1 A f. Established 1870. Country, God and Truth. t;il.y Library Copies Five Cento. VOL XU NO. 63. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 19 10 WHOLE NO. 2601 7 CADIDATES NAMES TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON Today Is The Time to Make Application Enter Before the Field is Entirely Covered. N ow Now is the chance to make the start to insure winning at the finish. The Robesonian's popu larity contest is on, and the ear lier yAi announce your candidacy the better the chance for victory. Each day adds new contestants. No one is handicapped, the con test has only started and every young lady who enters has an equal chance with any other one to win. Em oil now, watch the steady stream of ballots. This is a contest in which pop ularity is the basis. All you need 13 ambition. The piano is yours for the striving. Reach out and grab the opportunity tc be the winner. It will be a splendid reward for energy and ambition. First make up your mind that you want to join The Robeson lan party, and your resolution to win will arouse interest among your friends and the first thing you know you will be in the lead. The chance is for those who de sire to win. Any girl can attain this if she so desires. Send in your application todayand The Robesonian will send you instruc tionsHow to win. Readers of The Robesonian who do not desire to engage ac tively in the contest themselves may confer a preat favor on some friend by entering his or her name as a contestant. Among RED SPRINGS REVIEWS. the personal acquaintances of nearly every one there is some person especially qualified for a contest of this kind. These are the names of people The Robe sonian wants in its contest. It requires only a little energy, a little determination, to make a winning race. Many start out with tnese qualifications, but drop out lor various reasons. It is the ones whose determination is always strong who will be named as winners. There is no difficulty about ob taining votes, as will be found out after a little more time and experience. They are obtained, it is well to- remember, in two ways by clipping the bal lots that appear in each issue of The Robesonian and by securing prepaid subscriptions, either old, new, or renewals to the paper. The latter will be found the more effective way, though none of the daily ballots should be over looked. But when you enroll as a con testant, go in with the determi nation to be one of the winners. Your friends will Be only too glad to show their confidence in you. It all depends on you. If you will make up your mind to win you will be surprised to see what a little constant application and perseverance will accomplish. The best time to enter as a contestant is Today. AMONG TRANSGRESSORS. NOMINATION COUPON The first one of these coupons sent in for each contest ant, entitles them to 1,000 free votes. Only one of these coupons will be allowed to each contestant.) 1 nominate Mr. Mrs. or Miss Of State as a candidate in The Robescnlan contest. Nominated by - of State - While it is not absolutely necessary that a coupon be used, it will facilitate matters to send one for each con testant. Under no circumstances will the nominator's name be divulged. Robesonian Contest Manager. FREE VOTING COUPON: This is a seperate vote from the nominating coupon. As many may be sent in each week for each contestant as can be collected. This coupon entitles Of Town People Entertain College Faculty and StudefttsPro tracted Meeting Personal. Correspondence of the RoUesonian. Red Springs, Sept 28 Mon day evening the town people entertained the college laculty and students at Hotel Red Spiings. About 500 guesis were present, yet Mr. Harrison, our able and popular hoiel manager, made all comfortable and gave eacn and every one a hearty wel come. In the dining room, which was beautifully decorated with plants and flowers, the color scheme being red and green, three witty talks were mace. First, Mr.J.S. 'Jones gave a complimen tary speech introducing Mr.R.W. Livermore, who welcomed the guests in his usual bright and nappy manner. Dr. u. u. var deii responded to this in his characteristic way, so charming to every one. Delicious cream and cake were served and at a late hour the guests retired to tueir big common home. Much credit is due Mr. Harrison for his skillful management of such a large crowd. Mr. J. A. Singleton spent Sun day in Fayetteville. Mr. Jim Townsend has made his drug store very pretty and attractive by putting in beauti ful new shelves, show cases, and a lovely prescription case. Mrs. Gasking, of Marion, S. C, spent several days in Red Springs last week. She was visiting her daughter, who is a student m S. P. C Mr. Martin, of Maxton, was in our town Monday night. Mrs. Louis Hall ana infant daughter, who have been visit ing at the home of Mr. W. F. Williams, returned to their home in Wilmington Monday. Mrs. George Bullock and children have returned from