r ROBESONIAN H Established 1870. Country,. God and Truth. Single Cppies Five Cento. VOL XU NO. 52. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1910 WHOLE NO. 2590 EDUCATIONAL RALLY. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The County Farmers' Union and Teacher Will Unite to make Friday a Great' Day in Lum berton The Speakers. The Farmers' Union education al rally which wiil be held in Lumberton Friday will, it is ex pected, be attended by a very large crowd of people from all over the county. Excellent speakers have been engaged and it win oe an occasion wmcn no one who is interested in education in Robeson can afford to miss. The rally will be held in con nection with the county teachers' institute, which hr.s been in session since last Monday and will close on that day. At 10:30 o'clock Friday morning the exer cises will begin in the auditorium of the graded school build'ng. Dr. Harrison, of the A. and M. College at Raleigh, will deliver an address on "Agricultural Education"; Dr. J. B. Carlyle, of Wake Forest College, a native of Robeson and too well known throughout the county to require any special introduction, will deliver an address on the subject "Back to the Farm": and Supt. W. H- Swift, of the Greensboro graded school, will deliver an ad dress on education. President W. S. Cobb, of the county Farmers' Union, writes The Robesonian that the Union is very anxious for all to join in with itand make this a great day. He has issued the following call to locals: To All Local Unions: It is very important that each local have a large represntation at Lumberton on the educational rally day August 26th so that we can make the day a great success and further the cause of agricul tural education. All Unions should see that the local school committeemen are present and as many young people as possible. Bring your baskets. Fraternally, W. S. Cobb, Pres. Lounty Superintendent o t Public instruction J. R. Poole urges all school committeemen and other friends of education to attend. President Cobb requests the executive committee and all the committees appointed at the last county meeting of the Union to meet at the court house at 10 o'clock Friday morning. The Parkton Concert Band Special Features This Week Excellent Work Being Done. County Superintendent J. R. Poole is very enthusiastic about the work being done at the coun ty teachers' institute, the second week of which began this morn ing. It took the first two days last week to get in good running order, but since then the teach ers have buckled down to work MAXrON NEWS NOTES. A Runaway A Bad Negro With a Gun Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Maxton, Aug. 20 Mr.A.C.Mc Kinnon returned Thursday from Ellerbee Springs, where he went for a rest of serveral days. Mr. A. M. McMair left Monday night tor Baltimore on business. Mr. GilbertBaldwin returnedWednes- IN SOCIAL REALMS. I a telegram contest. Each guest ! was asked to write a telegram A R-h- r.: u c usinS thp letters in the words LOCAL BRIEFS. nJlTSt' Wlth mSt -ratlfylng McKay McKinnon came home Thursday night after a pleasant results. Besides the regular work this week Dr. Pridgen of Raleigh will talk to the teachers about the hookworm: Drs. T. C. John son and N. A. Thompson of Lum- stay at Jackson Springs. Mr A.rehieCume of Laurinburg spent Sunday with home folks. Messrs. Leach Patterson and Gil bert McKinnon returned Tuesday T .1 ".r' t" fro? an outir.g atfkcksonSprings will lecture on the treatment of the eye and how to use public school health bulletin No. 1 of the State Department of Educa tion; and the teachers have bjen invited to the Bank of Lumber- Miss Mary Johnson of Frank lin, Va., passed through Maxton on her way home after a visit to Riverton, her former home. We are glad to learn that Mr. J. W. Davis and family, who now ton-25 each afternoon after 4:30 !iv in Lexington, will move back o'clock until all the teachers have M?n s?on and will live m the opportunity-by Cashier A. ne cenzie nouse on west&an- W. Peace, who will show them aers street. banking methods, how monev is Misses Clarkie McLean and handled, etc. Cammie McCaskill left last night A reading circle for the county for Montreat and other mountain will be organized this