (Daily Exeept Sunday) Ar Lv C. M Lumberton, FU r.u Ar N. C. Hope Mills, Roslin, McMillan, Oakland, St. Pauls, Roziers, Woodmore, Powers, Bee Gee, Lumberton, No. 65 No. 79 5.oo p m 6.3o a m 5.Io " 6.4o 44 5.15 " 6.46 " 5.2o " 6.52 44 5.25 44 6.57 44 5.3o " 7.oI " 5.35 " 7.o5 " 5.45 " 7.15 44 5.52 " 7.22 44 6.oo " 7.3o 44 Number 149. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Robeson County. $ To T.N.Higley. Entry Taker for Robe son County. The undersigned, Malichi Locklear, of Robeson County, State of North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the iollowing piece or parcel of land in Smiths Township, Robeson County, State of North Carolina, the same be ing vacant and subject to entry, and bounded as lollows, viz: Lying on the West side of Bear Swamp, bounded on the North by the run of Bear Swamp, on the East by Wesley Bullard's estate, on the South by Hector Locklear and on the West by Peggy Locklear. Containing by estimation fifty acres, more or less. This Dec. 2oth, 1909. Malachi Locklear, Witness: Earl A. Thompson. Entered, 2oth Dec, 1909. Notice. H T ii -v . . my son iaswen ueese has leit mv V i ri i , . , - nome and l nereby lorbid anyone to employ, maintain or harbor or support mm in any way. 12- 20tf Mary Peese tin AMtMM M UtASM r n J y u ay u u w y m mm Mytsiji m m IF YOU WANT a good wagon or Farm Mulf I have it, and will sell as cheap as anybody. All I ask is that you come and see what I have before you buy. Will sell you for cash or on easy terms with approved security. Stables on corner of Second and Walnut streets in the building formerly used by O. C. Norment & Co. for buggy warehouse. A. K. MORRISON m No. 5, local freight and passenger, (daily except Sunday) leaves liope Mills 9.oo a m, arriving at Lumberton at 11.10 a. m. No. 6, local freight and passenger, (daily except Sunday) leaves Lumber- ton 1pm, arriving at Hope Mills at 2.5o p m. fSi tsr. ;' ui r; ... ! Efete Raleigb and Charleston Railroad k S3 TimcTaWcNo. 7. Takina Effect Sunday, ..lay2nd, 1909, at 6 A. Ml. S.U5 ( '. KA Sw &! W M ! R$&c: MrtU Vt -1.1 Ililiit ' t I 1 ' 1 11 l'B I SOUTH BOUND. Lumberton, 9-9 - N. Lv. Lumberton, 1 Pope, Kingsdale, 1 Proctorville, 1 Barnesville, ' Flowers, 1 Marietta, ' Holmesville, Pages M;ll, Kempei , May, ' Mellier, ' Squires, 4 Fork, Zion, ' Rogers, r Marion, No. i. No. 5. 10 45 a m 1.30 p m 10.55 " 1.40 " 11.03 " 2.10 " 11.20 ,l 2.28 " 11.37 " 2.50 " 11.43 " 3 " 11.49 3-22 " 11.54 " 3-33 " 12.00 " 3 4o " 12.06 " 4.12 " 12 09 " 4 2o " 12.11 " 4 25 " 12 14 " 4-45 " 32.17 " 5.00 " 12 26 " 5.15 " 12.35 " 5-25 " 12 50 " 5.50 ftfe tfe Ife Sfes, fes 'JH . -? Between Safety and O auger I The wise man secures the protection ot FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa per a man has is a policy in a goo-1 com pany. We represent some of the bes4 companies in existence. They pay promptly and honorably all losses incur red. Some day you may be sorry you didn't let us write a policy t-day. WSfefN SJ The only Baking Powder f VAlg'!?-&jr mde from Royal Grape r"? Cream of Tartar Continued from page two. ( j.hns.n. r 5 v c 887 Kullard. W. P.... 1.4-06 1.20 Nye, KnKlish. . . . 1-4-0C 1.20 1716 (.'use . ft:u .t. I.. Tnuiis.'nd iiis ritniiin. 1. 11 4-20-OS 2.30 1T24 Case Hall. A. 1-, 4-29-09 6.90 1728 Case S4G Case 10-12-08 4.10 1731 Ci.?e 9 5 8 Case (O. M. IJritt vs. l... Case Car. Nor Hv. . 