THE ROBESONIAN. tTBUSHZD MONDAYS AND TBUBSDAT8. MONDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1911 PERSONAL ! Cotton today. 7i cents. -OCAL RAILROAD SCHED ULE. Arrival mm Departure ! Tralsa at Lambert. SEABOARD AIR LINE, frain No. 45, west-bound Lti 7.18 a. m. Pnln No.39, west-bound Lts 5 47 p. m. Er&in No. 40, east-bound Lti. 9.68 a. m. Train 0.44, east-bound Ltb. 9.44 p.m. riGINlA& CAROLINA SOtiTHERN FROM HOPS MILLS. (Daily except Sunday) Train No. 79, arrives S.60 a. m tVain Ne. 64. leaves 10.00 a. m Train No. 66. arrives 6.15 p. m Train No. 78, leaves 8.35 p. m ELIZAB ETHTOWN BRANCH . Between St Paul and Elizabeth town t Mixed Trains, daily except Sunday.) train No. 7. leaves St. Paul 9:15 p. m. (Vain No. 7, Iv. Tar Heel 10:05 p. m. train No. 7, leaves Dublin 16:40 p. m train No. 7, ar. Eli'b'tht'n 11:00 p. m. Train No. 8, arrives St Paul 8:15 a. m. frain No. 8, lv. Tar Heel 6:50 a. m, Train No 8, leaves Dublin 6:10 a. m. Frain No. 8, lv. Eli'b'tht'wn 6:30 a. m. RALEIGH & CHARLESTON FROM MARION, 8. C. frain No. I, leaves 9.55 a. m. ffrain No. 2. arrives 5.40 p m. BUSINESS BUILDERS For Sale Good gentle pony with baggy and harness. Apply to Sheriff E. C. McNeill. 12-18 2t Christmas Goods at Redmond's 25 barrels fancy tinted Malaga Grapes, 25 barrels fancy Helect N Y. state apples, 40 boxes fancy South Peace River Oranges, 800 extra large Bari o Cocoanuts, 25 boxes fancy Chester Raisins, 3,000 pounds fancy select New Nuts, all kinds; 100 baskets Con eord and Catawba Grapes, 3 000 pounds fancy Christmas Candies, all varieties; fancy large Figs, Dates and Prunes. Plenty fat Norfolk Oysters, Celery and Cranberries w Two stores..! Biggs P , '.srold stand Phone 113. C. B. Redmond. 12-18-2t Fire Work Headquarters Red monds two stores, next door to J. T, Biggs Co. and B. Godwin's old stand. Main st . 4500 lbs. just un loaded. All sizes, shapes and designs Roman andles, bky Kockets. Can- on Crackers. I Torpedoes, Balloons, Repeating Pistols, Fancy Imported Fire Works. Call at either store on phone No. 113. 13-18 2t. C. B Redmond. Wanted Second-hand roller-top desk Must be in good condition. Address box 732, Lumberton, N. C. 12-14-2t Far Sale Four homes, 8-room dwel lings. 750 acres of fine farming lands Phone line, daily mail, schools and churches and fences. Four miles from A & Y R R. CP. Parker, Parkers fcarg, N. C. 12-ll-3t Far Sale Youne Jersey milch cow A. McLean, Lum- Apply to Mrs. berton. N. 11-30 tf Far Meui 6-room residence corner Peachtree and Eight streets, belong ing to the estate of the late Sheriff F. J. Floyd. Apply to R. T. Allen 12-4-tf For Rent Several farms as a whole r in part One 12 horse farm, one t-horse, two 2-horse two 1-horse farms. Geo. B. McLeod, Lumberton, N. C. 12-4-tf. Sell your seed cotton and cotton seed to K. M. Biggs,- Lumberton, N. C. 11-30 6t Wanted All kinds of furs. Will pay highest market price. Blacker Bros., l umberton, N. C. 11 23-tf Wanted Your orders promptly exe cuted for cut flowers on all occasions. Special prices on funeral occasions. Lumberton Drug Co. 11-16 Wanted You to know that we give your money back when you are cis -i . i r T . 1 ! m .1 l Biiaiieu win iwne weny lor cnappea kands and lips and all roughness of the skin. Lumberton Drug Com pany. 11-16-tf Far Sale Six room Cedar Street. W. J house and lot on Prevatt. 7-17tf Take Tour cotton and cotton seed to Jno. T. Biggs Co. and get top of the market 9-14 Wanted -To sell cheap, about hall price, a scholarship in the Charlotte Auto School. Address or apply to J " care Robesonian 9-4 tf Far Sale A good business in the town of Lumberton. Only a few hundred dollars necessary to make deal. Fine opportunity Apply at once to the A. K. J. W. Co., Lumberton, N. C. 8-28 15 hp. Llddell-Thompklns Engine and 20 hp. return tubular boiler for sale. Just right for small ginnery. A bargain for quick sale. Apply to E. F. Townsend, Pembroke, N. C. 7-31-tf rnr him I iin I .iimnrrnn Ktinriat Church house and lot One block from court house. Apply to Stephen Mclntyre. 