THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. I 1- THE ROBESONIAN PUBLISHED MONISAYS AND THXJESDAY ROBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. J. A. SHARPE. - - President. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: The Year S1-50 Mnntha . - .75 TV-tub MnntJis - - - .40 MONDAY. JUNE 6, 1910 INVITE THE CONGRESSION AL CONVENTION TO LUM BERTON. The ex2cutive committee of thp sixth congressional district meets in Wilmington Thursday of this week to decide on the time and place for holding the npvt. rnnvpntion. Whv not in struct Mr. Frank Gough, of Lum berton, who is a member of this committee, to invite the conven tion to meet in Lumberton? Ho tel facilities here are not all that is to be desired, it is true, but Lumberton could entertain the convention all risrht and it is practically certain that the invi tation from this place would be accepted. Lumberton is cen trally located and is easily reach ed, having excellent railroad con nections with all parts of the dis trict We suggest that the In dustrial & Commercial Club con sider this matter and see to it that Mr. Gough is authorized to extend an invitation to the con vention to meet here. owners to connect with the sew erage lines might think about that with profit. It is said that trapping fish in Lumber river has become quite a common practice and that because of that practice fishing with hook and line is more barren of results than formerly. It is to be hoped that these trappers will be caught and sriven the full limit of the j law. Tom Watson, the brilliant Georgian whose entire walk and conversation for some years has been Populism, has come back to his first love and says that "every enererv of his heart and v soul will be consecrated hence forth to do something for the e-ood of the country through the Democratic party." A. J. MCKINNON. ROBESON FOR A IAN. ROBESON One First National Baimk, A. J. McKinnon for Congress. To the Editor of The Robesonian: When I first knew Sandy Mc Kinnon, twenty-five or thirty years ago. he was a poor young man working hard, under ad verse circumstances, to get a foothold in the business world. By his indomitable energy, hor e y of purpose, coupled with grtat natural ability, he has amassed a comfortable fortune, and now is one of the most suc cessful business men of this part of the State. A man of this kind, who has made a success of his own affairs, can safely be trusted with the affairs of the people. Any man who can think consecutively for half a minute knows what a great benefit it would be to Robeson county to have one 01 her citizens repre senting the sixth Surplus $18,000.GO. LUMBERTON, N. C. Capital Stock $50,000.00. ASSETS OVER QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS, THE ONLV NATIONAL BANK IN ROBESON COUNTY. Depository for United States Postal Funds, United States District Court Bankrupt Funds, Robeson County, Towu of Lumberton. We should be pleased to be your Depository. 6-1 Commissioners Sale. By virtue of the power vested in me by judgment entered at April Term, 191o of the superior court of Robeson County, in a foreclosure proceeding en titled James D. Proctor, trustee, against Henry G. Meares. the undersigned will, on Monday, the 4th day of July, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house in Lumberton. N. C. (it being the first Monday of a regular term of the Superior court of Robeson County), sell for cash at nublic auction to the COngressionJ 1 highest bidder, the following described T. Roosevelt, sometime Presi dent of these United States, is certainly the foremost Sulphite of this footstool. The Colone always speaks right out, straight from the shoulder, and before people get through wondering about one performance he breaks out at another point. In London the other day he laid down rules for handling the affairs of the four British-African prptector ates and told the English Gov ernment straight up and down that if it did not intend to estab lish and keep order in Egypt it ought to get out. There aren't any more like Colonel Roosevelt. When he feels like a thing needs to be said he says it and moves on, leaving those who are hit to howl. une iiuD noit, colored, was sent to the State penitentiary at Raleigh in May, 1908, with the prospect of sojourning there for the space of 15 years, but when the date in Hub s case was set down in the records at the peni tentiary his term was put down as iwo years instead oi lo, and Hub was released before the mistake was discovered. When the mistake was pointed out tc the proper authorities a diligent search for Hub was begun, bu so far he has kept ou ;of the way tTl . . 