1 NT AN ! .i i ex & Established 1S70. Country, God and Truth. l.ilrnrv "wB" vujjics rive Lenta, ROBE80 rain irsei Ant- ?; h nicol illini each July. ent, led 7 ) y i iefeo :3 ar1 ed w y oif year ciana. irg. VOL XLI NO. 37. RED SPRINGS REVIEWS. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1910 WHOLE NO. 2575 HOPE MILLS NEWS. The New Bell at the Presbyteri an Church --An InformalDance Personal Mention. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Installing Electric Light Plant Children's Day Services Re sults of Primary Death of Mrs. Sarah Leslie A Mar riage and Other Items. Red Springs, June 28 Mr. and Mrs. Clower, of Fayettevilie. t i T T t 1 1" in Were gUeSIS ai rlOtei KeaapringS Correspondence of The Robesonian. last week. Mrs. Francis Marsh and daughter, Miss Elma, spent Monday in Fayettevilia. The Southern Presbyterian Col- I A " i.- 1 J I WlWik lege Association naa an ice-cream Sunday. Rev. P. supper in tne pavilion r naay eve- preach at Hope ning but owing to the inclement weather the ladies did not take in much money. However, they expect to have a lawn party soon, the proceeds to go to S. P. G. Misses Zelle ard Bernice Dew left Monday afternoon for Ban ner Elk, where they expect to attend summer school. Miss Agnes McLean, of Lumberton, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. A.T. McCallum. Miss Lucy Williams is spending some time in Wilmington visiting her sister, Mrs. Louis Hall. Mrs. Jennie McAlester and daughter, Miss Bessie, left Monday to visit rela tives in Sampson conuty. They expect to be away the greater part of the summer. Miss Glen nie Graham is spending a while at. Jnrkann Snrino-s. Missps Wyatt McKinnon, Bessie Jones, Fayettevilie Alhe Pearsall, Genevieve Mc Millan, and Mr. J. S. Jones spent several days of last week at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. Jones attended the North Carolina Bankers' Association, but the young ladies went just for a good time. Drs. H. H. Hodgin and J. L. McMillan attended the Hope Mills, June 28 Rev. J. D. Pegram will preach at Sandy Grove at 11 a. m., and at Cumberland at 7:30 p. m. next T. Britt will Mills on next THE SALARY SYSTEM INGRAM McRAE. Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. D. K. McLeod will preach in the Presbyterian church here on next Sunday night and his subject will be missions. No services will be conducted in Christ church on next Sunday, Rev. N. C. Duncan, the pastor, being at Wrightsville Beach this week on vacation. Misses Annie and Benn Mc Lauchlin, of Wagram, are visiting the families of Messrs. Z. B. Newton and J. H. Rogers this week. Miss Margaret Cotton, of Fayettevilie, who had been visit ing Mrs. Lauchlin McDonald, returned home Saturday. Mr. P. L. Adams and Miss Flo ra A. Carver were married in on last Tuesday, June 21st. D. N. McLean, J. P., officiating. Mav this popular young couple have a long and prosperous life. Mrs. Lauchlin McDonald and daughter, Elizabeth, Miss Pru dence Cotton, of Cotton, and Mrs. George Whitaker, of Ches ter, Pa., will leave Thursday for A Beautiful Home Marriage- Miss Myrtle McRae Entertains Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Raeford, R. F. D. 1, June 23 At 3:30 o'clock Wednesday eve ning a beautiful home marriage was celebrated at the residence of Mrs. Alice J. McRae. when her daughter. Miss Mary Augus ta, became the bride of Mr. Joseph oaiawin Ingram, ot Mt. Gilead. Rev. W. C. Brown officiated, us ing the beautiful and impressive ring ceremony. Just before the bridal party entered Miss Katie McAuley sang a beautiful solo, "Good-bye." The attendants were:Miss Mel- lie Sinclair with Mr. Thaddeus Crump; Miss Bessie Ingram with Mr. Hal he McRae: Miss Jennie Burton with Mr. J. R. Page, Jr. ; Miss Myrtle McRae, maid of hon or, with Mr. Walter Newly, best man. Little Miss Etta Reid Wood was ring bearer. Immediately after daintv re freshments had been served, Mr. and Mrs. Ingram, accompanied by the congratulations of those present and the hearty good wishes of their host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram will be at home to their friends after Believes People Would Vote to Change Many Reasons Why County Officers Should be on Salary Would Save Money Present Method Antiquated. To the Editor of The Robesonian: Piease allow me space in your excellent'paper not as an office seeker, but as I think for the good of the masses of our people, the people of Robeson