THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. I i i " i i i - ; in iitTTT ni .fPiaUgj. J".' .Li ADVERTISED EXTENSIVELY. Marion Butler and His Crowd Advertised in Three New York Papers For Repudiated Bonds. (BY THOMAS J. PENCE) Washington, Cor, and Observer. Oct. Slat.. Raleigh News The New York Evening Post -only one of a number of power ful mediums in the financial cen tre of the country employed by Marion Butler when he hatched his scheme to induce the holders of carpet-bag and scalawag bonds to put their claims in his hands for collection. A search of newspaper files at the con gressional library today dis closed the fact that Butler used the advertising columns of both The New York Sun and The New York Times when he de cided to become the broker for the collection of these dishonor able and disreputable class of bonds. The advertisement from The New York Evening Post, which The News and Observer sprung on the people of the State last week appeared in identical lan guage in both The Sun and The Times of New York, in the is sues of April 28th. 1905. Both advertisements were in double column display on the financial page. The words "The collect tion of State bonds repudiated in whole or in part," were in very large advertising display type. Butler's signature to the adver tisement was in black type. The advertisement was placed up so as to attract the attention of readers. The reason that Butler and Pettigrew and their associates advertised so extensively and at so great a cost for the collection of these carpet-bag bonds was due to the fact that there was a rival syndicate in the field en deavoring to get possession of these worthless securities. They wanted to corner the mark et, hence their activity. The opposition syndicate was headed by Edwin L. Andrews and John G. Carlisle. It also resorted to advertisement in the New York papers for the collection of these scalawag bonds. The Andrews-Carlisle syndi cate beat the Butler-Pettigrew gang in the field several days. On the twenty-fifth of March the opposition syndicate was at work in the New York papers. Then it was that Butler and his crowd 3 3d printers ink so extensivplv iw get pot sessi n of the carpet bag bonds wucrever held. That Butler and Pettigrew resented the intrusion of the nnnnsiHnn syndicate is disclosed in their ad-! vertisement published in The Evening Post, The Sun and The limes, iney gave expression to their resentment in this lan guage: "This committee has no connection with any other com mittee, and it knows that it is alone in a nosit.inn to avail itsolf on the benefits of the above men tioned decision." This was the reply of the Butler crowd to the advertisement of tVm And Carlisle syndicate that appeared in the New York papers. Marion Butler has been caught with the goods on him, and the defense that he is endeavoring to prepare after taking time to communicate with his conspira tor j will not save his face. If he had a defense to make he would have put it before the people the day the evidence was presented. In the meantime he could inter est the people of North Carolina by telling them what he has dene with the carpet-bag t0nds that he solicited and collected. These infamous papers would be safer in South Dakota than in North Carolina, and perhaps Pettigrew is the custodian of them. He has been the main prop of Butler since he em barked upon the bond brokerage business. A New Departure. A new departure in the line of newspaper business for North Carolina has iust been made bv The Times of Raleigh. This big daily has reduced its price by mail to $2 50 per year, payable in in advance. Some weeks ago this paper ran a special bargain price and the results were so flatter ing that the management decided to give the people of the State a daily newspaper for the price of $2.50 per year. Ji V. Simm?, editor and pubisher of the paper, announces at the same time that many more improvements are to be made in the future. The Times will do no more credit business but will be strictly cash in advance. BUGGIES & CARRIAGES If it is Style, Service and Comfort you want see our Large Stocks. The Best makes ot the Best Baggies ever shown in Lumbprtrn. HACKNEY, BABCOCK, WASHING TON AND WRENN. The kind that's guaranteed. EVERYTHING IN HARNESS. Full stock Hackney and Nissen Wag- 53 uua, an xne aome oi tne len- 1 nessee mule' Give us a call