THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN Women s Secrets it one man in the United State who has perhaps heard women's secrets than any other man or woman in tha , ,,,,, i j These secrets are not secrets of guilt or shame, but tto secrets of suffering, and they have been conhded to Dr. 3L V. Pierce in the hope and expectation ot advice and help. Tst few of these women have been disappointed in their ex gwecariona is proved by the fact that ninety-eight per cent, of mil women treated by Dr. Pierce have been absolutely and atjtngetiier cured. Such record would be remarkable if tha aae treated were numbered by hundreds only. But when Yaa record applies to the treatment of more than half-a- mil- H'rm women, in a practice of over 40 years, it is phenomenal, .-mmti entitle. Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, as the first of ssti im tt in the treatment of women's diseases. M7 sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without sre. Al! replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without fruiting or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear as with oarf 4c. to World's Dispensary Medical Association- Dr. R. V. Pierce, Prest., JiafaU, N. Y. R. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION SUIaUos WoaK Women Strouc Oioli. Women Well, Ike I ltppocratic Oath That the Doctors Take ''ittmarye Yes-Dispatch. Ttt?zz are several famcus an eierg. .asths. of which the best ktiiiva are the Athenian oath, takec fov young citizens, and the HttCjracratic oath, taken by physi ..teas entering the profession Tfae biter oath was administered to (fee graduates at the eighty sixU'i annual commencement of the J?fferson Medical College, io PirwiadeiDhia. This was the tirst time it has been administer .tj 'r'ne history of the college. One hundred and seventeen men rrTe.d degrees and, standing, .b.Tft their heads in assent to t. oath, which is: Tf3u do solemnly swear, each rruo Jby whatever he holds most iTlifct you will be loyal to the precession of medicine and just atmf generous to its members. 'Qrt you will lead your lives iurjf xmctice your art in upright rvmai .nd honor. STATE NEWS Congressman Godwin under went an operation for tonsilitis at a hospital in Washington a few days ago. The Corporation Commission made an order Thursday for the Seaboard Air Line and the South ern Railway companies to erect a union passenger station at Rutherford ton. At Spencer Thursday night Mrs. C. A. Rozzell, during the absence of her husband at a lodge meeting, was knocked into insensibility by an unknown white man and the house was robbed. The 15th annual convention of the North Carolina Bankers As sociation closed at Kanuga Lake riday night. Mr. J. C. Brass well, of the Planters Bank of Rocky Mount, was elected presi dent for the ensuing year. The annual convention of the North Carolina Medical Society, held in Charlotte GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. Approximately 20,000,000 gal lons of liquor are shipped by ex press annually principally from mail order houses to consumers in prohibition territory, accord- ing to testimony in an inquiry conauctea at Washington .Friday oy tne mter-btate Commerce Commission into proposed changes in express classifications which resulted in an advance of rates on packages containing liquors. The United State circuit court for the district of Delaware on the 21st handed down a decision declaring that the alleged powder trust which is dominated by the E. I. Dupont de Nemours Com pany is a combination in restraint of inter-State commerce in powder and other explosives in violation of Section 1 of the Sher man anti-trust law: that it at tempted to monopolize and has monopolized a part of such com merce in violation of Section 2 of the same law; and decreeing that the combination shall be en joined from continuing this viola tion and that it shall be dis solved. in I ho ilAtra lior wrsr r l, in v. nacsoever nouse you dosed Thursday. Dr. A. A. Kent a Tr J' -V"Tt, l of Lenoir was elected president ol the sick to the utmost of lfnr Th0 ni fka jour-,npXt meetinc will be hplH in Hendersonville. Wo? power, you holding -if auoof from wrong, from cor m-t?tt, ircrr the tempting of i ixert to vice. Out you will exercise your art Muieif for the cure of your 3kiats. and will give no drug, perfLcrcriit operation for a crimi nal purpose, even ifsalicited; far a-jgest it "Slitt whatsoever vou shall see or hear of the lives of men which s art tling to be spoken, you vw&'tke.p inviolably