wTeek, the resorts. They expect to be gone woman s betterment association quite a while. Miss Katie Lee will be re-organized, and an as- McKinnon visited friends in sociation for colored teachers Lumberton Thursday. Mrs. John will be organized. At some pe- Black of Shelby is visiting Mr. nod during the week Supt. Poole and Mrs. J. Jf. Wiggins this will mest the teachers for a heart- week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Car o-heart talk about their work ter and Lena returned Tuesday during the coming school year, from Henderson ville. Dr. C. G. Supt. Poole says that since Vardell passed through Max hearing Prof. K. H. Mclntyre's ton Tuesday morning on his way lectures on agricultural educa- to Red Springs. He had been tion last week the teachers have spending the summer at Blowing become more interested in that Rock with his family. Mrs. J. subject and will take special L Lason of Bennettsvule, S. C. courses. Some of the high spent Sunday with relatives. - schools of the county will have Mr. M. L. McLean of Lumberton classes in domestic science. spent Sunday with home folks. The trustees ot the graded Mr. u. J. L.ide, lormerly o school will throw open the doors this place but now of Bennetts of the school building Thursday ville, will move back to Maxton evening at 8 o'clock for an enter- the first of September. We are tainment m honor of the teach ers attending the institute. No special programme has been ar ranged for the occasion but it is expected that there will be en tertainment a-plenty. All the citizens of the town are invited. SIXTH DISTRICT REPORT. Committee Meets Wednesday Night. . Winston-Salem Dispatch. 20th. Chairman A. H. Eller of the State Democratic executive com will be on hand to furnish music mittee tonight issued a call for a for the day. meeting of the State executive committee at Raleigh Wednesday night, August 24, for the pur pose of hearing the report of the special committee appointed to glad to have them back. ! Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Williamsof Columbia, Ala., visited Mr. and Mrs. Luther McLean this week. A mule belonging to Mr. A. C. McKinnon ran away last Wed nesday, throwing the driver out and hurting him severely. One limb and several ribs were brok en. He was carried to the hospital and given good attention. Several shooting scrapes have' aken place here recently among he negroes. Another one occurred yesterday morning. No one was killed, but several A Republican Paper for Lumberton. It has heen an onen secret, for investigate the contest in the a week or more that a movement sixth district between O. L. Clark was on foot to start a ReDublican and H. L. Godwin. Following . . . . ii . i paper in Lumberton and within is the call: The State Democratic execu tive committee is called to meet at Raleigh Wednesday night, August 24, 1910, to receive the report of the special committee on the sixth district contest. A full attendance is desired. A. H. ELLER, Ch'm'n Farmers' Union Picnic at Pleas ant Hope School House. Visiting Teachers by the In dustrial and Commercial Club. . A very delightful social event was the reception given Thurs day evening by thelndustrial and Commercial Club in the reading room of the club on the second floor of the Lumberton Cotton Mills office building: to the teach ers attending the teachers' insti tute. More than a hundred guests were present, the great majority T5f them out-of-town teachers. and trom 8.45 to 12 o'clock the club room was filled with young people on pleasure bent. In the receiving line were Countv Sunt. of Public Instruction J. R. Poole and wife; Supt. W. H. Swift, of heGreensboro graded school, one of the conductors of the institute; Miss M. 1. Tillman of Salisbury, an expert in primary work who is assisting in the institute ;Supt. K. E. Sentelle, of the Lumberton graded school, also one of the conductors of the institute. Mrs. Sentelle, and Mr. J. A. Sharpe, editor of The Robesonian, and wite. Mr. R. D. Caldwell, pres ident of the club, and Mrs. Cald well welcomed the guest3 at the door. In a gathering composed of such a large number of educators' ltwasto be expected that talent a- long the line of entertaining would be displayed if called for; and that is what