THE ROBESONIAN " ' - ' Country, God and Truth. Single Copies Five Cents. VOL XU NO. 67. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19 lO WHOLE NO. 260S tisiaDiisnea iou. CONTEST GROWS MORE EXCITING. DEMOCRATIC SPEAKERS. Big The contest departmentris of fering a bonus of 5,000 extra votes for the contestant bring ing in the largest number of votes between October 15th and October 22d. This means that the contestant bringing in the largest number of subscriptions, makingthe the largest number of votes, in the limited time be tween October 15th and October 22d will be given a bonus of 5, COO votes, besides the regular scale of votes on the subscriptions. This will be a good chance for the contestants who are a little behind to catch up and make their votes count in the first publication of the votes. The one and two year subscrip tions have lost their novelty al ready and the contestants are now after those five-year sub scriptions. Let every citizen of this coun ty respond to the call for votes and subscribe today. Workers, avail yourselves of every opportunity to get a vote. Every minute of time is valuable now and though some of the con testants seem to soar far ahead, one good worker could in a few hours time far exceed the high est count. The Robe'sonian has Mr. A. L. Brooks at Court House This Evening Govern or Kitchin at Red JSprings October 31 Other Speakers. Mr. A. L. Brooks, of Greens boro, former solicitor, Demo cratic candidate for Congress from the fifth district two- years ao-n nnd manaorpr rvf thp ram- a lOt 01 DaSt-dUe SUDSCriDtlOnS on nsncrn nf Mm hand and any one can eret a list of the names and get those sub- that district, will discuss the scnptions. Remember that every issues of the campaign at the aoiiar tor. lhe Robesonian counts court house this evening at 8 1.000 votes, and everybody wants o'clock. Mr. Brooks is an able the paper, so all of you have an and entertaining speaker and Bonus Offer This Week 5,000 Extra Votes. excellent field to work in. Watch for the first count of votes. The Robesonian has a special" box and can handle all that are turned in. Let all the goodness there is in you materialize into a one or two year subscription. You need the paper, citizens, and the contest ants need your votes. If you have not entered into the friend ly interest of the contest you are missing a whole heap of fun. Come.on in; the water is fine. Let us remind that being out stripped at the first mile-post does not mean defeat. Far from it. It should act as a stimulant and make you work all the more earnestly in the future than in i V j mi j i tne past. ine contest is very young yet it's only three weeks old and new contestants are coming in all the time; and they promise to make It lively for those in the lead now. Come down and make us call at the office and we will gladly explain our big contest to you. WITH THE CANDIDATES. I PARKTON PARAGRAPHS. i r- i . uiuug uu voices ana ranninz TdUnhnna PtAbh. k me ir nerore small Crowds HOPE MILLS NEWS. should be given a large audience this evening. Mr. J. R. Blair, of Troy, will speak at Fairmont Saturday, October loth, at what time has not been determined. Governor W, W. Kitchin will speak at Red, Springs October 31st. Particulars will be given later. As has been mentioned in The Robesonian, Congressman H. L. Godwin and his Republican op ponent, Mr. Iredell Meares, of Wilmington, have agreed on a joint canvass and will discuss the issues of the campaign at the fol lowing places and times: Lilling ton, October 24th, 11 a. m.; Fayetteville, 25th, 11 a. m. ; Max ton, 25th, 7:30 p. m. ; Lumberton, 26th, 11 a. m.; Elizabeth town, 27th, 11 a. m.; Weiteville, 28th, 11 a. m. Messrs. White & Gough s Ele cant New Store Front A Growing Business. The new front for Messrs. White & Gough's big department stores has been completed, all but a few finishing touches, and it is a thing of beauty. There is not Better Crowds Expected. The candidates, both demo cratic and Republican, began Monday on their canvas of the county, making their appoint ments with the sheriff on his tax- collecting rounds. They met Monday at Kingsdale, Tuesdav at Orrum, yesterday at Barnes- vine, and today they are at Kodger's store. So far there has not been much doing, as far as the crowd is con cerned, it has been the candi dates and just a few hearers, tne candidates being somewhat in the majority. At Kingsdale Monday, the beginning of the campaign, there were 15 candi- e ln- Birthday stalled S o o n A Party Personal. Correspondence.of The Robesonian. Parkton, Oct. 11 Mrs. L. morning B. for relatives Timmons left this South Carolina to visit for a week". Mr. M. F. Underwood return ed home last week from a busi ness trip to Georgia. He is in a strong notion of selling his farm and buying in Georgia. .. lhe Parkton graded school is planning to take in the Cumber land fair. We are sorry to report Mrs. H. Welsh sick. Mr. W. J. Council, of Red Springs, spent Sunday with his dates and 14 hearers," at Orrum brother, Mr. R. F. Council. Miss -Mr. F. smiles: it's a Church Services New Pastor t. Called A Valuable Improve