county. Recently The Robesonian in quired what had become of the salary law movement, etc. We all remember the law passed by the Legislature of 1907 was lost by an oversight: it was not voted upon. I believed then, as I do now, that the people of Robeson county would ratify by from two-thirds to three-fourths ma jority. I think there are many reasons why we should have, sal ary law. Many overestimate the income oi our omcers ana some times charge them with using money and exercising favoritism in many ways to keep themselves in office, lhe legal business, probating and recording papers, increase in taxes, have probably doubled during the last decade and if a county office was renum Morth Carolina Medical Society Birmingham, Ala., where they meeting at Wrightsville Beach will visit the family of Mr. J. H. last week. They report a very Cary. pleasant and piofitaole meeting. The work of installingthe elec Mr. James Hodgin also spent that trie lighting plant is progressing week at theBeach.-Dr. B.F.Mc- nicely. Mr. C. H. Hill, of the Millan spent Monday in Fayette- National Electrical Supply Co., ville on professional business. Washington, D. C, has charge Miss Lottie Denny, who" taught - r i i x. x 3irt in ureensooro last winter, is at home for the summer vacation. She spent Monday in town, re turning to her home at Cromartie m the afternoon. Mrs. Gaddy is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Pierce, in Fayette ville. Mr, R.W. Liver- more and daughter, Miss Mary, left Tuesday for a visit of sever- of the work. Mrs. Sarah Leslie, wife of Mr. Alex. Leslie, warden of the county home, died Monday night at the age of fifty-nine years, and the funeral services were con ducted from Galatia Presbyte rian church by Rev. K. A. Mc Leod. Since early childhood she em . n 1 t rm . i was a iaitniui mem per oi tne al weeks in NewYork city .-Mia presbyterian church, and her life N. C I With- 1 3ted in W at an n-gami e hunt ise wi in any ne bin, . amu batvfift' eding apply t , crovn. i bir i. xicock, d nul led onl ,st. the ond. if Gretchen McCullers will leave Wednesday for a visit to rela tives in Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Barringer, after a pleasant stay at Hotel Red Springs, have returned to their home at Flor ence, S. C.-Miss Mamie Lovin has returned from a pleasant visit in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and infant son, of Parkton,vere guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Singleton last week, The young people of the town enjoyed an informal dance at Hotel Red Springs Tuesday eve ning. The music was good and the evening was an ideal one for the lighthearted dancers. At a tate hour they reluctantly de parted, each declaring Mr. Har rison a charming host. Mrs. H. S. Toon returned Fri day from a visit to her sister in Sumter, S. C On Sunday morning the new bell of the Presbyterian church was rung for the first time. Its tone is rich and full, yet sweet and soft so enticing and allur ing that no one could withstand its entreaties to the worship of God with a clean conscience. Long may it hang in its lofty po sition to summon many in the coming generations to honor and was tilled with many loving deeds. Mrs. Leslie is survived by her husband, two sons D. A. and John T. Leslie and five daughters Misses Florence and Nettie Leslie, Mis. K. H. Mon roe, Mrs. J. T. Bruton and Mrs. J. A. Campbell. The eleventh annual banquet of Lebanon Lodge No. 391, A. F. & A. M., was held on Saturday evening, a large gathering of members and friends being pres ent, Mr. J. T. Bynum officiating. The following officers were in stalled for the ensuing year: E. D. Tyson. W. M; W. H. Bullard, S. W; and J. F. Brown, J. W., after which a sumptuous supper was enjoyed. The evening clos ed with a few congratulatory speeches in which Rev. J. D. Pe gram and others took part. Special Children's Day servi ces were held in the Presbyte rian church Sunday evening. June 26th, and a large and well pleased audience attended. The programme irom beginning to end was conducted by the chil dren, consisting of songs, solos, duets, trios, recitations and read ings. The litt'e folks showed great intelligence and careful training and really entertained the best of all now. I reckon some of our officers can Clear more money than can the cheif-execu-tive of our grand old State. Rob eson county, with her resources, ought to be in better shape fi nancially