THE R06E80MAR ; .0 Established 1870. Country, God and Truth. Single Copies Five Cento. r VOL XU NO. 77. GOOD ROADS. Ihs Metirff fc a turd ay ShouM be Well Attended -A Pull All Together Needed A Road That Could be Cheaply Con structed and Easily Main tainedA County is Judged by its Road. lo the Editor of The Robeaoniaxi: Noting what you say about the good roads meeting to be held at the court house November 19th, I wish to heartily endorse every word you say. Every man in Robeson county should be and is interested in good roads, arid as many as possibly can should make it a point to attend that meeting and become a member of the association. Its member ship should be representative of the best citizenship of the county. If properly carried out such an organization can do nothing but help us. It matters little whether eaeh of us gets just such action or program as he wants, or whether the plan of action is ours or that of some one else. In matters of general interest like this, the preferences of the in dividual should count for but little with those who have the interest of the county at heart. "A long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together" will work wonders in the way of 'road mak ing. It must be remembered that some roads must be made first; in other words, that all the needed roads cannot be made at the same time, but that in time, by all pulling together, all can be made. Therefore if the road passing some particular point that we may consider the most necessary, is not the one to be first mentioned for improvement, help on the one that is taken up and push it along. Tl I . . 1 l n,oDeson county abounds in good-roads possibilities. Some of these are along roads now established, some would better be relocated, to straighten and get a more easily improved loca tion. In some places an entirely new road would stimulate an un developed territory and be of great benefit to the traveling public. I have such an one in mind, it would be along the line of the main drain of the Back .and .Taonh aronmna one mile east of Maxton, extends an almost straight line down Back and Jacob swamps to the river road about four miles belovy -Lumberton. . This road would he on one bank of the drain or canal, and would be .constructed by merely leveling off the top of the -spoil bank on . one side of the ditch, as soon as properly settled. The cost of doing this would be "Comparatively, little to wha any other road cf equal merit could be built. Its course would be direct, almost an air line. There ; would -be an entire elimination of .grades, not a hill nor a suspicion of one for twenty-four; miles. There would be no sharp, turns. The .road for a goodly distance, both ahead and back, wpuld al ways be in full view, lit would be of general utilitv. otn nn a large tract of undeveloped terri tory. From Maxton tfo Back swamp church it would ! be the mam road from Maxton tip Lum wrion ana wouia oetter accomo date a I n rrro ro rf rf f Via (koffli or between those towns that is now but inriiffftrpntlv rWrwidpH for. All the necessary material for a first-class road 'tis im mediately available at all points along the line, and these materials of the best wearing quality thus insuring a low cost of (main tenance. This last of itself is '01 no small ponsfnnpnp.p.i fnr often maintainance charged for . invited to visit the class rooms, a few years will amount to more! At 3 o'clock Thursday atternoon, than the first cost. And last and Dr. J. M. Rose, ot Launnburg, greatest of all, this road would gave a stirring address on the fcave perfect drainage. It is unf- subject pi Money and its Ke versally conceded that water is sponsibihties. 1ms was much tne worst enemy of good roads, J enjoyed by the large and appre and any competent road builder ciative auoi .-nee. After this the always carefullv provides for the members ox the coi.ierence drs Proper drainage of.every road he; cussed the best ways and means builds. Otherwise it would be a of' i aising money tor tne b o. failure. It has well been saidi 'Ai8p. m. Dr. W.J. Martin, that a good road must be good professor of natural sciences at for 365 days in each and every ' Davidson College, delivered an year. Only a road with a per- eloquent discourse, anu histneme feet drainage can pass this test. I was the . -Educated Woman and The road T hav mftn tinned, nro- the! Chui'ch." He brought his Perlv madP wnuld tiass th 365 day test, making 100 per cent on tioos and assertions of vase im the test portance. This was delivered in Other States and other counties Dr. Martin's beautiful and mr LUMBERTON, W ; . ! I rfriuoPf :cian 1 I . , rr THE POPE DRUG CO. Mouse or aoMJTY aw., Pf, ICS Q. T. WILLIAMS - FIRE INSURANCE - V . SJ Josephine Breece COTTON ' V.J.PREVA7 FOR BEST PRICES AND BUY 6000 THES TO GST VALUE RECEIVES? Bank of Lumberton i Capital 4 100.00050 Assets & Responsibility $671,000.00 h Interest Paw on Savings Deposits Compounded Four Times A Year are making great strides in the matter of good roads and Robe son county should not be behind any other place pn the footstool. Any country is judged by its roads. We should have the best. Robeson county needs more good citizens, honest, upright, law abiding men with families to help develop our resources. Such ones only go to progressive com munities. Progressivcnessis best evidenced by first-class roads. - Official statistics show that among the immigrants to the United States were 53.000 Eng lish, 35,000 Irish and more than 24,000, Scotch, making 115,000 from, the British IsleSfnot to men tion ;7l,000 Germans, 52,000 Scan dinavians, and 13,000 from Hol land and Belgium, or 136,000 of the1 cream of the continent, mak ing a total of over one-quarter of a million of the best blood of Europe. All of these people come to America with the inten tion of making homes and becom ing citizens. A vef v per centage age of thpsenationahties seek thei hemes on farms and become good neighbors and splendid citizens; highly inteligent, kindly natured, honest, industrious, thrifty and law-abiding. Wherever they settle the country immediately shows the effect of their presence. It is a safe bet that every man of them went to some place with good roads. F. F. Wetmore Lumberton, N. C., Nov. 14, 1910. RED SPRINGS REVIEWS. Visitors Throng the College Town to Attend a Conference A Large Sum Subscribed for rne College A Recital Friday Evening. Correspondence of The Robeson ian. Red Springs, Nov. 13. Red Springs has been thronged with visitors during the past two days, Tnursday and Friday, as tne con- erence was being held at the college. 1 he -uests uegan to ar- rive inursaay morning. ine .mi i . r n. first thing on tne program was the joint meeting or' Fayetteville Presoytery and the board of trustees and members of the con- iference. On tne ad3ournment ithe guests weie taken all over i the; college plant, and were even audience face to face wun ques- NORTH CAROLINA, OH ISN'T A yjrms oxquisite) vy . YOU WE mmer Jmrnmrnwrnmrmrtra . n I I i 111 ru mm r rw -mmZ mw 1 1 mmt mm m 1 mm 1 1 1 Come and Help Organize the Eofeegon Good Roads Association Saturpr&yi pressive style, so earnest and poweriul. I On Friday morning at ten o'clock Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D., of the Second Presbyterian church, Wilmington, addressed a large audience in the college auditorium. His subject was one of vital interest to every one, "The Educated Woman and the Home." He treated this skill fully, yet in such a simple manner that any child could understand it. The discussion following this address was lead by Rev, William Black, Synodical evangelist. Dr.' Vardell had provided two long blackboards on which were written the names of the churcha of Fayette ville Presbytery and their pastors' names. As each church was called by name the representative gave the amount of money that church would give to the college. When added up the sum was approximately $5,000. At 8 o'clock Friday evening a large audience gathered in the spacious auditonum to hear the recital to be give by the conser vatory faculty. The program was well .rendered and all the ; numbers were much enjoyed. Especial mention should be made of the lovely violin solo so well played by Miss Lillian Farquhar. Miss Williams delighted the au dience with two exquisite little songs, Romance" and the 'Four Leaf Clover," and then gave as an encore the popular song "I Love Yoti Truly." Miss Feet rendered faultlessly the dif ficult selection "O Don Fatale," from the Iralian Opera Don Carlo. After ' the recital the two literary societies, Zetesian and Epsilon Chi, entertained the con ference at a reception in the large dining room of the college. This was much enjoyed by all present. Among those here during the conference were: Revs. Sam. Rankin, of Greensboro: W. A. Coppedge, near Rockingham; Baativ. of Sanford: Soence, ot Smithfield; W. Fair ley, of Fayetieviile; Brown, Raeford; and Drs. Rose, ot Launnburg, and Hid, of Maxton. Mr i innHin TwcniP. nf Cameron, was in town Friday. w Messrs. W. Lennon, Williamson, Nixon and Bethune, of Lumber- MrtthT coUe Friday evening Mr. J. L. McLean spent Thursday in town, return- ingto MaXion in the ait noor Dr. and Mrs Hayes, of ic. Luke's -hospital, Fayette viile, spent a few hours in town Friday evening. Mr. Shepherd Russell and sister, Miss Olivia, of Max ton, were guests at the college Friday. Miss Clarkie Belle Mc Nair, of Maxton, is visiting Miss Essie Bethea, of the college faculty. Presbyterians, remember November 13th Jo20th. Eugene Belvin, a 3year-old boy, was choked to death in Dur ham Tuesday while eating, raw potatoes. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1910 BETTER GET A HUSTLE ON OONT NEED ANY ROADS NOW ' y SUPERIOR COURT Berry and Arch. McLean Get Twenty and Ten Years, Re spectively, For Murder of Oscar Moody Another Mur der Trial Begins Tomorrow Grand Jury's Report. A verdict of murder in the second degree was agreed on this morning in the case against Berry and Arch. McLean, colored, for the murder of Oscar Moody, colored, at Rowland last July, and Bud McLean was sen tenced to 20 years at hard labor in the State penitentiary, Arch. McLean getting io years. Tues day the trial of Berry and Arch; McLean, Bud Monroe and Dock McKinnon for this murder was begun, but it was soon decided to try the cases separately and Berry McLean had been on trial since then. Yesterday Bud Monroe turned State's evidence. It was in evidence that Berry McLean sent for a rifle and balls, was seen coming from behind the bushes from where the shot was nred anout nve minutes thereafter, and that the next morning he boasted that he had gotten Moody. Moody was shot ashe was passing a clump of bush- es in ttowiana. rne case against k i i mi i Bud Monroe and Dock McKinnon was dismissed. Messrs. McLean & McLean assisted Solicitor Sin clair, Messrs. G. B.Patterson, of Maxton, and Shaw & Johnson de fended the McLeans, and Messrs. Mclntyre, Laurence & Proctor represented Monroe and Mc Kinnon. A special veni se of 50 men tb serve as jurors in the trial of John Calvin George, colored, on the charge of murdering Marshall Clark, colored, at Kingsdale about 12 months ago, has been ordered, and the trial is set for tomorrow morning. Will Purnell, larceny; guilty; 12 months on roads. Henry Ivey, a. d. w.; Oscar Abbott, a. d. w; Henry Ivey, c. c. w. ; Henry Sellers, a. d. w. these consolidated; three first named guilty, nol pros, as to fourth: iudarment suspended on payment of costs and defendants . iS ovrl in. to pay prosecutor $25 and $10 be paid to Dr. Northington. Cardin Bass, violating town ordinances; guilty. I Claud Blount, retailing; defend ant submits. Mack McLean, a d. w.-f pleads guik ; judgment auBveuded on payment ot costs, ivander Kinla.w, c. : c. w. , de fendant required to appear each November term 2. years and snow good behavior and give bond of tlOO- and pay costs. The grand jury made its report Tuesday and was discharge d. It passed upon 46- bills, returning. 36 true bills. - y ' A committee from the j up visited the chain gang; near St.. Jt UU1, Wft,vv - ---j Sr. Paul towards Lumberton. It found i& prison ers in charge of 3 guards, convict camp in goodconditicn- etc The Good?) ORUQ CO. soh L. H.CALDWELL (f AM ON MY WAYTiiERy 1 j '.'it CO- I TABLE DELICACIES FRUIT C. B. REDMOND Proprietor. Deposit with g Farmers & Merchants Bank v Every Accomodation EXTENDED sleeping tents were found not in best of condition, but the jury was informed that the county commissioners have ordered new tents and these are expected to arrive shortly. No cause for complaint was found but the jury found the prisoners without anything to read and suggests that it would be well for the com missioners or some charitable organization to supply this want. The county home was found in erood condition, the inmates well cared for and no cause for com plaint. The jail was found clean and well kept, and there was no com plaint from prisoners, except that two sick prisoners were said not to be receiving proper medical attention; also the sheriff com plained to the jury that he has no one to wait upon sick prison ers as they should be waited on. The jury recommended that better arrangements be made to care for them. All the county offices were found in good condition, but the jury disapproves of the way in which the janitor is neglecting the court house, which is getting dirty. It recommends that the the commissioners appoint one of the county officers as custodian of the building and place the 1 janitor under his control with j power to discharge if he does not keep the house cleaner. At The Opera Runaways in H o u s e The "A Japanese Honeymoon." . Scott Leslie and his "Merry Minstrel Maids," who held the boards at the Lumberton opera house Monday, Tuesday and last evenings, made quite a hit with the audiences that witnessed