THE SSMtWEEKLY RODECONIAN. 4 ON SAVINCS COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY THE OLDEST & LARGEST BANK. IN ROBESON COUNTY WOMEN'S ACCOUNTS Recognizing the fact that most women are unfamiliar with financial matters, the officers of this institu tion are always pleased to confer with women who desire to open an account or who wish information relative to investments or other financial affairs. We are still in the Drug business at "the old stand." You may not recognize the place on account of improve ments, but look for "The Blue Front" and "Tiled Side walk." We do not intend to overload with Holiday Goods, but intend to pay close attention to anything you may need in the drug line. Our prescription department is under the management of Registered Pharmacist only. We will be pleased to have you inspect our store at any time. The Pope Drug Co. Lumberton, N. C. Redmond's Delicatessen store Seasonable Specials New York State Eating Apples, California Sweet Oranges, large Yellow Bananas, Pennsylvania Peaches, Sultana Pure Olive Oil, Imported "Frou Frou" sugar wafers. Full line of table delicacies and picnic specials. Full line of green groceries. Telephone orders appreciated. Quick delivery. C. B. REDMOND, Godwin Old Stand : : : Second and Elm Streets Lumberton, N. C. 8-14 No matter what No matter when If you get it at McMILLAN'S It's right 88 TAILORING We are giving special attention to our tail oring department for fall and winter Suits and Overcoats We carry a full and complete line of Gents Furnishings, and can satisfy your desires in something nice to wear at reasonable prices. Whether you buy or not, come and look. JACKSON-WILLI AMS CO., Htel Building. 9-4 Fayetteville. N. C. We Knock EST?!?" Ladies' and Gent's Garments Cleaned and Dyed in a superior manner. Send us your garments and have them cleaned CLEAN. Lnmkiton Pressing (M Telephone No. 10. Packages called for and delivered. Our gvarantee your satisfaction. Also agent for the Charlotte Steam Laundry. . We Sell Gilt Edge Flour, Meadow Gold Butter, Chase & San boras Teas and Coffee, Old fashioned Pound Cake, Globe Bread. J.H.Wishart -'Phone No. 1. Free delivery. 6-S-tf Pift Weighm 410 Pound Dressed How to Hare Better Times. The following was signed "A Friend," was sent in from Lum berton, R. F. D. 3, and it is pub lished for what it is worth: "Pirttie good. L. M. McDowell, colored, of Back Swamp town ship, he lives on a small one horse farm of Mr. E. D. Pittman. He made a pirttie good crop, made 11 bales of cotton and about 275 bushels of corn and? about 75 bushels of potatoes and other things accordin. He killed 2 little pigs was one year old the day he killed them on the 4 of December, that weighed 410 pounds dressed. Pirttie good for 1911 pigs. "We all made a good crop but made the other man a present of it If farmers hafter do that many more times we all will hafter go to the poor house. L. M. Mc said that this was his first year that he ever did farm and it had him stood. If we all make more of corn and raise more hogs and let more cotton alone and eat more home-raised meat and we will have better times in our homes." Canary Birds Used to Rescue Miners. Washington Dispatch, 12th. Canary birds made possible the rescue alive of the five men who were taken from the Cross Moun- tain mine at Briceville. Tenn.. last night, the bureau of mines here was informed today by Dr. Holmes, t hdad of the burjeau.. This is the first big mine disaster in which these birds have played a saving role, although experi ments had been made with them in a number of similar accidents. The canaries, most sensitive to any atmosphere that will not support life, are carried into the mioe by the helmeted rescuers for the purpose of detecting the first sign of poisonous gases. As soon as the canaries show symp toms of dizziness the volunteer rescuers with the helmeted work ers are not allowed to go further and the latter proceed alone. Bodies found bevond this noint are bi ought back as far as this danger line, when they are car ried out by the volunteers. Saved His Wife's Life. "My wife would have been in her grave today," writes 0. H. Brown, of MUBeadine. Ala., "if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down in her bed, not able to get up without Help. She bad a severe bronchial trouble and a dreadful cough I got her a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, and she soon began to mend, and was well in a short time." In fallible for coughs and colds, it is the most reliable remedy on earth for des perate lung trouble, hemorhages, la- grippe. asthma, hay fever, croup and whooping Cough. 