THE ROBESONIAN PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 80BESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. J. A. SOARPE, - - President. McNeill and Gough being mem bers of the present board. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: The Year 51-50 Six Months .... .75 Three Months - - - .40 MONDAY, APRIL 25. 1910 Rev. Gilbert T. Rowe, pastor of Tryon StreetMethodist church in Charlotte, announced last Sun day night that beginning with yesterday ladies would be re quested to remove their hats at all services. Glory to Mr. Rowe! He is one of the most promising young preachers in Southern Methodism and has a brain that always clips right through non essential things, so we are not at all surprised that he should have been the one to start this alto gether sensible movement. Here's hoping that the day is soon coming when it will be the rule and not the rare exception, as it is now. for a man to be able to sit anywhere in a church and see the preacher. His Mr. Johnson Asks That Name be Eliminated. To the Editor: I am advised that my name has been handed to the election managers as a candidate to be voted on in tomorrow's primary for town commissioner. While I appreciate the honor and confi dence suggested in thus having my name mentioned for this re sponsible position, I could not, under the circumstances, accept the nomination at this time. I am not afraid of being over whelmed with votes, but Jest some other candidate be injured by the scattering votes that might be cast for me I ask that my name be eliminated from the contest. Very respectfully, Thomas L. Johnson. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. The candidates for Congiess m this district are getting down to their knitting now and it is like ly to be lively until the issue is decided. Mr. O.L.Clark, of Bladen county, and Mr. H, L. Cook, of Cumberland, have announced their candidacy and Mr. Clark has opened headquarters at Clark ton. Friends of the various can didates are beginning to warm up and their will be something doing all the while. Congress man H. L. Godwin is in the race ling schools: Parkton, May 3rd, trV"""' ""V , " n,v; .r :"::: tvt""7o : Stephen Mclntyre, R. C. Lawrence McKinnon, of Maxton, is under- Y Y rr. aijr , J James D. Proctor. et u ; ivicrvmnon; rniiaaeipnus, okvvu iv kjm in bii inw. professional CARDSXTK First National Baimk5 CHAS. T. HARPER, M. D. Rooms 507-508 Southern Bldg. Phone 1166. " - WILMINGTON, N. C. Practice Limited to Genito-Urinary and Rectal Diseases. Surplus $18,000.00. OTIS M. PAGE, C. E. T. W. LaBRUCE, C. E. PAGE & LaBRUCE, Engineers and Contractors. Land surveying, land drainage, laying out oi city lots ana diocks. special at tention to large land and topographic surveys, computations and estimates of all descriptions, sewerage and pave ments, work done with accuracy and despatch. Main office address Dillon. S. C. Branch offices: Georgetown and Charleston. 4-7tf. LUMBERTON, N. C. Capital Stock $50,000.00. ASSETS OVER QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS, THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ROBESON COUNTY. Depository for United States Postal Funds, United States District Court Bankrupt Funds, Robeson County, Towu of Lumberton. We should be pleased to be your Depository. 6-1 H. T. POPE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Three nice offices over the Pope Drug Co's store Special attention to the Medcial treatment of Cancer. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p, m, Sunday by appointment. Phones: Pope Drug Co.112. Residence 50. 1-27-1 Any Citizen wishing to communi cate with any town official in cases of emergency will please ring phone No. 123. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. An improvement over many Cough. Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids th system of cold by actinfi as a cathartic on the bovels. No opiates. Gue ran teed to giv KBtisfartifv.. or money rfundd. Preoared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. S. A. Sold by J. D. McMlLLAN & SON, Lumberton, N. C. S2JK23EH5 ssxc To be Made One of Main Fea tures in County's Schools Speeches for Important Occa sions. To the Editor of The Robesonian: An never before the people of our country have realized that the source of our wealth is first of all the soil; and hew to use both field and forest to the best advantage is now the problem. The farmers of our county have realized that the solution of this problem must come through the schools. We who are inter ested in education certainly know how to appreciate the great interest that the farmers of Robeson county are taking in our public schools. The Farm ers' Educational and Co-Opera-tive Union has secured speakers to make addresses on agricultu ral education for several of our schools that have already closed, .11... . i i i ana nave speaKerS wno nave ac- All business given prompt and care- cepted invitations lor the follow- ful attention. Office upstairs in Argus building. 