j m sb m m mm b i mm mm. m m mm a m m m n - m mm m mm mm m. m. a m m h m Established 1870. Country, God and Truth. Single Copies Five Cents. VC L XU NO. 59. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910 WHOLE NO. 2597 GODWIN NOMINATED BY LARGE MAJORITY. Democratic Primaries Today in Sixth District Give God win Between 4,000 and 5,000 Majority Over Clark Sixth District Muddle Settled Robeson Gives Godwin About 1800 Majority. Blue Springs, 99. 26; Lumberton, 253, 134; Lumber Bridge, 114, 22; Maxton, 39, 105; Parkton, 75, 22; Pembroke, 132, 15; Red Springs, 140, 49; Raft Swamp, 57, 60; Saddle Tree, 98; St. Pauls, 97, 21; Thompson No. 1, 222, 21; Thompson No. 2, 86, 8; White House No. 1, 183, ; White House No. 2, 97, 16. Godwin's majorities in the following- town ships are estimated as follows: Alfordsville 65, Burnt Swamp 65, Britt's 25, Howellsville 75, DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING. In the Democratic primaries held today in the sixth district Hon. H. L. Godwin, of Harnett county, received majorities rang ing between 4,000 and 5.000 over O. L. Clark, of Bladen county, :he nominee of the first conven tion held at Wrightsville Beach n July. Godwin's majority in Robeson county is about 1800, rnore than twice as large as his riajority in any other county. Returns received at midnight to night indicate that Godwin re- An Enthusiastic Meeting Held in the Interest of Pure Poli ticsMcNeill Endorsed for Sheriff and Candidates En dorsed for Legislature and Commissioners A Virgorous Protest Againt Corrupt Men For Of f ice Fierce Fight to the Finish is On. CONGRESSMAN HANNIBAL L. GODWIN, RE-NOMINATED IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES HELD IN THE SIXTH DISTRICT TODAY. teived majorities as follows: New H&nover, 470; Robeson, 1300; Columbus, 80u;Harnett,800 Cumberland, 300 ;Bruns wick, 500. Clark recti ved a majority in Bladen, his home county, of 250. Uo to 12 o'clock tonignt re turns indicated a majority of about 1800 in Robeson for God win. The vote in the precincts from which definite returns had been received were as follows, first figures being Godwin votes, second. Clark: Back Swamp. 91; Orrum 20, Sterling's 60, Smith's 60, Wishart's 50. The county boards of - can vassers in the various counties c f the district will meet at the various county seats Saturday of this week and canvass return?, and the special committee ap pDinted by the chairman of the State Democratic executive com mittee will meet in Raleigh at 1 o clock p. m. Tuesday of next week and make official announce ment of the result. "I consider it an insult for a confessedly impure man to ask me to vote for him." Rev. C. H. Durham, pastor of the First Baptist church of Lumberton. That was the spirit of the large mass meeting held in the court house in Lumberton yesterday at 1 o'clock p. m. to register a pro test against present conditions in the Democratic party in Robeson county, and the large number of j men present from all over thei county were there to answer in the negative Mr. Durham's ques tion, 'Are there so many im moral men in our county that one of that class can announce him self for office and be elected re gardless of the moral element?" Pursuant to the call issued through Monday's Robesonian, a large number of men from all parts of the county gathered in tne court nouse at tne noon re cess of court yesterday to take a stand tor pure politics and a higher standard for men in public office, and for the removal of whiskey and money as a factor in influencing votes. Mr. J. S. Oli ver, of. Marietta, was elected chairman, Rev. C. H.Durham led in prayer, and Mr. R. D. Cald well oi Lumberton was asked to state the object of the meeting, which he did briefly, stating that the meeting was called by citi zens who do not represent the managers of the party ma chinery. He suggested that a committee of five be appointed to draw up plans for the meet ing. This suggestion was adopt ed and the foi lowing were ap pointed: H. M. John, V. B. Mc Millan, T. A. McNeill, Jr., Dr. J. L. McMillan, H. C. McNair. Tne committee retired, organized with Mr, McNair as chairman, and submitted through T. A. McNeill the following recommendations That a board of five county commissioners be recommended for election, and two members of the House of Representatives. That E. C. McNeill be endors ed for sheriff of Robeson county. That the Democratic executive committee of Robeson county be requested to call for the resig nation oi ueo. r. ivicijeoa as chairman of that committee. These recommendations were adopted and the following candi say the SUI1KS. MCNEILL CLUB. Organized With Large Member- Shown LOCAL BRIEFS. T - - meeting Tuesday was or- SUPERIOR COURT. Cases Disposed Of Murder Case to be Tried Tomorrow. The term of Superior Court vhich convened Monday, Judge O. H. Allen of Kinston presid ing, has work cut out that will keep it in session the entire week, according to present indications. Robt. Stackhouse, colored, was tried yesterday for murder in the second degree for killing David Morrison, also colored, May 16 last in Thompson town ship, and was acquitted. He plead self defense. It was m evidence that Morrison shot at Stackhouse's son in his yard and that on the next day Stackhouse 'ent gunning for the deceased. Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor "epresented the defendant. After being out all night the jury in the case of Mack Mc Lean, colored, charged with shooting Deputy Sheriff T. C. Barnes at Maxton several months ago, wounding him in the leg, returned a verdict of guilty. Judge Allen will pronounce sen tence tomorrow. noon. Southerland killed his i sir -in-law near Maxton last March. Messrs. McLean & Wig i gins of Maxton are representing the defendant and Col. N. A. i McLean of Lumberton and Hon (j. ts. ratterson ot Maxton are assisting Solicitor Sinclair. Many cases have been contin ued, and other cases have been disposed of as fallows: Andrew Powell, a. d. w. ; plead guilty; 6 months in jail, with leave to hire to H. M. Arnold. Hugh Oxendine, retailing; dis mUsed on payment of costs. Will McNeill, a. d. w. ; submits; judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. John Bullard, slander; changed to forcible tres pass and plead guilty; judg ment suspended on payment cost. J no. McCallum, a. d. w; same. Jim Cotton, larceny; guilty; 6 months on roads Garfield Camp bed, larceny, 2 cases; plead guilty; G months in each case.- Geo. Bailey, a. 4. w.; plead guilty; 4 months on roads. Jas. KWckman, alias Love, assault with intent to kill; plead guilty; judgment suspended on pay- matter in Robeson and situation m this county He expressed himself as opposed to any man who tries to corrupt voters by the use ot whiskev and money. Rev. R. A. Hedgpeth of Barnesville said that unless the ministers and the church take a hand it looks like things in Robe son county are going to the dogs; when the wicked rule the people mourn and this is a time when all men who believe in righteous ness should stand together for pure men in office in Robeson. Rev. C. H. Durham, pastor of the i1 irst Baptist church of Lum barton, electrified the crowd by a brave and fearless denunciation of corruption. He expressed the very spirit of the meeting and when ne had concluded every body felt that it was useless for any one else to speak. There was no effort to create a sensa tion that was the farthest thing iromthe speaker s purpose. It was simply the calm and deliber ate utterance of a fearless man who had considered the situation seriously and earnestly, and his words struck home to the hearts and consciences of the people. Mr. Durham said in "I consider it an confessedly impure me to vote for him. he has no respect for in regard to morality, have me make any kind of a I compromise to suit him. I do ' not pose before you as a right eous or perfect man, and I have great sympathy for the imper fect and impure man who is try ing to do better, but for one who is manifestly bad and whose in fluence generally is immoral to offer himself to the people of a great county like ours is prepos terous. "These questions may be asked: Are there so many im moral men in our county that one of that class can announce himself for office and be elected I regardless of the moral element? or do large numbers of those who belong to the moral element thoughtlessly join with the im moral and help elect the impure and corrupt men? Some such conditions surely exist here in Robeson and our political situa tion may be regarded as terribly dates were endorsed: For Legis-! bad. Is it not high time for lature, Dr. B.F.McMillan and J. those who believe in sound mor- O. McArthur; for commissioners, als and good government to act A. J. Floyd.D.Z.McGougan.J. Altogether and put the best and ship McLeod Has Party Disloyalty. At an enthusiastic held in the court house evening a McNeill Club ganized with about 175 members for the purpose of boosting the candidacy of Sheriff E. C. Mc Neill to succeed himself as sheriff of Robeson county. The follow ing officers were elected: T. A. McNeill, Jr., president; vice pres idents, Wesley Britt, Eli Phillips, J. F. Alexander, M. W. Floyd, C. B. Townsend, C. M. Fuller, S. J. Webb, D. P. Walters, W. J. Prevatt, L. E. Whaley, R. D. Caldwell, A. E. White, Frank