6-15-tf ited Men and boyB to take thirty days practical course in our machine shops. Learn the automobile business and accept good positions. Three hundred graduates placed in positions the last twelve months. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. 9 4-tf Wanted Everybody to know that Wosdlawn dairy is the place to get .tanitary milk. Delivery wagon on fatreet twice a day. 4-21tf Mr. I- J. Williams, of Rex, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dent, of Ro zier, were in town Saturday. Mr. J. W. Barker, of Howells ville, was in town Saturday. Mr. A. A. Pedneau is spending today in Hope Mills on business. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Brisson, of Tolaravilie. are in town today. Mr. Alva Parker, of route 2 from Fairmont, is in town today. Mr. Jessie Scott, of Elrod, is among the visitors in town to day. Mr. L. R, Varser is spending today in Clinton on legal busi ness. Mr. J. F. Gilmore, of Faytte ville, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. J. H. Smith, of route 2 from St Paul, is a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. I. S. Rogers, of Barnes ville, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. J. H. Watson, of route 5 from Maxton, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Messrs. O. I. Fioyd and N. A. Ratley, of Fairmont, are Lum berton visitors today. Mr. E. D. Bass, of route 2 from Lumberton, was among the visitors in town baturday. Mr. R. C. Townsend, of Red Springs, was among the guests at the Waverly hotel Friday. Mr. J. J. Rubs, of route No. 1 from Lumberton, was among the visitors in town this morn ing. jftv andMrs. A. D. Barnes, v lie 4 trom Luabertori, are among the shoppers in town to day. Mr. Hugh A. Barnes, of Max ton, was among the guests regis tered at the Waverly hotel yesterday. Mrs. Irvin Jenkins das for McColl, S. C will spend about a relatives. Mr. Lee Correll, a student at Wake Forest College, came home Friday evening for the Christ mas holidays. Misses Annie B. and Mary Russ of Ciarkton. were among the guests registered at the Wav erly hotel Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Johnson are spending today in Charlotte, going last night and expecting to return tonight. CHRISTIAN EKDEATOR UCTUKE. I left Satur ,, where she week with Mr. Karl Lehmann, Internation al Secretary of Christian En deavor, Delivers a Lecture at Presbyterian Church Recep tion by Local Society. Mr. Karl Lehmann, internat ional secretary of the Christian Endeavor Society, delivered an excellent address here Friday evening in the Presbyterian church on Christian Endeavor work and gave some interesting facts as to how the society is reaching out and making its ef forts felt all over the world, through every Christian denomi nation. The weather was very inclement but a large crowd at tended the lecture. Immediate ly after the address Mr. Lehmann was tendered a reception in the K. of P. hall in the Lumberton Cotton Mills office building by the local Christian Endeavor So ciety, which was recently organ ized by Rev. R E. Steele, .pas tor! of the Presbyterian church, who has the distinction of being State president of the society. The re ception was from 9 until 10.30 o'clock and was a time of great joy for a large crowd, especially tne young folks. At the opening of the request of Mr. John S. McNeill, president of the local Christian Endeavor Spciety, Mr. A. W. McLean made n few welcoming remarks, after which Mr. Lehmann expressed his hearty appreciation of the atten tion shown him and the interest manifested in the great work he represents. The Lumberton or chestra and the well-known Tru man quartette furnished music for the occasion and refresh ments were served. It was a fine time. Mr. Lehmann arrived here Friday- morning from Fayette ville, where he, lectured in the Presby tenan churcn xfarrs day evening. He left Saturday mprningon the 9:57 train for Wilmington. Rev. Mr. Steele