a pleasant visit of several wTeeks to rela tives in Henderson. Miss Mary McEachern spent Saturday in Fayetteville Mr. Lucian Mc Leod spent Sunday with his father, Mr. W. F. McLeod. Rev. Mr. Tyre, who had .. beea holdi iK a protracted meeting here in the Methodist church for the past week, returned Monday to his home in Maxton. Mr. Tyre is an able min ster and has done much good here by his wise and powerful sermons. Mrs. Light, of Jacksonville, Fla , is a guest at Hotel Red Springs. Mrs. Vaughn and lit tle son, Master Jack, are guests of Mr. J. L. Harrison and his mother at Hotel They will return SADDLE TREE ITEMS. i To 25 votes in The Robesonian Popularity contest. coupon must be in office by Wednesday noon of week. N. C. This each An Alleged Wife Murderer J ail ed A Negro Murdered in Blue Springs Township A Retailer Confesses. Gus Hunt, a Croatan Indian, was placed in jail in Lumberton Monday night to await trial on the charge of killing his wife Sunday night on the plantation of Mr. Sam Smith, in Thompson township. Hunt claims that the killing was accidental, but his neighbors say he had been curs ing and abusing his wife allSun day afternoon. Coroner G. E. Rancke and Deputy Sheriff T. C. Barnes went to the scene of the killing Monday morning and the verdict of the coroner's jury was that the deceased came to her deatn at the Hands ot her hus band, whether accidentally or in tentionally it is up to the higher court to say. Deputy Sheriff Chas. Odum, who lives on a farm ad joining the one where the killing was done, arrested Hunt immedi ately after the accident or mur der, whichever it was, and he was brought to jail Monday night by Deputy Barnes. .In Blue Springs township last Saturday it is said that Jno. Thomas, colored, was shot and killed by one Chas. Livingston, a white man who is said to have figured in a shooting scrape at Laurinburg some time ago. The killing was not reported to Sheriff McNeill until Monday night. He went to invertigate Tuesday and found that Livingston had escap ed. The circumstances were said to have been about as follows: a year agoLivingston andThomas had a falling out over the divis ion of a crop. Saturday it is said that Livingston, drunk and arm ed with a gun and a pistol, met Thomas, who was afraid and ran oft, Livingston shooting at him without doing any harm. Thomas hid in the swamp awhile and finally ventured out and went to a store near by to purchase pro visions. Much to his surprise the negro found Livingston there and he turned and began to run at once, but this time it was too late Livingston shot as the ne gro was fleeing, the entire load taking effect in the back of his head and death resulting in a short time. Livingston is about 40 years and has in Blue Springs town ship a wife and three small chil dren, the youngest only a week old. Mary McKinnon, colored, who Red Springs, was arrested Saturday night by next week to Policeman McNeill and placed in LOCAL BRIEFS. Public School Opens October 10 Roads Should be Shrub bed Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. F. D. 2, Sept. 28 The primary is over and we are glad to know that the people rule. There ought to be some ar rangements made to shrub the public highways hereabout, as the briars in some places have about taken possession. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Prevatt spent Saturday in Lumberton on business. Mr. Austin McMillan spent a few days last week here visiting his aunt, Miss CarolineCampbqll. Mr. Ed. Humphrey has let the contract for his new house, so we are lmformed. Last Friday thirteen wagons within three miles of here went to Red Springs with cotton and seed. Wonder why? Because they get more for their cotton. Mr. Make Barker, ofRozier's. spent Sunday here with his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Humphrey. Mr. Simeon Harrell and sister. Miss Effie, visited Saddle Tree Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. W. T. Willington and chil dren.of Rennert, attended church here Sunday and spent the eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McPhail. Mr. and Mrs.Junius Mclntyre, of Rennert, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mclntyre's parents, Mr.and Mrs. E. J. Biggs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Biggs spen r nday in Red Springs visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Make Gray, o Lumberton, visited Mr. Gray's brother, Mr. J. L. Gray, Sunday We intended to say last week that Miss Annie Bell Humphrey had returned to Meredith College and that Mr. John W. McPhail had gone to Buies Creek to enter school, The public school inSaddle Tree district No. 1 will open Oct. 10th with Miss Nellie Bowers, of Gas ton, as principal. Miss LulaThompson,of Florida, spent last week, with her cousins Misses Lizzie and llora McPhail. Mr. A. S.Pitman, our mail car rier on route No. 2, returned to service Monday after taking a vacation. Mr. John N. Regan