ment Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Hope Mills, Oct. 10 A. Culbreth is all son. Mrs. Tom Williams, of Rock ingham, is here this week visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IN. D. Phillips. Rev. J. D. Pegram is conduct ing a series of meetings in the .Methodist church here this week. Mrs. Dave Blue and Mrs. Colon Shaw, of Seventy-First, were pleasant visitors at the home of Mrs. Berta Bodenhamer last week. Mr. M. A. McLean, of Roslin, has opened a livery-stable busi ness near the A. C. L. depot. We welcome Mr. McLean to our town. Morning and evening services were conducted in Christ church Sunday by the pastor, Rev. N. C. Duncan. . Mr. Duncan is an excellent young man and is doing a great work in this community. His sermons are always interest ing and to tne point. On Sunday, September 25th, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Averitt at tended the fun3ral of Mrs. Aver itt's father, Mr. O. H. Cain, of White Oak, who passed away at the age of fifty-eight years. Mr. Cain was for a number of years a faithful member of the Meth odist church, and is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. D. B. Averitt, of Hope Mills, and Mrs. M. L. Cashwell, oi Abbottsburg. Mr. K. A. McLeod filled his regular appointment at the Pres byterian church Sunday night. Mrs. McLeod, who has been sick for several weeks, is improving, her many friends will be glad to note. The A. & R. Railroad Co. has erected a concrete wall fortify- ing the lot of Mr. W. H. Bullard, anything 0f the kind handsomer in this part ot the btate. A near the A. C. L. depot, which is a valuable improvement to the lot and surroundings. The con crete blocks were furnished by the Cumberland Concrete Co. and the contractors were Messrs, Chas. Muse and Alex. Fort. SADDLE TREE NOTES. Meeting of Woman's Missionary Association -Good Work of Betterment Association Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton. R. F. D. 2, Oct. 11. -The coming and going of the people for the past week have been many and we will not try to mention them all. ! The Woman's Missionary As sociation met with Saddle Tree church Oct. 5th. It was well at tended and they have had a very successful year. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gray, of St. Paul, spent Saturday and Sunday here visiting relatives. Miss Nellie Bowers, of GasJton, the principal of our school, ar rived Saturday, and is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McPhail. School opened Monday with verv bright prospects for a successful term. Mr. S. O. Willis and little son and Mr. White, of Rozier's, at tended church here Sunday. Messrs. J. B. Humphrey and D. H. McPhail attended Sunday- school at Unity chapel, three miles above Red Springs, Sunday evening. l he Detterment association nas purchased some tables, chairs and other furnishings for the schcol house here. The associa tion is doing much for the im piovement of the school property j here. I The Farmers Union held its regular meeting Saturday eve The BaDtist churches . at Hope j ning. The Union is doing a good Mills and Cotton have called rcev. ' woi k, I. E. Olive, of Wade, to serve as pastor for the ensuing year. Mr. Olive is a brillant young man, having graduated at Wake Forest at the head of his classes at the early age of nineteen years. He is now principal of the King Hiram school. We are glad to welcome this excellent gentleman to our midst. The choir of the Hope Mills Baptist Sunday-school went over to Massey Hid Sunday afternoon, where they had been invited to take part in a song service. A great success and an enjoyable occasion have been reported. as we see it. Mr. Arch. McDuffie, Mrs. F. R Humphrey and Mrs. C. J. Biggs spent Thursday in Lumberton on business. Mr. and Mrs. Mert. Gray visited Mrs. Gray's parents at Elrod Sunday. Miss Mary Conoly, of Red Springs, was a visitor in Saddle Tree Sunday. Juanita. Mr. Clarence McArthur, of St. Paul, spent last night in town a guest ot his orotner-m-iaw sist-r, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Alluter. and Mc- marble base runs the width of the front. The large show win dows are of plate glass, withj mirror backs, and the floors of the show windows are of hard wood, the. mirrors giving the floors tne appearance of being twice as large as they really are. Tne molding and trimmings are of copper and above the show windows are windows oi leaded prism glass, the panels being of Washington pressed brick. The corners are of In diana Bedford stone, the trim mings of the corners and front being of the same material. Large steel beams across the front are supported by steel columns on granite bases. The second-story windows are of polished plate glass. A gal vanized cornice crowns the whole, with four galvanized pedestals. The unsightly telephone pole that stood in front of the entrance has been removed. Only a bare outline has been attempted in the above. To be appreciated this beautiful front should be seen. It is a credit to this enterprising tirm and to the town. From a small beginning a few years ago Messrs. White & Gough have