11 1 1 . i hud win douDtiess not worry much over the fact that the mis take won for him provided he he keeps out of the way years of freedom to the number of the unlucky thirteen. Some property owners in Luir- berton are allowed to rent hous es that have no sanitary arrang ments and that are a menace to the health of all the people near them. We do not know who of the commissioners do not favor making connection with sewer lines compulsory, but we do Know that the man who lacks the nerve to take a step so nec essary to the healthfulness of the town ought to step down and out. His Unselfish $ervice C. ( Moore's Opinion of Him. Everybody knows Charles "Cotton" Moore, formerly presi dent of the North Carolina Division of the Southern Cotton Association. He was in the thick of the fight for better prices for cotton when the fight was hard est. Read his opinion of Robe son's candidate for Congress. To the Editor of The Robesonian; Some years ago depression in all business, distress in the working man's home and in the farm home, all over the South, put the Southern people to think ing. A look at the situation shawed very clearly that unless the Southern people made defence of their rights, soon there would be dessolation all over the South. Very greatly to the surprise of the writer, he was called to take the lead for North Carolina in the great movement inaugurated to restore prosperity in our land. All over North Carolina I found helpers who most cheer fully devoted their time to aid me in the gigantic undertaking to raise the price of cotton from the price then, six cents, to ten cents, a price which meant pros perity to, our people. Among these loyal helpers, these men who had the good of the people of our State on their heart and mind, there was one who gave much time and thought and most liberally spent his money, and who rejoiced when the working man and farmer saw joy and comfort again in his home, brought there through the efforts of these men who did not nesnate to maKe tne ngnt tor a fair and just price for our cotton. Ihe man I refer to is Mr. A. J. McKinnon, of Maxton. If I were to tell of the long trips he took at his own expense, of the days he spent with the writer in other States, trying to influence other men to stand for .our rights, tell oi nis earnest pleading tor the farmer and the working man but why attempt to tell this; surely every man, woman and child knows of Sandy McKinnon's earnest, persistent efforts to help his tellow man at a time when distress was in the bank, store, factory, shop, town home and country home. I know the man, I know if he is sent to Washing ton, he will be just as active in watching every interest of the Southern people, as he was when unpaid and at his own expense he waged war for a price for cot ton, and for prosperity in the bouth. Very respectfully, C. C. Moore, Charlotte, N. C, June 2, 1910. district. Robeson has more votes iands in wisnarts lownsmp, Kooeson than any other county. This Cgfnn?n-g hfTsUe in the big With the push and intelligence CI swamp in the original line of the lands her delegates. Should enable her conveyed to A. U. Meares by btephen hor nnnriirintf thrnno-h Smith, tne lourtn corner ot lot IMo. d 11, T m jrt i ana runs as inai line anu us aisiance successfully, lo do this we must Morth 7 Rast ,, 40 -h1Tls to Rtakphv stand solid together and vote as one man. Go there with the deter mination to nominate our man, and do it. County pride (and Robesonians have plenty of it) should assure us being undivided. All this talk about "Not swap ping horses when crossing the stream" is simply "bosh". When you can get a better horse, trade. I, with a great many others, have always advocated keeping a man in Congress more than two terms. When ou get the right man, keep him there: but let's get the right man first. Sandy McKinnon is a good "mixer". He would make friends in Con gress among the best and most influential element, and when it is "all sifted down", a man's in fluence in a Legislative body, depends more upon the friends he has than upon his ability to present his cause in flowery lan guage. If Robesonians will work and vote solid for A. J. McKin- non we win snow the congress ional convention that we have the best man from the best county and that our candidate "is the peer of any man mentioned there Highland or Lowland any where. G. H. HaiirT;: Red Springs, N. C. " ' State of North Carolina. Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution To all to Whom these Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Atlantic Improve ment Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal officers situate at No. Street, in the town of Lumber ton, County of Robeson. State of North Carolina ; A. T. McLean being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has com- pneu wnn me requirements oi Chapter 21, Revisal of 19o5. entitled "Corpora tions, preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 23 day of Mayl91o,hIe in my office a duly execut ed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, exe cuted by all the stockholders thereof. I which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. in lesumony wnereot,! have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, atRaleigh, this 23 day of May, A. D. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State. b-b-4min. a pine and black gum pointers in the line of lot 7; then as that line and the line of lot No. 6 South 83 East, 12 chains to a stake in the line of lot No. 6, then South 7 West, 26.30 chains to a stake in the edge of the big swamp; thence down the edge of said swamp to a stake with two gums and red oak pointers in the edge of said swamps in original line of the said A. G. Meares land; thence as that line South 12 East 8.30 chains to a stake in said swamp; thence as the other old lire South 38 West, 10.60 chains to a stake in said swamp tkence as the other old line North 32 West,2,I5 chains to beginning, containing forty acres more or less and being lot No. 4 in the partition of the lands of the estate of the father of said Henry G. Meares as will fully appear by reference to book of orders and de crees No. 8 at page 294 et seq. (see also book 5K, Page 329). This 3rd day of June, 1910. R. C. Lawrence, Commissioner. Mclntyre, Lawrence and Proctor, 6-6-4 mon. Attorneys. Any Citizen wishing to communi cate with any town official in cases of emergency will please ring 'phone No. ' 123. D. P. Shaw, T. L. Johnson, SHAW & JOHNSON, Attorneys and Cousellers at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. Offices over First National Bank. THOMAS N. McDIARMID Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, : : : N. C Office over Boylin's Jewelry Store. 2-25 Subscribe for The Robesonian. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Thurman D. Kitchin, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, LUMBERTON, N. C Office Lumberton Drug co. Office phone 26 Residence phone 124 7-9 T. A. McNeill, T. A. McNeill, Jr McNeill & McNeill, Attorneys at Law, LUMBRTON, N. C. Will practice in all the Courts. Busi ness attended to promptly. Dr. W. O. EDMUND Veterinary Surgeon. Manufacturer of horse Remedies. Lumberton, N. C Calls filled promptly. Phone No. 52. DR. N. A THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LUMBERTON, - - N. c Office at Hospital. Phone No. 41. Down town office over McMillan's Drug Store. Calls promptly answered night or day, in town or in the country. WOODBERRY LENNON. ATTORNEY AT LAW Lumberton, N. C. Office over Post Office. N. A. McLean, A. W. McLean McLean & McLean Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON. N. C. Offices on 2nd floor of Bank of Lum berton Building, Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4. Prompt attention given to all business. WAYERLY HOTEL BARBER SHOP W. H. Stalvey, Proprietor. David Fairfax, Geo. Collins, O. L. Rog ers, barbers. Perfect Cleanliness. Headquarters for First-Class Work. Rear of Lumber ton Drug Store. 4-4tf E. G. SIPHER, ELECTRICIAN.' Lumberton, M. C. office in Shaw Building. Phone No. i: ;-6 CHAS. T. HARPER, M. D. Rooms 607-508 Southern Bldg. Phone 1166. WILMINGTON, N. C. Practice Limited , to Geni to-Urinary and Rectal Diseases. OTIS M. PAGE. C. E. T. W. LaBRUCE, C. E. PAGE & LaBRUCE, Engineers and Contractors. Land surveying, land drainage, laying out of city lots and blocks. Special at tention to large land and topographic surveys, computations and estimates of all descriptions, sewerage and pave ments, work done with accuracy and despatch. Main office address Dillon, S. C. Branch offices: Georgetown and Charleston. 