than I am led to believe she is. Blessed by a wave of un- paralelled prosperity, there are men with increasing young fam ilies m Robeson who feel sadden ed and sometimes distressed to pay their tax. If we can reduce expenses and help this class, how condemnable then are those in independent circumstances who fail to see the straitened condi tions of the poor toiling masses who by the law are compelled to contribute their part or pittance to go into the purse of an over paid official. I believe in a square deal and fair play. The fact of the business is, this fee system was made for very different times and surround ings irom the present. Again, there would be no more trouble as to settlements, sometimes em bezzlement,, scandal, etc. God said to Israel, Go forward; and here we are clinging to a system as old as the government the needy looking to their officials and leaders to improve matters and help them in every possible legitimate way and the leaders reaping up the spoils of office and oh, so grateful to the peo ple, the sovereign power that gave them their place and power. Men of Robeson, let's stop this thing. I know I don't want to squeeze or pinch with an in adequate salary, out l ior one am getting . tired of paying 150 to 250 dollars per month to offi cers who could not make it at anything else. Let's put it be tore the people, not before the county convention, as it will hardly be the voice of the people. But the grass is growing.Imust stop. T. H. Walters. Raeford, N. C, June 28. 1910. TAR HEEL HAPPENINGS. LOCAL BRIEFS. July first at Mt. Gilead. One of the most delightful so cial events occurred last evening, hen Miss Myrtle McRae enter tained a number of her friends in honor of Miss Jennie Burton, of Mt. Gilead. The guests were welcomed by Miss McRae and in vited to the parlors. The feature of the evening was a musical love-story contest, Mr. Mallie Chisholm and Miss Jennie Bur ton being the successful contest ants. Tempting refreshments were served, after which the Sests were entertained by charming selections of music by Miss Ina Poole. Among -those present were: Misses Katie Sin clair, Flora McNeill, Ina Poole, Mary Lee McMillan, CorrieLeach, Maggie Lee Currie. Jane Mc- New Baptist Church to be Built A Help to Sunday - School Work-P icnic Saturday. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Tar Heel, June 29 -Rev. R. L Byrd filled regular appointments here last Saturday and Sundav. Messrs. J. A. Hurt and L. C. Bullard, of White Oak, attended church here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carrol at tended preaching at Bladen-Un- lon last Sunday. Messrs. 'Robt. and Western Young, of Howellsville, were callers in this neighborhood Sun day afternoon, Messrs. Wm. Monroe. E. D. Melvin, E. L. Singletary, L. B. Grimes and W. T. Hall are the building committee for a new Baptist church here, which will be erected on the same lot that the old church now is on. We have not learned how much it will cost or the size, but it will be a much larger and nicer house than the old one. The Baptist Sunday-school is securing money to buy maps of Palestine, which we think will be a help in the lessons. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Whitted have our sympathy in the loss of their baby, which died Monday morning last after illness of only ore day. Mrs. H. J. Mercer, who has been sick, we are glad to say is improving; also Mr. G. W. Mon roe is improving. There will be a picnic atBy rant's Mill Saturday, July 2d. Blue Eyes. Movements of the People Up Maxton Way A Runaway. Correspondence of The Robesonian . t Maxton, June 28 Mr.andMrs. F. M Wooten, of Camden. S.C.. glorify the Giver of all good fhe Parens Sndfien sPlendid- gif ts by holy and reverent atten dance at His services. May it herald the marriages of many lads and lassies, may its soft and soothing notes comfort those who in sorrow follow their dead to the last resting place, and mai lt gladden and cheer many hearts in the coming years. iviany tnamcs are due and warm ly. Mr. ii. w. btancui, supenn tendent, called on Mr. J. W. Mc Neill, of Fayettevilie, a former superintendent of this Sunday school, and much esteemed by the Hope Mills people, to give a talk. He very kindly acquiesed and made a most neiptui taiK on spiritual growth. The offering was to aid the Nagoya Girl's Farmers' Union Picnic at Al fordsville July 8. Four Local Unions Centen ary. Students' Hope, Alfords ville and Branchville will give a pic nic at Aliordsville Friday, July 8th. Mr. Clarence Poe. editor of The Progressive Farmer, wil deliver an address on agricultur al education. Members of the Union will furnish dinner. Ev erybody is invited. 