Booze Captured Coon Trapped for Trapping Fish. PoMceman Alex. Currie was notified Saturday morning that there were two negroes on the train from Marion with jugs of liquor 5 and 3 gallons. Mr. Cur rie met the train and found the liquor, but the owners were mis sing. Developments are expect ed. Olin Johnson, colored, wasiri town Saturday with a bunch of 25 or 30 red nrensts and when Sheriff E. C. McNeill asked him how he caugnt them he-said in a trap. Sheriff McNeill phoned Justice Rowland, kept Johnson in his office until Mr. Rowland came and said that he wanted a warrant for Johnson for violat ing the law against trapping fish. Johnson changed his tune at once and said he did not mean a real to truly traD .iust his way of Bavins: that he caught them with hook and line. Examination of the fish, however, failed to re veal any evidences of hooks and Johnson will be tried before Justice Rowland Wednesday morning at 11 o clock. Mad-dog Victims. Mr. John Fisher, a son of the late Street Fisher, of Hope Mills, wi critically ill with hydrophobia at his home at Massey Hill, Fay- etteville. Mr. Fisher and his brother and some Bynum chil dren were all bitten by a mad dog in Hope Mills about five weeks ago. This is the only de veloped case and the other vie . "tot 1 urns were omcially ordered yes terday to hurry to Raleigh to for Pasteur treatment. This One is on Me. A man in a mellow condition went into a barber shop and seat ed himself in one of the chairs: U7Ut .- 1 asked the polite barber. "Oh, er give me a hair-cut -and have one yourself." Every body's Magazine. An unknown white man at tempted to criminally assault Miss Carrie Bell, a young white girl, near Bessemer City Thurs day, but was frightened off by cries after dragging her into the woods and escaped. Prof. G. G. Page attended the Cumberland County Union at Cape Fear Baptist church near Fayetteville Saturday and made a Sunday-school address at Hope Mills No. 2 Baptist church Sun day morning. Miss Mary J. Brown,of Clark ton, who underwent an operation at the Thompson hospital last Monday, is getting on as well as could be expected. Mrs. C. J. Ham, of McDonald, who was brought to the hospital Wednes day sick with fever, is thought to be improving. Mr.L.B.Town send, assistant cashier of the Bank of Hamlet, arrived Satur day and is at the hospital. He is not very sick and is expected to be out in a few days. GENERAL NEWS. Augusta, Ga., chamber of com merce and cotton exchange ana Georgia-Carolina Fair Associa tion. The telegram announced that at a called meeting of the three organizations held today a memorial was ordered sent to the sneaker to be presented to the House and to President Taft. Washington. May 27. In sum ming up the case of the so-called Drosecution bet ore tne tfamn- s-er-Pinchoi; investigating- com mittee today, Attorney Louis D. Brandeis.councel forL.R. Ola vis, declared that it had been con clusively established that Secre tary Balhnger is not a man so zealously devoted to tne inter ests of the common people, so vigilant and resolute in resisting the insidious aereressions of the special interests that he may oe safely depended on to carry for ward the broad policy of conser vation of our national resour ces." When You Think Of the pain whielx many women experience with every month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle. While in general no woman rebels against what she re gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would not gladly be free from this recurring period of pain. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well, and gives them freedom from pain. It establishes regularity, subdues in flam mation, heals ulceration and cures fe male weakness. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med ical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing only, and he will send you a free copy of his great thousand-page illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covers. In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. I -J3L IF ILook amo Keaa I Notices of New Advertisements. A a meeting in Raleigh Thurs- tvt. w tt nl,om onn,00 oaymgnioime conmuss uii uiua- i.Tj.1 ff XX VJIlUilUIlt U1111UU1JVVU his candidacy for the office of The State Corporation Com mission Saturday elected A. J. Maxwell, of Dover, secretary of the Commission to succeed H. C. Brown, appointed by the Gov ernor as commissioner to suc ceed the late B. F. Aycock. Mr. Maxwell has served several ses sions as orincipal clerk to the State Senate and had the en dorsement of all the Democratic State Senators and many others, There were thirty or more other applicants for the place. Mr. Maxwell will take up his work June 1. county treasurer. Words of appreciation for the Stieff piano. Reward for return of a pin that has been lost. Notice of stockholders' meet ing . Successful Revival in East Lum- berton. en oy tne JNortn Carolina con ference, Rev. L. S. Massey was elected editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate to fill the vacancy caused by the appoint ment of Rev. T. N. Ivey to the editorship of the Nashville Chris tian Advocate, the organ of the Methodist Church, South. Mr. Massey is a graduate of Trinity College and one of the leading Dreachers in the North Carolina Reported for The Robesonian. Cnnfnmnna Wo koa holrl imnAr, Rev. J. M. rleming, pastor ot;tant aDDointments. his nresen Baptist charge being Oxford. Dr. Ivey 3E?5 Bluefields, May 27 -The gov ernment forces under cover of the fire of the gunboat San Jacin to today routed the insurgents and occupied Bluefields Bluff. This loss to the Estrada forces probably ends the revolution. Norfolk, Va., May 27. A new world's record for big gun shoot ing, which incidentally empha sizes the superiority of United Mates naval marksmanship, has just been made by the new bat tleship South Carolina. With her forward turret 12-inch guns she made 16 ''bulls eye" target hits out of 17 shots in four min utes and 51 seedfids.. Washington, May 27. -Christopher P. Connolly, a lawyer of Montana and New York, and a well known writer for magazines, today filed suit in the SuDreme Court of the District of Columbia to recover $20,000 damages for Brenau College Conservatory, Gainsville, Ga. March 14th 1910, Mr. Chas. M. Stieff, Baltimore, Md.. Dear Sir: The uninterrupted growth of our Conservatory and the present unusual enlargement through the consolidation of the faculty of Shorter College with that of Brenau render necessary an .. addition to our piano equipment, and we wish to place with you an order for twenty Stieff pianos, which please select for us with great care and ship in time to reach us not later than September first. We have in our conservatory pianos of the most famous manufacturers, and in consid eration of this fact it should be a source of gratification to you that we are able to say that this order for your pianos is due to our very satisfactory experience of the past three years with Stieff pianos in our Conservatory (and also in Shorter College), and it is of interest also that this purchase gives us no fewer than seven ty Stieff pianos alone proba bly a greater number than the entire musical equipment of any other woman's college in America. Very truly yours. H. J. Pearce, T. J. Simmons, Presidents. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Manufacturer of The Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self-Player Pianos Southern Wareroomj, 5 W. Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. (Mention this paper) the East Lumberton church, closed a very successful revival meeting last night. He was assisted by Rev. F. T. Wo6ten,ofChadbourn,who by his clear and forceful sermons and kindly disposition greatly en deared himself to the people. There were 40 accessions and the baptizing will take place at 9:30 a. m. the 2nd Sunday in June in the river near the Lumberton Cotton Mills. leaves for Nashville today to enter upon his new work. Never hesitate about giving Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to childred. It contains no opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit confi dence. As a quick cure for coughs ann colds to which c ildren are susceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by Dr J. D. McMillan & Son and The Pope Drug Company Mr. Jno.N. ean. of Howells ville. is in town to 'av. IS Certificates of Deposit issued by this bank is a most convenient form of invest ment. We pay four per cent interest from date of de posit and you can get your money any time without giv ing notice. m Come Let us Show You. For The is Always Something Doing. We have iust closed contract for 2,000 acres of land in one trac-. about 10 miles from Lumberton on the Elizabeth road, which w are going to sell to some one at a bargain. The place has quite i bit ot cleared land on it, a gnst mill and several tenant houses. We have a beautiful lot in town on corner of Second and Pin. streets in which there is a bargain tor some one ard anybody de siring a lot should see us at once. We have on hand at all times something for sale.and v.