been continually enlarging their business until now they oc- cupy zz.uuu ieet oi noor space. The old telephone office has been moved to a corner room on the side next the court house on the second floor and the room former ly occupied has been turned into a wholesale drygoods department by Messrs. White & Gough, and the large room formerly used by the mayor and town commis sioners is now a wholesale shoe department Coburn's Greater Minstrels De light a Capacity Audience. A capacity audience witnessed the performance given at the opera house last evening by J. A. Coburn's Greater Minstrels. From the medley ot ragtime marches, quartettes, dancing numbers and song hits with which the performance opened to the closing performance of acting figures, every moment vas enjoyed. It is a company of high-class minstrels. There are excellent voices in the com pany, all the singing was tip-top, and all the stunts were good One act'ng figures were some thing new to a Lumberton au lience and they were greatly en ioved. Coburn's Greater Min strels are most decidedly all ihe good. it was aDOUt the same and at Barnesville yesterday the crowd was not so eood: but the candi dates are game and do their talk-. ing just the same and in fact some puff and biow, rip and rare. as it the audience consisted of voters by the thousand, and it might be said: Of the Republicans, there's Taylor and Kiniaw, The great and noble expounders of the law, Who avail themselves of every single minute. Pawing the dirt; but there's nothing in it. They will be at Alfordsville to morrow and at Rowland Satur day. It is expected that the crowds will be larger for these appointments. The sheriff says that the State Treasurer is calling upon him for the State taxes and that he would be greatly pleased to be 'troubled with a few more of tne tax-payers than are coming out at present. The cash is wanted now. LOCAL BRIEFS. Sixth District Congressional Committee Organizes Demo cratic Victory Assured. me iiewiy-cnosen execuuve committee of this congressional district met in Wilmington yes terday and organized by re-elect ing Geo. H. Bellamy, of Bruns wick county, chairman and elect ing Geo. B. McLeod, of Robeson,' secretary, both elections being unanimous. Besides those men tioned aoove, the committee is composed of the following: R. G Taylor, Harnett; Geo.. McNeill, Cumberland; Wm. E. Springer, New Hanover; J. R. Williamson, Columbus; E. F. McCulloch, on oDoosite Rachel Culbreth is visiting rel atives and friends at Godwin. Meta MCiViillan, daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. ivicAiillan, was bitten oy a ground rattlt- snake last ihur&uay evening, Dr. Currie was quickly sum moned and the chiid is now out of danger. Mr. C. S. McArthur and Miss Mary Stuart spent Sunclay after noon in St. raul. Miss Ethel Williamson, of East Lumberton, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mrs. J. T. Nicholson and little daughter, Ula, and Mr. Justin McNeill, of Lumberton, were visitors in town Sunday. The latest enterprise in our town is t h e telephone. More than $1,300 has been subscribed and at a business meeting last nignt several hundred dollars of this amount was paid in. This aviII be a great convenience to our town. Last Saturday night a large crowd of young girls and boys were invited to attend a birth day party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Beard in honor of Miss Douglass' sixteenth birth day. Despite the rainy and foggy weather the folks began to -gather long beiore the ap pointed time. The evening was spent in play ing many interesting games, all creating much fun and laughter, but the game "trying createu greatest enthusiasm. It is played this way: select a long word with many letters in it, write on a card, giving each guest one card and pencil; have them make as many words as possible from the original word; when all have completed their task, write name side and hand to A county meetine of the Farmers' Union is being held in town today. Quiet a number of teachers from various sections of the county are in town today for the county examination. There- will be an ovster supper at Iona school-house, near r airmont, tomorrow night. The public is cordially invited. Miss Artemesia Rozier has been quite sick at her home on t if th street for several davs and her condition is not thousrht to be much improved today. Just to give some idea of the volumn of business being done in town, the McAllister Hdw. Co. has received five solid car loads of hardware within the last two months, to say nothing of many small shipments. t Mr. McKay Byrd, of R. F. D. No. 5 from Lumberton, who was a Lumberton visitor yesterdav, says that Mr. W.B. Purnell killed a rattlesnake recently that was equipped with double fangs three quarters of an inch long. His snakeship was 5 feet and 4 inches long, 12 inches around at his argest point and had 11 rattles Invitations reading as follows have been issued: Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kernodle request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Sarah May to Mr. James Dick Proctor Wednesday, the