THE RQBESOMAN ' lit; Established 1870. Country, God and Truth. Single Copies Five Cents, VOL XLI NO. 65. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 19 10 WHOLE NO. 2603 - . , , , i INTENSE EXCITEMENT. GOOD ROADS MEETING. Contestants Adding Daily to Store of Votes Nearly Everybody who Reads The Robesonian Watching Contest, "With Those in Race Hustling For theBallots. With the battle cry ever "Onward" the game contestants for the handsome $400 Cote upright piano offered as a prize in The Robesonian popularity contest, arepushing valiantly toward the coveted goal. And very soon we will all be watching the publish ed list steadilv growing bv hundreds and some dfc.ys by the thous ands, always adding up something in the end. As the piano con test progresses the enthusiasm of the candidates is greately in creased and intense excitement prevails. There is much rivalry between the friends of the various candidates and all are working energetically to have their candidate win. Well, that's what it takes to make a lively, hot contest, and that's what you and we want. If you have a lot of good friendly rivalry there is going to be something doing in the contest line all right. Then go ahead and tight for it. It's worth fighting for, and if you fight hard enough, steadily enough, and long enougn, you are sure to get the prize. And stop a moment and think about the prize. It's an up right grand "Cote" piano. Well, now that you have thought about it azain. we are sure that you are going to keep on fighting hard and steady, trying each week to be at the top of the list, and if you do this, somebody is going to get a piano, and we have an idea that it will be you. THE GREAT DIVIDE. The belief held bv many persons that ihey cannot rise out of their own environment and that they are the victims of circum stances is responsible for thousands of failures. It seems strange that a little word like "can't" should prove to be a rock upon which thousands of life's vessels are wrecked; and yet the fact is only too true. The attainment of our aims in life depends aimost entirely upon our mental attitude. The thought "I cannot" is the m st perni cious weed in the garden of our mind ara unless it is upioottd and vigorously combatted wherever it springs up it will choke our greater ambitions and its growth will stifle all our elforts by hid ing from them the great sun of Hope, without whose light they cannot thrive. Forget the words "I cannot" and instead say "I will." The dif ference between these two attitudes divides the world into two distinct classes: To the "I will" class belongs all the successes of .all ages; the ranks of the "I cannot" army are built up onlv of failures. "I can't" never won anything, nor will it. Remember that to be suceesjiul in small things is to pave the way for greater accomplishments. Say "I will," then go out and win one of the handsome prizes in our voting, contest it will be so easy, wjien you have thoroughly determined to do it, that you will feel encouraged and better fitted to win some of life's greater prizes. The successes of the world do not hang upon the nature of the work we do but upon the personal quality that we infuse into our work. Exercise your ingenuity, your resourcefulness, your will power,in winning one of the prizes in our contest and you will win not only a handsome prize but a large portion of the qualities that make for success in all undertakings, great or small. Begin NOW. Township Meetings to Appoint Delegates to a County Meet ing Robeson Should Lead the State in Good Roads. Keported for The Robesonian. The committees of the Farm ers' Union and the R. F. D. Car riers' Association of Robeson county met in the court house in Lumbercon Monday to discuss the matter of road building. Messrs. J. E. Carlyle, W. P. Barker, W. K. Culbreth, Eli Phillips and W. M. Bridgers, of the Farmers' Union, ana Mr, J. S. Humphrey, of the Carriers' Association, were present. Mr, Barker was chosen as chairman, Mr. Humphrey as secretary. Speecnes were made by Messrs. Carlyle, Barker, Phillips, Cul bretn, Bridgers and Humphrey. Some advocated a bond issue and some did not, but all agreed that we need better roads. The dif ference of opinion was as to the method of raising the money and the most economical way of ex- A NEW WRINKLE. County Democratic Committee Elects Member of Congression al Executive Committee Can didates to go Around With Sheriff Registration Books Open 8th Inst. TOWN AFFAIRS. NOMINATION COUPON The first one of these coupons sent in for each contest ant, entitles them to 1,000 free votes. Only one of these coupons will be allowed to each contestant.) I nominate Mr. Mr3. or Miss . I Of .... State as a candidate in The Robesonian contest. Nominated by . of State- Wrhile it is not absolutely necessary that a coupon be used, it will facilitate matters to send one for each con testant. Under no circumstances will the nominator's name be divulged. Robesonian Contest Manager. FREE; VOTING COUPON: expires bat. Oct. 8. This is a seperate vote from the nominating coupon. As many may be sent in each week for each contestant as can be collected. This coupon entitles Of. : To 25 votes in The Robesonian Popularity contest, coupon must be in office by Saturday noon of week. N. C. This each pending the money. Gen. F. A, tfona ana Mr. w. b. lodd came to the meeting and made talks. We recommend the calling to gether of meetings in each town ship and get the views of all who are interested in road improve ment on Saturday, November 12, at 3 o'clock p. m., these meetings to appoint committees to meet in Lumberton on November 17, at 11 o'clock a. m., at which time and place the road matter will be discussed and a committee appoinied to carry out the wish es of the meeting, if it is deemed advisable to draft a new road law, or to revise the present road law, or whatever the com mittee thinks it advisable to do. The point is that whatever is done will have to be done before the convening of the Legisla ture. We pride ourselves on havihs tie greatest county in the State, but we cannot say that as to the roads, and there is no excuse for it. So let's put our heads to gether and see to it that we have the best roads in the State in the near future. Let me say to the people in the rural districts that there is nothing we could do that means more to the rural districts than good roads. They mean the enhancing in value of your real estate, they make country life more attractive, they make school and church advantages greater. Our county is as fertile as other counties and it is less difficult to build roads. Why, look at Mecklenburg county, with its high hills and deep valleys, and the rock they have to con- tend with. We have the level land and the natural ingredients for road building. We can build roads at a minimum cost com pared to those hilly and moun tainous sections. So let's come together and lead in good roads. AH we have to do is to show the people that it is a paying investment. W. P. Barker. Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Farmers & Merchants Bank. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers & Merchants Bank was held in the office of the bank, corner of Elm and Fourtii streets, yesterday at noon. All the stock was rep resented. President T. A. Mc Neill's report showed the bank to be in excellent condition. The old board of directors was re elected and one new member, Mr. VV. M. Bridgers, was added. At a subsequent meeting of the directors the following officers were elected: Ex-Judge T. A McNeill, president; A. J. Floypl, J. E. Carlyle and K. M. Barnes, vice presidents; T. C. Evans, cashier. A meeting of the Robeson county Democratic executive committee was held in Lumber ton yesterday, pursuant to a call issued by Chairman Geo. B. Mc Leod, and Chairman McLead was unanimously elected member for Robeson of the sixth district con gressional executive committee. It will be recalled that the State executive 'committee declared both the congressional conven tions held atWrightsville last July irregular ana it was the gen eral opinion that the old execu tive committee would hold over until a new committee could be elected in the regular way, but State Chairman Eller directed the executive committee of each county in the district to elect a member. Congressman H. L. Godwin's appointments for Robeson county were left with Chairman McLeod and the dates will be fixed by him. It was decided that the Demo cratic candidates for office shall go with the sheriff on his rounds, beginning at Kingsdale next Monday, the 10th, and attending at the following places: Orrum, Tuesday, 11th; Barnesville Wed nesday, 12th; Roger's store Thursday, 13th; Alfordsville Fri day, 14th; Rowland Saturday, 15th; St. Paul Tuesday, 18th; Parkton Wednesday, 19th; Lum ber Bridge Thursday, 20th; Mc Bryue's mill Friday, 21st; Red Springs Saturday, 22d; Back Swamp Tuesday, 25th; Fairmsnt Wednesday, 26th; Buie Thurs day, zTth; rembroke rncla.y, 1 28th; Maxton Saturday, 29th; Wakulla Tuesday, November 1. Republicans are invited to join the Democratic candidates at these places for joint debate. Stat (airman Eller has ad vised Citavfman McLeod that "the Attorney General gives as his opinion that the registration books should be open October 8 and closed October 29." Mr. Woodberry Lennon Succeeds Mr. Skipper