THE SEM I-WEEKLY ROBESONMN I' THE ROBESON1 AN . PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1910. LOCAL RAILROAD SCHED ULE. Arrival and Departure ol Trains at Lumberton. SEABOARD AIR LINE. Train No. 45, weet-bound Lvs 7.15 a. m. Train No. 39, west-bound Lvs 6 02 p. m. Train No. 40, east-bound Lvs. 9.50 a.m. Train No. 44, east-bound Lvs. 9.47 p.m. VIRGINIA & CAROLINA SOUTHERN FROM HOPE MILLS. (Daily except Sunday) Train No. 79, arrives 8.45 a. m Train Ne. 64, leaves 9.35 a. m Train No. 65. arrives 6.15 p. m Train No. 78, leaves 8.35 p. m RALEIGH & CHARLESTON FROM MARION, S. C. Train No. I, leaves 9.55 a. Train No. 2, arrives 5.40 p m, m. Cotton To-day Eggs To-dav 14 20 cents BUSINESS BUILDERS Piano and Organ tunlnji Have your pianos tuned and repaired by the well-known tuner, Prof. S. Scull, who is here for a few days. Phone Eagle Furniture Co. 6-6-lt. Stolen From fruit-stand on Fourth street. Elgin gold watch with open face. Will give reward for and in formation in! regard to same, P. C. Blake, Lumberton, N. C. 6-6-lt Stolen From in front of Pope drug store, a bicycle, black 4 Racer Wo. 69. Will eive reward to anyone that will locate same. Raymond Reynolds, Lurr. berton, N. C. 6-2-tf Wan tea io do your house moving and raising. Have full equipment, See me. A. W. Pate, Lumberton, N. C. 6-9tf. Money to Loan in small amounts on improved real estate in KobesonCoun ty, or other good security. Apply to Shaw & Johnson, Attys. Lumberton N. C. 5-9tf Wanted Everybody to know that Woodlawn dairy is the place to get sanitary milk. Delivery wagon on street twice a day. 4-21tf f or Rent one nice seven room dwell ing. Apply to A. P. Caldwell, Lum berton, N. C. 4-21tf for Sale good roomy house on lot loo x 150 feet, with adjoining lot 100 x 150 feet, with good out buildings, Apply to W. F." Townsend, St. Pauls N. C. 12-30-tf, PERSONAL. For Sale 7 room house, lot 100 x 300 feet. Easy terms. Address lock box No. 4. St. Pauls, N. C. 8-19-tf. Notice. Prof. H. L. Edens. of Ppm. broke, is in town today. Mr. Smith Flovd. of F 1 rTH"TlT was a Lumberton visitor Sntnr. day. Mr. N. A. Townspnd nf Ton Mile, was a Lumhprtnn viciw Saturday. Mr. T. W. MaxWPll nf Tnlarc- ville, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. Edgar Hall, of Dundar- rach, is among the visitors in town todav. Mr. A. D. McKenzie. of Row- and, was among: the visitors in town Friday. Mrs. S. G. Pitman, of How- ellsville, was a Lumberton visi- or Saturday. Mr. John Lewis, of rural route No. 3 from Lumberton. was in own Saturday. Mr. Jno. N. Regan, of Saddle T .i ... xree, was among; tne visitors in town Saturday. Mr. Troy King;, of Tolarsville, was among the business visitors m town Saturday. Mr. R. F. Grezorv. of Raft Swamp, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Messrs. Archie and S. 0. Wil is, of Rozier, were Lumberton visitors Saturday. Mr. J. B. Underwood, who ives near St. Paul, was in town Saturday on business. Mr. Richard HumDhrev. of Saddle Tree, was a business visi tor in town Saturday. Mr. Wesley Thompson, of Mc Donald, was among the business visitors in town Saturday. Messrs. Duncan and J. W xvi wnite, oi jtsarKers, were m town Saturday on business. Mr. J. F. Graham, formerly of this county, who now lives in Richmond, Va., spent yesterday in town. Gen. and Mrs. F. A. Bond, of Hunters' Lodge, near MossNeck, were among the shoppers in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean left Saturday for New York, where they expect to spend eight or ten days, - - - Mr. W. D. Young, of LeRov. Fla., arrived Saturday and will spend a week or ten days in the county visiting relatives. Watch Chains and Fobs. Best Guaranteed Quality. We have a Complete Stock, Both Ladies aud Gents. THEOLD AND Experienced (Farmers Have always wished forja Good," Substantial i Light, (Little" One-Hone Plow. Boylin's Jewelry Lumberton, N. C. Store. MEREDITH Among the Foremost Colleges for Women in the South. Course in Liberal Arts covering nine departments, and including elective courses in Education and Bible, which count for the A. B. degree School of Music, including Piano.Pipe Organ, "Violin and Voice Culture School of Art, including Decoration, Designing and OilPainting School of Elocution Academy which prepares students for college courses Phy sical Culture under a trained director. Cost of literary course per year, including physicisan, nurse and ordinary medecines (every item save books and laundry) $210.50; in the Club, $50 to $55 less. Next session begins Sept. 14, 1910. Address President R. T. Vann, Raleigh, N. C. 6-6-12t, . PiSfSRAC-US5 Litle One-Horse Plows are High Grade Chilled riOWS. CienUine Castincrs. Thrrma-li rxnA TV,,,U ,;.u o 1 r 2S? standards, ?lze ard Shape same as the DixJe. They will not 01 l,w-norse rjows-we have a line of them too P?ly0U the Sweetest Running, Longest Lasting One-Horse v gvci ixiaue iryone oi mem. 11 1 For sale by Leading Merchants Evprvwhrp Tf has not got them write us and we will tell you where to go. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPAZY district Agenis. Wilmington.IN.lO. Lumberton Postoffice Enters Second Class. Postmaster R. M. Norment re ceived official notice this morn ing from the Postoffice Depart ment at Washington that the Lumberton postoffice will be placed in the second class July 1. Some ten years ago this postot- ice was in the fourth class and pretty good evidence of the progress being made by the town is given by the fact that its re ceipts now place it in the second. To enter the second class re ceipts for a year must reach $8,- 000, and receipts here from April 1,1909, to April 1, 191U, were &8.192. This usually carries with it provision for more emplyes and better tacilities lor serving the public, but as yet nothing more than notice of the change has been received. "! 1 XT A HT-T My son Martin. 18 years old, ran - : ST tt"Su away from home two weeks ago. 1 uic lo gucoi iur8.n.n.Dearu, hereby give notice to any one who may of Columbia, S. C, Spent Satur employ him that his wages must be paid day in Red SDrin&S Mr. W. W. Lee, who moved recently from Greensboro to Cot- Iton, has been spending several days in Lumberton with friends Miss Katie Lee McKinnon, of Maxton, arrived tnis morning and will be in town a few days a guest of Miss Amanda McDiar mid. te me. J, T. Sanderson, Buie.N.C, R. F. D. No. I, Box 43. 5-16-tf. Notice to Stockholders. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of Lumberton Cotton Oil & Ginning Company, the Barnesville Giiming Company and the Ashpole Gut ning Company will be held in the com pany s omce at Lumberton, N. u, on Wednesday, the 8th day of June, 1910, at eleven o'clock A. M. 5-30-3t. Jno. S. MacNeill, Sec. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold on a guarantee that if you are not satis fied after using two-thirds of a bottle according to directions, your money will be refunded. It is up to you to trv. Sold by J. D. McMillan & Son und The Pope Drug Co. To All Wearers of Eye Glass es. The highest medical authorities ad vise re-examination of the eyes at least once a year. We offer without charge (or obligation) a thorough examination. Not only is this important ana very valuable service rendered without charge, but if new glasses are required and you choose to order them they will be made up at exceedingly moder ate cost. This service you can have by calling cn Dr.Vineberg,the Noted Eye Special ist, Masonic Temple, Wilmington IN. Dr. Vineberghas been practicing his profession in Wilmington for several years and is widely and favorably known throughout North Carolina. A call at his office will please you. 6-6-lt. Marvelous Discoveries mark the wonderful progress of the age. Air flights on heavy machines, telegrams without wires, terrible war inventions . to kill men, and that wonder of wonders Dr. King s .New Discovery to save life when threatened by coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis, hemorrhages, hay fever and whooping cough or lung trouble For all bronchial affiections it has no equal. It relieves instantly. lt's the surest cure. James M. Black of Asheville, N. C, R. R.No. 4, writes it cured him of an obstinate cough after all other remedies failed Wtc. and $1.00. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. Mrs. Smithie Page and daugh ter, Miss Cora, are visiting rel auves at tsarnesvuie. rney are expected to return this after noon. Mrs. S. R. Spivey and daugh ter, Miss Loretta, who had been spending some time visiting rel atives in Monroe, returned home last week. Mrs. W. A.' Yost and little son, Master William, Jr., of Raleigh, arrived Thursday and are visit ing at the home of Mrs. Yost's mother, Mrs. S. D. McNeill. Mr. Spurgeon McLean, secre tary-treasurer and general man ager of the Iona Supply Co. at McDonald, was among the visi tors in Lumberton Thursday. Miss Erma Whitfield, of Ash- boro, arrived Friday evening and will spend some time m town on a visit at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.M. Whit field. Misses Glennie Graham and Effie Davis, Dr. H. H. Hodgin and Mr. W. E. Garrett, of Red bpnngs, were Liumoerton visi tors Thursday. They came over in an automobile. Miss Ruth Moser, of Hickory, arrived Thursday evening and will spend some time in town on a visit at the home of her broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Johnson. Notices of New Advertisements. Pace & McQueen, Maxton, agents for Morris Steam Bakery. courses offered and rates at Meredith College. Raleigh. Automobile agency opened by A. r. McLean. The Lumberton Novelty vorks tells oi the articles it is manufacturing. Prof. S. Scull, piano tuner, in town. Gold watch stolen. To wearers of eyeglasses. A. Weinstein begins a sen is a a- tional clean-sweep