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug gists. ft. C .1!iVIU m XI I 1 W tlua, praaptlf radvciaf iiilint'jti VICK58ZSSSALVE atmt iwnlr 4 tW wwrfc. At ymr Ainul'i r hj mail 2ic, 50 S1.00 Economy suggtitt tu doliir t Vkk'sFaailyRtaaliesC. N.C A When you have a cold get a bottle of inamDeriain s Uouen Kemedv. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be givsn as confidently to a baby as to an adult Sold bv all dealers. LAND FOR SALE! Have for sale 500 acres of land within 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 miles of Lumberton. Prices range from $10 to $75 per acre. Come quick. 'Phone No. 43. 87 M. Barker. Lumberton, N. C Commissioners' Sale of Tim ber, Mules, Etc Etc. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court, made in chambers at Fayette ville on October dO, 1911, in an action pending in the Superior Court of Cum berland county, entitled "Fourth National Bank, et al. va Racoarda Lumber Company," the undersigned. commissioners, will offer for sale at the Court House in Fayttteville, N. C, on Monday, December 4. 1911. at twelve o'clock m., all the timber and timber rights owned by the Racoarda Lumber Company standing upon the following lanas in carver s creek township, to wit: Collier tract of about 67 acres, esti mated to contain one hundred thou sand feet KanKin tract oi about 1.40U acres. estimated to contain about nine hun dred thousand feet. Both of above tracts near Lane. King tract of about 70 acres, esti mated to contain about four hundred thousand feet, near Slocomb. Beasley tract of about 112 acres, es timated to contain about one million feet Two Buie tracts of 35 acres each. estimated to contain four hundred thousand feet near Carver's Calls All near the Raleieh & Southoort Kauroaa. Only the timber is to be sold. We will also offer at the same time and p'ace, if not sold at private sale: All the old scap iron, boilers, engines planers, edgers, dry kiln, pipes, tracks, saw mill, steam tracks, etc.. now loca ted at Lane, the same having been burned and will be sold as it stands. Also : 5 mules ; 4 log carts ; 2 cant hooks; axes and a lot of small tools, etc. Also the franchise of said company. Terms of Bale: cash. Place of sale: Court House door, Fay etteville, N. C. Time of sale: Monday, December 4, 1911, 12 o'clock m. rarties desiring miormation ean ap- to C. Lawrence, Lumberton, N. C. H. L. Cook. Fayetteville, N. C. 12-4-2 Mon. Commissioners. "By consent of all parties the fore going ct e which was to have been made on December 4th is hereby continued and the property will be sold at the court house door at Fayetteville-. on Monday, December 18th, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon. Dated this November 30th, 1911. H. L. Cook and R. C. Lawrence, commis sioners". "The above sale has been continued by consent until the 22nd day of Janu ary, 1912, a' 12 o'clock noon when the above property will be sold at auc i-n at tha court house door in Fayettevi! N C." 12-18 6 mon R,y The Robeson Development Co. is fully equipped to handle any real estate ptoposition which may be entrusted to them. We Will Buy or Sell r " . farm lands, town property or timber direct or xtn a V commission basis. We are Now Prepared to supply any one wishing a valuable farm, of what ever size, in a high state of cultivation at a reasonable price. We Will Negotiate Lo ans for reasonable amounts, where desired, to any persons purchasing real estate through us. Any proposition entrusted to us will have our careful and personal attention. ROBESON DEVELOPMENT COMFY., 11-13 mons Incorporated A. T. McLEAN, General Manager. GOOD LOOKING 6L0THES THAT STAY GOOD LOOKING Is the easiest way to describe our new Fall and Winter nlilnnn Baltimore UIIIU5d Clothes If you ever wore a "Schloss" hand- tailored Suit or Overcoat you know that the above description fits to arT" but if you have never had the good fortune to wear "Schloss" clothes, and are a "Doubting Thomas," we want you to try them this Fall at our risk. Come in now pick out the model you prefer (every kind, from the extreme English to the plain American styles, to select from) wear it as long as you think necessary and if we do not prove our claims the little Schloss label in the pocket, which is backed by a third of century of successful clothes making will bring you your purchase price without a quibble. TOWNSEND BROS., OUTFITTERS Lumberton, : : : : North Carolina