THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. : -, iiTlie Strong Healthy Women If a woman is 6tron and healthy in a womanly way, moth erhood means to her but little suffering. The trouble lies in the fact that the many women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted for motherhood. This can be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures the weaknesses and disorders of women. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned in motherhood, making them healthy, strong vigorous, virile and elastic. "Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispositions of the period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and almost nainless. It ouickens and vitalizes the feminine organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women have testified to its marvelous merits. It Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sid: Women H'eA Honest druggists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as "just as good." Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. It contains not a drop of alcohol and net a grain of habit-forming or injurious drugs. Is n pure glyceric extract of Icahnr, native ArTic - airmont Department Store SAM DUNIE, Proprietor LET THIS BE THE PARKTON. Another good Robeson County Town--Some of the Things of Which it Boasts Personal "Happy Jack's" Travels. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Mt. Eliam, Oct. 10. -"Happy Jack" spent Thursday at Park ton, in north Robeson. It was his first visit to that fine section of the grand old county (that never should be split). It takes farming people with good land to beat the people of that section on farming. Cotton is King and truck farming i s Queen. They don't know anything about tobacco until it has been manu factured and made ready for use. There were two hundred car loads of truck shipped from Parkton the past season, which is some truck. The people are not surpassed by any in being loyal and courteous to strangers. It is a grand privilege to be among such people as live at Parkton. They take The Robe sonian and most all like it better than anything they get in news paper shape. Parkton is one of Robeson's beautiful fast-growing towns, it has several brick stores. Cobb Bros, do a large jnercantile business. Mr. T. W. xhompson, one of one former Broad ridge boys, runs a large store and also a drug store in connection. Mr. J. D. Cobb is also readv to do you right. The iarktonMer cantile Co., occupies onebf the best and most up-to-date brick build ings in Robeson county and is doing a rushing business. There are two cotton gins in operation there and Parkton can boast of a mattress factory which is turn ing out good mattresses, the kind that make you sleep good. One can look around and see Parkton grow. Messrs. G. A. Hodge and A. J. Garris are hav ing nice residences erected. Atkins Bros, of Faystteville are the contractors. L. E. Hughes is having a large brick building erected for a storehouse. The Parkton high school is not sur passed by any for turning out lady teachers. There are 1 8 ready for teaching this year. Mt. Eliam has secured one of the best, Miss Gertrude Hartz. Prof. J. H. Forbis is principal. Mr. D. E. McNair runs an up-to-date hotel and livery in connec tion. The Baptists have a nice church and there are two more churches, don't know what de nomination. The Parkton Con cert Band is among the best in 4orth Carolina. They have twenty-seven instruments. Mr, D. S. D. VVarburton is band master. Mr. VVarburton was born in Westm orelan d . n o r th er n En gia n d , j and has been organizing and! teaching bands for thirty 3 ears. He has been over England, every country in Europe, Asia, Africa, theBritish Isles, and in every State in the Union ; also over Canada. Mr. VVarburton understands music better than any other man, perhaps, in the State. He is working under the Masons. I will try and give the names of each member of the band and the instrument he uses some time in the future. Robeson county should feel proud of such a band. Rev. P. T. Britt and family have arrived and are staying at Mr. Britt's father's at the pres ent. Mr. Britt is going to have a nice residence erected on his farm here. His many friends welcome him back to