happened. Prof. Roy McMillan, of Riverton. prin cipal of the Philadelphus high school, was first called upon and he responded with a most de lightful reading "How Kuben Played." Josh Billings would have been gladder than ever that he wrote that stuff if he had heard how Prof. McMillan got it off. It was tip-top and the au dience, realizing that Prof. McMillan had the , real goods, called for more; and as an Prof. McMillan said a little, piece about pigs it was an ' imitation of a man calling pigs and the pigs answering. It certainly was scandalous and you d a thought there was a whole room full of pigs there if you had not had "the sensible and true avouch of your own eyes". Following this Miss Mar- garetWard sang You, Just You , Mr. Ed Rancke playing piano ac companiment, and another song after insistent applause, and then there was a reading by Mrs.J.R. Poole "That Old Sweetheart of Mine". It was done with the spirit and the understanding summer time.1 A meptinO" of tho marilionr.. Ine messasres of the town win u v.a u were varied and interesting. Miss commissioners' room at the court Annie Neill Fuller won the prize j house this evening aSS MS Plans for refunding McMillan, of Red Springs, who is rai road fare from various stations aJle ofT Sheriff I certain amSare'SSe" vw. iuu.u.v. iuticni. icecream Miss Josephine Breece left last evening for Baltimore. Md., to purchase her fall stock of mil linery. Miss Grace Redmund will keep the store open during Miss Breece's absence. The old saw mill plant for- and cake were served, and the evening was one of many pleas ures. Miss Alice Toon, of Chadbourn, who is a gue3t at the home of Mrs. Lizzie G. Proctor, and Messrs. -Douerlas McMillan and Will Townsend, of Red Springs, ! merly operated bv the Carolina were among the out-of-town Lumber Co. where the Kindnla guests. nlant is nOW heinc nneriro.-l nr! I be moved some time within the Little Julia Thompson. 7 vears next .few weeks, ;to the site on old, entertained Fridav after- tne river just below the trestle, noon from 5 to 6 o'clock at a were Mr. Humphrey Williams birthday party at the home of operated a plant fo- a number of her father, Dr. N. A. Thompson, learl' The mill will be operated corner of Fourth and Walnut by the same company, streets. Refreshments consist- Mr T H TWno.. haa . ing of watermelons ice cream a u- Aurner,ha3 resign- JTa U1 ,waLernieions' lce cream e(j his position as sa esman for were played and it was a time in general for the ones. good little FARMERS' INSTITUTF. An Institute for Men and Wo- scivcu, games u PSSN Whifo r,A n u . . uuugu auu left Saturday evening for his home in Norwood, Stanly coun ty, where he will start a mercan tile business of his own. Mr. Tur ner did not intend for his resig nation to go into effect until Sep tember 1st but was called home Satnrdflv nn nonmm ;h men to be Held at Philadel- ness of his mother. He has manv phus Premiums Offered. friends in Lumberton who regret 'Rah for the farmers' irwti u-S decison to leave and wish tutes! SflISn?Toya Sd him mh success in his new ven- girls all should attend. An in- e stitute formen and one for wo- -In the account of the Lum men will be held at Philadelphus ber Bridge picnic in Thursday's hriday and Saturday, September paper mention was inadvertently 16th and 17th. omitted nf the roentl rrin Premiums as follows are offer- last Tuesdav evenino- nt tho a. edl Menoe of Mr W fi PnKKottUof $1.00 for the best five ears of rlaw in honor nf aAvomrtrC,rrtv, pure bred corn. For particulars in, It is estimated that 600 or 700 see programs oi tne institutes. neooie attended the recention. S1.00 for the best loaf of bread .... . . baked and exhibited by a girl or ,T,f . ,T H?WAU m woman living on the farm. I,111?1 last week for the Freeman A year's subscription to The w-uw o-norse-power Progressive Farmer for the best gasohne engine to take the place Dlate of biscuit, not less than ten of lts 2-horse-power engine, m- biscuit, baked by a girl or woman living on the farm. These offers should bring out a fine exhibit of bread and bis cuit at every woman's institute. T. B. Parker, Director of Farmers' Institutes. In addition to the above The Robesonian will give a year's sub scription for the second best loaf creased business