THE SEMI-WEEJCLY ROBEbONI AN THE ROBESONI AN . PERSONAL. THE OLD AND PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1910. LOCAL RAILROAD SCHED ULE. Arrival and Departure ol Trains at Lumberton. SEABOARD AIR LINE. Train No. 45, west-bound Lvs 7.15 a. m. Train No.39, west-bound Lvs 6 02 p. m. Train No. 40, east-bound Lvs. 10.40 a.m. Train No. 44, east-bound Lvs. 9.47 p.m. VIRGINIA & CAROLINA SOUTHERN FROM HOPE MILLS. (Daily except Sunday) Train No. 79, arrives 7.30 a. m Train Nq. 64, leaves 9.35 a. m Train No. 65, arrives 6.00 p. Train No. 78, leaves 7.15 p. RALEIGH & CHARLESTON FROM MARION, S. C. Train No. I, leaves 10.45 a. m. Train No. 2, arrives 5.40 p m Cotton To-day 14 Eggs To-dav 15 cent?! yes- BUSINESS BUILDERS Mrs. J. B. Bowpn terday in Laurinburg. Mr. J. Abner Barkpr etteville, is in town today. iHMr. W. W. Ward, of Howells- vnie, was in town Saturday. Mr. A. D. Kinlaw, of Howells viiie, was in town Saturday. .Mr. D. S. McRae, of Fayette vnie, was in Lumberton Friday. Mr. H. D. Stephens, of Rex, was a -Lumberton visitor Friday. ivir. th. Hi. Johnson, who lires near ssi. turn, was m town Fn day. Mr. J. B. Rozier, of Fayette wiic, 10 Bpeiiuing a lew aays in town. Mr. J. Ira Townsend, Mne, was a LumDerton t naay. Mr. Jas. D. Proctor spent Sat uraay in Maxton on proleesional basiness. of Ten visitor LargeCommlsslon to local represen tatives, men and wot en, selling my "Solid Aluminum Gem" cooker and household utilities. Free sample to producers. Write Wm. R. Branch, wholesale dept. T. 2 S. 14th Street, Richmond, Va. 4-25-4mon FOR WEDDING PRESENTS K. M. Bipgs is showing line of Fancy Parasols. hand?ome 4 25 2t. H. Johnson, a Lumberton of St. visitor K. M. Bgs wants to e've i-.i and ega. buy corn, peas. 4-25-2t. N. nnid At Thompson hospital, six voung ladies to become trained nurses. High school education required. A. Thompson, Lumberton, N. C. 4-252t Wanted Everybody to know that Woodlawn dairy is the place to get sanitary milk. Delivery WEgon on street twice a day. 4-21tf For Rent one nice seven-room dwell ing. Apply to A. P. Caldwell, Lum berton, N. C. 4-21tf For Sale One No. 10 Remington visi ble typewriter with all the latest im provements, a bargain at $75.00. One No. 3 Oliver typewriter at $20. 00. Act quick if you want a bargain. John T. Singletary, Lumberton. N.C. 4-21tf. Buy Silverware, Cut Glass and China. We carry a large stock from which to make your se lection. Most suitable for Wedding Gifts. Experienced Have always wished for a Good, Substantial, Light, Little One-Horse Plow. Boylin's Jewelry Store. Money to Loan on improved Robe son County land. Mclntyre, Law rence & Proctor, Lumberton, N, C. 2-17-tf. For Sale or Rent Several town lot. some with houses on them. to W. H. Humphrey, Lumberton. NT. C. 2-1 7tf Wanted To buy your furs. Will pav ! highest market price. Black erBroth- ers, Lumberton, N. C. l-17tf. Prof. B. Paul, was Saturday. Mr. J. Odum, who lives near Buie, was a Lumberton visitor Thursday. Mr. iL. J. Biggs, jf Saddle nee, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. Nathan Britt, of rural route No. 2 from Lumbertont was in town Saturday. Miss Reba Roberts.of Raeford, is spending a few days in town visiting relatives. Mr. N. S. Tolar, of Lumber Bridge, was in Lumberton Fri day on business. Messrs. J. W. Ellis and J. . L. Brown, of Boardman, are among the visitors in town today. Mr. W. B. Bowen, who lives near Rennert, was among the Lumberton visitors Friday. Mr. Spurgeon Jones, of rural route No. 1 from Lumberton, was among the visitors in town Sat urday. Mr. S. Mclntyre went this morning to Laurinburg, where he will spend the day on legal I business. f?fP 0- 0 0 m m 0 m m'0. 