4-7tf. DR. R. T. ALLEN, DENTIST,! LUMBERTON, - N. C Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. E. J. BRITT, ATTORN ET-AT-LAW, ' LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. Stephen Mclntyre, James D. H. T. POPE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Three nice offices over the Pope Drug Co's store Special attention to the Medcia) treatment of Cancer. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 by appointment. p, m, Sunday Phones: Pope Drug Co.112. Residence 50. 1-27-1 R. C Lawrence Proctor. tfclstyre, Lawrence 4 Proctor. Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. Wade Wishart, E. M. Britt W. S. Britt. Wishart, Britt & Britt. Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON. N. C. All business given prompt and care ful attention. Office upstairs in Argus Building. 9-10 Dr. J. J. CROW Specialist on The Eye One day only, Saturday. Office Pope Drug Store. 3-17. DR. J. W. BLACKMER Osteopath. Office Bank of Lumberton BIdjar. Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Hours by appointment. 4-lItf Dr. d. m. Mcdonald, Optometrist, Red Springs, North Carolina. Special attention given to the examina tion of the Eye and Fitting Glasses. Dr Thomas C. Johnson, Physician and Saroeon. Lumberton, N. C. Office over McMillan's Drug Store. Calls answered Promptly day or might Residence at Prof. J. R. Poole's. 4-27-tf. DR. R. F. GRAHAM, DET1ST, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Bank of Lamberton. Rooms N- 7 and 8. 1 20-OS At an expense of about $20,000 sewer lines were extended in T 1 a. j -i i lumDerion xwo ana a nan years ago and just ten houses have been connected as a consequence, the town deriving the princely sum of $88 the year as a result of the investment of $20,000.The tAUm y -x wt i 1 1 , vumiiiissujiiers wnn nrp nii i -. . , . isiaws navy yara maintained :n in lavor o! compelling property J that city from 1862 to 1865. Dover, England. June 2. The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls, cap tain in tne Lonaon section of the aimv ujuLur reserve, anvmer a Wright biplane vindicated Anglo Saxcn aeronautics by crossing tne Ji,ngiisn cnannel twice this evening without alighting. He made the round trip between Dover and Calais in 90 minutes, While two Frenchmen, Louis clenotand Count De Lessen U 3 j.1 i i . nave crusseu me cnannei in an n sv.Anln n 24. " J awupidiie, ii remained ior an riinghshman in an American ma chine to perform the double fpnt The distance across between the v,wu puuiis iiameu is zi miles, so that his overwater flight of 42 umea wiuiouca stop estaoiipnes a new record. ah Kjimrioiie rnaay was un veiled a tablet which marks the location of the Confederate I IN Hub Holt, a negro sent from Davidson county to the State prison two years ago. to serve a sentence of 15 years for attempt- ?f5 ed criminal assault on a white M wuujau, uirneu up at Lanwooo recently, and it was found that the penitentiary officials had mixed him up with another ne gro whose time was out. and had discharged him. But when depn- ffi nea wcijl uown to IjinwOOd tO arrest him he vanished, and is at large. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with Local Applications, as they canmt reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by on of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It Is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers act ing directly on the mucous surfaces. Ihe perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wo 1 deful results in curing Catarrh, bend for testimonials free. c fiv C,ney & Co., Toledo,Ohio. boid by all Druggists, 75c. TakeHall's Family Pills for con'ti-dation. EVERYTHING QUALITY COUNTS S-O-M-E! We have just received a splendid line of Rich Cut Glass, the best values we have ever handled. A look will convince you. Two more shipments to come right away. SEE THE NEW DESIGNS. A big and complete line ot the best Quadruple Plate Silver will be here by the time this goes to press. Everything Suitable for Wedding Presents Remember this is the season for Kodaking" and Eastman's is the only Kind. Call and let us talk it over. A Fresh Line of Huyler's candies, THE WORLD BEATER, always on hand. Our line of Drugs is Fresh and up-to-date. . Calls for Drs. Knox and Kitchin promptly delivered. Respectfully, Loinrilbeiriloini Dmuig Co 12tf Subscribe Iffor THE 1 ROBESONIAN it) iJ j ) l t & & v! i. i V