9-10 Dr. W. O. EDMUND Veterinary Surgeon. Manufacturer of horse Remedies. Lumberton, N. C. Calls filled promptly. Phone No. 52. 3-21 D. P. Shaw, T. L. Johnson, SHAW & JOHNSON, Attorneys and Cousellers at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. Offices over First National Bank. Wade Wishart, E. M. Britt W. S. Britt. Wishart, Britt & Britt. Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. ( ''''Ill I 4 .. .S V.V. i . . . n 1v A A. J. May 13, Dr. D. H. I mont, May 20; Maj. Hill: Fair- A. J. Mc- Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, "Rptter Vmtpl facilities are bad- Kinnon: Rowland. Mav 23. filar- LUMBERTON, - - - N. C lv needed in Lumberton and it is ance Poe. Practice in State and Federal Courts. IT 1 J TUT r" 1 In . . . . . . ... . tr hp hnned that the rmhhV-snir- uumoerion, may o, regular rrompt attention given to all Dusinees. OPENING You can look over the new est Spring fabrics we are displaying over 500 in the latest colorsevery shade and grade at prices which will please you prices that are much lower than you expect ed to pay. We are showing seme new leng lapel styles that ere juict the thing for Spring-gry 13 the proper color the younger chaps will wear tobacco brown. W xJlu fevatt Lumberton, N. C. ilea men wno are planning to Union. Hon. H. L. Godwin. T. A. McNeill, enlarge tne waverly hotel will have no difficulty in raising the small amount of stock to be raised. T. A. McNeill, Jr As we expect to make agricul- MrNTTTTT. & Mr.NTTTT.T. features in our public school N. Attorneys at Law, When the Waverlv is re- courses next year, it is very es- bUfflmiuIN' Kj- VVIien Uie VVd,veny isre- H 1 ... 000.a orl Will nractice in all the Courts. 1 1 1 1 I WW. WiiMV tliV k3 UllU I moaeiea ana enlarged according school committeemen take the ness attended to promptly. to the plans submitted it will be opportuity of hearing these ad- quite a handsome building and a dresses, reople from all sections credit -o the town. The hotel of the county will be in . Lumber- ton on the bth to bear the ad dress of Congressman Godwin. J. R. Poole, County Superintendent. Busi DR. N. A THOMPSON, i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 1 rp If . ft -11 . J 1 m p LUMBERTON, - N. C. l.t. illtlCUl, tl. J. 1 1UVU, ! j. LYdllb. Office at Hospital. Phone No. 41. I I " President. Vice-President. Cashier. facilities of the town are ly inadequate now and hurting the town. entire- this is I We hope that before time for another election rolls around Lumberton will be ready to try the commission plan of govern ment. Men who are not paid lor their services and who meet Dr.D. m. Mcdonald, Optometrist, Red Springs, North Carolina. Special attention given to the examina tion of the Eye and Fitting Glasses, one evening every month to con- , . j i i uiauaiit iu an appointment oy tne siqer town matters cannot be ex- Mavor and Board of Commiasirmpr nf pected to give the afiairs of the e To.wn of J-umherton a3 managers of town the attention thev should the various nffifPS nf thZ ,n, v vm. wiiv V H II have. A man could not run his berton, notice is hereby giveq to the v: . n v quautied voters of said Town of Lum- bUSineSS Very Successfully if he berton that a primary will be held at A. McLean, A. W. McLean. McLean & McLean f Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON. N. C. Offices on 2nd floor of Bank of Lum berton Building, Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4. Promvt attention given to all business. WOODBERRY LENNON . ATTORNEY AT LAW Lumberton, N. C. Office over Post Office. E. J. BRITT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. Down town office over McMillan's Drug Store.- Calls promptly answered night or day, in town or in the country. DR. R. T. ALLEN, DENTIST, 5 LUMBERTON, - - N. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. DR. R. F. GRAHAM, DENTIST, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Bank of Lamberton. Rooms xo. 7 and 8. 