THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBES ON IAN We Want Hon. H. L. Godwir. lv Ui inir oi l ne i;o 8 nian: Piease allow me space to say a few words concerning" the Con gressional situation. In the first ilae2, I wish to say that I have not a word of criticism for the honorable gentlemen who are in the race for this position, they uicalUood men so far as we know, but I do think our district wuuJ.d make a serious mistake at -this time to defeat Mr. Godwin, and send t Washington some new and un r ed man. We have tried Mr. Goo v in no.v four yein, and vio man in the State could -have jiiven nis people better service than he has given us for the same length of time. He has had great success inN Congress, far beyond the expectations of his many friends, and all must now admit that his faithful and successful work was never sur Dassed bv his nredecessors. The farmers of Robeson county and thriyghout the entire district have long felt the need of a true friend in Congress, and we all "feel that, we have the right man in the right place, we must keeD him. One of the ..greatest mistakes we ever make is keeping a new maninCongress oil thn timo Wp mH7 nPVPT PY- pect. Congress to do much for us unui we get down to business and keep a man there more than two terms. Now that Mr. God win has blazed out the way and got his stakes in row, so to speak, to do the work that his constitu ents want done, and the voters are satisfied with his work and say he has been a faithful ser vant, will it not be contrary to good reason and judgment to ijrop him and send a new man there to start the work anew, Just because the new man wants the same honor. I think M r. Godwin is just getting to the place where he can be of great benefit, if we allow him to do so. It is the duty of every voter of this district to look out for the interest of the State and the dis trict, and send Mr. Godwin back. and keep him there as long as he fills the position in the future as well as he has in the past. W. J. McDonald. St. Paul, N. C. AFTER SUFFERING ONE YEAR fff Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetable Compound Milwaukee, Wis. "Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has made me a well woman, and I would like to tell the w 1 10 le world of it. I suffered fromfe m a le trouble and tea if id pains iu my back. I had the best doctors and they all decided that I had a tumor in addition to my female trouble, and advised an opera tion. Lydia E. rinkham s Vegetable Compound mada me a well woman and I have no more backache. I hope I can help others by telling them what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me." Mrs. EmmaIjise, S83 First St., Milwaukee, Wis. The above is only one oi the thou sands of grateful letters vhich are constantly being received by the Pmkham Medicine Company or isrr-vu Mass., which prove beyond a doubt tlv, r Lydia E. Pinkham s stable Com pound, made from roots a: id hjrb;;, actually does cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf- enng woman owes it to herselt to at least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has gruided thousands to health, and her advice is free. Introducing Bills by the Handful Nst Mo a ttirt or fliAtn A Ft 1 to Remember. Fayetteville Index. Mr. Godwin has by the abund ant advertising: matter he has sent out, led a great many people to believe that he has accomplish ed great things in Washington. He intimates in his announcement card that he will soon publish a review of the things he has done while in Congress. We await! with interest the forthcoming statement. Let him get right down to hard pan facts- Intro ducing bills by the handful is not passing therr. Remember that. Talking drainage and introducing j bills to have the Secretary of Ag- j riculture lot-k into the drainage possiblities in the sixth North Carolina district is not draining .your lands, Mr. Farmer. Don't lose sight of that fact. Let Mr. Godwin issue a statement giving a list of bills he has actually had passed. Notice of Administration. Having this c'av qualified as admin istrator of A. C. Willoughby, deceased, thi3 