-? are always open for the purchase of anything that can be handled at reasonable prices. We have a 700-acre tract of land about 4 miles East of St. Paul, cn the new railroad from St. Paul to Elizabeth town, that is a bar gain for somebody. About 100 acres of the land is cleared ani there is quite a bit of timber on the place. To see this propert means a deal, because it is too good a thing for one to let slip, t can be had for less than $15,000- About 3 miles from St. Paul, on the South side of the Great Marsh, on Marsh road, we have another piece of property in which there is a bargain for some one. There are 174 acres in this tract and between 35 and 40 cleared, with an excellent house. There is quite a bit of timber on this place. Price $4,500. Terms right. For immediate sale 11,000,000 feet of timber, half Ion? leaf, half short leaf, in the county between Lumberton and St. Pauls railroad running through. A great opportunity for saw mill man or timber dealer. We have 100 acres of good land about 10 miles from Lumberton, near Elizabeth road, not far from Smith's church, in Howeiisville township. 35 acres of this land is cleared. Place can be ha l cheap. Some Other Property in Town. A beautiful lot with nice two-story residence, well situated. House is rented for $14.00 per month. Will sell for less than $2 -500. Terms right. We also have a lot on Main street that we can sell at reasonable price. We have a bargain in some cotton mill stock. Anyone intere3te i should apply at once. If you have any thought of changing your bank count, or dividing it, we cordially invite you to see ac- U3. THE A. K. J. W. COMPANY Lumberton, N. 2-17-tf c Farmers' & Merchants' Sank. LUMBERTON, N. C. T. A. McNeill, Pres. A. J. Floyd, Vice Pres. T. C. EVANS, Cashier. 11-15-tf Increased Yields mean: Seasonable Things in Hardware State of North Carolina. Department of State. Clrtificate ol Dissolution. rr n 4 i a., . xu xn iu wnuin mese presents may w nereas, it appearing to my satis Taction, Dy duly authorized record of tne proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereot by the unanimous con sent ot all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Farmers Mutual Benevolent Assn. Company, a corpora tion of this State, whose principal of fice is situated at Street, in the town ot Maxton, County of Robeson, otate oi worth Uarohna (Jas. P. Lee being the agent therein and in charge ujjuii wiium process mav uc aci veu , nas compiled with the re qmrements ot .unapter 21, Revisal of iuo, entitled 'Corporations, " prelimi nary to the issuing ot this Certificate ox l-nssoiuuon, White Mountain Refrigerators, White Mountain and Lightning Freezers, Ice Chests, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose and Reels, New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens, Screen Doors and Windows, Alahastme, The Sanitary Wall Coating, A complete stock at right prices at Increased Profits FOR TOP DRESSING Oats, Corn, Cotton, Truck and General Crops USE ONLY GENUINE "Cereali t e Top Dressing" o Now. therpfnrp T J T!,uon n: alleged Slander from Oscar Law- Secretary of State of the State ofNorth ler, assistant attorney sreneral for the Interior Department. The suit i the first of the threatened legal proceedings growing out of tne Ballinger-Pmchot inquiry. It was rumored around the court tooay that Secretary Ballinger wa prepared to invoke the law against some of his alleged tra duce T3 Washington. May 28. A Dro- test against the action of certain Democratic members of the Con tres in opposing the appropria- on of .SZo.COO for the Presi dent s traveling expenses, cover ing the President's last South xi i tup anu an oner ip make up Jhe deficiency, was telegraphed i apeaner uannon today by tn hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 15 day of No vember, 1909, file in my office a duly ex ecuted and attested consent in writing to the dissolution vf said corporation, executed by all the stockholders there of, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on me in my said office as provided bv law. J In Testimony Whereof. I h set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 15 day of Novem- (Seal of State) J. Bryan Grimes. secretary of State. 5-26-4mon The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York uiast in America. Stoniest in the World Lar rest amount of dividends paid to oolicv hole' ers ot any company in existence. Assets $560,000,000. J. A. Barker, District Ro'waon. Scotland and Cu:nE?rlani XT w' 1 1 . Mgr. cour.tiiv Hp Caldwe! Hardware and Paint DeDartmenr. Lumberton, N. C. 4-lHf TYPEWRITERS Sold on Easy Payments. Best makes handled. Yon need one, no mat ter how small your cor respondence may be. Call on or write me IS. H. Hamilton, Agl, Lumberton, N. C. BEARING OUR TRADE MARK (Don't be misled by Imitations) "CEREAUTE" at less cost per ton thanV'Soda, using the same number of pounds per acre, gives equally as good, if not better, results than "Soda." CERE A. Xj I T E is packed in 200 pound bags, in good mechanical condition, does not stif fen the land, and does not Evap orate. The crop gets it all, jfi FOR "CEREALITE" AND FULL INFORMATION RE GARDING IT, APPLY TO Cfliwe Lumberton, N. C. OR HOME FERTILIZER AND CHEMICAL COMPANY Sole Owners Baltimore, Md. and Manufacturers. 3-10- o-w-m Subscribe For The Robesoiiiati