THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. . . . . V i -1 MISS ,.M.,,,i PKTSHFV VIOLA JENKINS WINS SPECIAL PRIZES.1 Saturday Will be Double Vote Day More Special Next Week. Prizes The votes piled in so fast at The Robesonian office Monday and all of last week that it was hard to tell who would be the winner of the handsome rug offered by Messrs. White & Gough and the two-nound box of candy offered by the Lumberton Drug Co. But after final count we found that Miss Jenkins had won by a good majority. But it was only hard, earnest work that made it possible for her to win, as the rest put up a mighty gocd fight There will be more special prizes added soon and we hope next week that all will be able to win. DOUBLE VOTING. newals or new subscriptions. This will give ail contestants a good chance to secure a load of votes to their credit as this applies to every one sending in subscrip tions Saturday. All the contestants have been doing good work so far but there is still plenty of territory that has not been worked at all and some that has only been partly worked. Call at the office and get the names of these towns and the list of subscribers and then go to these towns and work them. We hope that you all will have Next Saturday we will give a pleasant ihanksgivmg ana win double votes on all subscriptions then be ready for more and better brought in on that day, on old, re-1 work tnan Deiore. Mr. Wet more' Proposed Swamp Eoad. MT, ELIAM MATTERS. Consequence Charlotte Observer. A meeting was held at Lumber ton on Saturday to organize a good roads association for Robe son county and a correspondent of The Robesonian offered some preliminary suggestions for con sideration which are of interest "oeyond the locality to which they have SDecial reference. This correspondent sizes up the gen eral situation as follows : 'Robe son county abounds in good-roads possibilities. Some of these are along roads now established. Others would better be relocated in order to straighten and secure a more easily improved route. In still other places an entirely new road would stimulate undevelop ed territory and be of great ben efit to the traveling public." It may be remarked that the same three alternatives are open to builders in every section of the State. , With lerard to new routes this observer outlines one lying be tween Maxton and Lumberton which offers some unusual fea tures. His idea is to utilize the line of the main drain of Back and Jacob swamps. "The road," he explains, "would be con structed by merely leveling off the spoil bank on one side of the ditch as soon as properly settled. This would cost little compared with the building of any other road of equal merit The course would be direct, almost an air line. There would be an entire elimination of grades, not a suspicion of a hill occurring in 24 miles, and there would be no sharp turns. All the necessary material for a first-class road is immediately available at all points along the line and this material is oi the best wearing quality, thus insuring a low cost of maintenance. Last and greatest of all. this road would have perfect drainage." The Robesonian's correspon dent has outlined some very at tractive features possessed by his proposed new route and there are doubtless many other such swamp roads which wait for the building in other sections of this State. A Variety of Items. Personal and Otherwise. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Mt. Eliam, Nov. 21. Messrs. Tillman Britt and Lawrence Freeman spent Sunday in these parts. Messrs. Orion Martin and Grover Britt spent Satuiday, and; Sunday at Fairmont. Happy Jack" attended the auction sale of horses, mules and buggies at Fairmont Saturday of last week. Mr. C. F. Lawson of Mt. Eliam. the best auctioneer in North Carolina, sold them, j The buggies brought from $1.50 to $39 and the mules and horses from $6.25 to $75. He sold 19 buggies and 7 mules. Mr. S. T. Stor.e left Saturday for Parkton, where he will teach school. One of our boys is suffering on account of a chicken scratch on the hand. He is not a hen pecked husband but a rooster scratched single man. Our farmers are most done harvesting corn and there is plenty of it, too. Some of our young folks at tended the debate and oyster supper at Orrum Friday night and report a nice time. we neard a couple oi our young folks were made happy Sunday by being made one, but I'm afraid to give names as I don't know it to be true; but if it s not l think it will be soon. 1 saw the parties. They did not ook like married people, but like people who wanted to be. ! Mr. J. Z. Stone is on the sick list. Mrs. John Parker continues verv sick, we are sorry to note. Happy Jack is working with The Robesonian at Lumberton and doesn't know when he will write any more Mt. Eliam mat ters, but hopes to have a few woras to say occasionally, as not to write would not be like "Happy Jack." Every deed and act, may it be in social life or business, must neces sarily have a