their performances. The motion picture show, which has been sidetracked for the nast two weeks on account of other attractions, will be put on again this evening. The obera house will be kept com fortably warm. Supt. Brietz, of the Dresden Cotton Mills, will take his Sunday-school children to see the pictures this evening. "A Japanese Honeymoon" will be the attraction Thursday eve ning of next week. It will be presented by "The Runaways," a successful musical comedy company. Miss Gladys Caldwell, a talented and beautitui prima donna, will appear in the leading roll. This will doubtless prove one of the events of the season. The management advises all who wish to see this attraction to secure their seats early. Seats fn sale Monday morning at Mc Millan's drug store. United States Senator Alex ander Stephens Clay of Georgia died in a sanitorium in Atlanta Siindav. He had been ill for nearly a year ana aeaui was uue - .... i dilation of the heart, ine . -- . , , , luneral was held at Marietta, Ga., yesterday Senator uay was- 57 years old and was serving his- third term in the Senate. ILUWBtRTON n mmm WHOLE NO. 2615 LOCAL BRIEFS. Licenses have been issued for the marriage of Janie Sikes and Joe Height: Ida Gooden and Henry Caines: Easter Evers and J. S. Benson. Miss Sue Ratley and Mr. W. T. Fisher were married Sunday at the residence of the officiating minister. Rev. J. Di Clark, in St. Paul township. Rev. F. Weiss will preach on the following subjects at the Gospel tabernacle Sunday: 11 a. m., The Church's Duty to Christian Pastors"; 7 p. " m, 4New Creatures in Christ" Dr. H. T. Pope has been ap pointed county superintendent of health to fill out the unex pired term of Dr. W. A. Me- Phaul, who resigned on account of his election to the House of the next General As sembly. The appointment was made by Chairman J. W. Carter of the board of county commis sioners. Because some new ground was being burned off in north east Lumberton the fire alarm was turned in about 2 o'clock yea-, terday afternoon, There "was no damage done, though several residences owned bv colored peo ple in that portion of town were in great danger tor a tew min utes. Jim Godwin, colored, about 30 years old, who was serving a two-years sentence in the cham gang, died in jail here yesterday about 11 o'clock, He had tyhoid fever and was sick some time. His sentence would have expired in July. Godwin's home was Whiteville. Two other prisoners are sick at the jail. Several Lumberton people attended the sale of lots at Dub lin yesterday, conducted for Messrs. A. W. McLean and White & Gough by Penny Bros., twin auctioneers. A special train was run over the Virginia & Carolina Southern. One nun-' dred lots were sold and the sale was very satisfactory. Mr. J. B. Bowen, bookkeeper and cashier for Clerk of the Court W. H. Humphrey, after Mr. C. B. Skipper, the newly elected clerk, takes charge next month, will go to Gibson, where about the middle of next month he and his father, Mr. F. L. Bowen, who is- now with the Southern Cotton Oil Co. at Gib son, will open a machine shop and garage. Ex-Sheriff Geo. B. McLeod. who has been in the Highsmith hospital at Favetteville for some' time on account of injuries re ceived in an automobile wreck near Raeford about two weekj ago, is improving rapidly and is expected home in a few days. Mrs. McLeod went to Fayette- ville this morning and it is prob able that Mr. McLeod will re turn with her tomorrow or Sat urday, Mrs. Ora Purvis, who lives near Orrum, had the misfortune Monday night of losing her home by fire. The origin of the fire is unknown and it was discovered about. 12 o'clock by a member of the family, who was waked up by the falling in of a portion of the house. The family escaped,, but nothing was saved from the house. It is not thought that there was any insurance on the property. The Jennings Cotton Mills. The Jennings Cotton Mills building, located on the left bank of Lumoer river on the western edge of town, is nearing com pletion. They are now at work on the floor, which will be made of a layer of sand and tar, a layer of gravel and tar, then a floor of pine, which will be covered with a floor of maple. The capacity of the mill wiil be about 8 OOu spindles. Between 35 and 40 cottages have already been built. The first cotton was hauled to the mill last Saturdav and it is the intention to put ;c in operation about the first ot" March. A Salisbury to Asheville high way association has been formed and plans started whereby a roa i will be built connecting the tv points. f ' 4 'r ?' J) i i .'4 ; T v' f. T i v h t" V. h I r r .t -i) i ft 4 1 7: