THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. HOPE MILLS NEWS. Operator Slack Falls From Tower and Sustains Severe Injuries A Confederate Veteran Passes Chr istmas Entertainment. '-Correspondence of The Robesonian. Hope Mills, Dec. 20. -Mr. A. "D. McGill, of Seventy-first, and . Rev. Mr. Cockrand, of Parkton, :made addresses in the Presby terian church Sunday evening in 'the interest of the Southern Presbyterian College at Red Springs. Rev. N. M. McDonald, of u'Steadman, has been appointed pastor of the Hope Mills circuit, and on last Sunday morning preached in Hope Mills. He suc ceeds Rev. J. D. Pegram, who has moved to Steadman to suc- ceed Mr. McDonald as pastor there. Christmas entertainments will ' be given at all the churches on next Saturday evening. Mr. B. B. Slack, operator at Natal, a signal station four miles north of Hope Mill?, last Satur day night fell from the tower and broke both arms and was otherwise badly bruised. He was in the act of ascending the tower by the ladder with a lan tern in his hand. When he had nearly reached the top his foot slipped and he fell a distance of 35 feet. He, was taken up by the vestibule train and carried to Fayetteville for treatment in the Highsmith hospital. Mr. :Slack has many friends in Hope Mills who wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. John McCall, a Confed erate veteran of the age of seventy years who has for several years been afflicted with rheumatism, died in his home near this place Monday evening. The funeral will take place to morrow morning at Galatia Pres byterian church, of which he had been a faithful member. He was well thought of by all who knew him. HOPE MILLS NEWS. A Pleasant Christmas New Residence Completed Other Items. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Hope ills, Dec. 27. The peo ple of Hope Mills have had a pleasant Christmas. The weather was very pleasant and the street order was exceptionally fine. All the Christmas entertainments were a success and very much enjoyed by the young people especially. Quite a number of visitors were welcomed in our diomes. This is always a pleasant feature of Christmas occasions. .Among those who were visitors .here during the holidays were Mr. J. Rogers, of Sanford; Mr. .Piatt Deaver, of Bessemer City; Misses Anna and Effie Newton, of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Melton, of Rocky ML; Mr. and Mrs. William Dollar, of Dur ham; Rev. J. M. Gibbs, who is attending school at Richmond College, Richmond, Va.; Mr. Vance Clifton, of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bodenhamer, of Bailey, N. C. Mr. Bodenhamer as depot agent at Bailey, a station on the Norfolk and Southern R. H. Mr. Bodenhamer was formerly of Hope Mills and he has a large circle of friends here who which for him and his bride a long and prosperous life. We are glad to note the im provement of Mr. Charlie Biggs, who has been very sick with spellagra. About two weeks ago Mr. Z. B. Newton's office near his resi dence was broken into at night and his new L. C. Smith & Brothers typewriter was stolen. mi i ine rogue has not been appre hended. The new and beautiful resi dence of Mr. J. T. Bynum has been completed and last week his iamily moved into their new home. Mr. E. I. Olive preached a very interesting sermon in the Baptist church last Sunday. Regular services will be con ducted in Christ church on next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. N. C. Duncan. The writer wishe3 all his friends much happiness and pros perity during the year 19 H. When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days treat ment to cure it, and he best remedy to use is Chamberlain s Cough Remedy It will cure quicker than any other. and also leaves the system in a natura and healthy condition. Sold by Dr. McMillan & Son and Pope Drug Co. a neai thy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. ST. PAUL R. F. D. A Residence Burned Better Mail Service Much Interest in Agriculture Other Items of Interest. Correspondence of The Kocesonian. St. Paul, R. F. D. 1, Dec. 20 We were sorry to hear last Saturday of the misfortune of Mr. J. C. Blanchard, whose res idence, the house belonging to Mr. L. H. Townsend, was burn ed. It was a great loss to both parties. The Lumberton and St. Paul Telephone Co. seems to be put to some inconvenience in getting into St. Paul. We hope the dif ficulty will soon be removed and the line extended, as it would be a great convenience to many of us. Dr. D. D. King expects to go in the near future to Red Springs, where he will engage in dental work with Dr. Gibson of that place. Dr. King also expects to ao dental work in T 1 t St. raui m work at for him connection with his Red Springs. We wish much success. Our rural mail from has been changed to St. Paul about 2 hours later in the clay giving us the advantage leaving, of one more mail train. Mr. YV. J. Johnson is adding much to the beauty and conven ience of his house bv an addi tion. We love to see the marks of progress in our community. From the way the two-horse plowing is going on inthis commu nity it looks as if planting time might be near at hand, but if we consider the weather we are having wre feel sure it is a long way off. There is great interest being taken in agriculture in some parts of our neighborhood, which is very gratifying to us. Mr. J. H. PowTers is moving on to the land of Mrs. Cattie King a saw.-mill which will soon fill the air with humming and whistling peculiar to a saw-mill. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Humphrey went to Lumberton last Monday shopping. Mr. William Bledsoe is mov ing from the McNair place to the j place known as the Campbell place. , South Carolina be Sworn in Governor Will by a Gounty! Magistrate. Newberry, S, C Dispatch, 23d. For the first time since the in auguration of Governor Wade Hampton, and for the second time in the history of the State. a South Carolina Governor will be sworn into office by a county magistrate, when 'Squire T. S. Dunbar of Barnwell administers he oath to Governor-elect Cole L. Blease, probably January 17. General Hampton defied prece - dent because all the members of he Sunreme Crmrr. at. t.hnt timp were Republicans. Personal fnendshin fnr 'SnnirP Dunbar is said to be Mr. Blease's reason for the departure. A hard fight will be made be fore the next General Assembly for the formation of a new coun ty from parts of Guilford, David son and Randolph counties, to be known as Piedmont county and with High Point as the county seat. IF AND HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES Wool on Commission. Write lor price' Utl list mentioning JOHN WHITE & CO. OUR RECORD Since this bank was established, thirteen years ago, it has enjoyed the support of, the people of Lumberton and Robeson county, and so steady has been its growth that it is today not only the first and oldest bank in the county but also the largest in point of Capital and Resources. In placing the bank on this high plane of efficiency, the conserva tism, the business judgment and the ability of its management have played a prominent part. If you have rot already opened an account with this thoroughly sound and modern insti tution, we invite you to do so without delay. WAGRAM NEWS NOTES. Good Corn Yields Auction Sales of Lots Other Notes. Correspondence of The Robesonian. WTagram, Dec. 20 Owing to the sickness of the pastor, Rev. T. G. Wood, there was no preach ing at Spring Hill Baptist church last Sunday. Prof. W. L. McNeill closes his school on Friday the 23rd inst. for the Christmas holidays. The farmers of the community are nearly through gathering their crops and nearly all of the cotton has been marketed. The cotton crop is from one-third to one-fourth short of last year's crop. Owing to the dry weather the tarmers sowed very little small grain the past fall. Mr. J. W. Mcintosh made this year on five aces eightj -five bushels of corn per acre, which is the best so far heard from in this community. j Messrs. Willie Buie, John Mc Kay, Jr., John McLean and Mal com McBryde returned last Sat urday from the Warrenton high school and will spend two weeks at home. Mr. John Rogers, of Hope Mills, was a visitor here last Monday. Messrs. D. M. Camp bell, J. A- and W. B. McQueen, all of Raeford, were among the recent visitors here. Messrs. A. Shaw of Maxton and M. Monroe and D. L. Mc Lauchlin of this community went up the sand hills one day last week on a drive for deer, and Make Monroe landed a large buck. Mrs. J. A. McKinnon of Max ton visited her mother, Mrs. Ef fie McLauchlin, of this commu nity, last Monday. a new career shop with up-to-date furniture has been fitted up in the rear end of the drug store, and is occupied by Mr. W. P. Scholl of Laurinburg. The two auction sales on Fri day and Monday were largely at tended and lots sold high. One business lot sold for $600. Mr. John F. McNair of Laur inburg was here last Monday land invested in several lots. Several ladies graced the auc tion sales with their presence and added dignity to the occa sion. Mr. E. H. Gibson, the popular editor of the Laurinburg Ex change, was one of the visitors here last Monday. Mr. J. W. Carter of Maxton was a recent visitor here. Dr. Frederick A. Cook came back to New York on the 22d apparently as calm and undis turbed as if there, had never been any North Pole controversy. He says he was in the United Mates a monin ago out ne was then traveling incognito. H s , enemies tried to make it appear ; tnat Cook was shunned on the Ship that brought him in. while ! niS inends as heatedly insist that ne was not. Enraged because a steak he had ordered in a restaurant in St. Louis, Mo., was not served promptly, John Bennett, aged 18 years, a newsboy, Christmas eve drew a revolver, and killed James Costas, an employe of the restau rant. Bennett then excused himself to the other diners for the disturbance and walked out He was arrested two blocks from the restaurant. HIDES this ad. r-i A Bit of Forgotten History. Statesville Landmark. It is difficult to keep history straight. When President Taft appointed Associate Justice White Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court about all the newspapers in the country stated that it was the first time an As sociate Justice of the Court had been promoted to Chief Justice. Judge Nott, former Chief Justice of the Court of Claims. Doints out, however, that President Washington appointed Associ ate Justice Cushing Chief Jus tice, and he records this story of