spent Sat urday in Lumberton on business. Juamta. their home in Winston-Salem, jail to await trial on the charge Mr. Cole Philips, of Rennert, of retailing, was arraigned in was a visitor in Ked springs Mayor Kowiand s court Monuay The Robesonian is worth one dollar and fiifty cents for one year, and the piano is worth four hundred for the years as they come and go-. Lumberton Motor Car & Ma chine Co. Building About Completed. Mr. W. K. Bethune, business manager of the The Robesonian, has purchased a handsome 30 horsepower Jackson touring car from the Lumberton Motor Car & Machine Co. The promoters of this company are Messrs. H. M. McAllister and Sandy McLeod. A charter wiil be applied for in the near future. As has been mentioned in The Robesonian, some time ago work was begun on a building on Fif th street, between Elm and Water, for a garage and' machine shop. The building is fire-proof, 56x75 feet, and it is expected that it will be ready for occupancy by October 1st. All machinery nec cessary for an up-to-date garage and machine shop has been order ed and all classes of machine work will be done. Mr. A. A. Pedneau, a master mechanic who came to Lumberton recently from Alabama, will have charge of the shop, which will probably be open for business next week. Notices of New Advertisements. Anything you want in the line of spectacles, ee glasses and cases Boylin's Jewelry Store. Building matetial and mill sup? plies Huske Hdw. House, Fay etteville. '. ' Tax notice. Republican political speakings. Card of thanks. House wanted. Notice of store closing. G. T. Cox pays highest market price for cotton seed. Monday evening. Mrs. Nellie Shooter and Miss Laura Har rington have returned from Baltimore, where they went to buy their fall and winter stock of millinery. afternoon and owned the truth of the charge, admitted that she had been dispensing the old familiar juice" contrary to the peace and dignity of the State and against the statute made and provided. She could not give the $100 bond required, so she was sent to jail to await trial in the higher court. Robt. George, colored, was tried yesterday at Maxton before Justice G. J. Wooten on the charge of larceny and house breakine: and was committed to A 11 1 1 i 1 xv can nas ueen issued ior a convention of independent Wake county Democrats to be held in Raleigh Saturday. October 1. signed by 64 Democrats from .berry Lennon, many sections of the count v. Tt. 1 E. Rancke, Jr, is expected that an independent ticket will be put out. The call charges that the ticket put out by the "self-stvled reformers' ' and nominated in the June pri maries is not a Democratic ticket but a mugwump ticket. A Good Play at theOpera House Fine Orchestra. "Human Hearts" was the at traction at the opera house Mon day night and it was witnessed by a crowd that was pleasing to the management, the house be ing filled to its capacity; and none iail in default of bond in the sum seemed to nave been disappoint- of $200. He was brought to jail eu in ine piay. inis was ine first attraction for this season and if the manager, Mr. W. S. Wish art, allows no play any worse than "Human Hearts" to hold the boards he will hardlv have any kick coming from the thea tre-going people of the town. The play has in it a number of heartrending schemes and the eyes of the audience were often flooded with tears. Mr. Wishart is certainly to be congratulated upon securing such good music for the season. The by Sheriff McNeill last night. He is charged with breaking into store and is said to have gotten some valuable papers, one a cer tificate for $2,000 which he tried to dispose of for $10. Pitman-Jnman. Reported for The Robesonian At the home ofiRe v.J. M.Flem ing, the officiating minister. Mr. Silas W. Pitman, of Back Swamp, and Miss Charity lnman, ot Britt's.were quietly married yes orchestra is fine, beinor comnosed terday evening. Mr. and Mrs. of Messrs. C. B. Skinner. Wood- Pitman will make their home R. R. Carlvle. G. amoner the erood people ot if air and J. L. Wil- mont. Congratulations. It is worth, any time, A two-weeks' civil term of Robeson Superior Court will con vene next Monday. Judge O. H. Allen, of Kinston, will preside. -Mr. M. W. Floyd has been appointed a delegate to the good road3 convention to meet in Ok lahoma City. Oklahoma. October 5 and 6. Mr. Flovd received official notice of the appointment t . i - , rum vjuvernor iviicnin Alondav. The Woman's Home Mis- sion society ot the Methodist church will observe next wppIt as a week of praver. Servir-P will be held at 4 o'clock each afternoon in the church. A!! adies are cordially invited to attend. At the sale of town lots at Tar Heel yesterdav. eonduetpd by the American Realtv & Auc tion Co. of Greensboro. iH) lots were sold, prices ranginsr from 40 to 171. Music was furnished by the Parkton band. Free ex cussion trains were run over the & C. S. Ry. and a laree crowd attended. Dr. W. A. McPhaul went to