secret. iheee livings do you swear? rach man bow his head in v&qti ofrvoq u iescence. Xif6now,.f you shall be true totfeit, your oath, may prosperity aurti potic ra-'K; ever jours; ttfW;' posft., if you shall prove 'oaraeives forsworn. A Wie Cow to Cool Turn on Water Herself Off. ijiM.ri Zr News and Observer. fsii not .necessary to manu Vaefc. news, since truth is al vw in the news line stranger oral: rsJre interefting than fakes nr fiction. Rev. H. M. Blair, of lies CTTty. -editor of the North sCLwE&irta Christian Advocate, swmt time ago felt that his water M?nt al his residence were too fof3&. ..s.tid had a meter put in. He jId out two bills before he iT-wissftd that it was not long be ftmeke would have to do with jt 5ter or go bankrupt. He taocsara extremely careful in r.its:htcg for a leak. He soon diawsrered that each morning in i&iRg t-3 his barnyard hid faucet ziwee was turned on and water m pouring out in puddlts. He thought to find the "enemy"; so JxsL eight he sat up with gun in hanrf, ready to shoot. To his surprise, he caught his cow. She iiek.bece.tely went to the water erfc, turned it on, laid down di9ut ten feet off, where the puddle was formed, got herself out and cooled off, and walked awa& satisfied, leaving the water mffjt?Gg. She has a muzzle on iter today, but Mr. Biair could oat help from letting the fact leakout; hence this paragraph, wtttca may make some other people wise as to a mysterious waste ot water. At a meeting of the State directors of the Boys' Corn Clubs of the South in Washington on the 23d the plan was approved for a demonstration in honor of the victors of the soil at the next annual convention of the South ern Commercial Congress. The ten boys in each State making the highest yield of corn are to be given a trip to the next con vention. V. M. Dorsett vs Atlantic Coast Line Railway for ejecting him from passenger train in Manchester, conductor refusing to accept mileage book as fare and demanding excess fare was tried in Lee county Superior Court last week. Mr. Dorsett claimed he had asked for ticket Red Springs to Siler City when he only received one to Fayette ville at which place he was not given time between trains toj purchase ticket. Jury rendered a verdict for $1,250, which was reduced to $1,000 by Judge Al len. The railroad's attorney gave notice of an appeal after a mo tion for new trial was denied. The House of Congress on the 21st by a vote of 172 to 112. practically a strict party vote, refused to concur in the Bristow amendment adopted by the Senate to the House resolution providing for the direct election of Senators. The Bristow amend ment leaves with Congress the power to regulate the time and manner of holding these elec tions, while the resolution passed by the House during the early days of the present session would change the constitution so that "the times, places and manner of holding elections for Senator?, shall be as prescribed in each State by the Legislature there of." ri . .a fourteen secretaries ot as many retail lumber dealers' as sociations indicted by a special Federal grand jury at Chicago on the 23d for alleged violation of the Sherman law, constituted a new kind of "trust." according to the United States attorneys, who conducted the investigation. The retail lumber dealers, it was admitted at the close of the in vestigation, had no incorpora tion, no capital stock and did not try to control prices and prevent competition among themselves instead they had what the at torneys say was a "trust of power, and sought to provide that all lumber be sold to con sumers only through retail dealers and not directly by whole salers or manufacturers. To Exploit the South. Washington, June 23. Plans have been formulated to con duct an agricultural tram through the sixteen States com prised in the territory of the Southern Commercial Congress. according to an annoucement made today by Dr. Clarence J. Owens, commissioner of the bureau of agriculture of the congress. The railroads of the South and the United States Department ot Agriculture will co-operate in the effort. It is sought by this enterprise to interpret the agn cultural resources of the South ern btates through papers pre pared by experts and to exploit the pre-eminence of the section in the number of growing hours. in average rainfall per year and in the character and variety of soils. An effort will also be made to show the relation of education to the agricultural life of the South and to define the attitude of the South toward immigration. The woman