1-20-08 farmers s Merchants Bank z t 11 1 gave u attention only once a month for an hour or so. i TOWN PRIMARY the Uourt House in Lumberton on the ast Tuesday m April, it beinsr Tues day April 26th 191o, for the purpose of cnoosing candidates tor Mayor, three members tor the Board of Town Com- missioners, four members for the board Anurman -rvltcnin, M. D., oi uraaea &cnooi rrustees and a Board Candidates to be Nominated To-imorrow. ;,The primary for the nomina tion of town officers nomination being equivalent to election will be held tomorrow. When it was stated in Thursday's Robesonian tnat there was no interest, ap parentiy, it was strict v true: but interest! sprang up overnight and since Friday there has been much discussion of town politics on tne streets. I The following candidates wil be voted on: For mayor J. A Rowland, present incumbent;Jas U. Froctor, M. W. Floyd; for commissioner (three to be nomi nated) J. D. McMillan, L. H Caldwell, Geo. G. French, mem bers of the present board; R. E. Lee, J. L. Stephens, T. L. John son; for school trustees (4 to be nominated) R. D. Caldwell, W. H. Humphrey, N. A. McLean, S. Mclntyre. members of the pres ent board; R. C. Lawrence, Q.T, Williams, Alf. H. McLeod, L. II. Caldwell; board of audit and fi nance iS to be nominate T? T Britt T. A. McNeill, Jr., Frank viougn, a. r. rarmele, Messrs. THOMAS N. McDIARMID Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, : : : n. C. Office over Boylin's Jewelry Store. 2-25 WAVERLY HOTEL BARBER SHOP W. H. Stalvey, Proprietor. David Fairfax, Geo. Collins, O. L. Rog ers, barbers. Perfect Cleanliness. First-Class Work, ton Drug Store. H?adquarters for Rear of Lumber-4-4tf ICodoS Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eata Lumberton, N. C. We Solicit Your Banking Business. We pay Four per cent, for money on Time I Certificate. Our large safe is Fire and Burg lar Proof -Weight 20,000 lbs, Safety Deposit Boxes for your deeds and valuable papers. We offer ev ery inducement consistent with safe banking rules. of Audit and Finance To be entitled to vote in said nrimarv the voter must be an elector of th State of North Carolina, and shall have resided for ninety days next preceding the day of election within the corparate unity oi me town oi .Liumberton. J. K. Poole, W. K. Bethune, F L. Prevatt, -E. B. McMillan, W. Lennon. 4-18tf Managers of the Pi imarv Pnysleian and Surgeon, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office Lumberton Drug co. Office phone 26 Residence phone 124 7-9 Attention! Game wardens and all interested in the protection of the birds are inform ed that bee. 3466 of the Revisal of 1905 reads: "If any person shall at any time hunt, capture of kill any non-game Dr Thomas C. Johnson, Physician and Surgeon, Lumberton, N. C. Office over McMillan's Drug Store. m I Calls answered Promptly day or night Kesidence at Prof. J. R. Poole's. 4-27-tf. E. G. SIPHER, ELECTRICIAN,; Lttmberton. N c !ir5L0r Sha11 during -the A8 season' Office in Shaw Building, Phone No 11 or time in anv voar in urV;nl v I 6 x "uuc iiu. x 1-6 or time in any year in which the hnnt. I i-Lf. . . ... me ui ivinnig is proniDitea, cnase with 4mi U.l l.Jll j u6i wuin-, n.iu or wouna or in anv manner take or capture any game bird, V1 ai.j ui, w jwBBum, raoDit or squir rel, he shall be cruiltv of ana De nnea not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days." This section does not amolv to Lnglish sparrows, owls, hawks, crows, uiayn. uirus, jacK-aaws and rice birds Dr. J. J. CROW Specialist on The Eye One day only, Saturday. Office Pope Drug Store. 3-17. F TIE MIGHT will have no terrors for you if you keep a box of E S trODD and FMIIMMM bmt in the house. Croup relieved in 15 minutes. Pneu monia, Bronchitis, etc. cured in 6 to 8 hours, the only remedy that provides strong external stimu- iitubes, nose and throat, at the same time. Delay is oangerous; have a box ready in the house. 2Sc, 50c and $1.00 JARS. AT DRUG STORES OR BY MAIL. VICK'S FAMILY REMEDIES CO, GREENSBORO. N. C Cobb Withers, the Mecklen burg county negro sentenced to the electric chair for the murder Game; birds are snipes, woodcocks! DR I w RI hrvju:r ' onn Leary, was to have paid irtridffe. auail. dove rnhm Q T "L.A.vrviVlE.I. I tVio A but Governor Kithi partridge, quail, dove, robin, and mead ow iarns. ana tnese ma av ftp IrilloH rvnlv Detween xnov. 1st and March 1st. All Osteopath. other birds are protected by the law Office Bank of Lumberton Bldg. during the entire year. Mondaya Wedneays Tnto and Chief Game Warden for Robeson Co. Saturdays. Hours, by appointment. 4-IItf 4.ntf day announced a reDrieve srrant ed until May 27 in order that he might look fully into the merits of application for commutation to life imprisonment Attroney-General Wickersham has ordered an investigation of the reported pool in raw cotton, which, it is alleged, has already resulted in an increased price of that staple and curtailment of the output by manufacturers and consequent loss of employment by mill hands. JS Eighteen miners lost their lives in an explosion in a coal mine at Amsterday, Ohio, Thursday night, and 40 or more miners lost their lives in an explosion in a mine near Birmingham, Ala., Wednesday. Mr. J. W. Davis, who lives on rural route No. 2 from Lumber ton, was in town last Monday.