1 ly given to Mr. W.J. Johnson, the Schooi: Ja?an; and waa .liberal generous denor of this beautiful one- ine. cnuaren mannest mucn bell. interest in the missionary work. The Democratic Drimarv was MlSS Lillian Nance, who had held here Saturday afternoon. r. Vy-N AM M a-t SV W a M - A ? Y-fc 1 I mt 1 1 I A -Jl A j uroii Dycuuiug some ume in ued rne aeiegaies to me couniy con- Springs on a visit at the home of vention were instructed to cast j her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. their entire vote for Maj. A. A. and Mrs. W. C. Baggett, came McKethan for clerk of the court l nome una morning. She was Mr. D. Castor, treasurer; and i accompanied by Mr. W. C. Bag- ( Mr. F. R.Hall, register of deeds i gett, whe will spend the day in A vote was taken on the candi I wwn on business. 1 dates for sheriff: N. A. Watson I arrived Saturday to spend some time with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean, of Laurinburg, came to Maxton this morning to spend the day with Mrs. Lma McLean. Mrs. Sue Mr. John Campbell, of Ren nert, mailed to The Robesonian Tuesday. 2Sth, a cotton blossom raised on his place. Rev. F. Weiss will preach at the Gospel tabernacle Sunday morning and evening. Morning subject, 'The sign of a right eous man;" evening. "A good man in a wicked city." His many friends among readers of The Robesonian will be glad to learn that Mr. T. N. McDiarmid, who went to Ashe ville some weeks ago for his health, is getting along nicely. Mrs. T. L. Johnson will en tertain tomorrow evening at her home on Elm street in honor of her sister, Miss Ruth Moser. of Hickory, who has been a guest of Mr.and Mrs. Johnson for two or three weeks. Fourth of July excursion rates over the Seaboard will go into effect Saturday of this week, when tickets wil be placed on sale until the 4th, inclusive, and all return trip tickets will be good until the 8th. Col. N. A. McLean of Lum berton delivered an address yes terday before the State Bar As sociation, in session at Wrights ville Beach, his address being the feature of the day and at tracting much attention. Mr. Earnest McConnell, of Orrum, who has been suffering very much with rheumatism for three or four weeks, boarded the Seaboard train yesterday after noon for Hot Springs, Ark., being accompanied by his father. Rev. S.J. McConnell. The Seaboard authorities are having a lot of clay and sand placed around the passenger sta tion here, which is but a start of the many improvements they are contemplating to make around and about the passenger and freight depots very soo' . McRae and daughter, Mrs. R. M. Bryde, Mellie and Agnes Sinclair Jiluams, returned Jiome last night and Jennie Burton; Messrs. Lacy Clark, Neill McNeill, Thaddeus Crump, Martin McKethan, Guss Purcell, Grady Leach, Ryan Mc- Bryde, Neill Sinclair and Hector McNeill. Those present will not forget the cordial welcome given hem by their hostess. We regret to learn that Mrs. Penelope McLean is on the sick ist. Miss Bonnie McBryde is visit ing friends atTarboro this week. Mrs. William Keith, of Aber deen, is the guest of Mrs. Mary A. Keith. We are glad to learn that Miss Jeanette McNeill, who has ma larial fever, is convalescent. Meeting of Civic Association Public Invited The regular monthly meeting of the Lumberton Civic Associa tion will oe held tomorrow eve- nine: in the reading room of the from Jackson Springs, where they had been spending some time. Mr. J. P. Wiggins went to Wilmington yesterday. Miss Bessie McLean returned yester day from quite an extended trip North. She also visited relatives in Washington, N. C, beforelre- turning home. Dr. M. R.Gibson attended the Medical Society meeting at Wrightsville Beach last week. Another runaway occurred this morning aoout train time. A mule and horse hitched to a wag- on ran quite a distance Detore they could be stopped. The wag on was torn to pieces but no oth er damage was done. Dr. J. M. Rose and Mr. Hector McLean, of Laurinburg, were in Maxton yesterday. Last Call For Taxes Avoid Trouble. Just a few more, and the days of poverty for this season will Announcements readies as follows have been received here: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cooke