THE SSr3-WEEia.Y ROIX ESC N1AN. THE SUN BALTIMORE, MD. Issued Morning, Evening and Sunday The Great Home Paper of the South The News of Ibe World is gathered by the well-trained special corres pondents of THE SUN and set before the readers in a concise and interesting manner each morning and weekly afternoon. As a chronicle or world events Th San Is lndespensable, while its bureaus in Washington and New York make its news from the legislative and financial centers of the country the best that can be obtained. As WomaD'j Paper THE SUN has no superior, being morally and in tellectually a paper of the highest type. It publishes the very best features that can be written on fashion, art and miscellaneous matters. THE SUN'S market news makes it a business man's necessity for the farmer, the merchant and the broker can depend upon complete and reliable in formation upon their various lines of trade. By mail The Sun (Morning or Evening) is 25c. a month or $3.00 a year. The Sunday Sun by mail is 3 cents a copy, 25c. for two months or $1.50 a year and The Sun, Morning, Evening and Sunday, $7 50 a year. Address all orders to THE A. S. ABELL CO., Baltimore, Maryland. BLOOM1NGDAXE BATCH Cotton Seed Hulls Hake the best cattle feed in cold weather. Try your cow with cotton seed meal and hulls. Meal $1 50 per bag, and hulls 30c. per hundred cash at mill. 12-28- 2t Robeson Manufacturing Co. fl DnrtmnnrTc FYolircitDceDn CtAPD lVDUIUUllU e LrOHUUuOddOll OOUIO Seasonable Specials New York State Bating Apples, California Sweet Oranges, large Yellow Bananas, Pennsylvania Peaches, Sultana Pure Olive Oil, Imported "Frou Frou" -sugar wafers. Full line of table delicacies and picnic specials. Full line of green groceries. Telephone orders appreciated. Quick delivery. C. B. REDMOND, Godwin Old Stand : : : Second and Elm Streets Lumberton, N. C. 8-14 Subscribe for The Robesonian, $1.50 Excellent Christina Trees and Entertainment School Open Today Personal. Om i 11 imdricm at Tb Rotmonkui. Bloomingdale, Dec. 26 Rev R. A. Hedgpeth filled his regular appointment here last Saturday. j o j i i 11? . ana ounaay ana as usual deliver ed two excellent sermons. It can truly be said that the Christmas trees and exercises last night were the best that have ever been here during the history of the church, and the , honor is all due to the stem o iMisses Powell and Edwards and I Mrs. Cary, who trained the chil dren and arranged the program. J The trees were two dandy cedar trees in each corner of the church and the exercises were rendered on the stage. "Grandfather Popper" and the jolly Kriss Kringles seemed to have a good time, and our pastor made some remarks judging by his re marks, he would make an excel lent orphanage manager Mr. Hiram Johnson of Alley, Ga., is spending the holidays with relatives in these parts. Mr. N. S. Barnes, our former superintendent, but lately of Atlanta, Ga.. is spending Christ mas with Mrs. E. McQ Surles. School will open again Monday, January 1. A full attendance is desired. Sharp Snipe. William F. Lopp. in charge of the government reindeer service, who has just returned from a 14 000 mile tour of inspection through Alaska, thinks that rein deer meat from Alaska may be a food common to the American table in the near future to sup plement the dwiridlifrg beef sup ply. M(Itu(DO Kn PrtV. In 190fi iightnirg killd oniy 169 peo ple in this wholts country. One's chances of death by lightning ae less than two in a million The chance of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater, but not if Electric Bitters be used, as Robert Madsen. of West Burlington, la., prov ed. Four doctors i ave him up after eight months of suffering from viruh nt liver trouble and yellow jaundice. He was then completely cured by Electric Bitters. They're the best stomack, liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c at all druggists. GOOD LOOKING GLOTHES THAT STAY GOOD LOOKING Is the easiest way to describe our new Fall and Winter Baltimore Clothes Sciiioss lb if, If you ever wore a "Schloss" hand tailored Suit or Overcoat you know that the above description fits to a T" but if you have never had the good fortune to wear "Schloss" clothes, and are a "Doubting Thomas," we want you to try them this Fall at our risk. Come in now pick out the model you prefer (every kind, from the extreme Engli-h to the plain American styles, to select from)--wear it as long as you think necessary and if we djyipt prove our claims the little Schloss label in the pocket, which is backed bv a third of century of successful clothes making will bring you your purchase price without a quibble. 17 1 "'T'r w i' i TOWNSEND BROS. 9 OUTFITTERS Lumberton, : : : : North Carolina $7.50 VACUUM CLEANER AND THE ROBESONIAN ONE YEAR ONLY An opportunity to get a high grade Vacuum Cleaner which never tells at retail at less than $7.50 cash and a yearly subscrip ion to The Robesonian, the regular price of which is $1.50 total value $9 00 for only $5.00, is a real bargain and one which every family ought to take advantage of. The National Vacuum Cleaner is the most perfect Hand Vacuum Cleaner on the market and does the work as effectively as an Electric Vacuum Cleaner. You cannot get the dust and dirt out of your carpets through the ordinary method of sweep ing with a broom; you simply remove it in spots and deposit it somewhere else, besides a broom causes trie dust to rise and resettle, requiring as much time to dust as it does to sweep. Do not continue to sweep the dust in the air and all over everything; use a Varuum Cleaner which suets in all dirt and dust. A Vacuum Cleaner is Indespensible in the Home. A good Vacuum Cleaner insures absolute cleanliness by removing all disease gems from the carpets that are brought into the house on the shoes; it will save wear and tear on your furniture and curtains by not having dust in your carpets and it will save an endless amount of the hardest kind of work. The National Vacuum Cleaner weighs only 4f pounds and is so hfirht and easily worked that a child can operate it. It has a flexible nozzle po that it may be held at any height, and can be operated with either right or lft hand. This Vacuum Cleaner has a stronger suction than any other similar Vacuum Cleaner and gets not only the surface dirt but also the dirt that is in and beneath the floor covering. Without a good Vacuum Cleaner it is impossible to have a clean and sanitary home. 0 i. Guarantee This Vacuum Cleaner is guaranteed to be free from mechanical defects and any part proving defective in material or workmanship will be re placed without charge within a year from time secured. Send in Your Order Now. Decide now to send us $5 00 and get this splendid Vacuum, together with The Robesonian, a whole year for consider ably less than the lowest cash price at which it is possible to pur chase the Vacuum Cleaner alone. This offer will be continued for a short time only unless our present arrangement with the manu facturer can be renewed. The Vacuum Cleaner securely packed ready to ship weighs about 6 pounds; express charges to be paid by receiver. Now while you're thinking about it send us your remittance, Check or Money Older and make it payable to The Robesonian, Lumberton, N. C. mi lm$m&m 5 ' .ji-l"j,'N " T 4

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