4-6-09 124.52 1 7.59 Case 990 Case ' 12-2-OS 2.70 174 0 Case 1016 Case 7-19-09 S.50 17!S Sh.-rift" 1045 Case 4-6-08 5.85 C;:se .... 1058 Rowan, 10. McQ., 1750 ('as.- 8-24-OS 2.00 : 1751 Case 1059 Wilson. J. M... 12-22.09 .90 175 ! Case 1064 VvalUiee, X. V. .l-15-0u MO 1755 Case 1059 Wilson, J. M..12-22-l" .9y'175-; Case 1077 A. C 1. 11. 11. Co.. i 1757 Flu-rift" 5-7-07 .60 11753 Case 1102 MeEaeherr., K. A. 1761 Floy,! I'.ros. 12-9-07 5.5()i Purceil, J. K 12-9-07 4.:;:i-1761 Cas - 11-17 Crooks. .Jm ::-4-!)8 2..ii'1765 Case ..... uxendir.t.-. M. C...:;-i-0S 2.601766 Htooks, Z:it-k... .a-4-!S 2.6J 17S4 Cast- IitLL JVC lull , 1'. v . . I ' r wO' - ...j- ..... 11.1V rr ii .," t t, . 1 r j!7 I 1149 l.yon. J. II.! . '. !l0-16-06v 2.20 1712 Cas - 1159 JMelntvie. Lawreliee .17-15 Cae rroetor 4-22-07 :.00"17j6 t'i.- Case 4-22-07 1.0". 17H7 'v.s- 1179 Sheriff 1-17-07 . Is-;: C::ra; ' 1!. 1199 Case 12-1:1-1:7 l.OOilS'Jl i !! t:io.;d. V 1216 Cas:- 11.9-0S l.SOl SSa i Me! ian:i:d. J. C, - -vr.seiit!. t n -!...: r. Jii I 12-17-on u 29 1218 A. P. McAllister. SU f;.se Ife 7-2S-0S :i.55 tM? iie Norment & I'rev.ttt. 1 822 Ca !r 7-28-0S 1.50 1827 'vf-T 1220 Gibson, ;T. A. ..12-20-07 .60 182 Cai.- iyA 1225 Case (Nichols v:?. J 1 S :; 1 Ievar.e. it. 1". j Townsi-tii) ..11-4-09 229.05 '' v-;:4 1237 Pitman. J. 15..: .. 1-4-08 1.10 1S:::5 P.uie. I). A... 4 05, 18s ivuni'ir.ii, . 1247 12-17-08 6.76 i'U.n:m. j. I .. 5&!pi 151 Case .so I 5.00 1 1847 (18 19 .CO j Q T. WILLIAMS. 1-9 Greeftninigis For 1910 o o Looking backward over the year just closing, we cannot help a feeling of regret in saying farewell to such a satisfactory year as 1909 proved to be for us. From all indications the coming year bids fair to be a period of ever increasing prosperity. In wishing you the compliments of the season, permit us also to wish that you may secure your full share of this prosperity. -Throughout 1910 we will do our very best to merit a continuance of your confidence, your approval and your patronage; - - - P. McMillan & Son Hl M Ml NORTH BOUND. Lv. Marion, 44 Rogers, 44 Zion, 44 Fork, 44 Squires, 44 Mellier, 44 May, 44 Kemper. 44 Pages Mill, 44 Holmesville, 44 Marietta, 44 Flowers, 44 Harnesville, 44 Proctorville, 44 Kingsdale, 44 Pope, Ar Lumberton, Train Nos. i and 2 run daily. Jno. Sk.ei.ton Williams, Pre?. L. A.. Boyd, Gen. Mgr. No. 2. No. 6. 3.30 p m 6.40 a m 3.44 44 7.00 44 3.50 44 7.10 44 4 00 44 7-33 " 4.03 " 7-37 " 4 06 44 7-41 " 4.09 44 7-45 " 4 12 44 7.52 " 4 17 44 7.5S " 4 27 44 8.10 44 4 35 44 S.30 44 4.42 44 8.40 " 4.52 44 8 55 " 5 06 44 9-15 " 5 20 44 9-45 " 5.25 44 10.00 44 5.4O 10.45 " FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Insure in the Oldest, Strongest and Best Foreign and American Companies. S. H. HAMILTON, Agent 1384 1400 Case McLc 1411 1412 Case 1413 Case 1414 Case 1415 Case 14 26 Case 1430 S. Z. 14 36 C. F 1470 A. C 1475 1480 Case Willoug-hby, 14 89 Case (T. C. K. R 1496 Case 1500 Case 1503 Case 1521 A. C. L. R 1524 A. C. L. Co. 6HUR-ON IV DRUGGISTS. Lumberton, N. C. For Sale. iij I tains one acre 01 land. Apply to b.J fl j lntyre, Chm. Graded School Board, 1 .Kir's: The public school lot and building (or the lot without the building) in North Lumberton, in Lindell section. Con- Mc- or to W. H. Humphrey, Secy. 9-23tf 3&i