0- m Attention Farmers We have the best Cultivator on the market, in our opinion. You can either ride or wall'. One man and two mules can do the work of three men and three mules. You can cul tivate the whole row as vou go, no splitting middles. We can't see how any progressive farmer can afford to be without one or more of these valuable machines. Come and get one and be convinced. The price is right, the terms are right. Come before they are gone, only a f ew left. Yours for progress, for Sale good roomy house on lot loo x 150 feet, with adjoining lo 100 x 150 feet, with good out Lui'rM-.Ts Apply to W. F. Townsend, St. p-i -Is N. C. 12-X-tf. For Sale Good boiler, engine and edger at a bargain. Apply to The A. K. J. W. Company, Lock box 386, Lumberton, N. C. 9-27tf, Frr Sale 7 room house, lot 100 x 300 feet. Easy terms. Address lock box No. 4. St. Pauls, N. C. 8-19-tf. For Clerk Superior Court. To the Citizens and Voters of Robe Bon County: ' I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of clerk of the Sup erior Court of Robeson county, subject to the action of the Democratic conven tion. I feel that my two years' experience as deputy clerk, together with my legal training and legal and general omce ex perience, will enable me to render ac ceptable service to the people. With these qualifications and twenty five vears of faithful allegiance to the oartv. I earnestly ask the support of my fellow-citizens. Very respectfully, April 7, 1910. C. B. Skipper. Mr. H. G.Stubbs, of Fairmont, was in tovn Friday on his way to St. Prul. where he spent two or three uyys on business. : r. A P. McPhail.of Rocking ham, va- a Lumberton visitor Friday, the guest of his brother, Mr. Joe R. McPhail. Mrs. J. C. McNeill and infant went Friday to Laurinburg, where they will spend several days visiting relatives. Miss Hattie Birmingham, of Laurinburg, spent yesterday in town, a guest at the home of Mr. Flora Smith. Mr. J. Frank Stainback, of Fayetteville, spent yesterday in town at tne home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Thomas. Mrs. Geo. W. Lennon and two children and Miss Theresia Pat terson spent yesterday near Tar Heel at the home of Mrs. M. C. Patterson. ft 4 - V The SYRACUSE Little One-Horse Plows are High Grade Chilled Plows. Genuine Castings, Through and Through, with Steel Beam and Standards, Size and Shape same as the Dixie. They will not take the place of two-horse Plows we have a line of them', too but if you-want the Sweetest Running, Longest Lasting One-Horse Plow ever made try one of them. For sale by Leading Merchants Everywhere. If your rmerchant has not got them write us and we will tell you where to'go. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPAZY District Agents. Wilmington,"N.jO. McDonalds, N. C. & 4 5" 5to .m'' JJ-. J-; FOR CONSTIPAi iO. To the Citizens and Voters of Robe son County : I herebv announce myself a candidate for the office of clerk of the Superior Coutf of Robeson county, subject to the action of the Democratic conven tion. April 7, 1910. D. W. Bullock. For Congress. To the Democrats of the Sixth Con gressional District: To aspire to high and honorable posi tion in the service of the people is a worthy ambition, and I beg to announce that I am a candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for Congress in the sixth district. Havinc served as ' Presidential Elec tor in two campaigns, canvassing the district in 1909, I feel that I know some of the needs of the people and that I can be of service to them at Washing ton. I beg to ask the support of all Democrats, and should I, be nominated F.nd elected I will endeavor in all legiti mate ways to advance the agricultural, commercial, manufacturing and other interests of the people of the district, and do my duty to the country at large. Yours very truly, H. L. Cook Fayetteville, N. C, April 16, 1910. . 4-18-4mon. . f , Notice. On account of our liveryman quitting last week without notice we have bf en Unable to supply all our customers with milk, but we have a new man now and bope to be able to supply the demand Woodlawn Dairy. J. A. Boone, Mgr. Mr. and Mrs. A. W., Miss Sal lie and Mr. A. T. McLean, and Mr. Elwood Whaley spent yes terday in Maxton at the home of Mrs. Lina A. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Boan, of Red Springs, are spending a few days in town at the home of Mr. Boan's parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Prevatt, on Pine street. Miss Olive Crosby, who is with Miss Josephine Breece this sea son, returned this morning from Rockingham, where she went Saturday night to visit Miss Allie Legg. JVIr. and Mrs. O. C. Spaulding, who had been in town since Sat urday at the home of Mrs. Soaulding's parents, Mr. and Mrs C. B. Townsend. left this morning for their home at Max ton. Mr T. T Evans, cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, SDent yesterday in Wilmington with his brother. Mr. n. Evans, who is cashier of the Southern National Bank of that place. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Watson, of Dillon. S. C arrived Friday night and are guests at the home of Mrs. Watson's parents, mr, and Mrs. W. H. Humphrey. Mr, Watson will return home this evening, Mrs. Watson remaining for a few days. A Medicine that Does Not Cost Anything Unless It Gives Sat isfactory Relief. If you suffer from constipation in any torm whatever, acuce or chronic, we will guarantee to sup ply you medicine that we honest ly believe will effect permanent relief if taken with regularity and according to directions for a reasonable length of time. Should the medicine fail to benefit you to your entire satisfaction we promise that it shall cost you no thing. No other remedy can be com pared with Rexall Orderlies for the easy, pleasant and successful treatment of constipation, lhe active medical ingredient of this remedy, which is odorless, taste- ess and colorless, is an entire new discovery. Combined with other vegetable ingredients, it forms a preparation which is incompar able as a perfect bowel regula tor, intestinal invigorator and strengthener. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy, and are no table for their gentle and agree able action. They do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or inconvenience, and may be taken at any time, day or night We particularly recommend Rexall Orderlies for children and for delicate or aged persons, be cause they do not contain any thing injurious. Unlike other preparations, they do not create a habit, but instead they over- the use of ordinary laxatives, 1 cathartics, and harsh physic.anc 1 remove the causes of constipa ition or irregular bowel action that are not of surgical variety. We want you to trv Rexal Orderlies at our risk. We know of nothing that will do you so much good. They are prepared in tablet form in two sizes: 36 tablets 25 cents, and 12 tablets 10 cents. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Lum berton only at our store. The Rexall Store. J. D. McMillan & Son. Ml 0 ', '" ' " Athletic & Social Club Perma nent Organization Formed. A meeting of the Athletic & Social Club was held Friday eve ning in the court house and the temporary organization formed at the previous meeting was made permanent A. T. Parmele.presi dent; A. P. Caldwell treasurer; G. S. McKenzie, secretary. A committee was appointed to draft constitution and by-laws, com posed of the following: Revs. R. E. Sentelle, E. M. Hoy le, Messrs, D. P. Shaw, J. A. McDougald, R. R. Carlyle. Messrs. Robt. Prevatt, Shep. Nash, R.R. Carlyle, A. P. Caldwell and Rev. R. E. Sentelle were appointed a com mittee on, membership, b. M. Hoyle, R. E. Sentelle and J. B. Bowen were appointed a commit tee to ascertain cost of athletic equipment, etc. Another meet ing will be held tomorrow eve- GRlFF0X$v IffcLOTH ES Our Glomes Should Be Your Giotnes. We have been in business a long time, and we have kept our eves oren. We have tried and tested about everything there j A - is m the way of Men's and young Men's Clothing, and have drawn many profitable lessons and conclusions. Here is one of them: The man who has from $10 to $25 to invest in a suit or Coat and Pants will find better styles, finer fabrics, longer wear in a word, More Value, in our Clothing, than in any other. WHY NOT M AKE USE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE? OUTFITTERS ZJf (J ' HARN ESS come the habits acquired through ning. Dmpossible fco be Well It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be removed from the body at least once each day, or there will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask your docbr about Ayer's Pills. He knows why they act directly 01 the liver. Trust him. fC.Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Good Harness is what always puts the finish ing touch to stylish turnouts. A handsome horse calls for handsome har r e. 1 1 ness. uur siock or Harness is comoieie ana guaranteed to be the best that money can buy. We also have about fifty buggies, Tyson Sc. Jones and Oxfords. Come and See Lumberton, Fi er " Ion N. C.

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