old Mt. Eliam. Mr. J. T. Stone spent last week at and near Jacksonville, Fla., and reports a "ioud" time. Mr. Jim Lawson is laugning: it's a boy. Mrs. Eliza Parker, of Fair mont, spent last week here visit ing relatives. Mr. Grover Britt went to see a girl Thursday night and on his way returning home got lost and fell into a ditch to his neck. "Happy Jack" was along and pulled him out. Love is a trouble some thing. Mr. W. A. Stone spent Satur day with Mr. F. G. Britt. Most everybody takes The Rob esonian everywhere I go and Continued on page 7. PHYSIC IAN APPROVES $1000 "I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for the good VINOL has done me. I was told that Cod Liver Oil was the medicine I needed for my weakened condition and poor blood. I could not take the greasy mixture, and when our druggist told me that VINOL contained not only tonic iron but all the medicinal prop erties of Cod Liver Oil without the grease or oil or bad taste, I made up my mind that was the medicine for me. I tried it and to-day am strong and well." Mrs. J. T. Snyder, Greensboro, N. C. W guarantee the genuineness of the hove testimonial. We sell VINOL with the understanding that if it does not give the purchaser per fect satisfaction we return his money without question. Will you try a bottle un der these conditions? A . ASS9toi-J Trumpeter 0F Good Tidings To all My Friends and Patrons: It has been customary among my friends and patrons for the last 32 seasons to celebrate my returning from the Northern markets, by flooding my store with a crowd of eager buyers, being taught by experience, that every time I re turn from the N01 th there is an AVAL ACHE of bargains in Fairmont. I just returned and cordially invite everybody to visit my depart ment Store and see the beautiful merchandise I have this season. I have added a good many lines. I have a full line of Branded Clothing, Shoes and Hats. A splendid display of ladies' tailor-made Suits, Jackets and sweaters, the finest line of ladies' white goods and the largest stock in Robeson of Dry and Dress Goods. Come over and see the most beautiful De partment Store in Robeson county. Respectfully, SAM DUNIE, THE BARGAIN GIVER. Prop. Fairmont Dept. Store. Market. t t reczsmft ram Have on hand at all times Fresh Meats, can goods and in fact most anything in the Grocery line; also have a nice assortment of Earthen Ware. Give us a call A. H. HINDS, Lumberton. N. G. 2-24tf. FRESH BREAD, CAKE PIES, FRUIT AND FANCY GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Morris Steam Bakery L. B. BLACKBURN, Prop. Lumberton, N. C. Phone No. 116. 9-19tf Ml The original LAXATIVE cough For troubles. Mm Attrht ? A m U & I ilea. No opiates. Noa-ah. Good lor erjbodj. o'. frverjtw) Tho genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR u J Yollowpackige. Refme r.fcutwJ prepared only Wmtmr A Company, Ohioi I LADIES SPECIAL 9-15-tf Come and Gaze at the Wonderful Creations in LADIES' TRIMMED HATS. 11 w w w CHICHESTER S PILLS y THE DIAMOHn RPimn - -mr. ('hl-ches.ter'a IIumc la Ked and sealed with T. I. . . oiner. itnr of vm. V "tl Ask for CIU.CirM.TER ' years known as Best. Safest. Al c ;.v.i J SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ucfrand-VV -old metallic Blue Ribbon. V READ FOR YODRSEd After trying for many year3lhavJ succeeded in making a preparation that will cure rheumatism. Ify(r are suffering you only have to k this medicine a trial to he convb ed. This preparation has been fea ed and will do the woik. If yo. have any rheumatic pains give it- ixii. x can supply you. RETURN WILLIAMS! Boardman.N. C. 7-lltf CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOO Telegraph;" Penmanship Shorthand, a jr writing, X)K Keeping Special Preparatory Department: ,1 x:-. u o r j 1 n 1 u iMgui oessiuns; opienaia quij ment; Rates Reasonably For terms, etc., address OWEN C. ROGERS, Pt.,..,, 8-16-tf Hope Mills, N. C 'aix Notice. I will attend at the following named places on dates mentioned ior tne purpose 01 collecting tne taxes ior yv. ah persons are notified to be present at the appointments and settle their taxes promptly. Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Rabattus, Maine. " Yon told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and. Liver Pills before child-birth, and we are all surprised to see how much good it did. My rnysi- cian said ' Without doubt it was the Compound that helped you.' I thank you tor your kindness in advising me and give you lull permission to use my name m your testimonials." Mrs. H. W. Mitcheix, Box 3, Sabattus, Me. -Yiiomer Woman Helped. Graniteville. Vt. "I was nassine through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound restoredmy health and strength, and proved worth mountains ot gold tp me. For the sake of other suffering women I am willing you should publish my letter." Mrs. Charles Barclay, R.F.D., Granite ville, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffer ing from any of those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lycua j. nkham's V eeetable Com pound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy ior female ills. In almost every com munity you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia V THt Vlia yy "rr V1 tf"rr-rriTrA St. Pauls, Tuesday " 18th, Parkton. Wednesday " 19th, Lumber Bridge, Thursday " 20th, McBryde's Mill, Blue Springs,. Friday " 21st, Red Springs, Saturday " 22nd, Back Swamp Church, Tuesday " 25th, Fairmont, White House, Wednesday " 26th, Buie, Burnt Swamp, Thursday " 27th, Pembroke, Friday " 28th, Maxton, Saturday " 29th, Wakulla, Smith's Twp, Tuescay, November 1st, The provisions of the law ir regard to the collection of taxes are more strict than they have I een. The good price of cotton will make it so it will be no hardship to any one for me to insist upon prompt settlement of the taxes 1 his year. The law requires the Sheriff to make only one trip to pach of the various townships. Be sure to see me and settle your t; xes promptly. 9-29-tf E. C. McNEILL. Sheriff Robeson Countv. Reaching the Top in any calling of life, demands a vigor ous body and a keen brain. Withont health there is no success. But Elertrip Bitters is the greatest Health Builder the world has ever known. It compels penecxacuon ai stomach,liver,kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood. tones and invigorates the whole system and enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. "After months of suffering f romKidneyTrouble, 'writes W. M. bherman, of Cushing, Me., "three bottles of Electric Eitters mae me el like a new mar. "50c at all drug gie IB. BUILDING MATERIAL AND f MILL SUPPLIES I Our stock of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Tile and Grates, is the largest in this section. We make a spe cialty of building material and can furnish carloads or less at factory prices. Our stock of builders' hard .vare is second to none in the State. Let us quote you our prlc?s s MILL SUPPLIES This department is in charge of an expert mill supply man, and we are prepared to help you out of your trouble in' this line. We carry a large stock of everything, Bel tinsr. Valves and Fitting3,Hoe Disston, and Atkins Sawsjof any kin-J. Si Saw Bits Shanks, etc., American Steel Split Pulleys, Cant Hxks, Cant Hook Handles and repairs. Conveyor Chain, Sprockets, Shafting, Hangers, Boxes, Collars, &c. &c. Cylinder Oil in Bbls, 25cts. gal. Engine Oil in Bbls. 16cts. gal. Call and se us or send your orders. HUSK HARDWARE HOUSE Fayetteville, N. C. 9-2941-24 SUPPLIES FOR THE PARMER It matters not what you need in the way of arm Implements, Grocer ies, Dry Goods, etc., we can supply YOUR WANTS'. We have everything for everybody at the right prices. Call and let us shew you. - McEachern, Johnson & McGeachy Co. St. Pauls, N. C. ' 9-9. 20 COTTON ADVANCED TO CENTS. We Have New Goods at Old Prices. Advertise in The Business Builder Column New goods arriving daily and we have some big bar gains at reasonable prices. We have purchased the best selected stock this fall that we have ever had and are now in a better position to meet the wishes of our cus tomers. We thank all for past patronage and ask an inspection of our goods before you purchase. : : Yours to please. Lumber-ton, 1-17 K. M. BIGGS. : : : : North Carolina. 50 O. M. PULLER Received 2 - Car Loads - 2 rnrpsrts snmxrfl MniiBC Stock Market in the World J in I7-.. r:: r- u: i r r UOR51 10 Extra Good Waeon and Farm MULES. J PRICES AND TERMS ATTRACTIVE. RESPECTFUL 50 C. M. PULLER LUMBERTON, N. C.