J. w MnarcMsoe & Co. Importers and Jobbers of Hardware,Tinware,Agricvdtural lements, Stoves, ;es, Etc, Etc., 4 ImpL Rang 109 and 111 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Write for Price. There is more Catarrh in this seCttan of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescrib ed local remedies, and by constantly faili-g to cure with local treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Science has prov en catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure.manu- factured by F. J. Chenev & Co.,Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly or. the blood and mu-! cous surfaces of the system. They of fer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to enre. Send for circulars and testimonials Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by allDruggists,75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Good Taste Eyeglasses Good taste demands that your ! eyeglasses look neat and uncon j spicuous. When you wear Shur 1 on mountings you dress the eye ! and nose in the best possible I mu - OI K ll nair rn ol- uul jjieoauic ,iiu win ijr most any nose. Spectacles and eyeglasses correctly fitted to your eyes for $1. 00 and up. Eyes Examined Free Dr. Vineberg At Kingsbury's Drug Store ' Masonic Temple, Wilmington. - - - N. C. -Artificial Eyes Inserted With out Pain. Dr. J. H. HONNET; rhysfclan and Surgeon. Practice limited to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and.Throat and fitting of glasses. No. 12 North Front Street. Wilmington, N. C. 8-6-t. .1-12-06 12-17-08 .-17-07 . . 1-4.07 C.. 10-31-07 2-12-07 in. McLean & MoCormick ...3-3-07 Morrison. AI. S et al .11-20-07 Case 4-20-07 4-20-07 4-2C-07 4-26-07 4-26-07 8C-0 Batfinan. .6-15-07 MiCormic. 9-2-09 1... R. R. Co.. 7-12-07 1-20-04 H.. 9-26-08 Pase vs. R. & .5-19-09 . . .5-17-07 . .11-30-08 . . .9.19-OS It. Co.. 10-18-07 1523 A. C. 1 It. R. Co.. 6-29-07 R. R. Co.. 6-29-07 T.. R. R. Co., C-29-07 1528 Case 6-7-07 1552 L,or kl'ar, Nelson, .8-12-07 1559 liijTKS, 1. W 7-24-07 1588 Case 7-27-07 1589 Case 8-1-07 1592 Case 8-2-07 1594 F. 11. Hteudnuin. 8.28-07 1600 Case 12-13-07 1602 Case 7-30-09 1605 Rackiey. J R... 6-23-09 Smith, F. L. 6-23-09 1607 Case (S. E. Uritt vs. MoDiarmid Lumber Co 8-6-09 1609 Case , 9-17-07 1514 Case . 9-23-07 1619 Case 9-30-07 1620 Case 7-10-07 1622 U J. i:ritt t t ux, 7-10-07 Ca3 12.11-07 Case .'..12-2-OS Max ton Itottlins Works. 11-1S-09 A. Ii. Croom...ll-18-07 Case 6-5-07 Case 10-11-09 fiheriff (Henderson Co.) 4-30-09 JJcLean & Jlclan, 11-25-03 3.60 r..00 j 1854 5.00 t 135S 5.00 5.00 1... 12-17-07 it. Co.. 12-17-07 l!-l-'9 1-3't-OS l-27-S . . .12-18-07 . . . 12-20-07 . . .12-26--J7 . . .12-2K-07 . . .12-31-07 1-11-ON 1-11-OS 4-15-419 1-15-09 1 -16-118 1-19-0 5-29-09 4-2-OS -29-'9 !!i M-:-hfll. 1-29-OS i-:jo-os 2-S-08 6-27-0S 7-:;'i-o5 "-1 s-mh . . . . 1 v-2;- :;-2::-is 3-27-2S 3-27-os l'rry.:.-S-OS 12-17-0 i M.. 2-1 -0 . . .i-7-4!r . ..--2 1-08 .11-2 5-09 . . . r.-2-!S . . .5-2-0 -: I.uml r . . .5-X-OS . .. . Z-'.-()S ...-17-fjS .". t;17-08 . p.. 6-17-0S Fulir.ore. I I.-nry . 6-17-OS .M:i:-iii.. W. ii. . .6-17-0 -5 I'iwe 11-19-09 Williams. It. J.. 10-20-09 Crump. Thomas. 10-20-09 Cas? 9-11-09 riff (New ilaiiovt-r) 12-17-08 Sheriff M Nt:ll . 