as Clerk and Treasurer Bills N Paid and Other Items. The board of town commission ers met in regular session Tues day evening. Mr. A. P. Caldwell, tax col lector, presented his final report for the year ending May 31 last, together with his insolvent list, and the same was referred to an auditing committee composed of Mayor J. A. Rowland, E. M. Britt and C. B. Skipper. Mr. Caldwell was re-elected tax col lector on the same terms and conditions as heretofore and the mayor was instructed to turn over the tax lists to him as soon as completed and as soon as bond is renewed. n - y rti Mr. Kj. ts. bKipper resigned as town clerk and treasurer, to take effect November 1, and Mr. Woodberry Lennon was elected to fill out the unexpired term at a salary of $25 per month. The following bills were or dered paid: L. G. Crenshaw & Co. $139.13, Lumberton Cotton Mills$19G.71, both for coal; Car olina Electric Co., lamps, $76.50; Southern Electric Co. $14, L. H. Caldwell $23.65, Caldwell & Car lyle $11. 86-all for supplies. Jurors For November Term of Court. At the meeting of the county commissioners Monday the fol lowing were drawn to serve as iurors at the two-weeks' term of LOCAL BRIEFS. SCALE OF VOTES. Following is the scale of votes to be used in The kRobe- sonian Voting Contest. One year's subscription - $1.50 - . 1,500 votes Two years' " - 3.00 - 3,000 " Three" " - 4.50 - 5,000 " Five " ' - 7.50 - 8,000 " Ten " - 15 0) - 17,000 " Twenty-five year " - .V7.50 - 30,000 " Miss Mamie Avent Entertains the Round Dozen Club. On Saturday morning, October hrst. theKound Dozen liud en joyed one of its most delightful meetings, when Miss Mamie Avent entertained at the resi dence of Mrs. J. R. Poole, on Elm street. The guests were -graciously welcomed at the door by Miss Avent. As the visitors entered the hall they were given tally-cards by Miss Leila May Gill, for a game of "Progressive 42." This game proved most in teresting. After the hostess had counted punches, it was found that Mrs. T. C. Johnson and Miss May C. Moore had progessed each time. In cutting, Miss Moore won the pink ribbon. Delicious refreshments, consist ing of iced tea, sandwiches and mints were served. Other than clubmembers present were Misses May C. Moore. Lulie Barker. Rebecca Ward, Pennie and Winnie Rowland. Mamie Johnson, Mary G. MacNeill; Mesdames T. C. Johnson and J. R. Poole. Six hours after he had assault ed Mrs. Hiram Stuckey, a prom inent young woman of Covingtor county, Ala., Bush Withers, i negro "trnsty" at a con vie camp, was taken from the ward en Tuesday night while ei 'oute to prison at Andalusia. ied to a stake by a mob of 40( lien, and burned. The burning as conducted quietly and th. neb, formed from adjoining ;owus, dispersed to their homes ub cribe for The Robesonian. Republican Ticket. At a Republican county con vention held in Lumberton on the 20th ult. the following partial ticket was nominated, as mention ed m The Robesonian at the time: For Senate, Angus Shaw, of Maxton; for House, V. H. Taylor, of Lumberton; for sheriff, J. W. Hall, of Lumber Bridge; for com missioners, A. H. Currie, W. G McLean and A. B. M?rcer Mon day the executive committee mei in Lumberton and completed tht ticket by making the following nominations: For the House, f hos. B. Russell, of Blue Spring. fownship; for clerk Superio) Court, VV. H. Kinlaw, of Lum erton; register of deeds, S. L Parker, of Britt' s; treasurer, E E. Johnson, of St. Paul ; for com missioners, Henry Purvis, of sterling's township, and G. M. D. Howard, of St. Pat;!. criminal court which will convene November 7: First week Geo. G. French. J. B. Sealy, W. W. Gibson, Sandv McNeill, J. U. Edgerton, Sion W. Alford, Ed Davis, M. A. Chisholm, C. T. Pate, J. E. Wal ters, Geo. B. Hall, E. J. Biggs, A. C. Bullock, A. D. Currie (Thompson's), A. D. Currie (Blue Springs). R. M. Bracey, E, L. McLean, Jno. M. McKin non, A. H. McLeod, H. L. Bur chett, A. J. Floyd, J. T. Currie, A. E. Conoly, Arch. D. McNeill, A. D. Prevatt, G. S. McKenzie, Joel Byrd, R. R. Prevatt, Jr., W. A. Chason, A. McB. McKenzie, T. L. Smith, E. G. Johnson, N. A. McQueen, J. A. McQeen, John Dees, A. L. Hall. Second week Thompson Barnes, W. W. McLean, D. M. McKay, L. T. Cottingham, M. O. Ivey, Geo. L. Patterson, W. N. Gibson, H. L, Broadwell, Neal Townsend, J. K. Phillips, B. F. McNeill, D. D. French. S. F. Jenkins, Louis Herring, Chas. E. Baxley, H. F. Townsend, Owen Ward, J. A. Jenkins. .New Music Teacher at the Grad ed School. Reported for The Robesonian: The music class at the graded school has grown too large for one teacher and Miss Mary Wed dellof Tarboro, has been elected to relieve Miss Marion Mooring, who has had more applications