announce the marriage of their daughter, Isabella, to Mr. W. Bertram Page Tuesday, June twenty-eighth nineteen hundred and ten Hornell, New York At Home 146 A3hley Avenue Charleston, Soutn Carolina The groom is a son of Mrs. Smithy Page, of Lumberton, and is in the railway mail service. . Mr. Harry Weinstein returned yesterday from a business trip to Baltimore and New York. He wa3 away about ten days pur chasing goods for a big dry goods store he expects to open at McColl, S. C. on or about the 15th of July. Mr. Weinstein has been chief clerk and book-keeper for Mr. A. Weinstein, in hi? large dry-goods store here, for several years and he is well qualified to take care of a busi ness for himself, ivlr. and Mrs. Weinstein expect to leave for McColl about the last of the week. have ended: but before climbine: Commercial and Industrial Club, Up again into the realm of migh- beginningat 8.15 o'clock. Dr. ty riches in order that none be T. C. Johnson will talk on the deprived of any of their meager subject of flies and mosquitoes possesions because of negligence A 4. 1 -T 4. . I . lit 11 1 1 a very important suuject juau au n mignt oe wen to rememoer the present incumbent, 24 votes Mr. JN. a. McGeachy 14 votes and Mr. D. J. Breece 1 vote It was voted that the delegates be uninstructed as to the remain der of the county ticket and also the vote for Mr. J. H. McPhail for county commissioner. A vote was taken on Messrs. H. L. Cook, and H. L. Godwin forCon gress, the former receiving 11 votes and the latter 28 votes. The formation of a new county from a part of Cumberland was discussed. The vote against dis memberment was unanimous. this time. The meeting will be open to all, whether members of the Association or not, and a large attendance is desired. Lonsr Distance 'Phone Service Soon. Two forces ot hands are com ing this way from Wilmington with long-distance telephone lines. They are now about 15 miles below Lumberton and will Mr. T. C. Pate, of Purvis, was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. reach this place in about two weeks; and then Lumberton will double-taxing and much have long-distance service, a convenience not heretotore en joyed here and the lack of which has been greatly missed, uooa progress is also being made in installing the Bell system in town. that the list-taker will be waiting but a few more days. This is no advertisement. It is a gentle re minder of the fact that one's op portunity for giving m property, this year, will be gone after Monday, July 4th. Mr. A. T. tarmele, local list-taker, says that he will be at his office, in the court house, his evening and tomorrow evening in order that all may have opportunity to list their property. As no doubt many will recall, there was some trouble last year on account oi some failing to list at the proper time. An Alleged ders. Murderer Suiren.- Mr. U. S. Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Page, is the proud possessor of two ycung al ligators which he received this week and which were sent to him by hia brother, Mr. S. M. Page, from Winter Park, Fla. Sheriff E. C. McNeill and CoronerRancke returned Monday night from Dundarrach, where they went early Monday morn ing in response to a telegram no tifying them of the burying of a colored infant under supiciou? circumstances. The remains wer exhumed and an inquest held. the jury rendering a verdict thai in its opinion the child died from natural causes. Eli Southerland, colored, whD is charged with killing his son-in- law, Furman Wallace, in April, was brought to Lumberton Tues day and turned over to Sheriff McNeill by Mr.Neiil McKimmon, of Alfordsville. Deputy J. A Kitchin, of Maxton township, and a posse were after Souther land Saturday night and they succeeded in getting him in close quarters, severel shots being fired at him, but none took effect. Southerland gave himself up Sunday rooming to Mr. McRim mon, on whose place he is a tea ant, and wa3 brought to town Tuesdav. He was d laced in jail I nnrt hia rase will nrohablv come up at the next term of court, which convenes Tuesday. R. O. Colt, Geo. F. Brown and Albert C. Dwyer young men of Charlotte, left that city last night to walk to Wilmington, a di. -tance of about 200 miles, on a yager of $150. Thy rr.st make rhe trip in 7 days and are depen dent wholly upon tne charity of the people along the way, taking iOnly 50 cents with them.