of today who has trood health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes and a lovely complexion, the result of correct livinjr and rood dicestion. wins the admiration of the world, if your digestion is faulty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it. For sale by all dealers. .Railroad Rumors. ie Ccr. "AilminEton Star. Seere is a rumor afloat that 'J Mils road, that was design r4'io toClarkton, will become tut I nk ;n a great sjstem and ' 3s extended to South port. Dass THIS IS CERTAIN The Proof That Lumberton Readers Cannot Deny. What could furnish stronger evidence of the efficiency of any remedy than the test of time? Thousands of people testify that Doan s Kidney Pills cure per manently. Home endorsement snould prove undoubtedly the merit of this remedy. Years ago your friends and neighbors testified to the relief they had derived from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. They now confirm their testimonials. They say time has completed the test. John F. Spence, carriage worker. Laurinburg, N. C, says: "I can reccomend Doan's Kidney Pills just as highly now as I did three years ago, after they rid my system of kidney trouble. My cure has been permanent. For two years I suffered from kidney complaint and the passage of the kidney secretions was painful and too frequent. My back wa3 so lame and sore that I could hardly work and there was a constant pain in my loins that prevented me from getting my rest at night. A friend who had taken Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and ex pectoration easy by giving Chamber- ain's Cough Remedv. It has been used in many epidemics of this disease with perfect success. For sale by all dealers. The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts The State's Industrial College . Four year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical En gineering; in Industrial Chemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art.' One-year course in Agriculture. These courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for admission are held at all county seats on July 13. For Catalog address THE REGISTRAR, 6-22-6f West Raleigh. N. C. ing: nvougn wmteviiie. It is Doan's Kidney Pills told me to ziefltcrted ttiat the road will cross , try them and I began their use. tte -feaboRti. at another point' They improved my condition so tteaetrferl and several inde- greatly that I can now do a big -a. am f aUa,. 1, . ..'Ill . . a 1 i a , . . 0 i. ,iwt A .uue connectea aay s work without any ill .tw piacea ti.d- one manage- effect. 1 am well and feel rrom the present out-ia diffprpnt norarm " rtraii some iouror like live different Haes ol railway will making fr Southport before many fjuntfae. The atmosphere around Wsiteville ifi full of railroad t or sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. North Carolina, Robeson county. In the Superior Court, before the Clerk A. R. McEachern. administrator of A. C. Willoughby, vs. D. J. Willoughby. Sidney E. Willough by, Richard Willoughby and others, heirs at law of A. C. Willoughby, deceased. To Sidney E. Willoughly, D. J. Wil loughby and Richard Willoughby: You and each of you will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Robeson county by the plaintiff for the purpose ot final settlement of his accounts as administrator upon the estate of A. C. Willoughby, deceased, in which said estate you have an inter est and for the purpose of determining what share of said estate each of the defendants is entitled to receive ;and said defendants will further take notice that they are re juired to be and appear be fore the undersigned at my office in Lumberton. N. C. and in the court house therein on the 12th day of July. 1911. to answer or demur to the peti tion to be filed in this cause. And you are further notified that ifyou-fail to appear and file answer or demurer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for ths relief demanded in the petition. Witness my hand this 12th day of June, 1911. - C. B. Skipper, Clerk Superior Court. Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor, Attor neys for plaintiff. 