Raleigh Monday to select seats in the House of Representatives for himself and Mr. J. O. Mc- Arthur, Democratic nominees, which means of course that they :ii a. r-i . i win represent rwooeson in me next Legislature. Dr. McPhaul found most of the desirable seats already taken, but manag ed to locate two good ones. Coroner G. E. Rancke re turned yesterday from Blue Springs township, where he went to investigate the killing of Jno. Thomas, colored, mentioned else where in this issue. He spent Tuesday night at trie home of Mr. Jno. A. Brown, in Red Springs township. Mr. Rancke 4.1 i Kf rt says mai ;ur. crown na3 an ex cellent crop and will make two bales of cotton to the acre, or mighty close to that, Large crowds are attending the services at the Gospel taber nacle, where Rev. W. Harney, of Kentucky, is meeting with great success in conducting a series of meetings for the pastor, Rev. F. Weiss. Quite a number i i t t nave Deen saved and many are still interested. The meeting will continue until Sunday eve ning. Services are held every evening at 7:3fj o'clock; ser vices will be held Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. From liamson. the price of a popuiar-price show to hear these gentlemen play. The Standard Oil Co. has made application to the boaid of tjwn commissioners for permis sion to establish a g'soline tank He that runneth to the end of' n 'he south side ot theSeiboa-u Mr. Irvin Jenkins has been confined at his home, corner of Water and Ninth streets, since Monday afternoon. He was very sick for a while but his condition is very much better today. Millinery Openings Fall Styles on Exhibition. The millinery openings are on in town this week and it is need- ess to say that the creations of "fancy doings" for adorning the heads of the fair sex are attrac tive. The hats on exhibition are many and beautiful and the prices on some of them might be so considered too beautiful. Messrs. Caldwell & Carlyle's opening began Tuesday morning and closed yesterday afternoon and Miss Amelia Linkhaw, who has charge of the department, says that it was a success, hav ing sold many more hats than she expected. f ney have many hats that were especially admir ed, but Miss Linkhaw says their 'Teddy Roosevelt" hat attracts most attention. One can not look at the hat without imagining under it a big face with nose glasses and a mouthful of shin ing teeth. Miss Josephine Breece's open ing began yesterday and will close this afternoon. She has one hat for which she wants to upset somebody's pocketbook to the extent of 167.50, think of it, almost a bale of cotton and the seed thrown in; and with the farmer, it is reasonable to be lieve that cotton will have to go up or "hats" come down before that piece of artistic creation will take its flight. But at any rate the hat is,, beau tit ul and is greatly admired. the rainbow will surely find a pot of gold, but the pot is in the shaue of an upright Cote piano this time. railway, where the oil tanks nov ae ine board will pass upon V e natter at its meeting next T.siay evening. . ' E. B. Blackmore, a promirent oung attorney of Lenoir, con ru tted suicide Mondav by drink ng carbolic acid. No cause ha. been assigned tor the deeu. In the tabulated vote from the various townships given in Monday's Robesonian no votes were given Register of Deeds T. N. Higley in Pembroke township. mis was an error, the vote bein riven to the paper wrong. Mr '? ey's vote in Pembroke town o.iip was 151. Along Rural Route No. 1 St Paul. Correspondence of The Robesonian. St. Paul, R. F. D. 1, Sept. 27 Cotton picking and mosquito fighting is progressing nicely. It makes one feel like the war is ended when he can get where there are no mosquitoes chasing him. Several of this community are expecting to attend the Sunday- school annive saryjwhich meets at Barnesville nxc Saturday. We wish for them a pleasent trip. Lumberton, R I Springs, Fay etteville and otn.-r places were represented at th- home of Mr. H. L. Broad well Sunday after noon. The buildings being erected by Mr. T. W. Maxwell, of Toiars ville, will add great y to the beauty of the place. Mrs. M. A. Humphrey and granddaughter, MissLenallumph rey, made a very pleasant visit to the home of Mr. Joe Allen last Tuesday. Mis3 Katie Broadwell exoects to leave next Friday for Guilford county, where she expects to teach this winter. Mr. James Johnson and daugh ters. Misses Jane and Maggie, spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs. M. A. Humphrey. Mr. R. E. Sentelle, of Lumber ton, is expected to preach at Great Marsh church next Sunday it 11 o'clock a. m. Let every body come out to hear him. VVe icnow from the past that he will have something good for us. Have you examined The Robf sonian piano yet? It is a mag nificint instrument. Call at t're agle Furniture store and have i look Mr. Jake Thompson, of S wamp, 13 in to am today. Back t i a 1 ,v , 'ir .;iJ ! 1! 'i r". i I I 'Y 1 7 ,1 i. ' 'I.