consequence to suit the A C T. A deserving demeanor towards a "majority of the people will have a successful sequel." More so, when a business man can lay claim to the proud boast of having pleased everybody for 16 consecutive years and not only the majority of he people but everybody. There is an old saying, when buying a cow do not look at the cow, but in the bucket. The great success and popularity I am enjoying among all the people show that I always gave satisfaction in my dealings with them. I have everything to wear and at lower prices than anywhere, AH fresh goods, COME TO SEE ME Your Bargain Giver. -Cleanliness And Neatness Are next to Godliness! If vou want to be neatly dressed let" the NATIONAL PRESSING CLUB do your pressing and cleaning. White people's work only; No colored work at all. Pressing rooms over Express Office on 4th street, Lumberton, N. C. SDecial attention given to ladies' coat suits. WILL F. FAULK, M'gr. 10-24-tf. The Met. FOLEY KIDnE CURE. WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder diiease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and 01.00 Bottles, ' Have on hand at all times Fresh Meats, can goods and in fact most anything in the Grocery) line; also have a nice assortment of Earthen Ware. Give us a call A. H. HINDS, READ FOR YOURSELF After trying for many years I hav succeeded in making a preparation that will cure rheumatism. If you are suffering you only have to giv this medicine a trial to be convinc -ed. This preparation has been test ed and will do the work. If you have any rheumatic pain 3 give it . trial. I can supply you. RETURN WILLIAMSON Lumberton. N. G. 2-24tf. Boardman.N. C. 7-lltf, SAM DUNIE 9 15 tf FAIRMONT, N. C. $100 REWARD For the Party or Parties that circu lated the report that we were sold out of Brick. NOT SO! 100,000 Good com mercial Brick on hand for the trade and still making moreMail or phone your wants. :: ACME BRICK CO., Inc. Lumberton, - - N. C 2-28-tf. i THE SMALLEST BUYERS OF CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOOL Telegraphy Penmanship Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping. Special Preparatory Department; mj and Night Sessions; Splendid Equip ment; Rates Reasonable For terms, etc., address; OWEN C. ROGERS, Priuc.F., 8-16-tf Hope Mills. N. C Eyes Examined FREE. SHUR-ON Fac- If your eyesight troubles you call and have them thoroughly tested- We can suit any defec tion in the sight Spectacles and Eve Glasses correctly fitted to your eyes for $1.00 and up. Our work is guaranted by our constant practice of over 20 years as leading and reliable opticians. Washington, Nov. 20. Sum marized in a phrase, "satisfac tory progress all along the Pana ma canal zone," is the gist of the annual report of the Isthmian Canal Commission, made to Secretary of War Dickinson by Col. George W. Goethals, chair man of the commission and chief engineer in charge of the work on the canal, and made public to day by the former. With the wo. k of excavation and of construction North Carolina Furniture tories. Raleigh Cor., 19th Charlotte Observer: That there are in North Caro lina 106 furniture factories with $3,451,140 capital using 11, 332 horsepDwer is the showing made in the forthcoming annual report of State Commissioner of Labor and Printing, M. L. Sha nan. The report shows that tLe 106 factories employ 6,842 workmen with an average daily wage of fos 4b, increase oi live cents per day over the report last year. The lowest daily wage is 94 cents, an increase of three cents. Wages have increased in 68 factories and 29 factories show no incrcaie. One factory decreased wages. There are over lLWi) people deDendent Dr. Vineburg. Masonic Temple, Wilmington. - - - N. C. Artificial Eyes Inserted With out Pain. CHOICE FRENCH AND HOLLAND BULBS Hyacinths, Narcissus, Daffodills, Tulips, Freesias, Easter and Calla Lillies. :: .- :: PLANT EARLY FOR BEST RESULTS All Seasonable Cut Flow ers Furnished at Short Notice. Palms, Ferns and all Hot-Home Plants For Decoration. :: :: :: Rose Bushes, Shruberies, Hedge Plants and Shade Trees in great varities. Ask for price list. Phone, telegraph and mail orders promptly executed by, : J. L O'Quinn & Co. RALEIGH. N. C. Groceries fairly and those with Are treated as courteously here as larger orders. We Supply Eeverybody I with the best at the lowest price consistent with quality. WE INVITE YOU TO TRY THIS GROCERY STORE WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER. Lumberton Pressing Gab On Fourth Street, back of Boylin' Jewelry Store, LUMBERTON, N. C. Cleaning, Pressing and Dye ing Neatly Done. Special Attention Given to Ladies' Dresawear. Work done for while people only. Telephone No. 10. Whether it be large or, small are glad to have your trade. we J. H. WISH ART 10-13-tf PHONE NO. 1. for ehitdrent cae.sure If o opiates FRESH BREAD, CAKE PIES, FRUIT AND FANCY GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Morris Steam Bakery L B. BLACKBURN, Prop. Lumberton, N. C. Phone No. 116. 