went with him to Wilmington and will return this afternoon or tomorrow. AS UNUSUAL. EQXOJL Congregation of First Baptkt Church Electa Mr. R. D. CaM well Superintendent of Sun day School for Life Special Service. At a congregational meeting at tne first baptist church yes terday morning immediately af ter the preaching service an un I 1 m usuai nonor was comerred upon Mr. K. U. Caldwell by electing him superintendent of the Sunday scnool or this church for life. Mr. Caldwell has been superin tenaent lor the past twenty years, having been elected annu ally heretofore, but yesterday it waB decided, in recognition of the unusual service he has ren dered, to elect him to the position as long as he shall live. Three assistants were elected for the year. Messrs i. Mclntyre, Frank bough and L. R. Varser. At 2:30 o'clock yesterday after noon the Bright Jewels of Chest nut Street Methodist church held a special exercise in the church and the collection, which amount ed to Detween $14 and 515. was for the Mary Black hospital. An excellent programme was well rendered by the children. There was also a short talk by the pas tor. Rev. J. W. Bradley. In the absence of Rev. R. B. Steele, pastor or the Presbyteri an church, mention of which is made elsewhere in thia paper, Prof. R. E. Sentelle, superin tendent of the graded school, preached for the Presbyterian congregation yesterday morning and the yxerc'sss of the Chris tian Endeavor Society took the place of the evening preaching hour at this church. The Chris tian Endeavor meeling was con ducted by Mr. W. K. Bethune. IN SOCIAL CIRCLES. Mr. William Robeson and two sisters, Misses Mary E. and w m T w it Liena, oi lar tieei, are - among the shoppers in town today. Miss Charlye Frye, a trimmer in the millinery department of Caldwell & Carlyle's store, left yesterday for her home in States-ville. Mr. J. B. Richardson expects to leave Wednesday or Thursday for DeFuniak Springs, Fla., where he will spend some time visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McLean and son. Master Archibald Wil ton, returned this morning from a trip to New York. They had been away about a week. Mrs. J. H. Wish art and two children, Janie K. and Master Jno. H. Jr., returned Saturday from Charleston, S. C, where they spent several days visiting relatives. or ai nouse ana o-acres lana within 2 miles of Lumberton. Appl to A o. Mercer, Lumberton, ri. 10-19 12-30 Notices of New Advertisements. Ready for Christmas White & Gough. Report of condition of the Bank of Parkton. Auction sale of residence lots at Page s Mill Carolina Realty & Auction Co. Auction sale at Gadoy's Mill, S. C, Dec. 21 Carolina Realty & Auction Co. Good advice about shopping Jno. T. Biggs Co. Ponv and buggy and harness for sale Headquarters for fireworks of all kinds C. B. Redmond's. Christmas goods at Redmond's. Only 6 more days to do that Christmas shopping Caldwell & Carlyle. Dyspepsia is our nation 1 ailment. Burdock Blood Bitters is the national cure for it. It strengthens stomach membranes promote flow of digestivt juices, purifies the blood, builds you up When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through ana through from exposure, take a big doee of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, bathe our feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward J off a severe cold. For sale by dealers. 1 Mrs. A. E. White Entertains the Young Matrons' Club. Reported for The Robesonian. At eleven o'clock last Thurs day morning Mrs. A. E. White entertained the Young Matrons Club and other guests at her elegant home on Chestnut and Eight streets. Mrs. White, president of the club, chose to make the affair rather informal, more as a farewell to the club for the year than the usual monthly meeting. Always sweet and gracious, she warmly wel comed the guests, and when all had arrived, presented to each a card and pencil with the request to draw a turkey. This cre ated a great deal of merriment, for some of