a THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBE 50NIAN. WH he 5 The Real, Genuine and Original Bargain Givers Great Mid-Summer II Ji ICd Sale This means more to those who know and appreciate the value of a dollar than any money saving event in our mercantile history. Save money, this is our advice. The first rung of "for tune's ladder" consists of hard work; all other rungs of systematic saving. Presuming you are on the first rung, we suggest that if you are not already trading with us, you commence to day. Our money saving prices will help you climb fortunes ladder faster than any other mer cantile firm in Eastern North Carolina. We are getting ready, in fact are ready today, for our Great Mid-Summer Distribution of Bargains. Our customers are even now securing values that are almost unprecedented. We have no old merchandise to offer. We turn stocks rapidly and what we place before you are the latest products from the mills. There are innumerable bargains never hinted at in the newspapers, but they blossom all over our stores in each and every depart ment, and those who shop with alert eyes obtain many of the choice prizes Low prices here don't mean cheap goods, we use the term "low price" in the comparative sense only, everything must be to your satisfaction and our Mid-Summer Bargain Sale will prove to you that we are the Original, Real Genuine Bargain Givers. We bid each and all a hearty welcome, and offer a ;hundred thousand dollars worth of goods for your inspection. 'lYard Goods. 2000 Hsxds Sunshine Silk, very latest xsolorings, new from the mills, worth 50c yard, our mid-summer sale price only 19c the yard. Talk about Silks, we are the people to see. We have all the new things sn great profusion. 3000 yards finest Satin stripe STiantel Cloth, sold by some at 25 to 35c, Mid-summer sale price 19c. 2000 yards Swoisette, all the new shades. "Sells everywhere for more, only l?c. voOQO yards fine India Linon, 40 inches ice 13c quality 10a Fine genuine Linen for skirts, some may ask you 50c, our mid-summer sale price 23c. 1000 yards Linonette, white, for skirts, 19 or 20c value, mid-summer sale 12c. 1000 yards 15 to 18c Galatea Cloth for skirts, wash suits, c.,' mid-summer sale at If) to 12ic. 10,000 yards Calicoes, some may ask you 7c and it will not be high, but rti high 'tvnen s ou can get it from us at 5c the yard. Several ecses new fall patterns to arrive in a few days. 5000 yards Gingham in fancy and staple checks, just -what you want for a cheap dress, mid summer sale Scjard. 200i) yards fm 40-inch Victoria Lawn, worth 15 to 18c, mid-summer sale 10c ' :25000 yard3 Laces and Embroidery. No suc'n assortment, variety and well selected stock in this part of the country. Em wmdery in all widths. 45-inch flouncing, worth jp to $1.25 a yard, mid-summer sale BJfire 49c. Corset cover widths in daint' - affets. Great line at 5 to iOc. Unap V readable values, new, just from the im porters. We carry both the Swiss and Muslin weights. See then before bxyi&if s.nd save money. .House Furnishing. "Several hundred pa?rs line !ace curtams, c pan jp, worth doable in almost every iRstant. 100 dozen Lraen Roller Shsies all compl-ete with fixtures, worth 35 to 40e, all colors at 23c. Hne Mercerized Table Damask worth 75c, mid-summer sate price " Best quality Table Oil Cloth 19c. 150 pieces Mosquieto Netting 59c for full piece, all colors. Ladies' Goods. Remember the If we don't save with us. Laces and Embroideries, you money don't trade 50 Coat Suits made of wash goods, in all colers, linen, galatea and other well known fabrics, all will be sold at one price, no dif ference. They sold up to $5.60, but you can take choice, and get your size at our mid-summer sale for only $1.49. Ladies' summer coats only 89c. Ladies White Skirts 49c up Black Voile Skirts worth $6. 50 for $4 89. About 200 Ladies' newest designs in Shirt Waist Lawns, Dimities, fancy and self trimmed, also the new Dutch neck ef fect, Longeries with lace trimmings, worth up to $1, mid-summer sale price 49c. About 100 of the 31.25 for 79c. quality worth up to The finest grade in the new fancy fronts, all over embroidery, Kimona sleeves, &c, worth $1.50 for 98c. Ladies' and Children's Underwear. Large stock of Skirts in white Muslin, ribbon and embroidery trimmed, also lace and Insertings. Goods worth up to $1.50 for 79c. Cheaper skirts 49c, but the best you ever aw for the money. Corset covers in lace, all over embroid ery &c. Children's Muslin Underwear 10c up. 50 doz Ladies' Gauze Vest and pantlets. A big Line of all Taffeta Silk Drop skirt3 troods worth $4.50 for $2.98. Ladies finest black Messalin Drop skirts worth ?5, mid-summer sale price $3.49. for real bargains see us. 100 dozen Towels a special for mid-summer money saving, 10c. Shantung China Silks sold by some at 50 to 75c, mid-summer sale price 25c yard. All new goods, see them. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery. If you want Hosiery, just say nothing but come right on, Ladies Fine Silk hose, some may ask you One Dollar a pair, but come to the real Bargain givers and 49c will secure your size and no limit to the quantity. Ladies full gauze the "Buster Brown" brand none better, also the best 10c gauze hosery you have seen. Childrens, all sizes, 5c up. Small Wares of all kinds, collars, pins, and newest things in "belts, belt pins, and the never-break-combs, made of cotton fibre, if you can break one, another free of charge. You can saw wood with them, if you don't think so we will show you how. The finest line of Corsets in town. Our special brands, the "American Lady" and Madam Thompsons Health. We advise the purchase of the American Lady, will fill "special orders" from factory. If not on hand, perhaps you have a catalogue if not let us give you one. Shoe Department. Every one knows it's a hard task to in telligently describe a Twenty Thousand dollar stock of Shoes. We simply have more shoes than any two shoe stores in this part of the State, if you don't think so, we invite you to come and see, all the new things will be found here. Velvet Sandals one and two strap pumps, OOz calf, patent leathers, Vici kids, VelourCalf, Blacks and Tans our Special the Celebrated "May Manton" brand. We can suit every one. male and female. Prices- will suit you and be lower than elsewhere or you need not buy. Childs Wash Suits, with plain and sailor collars, white and Fancy, Prices mid summer sale, 49 to 1.19. Childs Rompers and Play Suits, the kind . that keeps the mothers in good humor when the little one comes in with dirty face and soiled clothes, why get mad, these Play Suits will not fade and good clean dirt is healthy, 49c. Parasols. The greatest line of these goods you ever saw. a big line of Samples, no two of a kind, finest quality. Some worth up to $5.00 for $2.39, also big stock for Misses and Children 9c up. All the new handles, plain wood, Oxodized, ebonised etc. Gents Furnishings. We can say without fear of truthful con tradiction, that we handle more shirts and underwear than almost all other stores in Robeson county. A Thousand Dozen Shirts in a single season. Why? Because we give both, the Value and the price. Men and Boys Good work Shirts 19c up. Men and Boys Fancy Negligees 19c up. Men Fine Soft collar shirts in great variety 39 and 49c, worth great deal more. The very best Dollar Shirts, and very newest patterns for 79c. ' Slip Easy collars, best 5 ply all linen worth at the factory $1.10 dozen ous price 10c each. 300 Dozen Men's Summer Underwear All the weaves, Balbriggans 19 cents a garment up. Fancy and silk mixed weaves, worth up to $1.00, mid-summer sale price 39 cents each. Muslin Underwear, long and short sleeves, long and short pants re tail at wholesale prices. Men's 25 cent Neckwear, all silk, just received from the factory only 10 cents each. Latest styles value up to 50 cents for 19 cents. Men's Silk Sox, all colors 25 cents. Men's Gauze Sox 10 cents. Hat Department. We are in the Hat business, and if you want style and value we can save you about 50c on every dollar you spend. Straw Hats 9c up Ftlt Hats 10c up. The ceiebrated John B. Stetson Hats in soft and stiff at lower price than that asked by the factory. Our mid-summer sale means to you the greatest money saver in Lumberton Mer cantile History. 1000 pairs Mens' Pants, value up to $2.50 for 98c. Everything else in the line, simply cut in pieces. Grocery Department We make you Mid-Summer Sale prices on Groceries; we sell you what you need at wholesale prices, come and see. 100 cases Octogan Soap; 100 cases Rough Rider Baking Powders; 100 cases Star Lye; 50 cases Mendleson Lye; 50 cases Horsfords Baking Powders; 25 cases Syrup to retail at 10c. a Can; 25 caies Soda Crystal Soap; 50 cases Sardines; 25 cases Salmon; 50 case Washing Powders; 200 barrels Finest Flour; 5,000 pounds Tobacco, the most popular brands, 25r. a pound. REMEMBER we are the largest distributors of real bargains in this part of the State. Our business has been built upon the bargain basis, we know a bargain wind know how to buy it. In less than five years, our business has grown from the little Two by Four place to the greatest merchantile emporium of matchless values in a s'.ern North Carolina. How did we do it? We did not do it, the public did it, by showing by their patronage, their appreciation of our efforts to save them money. Our present Mid-Summer Bargian Sale will be the Event of the year. If you want to continue saving money, see us, we will help you. WHITE COUGH, 1 Original and Greatest Bargain Givers in North Carolina Lumberton, Fairmont, Maxton, N. C. A

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