Gough; central committee, D. B. McNeill, M. W. Floyd, T. A. McNeill, Jr.. Frank Gough, R. D. Caldwell, A. E. White. In accepting the chairmanship of the meeting Mr. T. A. Mc Neill made a rousing speech in which he stated nis reasons for opposing the candidacy of G. B. McLeod for sheriff and advocated the nomination of Sheriff Mc Neill. He declared that McLeod has shown party disloyalty in coming out for office at this time. ior ne knew it would create strife, told of McLeod's long term in office, of his refusing to answer certain questions when his office was being investigated, on tne ground that he might in ' 1 " 11- f , . cnmiuaie nimseii, oi what an excellent sheriff McNeill has made, and much more to the same purpose. Messrs. F. J. Adams and W. N. Peden. of Blue Springs township, were present and in response to calls for re marks said that Blue Springs i : 1 1 f -t.jii i . . my views wiugi veivicieiu a large majority, and would I Mr. A. P. Spell, of Red Springs.said that that township will go for Mc Neill. Mr. Spell said that such a gathering of determined men meant that something was wiong that needed to be righted and that all would be - well with the proper sort of effort. Others made short talks and the meet ing was very entuhsiastic. A McNeill club has been or ganized also in East Lumberton. will Wed- 23th AT I.F" nesdc, aucr" Thursday, the and zyth inst. Miss Delia Wishart has suc ceeded Mrs. J. F. Graham, nee Miss Lillian Meares. as'stenog rapher for Messrs. Caldwell & Carlyle. Rev. W. Harney.of Kentucky, will begin a series of meetings at the Gospel tabernacle next Monday evening. Mrs. Harnev, who will assist him,is considered a very gifted singer. The pastor. Rev. F. Weiss, will preach on the following subjects Sundav: 11 a.m.The RevivalWe Need;"" 7:80 p. m., "Who are the Sub jects of Heaven?" part: insult for a man to ask I take it that HOPE MILLS NEWS. Graded Record McPhaul,J.A.McCormick, W. H. McLellan. While the committee was mak ing up its report several were called on for speeches. . Major Geo. Hall of Red Springs said that he was at the meeting simply in the interest of better and pur er politics. Rev. E. M. Hoyle, pastor of theMethodist church of Lumberton, said that he was not going into politics but that he stands for righteousness, purity and truth everywhere. In going into other counties he finds that people want to know what is the purest men in office? "I have always voted the Dem ocratic ticket and I prefer to continue to do so, but hereafter I shall devitate from party lines rather than vote for unworthy men. I am determined not to vote for a man that I know to be immoral." This meeting was attended by many of the. best men in the county, who are determined to fight, the finsh to improve condi tions in Robeson county and to elect none but worthy men to office. School Has Opening The Lumberton graded school, Prof. R. E. Sentelle, superinten dent, had a record opening Tues day morning, 302 pupils being in attendance, 270 being the larg- school opened Monday Graded School Opens Death of an Infant A Business Change Church Services. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Hope Mills, Sept. 12-Miss Lora Cashwell. of Hope Mills, R. r . D. No. 2, visited Mrs. K. E. McArthur last week. Rev. N. C. Duncan will preach in Red Springs next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. D. Pegram will preach in Hope Mills at 11 a. m.; Cumberland, 3:30 p. m., and Cotton, 7:30 p. m. Miss Minnie Pate, of Fayette- ville, and Miss Mollie Pate, of Hope Mills, R. F. D. No. 2, were pleasant visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pate last week. The infant child of Mr. Mrs. H. C. Worrels died on Monday and was buried in Rockfish cemetery Tuesday ternoon. Rev. I. E. Olive, of Wade, who has accepted a position as princi pal ot the King Hiram school, preached a very able sermon m the Baptist church here Friday night last. Mr. L. C. McDuffie, who has been merchandising for several years in Hope Mills, has sold out his interest in that business and has accepted a position as sales man in the store of Mr. F. W. Thornton in Fayetteville. The HopeMills graded and high morning and last Big at- est attendance any opening day heretofore. Besides the other out-of-town teachers mentioned, Miss Mary Johnson, of Thomasville, who succeeds Mrs. K.a. biedge as teacher of the first grade, arriv ed Monday. At a meeting of the school board Tuesday Miss Meta Allen, of Anderson, S. C. was elected to assist Supt. Sen telle in the ninth and tenth grades all of Hope Mills. and these grades have been dis- will have charge missed until next Monday. are bright for the the history of the Prospects best year in school. Since the above was put in type Miss Allen has notified the board tnat sne cannot accept and at a meeting held this afternoon Miss Edna Tyre, of Maxton, was I electee ir the ninth and tenth grades. with bright prospects tor an ex- cellent session, and at present it seems that the attendance will be larger than during previous years, rroi. J. u. bridges, oi Ruthfordton, 13 the superinten dent. The assistant teachers are as follows: Miss IreneNixon, of TopSail;Mrs.EmmaMcDonald, Misses Gertrude Fisher, Emma Pegram and Carolna Gainey, Miss Gainey of the music department. Demonstration Week at McA!