than she could take care of. Miss Weddell is a graduate of Shorter College, of Rome, Ga., in piano and pipe organ, has had special voice training, and comes most highly commended. She will arrve UiiS evening and will be gin work at once. Miss Mooring has 21 pupils and Miss Weldell will have the same number. Miss Laura Norment, who also teach es music, has between 20 and 25 pupils. The enrollment at the graded school has reached 308, which is the largest number ever enrolled during the first month of any term. Supt. J. R. Pool- last fveni--' vvavv uMJ county vistt, and he says that tne schools are well at tended,, the nest he ever saw for the time of year. Mr. G. T. Cox has accepted a position as buyer for the Uni versal Oil & Fertilizer Co. of Wilmington and has his scales on Fifth street, in rear of tne First National Bank. Mr. L. C. Townsend occupied the seat of the lucky number at the motion picture show Monday evening and received $1. This evening the doilar will go to tne ugliest man in the audience at 9 o'clock. -Sheriff E. C. McNeill began his tax-collecting rounds at Raft Swamp yesterday. Only two men paid, collections amounting to $5.71. Saddle Tree is his ap pointment today and Ilowehs- ville tomorrow. The attraction at the cpera house next Wednesday evening will be Coburn's minstrels. Thi3 is said to be one of the most en joyable minstrel shows at all and it will be greeted with a large crowd, no doubt. The civil term of Robeson Su perior Court which convened Monday. Judre O. H. Allen, of Kinston.tpresiding, will probably adjourn this afternoon. The work of the court will be reported in Monday's Robesonian, Geo. Bailey, the negro who entered the home of Mr. E. E. Page some months ago .and was sent to rhe roads for four months at the last term of court, escaped from the chain gang Monday and has not yet been captured. It is said that he effected his escape by cutting his chain with a penknife. I Sub sciibe lor Tie RcLescnist Annual Indian Educational Rally to the Editor of The Robesonian: October 22nd the annual edu cational rally will be held at the Indian Normal building at Pem oroke. Speakers of State-wide reputation will be with us. Wc jrge every Indian to come anc lear the speakers. By following reat leaders only can we reacl i great civilization. Let eacl 3ne bring a well-filled basket. A. A. Locklear, Sec'v. Pembroke, N. C, Oct. 1st," 1910. "Hello, old man, what's the hurrv? "I'm going down to see the congest manager, and put m soi e JteS." Dr. T. A. Norment a n nocunces that he has resumed the practice of medicine, which he abandoned some time ago for the insurance business. Dr. Nor ment has an enviable reputation as a physician and his return to the practice of his profession will give genuine' pleasure to many people. Tuesday was the Hebrew new year's day, Rosh Hashanah. It began at sundown Monday and lasted until sundown Tues day. The. Jews of Lumberton observed both Tuesday and yes terday, their places of business being closed both days, and there was quite a number of visiting Jews in town. -Mr. A. S. Tyner sold Tues day to Mr. Joe Evans his farm of 47 acres near Moss Neck and will move with his family within the next month to a place which he purchased last week near Colum bus City, Ga., where a brother and sister of Mrs. Tyner live. Mr. Tyner returned Monday from a visit to G-orgia and was a Lumberton v,aitor yesterday. Master David Regan, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Regan, felt from a horse Sunuay evening on Fifth street and .woke one of the bones in his left arm just above the wrist. The injured limb wes set by Dr.J.Knox,Jr., assisted by Dr. J. S. Norman, of Biadenboro. Master David is The liobeson ian's smart carrier and he tried Monday to get some one to carry the papers for him, but failed, which explains why Monday's papers were not delivered earlier to some of the patrons on tne carrier's list. In a letter to his father-in-law, Capt. A. Bicherey, proprie tor of the Waverly hotel. Mr. Leon T. Cook writes that last Saturday he was elected chair man of the Democratic execu tive committee of McLean coun ty, Okla., in which county, it Purcell. he has been practicing law for about 15 months, goin chere from Lumberton. Mr. Jook was not a candidate for lue place and his election came as a surprise. He is well known inRyo ;son county and those who know lim know that the executive emmittee of his adopted county nade no mistake i n electing him. Mrs. G. . -icLtod returned es'-erday frm Uihnin'cn, .here she spent two dzys. i T. 3 .11.- n ? i.1 1 1 9 '1 M if J if: a .1 Hi ill ! M ! r r . 1 : . m I it - J

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