summer mer chandise sale Saturday. Everything needed on the farm and in the home Iona Supply Co., McDonald. Mr. C. S. Clark, of Clarkton, was a Lumberton visitor yester day. Mr. W. F. Townsend, of St. Paul, is in town today on busi ness. Messrs. J. F. McKay and A.B. McArthur, of Red Springs, are Lumberton visitors today. Isaac M. Meekins, of Elizabeth City, was appointed Saturday as sistant district attorney for east trn orth Carolina by the At torney General. Mrs. A. T. McLean and infant son, Archie Wilton, returned th i s morning from Maxton, where they spent a week visiting a I the home of Mrs. McLean's mother-in-law. Mrs. Lina Mc Lean. ' Messrs. W. K. Culbreth and J. E. Carlyle, of Raft Swamp, are among the business visitors in town today. Col. N. A. McLean and Mr. S. Mclntyre went this morning to Launnburg, where they will at tend Scotland county court. Misses Fannie and Bertha Ed mund, of Chadbourn, are visitors at the home af Mrs. Martha Ed mund, corner of Fourth and Water streets. Hannibal, Mo., May 31. Twenty-five Western railroads were temporarily restrained to night by United States District Judge David P. Dyer from forc ing or making a general advance in inter-State freight rates. scheduled for June 1st. The in junction was granted on a peti j-i i ii uon nieu oy me government on the allegations that the advances in rates were agreed on bv the defendants without comnetition and in violation of the Shernnan 1 law. At the term of Scotland Supe rior L-ourt wnicn convened in Laurinburg this morning the amous insurance cases in which W. J. Mills and A. Bequest are indicted for embezzlement will be tried. These cases were first ried in June, 1908 The two de- endants were tried jointly at hat time for embezzling $1,473. 44 from the Mutual Life Insur ance Co. of New York during the year 1901. Mills was ac quitted and there was a mistrial as to Bequest. At the June term of 1909 Mills was tried on the charge of embezzling $1,400 from Mrs." Mattie McLaughlin, of Laurinburg. The results was mistrial. Solomon Shepherd, the notori w-v ous Jjurnam countv murderer, who escaped the gaUows through commutation to lite imprison ment and who has twice at temped daring escapes, being last time at large doing sensation stunts several days, was danger ousiv snot Wednesday near Garysburg, where he was with squad of convicts doing a track grade work. He rolled down an embankment and attempted to dash off into the bushes. Guards fired three shots, one taking ef fect in his foot and another in his body, a buckshot penetrating a lung. He will recover. The second annual convention of the Carolina Municipal Associ ation was held in Winston-Salem last Thursday and Friday. Raleigh was chosen as the next place of meeting. A resolution was adopted endorsing the com mission form of government, and the next General Assembly will be petitioned to enact a gen eral law allowing all cities by popular vote to adopt this form of government. The success of the campaign to increase the endowment fund of Davidson College by $225,000, thereby obtaining $75,000 from another source, was announced at the close of the commence ment last week. ANNOUNCEMENTS e Godwin For Congress. To the Voters of the Sixth Cor Tbnai District: I desire to announce that I am a can- Mdate for re-nomination, to succeed myself in Congress, from the Sixth Congressional District of North Caro- lii a. In makine this announcement T Wl that I should promise thr people, who have heretofore so signally honored me with their loyal support.that if re-nominated I will endeavor to perform the same faithful service m the future that have in the past. At some later date it is mv intention i. i . . . . w renuer io my constituents some ac count of my service as their represen tative, briefly reviewing what I have done and tried to do: what I stano for, and the motives that will characterize my course if re-elected to Congress. Very respectfully, H. L. Godwin. Special We are Notice Ready I for For Clerk Superior Court. To the Citizens and Voters of Robe son County: 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of clerk of the Sup- enor ourt oi KODeson county, suDiect wj me acuon oi tne uemocrauc convention. I feel that my two years' experience as deputy clerk, together with my legal training and legal and general office ex perience, will enable me to render ac ceptable service to the people. With these qualifications and twenty five years of faithful allegiance to the party, I earnestly ask the support of my fellow-citizens. Very respectfully, April 7, 1910. a B. Skipper. Now Business. New plant location, North Lum berton, crossing V. & C. S. Ry. and Elizabeth Road. MANUFACTURING. Siding, Flooring, Ceiling, Shingles, Mouldings. Mantles, Church Pews. Pulpits, Brackets, Railing, &c. Good Country Ground Meal. Large Grits Mill in operation on toll basis. Lamberton Novelty