is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to Trie at mv office in the town of St. Paul, N. C, on or before the 19th day of May, 1911 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wil please make immediate payment to the undersigned. A. R. McEachern, administrator. Mclntyre, Lawrence and Proctor, attorneys for administrator, 5-16-6Mon. lo The Planters We want to help you push your crops. We havejcnjhand some special high grade Fertilizers that will do the work. The Conestee high grade top dresser for corn andfgcotlon. Nitrate Soda just the thing to double your crops. Sulphate of Potash to make your Potatoes grow. Give us trial and be pleased. Yours truly, EC M, Eiggs, Lumber ton, North Carolina. 1-17 Notice of Administration. Having qualified as administrator? upon the estate of D. W. Biggs, deceas ed, late of Robeson County, this is to notif y all persons having claims against 3aid estate to present same to us for payment fct our residence in Robeson Countv or to our attorneys Mclntvre, Lawrence and Proctor, at Lumberton. N.C.on or before the 30th dav of May, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment to the undersigned. Dated this May 30th, 1910. E. G. Sipher, H. E. Carter, Administrators D. W. Biggs. Mclntyre, Lawrence and Proctor, attorneys. 5-30-6mon Raleigh and Charleston Railroad Time Table No. 9, Taking EHect Sunday, May 15th. 1910, at 6 A. M. SOUTH BOUND. Lv. Ar Ifyouarenot satisfied after using according to directions two-thirds of bottle ot Chamberlain's Stomach and can have your money jutv. me lauieis cieanse ana invigor ate the stomach, improve the digestion, regulate the bowels. Give them a trial ami get well. Sold oy Dr. J. D. Mc Millan & Son and The Pope Drug Co. Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of authority vested in me under a judgment and decree of the superior court of Robeson County, en tered before the clerk, in a special pro ceeding therein pending, wherein Julia E. Bnsson and others are plantiffs and Mamie Bri3Son and others are defend ants, same being No. 3o35. I will, on Monday the 4th day of July, 191o at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction lor cash the following described lands to-wit: I In Saint Pauls township, adjoining the lands of Troy Fisher and others, lying between Little Marsh and Mer cer's branch, beginning at a stake' in the Northeast edge of said branch and runs North 57East 4o chains to a stake; i hence North 3:J West 46.75 chains to three pines on the hill of said Marsh, thence North 55 East 1 chain to the yc'ge of said Marsh, thence down the various courses of the edge of said Matsh so as to include the Big Island to Mercer's branch, thence up the edge of the said branch to the beginning, con taining one hundred and forty ac-es, th re or less. Kxcepting. however, forty acres of ' r vd land ho t ifore sold and conveyed to Alex Gaddy and Thomas McKinnon xis of record will appear. DaU d this June 3rd, 191o. R. C. Lawrence, Commissicr.or. Mclntyre, Lawrence an'l Proctor. ,. attorneys lor nlai .tiffs. ' t-L-lMon. Brenau College Conservatory, Gainsville, Ga. March 14th 1910, Mr. Chas. M. Stieff, Baltimore, Md., Dear Sir: The uninterrupted growth of our Conservatory and the present unusual enlargement through the consolidation of the faculty of Shorter College with that of Brenau render necessary an addition to our piano equipment, and we wish to place with you an order for twenty Stieff pianos, which please select for us with great care and ship in time to reach us not later than September first. We have in our conservatory pianos of the most famous manufacturers, and in consid eration of this fact it should be a source of gratification to you that we are able to say that this order for your pianos is due to our very satisfactory experience of the past three years with Stieff pianos in our Conservatory (and also in Shorter College), and it is of interest also that this purchase gives us no fewer than seven ty Stieff pianos alone proba bly a greater number than the entire musical equipment of any other woman's college in America. Very truly yours. H. J. Pearce, T. J. Simmons, Presidents. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Manufacturer of The Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self -Player Pianos Southern Wareroom. 5 W. Trade Street., CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. (Mention this paper) State of North Carolina. Department of State. Clrtlflcate oi Dissolution. To all to whom these presents may coYne Greeting: W hereas, It appearing to my satis faction, by duly authorized record of the proceedings for the vdluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous con sent ot all the stockholders, deposited t- m my orhce, tnat tne farmers Mutual Benevolent Assn. Companv, a corpora tion of this State, whose principal of fice is situated at Street, in the town of Maxton, County of Robeson, State of North Carolina (Jas. P. Lee being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the re quirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," prelimi nary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution. Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary ofState of the State ofNorth hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the lo day ot No vember,1909, rile in my office a duly ex ecuted md attested consent in writing to the dissolution ot said corporation, executed by all the stockholders there of, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my saiu office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set mv hand and amxed my orhcial seal, at Raleigh, this 15 day of Novem ber A. D. 1909. J. Bryan Grime?. Secretary of State. Ar No. I. No. 5. , Lumbertorf, 9 53am i.oop m Pope, 10.05 " " Kingsdale, 10.12 " 1.35 " Proctorville, 10.27 " I.5S ,4 Baruesville, 10.42 2.20 " Flowers, 10.48 " 2.30 " Marietta, 10 54 " -'.50 " Holmesville, 10.59 " 2.57 " Pages M-ll, 11.05 " 3.18 " Keinpei, 11.11 " 4.C8 " May, 11.14 4-1-5 " Mellier, 11.16 " 4.20 " Squires, 11.19 44 4.30 44 Fork, 11.22 44 4.50 44 Ziou, 11 31 44 5-C5 " Rogers, 11.10 14 5.15 " Marion, 11.55 44 0.35 44 NORTH BOUND. No. 2. No 6. . Marion, 30 p ru 6.40 a m P.ogerb, 3 4 " 700 44 Zion, VdS 7.1--' ' Fork, 3 5 5 44 7..O 44 Squires, 3.5S 44 7.14 44 Mellier, 4.01 ' 7.8 44 Mav, 4.05 44 7.40 44 Kemper. 4.08 44 7.48 44 Pages Mill, 4 14 14 7.5s " ' Holmesville, 4 20 44 8.c5 44 1 Marietta, 4 27 44 44 ' Flowers, 4.34 " 8.25 44 ' Varnesville, 4.42 44 8 35 '4 ' Proctorville, 4.56 44 S.55 44 4 Kingsdale, 5.10 44 9.20 44 4 Pope, 5.TS 44 9. 3o 44 r Lumberton, 5 30 ' 9 55 44 Train Nos. 1 and 2 run daily. L. M, Williams, Pres. THE SOUTH'S T EV R3i FAPEP V Mm wmmkm .wmm T1 4 init&Ssr-'rTZ-i,: -. The Progressive ; Farmer and Gazette r 1 in iH, ?nt. C, and STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI TRY IT 10 Weeks-10 Cents r-r7rT-Trr7zczarrnA. - We've got the kind of articles in our paper that you have been hankerin for not guess-work talk, but the kind that steers j'ou right. We want you lo read the following series How to Double Your Corn Yields. How lo Grow Live Stock in the South. $ 1 ,000 in Prizes for Our Corn Club Boys. Shore Talks About r 1 eiiuizers. i "CROPS r.OLULEI) WITH 1 1. M.I" THE LABOR." I. T. CROV.'DEH. MfckWW Co.. Vs. : ' Yc:: arc rMim ihf I el a4Tu!l.iri pprr in L' Dlt-i ot America and .rion.d S- foc(mi-3 '. rzv iarm-r in it.i:. .-oMi,m u::-J. : im now t 'i Jntr-scM tl, but I prvet leat'ird how i m.'Ve .rn 1 .'" iJ I !; I"r:..'.-i ,v-. r am;.r and Gatrtjr. W tarmi aj day itXe. bii cultivating t1'" lr!. f.'i ;v '.au'.I a !o -uiin h- li e cut:i wilh inliliu'iice and our have mof ? than duubUni with rj!; ti'.s laL." TEN WEEKS TRIAL ONLY 10 CENTS! i You will be plea chance to compete for Dor 't let Icri cr: below and ma!l it il:e ::ran con;:n-:c yoi:r J p. .zf z ve z Fubrcrify.ion. Give your boys a re oJlfring our Corn Club Boys, don't --but fill out the Coupon This Coupon is Woh 10 Cents i L. A. Boyd, Gen. Mgr. The fflarke t. Virginia & Carolina Southern Railroad Co PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND GAZETTE. DF.PT. Ril'ii.'