twenty sixth of October one thousand nine hundred and ten at half after two o'clock Christian Church Graham. North Carolina Miss Kernodle isanaccomplish- ed young lady who is wellknown in Lumberton, the home of the groom t& be. Further particulars in regard to this event will be given in a subsequent issue, on 111 I . ciaaen. hostess for correction, lhe one The meeting was harmonious that succeeds i n makinsr the and plans for waging a vigorous greatest number of words receive campaign were outlined. Each me prize. The words used on this committeeman reported that his occasion were 4 "sixteenth birth county would give a larger Demo- cay." It was a tight race, but cratic majority this year than aller ciose consideration the ever before and that the Republi- jU(jges awarded Mr. Herman can candidate for Congress will r.flShwpll the hoobv. a bottle of be defeated by a large majority. Now is The Time to Register. The ieistration bckswere opened last Saturday, the 8th, and will be kept open until sun set Saturday, October 29th, every day except Sundays. The regis trar of each voting precinct is requiied to keep his registration book open from 9 o'clock a. m. till sunset each day, and on each Saturday during the period he shall attend with his registration books at the polling place of his precinct. Now is the time, before the matter is overlooked, for each citizen who is entitled to vote to see that his name is properly enrolled. "The Sins of the Father"-A Special Train to Fayetteville. Tom Dixon's new nlay. "The Sins of the Father." which is at tractmg so much attention now, i i T win oe presented at L.a Fayette theatre at Fayetteville next Monday evening, the 17th, and in order to accommodate the lartre number of people of Lun - birton and the surrounding ccun try who want to see this play the Virginia & Carolina Southern wilt ran a special train t) Fayette vihe, leaving Lumberton at 6 ! o'clock Monday evening and Hoytt's cologne. Delicious refreshments o cream and cake were gracefully served by Misses Alma Baker and Gertrude Harts. M u c crecit is due these charming iadies for their taithtul work in mating tne evening indeed pleasant oi.e. Tne presents were many and beauiuul. The ffueois departed "at a late hour, wishing Miss Douglass many hapu . returns of the day Meetinsr of Civic Association Committees. A meeting of the committees of the Lumberton Civic Associa tion was held in the reading room of the Commercial and In dustrial Club Tuesday afternoon and special work was mapped out. The physicians and den tists of the town met with these committes and readily agreed to do the work proposed by the as sociation in examining all the pupils of the graded school for defects in hearing, sight, nasal organs and teetn. inis impor tant matter will be taken up with the trustees of the school at an early date and arrangements will be made to have the work done as soon as possible. Owing to the public spirit of the physi- Mc Donald News Notes and Per sonals. CorrDOndence of The Robesonian. McDonald, Oct.10 Miss Lillian Haritrader spent Saturday and Sunday at Elrod visiting Miss Lena Hatcher. Messrs. Knox Byord and Miles Mclnnis, of Carolina, S. C, were guests of friends here Sunday. Misses Ola and Minnie Hall ... A mm gave a delightful at home last Friday evening, but owing to inclement weather many were unable to attend. Mrs. I. T. McLean, of Fair mont, is visiting relatives here this week. Miss Dessiel Prevatt, of Or rum, who was the guest of friends here last week, returned to her home Saturday night. She was accompanied by Miss Bertha Stone. Miss Mabtl Townsend, who has been attending school at Rowland, is at t ome for a few days, the schooi at Rowland having to close va account of dyphtheria. Mr. Haddon McLean visited riends at Elrod Sunday. There will be an oyster supper at Iona .school house Friday night. Many of the young peo ple are expecting to attend. Miss Mabel Lewellyn, of Rayn ham, spent a short while with friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Alford spent Thursday visiting friends in Rowland. xCufus. re turning immediately alter tne cians in iaumg m wiin uie sug- piav. The round-trip fare will estion ot the ass.ciation. (hesej Te$1.25 Reserved seats for the examinations will cost the pa- to: play may be obtained at The : trons of the school nothing and. i Robesonian office. w;i .io mi ch good. Death of Mrs. Marinda Lewis, Mrs. Marinda Lewis, who had baen making her home for fifteen years with her nephew, Mr. J. A. Branch, on Third strpet, died Tuesday night at 9:30 o'clock after an illness or five weeks. She was about 85 years old. The uneral service and interment took place at the family burying grounds, near Bellamy, yester iay afternoon at ,3 oiclok, the service being conducted by Rev. i. P. Hedgpeth. Mrs. Lewia vas the last member of her iimilv. seven of whom have ied at the home o: r. Branch. Subscribe for The R-.b soT:a' r t -Tsf ,f., "ft v. m -fa. 1 " '! 4 l ' ' ! .- h 1: a :1; ; f. i" n ft ii Hi r. ft 'H, 11 111 1 Tit 1 r t 4-1 fill 1 r m 4.'. Hi 5 i

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