12-17-09 OS 5.00 1S59 Case 7- 34.90 13S1 Tovr.snd. ii. W.. 2.15 .30 .30 2.50 .30 47.95 2.50 2.90 6.80 1863 1864 1S67 1869 1870 1874 1881 1882 1885 1SS6 Case Case Cae Case Case Case C.tse Case 1891 Case IS 00 Case 30 1903 Caj;e i 1 S C S Case 30 1909 Case 11915 Case in 1 191C Case 1525 A. C .30 J.50 1917 Case V 1922 70 1923 . . .6-2 .-08 ... .6-24-08 7-2-OS 7-1-09 7-9-08 . . .7-21-08 7-27-08 . . .7-28-08 . . .7.29-08 . . .7-23-08 . . .8-12-08 . . .8-25-08 8-29-08 . . .8-21-09 9-9-08 . . .9-17-0S 9-17-0:; . . .9-18-08 . . .'J-22-0S 9-24-08 9-28-0S 10-2-08 10-2-08 1625 1038 1641 1C!5 1051 1667 16C7 1671 1919 Case 1921 Case Case .... Case p.n 10 2 4 case .in ! 1925 Case 11-20-08 500 1926 Case 10-5-08 132S4 Ja32 J'J-I-US 1930 Case 10-7-08 1931 Case 10-7-08 1932 Case 3-30-09 1934 Case 10-13-08 1936 A. C. L. R. R. Co., 10-20-08 1939 Ctse 10-21-08 10-23-08 1C-23-0& 10-23-08 10-27-08 Kail 10-3-08 Wooten. 10.2-08. H 10-3-08 Harney.. 10-3-0S Case 12-16-C3 Case 113-08 Case 11-9 OS Case It-IMS 5.00 .60 .50 10.65 4.10 15.00 !0.32 1941 Ca3e . 1942 Case . 4'40 11943 Case . 4.05 w J---1- 4 05 J 19 47 Sheriff looio',! Rhcnit !l948 Floyd. 5.00 iao 1 1952 1.20 1.20 2.60 7.60 1953 Ca3e G. T. 1672 Cai;o . . . 1675 Cas . . . 1683 Case . . . i4!82 Cas . . . !6i3 Case . . 1700 Caae . . . 1702 Case . . 1707 Case 1711 Case . . 1713 Gilmore, Nye, O. J.. Pate, A. J. Watson, N. .11-19-07 .3-27-.09 . .6-30-09 . .12-5-07 .12-26-07 .11-15-09 .11-15-09 . .11-1-09 .12-17-08 .12-17-07 .. ..12-17-07 . . .12-17-07 A.. 12-17-07 McAltslsr, 1954 Case . . . . 1,20'' Cse .... i 1957 Case i t. 15:3 L'a 5-00 If Caa 3 60 1 1 86 4 Case 6.45 i 1965 Caa.- 11-9-09 U-C-ft9 11-13-(16)-0S 11.20-08 11-25-08 11-23-OS 11-23-C3 11-25-08 11-27-OS l-?-09 i;8 ,12-22-OS 2.25 '1968 Castf 5 00 uase . . . . i"j 1 1971 Case . . . 145 i 1873 Case 12-8-08 4"70 il975 Case 12-18-03 9"30 ;197S Case 12-1S.0S T V. 12.17..-.: .1ft-lS82 McNeill. E. C2-22-08 50 190J Case . . . cn :1984 Case 1 en 1 1986 Case 12-28-03 " 1989 Case 1-4-0? 131-0 Case 2-20-0 Car?e t-7-"3 as ! 1995 C:use l-9-:9 ; saying that I regard Electric Eittcrs as j J?s p.-u 1-S-C9 ' one ot" t.h oroft'jut . oriff-a that- Clrxi W1"9' Cjl-e 1 l-JO-OJ 1918 Case 11-20-09 I I - ; never forget vhat it has done for me." ; 2010 Rackiey, V.'. 6!! 3-30-03 This glorious medicine gives a woman: 201 1 Case '09 buoyant spirits, vigor of body and jubi- 2014 Wilkins, Joseph. , lant health. It quickly cures Nervous-' t 11-2S-0? iache, Backache, Fainting and Dizzy 7 'H, ' Spells; soon builds up the weak, ailin:? " ; 1 rr.- . rr.- -j. .11 -V.U V i'.S'i .. lllch Men's Gifts Are Po r beside this:44I want to go on record ! one oi the ffrea'.est srif ts that God ha I made to woman, writes Mrs. 0. Rhine- .qiq ivaun, oi vscai enrer, vt. x. 1-1S-'J .1-20-09 i.r 60 190 .60 2.40 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.30 5.00 2.50 5.00 5 00 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.C0 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.10 4.00 s.t.e 5.00 5.00 5 00 8."20 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 30 5.00 5.00 .00 .50 00 2 5 2.50 r.ft' 3.T0 .80 2.70 .Id 5 00 5l00 5.00 3. CO 2.10 2.12 2.00 3.40 4.1 4.40 COO 2.50 5.00 5.15 2.50 S 00 5.00 5.00 1.20 5.00 C.23 2 50 ?'.:' 5.F.0 5.00 .4)0 5.0) 7.55 7.55 1.10 .30 30 70103 1.20 2.50 5.00 5.00 8-10 tf j druggists. C-ontiflu .hi on pajp sir i

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