.!, Nort!; Caro'i.n. Grntlrmen : I enc'o--. in farm life, fot which s-vxi r. your paper. tii C.50JH-., i'n C?nt srA ll --- :l 1 may i a-:q -...h-.J w.ia NAME POST-OFFICE. VT your name a:.J adjr aSovc ani rcioe :hi? cvjj n V 1 UNJ cent5 in 'tamps in a Mnng 'nvrlojx and jend dirrt t." ti - 1 he rVaaressive rarmrr ana Oazc'ie. .wia, .urili Crohi -n ten cc dtaik.uV. Send r. .nir of tv.o f.rr.cas inteiiited i-i agriculture on separate ;he paper. ?TTE This offer is t,,f scribers onlv Time Table No. 10. In Effect 12.01 a. m., May 17th, 1910. Between Lumberton and Hope Mills. NORTHBOUND (Daily Except Sunday) Have on hand at all times Fresh Meats, can goods and in fact most anything in the Grocery line; also have a nice assortment of Earthen Ware. Give us a call A. H. HINDS, Lumberton, N. C. 2-24tf. No. 64 No. 78 Lv Lumberton, 9.35 a m 8.35 p m " Bee Gee, 9.43 " 8.43 " " Powers, 9.5o " 8.5o " " Woodmore, 9.57 " 8.57 " " Roziers, lo.OO " q.00 " " St Paub, lo.lO " 9.10 4 ' " Oakland, lo.l5 " 9.15 4 ' " McMillan, 10.20 " 9.20 " " Roslin, Io.25 9.25 " Ar Hope Mills, lo.35 " . 9.35 " SOUTHBOUND (Daily Exeept Sunday) No. 65 Lv Hope Mills. 5.15 n m Wj Hope Mills, Roslin, McMillan, Oakland, St. Pauls, Roziers, Woodmore, Powers, Bee Gee, Lumberton, til md Mail To-day Deol. N-32. 5.25 5.3o k sr. No. 79 v.4o a m 7.55 " 8.00 " 8.05 " 8.15 " S20 " 8.23 " 8.30 " 8.37 " 8.45 " SEEN THE NEW COLLAR YET? It's right here, together with ev erything else that's new in La dies' and Men's furnishing. Slippers, Shoes. Shirts, Collars, Neck wear, Dress Goods and Furniture. How about Underwear? Need some. Don't you? Better stop in and see whatLadies' and Gentlemen who know are wealing or going to wear. See us. We will save you money. 7 Choice Cut Flowers ! Roses, Carnations, Violets and Vallies . our Specialties. Wedding Bouquets in ali of the Newest btyles, Jb loral Designs and Bouquets arranged in the most artistic styles 'at short notice. Shade Trees, Rose Bushes, Climb ingRoses, Evergreens, Shrub bery and Hedge Plants in Great Varieties. Mail, telegraph and telephone orders promptly executed, by J. L. O'QUINN & COMFY 5.45 " 5.5o " 5.53 6.oo " 6.0? " Ar Lumberton, 6.15 " No. 5, local freight and passenger, (daily except Sunday) leaves Hope' Mills 9.oo a m, arriving at Lumberton i at 11.10 a. m. ! No. 6, local freight and passenger, (daily except Sunday) leaves Lumber ton 1pm, arriving at Hope Mills at 2.5o p m. John T.Biggs Co., Inc., Lumberton, N .C. 4-18-tf fit Is 8 nn mm FOR FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Insure in the Oldest, Strongest and Be3t Foreign and American Companies. S. H. HAMILTON, Agent. FINE BUGGIES AND HARNESS. We have a Large and Complete Line to select from. Oxford and Tyson & Jones Buggies. Prices Attractive. Terms easy. See us be- fore buying Respectfully. aEBEBBl Dr. J. H. HONNET. I'byslclan and Surgeon. Practice limited to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and.Throat and fitting of glasses. No. 12 North Front Street. Wilmington, N. C. S-6-t. FLORIST. Raleigh, N. C. Phonel Wood For Sale. Slabs and strips cut into stoi lengths, one-horse load 25 cents, two horse load 50, at the mill, at old fair grounds. Kingsdale Lumber Co., Lurn bertou, N. C. l-31tf FOE SALE:C M Folr & Son. Lame shomder is almost invariablv caused bv rheumatism of the muscle and yields quickly to the free applica tion of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is not only prompt and effec tual, but in no wav disagreeable to us Sold by Dr. J. D. McMillan & Son and Thf Pope Drug Co. Guru Coidsi Prevent Pntutnoala Bicycles, Gas Lights & Supplies. Victor Talking Machines and Records, VV atches and Pocket Knives. Prompt attention given to business. Royal Bicycles Complete with G. & J. Tires and Coaster Brake $25. Yours Respectfully U. M. EDWARDS, rnone Wo. 12b. Lumberton, N. C 2-lo-4m. 200,000 Good Hard Com mercial Brick. Prompt1 shipment. Prices right. Loca tion of mill in North Lumberton on V. & C. S. Railroad. Lumberton, N. C TYPEWRITERS Sold on Easy Payments. Best makes handled. You need one, no mat ter how small your cor respondence may be. tall on or wnte ACME BRICK CO., Inc., L"S,berton- - N c S. H. Hamilton. A?L Lnmhfirtnn M. rae C. 1