Cushing's appointment: It is related that on the day when this occurred there was a large dinner party at the Presi dent's, and the new Chief Jus tice was one of the guests, though ignorant of his appointment. On entering the room Washington, from the head -of the table, di recting his look to him, said in an emphatic tone, "The Chief Justice ot the United States will please take his seat on my right," and that the judge was much affected at the announce ment. His commission as Chief Justice was made out and sent to him. He held it for about a week, and then determined, on the ground of ill-health, to resign. Fire destroyed a block in the manufacturing district of Cin cinnati, Ohio, on the 20th. Three men lost their lives and the pro perty loss was $2,000,000, with $1,400,000 insurance. Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as executor of the estate of John McQueen, de ceased, late of Robeson county, N. C-, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to me on or before the 21st day of November, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment? This 18th day of Nov., l9lo. N. J. McRimmom, Rowland, N. C. R, F. D. 3. 11-21-6 Mon. WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright' s Dis ease or Diabetes. There ii nothing gained by delay. 50c. and 01.00 Bottle. ftlFUtl SUBSTITUTES. The Market. Have on hand at all times Fresh Meats, can goods and in fact most anything in the Grocery line; also have a nice assortment of Earthen Ware. . Give us a call A. H. HINDS, Lumberton. N. a 2-24tf . I FRESH BREAD, CAKE PIES, FRUIT AND FANCY GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Morris Steam Bakery L. B. BLACKBURN, Prop. Lumberton, N. C. Phone No. 116. 9-19tf Wants to Help Some One. For thirty years J. F. Boyer. of Fer tile, Mo., needed help and couldn't find it. That's why he wants to help some one now, buttering so long himself he feels for all distress from Backache, Nervousness. Loss of Appetite, Lassi tude and Kidney disorders. He shows that liilectnc Bitters work wonders for such troubles. "Five bottles," he writes, "wholly cured me and now I am well and hearty." It's also posi tively guaranteed for Liver Tr uble. Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders, Female Complaints and Malaria. Try them. 50c at all Druggists. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's ointment. It cured me permanently." Hon. John R. Gar rett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. FILETS One of Wisconsin's Mothers h m Mrs. Alvina Plamann. l&3& x u T F any one really v babv who would h wanted to hnd out e naturally ask? Some one who never used Peruna? Soma one who is prejudiced against Peruna? Some one actuated by selfish motive Who is opposing Peruua for the sake of the notoriety? Would any sane person who really wanted to know about Peruna ask any of these people? Of course not. Who would they ask? They would ask mothers who have raised babies and used Peruna for their babies times without nnmber. They would ask the parents who lovo their families, and know more about Peruna than all the professional writers in the world. Above we give the portrait and testimonial of one of the mothers who ha3 used Peruna, and who has raised healthy and happy babies. We have many more such mothers in every state in the Union. These mothers give their testimonials en tirely unsolicited, without pay or expectation of pay. Their only desire ii ta point out to other mothers a Useful aad xeliablo family medicine. C. M. FULLER & SON SELL AND GUARANTEE Buggies, Slurries, "Bikes," Runabouts, Phaetons,Stan- hopes, Etc. Made by Oxford Buggy Co. Tyson & Jones Buggy Co. PRICES ATTRACTIVE. C. ML FULLER & SON LUMBERTON, N. C. MULES! Car extra fine MULES received December 3rd from St. Louis Mo. Can sell you a pair or 2 car loads. Come and see me Respectfully, M. FULLER. LUMBERTON, N. C. c. SHINGLES SHINGLES! We have put in a Shingle Machine. Will make your shingles for a part or for so much per thousand. Cut your blocks 18-in. long Bring them to us We will do the rest Make them the size of 4xxl8. CALL AND SEE US. 10-17-tf S LUMBERTON NOVELTY WORKS INC., Who Always Keeps Pe-ru-na in the House "I am now able to do ray house work again, and have a good appe tite. 1 have used thirteen bottles of Teruna and on of Manalia. My husband and children are also in t;ood health. We always keep Peruna in the house. I thank you a thousand times for your advice." Mrs. Alvina Plamann, 1914 Walnut St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. whether or not Feruna is cood for th Cleanliness And Neatness Are next to Godliness! If you want to be neatly dressed let the NATIONAL PRESSING CLUB do your pressing and cleaning. White people's work only. No colored work at all. Pressing rooms over Express Office on 4th street, Lumberton, N. C. Special attention given to ladies' coat suits. WILL F. FAULK, M'gr. Ph)neNo. 155. 10-24-tf. The greatest danger from influenza is of its resulting in pneumonia. Thi3 can be obviated by using Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy, as it not only cures influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneu monia. Sold by Dr. McMillan & Son and Pope Drug Company.

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