Works, Inc. To the Citizens and Voters of Robe son County: I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson county, subject to the action of the Democratic conven tion. April 7, 1910. D. W. Bullock. MAXT0N FOLK ! If you want good bread, pure bread and the best bread, buy Morris Steam Bakery Bread. For sale by Pace & McQueen Maxton, N. C. To the Democratic voters of Robeson county: I wish to express my sincere thanks, for the generous support given me in the past and to announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court. With malice towards noac, and charity towards all, I leave my fitness for the office in the hands of the people. W. H. Humphrey. April 26, 191o. Automobile Agency. I have some 1910 Models "E M F 30" Cars on hand and can de liver immediately. Demonstra tion at any time. 6etf A. T. McLean, Local Representative. LUMBERTON, N. C. The second nine baseball players joined a team from Fair mont Friday afternoon on the local diamond. The score was to 9 in favor of the Lumber- ton boys. Mr. Tom Cox, of Lumber- ton, has resigned the position he held for some time as conductor on a local Raleigh & Charleston freight between Lumberton and Marion, S. C, and has been suc ceeded by Mr. E. G. Rogers, of Fork, S. C. Quite So. Durham Herald. Colonel Baldy Boyden, of Salis bury, did the right thing in re signing the county chairmanship when he rtecided to become a candidate for office, but at the same time he sets an example that other noliticians will be slow to follow. A Confederate monument was unveiled at Lenoir Friday. I beg to hereby announce to the Dem ocratic voters of Robeson that I am a candidate for the office of Clerk of Su periorCourt,subject to the action of the forthcoming convention (or primary.) I most sincerely ask your considera tion of myself in making your decission for the candidate for clerk of the court. 5-5tf K. M. Barnes. For Treasurer. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of treasurer of Robeson county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary or convention. W. ii. oranam. For Register of Deeds. To the Citizens and voters of Robeson County. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds of Robeson county. Assuring the people of my most heart felt appreciation of their generous sup port in the past, and asking a continu ance of the same, I am, Very sincerely yours, T. N. Higley. For Treasurer. In announcing my candidacy for re election to the office of treasurer of Robeson county, I wish to express mv trratitude and keen appreci ation to the voters of the county for their liberal and loyal Support in the past. Realizing as 1 do that the office belongs to the people, I wish to assure them of my firm intention of serving them to the very best of my ability. With all the courtesy, honesty and af fability 1 can command, I am always and ever subject to the action of the Democratic party as expressed in pri mary or convention. Again thanking mv friends for their liberal support, I am, Very truly, o-lytf M. G. JVicK-enzie. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Robeson County, entered at October Term, 1909, where in J as. T. Carter and R.S. Burruss. co partners trading as Piedmont Lumber Company are plaintiffs and Reuben btewart. b. JL. Crumpler, and S.r.Mc- Nair are defendants, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday June 2oth 191o, at the Court House Door in Lum berton, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., expose for sale at public action, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following de scribed land and real estate situate, ly ing and being in the County of Robe son, State of North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in, and store house on same, in Back Swamp Township, Robeson County, State of North Carolina, ad joining the lands of East Carolina Land and Improvement Company and others, bounded as follows, viz: Lying and being in the town of Pembroke, N. C, being lot No. 7 in BlockG in said town, bounded on the East byRailroad street, and on the North, South and West by the lands of the East Carolina Land and Improvement Company, being 3o feet wide and 14o feet long. This 6th day of Jane, l91o. T. A. McNeill, Jr., Commissioner. 6-6-4t. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of sheriff of Robeson county. Assuring the good people of my County of my appreciation of their kind support in the past and asking that they be kind enough to support me again, I am. Yours very truly. 5-2-tf -GSfr E. C. McNeill. Alfred Evelyn Clayton Mc Rae. a member of the junior class at the university, a son of the late S. H. McRae, of Fayette ville, and a grandson of the late Judge Jas. C. McRae, committed suicide on the 3d at Chapel Hill bv taking potassium cyanide. The cause of the act is not known.

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