making it nec essary to have more power. -The primary class of the East Lumberton Baptist Sunday school will be given free enter tainment at the moving picture show tomorrow evening. The tickets are furnished by the management. Wm. Rowland, colored, about were shot at by one negro and at Mrs. Poole's rendering wras sim- ast renort he was still at large, ply exquisite, every shade being shooting and daring any one to traced with such nicety that deep arrest him. er sweetness was revealed in that ta j tt t.t t? always sweet gem, Mrs. Poole's visited McColl, S. C, the first of K""!Si.ltS the week. . uie ijiiei ui uu we gave a icau- ing VV hen Jack Comes Late and the encore, and at ter a Pur" short intermission by special re quest Prof. McMillan delighted ot bread baked and exhibited t y 8d years old, a former slave of a girl or woman living on the Dr. Jno. S. Rowland, deceased, tarm. died yesterday at the home of Interesting programs have been John Hooper, colored, two miles prepared for these meetings.The from town on the Marion stage institute for women will be con- road. The remains will be in ducted by Mrs. F.L. Stevens and terred today at Sandy Grove Miss Bates. 1 he objects ot these church. institutes are to bring together Deals in Town Property. Dr. W. A. McPhaul has chased from Mr. Geo. Thompson, the women from the farm homes that they may become better ac quainted and talk over among themselves subjects tending to the betterment, of conditions in rural homes, such as better and MINOR COURT CASES. more economical foods and bet- Swamp, indicted last week ter methods of preparing them, Thomas Chuvis, a Lroatan ot the of Back Swamp, township, the the crowd with another selection home sanitation, home fruit and same place for his boat tinnoann Trim ctroot rmrkrvoi te tn t- ; a j. i. t:.U U Y?7eraD 8 ffarflenin?. Irm aairv- aim uic tatr aa mcu iic:c oai- uuuoc uu jujixij. aiivv-n wvu.w v ieuiuo Auvciauic txlii tiic . . . . ' , , the residence of Col. N. A. Mc- Owl"-which was all right: and Lean, occupied by Mrs. Smithy f or his encore Prof. McMillan Page, and its lot, containing over gave an imitation of a hen that .a ITU t A ? I halt an acre, ine consiaeration was great the imitation, not the Ulg, poultry raising, tne Deautl- uruay ai uwh iu uic graimjury fyingof The home and home sur- room in tne court nouse oetore rounds, ttc. Wives and daugh- Justice W.P.Barker and dismiss ters are urged to attend in large ed. Mr. Davis being taxed with the last few days the matter has assumed dehnite enough snape for announcement to be made that the paper will be started Col. S. A. Edmund of Lumberton. clerk of the court of Robeson from 1894 to 1898, -elected on the fusion ticket and who is now a member of the State Republi can executive committee, is the man back of the proposed paper. Col. Ldmund has had some ex- The date of the Farmers' Un periencein the newspaper busi- ion picnic at Pleasant Hope schoo ness, having been associated with house, three miles northwest oj Mr. J. Z. Green in conducting a Fairmont, has been changed from paper called The ed at Marshville - HT 1 III- J. I UIII 1Y1 Hrxn VI I nn 1 i miwr n I ninn mnnin - . w - - - . a S1V111V CK JL VJLi iUIIQi JL illkj I . lW tLrCCtb UOUU. I . . j , ... from 1892 to 1898. No tKo frtl IUrPhnnl will move the house oc- no ot mi11t irnrtTira tViaf tViintl liintomoiogist, ano otners. ah has been decided on, but the how ing local Unions: Iona, Balti- cupied by Mrs. Page to the lot harge a crowd of teachers put to- farmers and their wives, sons paper wm De 4-page, o-coiumn, more, Pleasant Hope and Center, purchased trom Mr. uunie ano gether in one room would linda anuaaugUiUUioj tWO naffea home nrint Nr u.lit-1 Ail A nnma, onA will orort mndern residence on nianfir afFA omnoamani- onv I terested in tarming and tne uet or has been selected hnt. Mr. W. K-;r .ttqII filial Uoba on fVio lrkt nn Flm street. Mrs. Pace 1 .rrV b. Wishart of Lumberton, a man Upend a day of pleasure and has the house rented for the bal- ment mentioned above, and those urged to attend these meeiings Some Matters That Have Been Aired in Court. Mr. Thomas Davis, of Raft was $3aqqandesale was made hen. Whatever he ma not be numbers. At night there will the nr UJonr through Mr. Geo. ivi. wnitneio. able to imitate all who heard him e stert,pucon views aim a w V: ; no fl Dr. McPhaul has also purchased the other evening are prepared lure y Mrs- Stevens. . . fj-."