the ladies were de cidedly not gifted with the talent of drawing. When the cards were ready for inspection, the hostess placed them on a table, every one voting for the best likeness of his Lordship the Gobler. The greatest number of votes fell to the card belonging to Mrs. Lloyd Townsend, and sl e was the recipient of the blue ribbon." Limit of space alone prevents mention of each fair artist's at tempts, even if some of the sketches resembled other fowl more closely than turkeys. A beautiful five-course lunch eon was served in the dining- room, after Which the guests de parted thanking Mrs. White for the morning's pleasure. $9, 474 in Pensions to be Distrib uted in Robeson. In Thursday's Robesonian at tention was called to the fact that Clerk-of-the-Court C. B. Skipper has received the pension warrants for old soldiers and widows, who may ob'ain their money by, calling at Mr. Skip per's office. The total amount to be distributed in Robeson county is 19,474, divided as fol lows: Veterans 3 totally blind, $120 each, $360; 2 of first class, $72 each, $144; 3 of second class, $60 each, $180; 5 of third class, $48 each, $240; 158 of fourth class, $30 each, $4,740; and 127 widows, $30 each, $3,810 eT Southern Automooue Col lege, Oak Rjdge, N C. This well known and highly successful school of Automobile training will re-open its doors January 1st for the reception of students. Automobile owners will save money by learning how to take care of their own ma chines in a scientific way. Ycung men with or without capital wish ing to learn a business paying from two dollars and fifty cents to ten dollars per day, a business which is ever pleasant and ; fas cinating, and in which the de mana ior competent men as chauffers, demonstrators, and garage men is far greater than the supply, will do well to write for information. It will be wise during these winter months to get ready for the demands of the greatest Automobile season this country has ever known. The connection of Prof. M. H. Holt of Oak Ridge Institute with this school is a guarantee of its excellence and absolute reliabil- 1 fT fro mA4iiof aq malo nrrA " "J AID KtOUUabCD IXlClZk l&WU -Ad. Freeman Will Have to Call a Meeting. FairmoDt Messenger. Let's keep that printers and newspaper association going. Don't let that stop. We want it and want it bad. We second the nomination of Editor Sharpe. of The Robesonian, to appoint Mr. E. B. Freeman, president of the Freeman Printing Co., pres ident of the association. Every family has need of a good, re liable liniment. For sprains bruises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none better than Cham berlain's. Sold by all dealers. Boutin's Jewelry store Holiday f tock now ready for your inspection. Read the itemized Iijt of presents below, which will help you to make selections. Remember all Cut Glass and China at cost Our store will be open every night from now until Christmas. I For a Man's Chrismas. "Elgin" Watches, "Simmons" Chains, "Smith & Crosby's" Fobs, Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Fountain Pens, Shirt Studs, Tie Clasps, Watch Charms, Silver Match Box, Silver Brushes, Rings, all kind, Key Chain Check, Grip Check, Military Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Shaving Sets, Smoking Sets, Many Others. t 'A B f fx For a Lady's Christmas. "Simmons" Chains, "Smith & Crosby" Fobs, Locket and Chains, Bracelets, Brooches, Waist Pin Sets, Bar Pins, Hat Pins, Belt Pins, Mesh Bags, Jewel Cases, Manicure Sets, Umbrellas, Silver Brushes, Many Others. y ! Farm Lands For Sale. We have nice tann lands for sale. Developed landa. or wood lands. Lare tracts, or small tracts. Clay or Sandy land. uan supply your wants u you are interested. Come and see us. Apply to D. W. Brown. Cerro Gordo. THE IMPROVED "Circle Brace" Diverse Cultivaton and Spring Tooth Harrow A half million Progressive Farmers are now making their crops with it Note improved hand lever nuts--offset clevis and chain ad justment to fender. The wholesale trade sup plied by N. JACOBI WILMINGTON, N. C. HARDWARE CO. SOLE AGENTS. N. C. 10-2-3m, Foley's Kidney Pills. Tonic in action, quick in results. Will cure any case of kidney or bladder disorder not beyond the reach of medi cine. No need to say more. J. D. Mc Millan & Son. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, strongest, cheapest lin; ment ev-r devised. A household remedy in America for 25 years. Any skin itchine is a temper-tester. The more you scratch the worse it itches D lan's Oi itment cures piles. rzema any skin itching. At all drug stores. - Notice of Letters of Adminis tration. The undersigned having on the 9th day of Oct., rdll qualified as adminis trator, cum testament annexo, of the last will and testament of Laura Pip kin, deceased, all persons having claims against the es ate of the Attestatrix will present them duly authenticated to me at Pembroke, N. "(J., or to McNeill & McNeill, attorneys, on or before the 20th day of Dee., 1912, or this notice will be plead in bsr of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment at once. Pipkin, Administrator, C. T. A. of Laura Pip -in, Deceased, McNeill & McNeill, Attorneys. 12 18-6 mons Notice to Tax Payers. Town taxes have been due for more than a month Some have paid, and many have not. The town has obliga tions that muat b met and tax money ; being the only source of liquidation the Maor ami town commi: sioners have 1 requested that I pueh collection as raj. idly as possible. S.-iif jou have not already paid your taxes please do eo at I once, j H. H. Red fern, 12-11-tf Tax Collector. MAKE YOUR PURCHASES at stores wnere you nave every confidence in everything beincr just as represented, is the advice which experienced shoppers give to those less experienced. IT IS NOT THE COST which makes a genuine bargain so much as what you receive for that cost Reliability and guar anteed satisfaction is what we promise you in return for your patronage. John T. Biggs Co. ll-S-tf Notice. 135 acres fine land for sale, S miles from the thriving town of Bladenboro. N. C. Three miles to eroded school one mile to public school, one and one half miles to good church. Good com munity, good water, 75 acres ready to clear. Good ievel up-land. A one-horse farmed cleared and stumped, that will make a bale of cotton or 35 to 40 bush els of corn to the acre. Will sell cheap for cash or a part cash and give good time on balance. A good plastered dwelling house and out-buildings. Ap ply t A. t; FA1 r, ll-27-8t Bladenboro, N. C. Report of the Condition of The Bank o! Parkton, At Parkton, N. O., In tke State of North Carolina, at tfce close f business, Decembers, 19II. RESOURCES: LoanH and dincounts, Overdrafts secured; $340 91 unsemreo ; 764 03 Banking, 1,88 87 frirn. and Fiitnres, 1,397 75 Demand loans Due from Banks and Bankers, Ca-h Items, Gold coin, Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, Na ional bank notes and oilier U fc notes $36 679 9 1,1044 3,286 62 2 487 li 5,820 44 .10 57 117 M 587 86 1,744 OS $51,838 9f ToUl, LIABILITIES: Capital stock, Surplus fund Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid Dividends unpaid Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable Deposits subject to check. Demand Certificates of Deposit 5,452 S6 Cashier's Checks outstanding, 1,779 14 $10,000 0 1,263 41 438 9$ 12 0 3,000 0t 6,000 M 23.901 91 $51,88 99 Fori L3O.ACHE KiOMm ANO BwpCES SY PILLS Total, State of North Carolina, County of Robeson ss: I, E. B. DANIEL, Cashier of the above named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. B. DANIEL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of September 1911. D. M Hall, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Neill McNeil!, J. G. Hughes, J. U. McCormick, Director!. Edward H. Meech Lumberton, N. C. Teacher of Piano, given to beginners pupils. Special attention and also advanoe 12-4-tf D ri jjunary.

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