6-15-4 thurs CHICHESTER S PILLS Mlt Ask year Urmul.l far " w IMaMad Br4J III la. H4 and )I4 xruilkX . Mid with Blua Ribboa. DIAMOND IIRANB FILL, far Trt kaxma w Bert. Safart. Ahm KaMaMa SOLO BYDRliQGISTS EVERYWHERE HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM tt la Ad Iaternal Dlaeaae And B qalrea Aa Internal Remedy. The cause of rheumatism and kindred diseases is an excess of uric acid in the blood. To cure this terrible disease this acid must be expelled and the system so reeulated that no more acid will be formed In excessive quantities. Rheuma I'.sm is an internal disease and requires an internal remedy. RUBBING with Oils and Liniments WILL NOT CURE, affords only temporary relief at best, causes you to delay the proper treat ment, and allows the malady to get a tirmor hold on you. Liniments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure Ul.t'uinatUm than paint will change tha floor of rotten wood. Science has at last discovered a per fect and complete cure, which is called P.hcumaclde. Tested in hundreds of cases, it has effected the most marvelous cures; we believe it will cure you. Rheumacide ts at the joints from the Inside, sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up :iie stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you well all over. Rheumacide Ftrikes the root of tha dis ease and removes its cause. This splen 1U1 remedy Is sold by druggists and dealers generally at 50c. and $1 a bottle. In Tablet form at 25c. and 50c. a package. Write to Bobbin Chemical Co., Balti more, Md. Booklet free. Tablets sent y mail. For sale in Lumberton by J. D. McMillan & Son. The Reason Why ti.VnniinHim.iiii-l.niii f 11 an t- mm The reason why our Glasses give relief to the eyes is because we know where and how to place them. It's our business. Make it your business to see us. Spectacles and Eye Glasses correctly fitted to your eyes for $1.00 and Up. Eyes Examined Free Dr. Vineburg, Masonic Temple, Wilmington, - - North Carolina We Knock Ladies' and Gent's Garments Cleaned and Dyed in a superior manner. Send us your garments and have them cleaned CLEAN. Lumberton Pressing Club Telephone No. 10. Packages called for and delivered. Our guarantee your satisfaction. Also agent for the Charlotte Steam Laundry. a4 J5L g - to- r i ' ; - 4 Between Safety and Danger rue nun secures the protection ol FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa per a man has is a policy in a good com pany. We represent some of the best companies in existence. They pay promptly and honorably all losses incur, red. Some day yon may be sorry yon didn't let ns write a policy U-day. Q. T. WILLIAMS. Buggies We make a specialty of the Famous Tyson & Jones Buggies and we always have from 50 to 75 stylish vehicles in stock and can sell you anything from a fine carriage and harness to a farm wagon. You cannot duplicate our stock of fine vehicles in this part ,of the country. C. M. Fuller & Son Lumberton, N. C. J.'W. Murchison & Co. Importers and Jobbers ot Hardware,TinwareAgriculturaI Implements, Stoves, Ranges, Etc, Etc., Write lor Prices. 109 and 111 North Front Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. The LaFayette Mutual life Insurance Co. Have you a policy in the LaFayette Mutual Life Insurance Company on that little boy of yours? It will be better for him than a bank ac count, as it will teach him to save up his money and at the same time, if he should happen to die, the full face of the policy would be paid. We have issued 1,100 policies and if you have not one, see that you write to us, or see one of our agents and examine the policy. LaFayette Mutual Life Insurance Company, E. E. PAGE, Secretary and Treasurer. 6-15-tf A tat Ctace! We have just closed a contract for the sale of a 30-acre tract of land within less than one mile from the corporate limits of the town nf Lumberton, and the sale must be made in the next few days. This is a nice, size tract of land in easy reach of town and there is hardly another such proposition within two or three miles of town. 16 Acres ARE CLEARED, and in a food state of cultivation. We have land to sell by the hundreds of acres, but the above is an unusal bargain. Opportunities like this do not lait always, so please write, if interested, at once to THE A. I J. W. COMPANY Lumberton, N. C. The Marlet. Have on hand at all times Fresh Meats, can goods and in fact most anything in the Grocery line; also have a nice assortment of Earthen Ware. Give us a call . A. H. HINDS, Lumberton. N. C. 2-24tf. FOLEY.KIDNEY.PILLS rOaaMCWMATtSM KIDMCYS AMQ LAS3CH Cleanliness And Neatness Are next to Godliness! If you want to be neatly dressed let the NATIONAL PRESSING CLUB do your pressing and cleaning. White people's work only. r- No colored work at. all. Pressing rooms over Express Office on 4th street, Lumberton, N. C. Special attention given to ladies' coat suits. WILL F. FAULK, M'gr. Phone No. 155. 10-24-tf.