- . tut.. q ri f Pair i . il.i ii.. u . rfn : , The followino- inst tute lectur- Messers. Lacy McNair and At iium mi.oomiuuiv! i uu.w. ro Swear mat rroi. mciuuiau is - 0 - Tr: i. i .u o i . a lot containing, three-quarters Upastmaster at imitating pig. S5 "S!S "r VJL CSiSrKSta ISSs . n m s-m-i sinr aoi yr Try a xi rar trT i .1 i i ii : i t i viii r.n iii.r v jiiciiiiaL. j. u a. ui. i "- v - 111 an at:i c. uuuuoiuc uxa man wt i nnn npns np mil itivh liih as i --o ' " yx au ys. aau neus ue CUUiu give me vxx rVr" i t? ' , Triaf- nrHnv in nn effort, to eet a little iropulist-pnnt- Thursday, September 1, to Fri- m rear oiuoi. McLean sresiaence, word to any sort of pig or hen uuccwi xa -- fo"' -l"----? "y nnif! ' Fr'oni-im Shorman .Tr McNair had Mr. McGirt indicted . . i nn.iA ' ' . n i w rt ri Bfifiri 'ju r iww 1 1 m-a i .v l. . a & a- i i iiiii.i.i i n. iv iiiui. ' I of experience in the work, will profit. nave charge of the mechanical There will be an address by a! dna local work. The paper will prominent speaker. Committee oe started as early as possible. 0n arrangements: N. T. An-1 it is tne purpose to coniuct it for the next two years, at least, and then, if the venture proves a successs, to enlarge. ance of this year. The fifth district Republican congressional convention met in Greensboro Saturday afternoon and by acclamation nominated DaVld H. Rlnir a well.Vn lawyer of Winston-Salem, for Conflrress in onnnaitinn tn TLToi Charles M. Stedman. the Democratic Moorehead refused the nomina tion. drews, G. H. Floyd, Richard Prevatt, Lonnie Prevatt. Sixth District Kepublican Con- eA to the pleasures of an entire- vention. Iv nleasant evening. Ice cream The Republican congressional I and cake were served- convention for the sixth district whrdM hei parbr Tricks 'for and join in the discussions. Morn the delectationof the crowd add- t 10 SanfnrH Fvnresa iQth- The has been called to meet in the Lumberton Robesonian speaks of countv court house in Wilmington the firm of White & Gough of at noon August au. ine aeiegatet that place having purchased a trom Kooeson county are as 101 $10,000 stock of bankrupt goods lows: J. L. McLean, W. R. At- inSanford. The statement that tunson, aureu or it, xu. u.. they are bankrupt goods is un- Campbell, b. U rarKer., j. ,o TKoir vionooi to v. TV Kinlaw. J. E. Clifton, B. F. Mc- Nail Company, who sold them Lean, Rod Lawson, J.S. McNeill, out for the purpose ot engaging uues iiavia auu tt. n uwwi r,aaa Ta havo all her, Mr. A. E. White spent Fridaj inventoried, packed and shipped. Charlotte on business. Miss Mildred Mclntyre Enter tains the X-X Club. Miss Mildred Mclntyre enter tained the X-X Ciub Friday eve ning at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mclntyre, cor if of Sixth and Walnut streets The guests were met at the o'clock and afternoon sessions at 1.30. Bovs are esDecially invited to attend and learn about the Boys' Com Clubs. Notices of New Advertisements. Hardware that is right in qual ity and price-McAllister Hdw. Co. How to assure your boy of an education First National bank. ot lost Reward for return Am me hn-il-o-na anrl nhareri I POCKetDOOK. to the Dunch bowl, where Mr . The V. & C. S. and Coast Line vicincyre presideu. Among the ' advertise an excuraiyu tu xvicu- amusements of the evening was mond. for injury to personal property. A hog belonging to McNair got into McGirt's corn held and a dog was put after the hog. The hog died as a result of being run and bitten by the dog. Mr. Rowland reserved his decision, which had not been given this morning. Mr. S. Mclntyre rep resented the prosecutor and Mr. J. Dixon McLean appeared for the defendant. Geoge Norment, Jr., colored, was before Mayor Rowland Sat urday morning on a charge of selling liquor, but the State ar gued not ready for a hen ng and the trial was put off until thi3 morning at 10 o'clock, at which ime i vvsi ut a'. th next hearing to be in the morn ing at 10 o'clock. Mr. Norman Perry, of Psrk to.i. was auioa vioia .i r.own Friday.

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