9-19tf HE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRU5 KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HOHEMAR 1d Clow Blossom acd Boney Bee on Every Bouli. progressing favorably at all points along the line, with health ' directly upon these factories for conomons Deuer tnan ever De- a livinor Fnnr fnnrnriPR nhwrvo the 9-hour system, one 9 J hours and 99 work 10 hours. This re port is the fullest as to this in dustry yet issued by the de partment. The showing is of continued growth in spite of the untoward circumstances under which all manufacturing enter prises have labored all over the country for the past two years. fore, with a centralization and consequent economy in certain parts of the work and with a maximum of laborers since the United Statts began to dig the canal, Colonel Goethal'sreport was decidedly pleasing to Secretary Dickinson. Governor-elect Eugene N. Foss oi Massacnusetts nas issued a statement in which he demands that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge withdraw from the field for re election. In the event of a re fusal Mr. Foss declared by would gojnto every section of the com monwealth in a campaign to de feat the Senator. He declared that Senator Lodge does not rep resent the people, the men and women in the ordinary walks of life. to handle money. ' We confine ourselves to it, give our entire attention to it, and can, consequently, do so cheaper than either the express companies or the post office. Next time you want a money order come to us and buy a BANK MONEYjsORDER. It is the most con venient and best money order, good any where, and we can save you money if yo are sending away any amount above $5.0(k THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS ,BANK Lumberton, N. C. Many school children suffer from constipation, which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham berlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle in their effect, and will cure even chronic con stipation. Sold by Dr. McMillan & Son and Pope Drug Co. K JUST IT CURES I I si BUILDING MATERIAL AND Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring beauty get wonder ful help from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips, chapped hands. Best for burns, scalds, fever sores, cuts, bruises and piles. 25c. at all druggists. Subscribe for the Robesonian. CHICHESTER S PILLS WyjS m THE DIAMOND BRAND. A jCr&Ss. fif Ask. J.our Wruralst for CO) V Ladies! Ask your Drupel IMils in Red and Unlri n.tiii- boxes, sealed -with Rln Pilihnn Take no nl K nn P !nertt. Ask for CIU.CirES.TER S1 DIAMOND It RAND PILLS, for 2& years known as Best. Safest. Alwavs Reliabla SOLD BY DRUfiGISTS EVERYWHERE Lame back comes on suddenly and is extremely painful. It is caused by rheumatism of the muscles. Quck re lief is afforded by applying Chamber lain's Liniment. Sold by Dr. McMillan & Son and Pope Drug Co. Rhennialiiani nd Btocd nitne The cause of rb'-uOiittism i -. uik m-ld id i he blood To rurv rbiunniisxn fbi acid tnusi Ik- exp.-IU'd from tb sysroni Ubf uin:ir istu is no lar?rnn! dltas a"oi n inr.-v ,m micronl remedy KubUinp-vnr oils :iud liotroeois oiay ea.- tb? pain dui tliex will no more cure rheumatism tl;j. paltie w ill change tbe Biter of rotten w.hkJ Cures RhruniallHDi to May Caret!. Si tenet bus discovered a perfect sod iromplete cure called Kheuaiadde Tested lln hundreds of cases. Ii bas effected marvel ous cures Rbeumaclde removes tbe cause Ktts at the Joints from tbe inside, sweeps tbe poisons out of the s.vsiem. tones up tb st crunch, regulates ibe bowels and kioDcy Sold by druggists ui ,'ioc and $1 . in tablet form at 25c aud r.Oc i.y mail B..ohiet free bobbin Chemical Co. Buiiloore. Mo pGets at tbe Joint from (be liiKicle. ILL SUPPLIES Our stock of Sash, Doors, 31inds, Mantels, Tile and Grates, is the largest in this section. We make a spe cialty of building material and can furnish carloads or less at factory prices. Our stock of builders' hardware is second to none in the State. Let us quote you our prices Dm JUST or sale in Lumberton by McMillan & Son. IT CURES J. D. The old, old storv. told times without number, and repeated over and over again for the last 36 years, but it is al-1 ways a welcome story to those in search of health There is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly as Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy. Sold by Dr. McMillan & Son and Pope Drug Co. MILL SUPPLIES This department is in charge of an expert mill supply man, and we are prepared to help you out of your trouble in this line. We carry a large stock of everything, Bel ting, Valves and Fitting3,Hoe Disston, and Atkins Sawsjof any kind, Saw Saw Bits Shanks, etc., American Steel Split Pulleys, Cant Hooks, Cant Hook Handles and repairs. Conveyor Chain, Sprockets, Shafting, Hangers, Boxes, Collars, &c. &c; Cylinder Oil in Bbls, 25cts. gal. Engine Oil in Bbls. 16cts. gal. Call and see us or send your orders. HUSK HARDWARE HOUSE Fayetteville, N. C. 929-11-24