J W. I. LINKHAW WE BUY tl STOVES & RANGES In Car Load Lots, Which Enables Us to Sell For Less. A Car load of Crescent Stoves & Ranges Just in. It's to Your Interest to See Our Line Before Buying. Many school children suffer from constipation, which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham berlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to mve a rViilri for they are mild and gentle in their eff act, and will cure even chronic con stipation. Sold by Dr. McMillan & Son and Pope Drug Co. Catarrh of the Stomach a Prevalent Disease Difficult to Relieve. A PROMPT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY. Mr. S. W. Jackson, 315 Weaver Block, Greenville, Ohio, says: "While I was mperintendent of construction of J. F. Bender and Bros.' Co., of Hamilton, Ohio, I became entirely unfit for busi BesH with catarrh of the stomach. "A friend called my attention to a remedy for this condition. I began to Improve at once. I was 6oon able to re turn to my former profession. "It would require many pages to de scribe the condition I was in and the re lief I have obtained." Here is another ase. Officer George Y. Stout, 721 North Broadway, Balti more, Md., Bays: 'I suffered very much with catarrh of the stomach and ner von indigestion. I lost fifty pounds in lour months. "A friend called my attention to a remedy, which I used, and gradually pet well. I have gained half my lost weight back again." Chronic Stomach Trouble. Mr. Robert J. Gillespie, 636 South Main St., Los Angeles, Cal., secretaiy of Lather's International Union, was fcJeo Buffering from catarrh of the stom ach along time. He grew thinner and paler, lost all ambition and appetite. Hick at the stomach, indigestion con tinually. A friend also called his attention to & remedy, which brought about a de cided improvement. After continuing the use of the remedy for a month, he considers himself permanently relieved. Now, once more. Mr. Christian Hof man, Slatington, Pa., says he suffered for many years with catarrh of the stomach. It produced a miserable cough, day and night. He tried doctors and many remedies. At last his atten tion wag called to a remedy, the same remedy that relieved the others which have been referred to above. He claims that he waa entirely rid of his stomach difficulty. Pe-ru-na Brought Back Health. What was the remedy that has wrought this remarkable relief? So far, the remedy has not been mentioned. If any one doubts the correctness of these statements it is very easy to ver ify them by writing to the people whose names have been given, enclosing a tamp for reply. The remedy is within the reach of very one. It is simply the good, old standard reliable remedy known he. Peruna. If the truth were known, the probay bilities are that Peruna has relieved as many cases of catarrh of the stomach as any other popular remedy in exis-"" tence. We have a great many unsolic ited testimonials from all parts of the United States, declaring in strong and enthusiastic terms that Peruna has en tirely relieved them of catarrh of the stomach, that they were wretched and miserable beyond words, but Peruna has restored them to health, vigor and happiness. These are the facts. Now, if you have stomach difficulty, it is up to you to act upon them or ignore them, as you please. Symptoms of Stomach Catarrh. "The affection may tesult from errors in diet, or the use of alcohol. The ex cessive use of tobacco, especially when the juice or the leaves are swallowed, is likely to cause it. "Highly seasoned or coarse, irritating foods, sometimes induce the disease. "As chronic gastritis (catarrh of the stomach) is essentially a secondary affection, one of the primary causes is an unhealthy state of the mouth, nose or throat, such as bad teeth or catarrh of the nose (ozena). "The patients are usually poorly nourished, pale, sallow, thin, fatigue easily induced, muscles flabby. Loss of appetite or capricious appetite. "The tongue is usually coated brown ish gray. Cankered mouth is a com mon occurrence. "Pain is not common. When present it is usually dull, and is aggravated by food, especially when this ia of an irri tating character. "Vomiting may occur in the morning. Also after meals. Sickness to the stom ach f request and persistent. "Food produces dull headache, and a feeling of general nervous distress. Constipation usually quite marked." These symptoms, given by Gould and Pyle, coincideexactly with the frequent descriptions Dr. Hartman is receiving from patients all over the United States. If you have any of these symptoms get a bottle of Peruna. Take a dose be fore each meal. See if your stomach does not immediately feel better, your appetite improve, your digestion at once resume business. People who object to liquid medicines I can now secure Peruna tablets. THE BANK OF LUMBERTON LUMBERTON, N. C. THE LARGEST DEPOSITORY FOR FARMERS, INDIVIDUALS & CORPORATIONS BETWEEN WILMINGTON & CHARLOTTE. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. ASSETS. Loans Stockholders re sponsibility Overdrafts Furniture &. Fi'y Real Estate&stock 8,'900.00 Lash cash items & due from banks 112,465.05 Oct. 13. 444,124.66 100,000.00 2,260.76 3,906.02 1910. LIABILITIES Capital 100,000.00 Stockholders Responsibility 100,000.00 Profits 29,029 84 Deposits 407,626 65 Due to banks 35,000.00 $671,656.49 Assets & responsibility Oct. 13, 1908 Assets & responsibility Oct. 13, 1909 Assets & responsibility Oct. 13, 1910 $671,656.49 $235,410.48 522,086.30 671,656.49 L. CALDWELL HDWE. DEPT. LUMBERTON. N. C. 2E PRESBYTERIANS Do Not Forget Nov ember 1 3th - 20th. 10-20-11-10 WE HAVE A & I tt Hi I it iki b l i it it All SPECIAL LOW PRICE ON BAGGING AND TIES a (0 a; it iti il it it ;t :t & it it ti And we pay the highest market price for cotton. : : : We carry a full line of general merchandise and our prices are reasonable. Give us a cail. :: W. J. PREVATT LUMBERTON, N. C. m m (ft (ft (ft (t (ft (ft (ft (ft Mr A f REE INVITATION - ise,ive" toa11 to inspect the best and most com piete Ptock that we have ever shown. Bargains in ladies dress goods. Good things in underwear for ladies, men and children. See our Beacon Brand 2T fr Se Try 0ner of our Etchison, or J B. Stetson Hats for men. If it's furniture you want, see our line before you buy. Complete line of heavy and fancy groceries. Highest market price paid for country produce. SELL US YOUR COTTON SEED WE BUY SEED AND LINT COTTON. In fact, head our way when you start to town and we will try to suit you m price, style and quality. We thank you for past business. . Lumberton, M. BIGGS. ,4 : : : : North Carolina. i - u S SUPPLIES FOR THE I PARMER It matters not what you need in the way of arm Implements, Grocer ies, Dry Goods,, we can supply YOUR WANTS'. We have everything for everybody at the right prices Call and let us show you. I McEachern, Johnson & McGeachy Co. S St Pauls, 9-9 N. C. C. M. FULLER & OM One Car Load Vir ginia Wag ons just ecsi? ed. ! L. are lugni i on all Goods More thi 65 New Bug gies and 85 Sets of Harness to Select From We want your business. We have what you want. One price to all. Respectfully, C. M. FULLER & SON LU M UEKl JN, N. C. WOULD Y OU, HELP THE YOUNG PEOPLE? Do you love your neighbor? Would you help to uplift your community? Then urge and encourage your young friends to take policies in that Purely Mutual Old Line Life Insurance Comp- f pyETTc MUTUAL any, the - - - - - Six-year-old boys and girls can get l&-year Endowments, thus learning to save in the most important habit-forming period of their lives, after the most ap proved business methods known to civilization, helping to build up and estab lish the most useful and imperishable financial institution ever conceived by man or blessed by Providence. No business institution can be so uplifting for the whole communitv as Mutual Old Line Life. The combined mortuary ex perience of Life Insurance Companies shows the 10-year-old child to be entitled to the lowe3t rate, The 8-year-old child is on a par with age 21. See or write to MR. E. E. , PAGE, Superintendent of Agents. ' LUMBERTON, N. C. X W. MurcMsoe & Go. importers and Jobbers ot ardw are,Tmware,Agriculturali Implements, Stoves, Ranges, Etc, Etc,!j : Write for Prices. 109 and 111 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, 'U C ' 8-10. tf New Scale of Votes for The Robesonian Contest: 1 year new subscriptions 1 old or renewal 2 3 o 10 25 Call at the Eacrle furniture atnro or,A on tu ri soman will give away in this contest and see the diamond ring at the Lumberton drug store that we will give away. t 4 $1.50 11.50 $3.00 $4.50 $7.50 $15.00 $37.50 2,000 votes 1,500 votes 3,500 votes 5,000 votes 8,500 votes 20.000 " 50,000 v

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