- lister Hdw. Store Majest'c Walking Cake. This is demonstration week at the store of the McAllster Hdw. Co., a week of demonstrating the merits of the Majestic range, and thp store has been throncred with Mr. R. S. Sledge Severs Connec- visitors. Mr. C.C. Ridge of Greens- fees. Walter McLean, c. c. w.; 4 months on roads. W. L. Newton was fined $5 Monday for contempt as a wit ness in state vs. Will Purnell for making improper remarks after Judge Allen had warned him to desist, but later the fine was stricken out. A verdict of first degree mur-lmont of costs. Wm. Purnell, Alleged Murderer Arrested. Deputy Sheriff T. C. Barnes brought to Lumberton Tuesday from Dillon, S. C, John Calvin George, colored, who is charged with the murder of Marshall Clark, also colored, at Kingsdale several months ago. George made his escape but got into trouble in South Carolina. He was iried and acquitted Monday but was held for the authorities here. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kernodle of Graham announce the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Sarah May, to Mr. Jas. D. Proctor of Lum) erton. The marriage will take place October 26. Miss Kernodle taught last year in the graded school at Ra leigh and has visited in Lumber ton, where she has many friends. Mr. Proctor is a member of the law firm of Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor and is one of the most capaole and popular young men in the county. Mr. R. S. Sledge has sold his ! interest in the Lumberton Drug i Co. to Dr. W. L. Grantham and has resigned as treasurer and . e i 1 " manager 01 ine company, nis resignation to go into effect Oc toberlb. ile has several pro positions under consideration but ha3 not decided yet which he will accept. Mr.and Mrs. Sledge came to Lumberton nve years asro from Wake Forest and have boro is in charge of the demons tration. Yesterday, while the store wasfilledwith ladies, a"Majestic Walking cake" was baked, upon this cake was placed a plank, up on the plank 16 ladies stood at the same time and the cake was mashed flat. But that didn't bother ' the cake any. Not so you could notice it. As soon as the ladies stepped off the plank the cake nz" up .lust as high as ever, and then it was sliced ier ia asked for in the case of Eli Southerland, colored, whse trial for killing Furman vVal'ace, colored, wa3 begun this at'ter- in Ross Baien- condition larceny; not guilty. tn.. c. c. w. : not to jo manual work, and given. Manchester, where they 30 davs in jail upon paying 3 air been since baturday. Mrs. N. A. Thompson and chil dren returned Tuesday from had Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 14 Tne independent Democrats of Tennessee today endorsed the candidacy of Capt. Ben W. Hoop er, Republican nominee for Gov ernor, and further cut loose from the regular wing by referring the latter's harmony resolution to the new Independent Executive Committee, without ; discussion. i.r.iTiv warm friAnrl hprA whn rp- ud and passed around. .rot- thoir Hppisinn to 1pvp and was delicious; there wish them great success wher ever they may locate. Mr. Sledge is a most capable man and under his management the Lumberton Drug Co. has had great success. Tne other officers of the company are, Dr. John Knox, Jr., presi dent, Mr. F. P. Gray, secretary Rev. A. E. Baker, pastor of the Firsc Preabvtenan churcr. ard family returned yesterday from Cm Riun-i Vita V. whprt thev fnt a vacation ot alouc bPwu esns. And it was nj suggestion in either its looks or tase of the severe test it haa been subjected to. The air-tight oven did the trick.They are cook ing, too, with a joint of paper pipe, brown biscuit5? top and bot tom in three minutes, and are serving hot coffee and and biscuit3 all the while. Last week was demonstration week at the coiu pany's store at St. Pauls and 3 far they hrve met with reu I success, 14 stoves having oeen since ihj uemonst.at-u b -. - . ' 1 - ' - " -

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